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By Meddie Kityo

REMAINING with only five months to the Presidential and Parliamentary nominations ahead of 2021 General elections, opposition political parties and ruling NRM have denounced violence, calling for a peaceful, free and fair elections.On a function organised to launch a new pressure group code-named ‘UGANDA FIRST’ at Sibyangu Hotel in Nateete, Lubaga Division – Kampala, leaders from FDC, PDP, DP, NRM, UPC and Gen. Mugisha Muntu’s Alliance for National Transformation (ANT) said any leader planning to cause violence before,  during or after elections will not to tolerated sending warnings to Electoral commission, religious leaders and security organs to desist from being partisan or else, their acts may easily be the march box that will lit the fire.”We are here to urge all leaders, all political actors, fellow countrymen and women to exercise responsibility and restraint, in particular to reject all forms of violence, hate speech, discrimination, inflammatory utterances, political intolerance and incitement to electoral violence in 2021. Say no to violence, Uganda remains even after elections.” Said DP’s D. Kavuma, the interim leader of this pressure ground.  Amidst chants from hundreds of Youth who attended this function, Kavuma a lawyer by profession said, “We implore all State institutions including Police, the army and independent electoral commission to respect and adhere to their constitutional mandate to ensure a violent free elections.”


Peace in our elections has proved elusive and today marks a historic opportunity for our Nation as it takes a big step forward, towards achieving a violent free elections for many Ugandans want peace and they want it badly.It is our civic responsibility as citizens to commit ourselves towards building a better future by establishing social, economic and political order based on constitutional principles.We as Uganda First commend credible election values including respect for all stakeholders and we contend that elections besides other political processes are notable reflection of our Country’s good and quality governance,  however, if marred with violence, it can be a setback to the County’s democratic development.The Independent Electoral Commission already uploaded a revised key milestone for the 2020/2021 general elections road map that will usher in the new government and as Ugandans wrings their hands wondering who their next leaders should be,  tensions continue to mount amongst different political factions and thus, the fear of wide spread violence or even, isolated incidents in the forthcoming elections, can not be ignored.The country continues to make strides towards consolidating democracy, peace and stability but we are deeply concerned that our electoral processes have previously been plagued into violence which manifestations of lawlessness  have been meted out by Ugandans against fellow UgandansBefore and during elections, innumerable incidents of violence happened between the security forces and the protestors and also, between the different political factions in some parts of the country.  Most notably in Kasese and Bundibugyo, violence escalated and resulted in casualties with areas such as Kasenyi, Buhuhira, Bukisi, Hima and Buhji left in ruins after 2016 Local Council elections. The post election time was also shrouded that resulted  into reports of numerous arrests and as a result, 22 protestors were reportedly killed the country’s by-election in Jinja, Arua and Bugiri registered incidents of election violence with Arua recording the worst chaotic scenes and serious human rights abuses which raised serious local and International concerns.Since then,  many Ugandans worry that violence is likely to dominate the 2021 polls and this has prompted serious calls for peace as was remarkably noted by religious and cultural leaders during the 2019 Christmas sermons.Echoing appeals voiced by majority peace loving Ugandans and being supported by many others who have denounced participation in violence, we seek to move and remind Ugandans that electoral violence does not solve our society problems and Uganda remains after the elections.There could be traces and signals of incitement to electoral violence by some persons including leaders but security forces are also promising to suppress such incidents.It would therefore be logical to avoid such foreseable clashes that could result into many needless arrests,  death and destruction of property,  all Ugandans should avoid descent into violence for the ultimate responsibility in our hands to promote the inclusive spirit of harmony.Our plan is a great plan for Uganda and since many Ugandans have endorsed our vision, we share that commitment and look forward to working with everyone to ensure all Ugandans embrace what you and us have worked so hard to achieve.


Paul Kizza a senior journalist and political talkshow host on Channel 44 tv who was elected UGANDA FIRST Spokesman and National Cordinator said they are going to traverse the whole country, spreading message of non violent elections.”This platform brings togather leaders from different regions, religions, tribes and political parties.  We need to have one message, a message of non violent elections and we will spread it all over the country.” Said Kizza.


Zerida Kakayi, a reknown activist formerly from FDC now in Gen. Muntu party said, “We don’t believe in violence. When ever we have violence, women suffer most.  We must give a message to unite people but not to divide them. I request all of you here to be ambassadors. We want free violent  elections in 2021.”Launch was attended by among others;  Prince Robert Tibamwenda Omwami from Kasese, a minister from Rwenzurulu, Chairman Vincent Mpiima,  counsel John Vincent Zziwa, Tugume from FDC, Hussein Kyalimpa from NRM who will coordinate Rwenzori region and Asiimwe Maggie a lecturer at  Mountain of the Moon university elected to coordinateTooro. Youth led by one Joseph Kaddu Ssekitooleko confessed to be the ring leader of riots in Kampala.”Am now a changed man, we want a peaceful country.” Said a notorious Kaddu.

Paul Kizza, Spokesman UGANDA FIRST
Notorious Joseph Kaddu after confessing



By Waswa Tenywa

SHEIKH SHABAN Issa the secretary for Finance at Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC) sheikh has warned regional secetaries against chicken being slaughtered especially in markets saying some are sometime stolen and this is unacceptable in Islam. He appealed to them to be more cautious.

Shaban said this during an induction organised by UMSC at Gadaffi National Mosque for all Halal secretaries in the Nine Muslim regions about the essences of halaal.

“Some of the Chicken you slaughter are stolen. This is Haram, you must be very careful.” Said Sheikh Shaban.

He told them that UMSC Halal Department is working closely with government through Ministry of Agriculture animal husbandry and fisheries to normalise all policies and strategies to enable Halal operations in Uganda.

“We however still have a challenge of lack of UMSC representative on the food technology committee to ascertain the Halal products in the country.” Said Sheikh Shaban, appealing to all regional Halal leaders to work closely with the people in their respective regions if they are to benefit them and maintain their leadership well.

The secretary for Halaal at Uganda Muslim supreme council sheikh Munil Sebintu expressed gratuity that 70% of the work adopted by halal department has been successful with the help of the government through ministries such as ministry of agriculture, animal and fisheries, ministry of health and ministry of local government which wrote letters to the department on behalf of uganda muslim supreme council expressing support for the department.

“UMSC Halal Department is going to embark on the process of registering UMSC Halal in International Halal certified bodies to enable Ugandan Muslim traders export their meat and foods in Arabian countries freely without interference.” Said Sheikh Sebintu.

Regional leaders who included Sheikh Abutwahiyu Abubakar Nakwasi secretary Halal for west Buganda region, Sheikh Adam Uthuman Nsubuga of Ankole Kigezi,sheikh Twaha Tamale from kampala,ismael Muhammad higenyi the halal secretary for Eastern and others said they have benefited from the induction.



By our State House Correspondent

PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has directed the Ministry of Health to conduct an aggressive public awareness campaign as one of the measures of preventing and controlling the outbreak of Coronavirus.

“I now understand this disease. I’m going to write about it so that the public is sensitized on how to prevent it” he said.

Museveni was meeting government officials to discuss contingency measures and Uganda’s preparedness to prevent coronavirus that is currently ravaging China and is spreading to other countries. They also discussed the impeding locust invasion threat that is currently ravaging the neighbouring Kenya.

According to the World Health Organisation, At least 427 people have died with more than 20,000 confirmed cases around the world, most of them in China.

More than two-dozen nations have reported cases but, so far, no confirmations have been made across Africa or Latin America.

The deadly coronavirus outbreak that has spread from China causes severe acute respiratory infection and symptoms usually start with a fever, followed by a dry cough.

WHO is working closely with global experts, governments and partners to rapidly expand scientific knowledge on this new virus, to track the spread and virulence of the virus, and to provide advice to countries and individuals on measures to protect health and prevent the spread of this outbreak.

During the meeting that took place at State House Entebbe and was attended by among others Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda, the Minister of Health Dr. Ruth Achieng, the Minister for Agriculture Vincent Ssempijja and their respective technical teams, the President was briefed about the contingency plans by both ministries to respond to the impending health and food security threats.

On the Coronavirus, the Prime Minister informed the President that the Health Ministry working with its partners were already implementing preparedness activities, like screening of all travellers at Entebbe International Airport and doing risk Communication for public awareness for the general population.

Among the measures discuss to contain the virus include anti inflammatory vaccine to reduce the body panic, antiviral, antibiotics, rehydration and increase of oxygen in the body as well as preventive measures such as washing of hands with soap and use of masks to prevent the spread of the disease.

Present Museveni also instructed the Ministry of Health to come up with a public awareness document that can be used to engage and educate the public.

He further advised that Ugandans currently in China should remain there since the government of China has already put mechanisms to contain and prevent the transmission of the disease.

On the desert locusts, the President gave an ultimatum to the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure that they have ready actionable points to prevent the locusts from causing havoc.

He tasked the Ministry of Agriculture to liaise with the Ministry of Finance to ensure that Uganda makes its contribution to Regional Desert Locust Control body.

President Museveni also pledged to mobilize resources and bodies responsible for the control to ensure more support to the Ariel spraying of Locusts using aircraft.

According to reports swarms of locusts have destroyed large areas of farmland and are threatening food security in East Africa. Kenya is reporting its worst locust outbreak in 70 years. Billions of the insects have already destroyed tens of thousands of hectares of plant life across the country. Record locust outbreaks have also been reported in Ethiopia and Somalia. The insects have also attacked parts of Sudan, Djibouti and Eritrea. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, or FAO, is calling it East Africa’s worst desert locust invasion in 25 years.




OPPOSITION Democratic Party (DP) Nakaseke South legislator Paul Ssemakula Luttamaguzi’s Four years at Parliament story is very interesting!

According to him, Parliament has four  categorises of MPs. One of them, is that of dealers and conmen who are ever enjoying flights and women are the pivot around which their lives rotate. He says, these are both in NRM and opposition.

Luttamaguzi fell a victim of this very group during his early days at Parliament. He tells a hilarious story of how a certain MP conned him of his first salary.

To add to his misery, another lady MP offered him a deal to abuse a certain big person in government but when he rejected it, the woman MP blackmailed Luttamaguzi telling MPs how he was demanding for sex from her.

This popular radio and tv political talkshow panelist – turned MP has talked to The News Editor (NE) Online about his experience at Parliament and how he has conquered Nakaseke, the reknown ruling NRM Mecca. Read on;  

NE: How is the ground? President Museveni recently criticised Nakaseke South people for electing a weak MP. Do you see yourself back in the 11th Parliament?

LUTTAMAGUZI: The ground is fine, ignore Mr. Museveni. We are delivering. About 2021, I don’t think our people can substitute their star Christiano Ronaldo.

NE: What is this quarrel boiling between you and Hon. Rose Namayanja.

LUTTAMAGUZI: Personally i dont have time to fight her. She was Nakaseke MP for three terms,  once a minister and now NRM treasurer. Go and ask her, what did she do for Nakaseke? How did our people benefit from her? She has now brought her husband to stand against me in the forth coming elections.How has her foundation benefited Nakaseke. Even the road going to her husband’s home, it is me who lobbied government to work on it.

NE: Last year, you ambushed Hon. Namayanja’s function in Nakaseke and disorganized it. Are you worried that NRM want you out come 2021?

LUTTAMAGUZI : I don’t fear NRM. I floored them in 2016, they cant manage me. Namayanja organized a function at Kaddunda to launch her husband’s campaigns but when I ambushed her, she fell short of words. They thought I would not attend. They hired about 10 bodabodas to accompany him, but me i came with a forest of bodabodas. The function got to a standstill and groups of both male and female youth accompanied their MP. I received a wonderful welcome and Namayanja almost took off. She wanted her husband to contest unopposed in NRM. They must be targetting billions of Museveni money. Go and tell them, they are day dreamers. They will be humiliated.

NE: How do you assess your three years in Parliament? How far with your manifesto as the Nakaseke South MP?

LUTTAMAGUZI: Thank you. Am serving my first term in Parliament as Nakaseke South legislator. Nakaseke is the heart of NRA/M. This is where NRA rebels launched their rebel activities against then Dr. Apollo Milton’s ruling  government. The NRA guerilla war swept through Nakaseke.Our parents bankrolled the guerilla war, fed the rebels, housed most of them from Obote’s wild soldiers and also, many picked arms and joined the rebels.Nakaseke became the district with most house-less orphans since their parents were slaughtered like goats during this five years’ war.As an opposition politician, it wasnt an easy task to wrestle and uproot NRM in Nakaseke and in general, Luwero triangle which is mostly reffered to as NRM’s Mecca. However i was massively elected and won Nakaseke South for opposition Democratic Party. I promised my voters to be their bold voice in Parliament, to enact pro-people laws and lobby for my constituency. My manifesto had a lot of promises. We made an agreement with my voters for them to trust me with their votes. Three years down the road, I am very happy to go to Nakaseke South and talk to our people, I am not like some politicians who blow their trumpets.

NE: Briefly, how did you convince staunch NRM people to vote DP in Nakaseke?

LUTTAMAGUZI: Not every one in Nakaseke is Pro-NRM. In fact, thousands are against this government. However, they needed a strong commander like me. When I presented my self, they definitely rallied behind me. Secondly, NRM government forgot the NRA guerilla war sweat of Nakaseke people. We were not rewarded. We don’t have good facilitated hospitals, no good schools, roads are impassable, our famers and cattle keepers are not getting any hand of help from  a government they ushered in and our veterans are crying. There is no district with land grabbing cases like Nakaseke. Our people are homeless, their land was forcefully taken and their MPs were mute. We had to do something. I packaged myself well , swore to fight and stop the land grabbing mafias. Am happy voters listened and also bought my message. We worked together, looked for votes together, they funded my campaigns and on voting day, they protected our votes and our win. In fact Hon. Syda Bumba (Former minister and Nakaseke North MP) had plotted to use her influence to rig my votes in favour of one Sekabira saying, they can’t allow DP to win in NRM’s Mecca but Nakaseke South people vowed to roast her alive if she had dared. We were more vigilant and when it comes to vote protection, am superb because I got first class training in that field.

NE: Have you said you were trained to protect votes?

LUTTAMAGUZI: Yes sir. Many of you don’t know this.  I was trained by Israelites. Worked with them in UN. Was trained about how to trust people, when do you laugh, security issues, what and where to eat, your movements etc. I went  to polls with knowledge on how to study people and watch their movements. Syda Bumba and her team under estimated me.

NE: Who did you contest with?

LUTTAMAGUZI: The incumbent was Mbuga Ssempala. In the race, we also had Ssekabira (Now in People Power) and  Dr. Ssengonze Damulira. All were NRM  People and Bumba wanted it for Ssekabira. I blocked her games and since then whenever we meet,  she salutes me because Bumba knows am a Gen. in vote protection. Am not an easy man.

NE: Back to your manifesto Hon. what have you done for Nakaseke South in the three years as their MP?

LUTTAMAGUZI: There is a road called Kisuule – Nakaseke – Kapeeka. It branches from Bombo – Gulu road and  goes to Gen. Saleh’s Namunkekeera Industrial Park. It is one of the most busy roads but has been in a sorry state for decades. No one had ever talked about it. As the area MP I have lobbied for its construction. I approached minister of Finance, I talked to Gen.Salim Saleh and am happy to tell you that our negotiations are postive. The Contract was awarded to the Angola Contractor to work on the roadPayments have already been made to work on the  road from Namunkekeera to Kituma. Can you imagine this Kisuule road has been all  along on the 2006 presidential pleges and nothing has been done. Together with the district leaders, we have talked to the authorities to see it constructed. In my manifesto, I promised if voted, I will lobby for the construction of this very road. Everything is going on well. By 2021, we will have good results.

NE: And in the Parliament?

LUTTAMAGUZI: You go to the Hansard and The Parliamentary score-card. I saw them recently writing about me as one of the most active MPs in the House. I have been raising matters of National importance like land grabbing. If it wasn’t my voice in Parliament about land grabbing in Nakaseke,  am sure 90%  of our People would be homeless now. Villages like Balaatira, Senda, Nzingu, Kabogwe, Bendegere, Bamusuuta, Bukusu, Lwetunga, Nambeya, Kimegeredde, Nakaseeta, Ssakabusolo, Kibowa, Butakuli, Nabbiika and many other villages where land grabbers were chasing away our people with the help of army men. I fought and failed them.

NE: Is it because you are too vocal against land grabbing, that the Leader of Oposition appointed you Shadow Cabinet minister in charge of Land?

LUTTAMAGUZI: That is true and I want to thank Rt. Hon Betty Aol. Recently people from Mbarara approached me for help,  someone was grabbing their land. Land grabbing is now country wide.

NE: You led Nakaseke People before Justice Catherine Bamugemereire land inquiry.

LUTTAMAGUZI: Yes and I want to thank Justice Bamugemereire for her efforts towards saving Nakaseke people from land grabbers.  She has been to many villages like Kyererezi, Lwanda and Kasiga in Kapeeka Subcounty. A certain highly connected lady called Doreen Toberonda chased away people and many were killed. All that has been put to a stop.Justice Bamugemereire was even in Ngoma and worked on many land complaints there. I have been applauded for my great achievements in three years as the area MP. 

NE: This common talk of mafia in government, are you not worried for your life assuming also there are mafias in land deals and you are now becoming a thorn in their fresh?

LUTTAMAGUZI: A leader must be strategic. If you become fearful, you can’t serve your people. Mafias are everywhere but we have to serve our people.

NE: Have they ever attempted to bribe you out of their way?

LUTTAMAGUZI: Very much and not with small money. Some one was offering me more than UGX 600M. His problem wasn’t money, but land. He only wanted me not to defend my people. I rejected the offer. Now what these land dealers have embarked on, is to fight me out of Parliament and are vowing to front candidates against me come 2021. Let them come, they will be humiliated. They have attempted to poison me, staged accidents, etc. Never at single time will I betray my people.

NE: Apart from land, how else have the people benefited from you?

LUTAMAGUZI: From my salary,  i am giving back to my voters. I bought three cars: A truck, a bus and a lorry. If you have any function, you just buy fuel, you leave other costs to me. No other MP in Nakaseke has ever bought even a wheel barrow for voters. I have lobbied and many villages have got electricity through rural electrification Agency program. Go to vllages like Nakatandaggira, Lule in Sembwa, Mulungi omu, Toggo, Seeta,  and others. True the program is countrywide but it takes an active MP to tap such programs for his or her people. I have friends from Turkey, they gave me an offer of five Mosques. We are launching them very soon like one at Kakonde and Nakawa.I have built many bore holes in different  villages like Nakatandaggira and Kalege town.Am now rehabilitating Kapeeka hospital using my salary and my savings. The hospital had no electricity, I paid and reconnected, the hospital beds were very old and others broken,  I have repaired all of them, bought sixty new mattresses and repaired the Xray machine  for Nakaseke hospital.In Semuto Healthy centre IV i bought for them new mattresses and repaired their toilets. Am planning to work on staff houses.I recently asked Speaker of Parliament to cut my salary and reconnect Nakaseke Hospital to the National water grid.Q hospital like this needs running water to operate.I pay school fees for many helpless children, have bought sewing machines for different women groups in Ssemuto, Kapeeka, Kaasangombe, etc.I have built churches and used my money to work on all feeder roads.Towns like Kigegge, Kaasangombe and others,  have been approved to be connected to National Water.

NE: Did you get government clearance to do this?

LUTTAMAGUZI: When you are a leader, you become part of Government. As an MP, I fall in the Legislature arm of Government. The remaining two are Executive and Judiciary. I don’t need to wait to be in a biger office to serve my people.

NE: On a certain radio, I heard you talking about Chief justice Bart Katureebe land in Nakaseke.

LUTTAMAGUZI: Yes, I saved it. A group of men came with huge sums of money to grab it but I stood my ground and blocked them.This land is at Natiji and has a farm on it. It is a big chunk of land and he has been owning it for so many years. You are a journalist, go ask him who saved his land. He will tell you, Luttamaguzi.

NE: Hon, how have you helped farmers?

LUTTAMAGUZI: I have been giving out seeds, hundreds of spray pumps, launched a campaign for all people to work in their gardens and am known for this.

NE: How have you found this parliament?

LUTTUTTAMAGUZI: It is a place where you meet differet groups of MPs.  Some are extravagant ever on flights to enjoy life, some are dealers and some of these conned me of my first salary of UGX  20M. Some love rumourmongering and blackmail. There is a lady MP who sent me to abuse a certain big person and when I refused. I told her me am not hired to abuse people.She turned against me and told a group of MPS that I was demanding for sex from her. However, there are also good MPS who are pro people.

NE: Do you have friends at Parliament?

LUTTAMAGUZI: Friends for what? Did I go to Parliament to make friends? Me am self made. I don’t want friends. They are just colleagues.  I don’t have a boss at Parliament be it opposition chief whip apart from the Speaker who heads the house. No body else can direct me. Voters are my bosses. They can only advise but not direct me.

NE: How do you rate the level of debate in Parliament?

LUTTAMAGUZI: Every MP was sent for different reasons. Some were elected because they buy waragi for their people, others because they attend burials, others were sent so that they also eat, while others because they are good lobbysits and can articulate issues. It is the Speaker to determine who is a good debater, who debates sense. That is not my work.We are all equal. The only MP I don’t want is that one who concorts words against me because i refused to dance to his or her tunes. Me am incorruptible. There are so many deals at Parliament and involving both NRMs and opposition. You can’t find Luttamaguzi in such circus.

NE: What do you learn from all this? 

LUTTAMAGUZI: Life is a lesson.Not every one crying is in pain. Some are just mocking and hoodwinking public. Politics is like a film with many actors.This film has stages. Some play as opposition yet they are indeed NRMs and vice versa.

NE: What did you remember about the constitutional ammendment moment to lift presidential age limit? Anything you will never forget about that incident?

LUTTAMAGUZI: There was too much tension a Parliament. I learnt that every government has goals and objectives and will do all it takes to fulfil them.I also learnt that some of our People are not trustworthy. He or she tells you, ‘We wont touch it’ yet in doors, money is exchanging hands. Many duped voters, made them to think they are with them. This was a testing time of character. In opposition, many got huge sums of money to weaken those who were against amending the constitution. These have abnormal wealth. But you find our people chanting their names ignorantly. Many people in opposition are dealers, in bed with government.

NE: Where do you fall?

LUTTAMAGUZI: Me am self made.  You can’t use me. I speak my mind. Many in opposition perfect their games and at the same time perfect their wealth increment. I can’t play such politics. You tell your supporters to stay in their homes not to work yet for you are filthy rich!

NE: You have a year to end your term. How are you looking at it?

LUTTAMAGUZI: I will continue serving my people. Some voters think you can satisfy them within a shorter period of time. That is impossible. Even Jesus the son of God didn’t do everything. Others will get annoyed but I always tell them to go and get help from other leaders.

NE: A part from being an MP,  what else do you?

LUTTAMAGUZI: Am a farmer. If am not in Parliament, find me in my garden.  I have very big banana and coffee plantations. Leaders should be exemplary. We must pratice what we preach.

NE: Tell us about your relationship with the Speaker.

LUTTAMAGUZI: Very healthy and for your information,  Rt. Hon. Kadaga is my voter. I call her my Speaker, she calls me ‘my MP.  Speaker has a farm in Kapeeka for so many years now. A very hardworking, straight  and selfless leader. Before I became MP, Madam Kadaga recommended me for a USAID job. I respect her so much. She gives me time in Parliament to front Nakaseke issues and on day one, she called me by name.  She advises me so much.

NE: Do you buy the DP BLOC approach of one to one in 2021?

LUTTAMAGUZI: Yes I do although sometimes I don’t attend their meetings where many members are President Museveni agents. 

NE: Will you support Bobi Wine for president in 2021?

LUTTAMAGUZI: He is my candidate. 

NE: President Museveni says by 2021, there will be no opposition. Looking at the on going bickering in opposition, dont you think he will achieve it? 

LUTTAMAGUZI: May be there will be no opposition members he deals with. Ofcourse those he is silencing not to side with Hon. Kyagulanyi, they will be no more. Already many are mute. You can’t see them on radio and tv shows. They are instead hired to fight Bobi Wine.

Luttamaguzi donating 100 spray pumps to farmers in his constituency as way of empowering them
His Majesty the Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II greeting Hon. Luttamaguzi at Namboole. He thanked him for financially supporting Bulemeezi County which lifted 2019 Masaza cup Trophie
Award as a member of Parliament who excelled in National Intergrity and service delivery
Donating sewing machines to a group of Youth trained in vocational schools in Semuto, Nakaseke South
GARDEN MAN: At camp Lutamaguzi in Kasangombe




PRESIDENT Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has mourned the death of former Kenyan President Daniel Arap Moi saying It is no doubt that Kenya, East Africa and the entire continent has lost a great leader.

Mzee Moi’s death was announced today morning.

Museveni has said, “I learnt with sadness about the death of Mzee Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi, the former president of Kenya. I first met Mzee Moi in 1979 after the defeat of Amin.”

“Later, when we waged the Liberation Struggle, he was critical and we kept him abreast of our struggle. He actually worked as a mediator in the 1985 Peace Talks.” Museveni’s condolence message reads.

On what Museveni will always remember about Moi, he has said, “Mzee Moi was an active East African. He supported the East African Community and its integration. Him, Mzee Hassan Mwinyi and myself revived what had become the defunct EAC.”

“He was a true Pan-Africanist, who worked closely with the masses. He was also a deeply religious person. My condolences and that of Ugandans to His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta, the Moi family and all Kenyans on the passing of this icon.” Said President Museveni



By Rehemah Daniel

EXPRESS FC has sacked George Ssimwogere following the club’s poor run of form since he took over, they are win-less in four of their last five games in this season’s second round.

The former Red Eagles’ defender replaced Kefa Kisaala around February 2019.

His first game was a 1:0 loss away to BUL FC and his first win was also away 2:0 against Nyamityobora, but failed to turn around the club’s fortunes during his spell in charge.

Its embarrassing 6:1 thumping by rivals Police FC and Sunday’s 1:0 defeat by Mbarara City in the league was the side’s fourth consecutive game without a win and Express has slipped to 13th in the Uganda Premier League managing only 21 points from the 20 games played.

In a letter dated 4th February, 2020, the club expressed their appreciation for his services but could no longer continue with him.

News Editor can confirm that Wasswa Bbosaa former a Express player and formerly at Tooro United has taken over as head coach and will be assisted by James Odoch who was relieved of his duties at Wakiso giants after the arrival of Livingstone Mbabazi, with Sam Kawalya the goal keeping coach.
Their task is to see Mukwanogw’abangi who are one point above the drop zone, avoid relegation and back to their glory days.



By Richard Golooba

ARUA prominent businessman Jackson Lee Atima who is also an NRM party mobilizer has cautioned residents in Arua about prioritizing their sanitation and personal hygiene to avoid contracting diseases that will affect their lives and impact on them economically and socially.

This was during Tarehe Sita preparation clean up exercise within town that was graced by the Deputy RDC of Arua Ms Alice Akelo.

Jackson Atima who decried the failure of some fathers to take charge of their responsibilities and placing the burden on their women to take care of children, feed, cloth & educate while for them they are busy in deep political talk said this is why poverty is eating up families and many are breaking each day that passby.

“We must leave by example. Let us carry the responsibilities as fathers because Bible calls us Heads of the family. To all our residents, maintain sanitation and hygien in your families and our City.” Said Atima.

Arua was among municipalities elevated to a City Status and expected to set off in July 2020.

Atima promised the people of Arua to aggressively, “Follow up on H.E President Museveni’s promise of ensuring that West Nile is connected to the national grid to enhance investment within the region and creation of more employment opportunities for the youth and women cottage, fabrication and value addition small scale industries.”

During the clean up, UPDF was led by Colonel Jackson Kayanza, the Brigade Commander of 409 Brigade best in West Nile.

Col Kayanza advised women to always promote peace in their homes as they are the founding pillars of families and whatever they sow into their children will manifest itself within society.

Atima, RDC Akello and Col. Kayanja during Arua city clean up

RDC Akelo warned the youth against expecting to get free things from their families and politicians, but advised them to engage in gainful employment like craftsmanship and agriculture to prepare themselves for a brighter future and families.




AFRICA’S Great Stateman Daniel Toroitich arap Moi, former Kenyan President has been today Tuesday morning announced dead at the age of 96!

He served as Kenya President from 1978 to 2002. Before this, he was the Acting President of Kenya (1978–1978), Deputy President of Kenya (1967–1978). He was nicknamed as; Nyayo, Baba Moi, Mtukufu Rais, Baba wa Taifa. He became president as a result of the death of the then president Mzee Jomo Kenyatta.

Moi was born in September 2nd 1924. Married wife Lena Moi and God gave them Eight Children. These are;  Gideon MoiJennifer Jemutai KositanyJonathan ToroitichPhilip MoiJune MoiJohn Mark MoiRaymond Moi and Doris Moi.



By Emma Mugejjera

RT. HON. REBECCA Alitwala Kadaga, Speaker Parliament of Uganda who doubles as Kamuli district  woman MP was hosted on Rubaga Miracle Centre owned Channel 44 tv by senior talkshow host Moses Kanala from where she minced no words about the untouchable corrupt government officials.

Speaker Kadaga said Parliament is enacting laws but there are un touchable who don’t want to know about laws and have continued breaking them.

“Our role as Parliament is to make laws. We don’t enforce them. As Parliament, we don’t have our police. Enforcing and implementation is not our duty. Yes we have made many laws but the un touchable are breaking them. So what do you want us to do?” Asked Kadaga.

This was after, Mr. Moses Kanala put it to the Speaker that she sent a team of Members of parliament to investigate illegal sand mining in Lwera wetlands located along Kampala Masaka road and those involved, were stopped by Parliament but they have continued mining.

“Rt. Hon. Speaker, some of our people think your Parliament is just a barking dog. And you cant even bite mere sand miners?” Asked Kanala.

In her response, Kadaga said, “As for me, I use my pen and brain. I lead parliament to make proposals on such matters. If those with powers to implement choose to fold their hands, why do you put the blame on parliament? We have perfectly done our job and everything is captured in the Hansard. History will judge us right.”

Kadaga said, those who think they are above the law are the ones underlooking parliament. She wondered why corrupt big fish are not brought to books showing fears on government – will to end corruption in Uganda.


On some laws enacted by Parliament, Mr. Kanala told Speaker Kadaga that they are made in bad spirit.

He cited some like former Premier Amama Mbabazi’s Public Order Management Act (POMA) which he said, it intended to block opposition meetings.

“Look at some laws made by your Parliament. Little did Rt. Hon. Amama Mbabazi know that at a certain time he will fall a victim to his own law. What does Mbabazi think now?” Kanala asked.

“Go and ask Mbabazi.” Kadaga replied. “Where will I find him?” He shot back. “Isn’t he in Kampala? Go look for him.” Kadaga said.


On Uganda maids who go to Middle East for jobs but end up being tortured and some killed, Speaker Kadaga said parliament is looking at putting aside funds to help Uganda’s Embassy in the Arab Countries work on Ugandans who are tortured and want to return back home.

She said, as Parliament, they are working tirelessly to make sure, there are genuine agreements between the two countries so that, Ugandans who go for jobs it is clear on how much they will be paid, what are the working conditions and when are they returning.

Smartly dressed in Ekitengi, Kadaga talked about members of Parliamentary Equal Opportunities  who visited these Arab countries to see the conditions under which Ugandans are working.

“I also visited Abu Dhabi and directed the ministry of Gender and Labour to monitor companies taking our children abroad to see whether they are genuine.” Said Kadaga.

She hailed a proposal of government to fully get involved in taking Ugandans to Arab countries, pay for all requirements because some youth don’t have the required sums of money required.


The Speaker who was received amidst tight security was asked to comment on Uganda Shillings 20 Million presidential nomination fee which is likely to block many youth of 18 years to contest for president in 2021.“The amended article 102 (b), years for one to stand for president was cut to 18yrs. Tell us Speaker, where do you expect a youth at that age to get that nomination fee from? Why did you hike the nomination fee for presidents from 8M to 20M and for MP from Shs 200,000 to 3M? Isn’t this discrimination?” Asked Kanala.
In her response, Kadaga said the nomination fee for MPs needs to be reduced, “But one to stand for president of 40M Ugandans, you can’t fail to raise 20M. When these presidential and parliament reforms were passed towards 2016 elections, I wasn’t around. I wouldn’t have allowed such MPs’ nomination fee. We are going to look into it.”

On a question of democracy, Kadaga said, “We have democracy that every after 5 years our country goes for a General election. You stand and either win or lose. People decide on who to lead them. If that is not democracy, tell me, what is that?”

Asked about how relevant is the East African community (EAC) to Uganda, Rt. Hon. Kadaga said it helps so much to boost the economy.

She however talked about reports of Tanzania and Rwanda blocking the sale of Uganda Sugar to their countries and Burundi in 2018, blocking the entry of Uganda Scouts for a camp in this country.

Asked about why Parliament didn’t buy the idea of East African Passport, Kadaga said they were not fully convinced about how this idea came up, which agreements were made prior this move and who brought the project.

“So we decided not to buy into it and me am still using my Uganda passport.” She said.


Kanala put it to the Speaker that the Parliamentary Appointments committee which she heads that is mandated to vetting those appointed by the president, is fond of clearing many without requirements like academic qualifications and that is why, it is done behind the camera.

Kadaga however denied this allegation, saying,  “On working behind cameras, I personally asked committee members to allow journalists in but they refused.

About clearing those without qualification, it is not true. In the last cabinet appointment, we threw away five names of would be ministers.”


When Mr. Kanala put it to Speaker Kadaga that Ugandans were disappointed by the tabled MP Katuntu Bank of Uganda probe committee report because their expectations were not met, she said,  “As Parliament, we did our work of investigating and will come with proposals. Then give everything to those who are supposed to implement. After six month, we expect them to give us feed back about our recommendations.” Said Kadaga who repeatedly said, wasn’t in position to debate COSASE report on tv.

She talked about the natural death of Kasese report when UPDF army attacked Omusinga’s palace leaving many dead.

“If you tell someone to work on that report and that person doesn’t come back to you, what do you do?”Asked Kadaga. Kanala put it to Madam Speaker that, MPs who were working on Kasese report were intimidated and chose to move out of the deal.

Callers saluted Kadaga for her efforts in Kamuli to extend clean water, solar power, tarmac roads and other developments beneficial to the masses.

Speaker Kadaga in her official Benz, leaving after Channel 44 tv show
Pr. Robert Kayanja, proprietor of Channel 44tv talking to Kadaga before handing a book gift to the Speaker

Pr. Robert Kayanja, after the show, thanked Kadaga for serving Ugandans and gave her a  book as a gift.




UGANDA Head of State Gen. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has today evenning revealed the reason behind powerful Israel Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Wife Sarah Netanyahu visit.

In a statement to media, Museveni has saI’d, “I welcome Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara to Uganda again. He is the only Israel PM to visit Uganda and doing so more than once shows the strong relations we have.”

“We have had long discussions on bilateral issues. Uganda and Israel are cooperating in areas of; Agriculture, Security, Health sector and ICT among others. We also discussed the issue of opening embassies in the two countries.” Writes Mr. Museveni adding, “Prime Minister Netanyahu has proposed the issue of having direct flights between Tel Aviv and Entebbe, and this is something we are going to take up, now that Uganda Airlines is operational.”

“Meanwhile, the Israeli national carrier can begin flying to Uganda as soon as they are ready. I thank PM Netanyahu and his wife for visiting Uganda and wish them well.” Announced by Mr. President

Museveni and Janet welcoming Netanyahu and Wife Sarah

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