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THE Ultimate court of the land has today allowed stay of execution of constitutional court orders annulling the election of six members of the 10th Parliament representing the newly created municipalities and giving them orders to vacate parliament.

Supreme Court has now ruled, these MPS  should not go out.

The legislators had been ejected from the August House by last year’s constitutional court decision for contesting in non-existing constuiences. 

The affected MPs were; Mr Patrick Ochan (Apac, UPC party), Dr Elioda Tumwesigye (Sheema, NRM party), Mr Tarsis Rwaburindore (Ibanda, NRM party), Mr Hashim Sulaiman (Nebbi, NRM party), Mr Asuman Basalirwa (Bugiri, Jeema party) and Mr Abraham Lokii (Kotido, NRM party).

The Justices of the court in their unanimous decision, held that the elections in the aforementioned constituents/ municipalities, were conducted neither in general elections nor as a way of by-elections which are the only recognised ways of electing MPs into Parliament.

In a majority ruling of 6-1 today, Judges Stellah Arach Amoko, Rubby Opio Aweri, Lillian Tibatemwa, Paul Mugamba, Richard Buteera and Mike Chibita ruled that there are serious Constiutional and legal matters presented, that the Supreme court may address in an appeal filed by the Attorney General and the Electoral commission before the MPs are kicked out of the house.

In its ruling last year, the Constitutional court ordered that MPs in municipalites that were created after the 2016 General elections leave the House saying that they were unlawfully elected to Parliament before the dissolution of the current parliament.

The court further faulted the EC for organising elections in areas where there were no vacancies.



People Speak out, Doubt DNA Tests


AMAZING things will never cease to happen in the world! Sometime back, a Nigerian married Black couple of Ben and Angela Ihegboro gave birth to a bouncing White, blue-eyed blonde baby, leaving the world with un answered questions and up to now, Genetic experts are still scratching heads over the incident. 
The couple lives in Woolwich, South London and by the time they got a White Blonde baby Nmanchi, they had other children: Chisom and sister, Dumebi.
Nmachi, whose name means ‘Beauty of God’ in Nigerian parlance, was born at Queen Mary’s Hospital in Sidcup, Kent, where doctors there told them she is not an albino.
According to a report in the Sun of London, Ben, a railway customer services adviser, said: he and his wife just sat there after the birth staring at her for ages – not saying anything.
When husband got to the hospital, he was upset by what he saw, thinking that his wife had cheated on him, this can not be his baby.
Ben, who went to Britain with Angela years ago and works with South Eastern trains said, “She doesn’t look like an albino child anyway – not like the ones I have seen back in Nigeria or in books. She just looks like a healthy White baby.”
He wanted answers from the mother of his children on what went wrong.
The doctors intervened, explaining to him that it was indeed possible for two black parents to give birth to a white child but it was 1 in a million chance!
He rejected this school of thought until the DNA test was carried out and confirmed. 
Ben was was the real biological father of the white baby. 
There’s surely more to Ben and Angella’s miracle than meets the eye!
What would you do if you were Ben?

Noor Nalwadda: Its very possible if you understood very well Genetics.
Edrine Bulime: Nalwadda, which Genetics did u understand? Get a pen and all your books, put on your school uniform, you need to go back to school for 16 years then u will comment about science.
Puma Ankie Blair: The lady knows the truth at her heart with or without the DNA test. So Ben should think twice genetically.
Kiiza Frederick Crawford: If Pawpaw and Sheep tested positive for Covid 19 in Tanzania how about DNA which involves breaking a marriage, more especially after seeing the man’s reaction?
Ajulo Joshua: My dear Ben, do several DNA tests from elsewhere. She lured u to her family doctor who she could have bribed.
Wesley Nants: Let it be me lord, next one in line.
Peter Nsamba: I would only sue the one responsible fo the DNA test results period.
Harold Kawili: He was cheated but the doctor was smart enough to cool down the situation.
Julius Abaaho: Stop fooling, understanding  people can’t take such lies. The baby is Albino but not White. So let’s not get taken down. If not then the lady cheated period.
Muzoora Simpson: Julius Abaaho, did u study Genetics before u write that? Albinos don’t have blonde hair I think you should understand that too.
David Kiwumulo: Muzoora Simpson I guess you are right but I can only believe after a series of DNA tests,  otherwise i smell cheating.
Julius Abaaho: Muzoora Simpson in your so called study how impossible is it for a baby to have blonde hair if it’s possible to have a none black colour. Anyway we cant be fooled. Because if you’re asked to bring evidence if there is any black couples ever produced a white kid am not sure if you can produce that evidence, you guys stop fooling people (Africans) that much . Who determines that DNA?
Muzoora Simpson: Julius Abaaho you need to go back to Genetics class and enhance your understanding. Albinos lack the cells responsible for melanin pigment that is responsible for skin colour. But its clear that kid is total white with blonde hair and its possible for black couples to have such a baby but it’s a rare case and its about 1 kid out of 10,000 kids who can be of the same traits.
James Ukwir: I have done some Genetics but this one goes against all Mendelian laws. The woman must explain very well!
Robert Kelly: I may accept the baby but I can not believe those DNA results.
Isadat Kassim: The doctors in that hospital didn’t want chaos to erupt otherwise the White kid is not for that man.
Wizzy Brian Khalifan: Two sperms from two different people can be combined if sex was done on the same day.  So she cheated.   And the child can have both men DNA’s.
Twinomujuni Dickson: Doctor saw Ben’ s reaction but he cooled Ben as a counsellor but this is real cheating I can’t believe.
Bienvemu Bienvenu Ndivyariye: Its impossible unless the kid is an albino. But muzungu i say NO.
Marc Yao: That means White people actually came from us then. Why are they offended when I tell them, ‘I’m your Daddy’?
Alexander Komakech: Black is the mother colour, check your colour formation mode scientific theories.
Waisinde Kalulu Samuel: It means that DNA results are nolonger dependable.
Ayaa Grace: It happens, could be pigmentation disorder or diet.
Atuheire Joseph: Now, the baby is from which country of whites?




TODAY Tuesday, Buganda Kingdom received sad news about the demise of Dan Kamanyi, a civilian who bravely set up and commanded an ambush near Silver Springs Hotel in Bugolobi to kill then Ugandan President Dr. Apollo Milton Obote making him pay for attacking Mengo Palace.
In this raid code named ‘1966 Buganda Crisis’ which was led by then army commander Idi Amin Dada, Buganda King His Majesty Sir Edward Fredrick William David Walugembe Muteesa II was exiled and later in November 21st 1969 died in the United Kingdom (UK).
Un happy Baganda led by fearless Dan Kamanyi who was in his early 20s plotted to kill Obote as a price for his heartless actions against the Buganda Kingdom. 
“Together with other Kabaka’s subjects like Captain Mugalula, John Obo, Katabarwa, Dan Kiwanuka and Henry Kyeyune, we hatched a plot to kill Obote who had raided Mengo Palace, bombed it and exiled our King. We got powerful guns and set up an ambush at Silver Springs Hotel Bugoloobi to finish his life.” Narrated, now late Dan Kamanyi during an interview with NTV’s journalist Frank Walusimbi.
“Unfortunately,” Kamanyi said, “Obote was not in the Presidential convoy, it was his Vice President John Babiiha who received the bullets, thank God he escaped with wounds.”
The convoy was driving from Luzira where according to Kamanyi’s  intelligence, the head of State officiated at a function where he passed out prison warders and it ended very late at night in 1967, just a year after the Palace attack.
“After shooting at the ‘Presidential’ motorcade, we thought our mission was  successful. We quickly packed our guns in the waiting car, jumped into the car and headed to Namugongo at my father’s farm where guns were dropped before dispersing. Only to receive bad news later that it was Babiiha who was shot but he did not die.” Unapologetic Kamanyi, son to Ephraim Kamanyi former Buganda Kingdom minister, told NTV last year.

It’s now 54  years since then President Milton Obote on May 24th 1966 ordered the attack of Kabaka Muteesa’s Mengo Palace to bomb it down and kill the King.
God is great, Muteesa’s life was saved and he escaped from the jaws of blood thirsty Obote men. 
Giving an account of what happened and how the youthful Kamanyi wanted to revenge against Obote’s men, he was at his Parents’ home in Lungujja, just a few meters from Mengo.
“I was working in a coffee company owned by a Whiteman. By the time Uganda got Independence in 1962 I was in United Kingdom where I had gone on official duties. I returned a few years later.” Kamanyi said in an interview.
On the fateful day Mengo Palace was attacked, Kamanyi was at his parents’ home sleeping.
His father was away in the United States of America.
“It was my mother who woke me up to hear gun shots at Mengo. She told me, Kabaka Muteesa’s Palace was under attack. Because of the inherent love I had for my Kabaka, I decided to go and revenge to save my King.” Narrated Kamanyi.
He picked one of his father’s guns they used for hunting, put it in his small car and drove passed Lubiri SS to Lubaga Cathedral where he got a place to hide his car. He picked his gun, slopped down via Kabaka’s lake in Ndeeba to take on notorious Idi Amin men who were armed to the teeth. 
Kamanyi recalled an old man, a family friend who saw him carrying a gun and stopped him to inquire where he was going.
He told him, “My son, you can’t manage a forest of soldiers who have sorrounded the Palace.  Look at your age, see the gun you are carrying! You alone can’t manage. Please give me that gun.”
Kamanyi complied and handed over the gun. 
Now he was unarmed but still felt like he should do something to save Kabaka Muteesa. At that moment, Kampala was hit by a heavy downpour.
“I went where I had parked my car, entered it and started patrolling around Mengo and Lubaga. This is when I was stopped by men I knew very well and they asked me whether I can get another car.  I said yes. These men knew the whereabouts of Muteesa. Infact it was Cardinal Nsubuga who was hiding him.  I quickly got another car.” Kamanyi recalled.
Early the next day on May 25th 1966, he was sent with some of Muteesa’s body guards to get him some medicine since he was feeling  backache.
For starters, Muteesa, who was a trained soldier, had to jump over his tall Palace fence to escape. So he sustained some injuries.
“There was a pharmacy near City House in Kampala, where we got medicine for Muteesa. We also bought new clothes.” Kamanyi said in an interview given last year.
Some of the body guards were given transport facilitation to go to their villages.
“Muteesa entered into my car and I drove him to Butambaala from where he was received by his men. That is where I left him and drove back to Kampala to plot how to carry out a full blast revenge against Obote.” Said Kamanyi.
By then protests were everywhere in Buganda like in Kayunga where the police station was attacked. 
Kamanyi liased with some Kabaka loyalists who included Capt. Mugalula and others.

Kamanyi, Mugalula and their colleagues started monitoring President Obote movements to ascertain when it would be  easier for them to execute their mission.
“This is how we got to know about a function in Luzira to be graced by the President. We identified Silver Springs Hotel Bugoloobi, as the best spot to end Obote’s life. We were all armed, ready for the mission. When we heard that our target would leave the function at night, we saw it as an opportunity to kill him without any one easily identifying us.” Kamanyi said.
Obote was not in the car, they instead shot at his vice president.

As if his gods were with him, Obote’s Principal Secretary directed the police lead car to switch off its warning lights so that the President’s convoy did not attract attention.
Obote left the venue almost an hour before the vice president John Babiiha. When president reached Entebbe, he was told that the vice president had been attacked around Silver Springs Hotel on his way from Luzira. If Obote’s lead car had not switched off its warning lights, he wouldn’t have survived. . 

His father’s Lungujja home was raided by security operatives and on searching, guns were found at their home. 
Both Kamanyi and his father were arrested. 
“A Whiteman Gremlin who was a Police ballistics expert said, one of the guns I had was once at Luzira. I was imprisoned for six years for being found in possession of firearms.” Said Kamanyi. However, police had not discovered that the same gun was used to shoot at the presidential motorcade.
Investigations continued until they arrested Capt. Mugalula.
When Kamanyi was arrested, the rest fled the country. 
“Since I was not ready to reveal anyone involved, the operatives arrested my former girlfriend Lillian to tell them which people I dealt with. When they learnt that they had fled to Nairobi, she was taken to Nairobi to help identify them. She was taken by a female police woman, Martha.” Said Kamanyi.  
When they left Kampala, word reached guys in Nairobi that Lillian was under arrest and on her way to identify them.
The boys in Nairobi waylaid Lillian and Martha, kidnapped, and were eliminated. Their bodies were put in gunny bags and dropped in Arthi River. A Masai herdsman who had taken his cattle to drink water saw the bags and alerted police.
The other team which followed had reported its missing partners to the Kenyan police. When two female bodies were recovered they were called to identify them. 
This opened another lid in the hunt as the Kenyan government had not been alerted about Uganda’s police being in their territory. 
The Kenyan authorities started looking for five guys, but only three – Obo, Kiwanuka and Kyeyune – were the killers. They were pinned down at Stanley Hotel. At the hotel the boys also had paid off the people at the front desk to tip them off in case police came to the hotel. They were tipped off as police made its way to third floor where they were staying and jumped through the windows and ran away.
The group separated. That’s when police started picking them one after the other, and all the three who participated in the kidnap were hanged in Kenya.
Kamanyi said,  “The events in Nairobi were relayed to me by Senkoma while in Luzira. He had been one of Mutesa’s body guards who had run to Nairobi and was in contact with them before their death. He was arrested suspected to be part of the group but later released and got arrested when he came back.”
Back to Luzira,  Kamanyi and Mugalula found there inmates like Katabalwa, Ibingira, Opolot and others.
Mugalula and Kamanyi’s father were released. However Kamaanyi was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Kamanyi and other inmates at Upper Prison celebrated on hearing that Obote’s government had fallen in a coup by his army commander Idi Amin Dada.
One evenning, while he was inside his cell, he heard prison officers knocking and out calling out his name. On getting out,  I was given my clothes. Commissioner Kigonya and the Prison Officer In Charge were all around. I kept wondering  what was going on, until Kigonya whispered to me that the President had sent for me.” Said Kamanyi.
That is the day, when Muteesa’s remains were returned from the UK.
Kamanyi was driven to Makindye presidential lodge like a VIP where they met high profile people who came to attend Muteesa’s burial.
Amin ordered his men to take Kamanyi to officers’ mess, Kampala Club in Nakasero.
It’s from here that Amin told Kamaanyi how he had been pardoned.
During Duwa prayers at Kibuli on the day Mutesa’s remains were returned, the Banganda royals thanked Amin for the gesture and sheiks who included Kulumba asked him to relese their son Kamanyi. 
At Officers’ Mess, Amin ordered Kamanyi to be taken to Bamunaanika Palace where Muteesa’s remains were taken for viewing.
Guarded by armed soldiers, Kamanyi was driven in a very big convoy to Bamunaanika and on reaching at the Palace, his way was  cleared to reach where Muteesa remains were.
“My mother who was around thought, I had been  brought to view Muteesa remains and be taken back to Luzira. It is commissioner Kigonya who informed her that i had received a presidential pardon. It was joy all over.” Recalled Kamanyi.

In 1979 when Amin was toppled by combined forces led by Tanzanian army and Obote reclaimed Presidency,  Kamaanyi was re arrested but luckily for him when Lutwa took over, he was released.


Not so long, Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II hosted Dan Kamanyi and thanked him for serving the Kingdom deligently and all he did for his father Sir Edward Muteesa II

When cultural institutions were reinstalled and Kabaka Ronald Mutebi II enthroned, Kamanyi was given a Nalubaale medal saluting him for his bravery and fighting to save King Muteesa. 




ADVOCATE Francis K. Buwule of Buwule & Mayiga Co. Advocates has written a book on Buganda Kingdom Premier Charles Peter Mayiga’s rise to the Katikkiroship, the most powerful office at the Kingdom’s Headquarters in Bulange – Mengo showing he was identified from Kikuubo to serve Kabaka. 
The book is titled, “MAYIGA: A Transformational Katikkiro.”
At a function held to launch it,  Advocate Buwule said the book chronicles their relationship with Katikkiro Mayiga, the issues that tested their friendship, the businesses they do together, and what he thinks of Mayiga as Katikkiro. 
“It is a jaw dropping book”, writes Denis Jjuuko from the office of the Katikkiro. 
Buwule tells a story about Owek. Mayiga, new to ears of many.
DP President General Norbert Mao has said, “No one is better qualified than Francis Buwule to write about Charles Peter Mayiga. This Katikkiro is the quintessential Mr. Straight Talk.”

Counsel Francis Buwule

“The Katikkiro still has a strong bond and relationship with his fellow learned Counsel Buwule for decades! This is a vivid example of his Obuyiiya, Obunyiikivu n’Obweerufu! I pity the idlers who have no work and no business Partners attacking our BEST Katikkiro.” Emanuel Pius Ssentongo has tweeted.

Francis Buwule met Charles Peter Mayiga at Makerere University Law school and they became friends. 
After graduating at Law Development Centre (LDC), Buwule worked at Katende &  Ssempebwa Co. Advocates, one of leading law firms in Uganda. 
For Mayiga, he got a job at the Ministry of Justice as a State Attorney, but did not last long and he left to start a business in Kikuubo, Kampala selling wheat and sugar. In Kikuubo, he met businessmen like John Fred Kiyimba Freeman, Wilson Mukiibi Muzzanganda, Guster Lule and others, almost same names on Buganda Twezimbe Committee led by Omuk. Fred Kiyimba.
Buwule was unhappy with Mayiga’s decision to go to Kikuubo. Unlike today, Kikuubo was mainly for informal traders majority of whom hadn’t got the kind of qualifications Mayiga and Freeman Kiyimba had. 
Buwule considered Mayiga too bright and sophisticated to sell wheat and sugar.

At Katende & Ssempebwa Co. Advocates, one of the founders, Owek. John W. Katende tasked Buwule to identify a young smart lawyer to work as Administrative Secretary to then Ssaabataka Supreme Council (SSC), the precursor to the restored Buganda Lukiiko. Buwule submitted a list with only one name — Charles Peter Mayiga.
John W. Katende invited Mayiga for a meeting. Rev Dan. Kajumba was on the panel. Mayiga accepted the interview mainly as way of stopping Buwule from nagging him. 
At the interview, Mayiga impressed his interviewers. With his Kikuubo business, he said money wasn’t a motivation but he felt he needed to right the wrongs of Obote. Mayiga had grown up in a home where the 1966 crisis was a always a topic of discussion on the dinner table. 
Unknown to Mayiga, by accepting to be the first employee to work in the soon to be reinstated Kingdom, he had signed a lifetime contract to serve Buganda. 
Just before he was appointed Katikkiro in May 2013, Mayiga had told Buwule that he wanted to quit and fully concentrate on his businesses. 

In 1993, Mayiga called Buwule and over a drink, Mayiga asked his friend when they will start a law firm. They identified three other friends including Owek Apollo Nelson Makubuya to be partners. 
The three friends pulled out leaving Buwule and Mayiga to go on their own. This delayed the start of Buwule & Mayiga Company Advocates by a few months. 

In 1994, Buwule left Katende & Ssempebwa Co. Advocates and with Mayiga, they started their law firm. 

Mayiga often jokes to ‘his brother’ Buwule that hadn’t it been him, he would be owning many malls in Kampala. Buwule usually responds that because of him, Mayiga superintends over the biggest mall in Uganda — Buganda Kingdom.




GEORGE William Kamya, 17 years old, has been stabbed to death by Gilbert Muhumuza a fruit seller in Bweyogerere today Friday afternoon after the deceased mistakenly knocked over a fruit cart belonging to the killer!
According to the statement released by Kampala Metropolitan Police (KMP) deputy Spokesman Luke Owoyesigire,  the incident happened at around 1pm at Africa Oil Petrol Station Bweyogere, Kira Municipality in Wakiso District.  
Owoyesigire has revealed that Bweyogere Police Station has already started investigations into this broad day murder.Kamya has been a resident of Ntebetebe, Bweyogerere in Wakiso District. 
“It is alleged that the deceased while moving about with a friend only identified as Bashir around Africa Oil for their daily business of siphoning fuel,  mistakenly knocked over a fruit cart belonging to Gilbert Muhumuza.” Said Owoyesigire.
This angered Muhumuza triggering a heated verbal exchange. 
Police says, “The owner of the cart pulled out a sharp knife he was using to prepare his fruit for customers and stabbed Kamya in the neck. Kamya died instantly.”
Police was later informed of the incident and a team from Bweyogerere Police visited the scene of crime. 
Statements from available witnesses have been recorded and the suspect has been arrested. 
He is currently detained at Bweyogerere Police Station on murder charges.
“We want to urge the public to always resolve there issues amicably without injuring or killing their colleagues.” Advised Police PRO.



NETTED: Julius Katongole (circled) at Katwe Police Station

Exclusive: Big Names Behind Spreading Lies Against Mukasa Revealed


FINALLY the naked truth is out! Just like our earlier investigations showed that rape allegations against People Power’s strongman Aloysius Mukasa were false, baseless, fabricated, manufactured and spread by political amateurs in Lubaga South to whom he is a threat, we were spot on. Final findings have proved us right, the real suspect Julius Katongole has been arrested!

CLEAN MAN: Aloysius Mukasa

Princess Aisha the girl who claims to have been raped has identified the true guy who forced himself on her with exhibits got from his muzigo in Najjanankumbi and he is non other than, Julius Katongole.

TRAPPED? Katongole at his rented home in Najjanankumbi donating maize flour to Aisha

She has since made an additional statement at Katwe police Station clarifying that it is Julius Katongole who raped her, not Aloysius Mukasa as some weak politicians spread lies. 
Angry Mukasa supporters in Lubaga South are now mad at Julius Katongole for impersonating Aloysius Mukasa in a bid to tarnish his name.
One Kasawuli who sent an audio on DP Lubaga South Constituency Whatsapp group said, “This mistake is for councilor Katongole. If he messed up and raped the woman, why put it on Aloysius Mukasa? Iam a neighbour to Ssalongo Kasawuli Samona and am also called Kasawuli,  but I can’t impersonate Kasawuli Samona. The woman escaped with Katongole’s phones, now why put it on Mukasa? Katongole knows the truth, and he alone can explain what went on between him and the woman.”

Security teams lead by Flying squad numbering to over 100 on Thursday last week were deployed and rounded up a house in Kyebando where Julius Katongole was hiding and arrested him like a chicken thief on charges of rape and theft.
Julius Katongole on realizing that the game was over, resorted to pleading with Aisha not to take matters so far. He wanted the case withdrawn, matter settled out of court and pay her all sums of money she want.
This is in vain, being a capital offence and the girl insists, want justice to prevail. The Medical report shows Aisha was raped and Katwe Police Station has sent her case file to the DPP.
According to the latest information we have received today morning, Aisha hired lawyers of Denis Nyombi & Co. Advocates and vowed to make Julius Katongole pay for his sins.
“I want justice to prevail. Julius Katongole raped me and stole my belongings including money and phones, threw me out of his office where he did the shameful act late at night, barefooted and very helpless. You must be taught a lesson never to rape other girls.” Vowed Aisha as Security organs armed to the teeth pulled him out of his hideout.

AISHA: I was raped by Julius Katongole

Speaking to journalists later on Friday in Ndeeba, Aisha who looked traumatized  would break down at certain moments and cry. Aisha is deeply heart broken that Julius Katongole tricked her, impersonated Hon. Aloysius Mukasa from Lubaga South and pretended he was interested in helping her record a song she had composed for  Mp hopeful Mukasa’s campaigns come 2021. Julius Katongole played on my head,  calling himself Hon. Aloysius Mukasa so that my conscience is corrupted to think that he is the one and I couldn’t hesitate meeting ‘the MP hopeful’ to pay for his would be campaign song. He is a liar, a criminal and impersonator. Let him pay for his sins.” Aisha told journalists on Friday clearing the air that, “I was raped by Julius Katongole not Aloysius Mukasa.”

With tears rolling down her cheeks, Aisha told media that, “Who ever can lead me to Hon. Aloysius Mukasa to ask for forgiveness, I will be very grateful. That man is innocent.”
“I falsely accused him, he is a clean man. I have never met him and we are not even known to each other. I now know him by his photo. You media people help me tell Mukasa that am so sorry for the defamations I made.” Said Aisha.

Aloysius Mukasa with his supporters. Where the arrow points is Julius Katongole

Asked whether she is aware of the  instructions by Aloysius Mukasa to his lawyers to sue for defamation and tarnishing his name, Aisha who is an up-comming artist and a song composer said, “I kindly beg Hon. Mukasa to understand me. I was hoodwinked by that beast Julius Katongole who raped me and lied that he is called Hon. Aloysius Mukasa, Only to realize that he was impersonating another person and his real name is Julius Katongole. I want to face Mr. Mukasa and apologise.”

I came to Ndeeba in Lubaga South to visit my mother who is a resident. As for me I live in Seguku on Entebbe Road.
At my mother’s home, a certain lady called Shakira Nantongo who is our neighbour heard me singing for family members.
She came closer and asked me if I can compose a campaign song for one Aloysius Mukasa who is eyeing Lubaga South MP seat in 2021.
I said yes, provided he pays me because composing and singing is one of my sources of income.
That lady who introduced herself as a Mukasa supporter there and then called someone who introduced himself to me as Hon. Mukasa (i later realized that it was Julius Katongole the impersonator).
On phone he asked me whether I can get him a very good campaign song listing all he has done for Lubaga South and what is outlined in his manifesto.
I assured him that it would be easily done.
“Ok tell that lady to give you my phone contacts, call me tomorrow and make an appointment so that we discuss your facilitation package.” he told me on phone.
I however asked him to instead talk to the lady himself and communicate what he wanted me to do.
All was done, the lady gave phone number 0702 222 758 (But the number is in the names of Julius Katongole not Aloysius Mukasa).

After composing the song, Aisha reached Julius Katongole on 0702 222 758 to brief and send him the song “demo’.
Julius Katongole there and then shared it on different Lubaga South Whatsapp groups and all were praises for the artist due to her voice and how she had pacakaged the message for Aloysius Mukasa.
In fact according to responses got that very day Katongole shared the song, on DP Lubaga South Constituency Whatsapp group where Aloysius Mukasa is a darling, members thanked Katongole for the song.
In one of the audios we have, one lady said, “Councilor Julius Katongole thank you for sharing that nice song about Hon. Aloysius Mukasa. It will work for us in the campaigns. We want to meet that beautiful voice behind The song. The song is very good.”
Katongole fixed an appointment to meet Aisha. 
He directed her to Tristar Hotel located a few meters from Ndeeba Stage on Nyanama road from where the two were to meet so that Julius Katongole (calling himself Aloysius Mukasa) could see how to facilitate the recording in the studios.

Tristar Hotel located in Najjanankumbi along Nyanama road

Shockingly, according to Counsel Kalule, Aloysius Mukasa’s Lawyer, all this was happening behind Mr. Aloysious Mukasa’s back.
“He had neither heard about the girl nor the song!” Said lawyer Kalule. 
Aisha told us, “I reached at the Hotel and given a seat after telling the person I found there that I was called by a certain big person.”

Shortcut behind Tristar Hotel Katongole used to take Aisha to his rented room

In a few minutes, Julius Katongole called and instead asked Aisha to get out of the Hotel premises, take a small path nearby, to his office which is just behind that Tristar Hotel. 

“I was shocked to find one calling himself an aspiring member of Parliament in a small rented house. But that being none of my business, I let it go.” Said Aisha.

Katongole’s slaughter chambers

At the moment, she met Katongole distributing maize flour at his home office to some people. 
Later, he called Aisha in.
“Hello lady, you are welcome to my office. I am called Hon. Aloysius Mukasa. The song is good and i have shared it to our Whatsapp groups. Members have liked the song.” Katongole tells Aisha sharing some of the responses from the groups the song was shared.
He however told her how the song needed to be fine tuned and certain information about all I have done for Lubaga South people included.”Julius Katongole, impersonating  Mukasa, tells Aisha.
Katongole told lies to this young lady how he was Hon. Aloysius Mukasa, bragging of lots of wealth (although by the virtue of his appearance and a shoddy small room he was renting he looked to be a typical conman).
“He asked me what I wanted and my answer was simple. Give me money, I go and record the song then after, we sit and agree on how much you are to pay  for my song.” Aisha told journalists.
“True the song is nice but missing some very important message. Go back and remodify it, return on April 27th 2020 with a final copy ready for recording.” Said Katongole.
He saw her off with 5 kgs of maize flour and UGX 10,000 (Ten thousand only).
“The maize flour and the money 10,000/=),  I gave it to my mother and briefed her how I was asked to first fine tune my song before I am given money out of it.” Said Aisha.
In a recorded phone call from Julius Katongole to Aisha’s mother, she was very grateful for the maize flour and Shs 10,000 he gave to her daughter.
The two, Aisha and Katongole kept on communicating via Whatsapp telling her how the song was going to fetch her millions. But the poor girl had not realized that the guy was an imposter.

According to Aisha’s statement, “I went back to his (Julius Katongole) office on April 27th 2020 at around 5pm (the appointmrent time she was given) with my fine tunned song to finalise about recording it and how much i will be paid. This time I refused ton share it to him but he listened to it from my phone.”
“Yes this is it. You are the best. This day you will go back to your mum’s place the richest girl. But give me time, I finalise some stuff, we go to the studios of producer Nassim to record it. We want it to feature Nubian Lee.” He told her. The poor girl believed Katongole’s lies. It was already going to 7pm.
Aisha asked how will they move during curfew time but Julius Katongole assured her he was untouchable, they could move any time.
“But my mum can’t allow me move at night. It’s risky. May be we shall record it some other time. It’s late, let me go.” Pleaded Aisha.
Katongole adamantly picked his phone to call Aisha’s mother, assuring her how her daughter was safe, they were going to record the song and that she will be driven back home.
The mother objected to this saying her daughter must return home before curfew time but Katongole begged her not to hinder her daughter’s opportunity to become a rich woman.
“This song has opened doors for your daughter to become rich. Allow her finalise it, she will return with millions.” Katongole assured the poor mum who reluctantly let it go.
The two were seated in a small office in a room Katongole also uses as a bedroom.
Time was approaching 8pm and there were no signs of going to Kamwokya to record the song.
“I was shocked to see Katongole coming where I was seated and started caressing my thighs, touching my boobs and bums. I barked at him to stop what he was doing because he was committing a very serious crime. All was in vain, he said he wanted sex from me before taking me  to a first class studio.” Aisha’s Statement reads. 
She tried to fight and escape from the devil’s den but Katongole had locked all the doors, ready to rape this poor girl.
“I was overpowered, I was helpless, I groaned, shouted but all in vain. He forcefully manhandled and raped me.” Aisha told us, breaking into tears on remembering this incident.
Now that Katongole had achieved his goal, he opened the door to go ease himself and return for phase two, thinking since it was already late, the girl could not move out. She managed to escape.
Due to the panic and fear to be raped again, Aisha accidentally picked Katongole’s two phones, leaving behind her bag having hair spray, her phone and shoes. Police is already having them as exhibits.
She reached at a car night parking where she met people and begged them to escort her to Ndeeba police station to report a rape case.

Car parking near Laston corner in Ndeeba where Aisha got saviours who escorted her to police

He says, it’s true he was with Aisha but did not rape her.
“She stripped naked in my room and I took her photos with my phone while she is cleaning herself.” Said Katongole showing police photos alleged to be for Aisha.
Now Aisha’s lawyers want to open a cyber crime case against Katongole after his friends threatened to spread photos on social media if she doesn’t let their colleague out of cells.
Aisha says, Julius Katongole might have taken her photos after raping her.
Aisha’s lawyer Denis Nyombi asked, “Is Mr. Julius Katongole a camera man? Is he a photographer? If he says he took our client’s nude photos from his room, what was his motive?”
“So if a girl enters your office or home and undresses, as a reasonable person you just get your phone and start taking photos? I thought you would instead tell her to dress up or you get out. That is  very bad reasoning. Let us hope will take note of that. All this is enriching our case, it is an interesting one.” Says Aisha’s lawyer, Denis Nyombi.

(In part II of this Story, we will bring you Aisha on record, pinning big names of politicians on how they approached and promised her millions if she FALSELY accuses Aloysius Mukasa of raping her a deal she rejected saying she was raped by Katongole. These faded politicians also have interest in Lubaga South MP seat and see Mukasa as a very big threat)





IN May 2020, Owek. Charles Peter Mayiga made seven years serving as the Kingdom of Buganda Premier (Katikkiro) achieving a lot for the Kingdom during his tenure.

The first day he met His Majesty Kabaka Ronald Mutebi II at his Bamunaanika Palace, is one no memory can erase. Then a youngman fresh from Makerere University, he arrived at the Palace putting on Khaki shorts.

This angered Owek. John Katende and ordered him go back to Kampala and dress up decently before returning for the meeting! 

For starters, Owek. Mayiga, a lawyer by profession joined the Kingdom’s service in 1991, 29 years ago, after his graduation. Since then, he has dedicated all his youthful years serving his King.

At a certain time, fellow lawyers admonished Mayiga for serving at Mengo where there was no salary at the expense of pursuing his career as a young brilliant lawyer. 

As a law partner in the company of Mayiga & Buwule Company Advocates, he was expected to be in courts making money and becoming richer, but he was instead at Mengo serving Kabaka without a salary. He igored them!

In our series, we will take you through his rise from from a mere Principal Assistant Secretary to the Secretariat of Council of elders (SSC) to becoming the Prime minister of the mighty Buganda Kingdom in Uganda.

We will explain his achievements, challenges, we will unmask his enemies, powerful men and women who have stood with him and also predict his next work station. 

In 1991, Mayiga became the Principle Secretary to the Secretariat of the Council of Elders, responsible for organizing the cultural restoration of Kabaka in 1993.

The Secretariat had just been set up at Roger Ddungu’s Radiant House. This title changed to Secretary to the Lukiiko (Parliament of Buganda), following the restoration of the Monarchy.  

In that capacity, Mayiga is credited to have laid the administrative foundation on which Buganda kingdom is ran today.

Taking you back, the first time he met with the Kabaka was at his Palace in Bamunanika to organize a crucial meeting with SSC members. 

Owek. John Katende, one of the prominent Buganda Kingdom officials and a Kabaka’s right hand man, arranged the Bamunaanika  meeting. 

It was a Saturday and Mayiga arrived at Bamunanika in khaki shorts, something for which Owek. Katende reprimanded him and asked him to return to Kampala to dress more appropriately. 

“You are coming to meet a King not a mere CEO of a government parastatal on a Saturday morning. Go back, dress decently and then return quickly,” Katende rebuked Mayiga. 

Then a small youngman, Mayiga complied, got onto a bus back to Kampala and returned with other SSC members in a bus. 

Because he was nervous throughout the meeting, Mayiga never managed to make good impression on Kabaka Mutebi. However, he gradually grew closer as he was often instructed by the King to draft correspondences to President Museveni and other important people. 

On realizing the difficulties under which the young man worked, Kabaka Mutebi gradually took a liking to Mayiga. 

The difficulties included starting the secretariat from scratch, having nobody to learn from and having to work under supervision of a perfectionist and fast thinker like Owek. John Katende. 

The Kabaka would often call Mayiga directly, asking him to prepare his speeches among other errands. 

Between 1991 and 1994, Mayiga had drafted over 200 speeches for the Kabaka especially whenever Mutebi was to address high level delegations. 

He used to write then Katikkiro Owek. Joseph Ssemwogerere Mulwanyamuli’s speeches as well. 

Kabaka Mutebi wouldn’t take a major decision without consulting or notifying Mayiga first. 

When the Kingdom was restored in 1993, Mayiga was appointed Buganda’s Minister of Information & Official Spokesman for the Kingdom. He served in that capacity until he was appointed Katikkiro of Buganda in May 2013.

He became the King’s defacto spokesperson. He would defend the Kabaka on both radio and in newspapers. From 1995 to 2002, Mayiga had published over 2,000 newspaper articles in both local and foreign media, defending the kingdom. He also had authored over 3,000 anonymous articles under pseudo names.

He was at the forefront of defending and communicating Buganda’s interests and aspirations, coupled with his popular ‘Agafa e Mengo’ program on Central Broadcasting Services (CBS FM) radio every Friday night which was a one man-show piece. His show attracted thousands of Kabaka’s subjects.

He was on the committee that organized Kabaka’s mega wedding of the century in 1999. 

By that year, his closeness to the Kabaka had created enemies for him within Mengo. 

They connived with the head of royal guards (abamboowa) to humiliate Mayiga ahead of the Millennium (the year 2000) celebrations the Kabaka had tasked him to organize at Lubiri in Mengo. 

As Mayiga arrived at the Palace to inspect the preparations at the venue, the head of the royal guards confronted him saying he had refused to buy refreshments for his men.

In the ensuing exchange, Mayiga was terribly insulted and the event was widely publicized in the media for over a month. Mayiga was portrayed as somebody who disrespected the Kabaka by clashing with his chief body guard. 

However, the whole thing had been set up. The Kabaka investigated the incident independently and concluded that Mayiga’s rivals within his cabinet had sponsored the fracas and were exaggerating it to create a wedge between him and his loyal servant.

To everybody’s surprise, in his speech at the event, Mutebi invited Mayiga to stand next to him and he showered him with praises as his adversaries weeped in envy and frustration. 

In his Speech on that event organised by Mayiga, a grateful Kabaka Mutebi said he was happy to see youth in universities more interested in activities geared at Buganda’s revival and said the credit goes to Mayiga who was then serving as youth affairs minister. 

His enemies plotted again! Just a few years ago, Mayiga endured a disciplinary procedure in the cabinet after colleagues blamed him of smuggling the Kabaka into a beach bash at Entebbe by Nkoba Zambogo youths during which the Kabaka was photographed partying with campus students. 

Speaking in Mayiga’s defense, the Kabaka said the kingdom should be ready to do all it takes to reach out to the young people saying “the Mutebi generation (Omulembe Omutebi) belongs to the youth.”

Mayiga’s influence on the Kabaka continued growing and in 2005, he was a key member on the team that negotiated the regional tier government with Museveni. 

The regional tier negotiations had succeeded until a group of anti-Museveni forces, led by late Abu Mayanja, Suleiman Kiggundu and Godfrey Lule, manipulated the Clan Heads Council members and County Chiefs (Abamasaza) to oppose it. 

They met the Kabaka, and eventually Museveni at State House, saying it was hot air (Byoya bya nswa) and they mobilized the Baganda populace against it. 

Subsequently, the Kabaka came under intense pressure to sack the Mulwannyamuli team. 

However, insiders say, before publicly announcing his new team, the Kabaka privately met Mayiga and pleaded with him not to get annoyed (with his sacking) but to understand that this was done to appease angry Baganda who were baying for some blood.

“You will continue executing very sensitive errands for me albeit clandestinely,” the Kabaka reportedly told Mayiga before asking him to go and persuade other colleagues not to develop cold feet over their sacking which was expected in a few weeks’ time. 

For those who dont know, it was Owek. Charles Peter Mayiga who Kabaka deployed to identify for him active youth in Nkobazambogo who can serve the Kingdom deligently.

This is how fire-spitting Medard Lubega Segona (now Busiro East MP) and Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba (now Masaka Municipality legislator), fresh from Makerere University, landed ministerial positions at Mengo. 

Its Mayiga who convinced the Kabaka to appoint them to his cabinet in 2007 immediately after then Premier Dan Muliika’s exit.

In 2008, three kingdom officials including then Information Minister Charles Peter Mayiga, his deputy Medard Lubega Sseggona and Betty Nambooze Bakireke (current MP Mukono Municipality) were arrested over their alleged link with armed groups and attempting to acquire guns.
They were however released.

(In the next article,  we shall reveal unto you how and why Mayiga beat the other five contenders for Katikkiroship to step in after Owek. Eng. JB Walusimbi.   For comments on this story send a message on 0792 735 159)



Minister Karoro Okurut with Pr. Jackson and Eve Senyonga addressing media at Christian Life Church, the Home of P5

By Emma Mugejjera

DR. JACKSON and Pastor Eve Senyonga of Christian Life Church (CLC) Makerere Kavule have launched a program of donating food stuffs to thousands of starving Ugandans worth UGX 300M.

Christian Life Church Covid-19 Taskforce official lining up hundreds of people who came to get foodstuffs

The mega function was held at this Church and graced by Hon. Mary Karoro Okurut, Minister in Charge of General duties office of the Prime minister who received and endorsed the first batch.

Addressing journalists in the presence of Church leaders, Minister Okurut who heads Covid-19 National Taskforce, on behalf of Uganda Government extended gratitude to Dr. Jackson Senyonga and wife for not only leading Church in interceding for the Country amidst Coronavirus outbreak but also giving out with a loving heart to feed the hungry people.

“As Government of Uganda we are overwhelmed by your kindness, your generosity, your hearts of gold, but more importantly, Pastor Jackson and Eve Senyonga you walk the talk of God.” Noted Minister Karoro Okurut adding that, “I want to tell you, we are very grateful. Thank you Pastor, thank you church for feeding the hungry people of God, we do appreciate.”

Joy at Christian Life Church, the Home of P5

The minister thanked Senyonga and all other religious groups who have been praying and still praying saying, “We know even though there are medical doctors, it is only God with the power to heal.”

Pastor Senyonga said the donation totalling UGX 300M comes from Christian Life Church, Top television, Top radio and Kampala Fm, which he leads.

Minister Okurut hailed Top Media for always providing very useful information and giving fantastic services to the people of Uganda.

Thank you Top Media

“We have been listening in and following,  the information that goes out to the public builds, it does not cause strife, thank you Top Media for giving Ugandans wonderful services.” Said minister Okurut at a function attended by Kawempe Mayor His Worship Dr. Emanuel Sserunjogi Oweddembe, Deputy RCC and Kawempe Town Clerk among others.

The Minister said, “Normally, contributions come to the office of the Prime Minister.  But when we got a request from Pr.Jackson Senyonga to come and receive the donation at Church, we said ok, we shall take time off and come because we know about the hundreds of people you are serving here.”

More people flocked Christian Life Church for relief food

Since the Lockdown, Christian Life Church has been helping hundreds of people in camera. A lot of families have benefited. The church has been sending people money to buy food and other basic necessities. 

“We have decided to officially answer our President’s appeal to donate to the National Taskforce.” Senyonga told Minister Karoro Okurut.

The minister revealed that, “The Coronavirus monster came for all of us. It has come to the entire world and the lesson that God is putting across is that he is in control. So we really want to thank you for this contribution. For your help to the disabled community we are grateful, we appreciate you, for this selfless service. The kindness exhibited by you and Christian life Church, is beyond measure.The president himself will appreciate you.”

Minister Okurut launching food donation at Christian Life Church on Thursday

“May the good Lord replenish your pockets and bank accounts.” Prayed Minister Karoro Okurut. She reminded Ugandans to stick and adhere to the Ministry of Health guidelines. 

Thanking President Museveni for giving a green light to Church leaders to distribute food and other relief items to those in need during the lockdown, Pr. Senyonga said this was a prayer answered for hundreds of church leaders who were looking for a way to help.

Kawempe Municipality Mayor Dr. Sserunjogi handing over a food basket at CLC

“We are going to feed hungry people in most parts of Kampala and neighbouring areas, then after, we will distribute food to other districts of the country because the National Pastors Alliance (NPA) I lead has membership of 27000 pastors countrywide.” Said Senyonga assuring them that, “We have to reach all of you because you need our help and we will stand with you.”

According to his program, they will reach out to different regions of the country.

In the first batch, Pr. Senyonga was allowed to give out and identify people who are in need in the areas of Kawempe. The list was compiled by local leaders of 119 villages. Thousands lined up for maize flour, beans, sugar and soap.

THANK YOU PR. JACKSON SENYONGA: Ladies after receiving food to go and feed their children

Flanked by his wife, Pr. Senyonga thanked the Church saying although the gates to the churches were closed during the National lockdown, the gates of Heaven remained open.

Churches have not ceased praying and interceeding for a Covid-19 free Country.

“We want to thank God for the opportunity he has given us to serve his people. As you know, Christian Life Church is here to serve the people of God in Uganda and World over. We are under attack by Coronavirus but we are defeating it, each one of us must understand  that every person has a role to play.” Said Pr. Senyonga, thanking  God for the wisdom he has given president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who he said has perfectly led this country in the war against Covid-19.

THANK U FOR COMING: Minister Karoro signs visitors’ book

“With wisdom, our president has guided us on how to tame the Spreading Coronavirus and see, as Uganda, we are defeating this pandemic. We thank God for the Prime minister’s office which is heading the Covid-19 National Taskforce and the Minister of Health Dr. Jane Ruth Acheng who has worked tirelessly to see that her ministry sets guidelines which must be followed for all of us to remain safe.” Said Pr. Jackson Senyonga.

Asked by our reporter about the popular P5 prayers whether they ended with closing churches, he said, “P5 is on going. We are using the same pulpits and God’s people join us  from their houses, on their tv sets and Top radio. The number has increased. Millions of Ugandans are now praying with us.”

CLC Covid-19 Taskforce on duty

Asked about how churches once opened,   will control the spread of Covid 19, Pr. Senyonga said, they will observe the guidelines like social distancing,  increasing the number of church services to accommodate small congregations,  spreading seats and avoiding handshakes. 

“All our church members are part of the community, all communities have been sensitised about how to observe ministry of Health guidelines. What the churches need to do is making internal changes like spreading the seats for social distancing, washing hands before the services, having more services. Churches are not chaotic like markets. We are more organised.” Noted Pr. Senyonga.

GOSPEL WITH ACTION: Dr. Jackson Senyonga

He attacked false prophets hoodwinking the public by telling lies that in Uganda there is no Covid-19. 

“Avoid such misleading voices. Avoid such false prophets like Augustine Yiga.” Warns Pr. Senyonga.

For comments on this story send an sms on +256 792735159




RULING National Resistance Movement (NRM) Party youths of the Uganda Poor Youth Movement have sounded warning bells to President Museveni ahead of Presidential address on the Covid-19 pandemic update that he must open up the economy or they will announce National mass demonstrations.

In a statement released by Uganda Poor Youth Movement cordinator Isa Kato, youths have been quiet and everything has jammed because of the lockdown.  At its expiry tomorrow, if the president announces its extention, they will have no other option but to announce National demonstrations. 

Isa Kato has told News Editor Media that, “NRM Poor Youth are cordially summoned on short notice for Wednesday 20th May Demonstrations. We are going for a National disobedience if the President fails to lift the lock down. We are totally fed up.”

“During this period, different organizations are firing employees, Government is firing people without a single pay yet at parliament, MPs are in a cash bonanza.This is madness. Poor Youths are going to protest against this move of giving MPs 40M each, we shall protest against Organizations firing their staff.” Reads NRM Poor Youth statement.

They say, many youths have been affected in the lockdown, if the president doesn’t lift it and order companies to desist from firing staff, “We will use the language he understands better.”

In his televised address, the Head of State is expected not to open Schools, Churches,  Mosques, sports arenas, bars, night clubs and public transport being top places for concentrations.

President Museveni to address the country at the expiry of 14 days Covid-19 Lockdown

Museveni is expected to address the issue of truck drivers who have continued to carry the coronavirus to Ugandans as he extends the lockdown.

According to his statement posted on his facebook page today mid day, Museveni has said, “At 8pm tonight, I will deliver my 14th address on the Covid-19 pandemic. I urge Ugandans to continue observing all guidelines given to you by the government and health experts. Importantly, make sure you wear a face mask whenever you are out in the public.”

However, we are told, it has been postponed to tomorrow Tuesday

NRM Poor Youth say, if the president goes ahead to take that route, they will be left with no other option but to call for a National disobedience.

Isa Kato, NRM Poor Youth National Cordinator

“How can you lock us inside our homes hungry and jobless while truck drivers are roaming the streets of Kampala? And you think we will allow this any more? Wait you will see. We are going to protest about government mafias reaping billions out of this Pandemic.” Warned NRM Poor Youth.  

Their National cordinator Isa Kato has told us, they are protesting against Government move to deduct UGX 10,000 from all employees as a contribution to the Covid-19 Task force. 

Dear all Ugandans, we greet you in the name of God. 

We thank you for the spirited fight you have put up and the zeal to fight the spread of Corona Virus within the Country. We congratulate you for the bravery and endurance you have exhibited from the time our Country was closed in March 2020. 

We have however observed that the period during which we are under Quarantine, our Leaders have decided to take advantage of the situation by allocating themselves money, stealing people’s donations, allocating themselves contracts and all sinister moves orchestrated to make sure they never open up the Country. 

Kuluva Hospital in Arua sends over 90 health workers on a forced leave with 6 months unpaid arrears, says reports

We are emphatically asking the President to tell us why he is still locking up the economy of Uganda? 

We are asking President Museveni to explain to Ugandans why he is dishing out 40 Million shillings of Tax Payers Money to each Member of Parliament? 

We want the President to explain why they are planning to take 10,000/= from each Ugandan Employed under the guise of national contribution? This is an illegal deduction and thuggery. 

We want the President with his Governent to explain to Ugandans how Cargo coming inside the Country keeps on increasing with a closed economy? 

We would like the President to give clear guidance on the issue of Rent dues which Ugandans are supposed to pay immediately they return to work in their shops and offices. The President has been deliberately avoiding to speak about this grave concern. 

The President is hereby asked to open the Country since they have failed to come up with any reason why they keep Ugandans inside their homes. Ugandans should be left to go and work while reminding them to wear Masks, Wash hands with soap and maintain social distancing as per the Health Officials Guidelines.  

We need a clear solution over the truck driver’s contagion. 

We have brought out all these concerns on behalf of the people of Uganda. 

If Government is not listening to us the voice of all Poor People of Uganda, then we are calling upon all active political youth groups, main stream political parties and all concerned Ugandans to walk to State House Nakasero and Petition President Museveni seeking for an explanation.




THOSE harboring intentions of using their offices to grab kabaka’s land this is for you:

Court in Sembabule has given an interim Order to stubborn RDC Nickson Kabuye Nuwagaba and other respondents in Miscellaneous Application No. 07 of 2020 filed by Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II, halting construction on Mawogola Saza Headquarters’ land as 20th May 2020 date is set for Court to visit the locus.

Court issued an Interim order on the 12th day of May 2020 stopping the three  Respondents: Ssembabule District Local Government, Kakoni Holdings Uganda Ltd and Nickson Nuwagaba Kabuye (RDC Sembabule) from carrying out any construction works on the land in dispute.

Read also: https://www.newseditor.co.ug/2020/05/09/sembabule-rdc-in-hot-soup-buganda-kingdom-sues-for-grabbing-kabakas-land-as-minister-namuganza-halts-illegal-construction/

The interim Order issued reads: This Application coming up on this 14th day of May 2020 before His Worship Deo John Ssejjemba Esq, the learned Chief Magistrate in the presence of Counsel Edward Mukwaya, Twaha Mukasa and Marufu Waduka for the Applicant and in the presence of Principal State Attorney Mwebaze Ndibalema representing the 1st and 3rd Respondents and in the presence of Mr. Musa Kibuuka the Managing Director of Kakoni Holdings (U) Ltd and in further presence of Muhammad Sserwadda the Muteesa of Mawogola County, Daniel Senyomo the Legal Manager of Buganda Land Board (BLB) and Mr. Kakuru, the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)of the 1st Respondent.

“It is here by ordered as follows: carrying out any construction works on the land in dispute is halted. Locus will visit this land on May 20th 2020. Interim order given under my hand and the seal of this Honourable Court this 14th day of May 2020”. Deo John Ssejjemba Esq, Chief Magistrate Sembabule.

This Application Miscellaneous Application No. 07 of 2020 (was arising from Miscellaneous Application no. 06 of 2020)(All arising from Civil Suit no.34 of 2020).

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