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Hon. Lubyayi chatting with youth in Buwama today evenning


BODABODA riders in Njeru, Kituntu Subcounty in Mawokota South, Mpigi district have sent their Member of Parliament John Bosco Lubyayi to President Museveni to lift the ban because they are dying of poverty and loans.
In a consultation meeting held at Njeru Church of Uganda in Kituntu Subcounty attended by Rev. Nicholas Malende the  Parish Priest Njeru Parish and attended by over 50 leaders from seven villages making up Kituntu Subcounty, Bodaboda riders said, “It’s enough, the President should allow us to work”.
“As our representative in Parliament, we are sending you to the President Museveni, tell him we are dying of poverty we are no longer working. Let him lift the ban on Bodabodas, enough is enough.”
Bodaboda riders petition MP Lubyayi.

A bodaboda man in Kayabwe, Mawokota South today defying Presidential directives

They said since the president declared a National lockdown and banned public transport, they have been grassing and their families are struggling.
“Most of us are having loans with different companies where we got these bodabodas. They added us more grace period but still time is running out. Allow us to go and work just like you did the taxis, buses and other means of public transport.”Said Bodaboda riders who were part of the meeting held under Ministry of Health guidelines.
The Area, MP who doubles as Mpigi district NRM chairman sympathised with bodaboda riders and assured them that being their voice, he will address their issues to the Head of State.
“You all know me i have been very supportive of the bodaboda industry and recently I bought two new motorcycles for Kayabwe stage plus other bodabodas for Bukasa stage.” Said MP Lubyayi.
He reminded them that, “The NRM government knows very  much the importance of Bodabodas and how this industry has lifted the lives of our people. I am going to deliver your message, we will request the president  to look into that matter.”
Hon. Lubyayi is moving village to village, parish to parish, Subcounty to Subcounty consulting residents and their leaders over different issues in the country. 
At Njeru, the MP was also petitioned about continued closure of schools and places of Worship, people want the president to open them since Covid-19 has been weakened.
Residents want President Museveni to soften on especially candidate classes so as not to lose their final year.
MP Lubyayi said, as members of Parliament we even reached an extent of asking the Education ministry to atleast allow one teacher to every15 students in a class.
“As Parliament, we wanted schools to open and we send back our children. We wanted schools to function, teaching and non teaching staff to be paid well.” Lubyayi told residents in Kituntu Subcounty.
He said, “We even wanted to pull closer final exams for candidate classes, they sit them and go home in time so that they don’t lose this year. However, the Ministry of Education under the guidance of Ministry of Health advised schools to first hold on so that we save lives of our children. Good the Covid 19 cases have gone down, we will push on again.”

Hon. Lubyayi meeting Kituntu leaders today at Njeru Church of Uganda

The MP told residents from the villages of Kitakyuusa, Bukasa, Wattuba, Njeru A, Njeru B and Kawoomya that he has lobbied for them over 2M to 5M to every Development group each having not less than 30 members.
“The office of the Prime Minister under the Luweero Triangle portfolio has earmarked funds to provide support to Micro Projects during the 3rd Quater of Financial Year 2019/2020. So we have the money to support groups.” MP Lubyayi told exited residents.
He asked them to form development groups among themselves if they are to benefit from this project.
The Kintuntu meeting was mobilized by John Bosco Kagimu.
Lubyayi talked about the extention of electricity to Kituntu Subcounty and asked residents not to be misled by political gamblers who have raided the Constituency.

Lubyayi contributed in cash 500,000/= (Five hundred shillings only) to the construction of Njeru Church of Uganda Parish Priest house.

Hon. Lubyayi giving out hoes to different groups in Ggulu village

Lubyayi later met groups of residents in Ggulu and Mbizzinnya in Buwama Subcounty where he donated 100 hoes.
Yesterday, Hon. Lubyayi facilitated the release of over 62 Mawokota South residents from Kitalya Maximum Prison arrested for disobeying presidential directives on Curfew.

Also read: https://www.newseditor.co.ug/2020/07/04/no-way-mawokota-south-nrm-supporters-reject-political-prostitute-susan-nakawuki-2021-mp-bid-2/



Abraham Luzzi in a meeting with tycoon SK Mbuga Thursday night


LATEST from Mityana, Fabiano Niwagaba the embattled District Internal Security Officer (DISO) whose leaked intelligence report is said to have sparked off chaos in the District has been finally recalled back to Kampala by his bosses.

Also read: https://www.newseditor.co.ug/2020/07/06/mityana-diso-in-trouble-over-leaked-intelligence-report-on-mp-zaake-ministers-kiwanda-nabakooba-chairman-luzige/

A new DISO will be identified and posted to Mityana to replace Niwagaba whose services in the District have been terminated due to pressure exerted by among others; Hon. Godfrey Kiwanda Suubi who is the State minister for Tourism and Antiquities and also doubles as Mityana North legislator, Counsel Joseph Luzige the Mityana District LCV boss plus  Abraham Luzzi the Mityana Municipality 2021 MP Hopeful.
According to our inside sources, “Mityana DISO Fabiano Niwagaba has been ordered by his bosses to report back to Kampala. He will be given time to go back and pick his belongings.”


“No deployment has been done. He has been put on  katebe until further notice.” Sources privy to Government security organs exclusively told this Media Website. 
Asked about the termination of Niwagaba’s Services in Mityana District, Mr. Luzzi who is said to be well conected in the pwers that be, has told us he is not aware although he congirmed to us how he had petitioned high security offices in Kampala to, ‘Call back their man.’
Luzzi said, “The day our DISO chose to hobnob with the enemies of NRM and put up lies against me and the senior ruling NRM leaders in Mityana, he dug his own grave. some of us couldn’t sit and watch him dividing us. We all started wondering what his motive was.”
“I personally believe, the assault made on our District Governor Counsel Luzige on Tuesday evenning by now detained soldiers was directly linked to Mr. Niwagaba’s incompetence and zeal to fight our senior leaders in the district.” Said Luzzi, citing a leaked intelligence report allegedly written by DISO Niwagaba pinning Hon. Kiwanda, Hon. Henry Kamya Makumbi, Counsel Luzige and Mr. Luzzi as leaders fighting Hon. Judith Nabakooba the Information minister also Woman MP Mityana district.
Luzzi said, “Reading his report, you could easily see, DISO had hatred against Mityana NRM  leaders who were voted by masses. We now demand to know, in whose Interests he was serving?”
The intelligence report indicated that Kiwanda, Luzige, Makumbi alongside one Haji Haruna Kibirige Nziiza (former NRM Chairman Mityana District) are also plotting against Hon. Nabakooba and former Minister Vincent Nyanzi who wants to bounce back as Busujju County member of Parliament now represented by Hon. David Lukyamuzi Kalwanga.
“These fights have led to the three politicians (Hon. Kiwanda, Chairman Luzige and MP Kamya Makumbi) fielding Mrs. Deborah Kyazike against Hon. Judith Nabakooba and fielding Kato Kasujja against Hon. Vincent Nyanzi in Busujju Constituency”, reads DISO’s report.
The intelligence report says, Kiwanda and other top ruling party leaders in Mityana are likely to destablize NRM in Mityana and this might cost the party dearly in the forth coming elections.
On reading this leaked report, Kiwanda, Luzige, Luzzi and other leaders pinned by DISO Niwagaba demanded that he be fired and punished for what they called, writing nonsense to his security bosses.
Angry Mityana district chairman Counsel Joseph Luzige wrote, “Eee, how can someone write such nonsense? Is your intention to finish the Movement (NRM) by wrong reporting? You are the worst enemy that intends to cause in-fighting amongst us as NRM leaders in Mityana. I am so much disappointed in this DISO.”
For Kiwanda he only wondered how DISO could write such a false report against him!

In a letter dated July 04th 2020 which was later thrown away by District leaders, John Kintu commonly known as Agrovet wrote to Mr. Luzzi whose camp is said to have leaked DISO’s report and threatened this Mityana MP Aspirant that he will be taken to NRM District Disciplinary committee.
During NRM Chairman by election,  Kintu competed with then Acting chairman Haji  Haruna Kibirige Nziiza who is Luzzi’s uncle.

Some Mityana NRM leaders

It is now said, Kintu is directly fighting Luzzi and plans to block him from winning the Party ticket for MP Mityana Municipality.
However NRM political analysts in Mityana say, Kintu wrote this letter under the influence of DISO Niwagaba who had already been exposed as working Mr. Emanuel Butebi Ssembuusi,  MP Francis Butebi Zaake’s father’s orders.
Kintu’s letter reads, “Mityana District NRM leadership led by me has learnt with total dismay that the social media articles circulating everywhere on numerous social networks and raising allegations of corruption against a one Fabiano Niwagaba (DISO, MITYANA) were manufactured by you. You must already know that this will cost the NRM in Mityana and may lead to heavy losses in the next round of elections for Mityana Municipality seat.”
Kintu told Luzzi that, “It is so disappointing that no such allegations have been raised to the chairman or any leader in the District but instead found their way to social media platforms with the help of self seekers who aim at tarnishing our Party’s name and the government institutions because of well known vested Interests.”
He said how the contents therein have attacked the personality of the office of DISO with whom,  “We are enjoined to be working with in ensuring that we deliver quality services to the Wanainchi.”
Kintu told Luzzi that his utterances naming DISO as corrupt left many of NRM party members surprised and endangered. 
He said Luzzi is unknown in NRM structures and not the official Spokesperson of the NRM party in Mityana District, as such there is no way he could have endorsed the said articles to defame an officer whose work as an intelligence personel is well known.
“The Party is yet to establish if indeed you are it’s member and if at all you are aware of our ideological foundations as NRM, if so, the District Executive Committee (DEC)will decide if your said actions warrant your appearance before the District Disciplinary Committee of the Party.” Kintu threatened Luzzi in a letter copied to Rt. Hon. Justine Kasule Lumumba (NRM Secretary General), RDC Mityana, RISO Buganda Region, DISO Mityana and DEC members.

FRIENDS: NRM SG Lumumba and Luzzi at a function in Mityana

On receiving this letter, Luzzi who comes from a staunch NRM family and whose former fellow students at Nkumba University remember as  mobilizing machine that caused many of them to join NRM told News Editor Media that he has no time for such Wolokoso.
“Me I am busy mobilizing youth in Mityana to desist from actions of violence, vote President Museveni and vote NRM in 2021.” Luzzi told us.

Also read: https://www.newseditor.co.ug/2020/07/08/abraham-luzzi-rallies-nrm-big-guns-to-win-mityana-municipality-mp-party-primaries-vows-to-unseat-zaake/

In response to Kintu’s letter to Luzzi on Monday evenning, Mityana district Chairman Counsel Joseph Luzige said Kintu was being misled.
“My chairman, as a member of DEC I petition you to call an executive meeting over this and DISO allegations against us.” Writes Luzige. 
He said, “I am a lawyer by profession and I know for sure that DISO’s  actions and allegations against us your members  apart from not being party actions are nonsensical and bound to cause divisions in the party and you are falling prey to that.”
“Your letter should condemn the DiSO’s action. I can never blame a radio for announcing the death of a person!!! The actual killing was done by the DISO, his actions are dividing the party.” Mr. Luzige warned.
In his wise counsel, Chairman Luzige said he believe its wrong to cause a meeting of the disciplinary committee over a document which is not NRM or authored by Party structure.
“That document helps you to know who is destabilising your people. Take charge of your party and condemn its false contents. 
You are transcending into more turbulent waters because as a human rights lawyer and member of NRM I don’t think the course you have taken is right.” Luzige said punching holes in a letter Kintu wrote to Luzzi.
He referred him to NRM Secretary General or Legal advisor before the invited disciplinary committee sits.
What shocked Mityana people, the next day is the fact that Chairman Luzige was brutally arrested by soldiers, which annoyed President Museveni, State House, top army Generals, NRM leaders and the public.
Did DISO and Kintu Agrovet have a hand in this? Story for another day.

Also read: https://www.newseditor.co.ug/2020/07/08/state-house-intervenes-updf-soldiers-who-assaulted-chairman-luzige-to-be-tried-by-a-field-court-martial-in-mityana-army-withdrawn/

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Ssemaganda (in a red tshirt) joined by Bukoto Mid-West youth to clean Lwengo Hospital


THE road to the 10th Parliament for People Power’s dangerman in Bukoto Mid-West Nicholas Ssemaganda has been cleared after his endorsement by the Born Again and the Catholic church leaders who Lwengo District Political analysts say, determine the Constituency politics.
This comes at a time when Mr. Kagumba,  Masaka Municipality MP Mathias Mpuuga’s candidate has considered pulling out of the race to allow the son of the soil Ssemaganda sail through without any disturbances.

OUR MAN: Bukoto Mid-West youth lift high Ssemaganda on arrival at Kyeyagalire play ground in Ndagwe to launch Ssemaganda Tournament

The incumbent Kasozi Muyomba is having sleepess nights due to pressure from within  NRM party saying he has totally failed to deliver and therefore they want him out of Parliament.
The party card is expected to be fought for by about four people.
Former MP Eddie Ssejjoba is also bouncing back for the race.

During a political meeting organised at a Masaka Hotel organised by MP Mpuuga and other senior opposition politicians to identify People Power cordinators and candidates for 2021 General elections in Greater Masaka, both Kagumba and Ssemaganda showed interest for Bukoto Mid-West MP seat.
However, Ssemaganda pulled the show and performed better than Kagumba. By the end of meeting, the best candidate had been identified. 

BOBI BLESSINGS: People power leader Kyagulanyi meeting Ssemaganda over Lwengo issues

Unlike Kagumba, Ssemaganda is a born of Ndagwe in Bukoto Mid-West, Lwengo district.

Receiving a Power Generator of Perkins type which costed him over 5M, a happy Pr. George William Kakooza of Kasensero Revival Center in Ndagwe Subcounty said God who answered their prayer should see Ssemaganda to Parliament in 2021.
“Our Lord Jesus, it’s you who brought Nicholas Ssemaganda to us just like you gave us your son Jesus Christ as a sign that you love us.” Said Pr. Kakooza while praying for Ssemaganda to win 2021 Bukoto Mid-West MP seat.
He prayed, “Just like you gave us your son to show your love to this World, Nicholas Ssemaganda has also got his seed and planted it in our church. God bless him with a long life,favour and excellence.
“Let his desire to become our MP be fulfilled and when he wins this Constituency as our next MP, we will gather as your people to testify, praise and worship you for this.” Prayed Pr. Kakooza who leads a church with membership of over 400 followers. 
Kakooza said, because Ssemaganda has been faithful and delivered his pledge to this church, may God provide for his campaigns when they kick off and fight all his political enemies. 

Pastor Kakooza and faithfuls of Kasensero Revival Center in Ndagwe Subcounty praying for Nicholas Ssemaganda after he bought a power generator for this church.

“As members of this Church, he is our candidate and we will continue praying and mobilizing for our son. He will never leave this land without leadership blessings.
We anoint him as our next member of Parliament.” Pr. Kakooza prayed in the presence of other Church leaders who appreciated Ssemaganda for fulfilling his promise to God.
Church had a need of a power generator and raised a contribution of 500,000/= (Five hundred thousand only).
When Ssemaganda a son of this village visited this Church,  he was briefed about the project of buying a generator and how much they had collected.
“We know you are a powerful businessman in Kampala, go and buy us a very good generator at 500,000.” Church asked Ssemaganda. 
He however, sent for a brand new 1st class generator from China at a cost of 5M.
Delivering it, Ssemaganda told church, “I indeed looked for the best. I ordered for it from abroad. Our church deserved the best.”
He applauded Church for the support and promised to always be available in doing God’s work.

A few days ago, Nicholas Ssemaganda met Catholic leaders at Makondo Parish. Ssemaganda was accompanied by a team of his campaigners and they shared campaign notes.
We are reliably informed, a message has been already sent and circulated to different Catholic Parishes in Bukoto Mid-West Constituency endorsing their own Nicholas Ssemaganda with whom they have very  strong attachments. 
Ssemaganda is in Catholic Church’Street good books.
The message was sent to Makondo, Mbiriizi and Namabaale Catholic Parishes. 
At Nanywa Catholic Church in Misenyi, Lwengo, Nicholas Ssemaganda is a darling. He was pivotal in the church construction. 

He has already launched activities in the constituency which has made this Nakasero hardware businessman sell like a hot cake most especially amongst the youth, women and the elderly.

Ssemaganda accompanied by his team donating mattresses to Lwengo Health Centre

Recently, Ssemaganda led a group of People power youth to carry out community work at Lwengo Health Centre which they found on a sick bed. The toilets were full, the area was over grown with bushes around the hospital, children and mothers share a ward, beds had no mattresses to say the least. They also found that the facility lacked drugs and medics abscond from duty. “All these are happenning when the area MP Muyomba Kasozi is in Kampala enjoying while in Parliament he is mute. We as the children born in Lwengo can’t allow such a personn to represent us. I have come out to replace him, our people need their share of the national cake. I will lobby for it, i will speak and be heard on behalf of Bukoto Mid-West.” Said Ssemaganda.
Muyomba is among the top MPs in the 10th Parliament who has almost said nothing now for four years.
A born of, Ndagwe village,  Kisaalira Zone in Ndeeba town, Ssemaganda launched his Easter cup tournament last year at Kyeyagalire play ground in Ndagwe. Eighteen clubs participated in this tournament. They included; 
Lwengo, Mbirizi fc, Nakyenyi, Kibulooka, Ndeeba Socer Academy, Ex International and others.
He gave each participating club balls and other requirements.
Ssemaganda is born to late Maria Gorette Nalubega and Kisakye Kalooli. His parents died while he was young andg grew up with Mzee Musenze, his grand father who was a successful businessman in Lwengo.

SPORTSMAN: Ssemaganda launching his Tournament in Bukoto Mid-West

He is a money magnet, very popular among youth, connected to opinion leaders and religious leaders in Lwengo, linked to the leadership of Buganda Youth Council(BYC) and is a sportsman.
A few weeks back, unkown people attempted to kill him by poisoning but he was rushed to hospital and his life saved.
NRM camp in Bukoto Mid-West is already in a  panic mood, People Power is set to give them a hardtime.

For comments on this story, you can also send an sms or Whatsapp us on 0792 735 159



UPDF Division Court Martial for General Headquarters sworn in, commences business


FOLLOWING the arrest of four UPDF officers who were involved in an incident where they assaulted, manhandled and brutally arrested the Mityana District LCV Chairman Counsel Joseph Luzige, Army has directed that UPDF soldiers in Mityana to go back to their Base and will only come out upon request by the police.


Also read: https://www.newseditor.co.ug/2020/07/08/ull-pay-for-your-sins-updf-arrests-4-undisciplined-officers-sent-to-court-martial-over-battering-mityana-lc-v-boss-luzige/
Army has also ruled that,  the four arrested officers (and others who will be implicated after investigations), will be paraded, tried and prosecuted by a field court-martial that will be held in Mityana.
They are; L/Cpl Simon Peter Anguria, Pte Simon Odeke, Pte Caroline Musundi and Pte Isaac Okello. 
This was communicated by three senior leaders in the Army sent by Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) Gen. David Muhoozi to make an on spot assessment and confer with both the district leaders and the district security committee.
The sent team included: Maj Gen. Sam Kavuma the Deputy Commander Land Force (D/CLF), Maj Gen Samuel Kawaga (1Div Commander) and Maj Gen. Henry Masiko the Chief of Political Commissar (CPC).

Soldiers grabbing NRM’s Joseph Luzige

In a Statement released by Chairman Luzige shortly after a Security meeting held today July 8th  2020 at the District Headquaters in company of the team sent by CDF Gen. David Muhoozi, UPDF has condemned the acts of their officers metted out on this senior civilian leader and assured the people of Uganda particularly Mityana that they condemn the assault of Lawyer Luzige and all people in the entire country. They also stressed that all soldiers that assaulted me are under custody in Mityana District.
“They have further stated that their trial and persecution shall be by a field Court martial held here in Mityana.” Reads Counsel Luzige’s statement.
He said, “The Army has also assured the people of Mityana that no more assault or beating shall take place and they have directed that UPDF soldiers in Mityana go back to their Base and will only come out upon request by police.”

Fellow Country men and good people of Mityana, I issue this statement explaining the circumstances that led to my assault by UPDF soldiers yesterday July  2020 at around 6:00pm.
I was driving through Mityana Town when I came across  a group of soldiers caining and assaulting a woman who had been carried on a bodaboda. 
She fell down, got injuries but the beating continued. Meanwhile, another soldier was forcing a certain shopkeeper to close before curfew time.
I parked my vehicle and asked them why they were beating people. I had earlier received reports that a one Wilberforce  Kakumba, one of the NRM Aspirants for MP Mityana Municipality was also beaten a few days a go during broad day light. That is in addition to the numerous complaints I got from the general public on the same issue.
The soldiers who were drank, instead assaulted me and dragged me up to the police station where their commander Lt. Col. Kakonge immediately arrested one of them. The video that circulated informed the various officers who immediately intervened.
I am grateful to State House, Lt. Col. Edith Nakalema, The Chief of Defence Forces (CDF)Gen. David Muhoozi, The Director General CMI, The Army Spokesman Brig. Richard Karemire, Maj. Gen. Kiwanuka, Maj. Gen. Kawagga and others including my friend Ssebina Ssekitooleko for explaining to me that those were individual actions and that the army was to prosecute them.
Under Article 183 of the Constitution, I am the political head of the district and Article 183 (2) (b) I monitor the General Administration of the district. Under Article 183 (2) (d) I cordinate and monitor Government functions including provision of security or otherwise and report to Government accordingly.
The Local Government Act Cap. 243, section 13 provides my roles which all include ensuring the General well being of the people in my District. And it is therefore my responsibility to ensure that no one mistreats my people.
I call upon the people of Mityana town to stay calm and also obey all the Presidential Directives on Covid-19. Thank you UPDF, thank you State House.

In other news, Members of the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces’ (UPDF) Division Court Martial (DCM) for General Headquarters that sits in Bombo barracks have sworn in to serve for a one-year term having been appointed by the President and Commander-In-Chief of the UPDF, H.E Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.
In a Statement released by Defence Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Richard Karemire on Wednesday, appointments came after the expiry of the last instrument in May 2020.
The Judge Advocate, Maj Moses Emitu administered the swearing in process. Members swore to try accused persons before the court based on evidence and to administer justice in line with the UPDF Act 7 of 2005 with impartiality, and no favor or affection. They also swore not to communicate or disclose on any account at any one time to anyone the court proceedings.
The Court Chairman is Col Edison Muhanguzi, the Political Commissar is Lt Col Patrick Matovu, Maj GM Bamwitirebye is the Prosecutor, and Lt AO Awiya serves as the Defense Lawyer. Other members are Lt Col Milton Simba, Maj DO Obadiah Ngobi, Capt MR Tarimpayo, Capt JE Kamayonza, and WO1 Ssekalombi Mariam. L/Cpl Wambwa Rogers Joel is the court clerk.
The DCM commenced business immediately after members completed the swearing in session. The court partially handled two cases involving S/Sgt Aliganyira M Eria charged with failure to protect war material, and Sgt Batabaire David charged with fraud, both acts being contrary to the UPDF Act 7 of 2005. The duo applied for bail but were denied after prosecution contested on grounds of security and public safety. The latter also had other pending charges in the Unit Disciplinary committee.
The Courts in the UPDF are Court Martial Appeal Court that sits in Makindye, General Court Martial in Makindye, Division Court Martial in all the UPDF Divisions and Unit Disciplinary Court at Brigade level.



SAD! Officers in uniform brutally arrest Chairman Luzige who was cautioning them on mistreating civilians


THE Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) Gen. David Muhoozi has sent a team of senior leaders in the Uganda Peoples Defence Forces (UPDF) to Mityana where Counsel Joseph Luzige, the LC V Chairman was manhandled by undisciplined officers in uniform and brutally arrested. 
CDF has directed them to make an on spot assessment and confer with both the district leaders and the district security committee.
The sent team include: Maj Gen Sam Kavuma the Deputy Commander Land Force (D/CLF), Maj Gen Sam Kawaga (1Div Commander) and Maj Gen. Henry Masiko the Chief of Political Commissar (CPC).
Meanwhile, four officers who were involved in battering and man handling Chairman Joseph Luzige have been arrested and are to be prosecuted in the military court.
They are; L/Cpl Simon Peter Anguria, Pte Simon Odeke, Pte Caroline Musundi and Pte Isaac Okello. 

Luzige being manhandled by security officials in Mityana yesterday

According to Brig. Gen. Richard Karemire, UPDF Spokesman, investigations have also commenced. 
The heartless incident happened yesterday evenning in Mityana, when Chairman Luzige came in to talk to security men who included UPDF soldiers, Police and LDUs to stop their brutality on civilians.
It is alleged that a patrol squad in Mityana beat up bodaboda cyclists who did not observe Presidential directives to stop at 5pm.
“Chairman Luzige was called to come and save his people from the hands of the blood thirsty security officers. When he tried to talk to them, they man handled and brutally arrested this senior leader in the district.” Said an eye witness.
Attempts by residents to shout at the security officers not to embarrass their District governor where fruitless as they kept manhanddling him, an act which has annoyed top government officials.
Luzige is a senior NRM cadre and was once a Lawyer attached to State House.
In a video that has gone viral on social media, he was heard introducing himself to these officers as the District LCV Chairman but all in vain! 

In a press statement released by UPDF Spokeperson released today, Brig. said the UPDF regrets this gross act of indiscipline that is not characteristic of the UPDF as a people’s army.
The statement reads, “Yesterday on July 7, 2020, a patrol squad on routine duty in Mityana Municipality manhandled the LCV Chairman for Mityana District Mr Joseph Luzige. The circumstances are yet to be established.”
Karemire says this incident, no doubt has attracted a lot of attention from the members of the public and the leaders in Mityana district and beyond.
“We wish to restate that discipline remains a core value and bedrock on which the UPDF was founded.  Anyone who deviates from this will always be punished according to the established laws.” Reads the Statement.
It continues to say,  “There are examples to prove this in the recent past like a soldier in Kasese was sentenced to 35 years imprisonment and an LDU personnel was yesterday sentenced to life imprisonment all because of unprofessional conduct.”
“We therefore strongly condemn this act meted out against one of our senior civilian leaders.” Says Defence Spokesperson.
He said, the UPDF wishes to reiterate its full commitment and loyalty to the people of Uganda and will always remain subordinate to the civilian authority as provided for under Article 208 of the Constitution.
“There is no need to lose heart over these incidents.  A comprehensive review of these deployments to enforce anti-COVID 19 measures is soon to take place and we expect better results.” Reads statement signed by Brig. Gen. Richard Karemire psc, fwc, Defence Spokesperson. 

Counsel Moses Kabuusu has said, “Its disheartening to watch this when soldier pretend to be above the law and harass political leaders plus legal friends like this.”
“I know ULGA will come out and fight for him.ULS also needs to come out and probe the matter to find out what exactly happened and how it ended.” Said counsel Kabuusu.
Fredrick Mujjuzi yesterday night wrote on NRM CENTRAL REGION platform that, “LDUs have strongly and almost successfully taken away the NRM security pillar. Many people have always voted NRM saying President Museveni brought peace. Now see how these LDUs are misbehaving!”
“That gun is a very deadly weapon in the hands of a wrong individual.These acts of LDUs seem to portray LDUs to be in-charge if a district Chairperson elected by the people can be treated like a pig.” Writes NRM’s Mujjuzi.
On the same platform, one Umar wrote, “Mzeee shoud come out and respond to them or else people are going to get fed up and battle with them seriously.”
Abraham Luzzi, NRM flag bearer and  contestant for MP Mityana Municipality said, “Security officers fall under the RDC. He chairs district security meetings. Is he fearing them? He must be incompetent. We request the president to send us another RDC.”

The functions of the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces are—
(a) to preserve and defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Uganda;
(b) to cooperate with the civilian authority in emergency situations and in cases of natural disasters;
(c) to foster harmony and understanding between the defence forces and civilians; and
(d) to engage in productive activities for the development of Uganda.

Mityana is in news these days over security problems which must be sorted out as soon as possible.
The News Editor Media on Monday published a story about leaked intelligence report by District Internal Security Officer  (DISO) Fabiano Niwagaba in which he pinned Hon. Minister Godfrey Kiwanda Ssuubi, Hon. Henry Kamya Makumbi, Counsel Luzige and others for not supporting minister Judith Nabakooba. Counsel Luzige called this ‘Nonsense’. Also readhttps://www.newseditor.co.ug/2020/07/06/mityana-diso-in-trouble-over-leaked-intelligence-report-on-mp-zaake-ministers-kiwanda-nabakooba-chairman-luzige/



FROM LEFT: Luzzi, Lydia Wanyoto, Rose Namayanja, Kasule Lumumba and Hon. Kiwanda (extreme right) during ground breaking of the NRM offices at Kunywa in Busimbi Division, Mityana.


THE 2021 Mityana Municipality member of Parliament race will be one of the hottest ever if NRM delegates in Mityana make no mistake and award money-magnet Abraham Luzzi a ticket to tussle it out with the  incumbent Francis Butebi Zaake.
Luzzi who declared his intention to contest for member of Parliament Mityana Municipality on ruling NRM party ticket in 2017, all indicators show, the 37 years youngman will massively win NRM Primaries.
This is in consideration of NRM big guns Luzzi has rallied to secure a party ticket both from Plot 10 Kyadondo Headquaters in Kampala and local leaders in Mityana who have already endorsed his candidature so that he uproots Zaake.

LUZZI: Ready for the battle

Both are in the same age bracket, share support from youth groups, financially sounding and very good at mobilization indicating that the Zaake-Luzzi 2021 MP race will be a real political battle ever in the history of Mityana, all cameras will be on Mityana, they will put up a very hot contest.
Speaking to the News Editor Media ahead of NRM Primaries, Luzzi who comes from a very staunch NRM family said, “I have offered myself and i will win Mityana Municipality MP seat for my beloved party NRM. I have the good will of our National Chairman President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, Secretary General Rt. Hon. Kasule Lumumba, Party Treasurer Hon. Rose Namayanja Nsereko and our leaders in Mityana. I am in their good books.”
Luzzi is talked about as a superb NRM mobilizer whom fellow students at Nkumba University remember as an NRM guru, that was a great preacher of the gospel of the ruling Party. 
A young smart Luzzi said, “Any one questioning my loyalty to NRM must be having a very big problem. I have a party card and my name appears in the yellow book.”
He told us, “I have come to liberate Mityana Municipality. I have come to give our people perfect representation in the August House, I will be a leader who listens to all and to those knowing me, am a great lobbyist.”
“Luzzi isn’t a beggar, he isn’t corrupt, just a hardworking youngman who preaches NRMgospel, wants to go to Parliament and be a bold voice for Mityana Municipality.” He told this media house. 
In the NRM primaries, Luzzi is expected to tussle it out with John Mary Bugembe Kamya, husband to State Minister for Kampala Hon. Benny Namugwanya. She is also Woman MP Mubende district. 
The Bugembes have a school in Nakibanga, a village boardering Mityana Municipality and Busujju.

John Mary Bugembe

2016 NRM candidate Charles Sserugga Matovu ‘Munnakyalo’ is expected not to return for the battle. 
Another likely candidate for the NRM primaries is Wilberforce Kakumba, former admin NRM office, Mityana.
There is an allegation that Kakumba candidature is bankrolled by tycoon Emanuel Butebi Ssembuusi, MP Zaake’s father.
Butebi’s motive, insiders say, is to crash NRM by fronting a weaker candidate to make his son again sail through without disturbance.

Wilberforce Kakumba

Political analysts in Mityana say, Zaake’s camp is very much worried about Luzzi’s candidature. In fact, it’s fine for them if NRM fronts either Bugembe or Kakumba because the two can easily be defeated. If Luzzi  is given the NRM party ticket, he is bound to  give the opposition a very hard time.
There is circulating information that, NRM top leadership in Mityana is already infiltrated by Zaake’s camp to block Luzzi and all games are being played to sabotage and blackmail this ambitious youngman.
(In our next story, we will expose one by one)

The News Editor Media has exclusively learnt about a team of State House officials deployed by President Museveni, the ruling Party supreme leader to write him a report about Mityana politics ahead of 2021 General elections.


In the intelligence briefing, the Head of State was briefed about Abraham Luzzi, a youngman who is well entrenched in youth groups, women groups, financially independent, a good NRM mobilizer, injecting funds in sports and preaching about NRM achievements.
This is when President Museveni sent a team led by his Private Secretary and advisor on youth and Entrepreneurship Dr. Emanuel Hillary Musoke commonly known as Junior Kisanja to meet Mr. Luzzi over his 2021 ambitions.
In the meeting, Dr. Musoke Kisanja told Luzzi, “We have been sent by His Excellency the President to encourage you on, he appreciates your efforts towards your NRM Party and government at large.”
“Mr. President is aware of your efforts to encourage youth to work hard and desist from acts of violence. Please go on with your intentions to contest for Member of Parliament Mityana Municipality, NRM is very proud of you.” Said Musoke Kisanja.
This meeting came after rumours made rounds in Mityana that Luzzi was considering contesting as an independent on sensing irregularities and foul play in this forthcoming NRM Primaries. 
Luzzi’s camp accuses a clique of NRM leaders in Mityana of being infiltrated by the opposition and now taking sides and obstructing new ideas in the Party. 
Dr. Musoke Kisanja told him that the president is very aware of those cliques obstructing NRM and he will crush them.
He assured him of support saying, NRM is a mass party, a leader like Luzzi who ushers in youth especially from opposition, is an asset.
“It’s your right to contest for any position in NRM. Put on your shoes, go and contest, you have our support.” Musoke Kisanja told Abraham Luzzi.

Luzzi and Dr. Musoke Kisanja (in a neck-tie) addressing media after their meeting

On very many accassions, Luzzi has been seen mobilizing youth to subscribe to NRM party some include those who were in opposition MP Zaake’ inner circle.   

Speaking to this media house, Mr. Luzzi said with NRM ticket, Hon. Zaake is politically finished.
He said, in him, Mityana Municipality will get the best legislator ever and his targets are the youth (especially un employed), farmers, women, developing markets, infrastructure and a model Municipality.

LUZZI: Drafting his manifesto

Sources say, Luzzi was sourced by then Mityana district NRM Chairman Haji Haruna Nziiza Kibirige and encouraged him to stand for MP Mityana Municipality on NRM ticket.
“He based on the fact that at my age, I was not ashamed to identify with NRM and winning hundreds of youth to our side.” Noted Luzzi.
No one can shoot down a week candidate. Am targeted because I am a threat. I am annoying the enemy.
He said, “In me, is a potential unifying candidate who will automatically win Mityana Municipality seat for NRM Party come 2021 polls.”
He says, he is going to represent the entire community as Mityana, “In fact, even with opposition, i have been receiving encouraging messages to go on with my intention and stand,  saying I am the best candidate for the seat.”
“They assured me thus, ‘Luzzi we can work with you, you can be a perfect representative and deliver our views to the August House.’ They are all behind me. This must be so painful for Hon. Zaake and his father who are now doing every thing possible to destablize NRM in Mityana.” Luzzi told this Media house .


Since Luzzi declared his intention to contest for MP seat in Mityana Municipality, Luzzi says he has touched many lives of youth who were jobless. 
“I have sponsored their education, trained them in modern Agricultural methods and other sports development activities. Among those that have benefited from my efforts is a very prominent opposition youth figure in Mityana Budoman Katende who was a very radical youth leading all strikes in Mityana. He was team Zaake.” Said Luzzi. Luzzi glories in the fact that he ushered then notorius Katende to NRM and got him baptized. He is a changed youngman now.
He recruited Ibrahim Nzogera Lukyamuzi who was  permanent and private Secretary to Hon.Zaake. Also, Ashraf Kiyimba Freeman the spokesperson for Hon. Zaake defected to Luzzi camp. Another one is Sande Ssekyanzi who was the chief cordinator of Zaake’s ground operations.  “This is the very reason why NRM needs a tactful man like me in Mityana. With me as member of Parliament, opposition will be crushed in Mityana. Hon. Zaake can’t take Mityana into a riot because all his strategists were recruited into the Luzzi camp in NRM.” Said Luzzi, adding, “since crossing to our camp they testify that a lot of their time was wasted with Hon. Zaake who added next to nothing unto them. They now see the future  changing with our new hope.”

Luzzi and NRM SG during the ground breaking of NRM house

According to Luzzi, this plaza which is located at Mityana taxi park was a private public partnership venture between Mr. Butebi Ssembuusi and the Municipality Council. 
The land where this building sits is owned by Mityana Municipality while Butebi funded the construction of the building.
In the MoU, the two parties agreed that when the construction is done, Mr. Butebi will own the lower part (shops) and Mityana Municipality take over and occupies the upper part.
However, after the completion of the building, Butebi Ssembuusi hired the part that belongs to the Municipality. 
Later, after realizing that he wasn’t doing financially well, he handed over what belongs to Municipality to the owners. 
“Notices were put up that the building needed tenants,I put in my bid was awarded the space. I promptly paid the rent and was cleared to take over.” Luzzi told us. 
He said, “On learning that it’s Luzzi who had taken over the upper part of the building,  and that I was going to raise up posters of President Museveni and NRM flags on that building, Butebi started trembling.”
He faults Butebi for having connived with some security officials to block him from occupying the upper part of the building and do business.

Asked about the leaked District Internal Security report which talks about objection of his sole candidature, Luzzi said he is not worried of tussling it out with any one.
However he said, “Now look at that fake and demeaning report about Luzzi’s personality written by DISO. All indicators show, I have posed a threat to the enemies of NRM who have now chosen to influence a section of security officials to preach lies against me.”

SKILLING AND JOB CREATION: Luzzi was the chief guest at Mityana Open Troop Foundation graduation

Because he won hearts of Mityana decision makers who include Hon. Minister Kiwanda, Hon. Nabakooba, Counsel Luzige, Hon. Kamya, mayor Ndyanab, Division chairpersons among others, Luzzi says enemies of NRM are now scratching heads to see how he can be denied the NRM ticket.
 Luzzi is positive that the DISO’s lies can’t be bought by any sane party leader. I personally  support Hon. Nabakooba and she is my friend.

37 years ago, Abraham Luzzi was born in Mityana Central Area, Kibibi garage in Mityana Municipality. 
He comes from the family of Haji Haruna Kibirige an NRM man 311 and a great mechanic. Kibirige is the owner of reknown Kibibi garage. 
He was in fact the initiator of Mityana town. Luzzi’s father is Abdul Kasule commonly known by Mityana people as Muduleeva. His mother is (late) Hadijah Nantaba.
He started his education in Mityana and Kakiri. 
He is an Old Boy of Kampala Central Member of Parliament Muhammad Nsereko at famous Kawempe Muslims Senior School. They are buddies. Nsereko was the Head prefect and Luzzi elected Sports and Games prefect alongside Kyadondo House prefect.
Because he was an excellent footballer, Lubiri Secondary School awarded Luzzi a school bursary. The school gave out two bursaries and one went to Edrisa Musuuza, commonly known as Eddie Kenzo, the artist. At Lubiri, Luzzi was in Muteesa House. Kenzo used to ride on Luzzi’s sports bicycle.
Luzzi did a science combination, PCB/M.
He later went back home and joined Mityana Secondly School Namukozi for Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education. He was in Blue House from where he participated in many activities like sports and was awarded different certificates for being a star. 
He almost failed to sit for his S.6 final exams because he had no school fees. Thanks to Ms. Nakiganda then laboratory attendant who stood in for him. 
In 2008, Luzzi joined Nkumba University for Bachelors in Procurement and logistics Management in 2008.
At Nkumba, he was elected chairman Baganda Nkobazambogo. 
“My patron was Owek. Noah Kiyimba, the Buganda Kingdom Spokesman and Information minister. He knows me very well.” Said Luzzi during an interview with us.
He revealed to us how Baganda Nkobazambogo trained them to love and support Buganda Kingdom.
Luzzi told us, “I was appointed the Katikkiro of Namasole Madalene Ndibalekera for Sir Daudi Chwa. The reknown and ever strongest Namasole in the Kingdom of Buganda. She is in fact the richest woman in Buganda Kingdom. Grand mother of Kabaka Mutebi.”
Luzzi is a great sportsman, one of the big sponsors and administrators of Singo Masaza cup.
He talks about himself as a monarchist who loves Kabaka and Buganda Kingdom. 

FOR SSINGO FC: Luzzi ready to sponsor Masaza cup

During the Cranes AFCON campaign, Luzzi put up prize money for every goal scored by our boys. He bought  every goal at between 5-10M.

EXPOSED: Luzzi for business

In business, he is an international Oil dealer,  specifically dealing in Bitmen oil which is used in road construction. 
This business has made him travel to different countries and he has offices in Dubai, Hongkong, China, South Africa and United Kingdom. He also owns businesses in those countries.
In Uganda, Luzzi deals in land business and Real Estate.

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JAMES BAKAMA, you are an old man left with nothing to prove but retirement and the New Vision should let you retire to save you further embarrassment. You belong to the gone-by generation of journalism, the one that had the monopoly to ransom persons in positions of influence and be paid.

I have refused to pay any journalist and the earlier you realise that I cannot be your target the better. Find an alternative way of paying the education bills of your children and leave me alone.  DONT expect me to call you for anything. I am not the one who chased away your potential targets, it is the technology and times that have shifted.

Bakama’s write up in New Vision which is full of lies according to FUFA President Eng. Moses Magogo

I have watched the series of syndicated and intendedly bungled information, a katogo of opinions and stories that you have been running since I became FUFA President. You are a total embarrassment to your generation.

The FIFA funds are stringently audited by FIFA every year to the detail of a Dollar by FIFA appointed international auditors. FUFA has passed these audits with flying colours and it is the reason why funds continue to come to Uganda unlike many other federations. You cannot police FIFA funds more than FIFA. Byotategera byesonyiwe. 

You have continuously made allegations that “FUFA ignores FIFA on Football for Women”, Now seriously in your head you think FIFA is that stupid that it continues to fund FUFA that has ignored its instructions!

Eng. Magogo riding his bicycle to office during Covid-19 lockdown

You continuously assert that a minimum of 50% of the released funds are for Women, Can a journalist worth any salt display such ignorance.can you quote any communication or authority on this lie!

“But FUFA President, Moses Magogo made it clear that neither women football nor any of the clubs would get a penny of the money”, this is the gospel you are preaching to whoever cares to listen. Is the Bible made up of only one verse.

You have no mission accomplished without my name involved. I challenge you Bakama to quote me anywhere I made such careless declarations inconsistent with the facts on ground.

Are you aware, FUFA has created a league system of Women Football now going to 3 league divisions and the costs we undertake there at? Are you aware three national women teams are active week-in, week-out and at the verge of qualifying for the world cup? Champions of COSAFA and CECAFA? You think that was not a penny? Do you know the cost of a managing a national team of any age bracket?

Are you even aware FUFA is spending over 1.4bn Uganda Shillings in the Uganda Premier League alone? Are those not clubs?

Now what is disturbing is the continued attack by Bakama and other journalists from the Vision Group media outlets going unabated. Are there any editors left in New Vision? We are mindful that our complaints to the authorities inclusive of Robert Kabushenga himself have not yielded any help right from the head himself. Is it an editorial policy to malign the FUFA Brand?

New Vision is a Brand and so is FUFA. We have fought a lot to make FUFA the brand it is, and we are not going to sit down when our efforts are being washed down by un ethical and unprofessional persons like this. FUFA has the ability to protect its brand against the New Vision attack by all means available. Over to you Robert

The Author Eng. Moses Magogo is the FUFA President



Mutumba (in a maroon court) handing over Covid-19 donations to Kkangawo Mulondo. Extreme left in a blue court is Ssekamatte


OWEK. RONALD Mulondo, the Bulemeezi County Chief in Buganda Kingdom has cautioned Kabaka’s subjects in Bulemeezi not to relax thinking Covid-19 has been  defeated. He  reminded them that the virus is still roaring  and eating up the world.
Speaking at a function held at the County Headquaters in Bbowa from where he received three water tanks each with a capacity of 1000 litres donated by RAP & Sons from United Kingdom, Kkangawo (a title given to Bulemeezi county chief) said Kabaka’s subjects must continue observing ministry of Health guidelines to avoid getting infected and spreading Coronavirus.
“We still have Covid-19 cases in Uganda. It is not yet over. We don’t want to lose Kabaka’s subjects. Therefore you are all requested to continue observing the guidelines given by central Government and Ministry of Health to stay safe.” Said Kkangawo Ronald Mulondo.
He thanked RAP & Sons for the donation calling them good samaritans who have given at a time of need.
RAP & Sons originates from Bulemeezi County.
They are led by Dr. Prossy Najjuma together with Dr. Luyinda Lutaaya, the Kabaka’s Envoy in United Kingdom.
Kkangawo said, “The three water tanks will be given to three schools to help them in keeping clean water. The schools are; Kkangawo Junior School, Bbowa Vocational and Bbowa Polytechnic.”
On addition to the three tanks RAP & Sons donated to Bulemeezi County, they gave out liquid soap and sanitizers. 
According to Ministry of Health, regular washing of hands using water and soap or sanitizer kills Coronavirus instantly before it enters one’s body.
Kkangawo Mulondo will use the donations to fight the spreading of Coronavirus. 
RAP & Sons together with T.Cribb were represented by Patrick Ssekamatte and Aaron Mutumba to deliver the donation.
The same team donated water tanks, liquid soap and sanitizers to Kiwoko Hospital received by Dr. Peter Sserwadda.
He commended the team saying,  water is very important in fighting Covid 19.

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WHAT NEXT? Will President Museveni save Nabakooba from what DISO alleges?


FABIANO NIWAGABA, the Mityana District Internal Security Officer (DISO) is in hot soup over his leaked intelligence report implicating Tourism and Wildlife Antiquities Minister Godfrey Kiwanda Suubi who doubles as Mityana North legislator for plotting against information minister Judith Nabakooba.
Nabakooba is the woman member of Parliament, Mityana district.

HOT RACE: Kiwanda will tussle it out with Kibedi Nsegumire in Mityana North

According to the leaked report, Kiwanda alongside Mityana South MP Henry Kamya Makumbi and counsel Joseph Luzige the Mityana district LCV Chairman allegedly want Hon. Nabakooba out of Parliament so that they remain the only NRM bulls in Mityana and position themselves for ministeral positions in the next cabinet reshuffle.
The intelligence report indicates that Kiwanda, Luzige, Makumbi alongside one Haji Haruna Kibirige Nziiza (former NRM Chairman Mityana District) are also plotting against former Minister Vincent Nyanzi who wants to bounce back as Busujju Country member of Parliament now represented by Hon. David Lukyamuzi Kalwanga.
“These fights have led to the three politicians (Hon. Kiwanda, Chairman Luzige and MP Kamya Makumbi) fielding Mrs. Deborah Kyazike against Hon. Judith Nabakooba and fielding Kato Kasujja against Hon. Vincent Nyanzi in Busujju Constituency”, reads DISO’s report.
According to DISO Niwagaba, all this is likely to distablize NRM in Mityana and might give People Power’s dangerman Hon. Francis Butebi Zaake and other opposition figures a landslide victory.

INFILTRATED NRM CAMP? Hon. Francis Butebi Zaake

The intelligence report says, Kiwanda and other top ruling party leaders in Mityana are likely to distablize NRM in Mityana and this might cost the party dearly in the forth coming elections.
Kiwanda and other leaders pinned by DISO Niwagaba now want him fired and be punished for what they call, writing nonsense to his security bosses.
Angry Mityana district chairman Counsel Joseph Luzige has written, “Eee, how can someone write such nonsense? Is your intention to finish the Movement (NRM) by wrong reporting? You are the worst enemy that intends to cause in-fighting amongst us as NRM leaders in Mityana. I am so much disappointed with this DISO.”

LCV BOSS: Counsel Joseph Luzige
Screen shot taken from Mityana NRM forum

For Kiwanda he only wondered how DISO can write such a false report against him!
Via Mityana NRM platform, Kiwanda, Luzige, Nziiza and other leaders pinned by DISO’s report have spat fire and if party supreme leaders do not intervene to save their Party in Mityana, Zaake’s dominance will indeed be felt come 2021 polls.

Drafted in November 2019, the report addresses Political Affairs in Mityana district.
DISO’s report reads;
The political situation in the (Mityana) district remains generally calm except political rivalries amongst NRM candidates.
In Mityana North (represented by Kiwanda) there is hostile rivalry between Hon. Godfrey Kiwanda Suubi and Muhammad Nsegumire Kibedi (an NRM figure who wants to contest Kiwanda).
In Mityana South (represented by Makumbi), the rivalry is between Hon. Henry Kamya Makumbi and Apollo Kazungu the district council Speaker.

FOUGHT BY NRM: Vincent Nyanzi

In Busujju Constituency, it’s between Hon. Vincent Nyanzi (former area MP) and Haji Nuhu Kalyesubula. Both want NRM ticket to tussle it out with popular David Lukyamuzi Kalwanga (the incumbent).

FROM LEFT: Hon. Makumbi, Hon. Zaake and Hon. Kalwanga at the burial of Yoweri Musumba (Kalwanga’s father)

Then there is power struggle and fighting for ministerial positions by the LC5 Chairperson Joseph Luzige, Hon. Kiwanda and Hon. Makumbi.
The three are fighting both Hon. Nabakooba and Hon. Vincent Nyanzi.
Each of the three is fighting to catch the eye of President Museveni for political appointments.
More confusion is created by the funder/sponsor of People Power, the father of Hon. Francis Butebi Zaake who uses ‘NRM cadres’ like John Kabango the NRM Chairman of Mityana Municipality, Kayiwa, Bigambo (NRM Chairman Tamu Division) and Haruna Mabirizi to destablize NRM.
They are with NRM in the day, and with People Power at night.
The confusion was brought by (then) Acting NRM chairman Mityana district Haji Haruna Kibirige Nziiza who among the four candidates fighting for the flag of NRM candidate for Mityana Municipality, favours his son Abraham Luzzi. He doesnt want him to follow the due process. 
Others are; John Mary Bugembe, Kakumba and Charles Sserugga Matovu (Munnakyalo). Nziiza want Luzzi to run as NRM sole candidate. He doesnt want him to go through NRM Primaries leaving the three other contenders very furious.
Nziiza is now, calling the office of the RDC and that of the DISO biased and therefore belonging to opposition. This is because as Security chiefs, we asked his son (Luzzi) to present his academic documents to rule out disqualification.
We also rejected the issue of sole candidature. Thirdly,  we advised Luzzi camp not to rent on ZAAKE PLAZA (located innMityana taxi Park) where People power offices are located. This was to avoid physical political fights.
We also advised Nziiza’s son Luzzi not to use Hon. Francis Zaake boys to avoid infiltration.
Apart from the above, the rest of the conflicts can be managed because we have been mobilizing youth in the district especially in Mityana Municipality and Busujju Constituency and there is positivity.  Youths are now actively mobilizing themselves against People Power’s Hon. Francis Butebi Zaake  and Hon. David Lukyamuzi Kalwanga (Busujju MP) all of People Power Movement.
Comments: The (then) NRM Chairman Hajji Nziiza needs to be tamed for he is busy chasing away people from the party and other NRM candidates because of his abusive language and recklessness.

LEAKED: Page one of the three pager intelligence report

On the intelligence report, DISO attached RDC’s letter to NRM Secretary General Rt. Hon. Justine Kasule Lumumba detailing causes of conflict between the (then) NRM Chairman Haji Nziiza with security chiefs, RDC and DISO. 
Another document attached was of the Minutes taken during a meeting of October 31st 2019 between NRM leaders and RDC discussing the same conflicts.

Commenting on the leaked DISO intelligence report, Nziiza who was recently voted out of NRM chairman’s office and replaced by businessman John Kintu commonly known as Agrovet asked what was DISO’s motive in tearing apart Mityana NRM leaders.
Nziiza said, “It’s sad that as NRM, we have reached this level. Really, if DISO can write this against Haji Nziiza, Kiwanda, Luzige, Makumbi, and others on the list like Kabango (NRM Chairman Mityana Municipality, Bigambo (NRM Chairman Tamu Division), if he loves NRM, why didn’t he invite those leaders to settle issues on a round table?”


“Ok, if I am the problem, what crime did the others on the list commit? Don’t make yourself a saint, making others devils.” Said Nziiza in a recorded audio posted on Mityana NRM Forum. 
The former acting NRM Chairman of Mityana district is a reknown NRM National mobilizer although he claims, there are people who are trying to say that he is not. Nziiza is also a councilor representing East Ward in Mityana Municipality Council.   
He revealed that he has been working for Hon. Nabakooba and preaching her gospel but there is a clique led by one Sserumaga who are reknown supporters of Namabidde against Nabakooba, now hoodwinking the Information minister that she is their darling. 
“To my surprise, today we are seen as Nabakooba haters.” Noted Haji Nziiza. He said, during NRM District chairman elections, “I was fought by every one, but I kept quiet. I lost but have never revenged against any one. I am asking you, to tell every one that we have been hating Nziiza for nothing because that man only speaks the truth.”
In an election held at Saza grounds in Mityana, Nziiza was beaten hands down.
The winner Kintu is a businessman and proprietor of Agrovet Institute, Mityana School of Nursing and Midwifery, owns Coffee Factories, Chunks of Land etc. He however says, His woes were brought by people like the DISO.
“You said I insulted the office of DISO. That was false. I only told the president what was going on, you turned against me that I was fighting you. Don’t make yourself too NRM while branding others rebels.” Nziiza told DISO.

When Nziiza met President Museveni

He requested Hon. Nabakooba, Hon. Kiwanda and Hon. Makumbi, to call for an urgent meeting that will bring NRM supporters together and settle suchmatters in time. He advised that their is need to apologise to one other and walk as a team. He prophesied that If that is not done, we are bound to see a divided NRM during elections and the party will surely lose.”Now we are tearing each other but you are all quiet, just making strategies to help you keep your positions. Come 2021 I will only campaign for those who have something to add onto president Museveni” Warned Nziiza who commands support most especially among the Banyarwanda living in Mityana. 

Because his name appeared in DISO’s intelligence report, Abraham Luzzi who intends to contest for Mityana Municipality MP slot  in the coming elections said he is also very sad on reading this leaked report.
“How can Mr. DISO reduce us to crumbs? You can now see why we have been realising factions and strife amongst ourselves day by day.” Said Luzzi.

NRM TICKET BATTLE: Luzzi wants to unseat Hon. Zaake

“DISO, the deal given to you by Butebi (Hon. Zaake’s father), will be exposed. You are hired to weaken my camp and every one supporting me. You are fronting Bugembe a weak candidate who will be easily trounced by Zaake but we are closely monitoring you and you will be defeated.” Luzzi who is said to have leaked DISO’s intelligence report to NRM teams in Mityana, vowed.

MENTIONED: Tycoon Emanuel Butebi Sembuusi, MP Zaake’s father

Wilberforce Kakumba said, “DISO is a disgrace to NRM. This is what we have been telling you. More is still coming, just watch the space. DISO became one man’s campaign manager.”
John Kabango said, “Does some one think all the mentioned individuals who are leaders of the party can be fooled by one man the DISO?”
“Please! If so , it means then that the problem is not with these individuals but the people who voted them. And if you have the capability and the capacity to do your job,then you have a big task Mr. Right sir.” Noted Mr. Kabango wishing him well. 
“Am sure your accurate investigation will yield positive results for your party and hope it will make you get promotion to a higher office after all u deserve it. Be blessed.” Kabango wrote.

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EALA Legislator Susan Nakawuki who is remembered for getting involved in sex scandals when she was a member of Parliament for Busiro East in the 8th Parliament has been rejected by ruling NRM supporters in Mawokota South Constituency on whose party ticket she intends to stand!
Nakuwuki who ran out of her matrimonial home that she shared with then husband Emanuel Magoola Matovu to another man shortly after she entered Ugandan Parliament, her interests in Mawokota South Constituency look to have hit a dead end.
The NRM political party is unwilling to give her a ticket. Mawokota South voters accuse Nakawuki of being inconsistent, not dependable, dishonest, a serial liar and they say she is not a performer. According to a document leaked to the News Editor Media, supporters of NRM, a darling party in Mawokota South and Mpigi district at large have called FDC to come for their lost member, for they don’t have her ticket.
“We hear about rumours that Susan Nakawuki wants NRM ticket to contest for Mawokota South MP in 2021.” Reads the NRM supporters’ document, adding, “We are advising her to try else where. In Mpigi, leaders in our party are tried and tested first. Apart from reading about how Nakawuki has been changing men like clothes and shifting from Constituency to Constituency, she has no track record in NRM.”
All political indicators show, NRM is maintaining their danger man Hon. John Bosco Lubyayi Seguya who is the reigning Mpigi district NRM chairman.

Hon. Lubyayi (right) receiving chief guest Foreign Affairs minister Sam Kuteesa during St. John Bosco Buwama Catholic Church construction fundraising function. Kuteesa contributed 10M and 100 Iron sheets

Suzan Nakawuki started her political journey in 2006 when she was elected Busiro East MP on FDC ticket.
Her campaigns were bankrolled by businessman Magoola Matovu, the father of her first children.
Before that, Nakawuki had introduced Magoola to her parents in Nakabago,  in Mukono district. She told Magoola that was her parents’ home.
A few years into this marriage, Nakawuki divorced her husband and ran off with another man.
On realizing that Busiro East will not vote her back to Parliament in 2011 due to her unexemplary conduct and failure to represent her constituents, Nakawuki shifted to Masaka Municipality where she contested.
FDC did not give Nakawuki a ticket so she decided to contest as an independent in a Constituency where she was less known.
From day one, Masaka people refused to be fooled. They rejected Nakawuki’s bid, performing the worst in the race of five candidates, an election won by Hon. Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba.
Voters there regarded Nakawuki an opportunist and a stranger with no attachment to Masaka.
After this embarrassment, Nakawuki vowed never to return to Masaka politics.
In 2012, she went for East African politics as an independent and elected EALA MP until 2017.
During this time, she snatched another man one John Chrysostom Nsambu who had also lost 2011 elections in Bukoto East in Masaka.
She introduced him to her parents this time in Buganga in 2014. Nakawuki has two children with this second man. 
For starters, Nsambu, Nakawuki’s new catch insulted His Majesty the Kabaka of Buganda when this faded politician said he will never pay allegiance to Kabaka, because they are both men with red blood.
This angered Kabaka’s subjects and they shunned Nsambu when he contested on NRM ticket during Bukoto South by election won by then DP Secretary General Matia Birekeraawo Nsubuga (late). Up to date, Buganda people have never forgiven Nsambu.
In 2017, Nakawuki was voted again to EALA and her term will end in 2022, a  year after Uganda elections.
This means, she is still EALA MP for two and half years.
Quoting articles of East African Legislative Assembly Election Act 2011 (section 7) subsection 3 a,b,c,d, Mawokota South voters ask, “Now will she represent two constituencies,  Mawokota South and EALA? Let her concentrate on EALA, she shouldn’t waste her time here.  We will not vote for her.”
Nakawuki has been MP for 15 years.
Changing parental homes from Nakabago in Mukono, to Buganga and now to Mawokota where she doesn’t have even a boy’s quarter, voters say they can’t be duped by Nakawuki. They advise her to return to Busiro East or Masaka Municipality.
“How can you alledge that you were born in Mawokota after telling a different story to the people of Masaka Municipality and Busiro East? Asked Fred Mulindwa.

GENEROUS: Hon. Lubyayi handing over a brand new Bajaj motorbike to Kayabwe, Nkozi Hospital Stage boda boda riders.

Lubyayi’s supporters say, their man is still around and will resoundingly sail through and be handed the party ticket. Let’s watch the space!

In Part II of this story, we will into camps of all Mawokota South 2021 MP contenders. For comments on this story, you can also send us an sms on 0792 735159

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