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BUGANDA Land Board (BLB) has put on notice all Kabaka’s subjects here and in the diaspora not to deal with one Barnabas Ndawula son to late Beatrice and Kato of Kaliisizo in Kooki, on matters concerning BLB, warning that whoever does so, does it at their own risk!
In Part I of this investigative story, we can exclusively report that, Barnabas Ndawula who happened to be the head legal department Buganda Land Board was sacked two years ago after high court found him guilty of forging Kabaka Mutebi’s signature in connivance with one Herbert Musiitwa to steal land worth billions which belonged to John Mulindwa.
Recently, while in Luwero, Buganda Premier Owek. Charles Peter Mayiga warned public against masqueraders who have cheated public of billions calling themselves Buganda Land Board Staff!

For starters, Buganda Land Board (BLB) a professional body was set up by His Majesty Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II to manage land and properties returned by the central government under the Restitution of Assets and Properties Act of 1993.
Such properties include among others; The Bulange, The Lubiri at Mengo, The Butikkiro, The Buganda Court Building, Kabaka’s official 350 sq. miles of land, Namasole’s 10 sq miles of land, Banalinya’s Land, Kabaka’s lake, Former Omulamuzi and Omuwanika’s Official Residencies at Mengo, Land Adjacent to The Mengo Lubiri on which Buganda Ministerial Houses used to stand, all Bassekabaka’s Tombs, Buganda Works Building at Kakeeka, Basiima House and Nalinya’s House at Lubaga. Furthermore, the assets under its mandate extend to include all those as outlined by the M.O.U between the President of Uganda and His Majesty the Kabaka. They include former estates of Buganda Kingdom Comprising of; Land in urban centers or towns, land where former administration headquarters i.e. Countries and Sub-counties where situated, land not claimed, utilized or occupied by any lawful or bona-fide occupant, land on Mityana Road (Jjeza Farm) and former Buganda Kingdom Markets.

What Ndawula used to post before he got spoilt. He was campaigning for a good cause

Our investigative teams have it that, Barnabas Ndawula’s dirty games couldn’t be tolerated at Mengo, the kingdom headquarters. He was therefore shown exit.
Mengo originally thought this was enough punishment until it continued getting reports that Barnabas Ndawula is posing as BLB staff despite his sacking, to con more Kabaka’s subjects.
“We had to put the general public on notice to desist from dealing with Barnabas Ndawula on issues concerning Buganda Kindgom land. He is no longer at BLB, deal with him at your own risk.” Reads official statement from BLB to The News Editor Media.

Beauty and the Beast: That is how Barnabas Ndawula writes about himself and wife Carol

On learning that he has lost it all since the public has been made aware of his sacking, like any dying horse, Barnabas has run to social media, using his Facebook page to cleanse himself of the accumulated dirt. He is doing his best to black mail BLB and It’s officials. Interestingly the public has ignored his blackmail against the officials asking him to instead eat the humble pie since there is a court judgement about his fraud!

Some of good posts Ndawula used to share on his face book page before he was fired

“I call upon the hundreds of people who raised their complaints in my inbox to join me at the police station and we take these matters to the Katikkiro who may now be busy with other kingdom duty.” Writes Barnabas Ndawula on one of his face book posts after BLB warned general public not to deal with him any more concerning BLB issues because he ceased being their staff.

Doreen Nabakooza: Never indulge our Kabaka in your fraud
Simon Madibo: You are a total shame.
Deogracious Kyabaggu: But (Barnabas Ndawula), how can you forge Kabakas signature?
Moses Kigenyi: Ndawula you should refund back the money with interest.
Nakulubya Alice: It is because you seem to be a conman. Barnabas Ndawula, you were dismissed with almost 20 others. Why is it that you were the only one who has been publicized years after your dismissal? The truth is that you were dismissed for fraud related issues that you are well aware of and you have gone on to con people claiming that you still work for Buganda land Board. Many people have reported you to BLB. This necessitated BLB management to come up with that public notice showing that you are no longer their staff. This is aimed at protecting the Kabaka’s subjects who may fall victim to your fraudulent schemes. 
Rita Kibombo: Pray for him to seek forgiveness for forging Kabaka’s signature.
Beatrice Namikka: Ndawula I strongly advise you to remove your case from social media as most of the trolls when it comes to the nitty gritty will not stand with you. They always disappear! The way I see it a lot of mess will come out on social media even mud slinging! You cannot win a war in the media. At the end of the day all of you in this real life movie will be damaged beyond retrieve! There are so many legal and administrative measures you can pursue and get closure on this matter! Asilise teyejusa!

Ndawula on Kyapa mu ngalo. It is unfortunate that today he is speaking in tongues against this good project that has benefited hundreds of Kabaka’s subjects

While still serving as BLB Head legal, Barnabas Ndawula reached an extent of forgery and misrepresentation when he entered a consent agreement on behalf of the Kabaka without instructions from the Principal.
In Civil Suit No. 2464, Ndawula connived with one Musiitwa Herbert Mulasa and signed a consent agreement despite not being one of Kabaka’s Attorneys.
This agreement was later set aside through The Kabaka of Buganda vs Musiitwa (Miscellaneous Application No.729 of 2019) UGHCLD 67 (26th November 2019) because Barnabas Ndawula had no right to do so.

How did it come about?
In 2015, a one Musiitwa Herbert Mulasa sought to steal land which belonged to John Mulindwa. He went to Buganda Land Board and connived with Barnabas Ndawula to form a scheme which included Musiitwa Herbert Mulasa going to court to force the Kabaka to give him a lease on Kyadondo Block 273 plot 4849, land which was already leased to John Mulindwa.
After Musiitwa going to court, Barnabas Ndawula together with lawyers from M/s Kasumba, Kugonza advocates without consent of the Kabaka or BLB went ahead and entered the Kabaka into a consent judgment on July 8th July 2016 agreeing to give Musiitwa a lease on part of this land measuring approximately 0.097 hectares and in the process deprive John Mulindwa of his land. 

Ndawula and his family enjoying

Well knowing that he wasn’t an attorney of the Kabaka and therefore could not sign on behalf of the Kabaka, (At that time only Katikkiro Mayiga and Owek. David Mpanga could), Barnabas Ndawula illegally signed for Kabaka and informed court that the Kabaka had agreed to Musiitwa’s land grabbing and that the Kabaka was to fund Musiitwa’s lease application.
All seemed well till Musiitwa went to execute the consent judgment and Buganda Land Board refused saying it was a fraudulent consent judgment. It is then that Ndawula’s fraud was unearthed. How much millions if not billions did Ndawula bag out of this fake deal, it’s only God who knows! This is a prime land worth billions.

In his November 2019 ruling, Justice Henry I. Kawesa put aside the consent agreement. But this came at a cost to BLB in terms of time and legal costs.
In his wise ruling, justice Kawesa said, “It was evident that the persons who had the Applicant’s power of entering the consent judgment were the Katikkiro of Buganda (Charles Peter Mayiga) and the Attorney General of Buganda (David F.K Mpanga) vide Power of Attorney Registration No. 7934 of 2016 dated 2nd June 2016, and that neither the Applicant nor his Attorneys entered a consent as required by law.”  
Justice Kawesa said, the Applicant is aggrieved by the consent which obliges him to grant a lease on the land with multiple clients at no fee, that the suit land at the time of entering a consent had a running lease registered to John George Wamala Mulindwa for a term of 49 years with effect from 1969 and that he enjoys the right of first option to renew the said lease in accordance with the laws and policies of the Applicant. 
That the consent judgment was entered in total disregard to the law and policy which renders the same unenforceable. Finally, that the Applicant has a good viable defence to the respondent’s main suit and that he Applicant is interested in being heard.
“In rejoinder, the Applicant maintains that the he has never entered into any consent with the respondent and that it was wrongly executed by a person who at the material time was not a holder of Powers of Attorney to bind the Applicant.  That the signature purporting to be of the Applicant (Kabaka) on the consent does not belong to the Applicant nor to his lawful attorneys and that the signatures of the Applicant is that contained on the Powers of Attorney so attached.” Reads the ruling.
It continues to say, “The Applicant (Kabaka) only learnt of the consent judgment when he was served with the respondent’s application for execution and notice to show cause why the execution should not issue against him and as such, that the application is not an after-thought.”
“From the record, there was no agreement between the parties on what was signed, though the respondent’s submits that the Applicant’s lawyer was duly instructed, this instruction covered only representation as provided by Order 3 of the Civil Procedure Rules, signing of consent is to be done by the parties or persons authorized to do the same. The consent judgment is hereby set-aside, as prayed.” Reads Justice Kawesa ruling which exposed lawyer Barnabas Ndawula’s fraud!
This angered Kabaka Mutebi hence sacking of Ndawula from Buganda Land Board.

Barnabas and wife Carol enjoying

During his time at BLB, the organization suffered unprecedented financial loss in terms of inflated legal fees. He was even soliciting bribes from Princesses to work on their files! (We shall come back with that in Part II of this investigative story).


(Arising From Civil Suit No. 2464 of 2016)






This application was brought by Notice of Motion under Order 46 rule 1& 8 of the  Civil Procedure Rules and section 82 and 98 of the Civil Procedure Act and section 33 of the Judicature Act for orders that;-

a. The consent judgment dated 8th July 2016 and the resultant decree dated 20th December 2018 purportedly entered by the Applicant and the respondent in HCCS No. 2464 of 2016 be reviewed.

a. Costs be borne by the respondent.

The grounds of the application are contained in the notice of motion and the affidavit of Kizito Bashir Juma a lawful attorney to the Kabaka of Buganda and briefly are that:-
i. The Applicant is an aggrieved party as he claims a legal interest as the owner of land comprised in Kyadondo Block 273 Plot 4849 Zana which land is subject to the consent judgment sought to be reviewed and set aside.
i. The Applicant has never entered into a consent judgment with the respondent.
i. The consent judgment was erroneously and illegally entered by a person who had no authority in law to enter into a consent for the Applicant.
i. That leaving the consent standing will be an abuse of Court process

The facts giving rise to this application according to the affidavit in support are that; on the 22nd July 2015, the respondent filed a civil suit against the Applicant in the High Court seeking orders of specific performance, payment of mesne profits and general damages.   That a consent judgment was purportedly entered by the Applicant and the respondent on the 8th July 2016 in HCCS No.617 of 2015, however that the person who entered the said consent had no legal authority and as such, that the consent judgment was erroneously and illegally entered.   
It was his evidence that the persons who had the Applicant’s power of entering the consent judgment were the Kaikkiro of Buganda (Charles Peter Mayiga) and the Attorney General of Buganda (David F.K Mpanga) vide Power of Attorney Registration No. 7934 of 2016 dated 2nd June 2016, and that neither the Applicant nor his Attorneys entered a consent as required by law.  That the Applicant is aggrieved by the consent which obliges him to grant a lease on the land with multiple clients at no fee, that the suit land at the time of entering a consent had a lease a running lease registered to John George Wamala Mulindwa for a term of 49 years with effect from 1969 and that he enjoys the right of first option to renew the said lease in accordance with the laws and policies of the Applicant.  That the consent judgment was entered in total disregard to the law and policy which renders the same unenforceable. Finally, that the Applicant has a good viable defence to the respondent’s main suit and that he Applicant is interested in being heard.
The Applicant attached the following documents as evidence of his assertions; – Power of Attorney granted to the deponent, the Katikkiro of Buganda and Attorney General of Buganda dated 4th August 2017 after he had revoked those issued on 2nd June 2016 as Annexure ‘A’, a copy of a plaint Vide HCCS no.619 of 2015 as Annexure B1, a copy of a consent judgment as ‘Annexure B2’.
In reply, the respondent (Musiitwa Herbert Mulasa) through affidavit evidence disputed the above facts and avers that the consent judgment was not entered into by the Applicant and the respondent but the same was dully and lawfully entered into by the Applicant and the respondent and dully endorsed by Court, that the representatives of the Applicant and his then lawyers M/s Kasumba, Kugonza during the course of Court mediation vide Mediation Cause No. 367 of 2015 negotiated the terms of the consent together with him and his then lawyers and that this culminated into the parties signing the consent judgment dated 8th June 2016 in the presence of counsel for both parties and the Applicant’s representatives.   That this application is an afterthought having been brought 3 years after consent judgment had been signed and after he has applied for execution of the same.  
In his supplementary affidavit, the respondent avers that in an additional police statement dated 16thApril 2019 by Mulindwa Vitus Kato (Administrator and son to the estate of the late John George Wamala Mulindwa) which was witnessed by his siblings, that clearly stated that as a family they no longer had any claim over the suit piece of land based on the fact that the respondent is the lawful owner.
The respondent attached the following evidence to his claims; – a copy of a letter of transmission of the consent marked PE1, a copy of an application for execution dated 6th February 2019 marked PE2 and, a copy of an additional statement withdrawing the case marked PEX3.

In rejoinder, the Applicant maintains that the he has never entered into any consent with the respondent and that it was wrongly executed by a person who at the material time was not a holder of Powers of Attorney to bind the Applicant.  That the signature purporting to be of the Applicant on the consent does not belong to the Applicant nor to his lawful attorneys and that the signatures of the Applicant is that contained on the Powers of Attorney so attached.  He avers that the Applicant only learnt of the consent judgment when he was served with the respondent’s application for execution and notice to show cause why the execution should not issue against him and as such, that the application is not an after-thought.
Therefore, what is in dispute is that the Applicant to this application has never consented to the alleged judgment and neither his attorneys consented to the same.
In counsel for the Applicant’s submission, two issues were raised for determination by this Court, to which;-
1.Whether the Applicant is an aggrieved party within the meaning of the law.
1. Whether there are grounds for having the consent judgment reviewed and/set aside

Resolution of the issues. 
Whether the Applicant is an aggrieved party within the meaning of the law:
To find whether the Applicant is an aggrieved party, in the case of Re-Nakivubo Chemist (U) Ltd, 1977 HCB 312, Manyindo J as he then was defined as; “An aggrieved person is a person who has suffered a legal grievance, which has wrongly deprived him of something”.
In the case of Muhammed Allibhai versus W. E Bukenya SCCA 56/96, Court upheld the fact that; “An aggrieved person can bring such application in their own right”. (Emphasis added)
Further, in Robinah Matanda & Ors versus P. R. Patel & Anor Misc. Application No. 207 of 2017, it was noted that the burden is on the Applicant to prove that he has suffered a legal grievance.  To discharge this burden therefore, counsel for the Applicant submits that the Applicant is a registered proprietor of land comprised in Kyadondo Block 273 plot 125 which is the subject matter of the consent judgment.
The Applicant in his affidavit in support deposes that the person who entered the said consent had no legal authority and as such, that the consent judgment was erroneously and illegally entered.  The respondent on his part submits that the earliest power of attorney by the Applicant is dated 2ndJune, 2016 and that it was executed after the plaint and the written statement of defence in the head suit had been filed in Court.  That there is no evidence that the power of attorney or the subsequent ones were brought to the attention of Court except that they were brought when this application was filed after close to 4 years since the consent judgment was executed.
Counsel for the respondent relied on the cases of; B.M Technical
Services versus Francis Ruganda 1997(HCB)
 where it was held that; “An advocate works on instructions of his client and where he does so, he/she binds the client”.
He also cited Olal versus Steel & Tube Industries Ltd HCCS No.7 of 2016 for the position that Court could not set aside a consent judgment when there was nothing on record to show that counsel for the Applicant entered into it without instructions.
According to Annexure ‘B2’ of the affidavit in support which is a consent judgment vide Civil Suit No.2464 of 2016 formerly Civil Suit No. 619/2015 Nakawa, dated 19th September 2016 it was ordered that; “Upon expiry of the current lease of the land/property comprised in Kyadondo Block 273 plot 125 situated at Nfuufu Zone, Zana Wakiso district on the 31/03/2018, a fresh lease of a term of 49 years for part of the said land measuring approximately 0.097 of an hectare shall be prepared by the defendant as a lessor in favor of the Plaintiff as the lessee at no cost”
“The Plaintiff shall remain in possession of the suit property after the execution of this consent judgment till his fresh lease in paragraph (a) above expire or as parties shall agree in the lease agreement for the said new lease”.
“That each party shall meet their own costs”.
Using the above order, the respondent instituted execution proceedings vide Execution Misc. Application No.08 of 2019 as annexure PE2 attached to the respondent’s affidavit in reply.
The 1st power of attorney were granted to Owekitiibwa Charles Peter Mayiga and Owekitiibwa David F. K Mpanga, the consent judgment was executed on 19th September 2016, and the fresh power of attorney granted on the 4th June 2017 revoking the earlier ones. This means that by the time the consent judgment was entered into by the parties on the 19th September 2016, the 1st power of attorney was still in effect and failure by the respondent to prove that one of the signatories are those mentioned in the power attorney renders the Applicant an aggrieved party.

Issue 2.

Whether the consent judgment entered into on 19thSeptember 2016 can be set aside
In the case of Kamanda versus Nakandi & Anor (Misc. App No. 0775 of 2017) Justice this Court cited with approval the case of Mohamed Allibai versus W E Bukenya Mukasa and Departed Asians Property Custodian Board, for the position that; ‘Consent judgments can be set aside for fraud, collusion or for any other reason which would enable Court to set aside an agreement’.  

The learned judge went on to cite the case of Brooke Bond and Hebig T Ltd versus Malya (1975) EA 265; where it was stated that; ‘prima facie, any order made in the presence and with the consent of Counsel is binding on all parties to the proceedings or action and on those claiming under them………. and cannot be varied or discharged unless obtained by fraud or collusion by an agreement contrary to the policy of the Court ….. or if consent was given without sufficient material facts or in the misapprehension or ignorance of material facts or in general for a reason which would enable the Court to set aside an agreement…..’.
Also in Ken Group of Companies Ltd. versus Standard Chartered Bank & 2 Ors, H.C.M.A 116 of 2012 (Commercial Court) per Justice Madrama citing the case of Hirani versus Kassam 1952 EA at 131 where the Court of Appeal held that; “A consent judgment cannot be varied or discharged unless obtained by fraud, collusion, or by an agreement contrary to the policy of Court or if the consent is given without sufficient material facts or in misapprehension or ignorance of material facts or in general for any reason which would enable the Court set aside an agreement.”
Therefore it can be seen that the consent judgment, like any other consents can be set aside on the grounds of;-
a. Fraud.
b. Collusion.
c. An agreement contrary to the policy of Court.
d. The consent is given without sufficient material facts or in misapprehension or ignorance of material facts or in general for any reason which would enable the Court set aside an agreement
In this application, the Applicant is alleging that persons who entered the consent did not have authority to do the same.  The Applicant submits while relying on order 3 rule 1 and 2 (a) of the Civil Procedure Rules that the representatives of the Applicant negotiated the terms of the consent judgment.   However, that the wording of the order applies to appearances, applications and acts which include mediations and signing of Court documents. That in absence of evidence that the Applicant himself as portrayed in the consent judgment or his recognized agent were parties to the consent makes it void.  Moreover, that the consent judgment obliged the Applicant to grant the respondent a lease on land with a running lease at no fee, that the person with a running lease or his Administrators in case of death enjoys the right of first option to renew the lease in accordance with the law and policies of the Applicant.
Further, that the Applicant’s application for review of the impugned consent judgment is premised on the element of ‘any other sufficient’ which is a broader scope under which judgments, like this one may be reviewed.  Counsel cited the case of Linda Lucia versus Edith Nakandi Misc. Application No.464 of 2019 and submitted that the consent judgment in issue was issued in presence of counsel for the Applicant that the same was not binding on the Applicant because the person who endorsed it was not the Applicant nor his recognized agent within the meaning of law. That this amounted to collusion between the Applicant’s former advocates with the respondent.  That the consent judgment was obtained fraudulently as it portrays the Applicant as a signatory whereas not, that the consent was issued in total disregard to the law and that the practice of the Courts demands identification of the parties, that neither the Applicant nor his recognized agents were identified.
In reply, the respondent submits that it wasn’t the obligation of the respondent to cross check whether the Applicant had signed off the stated consent judgment, and that both the respondent and Court had to rely on counsel for the Applicant for purposes of that representation.
On the whole the Applicant has not raised any ground to merit review and setting a side of the consent judgment and that the application should be dismissed with costs.
This Court has the discretion to review and/or set aside the consent judgment and to set aside the consent, I have to find whether there is justification for the same.
It was the Applicant’s submission that the Applicant’s former counsel in collusion with the respondent signed the consent without the Applicant himself or his recognized agent. That the Applicant has a good defence to the suit before this Court.
In the instant case, the ground for review and setting aside the consent judgment is that there is ‘any other sufficient’ cause. In rejoinder, it was submitted that the signatories to the consent judgment were four; – the Plaintiff, his Advocate as well as the defendant and his advocate. That the signature that purports to be for the defendant/Applicant is not his and that it does not belong to any of his lawful attorneys.   
In Blasio Konde versus Blandina Nankya C.A.C.A No.07/1980, it was held that; “it is important and necessary that any settlement be agreed to by both counsel in consultation with their clients. Only in that way should the settlement be binding on the parties”.
And also In the Supreme Court case of Attorney General & Uganda Land Commission vs James Mark Kamoga SCCA NO.8 of 2004 it was held that;
p. ‘a Consent can only be set aside if the consent was actuated by illegality, fraud or mistake. A consent judgment can be set aside on limited grounds’.
It was further held that;
“prima facie, any order made in presence and with consent of counsel is binding on all parties to the proceedings or action, and cannot be varied or discharged unless obtained by fraud or collusion, or by an agreement contrary to policy of the Court………or if the consent was given without sufficient material facts, or in misapprehension or ignorance of material facts, or in general for a reason which would enable Court to set aside an agreement”.
Underlining is for emphasis.
According to the evidence on file, it is alleged that the consent judgment was not signed by the Applicant himself or his recognized agents. Under Order 3 of the Civil Procedure Rules, gives authority of representation by a recognized agent and advocates are recognized agents of a party to a suit, however on the authority of the Supreme Court case of Attorney General & Uganda Land Commission versus James Mark Kamoga (supra), ‘the consent must be made in the presence and consent of the parties’.  The consent was meant to be entered into in the presence of both parties who have agreed on the terms with the guidance of their advocate and before the trial judge handling the matter.
In this regard, I find that the consent judgment was entered contrary to the policy of Court. This was an irregularity on the part of the opposite party/Applicant and hence praying for the same consent to be set aside.
v. From the record, there was no agreement between the parties on what was signed, though the respondent’s submits that the Applicant’s lawyer was duly instructed, this instruction covered only representation as provided by Order 3 of the Civil Procedure Rules, signing of consent is to be done by the parties or persons authorized to do the same.
w.    The consent judgment is hereby set-aside, as prayed.


Henry I. Kawesa

Mr. Mukwaya Edward;  Counsel for the Applicant.
Ms. Ketra Nasimbwa; Counsel for the Respondent.

Wait for Part II of this story. For comments/views about this story, sms on 0792 735 159




KAWEMPE division woman councilor Rukia Namuwanga who was reportedly kidnapped has been found and police has noticed that, the clothes she was putting on were very clean not for someone who has spent two days in the bush where captors allegedly left her. 
In a press statement released by Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesman SP Patrick Onyango, councilor Namuwanga who represents Bwaise I, II and III and a resident of Kazo Central zone, “Who was allegedly kidnapped on Monday 7/9/2020 has resurfaced.”
She resurfaced last evening in Wobulenzi in Luwero district.
According to her statement made at Kawempe Police Station, Namuwanga alleges that on Monday, she left her home at 0900 hours going to the nearby pharmacy to buy drugs. 
She bought the drugs as she was returning home, she allegedly met a woman holding a knife who ordered her to enter the vehicle which was nearby.
She did not recognize the woman or the number plate of the vehicle.
Inside the vehicle, she alleges that there were two men who blindfolded her and they drove off.
She says, when they reached a certain place, where her captors removed the piece of cloth from her face. 
The captors gave her yellow bananas and a tablet. She ate the banana but refused to take the tablet. 
Namuwanga says, she was forced to take it and after taking it she became unconscious.
“At the time she regained consciousNess, she realised that she was in a bush and she was weak. She managed to gather energy to walk up to the road where she met a woman and she asked the woman to take her to the Chairperson LC I.” Says police, quoting her statement on the file.
This is when the LCI chairperson called Police of Wobulenzi that picked her from his home.
“Police in Wobulenzi got in touch with Kawempe and she was brought to Kawempe Police Station where she made a brief statement and Police directed her to go for medical treatment.” Says Onyango, adding that, “The person who reported her case of disappearance informed police that she went missing at 0600 hours and for her she says that she left home at 0900 hours.”
Police is still investigating a case of kidnap.

Earlier, in a press statement from FDC President Eng. Patrick Oboi Amuriat which was widely circulated, he accused Government of having kidnapped Councilor Lukia.
The statement read, “We are saddened to announce the sudden disappearance of Ms. Nalongo Namwanga Lukia, the Bwaise 1 Parish Woman Councilor to Kawempe Division Urban Council in Kampala City. She also doubles as the FDC NEC member serving as Deputy Secretary for Local Government.” 
“Our sources indicate that she was abducted in the wee hours from her home in Kazo – Bwaise, Kawempe  Division by plain clothed security.” Said Amuriat.  
He told media how Kawempe South MP Hon. Munyagwa Mubarak and other leaders tried to reach her but to no availf since her phones were left in her house as the security men whisked her away. 
“We suspect that she was abducted because of her opposition political views and activities. We don’t expect this to happen in any a country that claims to be democratic.” Stated Amuriat noting that, “We see this as an infringement on the inalienable rights of Councilor Namwanga to assemble, speak and belong to a Political Party like the FDC. FDC isn’t an outlawed society.”
FDC President said, “We hold Police and security organs totally responsible for the disappearance of Nalongo Namwanga Lukia because they have the duty of protecting citizens of Uganda and their properties as the law mandates them and there should never have been the perpetrators of such unlawful actions.” 
However police says, Namuwanga is giving a very different story from that of her FDC bosses.

Responding to FDC claims that their member was kidnapped by State Agencies, Mr. Gad Kwikiriza one of ruling NRM top mobilizers urged the Najjanankumbi party and their member to desist from cheap politics ahead of 2021 polls.
Kwikiriza wrote, “Why should govt do that? Unless if the abduction is related to a love affair gone bad!! There is no sympathy vote this time. Tell your members to work harder. No more jokes, carry your cross.”


President Museveni at the demolished Ndeeba Church


NAMIREMBE Diocesan Vicar Rev. George William Kyeyune has denied media reports that he witnessed the evictions at St. Peters Church Ndeeba as alleged. Ndeeba Church demolition took place on August 10th 2020.
Talking to News Editor Online, Rev. Kyeyune has called upon God’s people to ignore such reports referring them to as  false, wholly malicious with the intention to divert church from demanding for justice over the demolished House of God which happened at midnight.
This was in reference to a Daily Monitor article by Andrew Bagala published on Tuesday August 25th 2020 titled, “New details show Ndeeba clergy signed eviction notice.”
The story reads, “Rev. George William Kyeyune was among the church officials who signed the inventory record of the eviction.”
To clear the air Rev. Kyeyune told us, “In March this year, I got a call from Mr. Patrick Wakonyi who was in charge of church development at St. Peters Church Ndeeba reporting how iron bar men together with gun wielding security officers had raided the church premises demolishing the school and kiosks found on the church land. He demanded for  urgent help as the clergy In charge of the church since he had been thrown out of his house.”
On receiving this call, Kyeyune asked Wakonyi whether Court Bailiffs had presented to them a copy of the court ruling before demolition to which he said no.
“I quickly approached Mr. Mpoza the Estates Chairman to find out whether he was aware of what was going on in Ndeeba. He said, “IAM totally green.” I then ran to Namirembe Diocese top leaders for a way forward but because they were unaware  they could not make a decision.I was there and then sent to study the situation and also secure a copy of the ruling from the Bailiffs.” Rev. Kyeyune told this Website.
By the time Kyeyune drove from Namirembe Cathedral to St. Peters Ndeeba, almost everything had been demolished apart from the church which they returned and demolished at night on August 10th 2020.
In the car,Kyeyune was with the Diocese Estate’s lawyer and another unidentified lady who is also staff at the Diocese.
On reaching Ndeeba, Rev. Kyeyune told us that, “Mr. Wakonyi came running towards our car and pointed at a muscular man, who I later came to know was Moses Kirunda of Spearlink Auctioneers and Court Bailiffs. He commanded the demolition of our school and the kiosks. Every one was in fear, children were crying and business owners were distraught. All this went on without the knowledge of Namirembe Diocese leadership.”
When he approached Kirunda, “I identified himself as the Diocesan Vicar and demanded for a copy of the High court ruling. I could not stop any demolition because apart from the church, everything was already down.”
The feared Kirunda who was guarded like a war General backed at this man of God calling him a thief. It was as if he was alerting his boys to work on him.
Sensing danger, Rev. Kyeyune said, “I have come in peace. You have already carried out your demolition and as church, we were not informed. I have only been sent by the Church leadership at Namirembe where this church falls, kindly avail me a copy of the court ruling so that We can appeal.”
Kirunda who is now behind  bars over demolished Ndeeba church agreed to handover a copy of high court ruling to Rev. Kyeyune on condition that he confirms by a signature that he has received it.
“Signing because I have received a copy of the ruling? What was wrong with that? Yes I agreed and I delivered it to the Diocese leadership. It helped us to file an appeal. Anything I signed apart from that, let Daily Monitor produce the evidence.” Rev. Kyeyune tasked Namuwongo based media house.
According to court documents, Kirunda says, “I Kirunda Moses, t/a Spearlink Auctioneers and Court Bailiffs, do confirm that on the 6th day of March 2020, I fully evicted all the occupants found on Plot no. 749 and 750 Block 7 formerly Plot No. 39. I also evicted one reverend from the church area.”
Kyeyune, a very humble and brilliant clergy said there is no way church leadership could witness demolition yet the same Kirunda boasts of throwing out Rev. Kayemba and also conditioning him to sign for a copy of the court ruling.
“All this is drama and am shocked, that a prestigious media house can publish such lies without evidence.” Namirembe Vicar told us.
A few days ago, Judicial Service Commission (JSC) officials met Namirembe officials, among them was Rev. Kyeyune.
On this he told us, “When they came here, they talked about the same allegations that I signed the eviction order. I asked them for proof. They failed. Now Daily Monitor is also spreading such lies.”
Meanwhile, Church leadership is in higher stages to appeal against the courts ruling over the Ndeeba Church matter.



Kiwanda (centre) crying after endorsing Kibedi Nsegumire (Left) his successor for MP Mityana North


YESTERDAY Thursday, State Minister for Tourism and Wildlife Antiquities Godfrey Kiwanda Ssuubi broke into tears cutting his speech short, when he was bidding farewell to Mityana North constituency NRM supporters gathered at Mutetema home, in Kalangaalo Mityana district!
Earlier, his supporters wanted to grab Hon. Ruth Nankabirwa Ssentamu and tear her apart, for declaring how their darling MP had withdrawn from the 2021 race, paving way for Moses Kibedi Nsegumire to sail through unopposed in NRM Primaries!
In a sombre mood, Kiwanda later showed up to calm down his supporters!
Endorsing Nsegumire as NRM candidate for Mityana North 2021 MP seat Kiwanda said, “Thank you Team Kisoboka for your love and support. It is true I have officially withdrawn from the MP race. In 2021, I will not run, am sorry but let me go!”
“My decision to stand down was well thought out and of good intention. I am here to show you my brother Kibedi Nsegumire who has taken over. Support and vote him as your next Member of Parliament.” Said Kiwanda amidst objection from his supporters who turned wild and vowed to defect from NRM citing pressure from NRM top leaders for their MP’s withdraw from the race.
Some of his supporters were seen wailing and the would be function to congratulate Hon. Kiwanda upon winning NRM Central Vice Chairman seat at CEC ended up a mourning fete!
His agents and all Team Kisoboka could not believe that their MP has withdrawn from one of the races, that is expected to be the hottest come 2021 polls.
Kiwanda joined his supporters in shedding tears as he was addressing them, Kibedi Nsegumire tried calm him down but all in vain.

During 2015 CEC elections, Hon. Kiwanda showed interest in the position of NRM Vice chairman Buganda region. Attempts to convince him to leave the race for Alhaj Abdul Nadduli were all futile until Party Chairman Mr. Museveni intervened and Kiwanda tabled very  tough conditions before the big man.
Don’t ask yourself why Kiwanda won 2016 polls and thereafter, again Museveni appointed him a minister.
We must all agree, Kiwanda is one of the best performing ministers in Museveni’s cabinet.
Back to 2015, an agreement was reached upon and Kiwanda withdrew for Nadduli.
In the recently concluded CEC elections, Kiwanda bounced back for the same position and vowed to oust Mzee Nadduli. A section of NRM top leaders approached Nsegumire to also pick forms for the exact slot at CEC.
This is when Kiwanda was asked to choose to either contest in the MP race and leave Haji Nadduli to tussle it out with Moses Kalangwa, Haji Sonko and Kibedi Nsegumire, or concentrate on the CEC position and forego the MP seat.
This former Buganda Caucus Chairman was at crossroads! He finally chose the CEC position and left Mityana North seat to Kibedi Nsegumire.
It is at this point that it was resolved that Nadduli leaves the race or else face embarrassment. Since it was a deal, Nsegumire also pulled out for Kiwanda.
It was agreed that, President Museveni will maintain Kiwanda as a minister, what is not known is whether this will be honoured.
There are fears that he might also be dropped just like AlhajNadduli, after Mzee realizing that Kiwanda has lost control of the people.
With Museveni, a minister can only be safer if he or she wins a parliamentary election.
This is why ministers like Beti Olive Namisango Kamya, Molly Kamukama, Lucy Achieng and others are aspiring for MP positions in 2021. This is only way to secure their ministerial positions.
With Kiwanda leaving Parliamentary electoral politics, he is likely to be dropped that is, if NRM wins 2021 elections.

Confirming our intelligence briefing, minister Kiwanda has told the News Editor Media that, “In 2015, I tried to stand for the same position (NRM Vice chairman Buganda) but I was told to stand down for Alhaj Naduli. They wanted me to retire as an MP and I refused. I decided to go back  to Mityana North Constituency and I won.”

President Museveni and minister Kiwanda

“This time I did the same thing, picked nomination papers for both MP and CEC. Unlike in 2015, this time Alhaj Nadduli was asked to leave the race. After attaining my dream of becoming a Regional leader I could not think of going back to three Sub-Counties of Mityana North.” Said Kiwanda adding that, “My next political judgement is no longer going to be based on success of Mityana North Constituency but Buganda region.”
“My exit is well negotiated with the top leadership of the land. I thank the People’s of Mityana North for having natured me to the level of a Regional leader. So Team Kisoboka just be strong Not even the sky can limit our Progress. We serve a God of Breakthrough.” Said outgoing Mityana North MP Godfrey Kiwanda Ssuubi.

Analysts say, other factors remaining constant, Hon. Kiwanda had lost ground and his chances of being re-elected were very slim.
Kibedi Nsegumire of Team Kibedi had set political ambushes all over Mityana North and there was no way, Kiwanda would survive.

Since Kibedi left Kampala Central politics, he camped in Mityana North and has been splashing money as if he is the Governor Bank of Uganda.
We are reliably told, his funders had vowed to clean all their bank accounts if need be, so that Kiwanda loses this election to city born Kibedi Nsegumire.
He is a darling mostly among youth groups and defeating him is next to impossible. From day one, all indicators showed, Kibedi was going to unseat Kiwanda.
“After winning NRM Vice Chairman Central region, there was no need for Kiwanda to go for an election to represent three sub counties making up Mityana North where be has very little hope of winning. He had to let it g
o.” Said an insider.

Kiwanda first became Mityana North legislator in the 7th Parliament at the age of 25 years. He later lost to Gordon Ssematiko in 2006. During this period, he was appointed RDC in charge of Karamoja and used this office to mobilize for NRM. He bounced back in 2011 and OVER 90 MPS in Buganda appointed him Buganda Caucus chairman deputized by opposition MP Betty Nambooze Bakireke.
When Kiwanda was appointed State minister for Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, which ministry he proudly enjoys, statistics show, the ministry has since registered tremendous achievements.
He told us, “I have raised the numbers from 1.2M visitors to now almost 2M visitors a year.”
He has led different campaigns in the ministry, campaigns like Tulambule, that increases the awareness of Ugandans about their country. This campaign is still running.



From left; MP Ssewanyana, Fred Nyanzi, MP Kasibante and host Bobi Wine at Magere


ON July 31st  2020, National Unity Platform (NUP) Supreme leader Hon. Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi received two Members of Parliament at his Magere residence, one Moses Kasibante from Lubaga North and Makindye West MP Allan Ssewanyana commonly known as ‘Owa bwino’. Days later, the two were among a team of legislators who officially defected to NUP during a colorful function held at the Kamwokya Party Headquaters.
Although Magere meeting was too confidential to the extent that Kyagulanyi did not even post the photos on his popular facebook page, our sharp intelligence team has managed to get all that transpired and why Hon. Kyagulanyi strongly rejected Kasibante’s Lubaga North MP deal.
We are here to report accordingly;

The two legislators, according to our reliable sources landed at Magere ‘State House’ morning hours on Eid day.
The purpose of the visit was to crack a political deal with the Ghetto gladiator over their 2021 fate. The meeting was attended by Bobi Wine’s brother Chairman Fred Nyanzi.
A calm Bobi Wine looked on as Kasibante, who opinion polls show will lose Lubaga North constituency come 2021 polls was laying on table his deal.
“My brother, we have come to discuss a win-win deal with you. It is true we want to join National Union Platform but on condition that, we will be sole candidates in our constituencies. We do not want to have primaries  with any other NUP member.” Kasibante made his case. In the presence of his Honourable colleague Allan Ssewanya, MP Kasibante told Bobi, “Not only do I want my position secured but also, a team of my candidates on specific positions in the constituency. They should not be challenged by any other NUP candidate.”
On this, Kasibante meant his favored candidates running for local councillorship, Lord councilors, Division mayor and probably his candidate for Lordmayorship.
He wanted them to run unopposed without competing with any other NUP member.
“With my position and the positions of my team secured, I will definitely move to Kamwokya NUP Headquarters and officially declare my defection.” Said Hon. Kasibante.
By Kasibante lobbying for sole candidature, his worry was about money magnet Abubaker Kawalya, KCCA Speaker who long time ago declared his intention to contest for Lubaga North MP come 2021.
He wanted Kyagulanyi to put a stopper on Kawalya who even during KCCA Speakership race, identified with People Power.
In fact, Lord Mayor Lukwago (who is Kasibante’s close friend) went bare knuckle with Kawalya, accusing this People Power believer of standing against Doreen Nyanjura who was the Peoples’ Government candidate.
Kasibante sided with Lukwago and they fronted Nyanjura against People Power’s Kawalya.
Thank God, Kawalya defeated Lukwago and Kasibante combined, lifting high the People Power flag.
Now the same Kasibante, without shame, went to Kyagulanyi and asked him to kick Kawalya out of the MP race.

After listening to Kasibante, Kyagulanyi frankly told him, it’s a no deal!
He said, “However much NUP wants to recruit big names like members of Parliament, we won’t be any different from the dictators we are fighting. It’s every one’s right to contest. Here in NUP, we are all equal, no one is superior.”

“Speaker Kawalya has been with us during all situations, bad or good. He is our own. There is no way we can lock him out, that is impossible. Secondly, we cant restrict our members not to contest on certain positions. Please you join and we move together but anything concerning securing your seats and running unopposed, that is a difficult one.” Kyagulanyi told Kasibante.


Six days after Kasibante deal was rejected, Speaker Kawalya led a team of over ten FDC Lord Councilors to NUP Headquarters to officially join NUP Party.
Until August 6th 2020, Kawalya was one of the powerful FDC youth in Kampala who was vocal on issues concerning his Party, financially supported FDC activities and lifted many Blue Party members.
In fact, FDC had nominated him for MP Lubaga North in 2021.
However, together with other FDC councilors who included Faridah Nakabugo, the FDC Caucus Chairperson, crossed to NUP during a glamourous function. They were handed NUP membership cards.

Speaker Kawalya on receiving NUP membership card

On receiving them Kyagulanyi said, “Today, yet again it is a great pleasure to welcome many leaders at different levels into the National Unity Platform. These include the KCCA Speaker, comrade Abubakar Kawalya, several KCCA councillors, Division councillors, and leaders of other areas. I am very geatful for this harvest.”


A week later on Thursday August 13th 2020, Kasibante, Nambooze and Ssewanyana joined a group of other 8 MPs to defect to NUP.
Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba, Medard Lubega Sseggona, Betty Nambooze Bakireke, Muhammad Muwanga Kivumbi, Joseph Ssewungu Gonzaga, Allan Sewanyana, Veronica Nanyondo, Moses Kasibante, Sempala Kigozi, Florence Namayanja and Robina Sentongo.

MP Kasibante showing NUP membership card

Yes Kyagulanyi ushered them into NUP, none will run unopposed as Kasibante wanted.

A few days ago on August 20th 2020, Bobi held a meeting between Abubaka Kawalya and James Mubiru.
Both subscribe to NUP and wanted to contest for Lubaga North MP seat.
By the end of the meeting, James Mubiru had agreed to step down for Kawalya. The former will instead run for lord councillorship.
After the meeting, Bobi posted his photo with the two leaders and he wrote, “We shall either WIN TOGETHER as brothers and sisters or LOSE TOGETHER as fools. I salute you comrades JamesMubiru and Kawalya Abubaker for having the maturity to understand that the struggle is bigger than our personal interests. That is the true definition of the leadership of our generation.”

From left; James Mubiru, Hon. Kyagulanyi and Speaker Kawalya after their meeting

Now insiders say, Bobi’s heart is with Kawalya and he will do everything to make sure this young man who genuinely defected to NUP, wins Lubaga North for People Power.
Whoever thinks that People Power will front Kasibante for the job, you are day dreaming.
All red army foot soldiers in Lubaga North have received orders to rally behind Kawalya.  


Mutaasa (Third from left) with Red Top Brigade officials during a presser on Tuesday


PRESIDENTIAL aspirant Charles Mutasa Kafeero, leader of The Red Top Brigade who was last year arrested together with youthful Eng. Dafala Ssenjako over diving from the Parliamentary Gallery into the plenary, protesting over acute corruption in the country, is back in action!
He has written to Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, contesting his 2021 Presidential bid!

Eng. Dafala (left) and Mutasa Kafeero listening to one of the youth leaders after Red Top Brigade press conference on Tuesday

NRM has however branded Red Top Brigade as jokers of the Century, saying Mutasa Kafeero and his colleagues are dreaming, they need to be woken up.
“Any attempt to block or stop President Museveni from contesting isn’t only joke of the Century but is unconstitutional. It’s his constitutional right to stand for any elective post provided he has the qualifications.” Said Eng. Joseph Mukasa Sewava, National Youth coordinator, NRM Party. 

President Museveni and Sewava

Sewava reminded Red Top Brigade that, “This is a nation, not a theatre where every one can put their brain to creativity. Mutasa and his colleagues have not been called upon to advise the president. So, let them mind their own business.”

In his six page letter which has been already received by the Office of the President, 34 years old Mutasa Kafeero says, come 2021 General elections, it will be a shame to tussle it out with a leader who took over power the year he was born.
“Your Excellency, am the young man you are going to contest with. I was born on the 26th day of January 1986 which is the  day you took over power and became President of Uganda.” Writes Mutasa Kafeero.” Says Mutaasa.

Mutasa Kafeero’s letter to President Museveni

“Your victorious forces took command of the Kampala Capital as I was coming out of my mother’s womb in Kayirira Health Centre, present day Lwengo District. I am therefore as old as your regime.” Says Mutasa Kafeero who has been already issued with forms by Electoral Commission Chairman Justice Simon Byabakama to collect signatures from Two-thirds of the districts, endorsing his presidential candidature.
Addressing journalists yesterday Tuesday at Speke Hotel Kampala, Mutasa Kafeero who was flanked by Red Top leaders said, he will push for President Museveni’s withdraw from the ballot paper to avoid embarrassment from the youth especially those who are as old as his regime.
Reading out a letter he sent to the President, Mutasa said, “I would like to hope that you take great interest in the fact that a child born as you were taking over power, now feels that he is perfectly able to replace you at the helm of this great Nation and it’s a shame that we are going to contest together for this great office.”
He said, his move to stand is irresistible and inevitable “On my part after watching Uganda disintegrate politically, socially and economically, courtesy of your programs and policies.”

Mutasa Kafeero addressing media

Red Top Brigade which Mutasa Kafeero commands, was started by a group of Iraq returnees youth known as The Red top Brigade who in 2016 threatened to set Kampala ablaze if Dr. Kizza Besigye is not released saying his arrest was unconstitutional.
They gave an ultimatum of seven days or else, they take action.
Those knowing Mutasa Kafeero say, he is no joker. He is a well trained soldier who returned from Iraq where he was working with security organs.
With his colleagues who are also trained to fight the enemy using fire arms, on their return, they formed the Red Top Brigade and worked under opposition with Dr. Kizza Besigye.
They are fearless, very determined and connected especially to European Union and American Embassy.
Their activities were mostly seen after 2016 elections where they had running battles with security organs putting pressure on the State to release Dr. Besigye.
In fact, they were the one who introduced Red berets before People Power joined.
Last year, Mutasa Kafeero told journalists that, “I cant tell how many times I have been arrested because of my leadership against dictatorial acts. We are not worried of the persecution and torture. We have defended and fought for peace in the foreign countries, so we should do the same for our mother land.”
They now want to mobilize youth in the whole country and join hands to block lifting age limit and land bill.

In his letter, Mutasa Kafeero highlights the following;

Unprecedented levels of corruption in the government
i)The Executive and Parliament have distinguished themselves as the poster boys of corruption. These two pillars of state have, more than any other individual or institution in Uganda, showcased grand corruption in the last three decades.
ii) This Government has taught Ugandans that leadership is only about looting national wealth and serving private interest; not about building the nation and serving the national interest. Corruption is now in our DNA because of this leadership. Our fathers tell us that when the head of the household has a hunchback, the family members walk with a stoop. Ugandans have learnt corruption because of their leaders who have infected the rest of the country.
iii) You have created institutions strategically to enhance your grip on the country’s power and resources.
iv) Your blue-eyed officers and other people have excelled at land grabbing, taking playing fields, lands of schools, churches and whatever else for themselves in the wave of greed that has swept this country.

Rigging of elections
Mr. President, you very much know that in almost all the five elections since you took over power, Ugandans have contested the results. Your leadership has excelled at skewing the electoral policy and laws to your advantage, making it difficult for your challengers to have a free and fair election. The NRM government has also been able to use the carrot and stick in equal measure to make the Judiciary find cause to keep you in power, every time your election is contested in the courts of law. A sober, impartial, un-influenced judiciary would have nullified your so-called election victories long ago, as far back in fact as 2001.

Mutasa Kafeero launching fundraising campaign

Intentional poverty and un-employment.
Mr. President, one of the hallmarks of your regime has been the rather strange tendency to use poverty as a key tool of governance. You have not wished to have a strong, prosperous citizenry because you are very much aware that such people would present a headache to you. Leaders like you all over the world know that you cannot use an iron fist against wealthy, prosperous people. You have built schools that your own children and grandchildren cannot attend because they are of low standard.  
You have built hospitals that none of your children and grandchildren can ever go to, because you know very well they do not offer anything useful. You have insulated yourself very nicely against the mistakes made and the problems created by your regime. As the citizenry we have taken notice of the proverbial cook who does not partake of his own cooking! Such a cook must be handled with care. 
Under your leadership, employment in the juicy places is limited to those who sing your praises or are related to you. The private sector is very weak and therefore unable to absorb the thousands that graduate from institutions of higher learning; meaning that the unemployment rate is high. We have got pseudo-investors who get free land, tax holidays, state-backed loans and grants to start off, as you showcase Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) attainments. The reality is that these are charlatans who have nothing to offer and as a result, the unemployment rate remains as high as 70%. We question the statistics that your government agencies bring up to create an illusion of prosperity – this nation is doing badly! We have underpaid teachers, soldiers, medical workers and that is the sober truth.

Illegal arrests and detentions, and extra-judicial killings
Mr. President, when you took over power, you promised that state-inspired violence would be no more. You promised a return to a dispensation of rule of law. The evidence on record makes it clear that you have been active in destroying the concept of rule of law. You have personalized the police, army and intelligence agencies. They are powerless and underfunded when citizens call for help. But they miraculously come up with all kinds of weaponry and tear gas and manpower to suppress anyone who appears to be expressing disagreement with your government. Many people have been arrested and detained and tortured and killed, as you shamelessly make speeches about how your government restored peace and rule of law. For the first time in history, we have many people who are getting nostalgic about former President Idi Amin! They feel he did better for this country than you have done. 
This is not a good sign and only serves to confirm that you are doing badly as president.
This is only a tip of the iceberg; but it shows just how far this nation has fallen into the abyss under your watch and it shows even more than anything else, how important it is that you step down and peacefully hand over power to the person who wins the 2021 presidential race.
It is my considered view that the prevailing conditions in the country call for launch of new beginnings; which should feature, inter alia, forgiveness, reconciliation and a determination to put the past behind us and forge a new way forward. We want you off the ballot.
In this spirit therefore, I propose that you consider stepping down from the presidency and allow new blood to take the helm and inject new ideas into the governance spectrum. I hope that you see the merit of not running again for the presidency of Uganda, so that we have a chance to begin afresh as a nation.
I am of course aware that you, quite understandably, harbor the fear of possible reprisals against you, from people that feel wronged by your regime; which makes you presuppose that the best option for you is to hold onto power until you die, rather than subject yourself to the vagaries of post-dictatorship revenge attacks. 
It is my suggestion – and indeed the wish of many forward-looking Ugandans – that you be offered immunity from criminal prosecution so that, on leaving the presidency, you retire to a life of respectability and comfort. Ugandans are too keen on a new beginning, to be interested in plucking the crust off what we consider old wounds. Common decency and African tradition demands so, and we undertake to live by precisely that. 
Mr. President, I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration. 

During the same press conference yesterday, Mutasa Kafeero launched fundraising for his presidential campaigns.

Mutasa Kafeero letter to EC

He said, “We don’t have billions like those we want to send out of power because they have misused it. We are not corrupt but we have our country at heart. We are the true liberators. Stand with us in this struggle by contributing what you have. Kindly donate to liberate Uganda from corrupt leadership.”
He gave mobile money numbers;  +256 780 649 939 or +256 752 631 656

Contacted about Red Top Brigade move to see President Museveni off 2021 ballot paper, Eng. Joseph Ssewava who is the NRM National Youth cordinator said 
He put it that, Museveni is the ruling Party candidate for 2021 presidential race and he has all constitutional qualifications to stand.
He advised Mutasa and his colleagues to first understand that NRM is a mass party and Mr. Museveni was endorsed by millions of Ugandans.
Branding him as God sent, Ssewava said, “Our president can’t be substituted. He will always be the best candidate. He is a performer. Tell those boys, leading a Country is not like leading a malwa club.”

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FAVOURITE: Kadaga meeting Kampala NRM leaders a few days ago


BY the end of today’s National Resistance Movement (NRM) Central Executive Committee  (CEC) elections, Kiboga District Woman member of Parliament Ruth Nankabirwa Ssentamu will be the most embrassed! 
All indicators by the close of business yesterday evening showed, Rt. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga was heading for a landslide victory and will be crowned the 2nd National Vice Chairperson  (Female) in today’s poll.
Insiders in NRM leaked us info on how Members of Parliament and other top party bosses dustibined Nankabirwa’s hate campaign saying it was wrong for her to blackmail the incumbent Rt. Hon. Kadaga who wants to be re-elected.
In a meeting held yesterday, a section of Party leaders distanced themselves from  Nankabirwa’s hate campaign saying they can’t substitute a dangerous striker with an amateur Persis Namuganza!
“We are going to write a big statement on the walls for the likes of Nankabirwa to read for themselves. We have rejected her hate campaign against our maama Kadaga. We will not vote for Namuganza. CEC is not for jokers, let Nankabirwa be informed.” Said a tough speaking MP from Buganda (names withheld).
Supported by his colleagues, this soft speaking MP said, “It’s sad that we the Baganda have continued to be used by opportunists to fight aimless wars! Why of all people should it be Nankabirwa decampaigning  Kadaga? Who deployed her on this unpopular mission? We will not vote for her candidate Namuganza, we have brains!”
All this started after a leaked recorded audio where Nankabirwa was talking to one Luzzi on why she has come out to decampaign Kadaga, for Namuganza.
In the Whstsapp audio Nankabirwa who is the Government Chief Whip said, “I Ruth Nankabirwa, I have told you, we need people who are committed to fighting for the party, not those that betray us, working with the opposition to undermine our party. You have been following on TV how Rebecca Kadaga conducts herself in Parliament. Let us support Persis Namuganza [state minister for Lands] to help President Museveni by working for the party.
“It’s me, Ruth Nankabirwa, this is my voice and I’m supporting Namuganza and very many people are supporting her because this is a statement we don’t want judas who want to use our party. CEC is a very important organ in NRM, I will not work with someone who disrespects CEC, I ask you to support Namuaganza because she will help us,” Nankabirwa said in her audio which has gone viral.
This irked NRM MPs in Buganda saying it’s wrong for Nankabirwa to be used in selling a candidate well knowing that she doesn’t qualify to sit on CEC.
They have endorsed Kadaga and vowed to teach Nankabirwa a lesson she will never forget.
For starters, Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga who doubles as Speaker of Parliament and Kamuli District Woman MP championed the establishment of Certificate of Gender Equity in the Uganda’s budgeting process. This was meant to facilitate social and economic justice to ensure maximum steps possible with the available resources  taken to progressively achieve the full realization of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 
Kadaga believes, Women are crucial in development.
NRM MPs and other leaders said Nankabirwa is an opportunist who is only targeting Speaker’s job calling her a day dreamer.
Speaker Kadaga has incomparable credentials which include;
● A great and living inspiration for being the first woman to establish a law firm in Uganda and indeed many ladies in the country have not only joined the profession but become great women and productively changed the lives of people in their communities.
● Kadaga was the first President of FIDA, a legal aid organization that has for decades stood for the disadvantaged women.
● Kadaga is unwavering on the issues at the heart of women including health, education, environment, female genital mutilation fight and others. The enhancement of budget for these critical sectors has been Kadaga’s number one agenda for decades.
● She has made Uganda proud both locally and internationally through her dedicated service as Speaker of Parliament, Inter-Parliamentary Union, Commonwealth Parliaments leadership, regional parliamentary groupings etc.
● Kadaga has demonstrably committed her life for the NRM and the party is proud because of her genuine resolve to advance its aspirations.
NRM and the nation at large need the continuous dedication of Rebecca Kadaga and she remains the best candidate for 2nd National Vice Chairperson Female. 
She is extremely loyal to President Museveni and her NRM Party yet she plays her cards with expertise and experience which endears her to even opposition leaning members of Parliament.
She commands support in Busoga where Kyabazinga William Gabula Nadiope IV ordered all his subjects in NRM who are voting today, to reserve this seat for Kadaga the iron lady.
Analysts say, Kadaga will win in all regions and her agents include government ministers.
NRM is moving to vote Kadaga in lieu of  her wise leadership during the article 102 (b) amendments where presidential age limit was lifted.
She has religiously worked for NRM, good at lobbying opposition, and her victory today is guaranteed.

Former presidential press secretary Joseph Tamale Mirundi has said that Nankabirwa could be too blind because every speaker who has ruled Parliament in democratic manners has worked with the opposition.
“A speaker must be neutral but because Nankabirwa is too shallow to see this that is why she is fighting Kadaga. A speaker is different from a government Chief Whip, that is why in many countries once you become a speaker you resign from your constituency because you must be neutral. Nankabirwa has destroyed the credibility of NRM MPs because every bill they want to pass she asks for money from Museveni and Kadaga fights it always.
As a political scientist if I analyse Nankabirwa I see her as a very big barricade in NRM’s way of living in the next 20 years,” he said. Adding that told Nankabirwa will never be equal mentally or academically to Kadaga.
He also warned NRM party leaders to be careful because they are many people who worked for the party but they have been humiliated by some leaders within the party who have ill motives.




IN a Cabinet sitting on Monday 4th November 2019, chaired by President Museveni, State Minister for Lands Persis Namuganza was ruled out on the issues of Kisekka Market land saying it was leased by Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) to market vendors.
Cabinet ruled that in any case of repossesing part of it for the  development of another modern market for the ‘Wanainchi’, the rightful people will be consulted and duly compensated. 
This is what Namuganza and her splinter group led by Godfrey Kayita never wanted to hear about. They wanted to confiscate part of Kisekka market land worth billions. Cabinet blocked her deal.
They unanimously said, this land was legally leased by the vendors and any attempt to repossess part of it, the rightful land owners must be talked to and if they agree, are compensated.
Namuganza who had threatened to block development of Kisekka Market by the vendors’ leadership was beaten hands down!
Before this, The learned Attorney General William Byaruhanga first wrote to ministry of Lands warning Namuganza against attempting to sabotage Kisekka market vendors project of constructing a modern market saying if vendors sue Government, this Bukono MP will be liable.
Namuganza was taking sides with a section of market vendors opposition leadership and she was telling them that it’s the government which bought this land for all Kisekka market traders, which Attorney General called lies spread by the minister.
In his wise counsel, Byaruhanga advised the general lands ministry to back off from Kisekka market woes warning that the Market management within the capital city is the mandate of the Kampala Capity City Authority (KCCA) and the vendors’ issues should be managed by the minister responsible for Kampala, not State lands minister Persis Namuganza.
Namuganza did not know her area of jurisdiction. Being a State Lands minister, she thought she would use her office to drive home her ambitions at Kisekka market.
Attorney General warned that if market vendors sue, the Minister will be liable!
In his three paged legal advise to the lands ministry, Attorney General Byaruhanga wrote,  “The Kampala Capital City Authority is advised to settle whatever management issues pertaining to the vendors in Kisekka Market. Lands ministry must stay away to avoid legal implications and crossing boarders.”
The Attorney General legal advice came in after Kisekka Market leaders wrote to lands ministry petitioning the minister about her junior, Persis Namuganza on what they called interfearing with their project of constructing a modern market on their land that they legally leased from KCCA. 
They faulted Bukono MP Hon. Namuganza for leading a clique of people who they called enemies of development to sabotage the market construction by staging demonstrations claiming to have been locked outside this project yet according to the minister and her team, the market land was bought for vendors by Government.
Attorney General branded this typical lies intending to mislead and disorganise Kisekka market development.
In his letter which was copied to Namuganza among others, Byaruhanga advised the minister to stay away from this 1.52B land lease.
Cabinet sat and agreed with Attorney General’s guidance.

The land in question is comprised in LRV 4256 folio 8 plot 9A, Nakivubo Kisekka market.
Namuganza held meetings at Kisekka market and declared a war against M/s. Nakivubo Road Old Kampala (Kisekka) Market Vendors Limited who got a lease to develop this land threatening to recall that title and put a caveat until all the vendors targeted by the president are catered for and allowed to take part in the development.
This didnt go well with the traders’ Association which followed the right procedures to pay over 1.52B to win the lease offer.
They reported Namuganza to then Kampala minister Beti Kamya but she instead went on a local radio and soiled KCCA minister how she cant involve herself in land matters.
“These are not issues of Kampala minister. Am directly concerned, all land matters fall under my docket as the line minister. Going to Kamya is wasting time. No one can stop me from bailing out Kisekka traders who were locked out in a project blessed by my father, the president. He bought this land for all vendors, why are you locking them out?” Namuganza asked.
She revealed her plans about cancelling Kisekka market lease and also take the sidelined traders to top Government officials.
” M/s. Nakivubo Road Old Kampala (Kisekka) Market Vendors Limited either have to involve these other vendors or give away the other side of the land, which isnt yet developed to them. If not, the president who bought this land for traders, will intervene.” Namuganza, who is said to be working on directions of a certain State House lady who wants Kisekka market, said.
However, Attorney General warned this minister to know the repercussions if M/s. Nakivubo Road Old Kampala (Kisekka) Market Vendors Limited chooses to sue her as a person because she doesnt follow the law.
Insiders say, there was a cold war going on between Namuganza and her senior ministers, taking herself to be too close to the president than any of them and for this reason, cant take their orders.
Many ministers including her then immediate boss Hon. Betty Among are reportedly said to have reported her to the president for interfearing in their work.

Reference is made to the letter from M/s. Nakivubo Road Old Kampala (Kisekka) Market Vendors Limited of 21st November 2016 to you and copied to me, among others.
We have studied the issues raised by the Company, studied the background documents and established the facts as follows;
Nakivubo Road Old Kampala (Kisekka) Market Vendors Limited Company was formed in 2007 by vendors in then Kisekka market as a vehicle mainly to acquire and develop the above reffered land. The objects, membership, governance and obligations of the members are well articulated in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of a Company.
Subsequently, the Company applied to KCCA for the above which was offered to them on a sublease basis.
The Company effected all the relevant payments to the tune of Ug. Shs. 1,520,000,000/= (Uganda Shillings 1 billion Five hundred, twenty million only) as premium together with annual ground rent of Ug. Shs. 76,000,000/= (Uganda Shillings Seventy six million only).
The Company was given an initial lease of five years to carry out development in accordance with Architectural and building regulations, all of which the company is complying with.
All payments are mobilised from members own contributions.

In a letter dated 10th December 2019 written by then Kampala minister Beti Olive Namisango Kamya to Mr. Robert Kasolo Kisembo, Kisekka market Chairman (who is being fought by Namuganza),  she said, “Under minute 442 (CT 2019) 3 (17), Cabinet resolved that the Minister for Kampala Capital City & Metropolitan  Affairs repossesses the undeveloped piece of land at Kisekka market for development of a modern market for the Wanainchi’ working in the market on the condition that the latter withdraw their case from Court. The rightful people will be duly compensated.”

Reacting to the cabinet decission, Kisekka market leaders said they are happy, now the propaganda spread by Namuganza team that they don’t own this land is no more, let talks begin.
“We are happy the investigations by Gen. Moses Ali has found out that we truly own Kisekka market land. Those who have been spreading propaganda that we didn’t buy the land Should now lie low as an envelope.” Said Simon Peter Lubwama, Kisekka market Spokesman. 
He however told us, “We don’t have vacant land. According to the plan which KCCA cleared and now we are under construction, the said vacant land is part of the plan. In fact, it is the runway for cars driving to the parking at the top of the market buildings. We will meet KCCA officials and explain this because it is on the plan.”
“Repossesing part of the land means changing the whole plan which is impossible and very costly. The site is already in the hands of Roko Construction and we don’t just access it. So, the deal is a bit tricky.  But this place after completion, can accomodate all vendors. No cause of panic.” Said Lubwama.

On 12th April, 2007, the then minister of Local Government , Hon. Maj. Gen. Kahinda Otafiire wrote to the Town Clerk informing her that he had received a request from the Executive Committee of New Nakivubo Road (Kisekka) Market Vendors Association to develop Kisekka market in partnership with a developer of their choice, Rhino Investments Ltd.
He indicated to the Town Clerk that they had no objection to  their request and supported that they should have priority in developing their place of work. He requested that they be allowed to develop their market provided they fulfil the following four conditions:
i, Only vendors with lock-ups and stalls should participate in the project.
ii, They should present an accepted investment plan.
iii, Should operate as one group to avoid a repetition of various competing groups
iv, They should present a formal agreement with an investor of their choice.
On 27th July 2007, the Executive Director PPDA gave a go ahead to the Town Clerk with regard to the method by which the procurement transaction was handled, stating that “Under regulation 127 (1) (b) of the Local Government  (Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets) Regulations, an entity is permitted to use a method of direct negotiations with the sitting tenant as it is reasonable to give that tenant the first option to buy. The vendors in this case may be considered so long as they fulfil the council conditions and their offer is value for money.
On August 22nd 2007, Kampala City Council (KCC) gave a sublease offer of land compromised on Plot 9A Kyaggwe Road commonly known as Kisekka market to Rhino Investments Ltd in a joint venture with New Nakivubo Road Market vendors Association for a  period of 9years to undertake the redevelopment of Kisekka market. 
The Sublease was offered at a premium of Ug. Shs. 1,520,000, 000/= and ground rent of UGX 76,000,000/=, Rhino Investments Ltd.
Before the Sub-lease agreement was prepared for execution, a section of market vendors rioted, protesting the re-development, resulting into vandalism.
This compelled the Government to intervene by deploying the security to contain the situation and also instituted a commission of Inquiry. Following the recommendation of the commission of inquiry, on November 10th 2008, H.E the President wrote to Attorney General directing him to evaluate and compensate Rhino Investments Ltd. which had been given the sub-lease offer to redevelop Kisekka Market.
In 2009, Government of Uganda compensated M/s. Rhino Investments Ltd an amount of U G X 14.9 billion on the basis that the sublease which had been given to Rhino to develop Kisekka Market by the Kampala City Council was cancelled by the Government.
After the Government compensation to M/s. Rhino Limited, the land reverted to Kampala City Council and was available for leasing to the Kisekka Market  vendors.
From the above analysis, the land belongs to KCCA as the leasor and the Company as the lessee. There is no contention here.
The company contracted M/s. Roko Construction and are in advanced stages of construction of a modern market.



Speaker Kadaga being interviewed by Meddie Nsereko at CBS


RT. HON. REBECCA Alitwala Kadaga speaks out about those showing interest in her seats. Without mentioning any name, the Speaker of Parliament branded them political amateurs with no experience and capacity to bring her down calling them day dreamers who will be defeated.
Featuring on ‘Kkiriza oba gaana’ talk show on 89.2fm Central Broadcasting Service (CBS) radio yesterday (Thursday) night, the most powerful and influential female politician in Uganda said the position of 2nd National Vice Chairperson in NRM she is vying for requires a person with brains, exposure and competence not someone who can’t even express herself.
In the two hours show moderated by veteran journalist Meddie Nsereko Ssebuliba commonly known as ‘Jjogo’, Rt. Hon. Kadaga said,  “In NRM, CEC is the top committee of the Party. We have National conferences and District conferences . The work of CEC is to generate views to be considered by the district conferences and others by the National conference. So, this position deserves one with brains. With my presence at CEC, it is a sure deal that views about our party will be delivered.”
Bukono County MP Persis Namuganza has already shown interest in the same CEC position while in Kamuli, FDC faded politician Salaamu Musumba will contest against popular Kadaga.
Speaker categorically said, those standing against her are bankrolled by her enemies in NRM.
“Let them all come, I will defeat one by one.” Vowed Speaker Kadaga.
In the interview, Kadaga was asked about Parliament work, her achievements as the Speaker, the row between Parliament and Executive, the issue of 10B, Landlord Vs tenants war among others.

We reproduce the full interview, word per word;

Speaker Kadaga in CBS studios

Cbs: You are most welcome Rt. Hon. Speaker Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga
Kadaga: Thank you. I am also happy to be here. Good evening to you all our listeners.

Cbs: Speaker, when our people knew about your coming, they were very excited. They have issues with your Parliament, laws you pass and Kamuli politics.  First in Parliament, you have been Speaker for almost 10 years. What are your achievements?
Kadaga: Thank you Mr. Meddie Nsereko. We have achieved a lot. First of all, Parliament was constructed in the 1960s when Uganda was getting Independence and they stopped at the 5th floor. It has been during my leadership as the Speaker that the 6th floor was added. We are now putting up a new Parliament (building). The one where we sit was originally built to accommodate only 90 Members of Parliament but today we are more than 400. This puts your Members of Parliament at risk. I had to urgently work on a new building, a better Parliament for all MPs.
When I took over speakership, I led Parliament to change Parliament committee leadership. Commitees were originally led by male MPs. I made sure that laws are amended and as we speak today 40% of the committee leaders are women. I put up the first day care center ever for breastfeeding MPs and Parliamentary staff for the safety of their children as mothers are executing their duties. I am happy that other Parliaments in the region have copied us. At the beginning of this year, we amended Local Government laws. You could find a female district councilor representing three to four sub counties yet a male counselor is representing one Sub county. We said this was unfair, that was an overload. I am happy that in the coming elections, each sub county will be represented by one female district councilor. There is also the certificate of Gender equity which I fought for. Now it is in the Public Management finance Act. This stipulates that each budget passed, must strictly indicate which funds will cater for women, men and children. This is the first world over. To me, it is a great achievement. We have done a lot but for now, let me stop at that.

Cbs: Tell us, which controversy has been passed by Parliament under your stewardship?  
Kadaga: Many of them. The first one is Domestic relations bill (Family law). We worked on 16 clauses and on the way, it confused us. But we expect the minister of Justice who initiated it to come back and finish it before the end of the 10th Parliament.

Cbs: Where is the problem?
Kadaga: It involved too much lobbying. We decided to put it aside for a moment.

Cbs: Don’t you think madam Speaker, if this law had been passed, the too much domestic violence where people are killing each other in families would be sorted out? As a female lawyer, why don’t you work on that bill once and for all?
Kadaga: It’s true domestic violence has increased. I will put it back on the order paper for the Minister of Justice who initiated it to return and we complete it. This law is urgently needed.

Cbs: Which other law was controversial?
Kadaga: We have the Landlord-Tenant law. Each party had their own interests. It took us some time, however we passed it, although the President has not signed it. There is also the law on Genetic Engineering, it also involves too much lobbying.

Cbs: Rt. Hon. Speaker, you are not mentioning the amendment of Article 102 (b) to lift the Presidential Age limit!
Kadaga: Yes but this wasn’t all that controversial. It didn’t involve too much lobbying.

Cbs: But it’s on record Parliament was raided by security officials, your MPs were seriously beaten, you even visited some who were bedridden at Lubaga Hospital, many were arrested and you say the Age limit bill was not all that controversial? Yet all international cameras were on Uganda and at Parliament during that time?
Kadaga: It’s true Parliament was raided but it was not hard to find a solution in passing it into a law. The only area which was controversial is when the Parliamentary legal committee included the two years extension of Parliamentary tenure, which was not in the original bill.

Cbs: Who then tampered with the original bill?
Kadaga: It was put in the committee report

Cbs: What is your take about the army that raided Parliament?
Kadaga: It was absurd! I asked for investigations but I have never got the report.

Cbs: Who is supposed to avail you that report?
Kadaga: The President. He is the Commander in Chief. I wrote to him inquiring about his men who attacked Parliament and why. I have never got a response.

Cbs: Are you still waiting for the response?
Kadaga: Sometimes you have to let it go. You can’t keep on waiting all the time.  You just go and do other business.

Cbs: Or you need to remind him? The president is ever busy.
Kadaga: We all have other work to do.

Cbs: Parliament has passed many laws, do they represent the views of your voters? What are their effects on the ordinary person?
Kadaga: It depends on which law. For instance the OTT or Exercise bill, the ordinary person feels it. Look at the Traffic and road safety Act. It’s our responsibility to enact such laws to govern the country.  

Cbs: Tell us about the relationship between Parliament and the Executive
Kadaga: We are moving on…..

Cbs: But we hear voices from Executive talking about you as a person
Kadaga: If you are not talked about, just know you are not influential. Those talking about me do so because Rebecca Kadaga is powerful.

Cbs: Rt. Hon. Speaker, can we then believe that the relationship between the two arms of Government, Parliament and Executive is healthy?
Kadaga: Well they are mandated to bring business to Parliament but if they don’t, we push them. However we are moving.

Cbs: You hosted the International Parliamentary Union (IPU). Public thinks a lot of funds were spent. How does the taxpayer benefit in such conferences?
Kadaga: You see, such conferences are majorly for marketing our country. Uganda had never hosted IPU. We had it that year of the Golden Jubilee of Uganda Independence. It was so good. I want to assure you that a big number of the visitors we hosted in the 2012 conference, have kept on returning with their families for tourism. Don’t you think they come with foreign exchange? We marketed Uganda.
Last year we hosted the Commonwealth conference after 52 years when we last held it here. The first one was in 1967. During my leadership, we had it again. Am sure, this marketed us more.

Cbs: Recently, traders petitioned you. How is Parliament going to help them on tax increment, URA has abnormally increased taxes and many are considering running out of business.

Kadaga: It’s true they petitioned. They brought me samples of clothes many are dealing in. The minister for Finance first told us that this move was to protect local industries but when l looked at their products, they were not made in Uganda. So there was no industry he was protecting. I met URA officials, one in charge of domestic taxes and another for customs and they also talked about protecting Uganda industries. But I reasoned that the clothes traders showed me were different. No industry here makes such products. Ours are made out of cotton, theirs are not. So we agreed, next week, I will go with these URA officials to Ham Shopping ground to see the types of clothes they are complaining about. Because the clothes I saw are not made in Uganda.

Cbs: You want to be re-elected back to NRM Central Executive Committee (CEC) as the 2nd National Vice Chairperson. What is all about this position?
Kadaga: In NRM, CEC is the top committee of the Party. We have National conferences and District conferences . The work of CEC is to generate views to be considered by the district conferences and others by the National conference. So, this position deserves one with brains. With my presence at CEC, it is a sure deal that views about our party will be delivered. Am convinced that I have been giving CEC views about the condition of our people.

Cbs: How have women benefited in your being No. 3 in the ruling Party?
Kadaga: I am a big voice for women like the women empowerment fund, I asked how women are catered for and how we came up with that fund. I need to be in CEC for women to be fully represented. I am still around, give me more support. I have capacity and experience.

Cbs: How are the campaigns? Who are the voters?
Kadaga: Campaigns are on-going, all is well. About voting, the norm of converging at Namboole every four years will not work this time round. Elections will be at the district level. Voters include leaders at the mainstream committee, Women, Men, PWDs, Entrepreneurs, workers, NRM councilors sitting in district councils, NRM flag bearers   and youth leagues.

Cbs: What are your chances of winning this contest?
Kadaga: My chances are very high.

Cbs: Where is your strength?
Kadaga: Everywhere in Uganda. There is no part of Uganda I have not visited.

Cbs: As one of  top party leaders, where do you see NRM in the coming ten years?
Kadaga: We need to strengthen our structures, have activities throughout the year not only during election time. The Party must have life.

Cbs: What is your view about increasing numbers of MPs? Will there be time for every member to be on the floor?
Kadaga: They have to use the available time to deliver the views of the voters. Under the multi party dispensation, parties identify who will represent them on the floor, most especially those with expertise on that very issue. But you find  that everyone wants to talk. So we give you strictly three minutes to deliver your message. About new constituencies, it’s you people asking for them. You also ask for new districts. What follows, you sit in your district council and pass resolutions and forward them to the Local government minister.

Cbs: We in Buganda have been asking ourselves, how we wronged you that you don’t give us new constituencies like in Wakiso.
Kadaga: Did you ask for any? Those who asked am sure  were considered. Why didn’t the Wakiso district council show interest? Even in Kampala, many divisions didn’t not show interest. Then what did you expect me to do? In fact resolutions come from district councils to the local government minister, then to Cabinet and finally to the Speaker. I come last. Ask your leaders, why didn’t they follow that process? Who blocked them?

Cbs:  Are you returning as Kamuli district Woman MP in 2021?
Kadaga: Yes

Cbs: Why stand in affirmative, why don’t you contest against men if you are that powerful?
Kadaga: Affirmative has no meaning. I represent 16 Sub counties. Each constituency has three Sub counties. Mine is 16. And you think winning it is that easy?

Cbs: But why don’t you leave Kamuli Woman MP seat and you stand for a bigger position?
Kadaga: I have already told you, a Constituency has three sub counties but a district like the one I represent has 16 sub counties. Of the two, which is bigger?

Cbs: We are aware, there are those who are interested in your seat
Kadaga: Let them come.

Cbs: Is it true, in NRM there is a clique fighting you and it is responsible for bankrolling opposition figures who want to stand against you in Kamuli?
Kadaga: It’s true. But I am not worried at all. Am strong like anyone sleeping on the floor. Because you can’t fall.

Cbs: Why are they fighting their own?
Kadaga: They fear me

Cbs: They are looking at how they can chase you?
Kadaga: (Laughter) They will never manage.

Cbs: From where do you get that confidence?
Kadaga: My people. That is why I have told you, let them come, I will defeat their mission.

Cbs: How do you see Uganda in general as the country heads to 2021 polls? Where do you see Uganda after the elections?
Kadaga: The country will be peaceful and we shall continue serving our people. We will put more emphasis on facilities and infrastructure. Put up more industries to create more jobs and also work on marine transport.

Cbs: What is Kamuli people’s source of income?
Kadaga: Farmers. They are generally in Agriculture planting maize, coffee, sugarcane etc. We have very few industries.

Cbs: Do they have markets?
Kadaga: Sudan, Kenya and our local markets.

Cbs: The education standard in Kamuli is low. What is that attributed to.
Kadaga: I don’t think it’s that low. We have put in more effort. From 2018, we identified schools which performed poorly in Busoga and we took back our teacher for refresher courses and am happy that in 2019, our schools performed better. We have to look at the distances from homes to schools because long distances affect the students and their teachers. But things are getting better.

Cbs: Busoga region has political camps. What is the cause?
Kadaga: I think it’s uniform, not only in Busoga.

Cbs: There are some leaders in Busoga who don’t like you. How did you wrong them?
Kadaga: I think you better ask them

Cbs: Rt. Hon. Speaker, there is an issue about the NSSF bill. Workers want their money.
Kadaga: The report is complete and already considered on the order paper. I am expecting the line minister on Tuesday to bring the second reading, they read out the report and we see what to do. I will make sure that it’s ready, I will immediately.

Cbs: Say something about Ugandans abroad who want to exercise their right and take part in elections and also those ones in prisons?
Kadaga: In February as Parliament we had moved on positively but the minister asked for more time to consult the cabinet. I think it is their right to vote for their leaders. The idea has not received favor but am sure, in the coming elections after this of 2021, they will be considered.

Cbs:  Apart from the office of the Speaker, what have you done as an individual?
Kadaga: I started working even before I became an MP. I was the President of the International Federation of Female Lawyers (FIDA). It’s me who started legal Aide service in 1988 and it’s now all over Uganda giving legal Aid, giving free legal services. For 23 years I have been on a campaign in Sebei and Karamoja against female genital mutilation. I have that campaign annually. I have worked with the President and put up schools where we keep girls during that season of FGM. Some are in Buko, Karamoja and Amudat. It’s a very great contribution. Even in Education, I have made sure that constructed schools have sanitation facilities and water. So to our people with disabilities. Every market constructed we make sure to have a day care center. On roads, there must be facilities like Mirembe at Nkozi. For quite a long time, I have been campaigning for water ambulances on Islands. The minister has assured me, they will be bought and launched in September. About communication, I have kept on asking the ministry of information to put transmitters for our people in Sebei and Karamoja to follow what’s going on in Uganda because they only get signals of neighboring Kenya yet they are part of us. Am happy, Hon. Minister Nabakooba has responded positively.

Cbs: And in Kamuli, your constituency?
Kadaga: Yes, I have bought mattresses for all hospitals both government and private in Kamuli district. This term, I have worked on boarding schools. We have constructed four dormitory buildings which will accommodate about 400 students. And I have put beds. We have built one at Bulopa SS, Luzinga SS and Namasagali. What we have not sorted out, are the Tertiary institutions. Look at Makerere University, since 1922, it has only Mary Stuart Hall for girls but for male students they are six. Meaning, 600 male students will enroll for University a year against only 100 female students because they have nowhere to reside. So I have been on a campaign for all tertiary institutions and Universities in Uganda to change their mindset and add facilities.
We approved a loan for technical institutions and we got one in Kamuli. I thought it was all fine. But when I went there, I was shocked to find out that girls were not catered for. I asked myself, how could the Education ministry approve this without catering for girls. In Makerere, girls walk at night to their hostels from the Library while male students are residents sleeping in halls like Nkuruma, University Hall, Lumumba, Mitchel and others, inside the campus.  In Kamuli, I have worked on clean water. The clean water initiative has benefited even neighboring districts. Our main hospital got machines and other facilities that i lobbied from the USA through UNAA.

Cbs: When will Parliament pass a law protecting men against violence from women? You are a senior lawyer, we also need protection from you ladies?
Kadaga: The affected men should report any violence case infringed to them by women. Police will handle it. I think our societies also need counselling.

Cbs: Our teachers are suffering and we have cases of those setting themselves ablaze. Any hope to open up schools this soon?
Kadaga: That is not for Parliament. Yes I get petitions and forward them to either to The President, to the ministry of Education or to the Task force. We have been told about money to be given to private school teachers. I really don’t know which criteria they will follow.

Cbs: The parliamentary scorecard was released showing the best and worst performers in Parliament. Is there any way this report helps you in your leadership at Parliament?
Kadaga: I am not satisfied with that assessment. I think the better assessment would be about Parliament as a whole. Because we all have constitutional responsibilities. Like how many laws have we passed, did we approve the budget, did we supervise how funds were spent. I think they would look at our mandate. Because you may find active MPs in the plenary, others in committees, MPs have different capacities. Better if they had judged Parliament as a whole. This individual assessment has issues.

Cbs: We are going back to the polls in 2021. Advise our listeners on which kind of MP they should vote.
Kadaga: Let them send the one who can perfectly articulate issues, one who can deliver their views. Vote your voice and who can lobby for you.

Cbs: Did you drop the idea of extending Parliament term from five to seven years?
Kadaga: Constitutional court ruled against that. It has financial implications but when the government brings it back, we will debate over it.

Cbs: In 2021 polls, new political parties like Alliance for National Transformation (ANT), National Unity Platform (NUP) are likely to produce a good number of Members of Parliament. Will they be considered for IPOD and Leader of Opposition?
Kadaga: Definitely they will. Just like JEEMA’s Asuman Basalirwa is a  member of IPOD.

Cbs: About these MPs  defecting from political parties, how are you considering them like those who defected from FDC to NUP?
Kadaga: They did it within the law.

Cbs: What have you got to say about Stranded Ugandans abroad?
Kadaga: You need to thank Parliament. At the break of Covid-19, the Government closed all entry points. But later Parliament said no, our people must come back home on all costs. I am happy, repatriation is on-going.

Cbs: There is a question about Sugar cane prices and I know, most of your farmers in Kamuli are affected.
Kadaga: What I can say, I fought and won the Zoning war. Millers had lied to the government that Sugar canes are not enough, so they should not allow one moving from one place to the other. Zoning was kicked out of the Sugar cane bill. We agreed with the President that our ordinary people are given a Sugar factory. This is what we are working on. Thirdly, we agreed to have incubation centers within all Busoga districts starting with Luuka and Kamuli. The incubation centers are for value addition. Like making sugarcane juice, papers, charcoal, syrup and we get markets. Later, other districts will also get incubation centers.  
What I have personally done, I have sourced Atiak Sugar factory investor to buy Sugarcane stems (seeds) from Kamuli and our people are earning. We now need to sort out the Permit issue because local people get issues while selling their Sugarcanes . They are required to have permits.

Cbs: When is the International Airport opening up?
Kadaga: Today we were debating about Tourism in Uganda and how we can again boost Tourism in the country after the Coronavirus outbreak. Deputy Prime minister Moses Ali will deliver to Cabinet a report about reopening Entebbe Airport and on Tuesday, he will report back to the Parliament. Am sure, any time, business will be back to normal. Hoping the science people won’t block it.


Makolo Kavuma: Rt. Hon. Speaker Ugandans in Diaspora through Musa Mujoba who is the President Uganda Whistle Blowers Association petitioned you to allow them elect their MPs. What have you got to say? Secondly, after serving in almost all party positions, why don’t you this time contest for NRM Chairman seat?
Kadaga: The diaspora issue is still tricky. Who will elect this MP and how will he or she be reporting? You are seated in Kampala but your voters are in diaspora? The law doesn’t even allow us to have MPs who don’t live in Uganda. About why Iam not  contesting for NRM Chairman, it’s me deciding where to stand. It is not a public issue.

Sauti ya Taifa, Lwengo: Speaker, why did you defend the UGX 10B give away to MPs yet the President protested it?
Kadaga: Government budgeted for Wakiso and Kampala food. We told them that lockdown is affecting all Ugandans. We couldn’t believe that those affected are only in Kampala and Wakiso. Bodaboda riders in Kitgum, Busia, Kisoro, etc. We wanted everyone to be given food. Government refused. According to the Supplementary budget catering for KCCA, Ministry of Health, Security, putting up billboards and these wanted 11 billions and we asked, if people are in their homes, who will then read billboards in towns? We rejected the deal. The 10 billion that had been given to MPs was to enable legislators to buy food to the starving electorates. To me it was a wonderful move and you needed to thank us.

‘Major’ Umar from Bugoloobi: I come from NRM but am not happy over the way opposition meetings are blocked yet our leaders in the ruling Party are openly violating Covid -19 guidelines on meetings. On winning them in 2021, wont they say the game wasn’t free and fair?
Kadaga: It’s unfortunate but we have always cautioned those leaders violating the given guidelines.

Bakikakase: Teachers are in acute poverty. How are you bailing them out
Kadaga: I have told you, all the petitions I got I gave them to the ministry. My teachers in Kamuli recieved food through the task force.

Sulaiman Gita: When will places of worship open?
Kadaga: After Martyrs’ day, I met Archbishop Dr. Steven Kaziimba Mugalu and other religious leaders asking the government to lift the ban. They had an idea of organizing prayers for a few people. I went and talked to the president. But Science people advised him not to open up. The Science people are the problem. Even after lifting the ban on bodabodas, we had to first raise our voices.

Badru Kawooya: We are facing a problem of landlords and Bank loans. How is the Parliament helping?
Kadaga: The Finance minister told us how the Bank of Uganda wrote to all commercial banks ordering them not to charge interest for the period people were locked up in their homes. I asked the minister to present the instrument from the Bank of Uganda sent to banks. I have never looked at it. Hoping it wasn’t just oral communication. We will however put pressure to the minister to walk the talk. Secondly, they got money from European Union to bail out people in countries affected by Covid-19. We want to know how this stimulus package will reach the affected people.

Wamala, Nakwaya: Kiboga district is small but a new constituency has been formed.
Kadaga: True. Some sub counties will be represented by different MPs

Luba Kyoya: What is your take about over 500 MPs in the 11th Parliament?
Kadaga: It means, each MP will be given three minutes to debate

Richard Mpagi: Speaker you have served your country with one heart. You will leave a legacy. More light on opening places of worship.
Kadaga: I have told you, the problem is with science people on whose advice the president determines what to open and what not to open. I don’t even know, who  they are. I will not stop fighting for what has not been opened.

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Hon. Bobi Wine ushering in Aloysius Mukasa and a team of Lubaga South leaders

CITY BUSINESSMAN turned politician Aloysius Mukasa who is eyeing MP Kato Lubwama’s seat on National Unity Platform (NUP) card has today Thursday led a group of Lubaga South leaders to pay allegiance to 2021 Presidential aspirant Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi and officially join the new Party.
Clad in a black suit, red neck tie, a white shirt and red beret, Aloysius Mukasa said, “Mr. President, we are here to officially declare our allegiance to National Unity Platform. We are here to become members of NUP. We hereby commit ourselves to this National call. With me are Lubaga South leaders.”

MAN TO WATCH IN 2021: Aloysius Mukasa

A happy looking Hon. Bobi Wine thanked Hon. Aloysius Mukasa for his hard work and competence. “Comrade Mukasa, well-done. We are seeing your fruits. As NUP, we are very proud of you. Thank you for leading home this team. We  are now very much armed for the struggle to liberate our country. Let’s move on.” Kyagulanyi told Aloysius Mukasa.
The News Editor Media on Tuesday exclusively leaked details of a meeting between Hon. Bobi Wine and Mr. Aloysius Mukasa about their strategy to win Lubaga South MP seat for NUP.

Evelyn Nakiryowa (centre) and her friends at Kamwokya today

If there is any constituency Bobi badly wants for NUP, it is Lubaga South. The incumbent Kato Lubwama on many occasions he has been attacking the Ghetto gladiator and People Power and on a certain occasion, he vowed never to support Bobi. Now Kyagulanyi wants Kato to pay for his sins afterall even in Parliament, he was ranked  the worst legislator who has almost never
uttered a word since Lubaga people voted him, four years ago.
In the meeting we quoted, Hon. Kyagulanyi was happy that other candidates who had interest in Lubaga South MP seat have resolved to
step aside for a more popular Aloysius Mukasa. People Power want less known Ms, Nassolo to relocate from Lubaga South and those spreading lies on how NUP will give Sam Lubega Mukaaku a party card to contest for Lubaga South, must be very good day
Kyagulanyi deployed a team of his most trusted men to ascertain, which candidate is strong on ground and all reports show, Aloysius Mukasa is miles ahead.
A great mobilizer, Mukasa, among other contenders, the only born of Lubaga South. He grew up, studied and own businesses in Lubaga. Those knowing him say, he started working at a tender age, one time he used his would be school fees to invest it and that is how he began his journey to riches (That will be a story for another day).

LUBAGA MAYOR TO BE: Angela Kigonya

He has set up structures in each village, organized over 4000 campaigners and is in touch with all constituency opinion leaders.
It’s upon this analysis that Bobi zeroed on him. He has not disappointed him. Today he has carried coasters full of Lubaga South leaders who included Councilor Rose Kigozi, Sharifah Nakitende and others, to NUP.
At a function held at NUP Headquarters in Kamwokya, a group of Lubaga division councilors, local leaders and 2021 Lubaga mayoral aspirant Hon. Angela Kigonya defected to National Unity Platform as a vehicle to liberate Lubaga.

Kyagulanyi saluted Angela Kigonya, Evelyn Nakiryowa and other councilors and said he will never take their move for granted.

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