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■ Legal Opinion Shows Mayor Uhuru Has No Powers To Remove Deputy Mayor
■ See How Mayors Uhuru & Lubaga’s Mberaze Errored In Law
■ Here Is The Full Interpretation Of KCCA ACT On Deputy Mayor’s Removal

LEAD PHOTO: Mayor Uhuru with his undisputed Deputy Hajjat Hanipher Mpungu


THE ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) Party Kampala Mobilizer Hajjat Hanipher Mpungu is the legitimate Deputy Mayor Kampala Central Urban council, confirms Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Executive Director Dorothy Kisaka.
This development comes after Kampala Central Division Mayor Salim Saad Uhuru ‘Nsubuga’ purpotedly made reshuffles in his cabinet and dropped his deputy Hanipher Mpungu for Councilor Maureen Tumusiime Kabananura, a move legally contested by Mpungu’s lawyers of Mudiobole & Co Advocates.
Hajjat Mpungu a renown NRM diehard represents Old Kampala Parish whereas Maureen Tumusiime is a councilor representing Nakasero I & II Parishes.
This investigative News Website can authoritatively report that the office of the Executive Director KCCA has rejected Mayor Uhuru’s new appointed deputy and given a legal opinion showing that Hanipher Mpuungu is the Deputy mayor, the council resolution arising from an Ordinary meeting convened on Thursday January 25, 2024 which approved Maureen Tumusiime for Deputy Mayor was not in order. Uhuru gave her hot air! 
In a petition to ED Kisaka dated January 29, 2024, Hajjat Mpungu’s lawyers said, “It’s from the above purported reshuffle of our client (Hanipher Mpungu) that we contend that the same was in utter abuse of the Mayor’s powers as he does not have the authority to remove a Deputy mayor from office.”

Lawyers clearly said, “The process of removal of a Deputy Mayor is well elaborated in the KCCA Act 2010 as Amended and the same does not give powers to the Mayor.”
ED Kisaka, who is the custodian of KCCA Law is in agreement with Hanipher Mpungu’s lawyers and the legal opinion she gave in regard to Lubaga Mayor Mberaze’s failed move to remove his deputy Hajjat Rehema Sanyu Fugge serves the same purpose to bwana Uhuru’s attempt.
After Uhuru purportedly removed his deputy mayor, with a team of councilors, they travelled to Kenya to enjoy life.

In an Ordinary council meeting on Thurday January 25, 2024 presided over by Speaker Erieza Katawera Balwaine, at GNS hotel Old Kampala, the Division Mayor, His Worship Uhuru Saad Salim entered the said session and on the Order paper, there was an item for the speech of the division Mayor.
In the Mayor’s Adress 2024, Uhuru informed the Council that he had made some reshuffles in the executive of the division to
wit; he replaced the Deputy mayor Hanipher Mpungu with a one Councillor Tumusime Maureen.

PHOTO: Mayor Uhuru and Councilor Maureen Tumusiime

He re-appointed Brenda Mbabazi Mugurusi on his executive, councilor ‘Kats’ Katimbo Michael as the Executive Secretary for education and Simon Peter Olengejje. 

SO CLOSE: Uhuru pictured with one of sexy councilors

NUP Councilor Hasifa Namboozo who represents Bukesa Parish moved the Motion to approve the Mayor’s appointments  
They were sworn in by a magistrate Grade 1 Her Worship Rehema Nassozi.

Lawyers who first appreciated ED Kisaka’s efforts towards the good governance of the Authority and maintenance of rule of 
law in their petition, introduced themselves as, ‘Representatives of Her Worship Hanipher Mpungu the legitimate Deputy Mayor of Kampala Central Division.’
Lawyers say, it is from the above purported reshuffle of their client that they contend that the same was in utter abuse of the Mayor’s powers as he does not have the authority to remove a deputy mayor from office.
“The process of removal of a deputy Mayor is well elaborated in the KCCA Act as Amended and the same does not give powers to the Mayor.” Revealed Mpungu’s lawyers.

PHOTO: When Uhuru appointed Hanipher Mpungu (left) his Deputy. Next to her is Maureen Tumusiime

“We therefore write to you as the Executive Director of KCCA, whose functions as per the KCCA Act Section 19 (a)(d)(e)(g) and (h) among others include; to advise the Authority on technical, administrative and legal matters pertaining to the management of the Authority; and (h) implement lawful decisions taken by the Authority, to veto the unlawful division that was purportedly made by the Mayor of Central Division so that it’s not implemented as its contrary to Section 28 of the same Act of KCCA.” Reads Petition to City ED Kisaka.
Lawyers further asserted that, the said KCCA ACT 2010 as Amended pegged the tenure of the Deputy Mayor under Section 76 (1) to five years.
Requesting ED Kisaka to exercise the said powers within seven days, so that their client may not exercise other options within the law which may not be limited to seeking remedies from Courts of law, to deter the irrepressible and uncontainable mayor as his actions are illegal and have no legal backing.

PHOTO: Maureen Tumusiime given Hot air

This petition was copied to Minister for Kampala, Lord Mayor, Director Legal KCCA, Director Administration and Human Resource, Deputy Director Political Governance, RCC KCCA, Mayor of Kampala Central Division Urban Council, Town Clerk,
Speaker of Central Division Urban Council, Deputy RCC Central Division, Diso Central Division and to their Client.

Article 28 of the KCCA ACT 2010 as Amended talks about the Mayor and Deputy Mayor. 
28 (2) reads; The Deputy Mayor shall be appointed from among the division councillors with the approval of the division Urban Council. 
28(3) says; The office of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor of the division urban council shall fall vacant if the holder resigns from office, or accepts appointment to a public office or dies. 
28 (5) The Mayor or Deputy Mayor may be removed from office by two thirds majority of the urban council. 
28 (6) A returning officer appointed by the Electoral Commission shall preside at a meeting of the division urban council to remove a Mayor or Deputy Mayor of the urban council. 
28 (7) Subsections (1) to (20) of Section 12 shall apply to the removal of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of a Division Urban Council

Article 12 talks about the Vacation of office of Lord Mayor or Deputy Lord Mayor. 
Here are the grounds; 
(a) abuse of office 
(b) Incompetence 
(c) Misconduct or Misbehaviour 
(d) Physical or Mental Incapacity rendering him or her incapable of performing the duties of Lord Mayor or Deputy Lord Mayor 
(e) repealed 
(f) Corruption
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the seat of the Lord Mayor or Deputy Lord Mayor shall fall vacant if; 
(a) The holder resigns in writing addressed to the Minister; 
(b) the holder commits breach of the Leadership Code of Conduct and the punishment imposed includes the Vacation of office; 
(c) the holder accepts appointment to the public office; (d) the holder is sentenced to death or imprisonment exceeding to six month without option of a fine; 
(e) the holder is convicted of an offence involving   dishonesty or moral turpitude; or; 
(f) circumstances arise which disqualifies the holder from occupying the office under any other Law
No where does the law empower the Mayor removing his deputy.

The removal of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor  is similar to the removal of the Lord Mayor or Deputy Lord Mayor according to KCCA Act 2010 as Amended.
The process  to remove a deputy mayor, for example starts with a petition to the Executive Director and if it carries substance, within 90 days, she writes to Kampala Minister who is also given 90 days to put up a tribunal headed by a magistrate to hear the petition.
The accused is given fair hearing and if he or she loses a petition, unless there is an appeal, Kampala Minister convenes a Council sitting where two thirds of councilors is required to impeach the Deputy mayor.
Unless this process is followed, a deputy mayor can not be removed. Just like Mayor Mberaze in Lubaga, Mayor Uhuru in Kampala Central Division did not follow this procedure making his disappointment of Hajjat Hanipher Mpuga null and void.

In Part II of this story, we will bring a detailed story about Uhuru’ war with KCCA ED and why Mpuungu’s purpoted reshuffle was a punishment for her loyalty to Ms. Dorothy Kisaka. For views/comments on this story, email editor on newseditor.info@gmail.com



COME & INVEST IN NAMIBIA: Visiting Namibian President in-waiting Dr. Nandi-Ndaitwah begs money magnet Hamis Kiggundu. She toured n3wly constructed Hamz Stadium Nakivubo today, Sataday


LATEST from Hamz Stadium Nakivubo Ground, top Namibian delegate and first female Namibian President in-waiting HE Dr. Nandi-Ndaitwah Netumbo have visited the newly constructed State-of-the-art Stadium in the heart of Kampala, Uganda’s capital and saluted leader local investor Hamis Kiggundu, CEO Ham Group of Companies.
The impressed Namibian boss who is in Uganda to attend NAM and G77 Plus China summits asked Tycoon Hamis Kiggundu to go to Namibia and make similar investments. Nandi is a Namibian Politician who is the Deputy Prime minister of Namibia since March 2015. Netumbo Nandi is the current SWAPO vice President and she is set to become the Party’s first female president this year..
By press time, Namibian top delegation, businessman Hamis Kiggundu and Namibian Honoray Ambassador to Uganda Godfrey Kirumira were still licked in a meeting!
Watch space for details!




● Lawyers Back ED Kisaka, Says Lubaga Mayor Had No Powers To Remove His Deputy From Office
● Interprete KCCA Laws, Dustbin Muguluma’s Appointment

PHOTO: When Moses Mugalula hosted Hajjat Fugge on Dream tv, a few days after Mayor Mberaze illegally ‘sacked’ her


BREAKING from City Hall the command centre of Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), Kampala Executive Director Dorothy Kisaka has rejected Councilor Fatumah Muguluma Nansubuga’s appointment as Lubaga Urban Council Deputy Mayor to replace Hajjat Fugge Rehema Sanyu saying, Mayor Zacchy Mberaze Mawula has no powers to sack his deputy.
In a letter from ED Kisaka, Muguluma has been ordered out of Deputy Mayor’s office which she occupies illegally saying Mberaze gave him hot air. Kisaka has ruled that Hajjat Fugge is the legitimate Deputy Mayor warning Mberaze to desist from misintepreting the law.
ED’s decesion comes after Fugge lawyers threatened to sue KCCA for what they referred to as purported reshuffle of their client (Fugge) that they contend that the same was in utter abuse of the Mayor’s powers as he does not have the authority to remove a deputy mayor from office.
Lawyers educated Lubaga mayor Mberaze Zacchy Mawula on the KCCA Act and how he has no powers whatsoever to remove his deputy Hajjat Rehema Fugge Sanyu from office! 
Fugge lawyers said, the process of the removal of a Deputy Mayor is well elaborated in the KCCA Act as amended and the same does not give powers to the Mayor.
This simply means, the appointment of Fatumah Muguluma Nansubuga as a replacement was hot air, and those goons hired by troubled Mberaze led by a one ‘Gen. Silive’ to break into his deputy’s office to throw away her files were totally ignorant about the law, Fugge is still the deputy mayor Lubaga Division.

PHOTO: Embattle Lubaga Mayor Mberaze and his councilors. Right is Fatumah Muguluma
In a letter dated December 18, 2023 drafted by the Fugge’s Lawyers, Luganda, Ojok & Co. Advocates to the Executive Director
Kampala Capital City Authority Mrs. Dorothy Kisakka was advised to dustbin Muguluma’s appointment because it had no legal backing, which she has complied to.

LAW ON HER SIDE: Lubaga Deputy Mayor Rehema Fugge in studios of Dream tv recently
A two pager letter from the Lawyers of Luganda, Ojok & Co. Advocates reads, “We represent Her Worship Fugge Rehema the Deputy Mayor hereinafter referred to as our client on whose instructions we adress you here under!
That on the 14th day of December, 2023 in a council sitting at Gevine Hotel, the Division Mayor H/W Mberaze Zacchy Mawula entered the said session and a motion was moved to amend the Order Paper to include the Speech of the Mayor as one if the items of the Session.”
“That in the Mayor’s Speech, the Mayor informed the Council that he had made some reshuffle in the executive of the Division to wit: He replaced the deputy mayor (Our Client) with Councilor Muguluma Nansubuga Fatumah among others.” Reads the letter to KCCA ED Kisaka.
“We therefore write to you as the Executive Director whose functions as per the KCCA Act Section 19 (a) (d) (e) (g) and (h) include; to advise theAuthority on technical, administrative and legal matters pertaining to the management of the Authority; and (h) implement lawful decisions taken by the Authority.

To veto the unlawful decision that was purpotedly made by the Mayor of Lubaga Urban Division so that it is not implemented as its contrary to Section 28 of the same KCCA ACT.” Reads lawyers letter to KCCA ED Kisaka.
Lawyers requested ED Kisaka to exercise the said powers to block Mberaze’s impunity or else, “Our client may exercise other options within the law which may not be limited to seeking remedies from Courts of law, to deter the uncontrollable mayor as his actions have a snowball effect to our client.” 
This letter was copied to the Minister of Kampala, Lord Mayor, Director Legal KCCA, Director Political Governance, RCC Kampala, Mayor of Lubaga Urban Council, Town Clerk, Speaker of Lubaga Urban Council, Deputy RCC Lubaga and to their Client Rehema Fugge.
In other two letters, one from Owor Hope Jakisa the Acting Clerk to the Authority dated January 2, 2024 and another one from the embattled mayor Mberaze of January 4, 2024, the authors insisted Muguluma was the newly appointed Deputy Mayor Lubaga Urban Council although lawyers insisted, this was just drama since Deputy Mayor has a five year contract according to the law.
Owor Jakia Hope’s letter was addressed to the Acting Director Administration & Human Resources from Ag. Clerk to Authority Introducing Hon. Muguluma Fatumah Nansubuga Deputy Mayor Lubaga Division.

PHOTO: Confused Councilor Fatumah Muguluma
“A Motion was moved that Hon. Muguluma Fatumah Nansubuga be approved as the Lubaga Division Deputy Mayor. The Motion was unanimously adopted by the Council and it was resolved that the Hon. Muguluma Fatumah Nansubuga be appointed the Deputy Mayor Lubaga Division Urban Council replacing Hon. Rehema Sanyu Fugge.”, reads Clerk’s letter adding, “The purpose of this communication is to request that Hon. Muguluma Fatumah Nansubuga be added on the payroll as the Deputy Mayor Lubaga Division Urban Council.”

In his letter, mayor Mberaze defended himself saying, “Prior to the decision, the Council and myself first addressed our minds to the Law and allow me put the same to you for your appreciation.”
He quoted Section 28 (2) of the Kampala Capital City Authority Act as amended that provides that the Deputy Mayor shall be appointed by the Mayor among the Divisions with the approval of the division urban council.
“I know that a limited look at this Section would seem like the Mayor has no authority to remove his or her Deputy but please address your mind to Section 24 of the Interpretation Act, which stipulates, ‘Power to appoint includes power to remove where, by any Act, a power to make any appointment is conferred the Authority having power to make the appointment shall also have power (Subject to any limitations or qualifications which affects the power of appointment) to remove, suspend, reappoint or reinstate any person appointed in the exercise of the power).” Reads Mberaze’s letter.
He also talked about Section (a) of the Kampala Capital City Act reading, “Without prejudice to Subsection (1) (a) the local Government Act, shall with the necessary modifications, apply to the Authority and to a village, ward and division urban council under the Authority.”
Mberaze said, having appreciated the import of Section 78(2) (a) as requiring you to always utilize the Local Government Act whenever the Kampala Capital City Authority is insufficient, Fugge lawyers therefore should look at the Third Schedule to the Local Government Council Regulations specifically Regulation 6(a) which stipulates, ‘Vacation of office of a member of an Executive Committee. The office of a member of the executive committee shall fall vacant if
a) The appointment of a member is revoked by the Chairperson Applu the words necessary modification above and you will arrive at the understanding that Mayor can revoke an appointment of any member of the Division Executive Committee.
Section 28 A (1) (b) of the Kampala Capital City Authority provides that, “A division executive committee shall consist of the Deputy Mayor, who shall be the Vice Chairperson.”
“Therefore, be well advised in future that the proper legal processes were adhered to before revoking the former Deputy Mayor’s appointment and please advise your client accordingly to avoid embarrassment in the future.” Reads Mberaze’s defence.
However, Fugge’s Lawyers rubbished Mberaze’s defence saying, all Sections of the laws he cites, none favours his decision of removing the deputy mayor.
“The local Government Act Mayor Mberaze quotes, clearly talks about local government leadership specifically LCV Chairpersons who can remove their deputies. Mberaze isnt a district chairperson neither is Lubaga a district.” Lectured lawyers.
About quoting the Authority, lawyers say, Authority as in the KCCA Act as amended refers to the Lordmayor and his councilors not Division Urban Councils as Mberaze wanted to hide in this Section.
Meanwhile, ED Kisaka has ruled out Muguluma’s appointment congratulations to Hajjat Rehema Fugge Sanyu, Lubaga Deputy Mayor.

For views/comments on this story, please whatsapp editor on 0772523039



Lead Photo: Archbishop Kaziimba and Mission Secretary Rev. Samuel Muwonge during Crossover night praying for those who accepted Jesus to be their Savior


HIS GRACE The Most Rev. Dr. Samuel Steven Kaziimba Mugalu, Archbishop Church of Uganda excited hundreds of God’s people who filled St. Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe Gardens to capacity on 31st December 2023 during a Crossover night when he advised married women on how to punish adulterous husbands instead of bewitching them.
Speaking amidist ululation from especially women, Archbishop Kaziimba said, domestic violence dominated 2023 saying it is sad, Marriage is the only place where two enemies sleep on the same bed.

He however advised, “If your husband is sleeping with another woman, don’t go to the witchdoctor to bewitch him so that he doesn’t bring you HIV/Aids or other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). No!”
Kaziimba a renown orator said, such a woman should instead resort to praying for his husband to develop a runing stomach so that he becomes restless and then the woman who had snatched him will chase him away and returns to his wife.
Kaziimba who was speaking about a story in the Holly Bible of how Jesus performed a miracle when he resurrected his friend Lazarous said, “Married women stop bewitching your husbands because they are sleeping with other women and you fear him bringing you Aids. No witchdoctor is more powerful than Jesus. Instead, pray for your husband to develop a runing stomach when he has gone to be with another woman. This will make him restless and the woman will tell him to go back to his home.”
At the Crossover night, Kaziimba was received by the newly elected Bishop of Namirembe Doicese The Rt. Rev. Moses Banja, Diocesan Secretary Rev. Can. Henry Ssegawa, Dean The Very Rev. Can. Jonathan Kisawuzi Ssalongo, Mission Secretary Rev. Samuel Muwonge among others.

I want to join you to welcome the New Bishop and wife, Dean, Diocesan Secretary and your team.
I want to thank the Missionary Department especially our brother Rev. Samuel Muwonnge for organizing this powerful overnight as people of God crossover from 2023 to 2024 . I thank the choirs, the visiting Rev. from Nigeria Rev. Can. Justice Okoronko and the Media evangelists.
I have blessed by the message which i read this morning and i was laughing but thinking about it.

This is to inform you that our beloved friend Mr. 2023 is retiring. His 12 wives, 52 Children, 365 grand children will be sent off. However his family members told me, you should know, all your problems, sickness, disappointments, frustration, untimely death, shame, disgrace, barrenness, failure and rejection, have gone with Mr. 2023.
His successor Mr. 2024 has asked me to inform you that he has come to compansate you with life, light, good health, wealth, love, abundant blessings, peace, joy, righteousness, promotion and security. 2023 has gone with his problems, i am here yo bring to you a message of hope and joy
Reading from the book of John 11:
The message is, ‘Didn’t i tell you? When you believe, you will see God’s glory.’
This message comes to the two frustrated women Mary and Martha who had got frustrated because of the loss of their brother Lazarous.
They had invited Jesus to come and see his friend Lazarous before he dies. They called Jesus to come and see him when he fell sick. Jesus didnt come, i dont know why.
Sometimes i dont understand God’s way of doing things. He instead continued with his ministry, he preached the Gospel, healing others but did not go to visit his sick friend Lazarous.
Isiah 55:8, says, ‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways’Declares the Lord
Sometimes you expect God to appear instantly because you are a believer, yes you love Jesus, you accepted him as your saviour, you pray, you fast, do whatever he comands you to do, you are giver, when you fall into problems, you call him, ‘come Jesus, come and help me’, but he doesnt come instantly.
Let me tell you my brethrens, His ways are so diffrent from our ways, His thoughts are different from ours.
Jesus didnt come and Lazarous died. You can imagine, how these women felt, this was their great friend, they thought He would come. But He had a different plan. Why didnt he come when Lazarous was sick to heal him? He didnt come so that when he comes,a miracle will be done and God’s Glory be shown.
After four days of burial, Jesus showed up. I can imagine Mary and Martha were not happy to receive Jesus.
Deep inside their hearts must have asked themselves what had Jesus come to do yet their brother was no more.
Imagine Martha saying, ‘We thought you were our friend. Now Lazarous is no more, he is rotten. But Jesus said, ‘Martha, didnt i tell you, when you believe you will see the Glory of the Lord?’
Jesus insisted on being taken where he was burried. He ordered Lazarous out of the grave.
Let me tell you brethren, even if you think Jesus has delayed to answer your prayers in 2023, dont lose hope, in 2024 he will avail himself to you.
He is not delayed. God’s timing is the best timing and the best timing. Jesus is never late. He knows what He is doing for your life. What He is preparing is the best for you.
Whatever you think that it is gone, or rotten, before Jesus it isnt yet over.
Our God specializes in the impossibilities. In 2024, God is telling us to do what we can,what you cant, leave it to Jesus.
Go and work because it is within your means. God asked Moses what he had in his hand and replied that a stick. He used it to show His Might. All of you have gifts, use them in 2024. The Miracle is with you.

The newest Bishop of Namirembe Diocese Rt. Rev. Moses Banja who was accompanied by wife Rev. Canon Professor Olive Nassaka Banja read in the Book of John 15:16 saying, “You did not choose me, but i chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruits-fruits that will last and so that whatever you ask in my bale tje Father will give you.”

Photo: Professor Rev. Can. Oliva Nassaka Banja, Bishop’s wife
Bishop Banja said, Setan was not happy when Jesus came because for he is a thief.
“This year, Jesus wants to give him your life so that you bear fruits.” Said Bishop Banja who got saved on 30th Dec. 1989 and accepted Jesus as his Saviour. He heard the voice and since, he says, never remained the same.

He asked gathering whether they came yo truly enter New year or after something else?
“Some dont want to leave behind their habbits. But God’s scanner sees everything. If human beings have latest scaners which can see you through, what about God. Our God can let us be but knows what we are.” Said Kisawuzi. He urged Christians to remember that the end is near.

Photo: Rev. Can. Abraham Lubega Kisakye and The Very Rev. Can. Kisawuzi

Reading Luke 3:3 Kisawuzi said, “We are hear to clean our ways. Bible says, a tree which doest bear good fruits will be cut.” He Said.
Kisawuzi urged tax collectors not exhobitant taxes from people saying that annoys God.
Other Speakers included Rev. Ven. Justice Okoronko from Nigeria, Mission Secretary boss Rev. Samuel Muwongo and others.

Photo: Visiting Rev. Can. Okoronko

Different choirs like True Life Gospel Choir Kiwuunya, Gospel Elite Creacendo Kiwuunya, Faith Harvest Choir Kyebando, Mission Choir, artists and schools like Joy Day and Nursery Primary School presented through out the night.

For views/comments on this Whatsapp editor on 0772523039



● ‘Where You Begin The New Year Determins How You Will End It. Come And We Start 2024 Before The Lord’, Says Mission Secretary Rev. Muwonge As He Invites Public For The Crossover night 


ALL is set for the annual cross overnight prayers at St. Pauls Namirembe Cathedral Gardens tomorrow on 31st December 2023 as nation ushers in new year 2024.
Over twenty thousand people are expected to attend the crossover night. Rev. Samuel Muwonge, head of the organisation team has assured the people of God total deliverance, blessing, anointing and maximum security.
The Archbishop Church of Uganda His Grace The Most. Rev. Dr. Samuel Stephen Kazimba Mugalu alongside the newest Bishop of Namirembe Diocese Rt. Rev. Moses Banja, visiting Ven. Justice Okoronkwo from Nigeria, Dean of the Cathedral The Very Rev. Can. Jonathan Kisawuzi Ssalongo, Mission Secretary Rev. Samuel Muwonge and Rev. Simon Peter Dembe lya Yesu will preach the word of God and lead prayer, intercession and deliverance all through the night. Gates open at 12:00 pm.
The theme is, ‘Did i not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory od God?’ John 11:40.
Taking journalists through preparations for the cross overnight, Rev. Muwonge who is in charge if Mission Evangelism Namirembe Diocese said, “I am inviting you all here at Namirembe Cathedral gardens, come and see the glory of the Lord, come and we end year 2023 and enter new year 2024 in the Lord’s presence, God will deliver you and as long as you believe, you will see the glory of God.”
“We will begin tomorrow morning with a medical camp where we will take care of all the sickenesses that are disturbing God’s people, there will be blood donation, come and donate blood, come and save lives. Then later there will be powerful praising and worship, then different Preachers and by 6am, there will be annointing and speaking the blessing upon your life.” Said Mission secretary boss, Rev. Muwonge.
About security of the venue and people, Rev. Muwonge said, “Security is tight. The God of Heaven and earth is our security number one. Also, we have been assured by the Uganda police force and sister security organs that they will take care of our lives.”
Rev. Muwonge however urged whoever will attend the crossovernight to travel light, carry your Bible, carry your notebook, you pen, offering/thanksgiving, carry your transport. You do not need to move with laggages.

For views/comments on this story, Whatsapp editor on 0772523039




ON SUNDAY 31st December 2023, all roads will lead to Kyambogo University Cricket Sports Grounds on Jinja road where end of year 2023 prayers have been organised by Presiding Apostle Dr. Joseph and Pastor Freda Serwadda of Victory Christian Centre Ndeeba-Kampala in Uganda.
This will be the 22nd Passover Festival since 2002, when this leading International televangelist Dr. Joseph Serwadda launched end of year prayers a directive given to him by God when the two wrestled for about an hour, late at night.
It is on record, the Born of Again Faith leader in Uganda Dr. Joseph Serwadda was the first to gather all Ugandans and people of God from East and Central Africa to end and welcome the new year in a unique style. This time not burning tyres, shouting in the middle of roads, drinking in bars but worshiping and praising the Lord. He opened a new chapter for the country and region.

News Editor, the leading investigative news Website in Uganda met Dr. Joseph Serwadda at Victory Christian Centre Ndeeba and shared the inside story about the Genesis of Passover Festival and why people of God should always end and welcome new year in this celebration.
Please read on;

News Editor: Presiding Apostle Dr. Serwadda, good afternoon. 21 years go, you started end of year mega prayers and named it Passover festival. How did you come up with this name? Was it God’s revelation? Why did you think people should end the year and start the new one in prayers and worshiping God instead of partying with family and friends? How is this important and what did it take you sir to change the then trend of ending year in bars, burning tyres and shouting in the middle of the roads? 
Dr. Serwadda: Thank you! In the year 2002 on 8th day of October, i had just seen off Apostle John Bunjo and wife close to midnight. I decided that i will pray outside our little house in Mutundwe then not to awake our children who were sleeping.
When i was praying, there was too much noise in the city. And i was reminded, the next day was 9th October, the independence day of Uganda. 40 years since Uganda got independence in 1962.
There and then God appeared to me and said, ’40 years is a generation, and a generation is measured by what it has achieved’.
So God said to me, ‘You have done half of your life in this Generation, it will be another bit of your life that is going to go into the next Generation. And so just like Joshua, you have lived in two generations. So listen to me very carefully, you can decide to be part of the next generation of this country or you can decide to let go.’
That word, ‘let to go’ meant to me that if i said i want to let go, i would either stop being a minister, or i would abidicate my ministry or something would even happen to me as fatal as death! 
So i said, “Lord, you know i want to be part of the next generation.”
Then God said, “Ok then, there is going to be another generation starting tomorrow, because Uganda is at the centre of God’s calender. 
So in 2002 a Generation that had started in 1962 had ended 40 years later. 
For starters, I got  saved in 1975 and in 2002, it was about 27 years for my salvation. I have now been saved for 48 years. In 2002 when God appeared to me, i had done only 27 years of Salvation.

God then showed me that there is going to be other 40 years to come, of which he wanted me to be part. Because i have had the opportunity to be in both generations, it was very clear for me that the next 40 years after 2002 would bea significant part of my ministry and life. That night in 2002, God gave me instructions, ‘Collect people, every year i will be giving you a message for them, every beginning of year i will be showing you a way to conduct yourselves as a body of Christ, i am establishing you as a prophet of this country for that purpose.’ I obliged! 
So you can now imagine, this is 2023 and then it was 2002, so that is 21 years gone. That is why we call this the 22nd passover event as we enter 2024. Because we have been runing it since 2002.

News Editor: And the event name, Passover Festival, how did you come to that?
Dr. Serwadda: God gave me the name Passover and i wrestled with him that night of 2002. I said, the Passover is known in Israel, it happens on a particular day. The Passover as an event happened because the Children of Israel were coming from slavery to their promised land. 
And God said to me, ‘You know, I am rolling away the reproach of Egypt just like i did it for Israelis of those days, i am now rolling away the reporoach of the foreign world from Uganda.’ 
And he gave me a scripture Joshua 5:9, saying Uganda from now onwards, it wil never be ashamed.
So that is how the name started and i accepted it. 
The the Passover festival is an event where we passover into a new generation but we are also passing over into a new year and God himself said let it be a festival not a mourning time.
One may ask, what about prayer? I told God, for people to enter into new year, they should prepare themselves with prayer. 
But God said, ‘No, if you want to make the people pray, find another time and i will allow it happen.’
That is why we have already marked off June, the whole month as Combat Month.
So, there is a separation of prayer (Combat Month) and Celebration that is why it is called a festival at the last day of the year. 
And the reason God gave me was, the people do not understand what it means for them to go from one year to the other.
I even reasoned with Him, asking, ‘God, why dont we do it on the independance day? Why?’
The spirit of God answered, ‘Because it has to be different. What they achieve in the natural is not what they achieve in the spirit. These two are totally different even though they seem to be taking the same route but they are parallel.’ So the rest is now history!  

News Editor: How can you account for the last 21 passover festivals? Are there visible testimonies?
Dr. Serwadda: It is true, Ugandans used to celebrate new year day by burning tyres, by drinking alcohol and all of those things but the Church of Christ used to celebrate new year’s day on January 1st. 
It is so interesting! Have you seen the records today? Uganda Police has said, they have registered 700 places of Worship which will pray on 31st December and they have also allowed them to use the Fire Works.
The reason for the record because they are now giving them permission to use fireworks.
So it has become a very serious day, the Anglicans have them, the Catholics do the same and there was an event in 2007 where the Muslims did the same. It has caught on, it is all over East Africa. 
In terms of what we have achieved, today you can think about it in many ways, personal miracles, people have got mighty miracles that have happened to them.
In the natural here, whether they were barren but now have children, whether they had no jobs, those who were struggling, through coming to the Passover festival, God has done for them something in their lives and there are many scores of miracles.
But also on the other side, the Nation now knows that the 31st day of December, is a day of Prayer. 
What seems to be exciting for me is that, Government has come to a point where they have said, The Passover event equals the 3rd June Martyrs day event.
However, we think differently. For us we dont come for tourism purposes though Government thinks this is a tourist event. So they have now earmarked our day as the National tourist event of the nation. So to us, is an achievement.

News Editor: What is so special about this year’s 22nd Passover Festival from the last 22 passover festivals? What is it that people over there shouldn’t miss at Kyambogo on 31st December 2023? 
Dr. Serwadda
: First let me say, we will go back to Namboole Stadium where we used to hold Passover Festival as soon as reconstruction of this National stadium is done. We believe that the government will honour their commitment and go with us.
But this year, we are at Kyambogo University to hear God again, give us matching orders for 2024.  
God has promised that, we will know him in a new dimension, never known before.
Since we walk with God in the coming year, we would like to know the new dimensions. We will hear from God, telling us where he wants us to go as a Nation. 
But i see the challenges in this country and i believe, God wants to address them.
So, we must come to the Pasover festival for God to give us new directions and experiece God in a diferent way as we usher in new year 2024. God has a special message for his people which i will deliver. Dare not miss this year’s Passover Festival.

News Editor: About preparations, how big is Kyambogo University grounds, how many people can it accomodate and how many are you expecting to attend? Is there enough parking space?

Dr. Serwadda: About preparations, they started almost a week ago, because it is a lot of work.
You have a pitch that needs to be prepared for staging, we have our own platform, lighting, sound system, security, puting amenities for people to use, toilets, centres of service and all these things take a lot of time but we are in final stages now. The platform and canopy is already done. Most of the structual work is done.
The venue has been cleaned, we have been given space three acres of land for parking and other two acres for cooking where if people want to eat something they can go and help themselves. There is enough space in Kyambogo.
The two pitches plus the extension can hold about 50000 to 60000 people comfortably and we have already put 50000 chairs in the place and other couple of seats for the VIPs. 

News Editor: With bomb threats and other insecurity, how will you manage security of the venue, security of thousands of people who will attend the 21st Passover festival and the security of their motorcycles and cars? If you will improvise security, how will the congregation know those in charge of security so that they deal with the right people?
Dr. Serwadda: Concerning security, our history is very clear, we have never lost a car, nor anything attached to a vehicle, no one has ever lost a driving mirror, a car indicator, no body has ever vandalised a vehicle because over years, we have been using trained people to work on the security of the venue, people and all their property. 
We have 400 men who are in charge of that, 300 ushers in charge of sitting people, 100 are in charge of security. 
Also, we will use the services of the police, we will have atleast 200 policemen armed and others in civilian clothes coming and we use those.
Normally when they come in the morning of 31st, they will take snifer dogs around the place, to search and make sure the place is very safe, the public will be allowed to access the venue. So, worry not about the security. 

News Editor: Talk about hygiene/sanitation of the venue, have you thought about toilets from where the congregation will ease themselves. Will it be for free or pay?
Dr. Serwadda: Most of the things happpening there demand hygiene. We have very good toilets, and accessibility is free of charge. 
Even entering the venue is free of charge. Victory Christian Centre paid for everything. When we want money, We will definately tell the people.
We are coming to a point where we don’t want to hire anything. Lights, PA system, canopy are ours. No need for hiring.
We have been doing this for 20 years, people are discplined. For those coming for the first time, our urshers will be there to guide them.

News Editor: Take us through the event’s program
Dr. Serwadda: Program starts early morning at 8am on 31st and will end on 1st January 2024 at 6am.

News Editor: Are there other invited pastors and choirs?
Dr. Serwadda: Oh yes! We have invited many ministers, gospel ministers, gospel singers, a special choir coming from Korea called the Gracious choir etc. I will not give you all the details of this year’s Passover festival, let God’s people from all walks of life come expecting to be surprised. We indeed have a lot for you, amazing fireworks, name it. But on top of everything, you will go back with your miracle. Come with your new year prayer requests, God will answer them. Everything is set, we are ready to receive you and celebrate together new year in God’s presence.

For views/coments on this story, Whatsapp editor on 0772523039



PHOTO; From left, Bobi, Ssenyonyi and SG Lubongoya dancing


TODAY Friday December 22, 2023, Hon. Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi commonly known as Bobi Wine, President NUP has invited press for an emergency media briefing at NUP Headquaters Makerere Kavule and he is expected to make a big announcement ahead of Christmas and New year festive season!
Our reliable source from Magere ‘State House’ reveals how Kyagulanyi is expected to use this press conference and announce changes in the leadership at Parliament, unless otherwise, appointing Nakawa West MP Joel Basekezi Ssenyonyi new Leader of Opposition replacing Nyendo Mukungwe MP Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba.

ABOVE: Hon. Ssenyonyo
In the new changes, Mityana Municipality MP Francis Zaake returns while Hon. Mpuuga will be announced NUP National Chairman, a powerful office in the Party and will be in charge among others, inviting and convening Delegetes Conferences and other duties.
Mpuuga will also be given other responsibilities at Parliament
Bobi Wine has also made change to committee leaders where he has brought in fresh blood.
This is a developing story, our investigations desk is working on a full detailed exclusive story about why Kyagulanyi has fired Mpuuga and how will Buganda and other regions receive this news.

For views/comments on this story, Whatsapp editor on 0772523039



PHOTO: When Chairman Nyanzi was severely beaten and arrested in Kyenjojo while mobilizing for NUP Party


FOUR high ranking leaders in opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) are eyeing Lord Mayor’s office currently occupied by the embattled FDC Buganda Vice President Erias Lukwago who is serving his 3rd term! They want him out in 2026.

All indicators show, the Kabungo, Kalungu born Erias Lukwago will contest again in 2026 although NUP who commands much support in Kampala believes, too much fatigue is likely to cost Lukwago of this seat.

In today’s story, we reveal to you NUP top officials eyeing to unseat Counsel Erias Lukwago.  Who is who and who is likely to win the Party ticket? Please read on;


Commonly known as Chairman Nyazi, the former Kampala Central two times Member of Parliament candidate is the elder brother to NUP Supremo Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine. He leads on the list of Lord Mayor aspirants.

A born of Gomba who has grown up from Kamwokya Ghetto trenches in Kampala, Chairman Nyanzi is the NUP National Mobilizer and leader of the popular Kunga Kunga, a mobilization drive for the leading opposition Party in Uganda.

This investigative news website can exclusively report that, the coming of Nyanzi in the Lord mayor race has already caused panic in Lukwago’s camp and the Wakaliga based rule of law agitator must be having sleepless nights knowing Nyanzi as a no joke!

A clean man with no political dirts, if NUP endorses Chairman Nyanzi for a Party ticket, fact is, he will make Lukwago run for his money as it will be sacrilegious for any party member to rally behind Lukwago be it John Mary Ssebuufu or Hakim Kizza Saula who were appointed by Lukwago as his ministers to neutralize NUP dominance at City Hall.

For starters, NUP councilors dominate KCCA and Lukwago’s FDC Party has only two councilors, Doreen Nyanjura (Makerere University) and Olive Namazzi (Kyambogo University). 

The two were appointed by Lukwago, Deputy Mayor and Minister, respectively. The remaining two ministerial slots were given to NUP so that Lukwago coils NUP tails.

If Nyanzi is fronted by NUP, Hakim Kizza and John Mary Ssebuufu will automatically defect from Lukwago’s camp to campaign for their party boss.

About him securing the Party ticket for Lord mayor, Chairman Nyanzi is the most favoured, has the influence and very powerful in NUP.

For those who may not be in the know, Nyanzi commands maximum respect from his young brother Bobi Wine and other siblings. 

Among the top three people who speak and Hon. Kyagulanyi quickly adheres to their counsel is Chairman Nyanzi, ‘First Lady’ Barbie Itungo Kyagulanyi and Mr. Bukeni Ali aka Nubian Li.

About Nyanzi, when their parents passed on, as an elder brother then, he took on such early responsibility as a guardian for all his siblings.

What Kyagulanyi is today, Nyanzi made an immeasurable contribution, thanks be to him. In fact, all his siblings refer to him as, ‘Taata’ (meaning father).

He picked up a young Kyagulanyi then, brought him to Kampala and footed his school fees bills.

Whereas he has seniority in politics, Chairman Nyanzi is a humble and down to earth leader. He addresses his young brother Bobi as ‘My President’. 

He is a very hardworking and selfless Party official. A few months ago, he was clobbered by State security officers while on mobilization trail in Kyenjojo. He went into coma and was rushed to Rubaga Hospital! Thank God, he recovered.

Nyanzi first contested for MP in 2016 against Independent’s Muhammad Nsereko. He lost.

In 2021, ‘Muntu wawatu’ Nyanzi stood again on NUP ticket in an election up to now a big section of people believe that he massively won but results were tampered with by Electoral Commission and declared candidate Muhammad Nsereko winner. Chairman Nyanzi petition High court to annul Nsereko’s declaration saying he was the rightful elected MP for Kampala Central.

Nyanzi now eyes City Hall top job and if he goes for it, chances to win are high.

Political analysts say, if Chairman Nyanzi can manage to shake Kampala Central the ruling NRM stronghold, then the other remaining NUP dominated divisions of Nakawa, Kawempe, Lubaga and Makindye will just be a walkover.

Led by his top supporter for Lord mayor, a certain Member of Parliament from Kampala (names with held), Nyanzi will definately comb all Kampala divisions and if he happens to be fronted by NUP, we humbly advise Lukwago not to waste his time and money contesting against Nyanzi because he will be beaten hands down.

For those who know this Indomitable MP, he is one of the dangerous mobilizers with sophiscated campaign tricks and is very had to beat. 

Having him and other city MPs on his trail, we dont see any other candidate beating Nyanzi.

The only factor which can affect Nyanzi is religion. Being a staunch Catholic, some Muslims think Kampala belongs to them, giving it to a Catholic will be unfair.

However analysts say, Kampala has ever had none Muslim Mayors like Christopher Iga, Owek. John Ssebaana Kizito (late) and others. So Nyanzi will not be the first non-Muslim Lord Mayor.

All odds show, Nyanzi can easily sweep Kampala as Lord Mayor in 2026.


While swearing in for second term as Makindye Municipality Mayor, HajiMulyanyama categorically made it clear that he will contest for Lord Mayor in 2026.

For record purposes, in NUP, Mulyanyama was the first to declare his intention for Lord Mayor’s seat.

His Kakuyege has spread to all parts of Kampala and the incumbent Lord mayor is feeling the heat.

On knowing that Mulyanyama seriously want him out, Lukwago suspended Mulyanyama from KCCA FC Board over what was termed as trumped up charges. Lukwago used NUP’s Ssebuufu to tarnish Mulyanyama’s name just because he targeted his seat.

During former MP Hussein Kyanjo’s burial, Lukwago’s camp was accused of blocking Mulyanyama from addressing mourners although mayor and the deceased were so close.

There was a time when Dr. Kizza Besigye himself launched a verbal attack against Mulyanyama over what insiders called eyeing his comrade’s seat. Mulyanyama fought back and the former bush war Physician surrendered.

Mulyanyama is reaching out to opinion leaders, cultural insitutions, religious leaders like His Eminence Emanuel Cardinal Wamala, NUP party officials and other political kingmakers for consultation, guidance and endorsement.

He has extended his giving hand to Nsambya Babies Home and celebrated his birthday with babies. He also donated a lot of things to Good Samaritan Sisters – Nalukolongo Bakateyamba.

His Worship Mayor Mulyanyama when he visited mothers in hospital

The Institution of the Good Samaritan Sisters is an institute of the diocesan right, founded by the Late Emmanuel Cardinal Kiwanuka Nsubuga, in 1978. 

Mulyanyama is a sounding aspirant for Lord Mayor and looks unstoppable. He has already convinced Party leaders that he will win Kampala for NUP.

Mulyanyama is very good when it comes to mudslinging politics and if you think you can blackmail him, he can perfectly throw it back to you and enjoy the music.

A born of Katwe Ghettos, Mulyanyama is highly respected by deadly Kifeesi youth being a hustler. He normally gathers them for dinner and talks to them to change their way of living giving them words of hope.

At the party headquarters, he is so loyal to leaders and NUP President Kyagulanyi. During the recent Kyagulanyi National tours, Mulyanyama joined his President and was seen acting as Bobi Wine’s guard.

A well positioned leader, Mulyanyama is ready to tussle it out with Lukwago be it today, for Lord mayor. Recently he held a meeting with Buganda Kingdom Premier who paid a courtesy call at his Makindye office.

Mulyanyama if fronted by NUP, he will be a formidable force to reckon with. If NUP seriously wants to win the Lord Mayor seat, Mulyanyama would be a good bullet.


Commonly known as Ow’eddembe, Serunjogi is serving his second term as Mayor Kawempe Division on NUP ticket.

Although he has shown interest in Lordmayorship, analysts say, Emanuel Sserunjogi fears to step in the deep waters. He looks to be undecided whether to bid farewell to Kawempe people and in 2026 contest for Lord mayor or MP Kawempe South currently represented by defiant MP Kazibwe Bashir. 

Indicators show, Kazibwe will not be fronted again for MP by NUP and Sserunjogi might go for this ticket.

However on the list of NUP Lordmayor aspirants, Oweddembe is named and has all credentials for this Capital City top job. 


He is a Ugandan journalist and politician. He is the serving member of Parliament for Nakawa West and Chairman COSASE in the 11th Parliament.

Formerly a news anchor at the Serena based NTV and at the UBC National broadcaster, Ssenyonyi has been around in politics for some years even before joining People Power Pressure group and NUP Party.

He is on the list of NUP leaders eyeing to contest for City Lord Mayor although he has not officially spoken about such intentions. 

If he has interests, political analysts say, it will be a big blunder for him, better to return for Nakawa East seat in 2026 as he studies Kampala politics and consolidates his support.

Choosing to contest for Kampala Lord mayor in 2026, they say, Ssenyonyi will be digging his political grave.

However, with 2021political wave, a section of NUP supporters say, Ssenyonyi would easily win Lord mayoral seat because he didnt have any dirt.

Lets wait and see if Ssenyonyi, Bobi’s blue eyed boy will choose to vie for Lord mayor or go back for Nakawa West MP seat.


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LEAD PHOTO: Hon. Aloysius Mukasa campaigning for NUP Presidential Candidate Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi in 2021. The Rubaga South legislator analysts say, is still very powerful, popular, loyal to his voters and NUP Party leadership


AS preparations for the 2026 General election kick off with ruling NRM Party announcing election of structures, at the leading opposition party NUP Headquaters, tension is so high as a good number of incumbent Members of Parliament are set not to be returned due to a number of factors. 

These include poor performance, disloyalty, betraying NUP as a party and disappearing from voters as soon as they got elected. On record, NUP has 57 members of Parliament, of the 552 legislators of the 11th Parliament.

Photo: When NUP President Hon. Kyagulanyi hosted Party MPs for a two day retreat in Kampala.

In this investigative story, the mighty News Editor Media, your leading investigative News Website in Uganda brings 30 NUP MPs who are very safe, chances to get party tickets are high and will automatically win victory for their Red party come 2026 polls. Here is Part I of the story about the safe NUP MPs and what makes them secure? 

Please read on!


The Mityana Municipality legislator is still powerful, very popular and a class above the ordinary.  Who ever thinks of dislodging him in 2026 must be a day dreamer.

Hon. Zaake will defeat whoever stands in his way to represent the people of Mityana Municipality who regard him as the only bull in Greater Mityana Kraal.

In the first place, some opposition politicians of the 9th Parliament like Hon. Betty Nambooze Bakireke never expected this youngster to make it to the 10th Parliament. Then a DP member, Nambooze even camped in Mityana to decampaign Zaake urging Mityana Mucipality voters never, ‘to send us that boy, Parliament is not a football play ground that he is coming to play football with other boys.’ 

Nambooze who was in Mityana to campaign for fellow DP Candidate Faustine Mukambwe Lukonge asked voters not to send Zaake warning that if they vote for him, ‘We will be sending him to shops to buy us airtime because he is a young boy’.

However, all this fell on deaf ears. On polling day, thousands voted Zaake, sending Nambooze’s candidate in position three. NRM’s Charles Sserugga Matovu ‘Munnakyalo’ finished second.

Zaake’s win wasn’t a shock. He had a successful campaign attended by hundreds. He automatically had to sail through.

In 2021, both Nambooze and Mukambwe crossed to opposition NUP Party where Zaake was Hon. Bobi Wine’s blue eyed boy. So the two had to salute him. Nambooze reclaimed her constituency of Mukono Municipality while Mukambwe was fronted by Zaake for Mayor Mityana Municipality on NUP ticket.

In last election, Zaake won from all polling stations to secure his second term in the 11th Parliament of Uganda.

Photo: Hon. Zaake and Hon. Kyagulanyi

In fact his filthy rich father Omukungu Ssembuusi Butebi put a bet of 20M if his son lost at a single polling Station. No one ate his money.

Coming from an extra well to do family, his father Ssembuusi Butebi owns a number of hotels both in Kampala and Mityana, he is asuccessful businessman who heads Mityana Traders Association (MITA), has a Forex Bureau, a Money lender and is connected to Mengo establishment where Kabaka Ronald Mutebi II appointed him to sit on the Buganda Twezimbe, a committee set up to re-develop Buganda Kingdom.

Zaake’s father is renown in Mityana and respected by opinion leaders, religious leaders and business fraternity. It is therefore a walk over for his son to win an elective position. Zaake gather voters from the youth, women, business people and elders. 

In Parliament, no MP has suffered at the hands of the State like Zaake. Imprisoned, tortured, beaten and suspended.

He was even kicked out of Commissioner’s office by the reigning Speaker and of recent, Deputy Speaker refered him to the rules Committee.

One of the vocal MPs who perfectly legislate for his constituents, Zaake put up a spirited fight for the abducted and political prisoners demanding for their unconditional release. By doing all this, he positions himself before the Principal as a fearless NUP legislator who even touches the anus of the leopard! That is Zaake for you!

No genuine opposition party can do away with such a fighter who can even risk his well paying office and life. 

Hansard in the 10th Parliament captured Zaake while rising on matters of National importance like the poor status of Mityana government Hospital, impassable roads in Mityana, lack of electricity among others.

The ‘boy’ once despised by the likes of Hon. Nambooze has become a thorn in NRM’s fresh and all plots to oust him have been in vain! Each day that passes by, Zaake becomes stronger and more popular.

ON THE TRAIL: Bobi wine, Zaake and SG Rubongoya

Mityana people think their MP has sacrificed all, they are very proud of him and will never think of substituting him come 2026.

Those with hopes to contest against Zaake like a one Mugisha (Mityana LCV Chairman), are already facing public attacks!

Recently, Mugisha attended a wedding in Kasanda district but was blocked from addressing the people accusing him of eyeing Zaake’s seat, an MP the public regards as hero and a true opposition figure.

In fact during Zaake’s thanks giving ceremony recently in Mityana, one of the visiting MPs asked Mityana people to make Zaake a sole candidate come 2026 so that, he gives the would be Mityana campaign time to other candidates in different parts of the Country.

Analysts say, who ever thinks of unseating Zaake, will be just wasting time and money.

This richest young MP Ķcommands support from NRM, DP, FDC, his Party NUP and other forces. He is good at lobbying for his voters, for churches, mosques, schools, youth and women groups, etc.

He is now a darling to the likes of Nambooze. No opposition politician can dare step in Mityana to decampain Zaake.

When Zaake emerged winner in the East African Parliamentary games

We are told, NRM is ploting to front Esther Ndyanabo (former Mayor Mityana Municipality) against Zaake.

Even Mugisha is in the puzzle, insiders allege that, he will be bankrolled by Gen. Muhoozi Camp thinking he can help in dividing Zaake’s votes.

However all indicators show, Zaake is heavy weight, come 2026, he will win again by a higher percentage.


A businessman turned politician, NUP’s Mukasa Aloysius on January 14, 2021 was massively elected by the people of Rubaga South with a convincing victory.

He polled 49,501 (Forty Nine thousand, five hundred and one) votes defeating 13 (Thirteen candidates) including DP’s Eugenia Nassolo with a margin of 36608 votes.

MP Mukasa (in a red tie) with fellow NUP MPs at then Kamwokya party offices

Other casualities included; Male Charles Kenneth (NRM), Kifampa Silaje (JEEMA), Kato Lubwama Paul (Independent) now late, Mugga Adam Swift (Independent), Lufunya Derrick (Independent), Ken Lukyamuzi (CP), Lubega Samuel Walter Mukaaku (SDP), Buwembo Habib (FDC), Kiyingi Denis (Independent), Nakanwagi Grace (Independent), Sebugwawo Mbidde Denis (Independent) and Kayemba Michael Oscar (Independent).

Nassolo who ran one of the best bankrolled campaigns by unknown sources in which she donated tents, aprons, masks, water tanks among other items, petitioned High court to annul MP Mukasa’s election on allegations that he donated 300 bags of cement to St. Peters Church Ndeeba. 

In her petition, she accused Mukasa of using his private car to take helpless-sick people to the hospital!

She lied that Hon. Mukasa used his motor vehicles no. UBE 564W & another Toyota Hiace which were branded in the colour and stickers of his images and picture of Presidential candidate Hon. Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi with inscriptions, ‘Lubaga South Mukasa Aloysius T G – Mission 2021’.

Nassolo mistakenly branded Mukasa’s private car of Drone type reg. No. UBE 564W to be an ambulance.

She also accused Hon. Mukasa of not having a minimum formal education of Advanced Level Standard or its equivalent. That he did not complete and attain a Uganda Certificate of Education. 

On sensing that she had a bad case, that her petition was full of lies and fabrications, Nassolo instructed her lawyers to drop the charges and allow the duly elected Member of parliament for Rubaga South Constituency Mukasa Aloysius serve his electorates without any further disturbances.

A Bachelors of Laws student who holds a Bachelors of Business Administration from Ndejje University, Hon. Mukasa is one of the most loyal NUP MPs to his Party leadership. 

OUR MAN: MP Mukasa with his supporters

Infact, during Kato Lubwama’s burial, NUP President Hon. Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi took pride in fronting ‘a youngman (Mukasa Aloysius) in 2021, who dislodged Kato Lubwama’.

Lubwama was enemy number one to NUP. So Bobi looked for a determined youngman who was capable of unseating this former comedian. Mukasa perfectly did the job and delivered victory to his Master, Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi.

Insiders say, Mukasa is a very humble man before Party leaders and rarely greets the Principal when standing. 

May be when he is not in the country, but Hon. Mukasa will never miss any meeting, function or gathering convened by Hon. Kyagulanyi or other Party top leaders. He is a darling to party foot soldiers due to his loyalty, consistence and generocity.

Besides being in the good books of NUP Party bosses, in Constituency, Hon. Mukasa is loved so much! Whoever thinks otherwise, dare him in 2026, you will sweat plasma!

Known to be a selfless legislator who doesn’t drive expensive cars, when Parliament gave him UGX 200M  to buy himself a new car, Hon. Mukasa used the money to buy a water tank car for his constituents which he used to supply clean water to Rubaga South people.

FREE SERVICE: Mukasa supplying clean water to his constituents

However, three years since he bought this clean water truck, State Merceneries working closely with some politicians in Rubaga South he defeated in 2021, made attempts to burn it because of jealousy forcing the MP to do away with it.

For starters, Mukasa bought an ambulance for Rubaga South before he was even elected MP. It was because of the free services given by Mukasa’s ambulance that his competitor in 2021 Nassolo Eugenia wanted his victory cancelled accusing Mukasa of helping poor people.

Although like we earlier told you Nassolo lost interest in her fake petition, Police in Kayunga confiscated Mukasa’s ambulance during NUP Harriet Nakwede’s LC V elections only to be released months later completely broken down and couldn’t return to the road. 

We are told the MP is working on buying a new ambulence for his people. 

According to recently released Parliamentary Score card, MP Mukasa scored highly for his presence in the constituency, making consultations to get views from his people, attending burials in the constituency, fundraising for churches, Mosques, Schools and monitoring service delivery in Rubaga South.

A few weeks ago, Mukasa had threatened to organize a demonstration over poor roads especially the Freedom City-Nyanama-Kitebi road which was in a sorry state but government moved in to repair it.

Ever since he was elected, the MP has kept so close to his people.

He has not kept quiet on abducted youth and political prisoners, he is seen on Tvs and radios demanding for their unconditional release. 

In Parliament, Hansard has captured Hon. Mukasa rising on matters of National Importance like fires burning schools and timbershops especially in his constituency, construction of free-toilets, the issue of floods in his constituents among other matters.

Not at any single moment has Mukasa ever betrayed his party or opposition leadership in Parliament. When it is boycotting plenary, Hon. Mukasa will remain loyal.

Born to Aloysius Kalyango of Kyengera Mugongo and Annet Nayiga of Mutundwe, Church Zone in Lubaga South, Mukasa deals in Food supplements and owner of Bex Limited, a company producing disinfectants.

Raised  by his mother in Mutundwe Rubaga South, MP Mukasa owns a magnificent home in Najjankumbi. A very successful businessman with a State-of-the-art Hotel on Entebbe road, Mukasa single handedly tarmacked a road in St. Anna Zone near Faith Arena Church years before he even thought of contesting for MP and it was named after him by local leaders. A generous and hardworking young man, Mukasa says he is not in politics to look for a job but to be a conduit and a bold voice for development and changing the face of Lubaga South. 

While meeting local and youth leaders in Mutundwe recently, Mukasa said, “Rubaga South needed a fresh substitute who speaks in Parliament and acts. I am a performer. We are tired of floods in Lubaga every time it rains, floods destroy our homes and sweep away businesses. This problem must end during my tenure. We pay huge taxes why get poor service?” 

Because has remained solid on the cause, his return in 2026 is guaranteed. Both the party and constituents can’t lose such a workholic MP who is very smart in his political approach! He recently shifted his office from Ndeeba building at Kaipini and relocated it to a better and spacious place, which he will unveil any time soon.

Therefore who ever plans to contest against Hon. Mukasa in Rubaga South, we advise you not to waste your time and savings. This rich MP is still around for some time.

Hon. Mukasa will be in the 12th Parliament on NUP ticket.


Commonly known as ‘Ssuubi lya Busujju’, Hon. Kalwanga in May 2021 was appointed by NUP as a Representative in the Common Wealth Parliament.

MPs Veronica Nanyondo and Kalwanga. Middle is Mpigi District LCV Chairman. They were attending a party function

Before that, he was the only independent MP in Buganda who trounced president Museveni’s minister in 2016 elections. This was not common! He defeated then minister Vincent Nyanzi and won by 78%.

Hon. Kalwanga

In 2021, Nyanzi returned but still, Kalwanga defeated him and the old man got bedridden! If he dares him again in 2026, then Nyanzi will be having a serious medical problem because Kalwanga is now stronger and more experienced in vote protection and mobilization.

Ofcourse in last elections, a few hours to the polls, State merceneries tried to threaten Kalwanga and shot at his car but God was on his side. He manoeuvered.

Kalwanga taking on NRM’s Dr. Tanga Odoi during Oyam north MP by-election.

We are told, among those targeting Kalwanga’s seat is NRM’s Robert Kasibante of Nateete Victory School of Beauty but insiders say, this guy is swiming in money scandals and can’t be entrusted with such a Constituency which covers Busujju County having top Buganda Kingdom historical sites. Other contenders, analysts say, are just political jokers.

In his manifesto, Kalwanga promised to work on roads and he has fulfilled this through lobbying and injecting in his money.

Hon. Kalwanga joinig locals during Bulungibwansi in Busujju

He has set up a school to cater for secondary students, lobbied for healthy facilities and single handedly constructing Busujju Play ground worth 450M. 

He is very close to Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi, loyal to Party bosses, popular in Churches & Mosques.

Both Bishop Anthony Zziwa of Kiyinda Mityana Diocese and the Anglican Bishops are good friends to Kalwanga, they see him as their son and normally meet to guide him.

Voters in Busujju are convinced that none of the aspirants fit in Kalwanga’s shoes.

A very jovial MP, down to earth and friendly, Kalwanga joined Parliament when he was already rich. He says, he is not in parliament to look for a job but to represent, make laws and lobby for his people.

He is in Mengo’s good books, single handedly finances Busujju County Masaza Team and bought an ambulance for his people.  

NUP can’t substitute such a star. Expect Kalwanga to bounce back in the 12th Parliament.


She came as a substitute after the sudden death of her sister then MP for Bukomansimbi Susan Namaganda, a few days to 2016 polls and many thought, she will be an MP for only one term.

The Bukomansimbi district Woman Member of Parliament returned in 2021 this time on NUP ticket and with a rrsounding victory.

Because of her influence, Hon. Veronica Nanyondo covered the whole Bukomansimbi ldistrict with Red colour, helping the Party to win all the three constituences. Dr. Ndiwalana defeated NRM’s Ruth Katushabe in Bukomansimbi North and Hon. Solo Kayemba emerged winner for Bukomansimbi South Constituency beating DP’s Deogratius Kiyingi.

From left; MPs Ndiwalana and Nanyondo on duty

Bobi regards Veronica as one of his true Generals, very humble lady but aggressive and a real fighter.

When Hon. Nanyondo donated wheel chairs to physically disabled people in her constituency

Commonly known as Bbeeyiyabirime, Veronica is a darling in Catholic Churches, children and women groups. She supports farmers, women with seeds.

Most of her time, Veronica spends it in the Constituency with farmers or at Church, making it next to impossible for those who think of uprooting her

Come 2026, Hon. Veronica Nanyondo will bounce back in Parliament come rainfall or sundhine.


Among young men in politics who must be closely watched, is this Rubaga North Member of Parliament who started his journey in politics as a mere Councilor, to becoming a Speaker in KCCA and now MP and shadow minister in charge of Kampala and Metropolitan area.

This ghetto boy who grew up from Kawaala slums is a hardliner and very difficult to unseat.

Hon. Abubaker Kawalya

In 2021 elections, he defeated incumbent Moses Kasibante ‘Class monitor’, Beti Olive Namisango Kamya (current IGG) and many others. He won at all polling stations.

His first term in Parliament, Hon. Kawalya has performed so good making his political enemies to coil their tails and we strongly doubt whether they can risk daring him again in 2026.

A few days after he was appointed shadow cabinet minister in charge of Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Hon. Abubaker Kawalya warned Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja on her planned move to send money to the ‘selected’ vulnerable poor saying it will be fought.

He said her move was unconstitutional, not backed by any law and discriminatory.

He wanted government to urgently think about better ways to cater for all the hungry especially people in Kampala whose businesses were closed yet statistics showed that most of them live from hand to mouth. He guided that Nabbanja should not to just hand-pick those to send relief as she is planing to do.

Kawalya said, it was time for the government to give back to the taxpayers so that hunger doesn’t kill them as they are locked up in their homes.

In his letter dated June 23rd 2021 which he copied to both the Leader of Opposition and Opposition Chiefwhip, MP Kawalya insisted, all Ugandans are equal, they all need Government bail out amidst such tough times so Prime minister should quickly think about this but not to be selective.

This was in reference to what Rt. Hon. Nabbanja said on Tuesday June 22 2021, upon assuming Office as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uganda about how government relief following the 11 + 42 days COVID-19 lockdown will only be extended to what she classified as the “vulnerable poor”, using mobile money transactions. Kawalya said the Prime minister is at the bad side of the law.

Hon. Kawalya reminded PM Nabbanja how under the Law, Ugandans are already classified into the aforementioned political, economic, social and cultural aspects, hence, “There is no legal basis whatsoever to purport to discriminate the same under the guise of vulnerable poor.” This proved him an MP for the people. He used his first salary to buy a brand new ambulance for his people to give free service.

He donated three motorcycles worth UGX 15M to a group of youth called Boda Boda Patrol, Lubya Chapter, who are remembered for voluntarily escorting NUP supreme leader Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi while traversing the whole country during 2021 Presidential campaigns.

Hon. Kawalya trying one of the motorcyles he donated to NUP foot soldiers in Rubaga North

These boys braved teargas, bullets and arrests which marred Hon. Bobi Wine’s campaign trail. They soldiered on until the end of those bloody campaigns.

At a function which was attended by political leaders in Lubaga, Hon. Kawalya saluted these youth for enduring all kinds of torture and brutality but remained strong and true to the struggle saying, they are worth being celebrated and rewarded for their love plus support to the principal Hon. Kyagulanyi and to the National Unity Platform (NUP) Party.

“Please, receive these three brand new motorcycles I have bought for you to thank you for the support you gave to Hon. Kyagulanyi, support you gave to me during my Member of Parliament campaigns and for supporting all NUP candidates. Use these boda bodas to make money, develop a saving culture so that by the time we come back here, these three motorcycles might have multiplied into six motorcycles.” MP Kawalya told a joyous group of NUP youth.

He implored them to embrace discipline and transparency in their endeavors in order to attain sustainable development, adding that, it’s not alien for members of the same development group to default or take advantage of others.

Kawalya visited Good Times Infant School in Kawaala, Rubaga Division where a domitory was gutted by fire killing a P.6 pupil instantly!

The very touched legislator, condoled with the parents, school leadership and pupils for this loss of life and property worth millions. He donated 50 bags of Cement to help in rebuilding the school.

And when hundreds of his people were illegally evicted by officials from The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and their property worth millions of shillings destroyed by heartless security officials, Kawalya rushed there and strongly condemned NEMA.

He bought food for the evicted people and also vowed to pursue this matter to Parliament, which he did. 

He has supported churches and mosques with building materials, supports youth, women and as an area MP, is always available for his people.

He is so close to Bobi and sometimes, both drives in the same car. 

Recently, Bobi delegated Kawalya to Canada for an official assignment. Be it in Parliament, Party headquaters or in the constituency, Kawalya is very strong like a rock. His return in 2026 is guaranteed.


The Foreign Affairs Shadow minister is one of Hon. Bobi Wine’s last bullets, he entrusted him with Kyadondo East Constituency where the NUP supremo served as Member of Parliament in 10th Parliament before he chose another political path.

Hon. Muwada Nkunyingi

Many including Kyagulanyi’s family members wanted to be endorsed to takeover Kyadondo East after Bobi but the Ghetto gladiator went for renown Human Rights lawyer, Muwada Nkunyingi who didnt disappoint NUP boss.

Those who wanted Kyadondo East MP seat included then Kasangati Mayor Tonny Ssempebwa who many believe, he worked tooth and nail when Bobi contested for Kyadondo East MP to make him sail through.

So he thought, it would be automatic for Hon. Ssentamu to passover the mantle to him since they were buddies. That card disnt work. Bobi was looking for a substitute who wont just be a listening post in Parliament and that was none other than, Muwada Nkunyingi. He in fact advised Ssempebwa to return for Kasangati Mayor but the guy refused and chose to go independent. He lost!

Even Khalid Ssimbwa made the same mistake. Because him and Bobi were known to each other since their youthful days and Khalid had many deals with Kyagulanyi, he thought that was enough for him to be given party ticket. He was wrong.

Bobi settled for Muwada who has performed excellently and used his docket of Foreign Affairs to fight for suffering Ugandans abroad. Bobi must be grateful to Hon. Muwada. Je has perfectly kept the candle burning in Kyadondo East.

MP Muwada donating food to Kyadondo East People

Insiders say, recently Tonny Ssempebwa returned home, apologised to Bobi and he redeployed him but still under Muwada.

We are told, Ssmpebwa will be given a ticket for Mayor Kasangati after all the incumbent who is serving on NUP ticket turned against the Party, MP Kagabo way, after he was elected.

In brief, Muwada’s seat is ringfenced, expect to see him in the 12th Parliament.

Please, wait for Part II of this story as we bring more NUP MPs who are safe and their win in 2026 is automatic. For views/comments on this story, please Whatsapp editor on 0772523039 or email us at newseditor.info@gmail.com


President Museveni touring certain roads in Kampala as Uganda prepares to host the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in January 2024


The writer Kagenyi Lukka is the Deputy RDC Manafwa District

IT is going to be Uganda’s monumental undertaking next year. It will also be a golden opportunity as Uganda hosts the 19th Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and G77 plus China summit in January 2024.

Over 120 global leaders are expected to converge in Kampala for these high-level diplomatic gatherings.

All global eyes will also be on Uganda. And we need to rally every citizen to embrace these summits so that we can as a county leverage our diplomatic position to influence decisions in our favour, especially the idea of commercial diplomacy that is needed to attract investors into our country.

The government’s commitment to the success of these summits is underscored by the approved investment of sh86.4b into the construction of a conference hall at Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort, the designated venue for the dual summits.

Despite concerns about potential delays,  our leader, President Yoweri Museveni, has also toured all the venues designated to host the NAM summit and inspected road works on routes that lead to these venues as preparations take centre-stage.

To quote the words of our leader when he toured roads, the conference venue in Munyonyo, and the International airport in Entebbe, he said: “The summit will provide a platform for global cooperation and solidarity and for advancing our common goals. Uganda is prepared to showcase its hospitality and contribute to a successful summit.”

It is now about two months to the conference, and everyone is working around the clock to ensure that the country will be ready to welcome global leaders.

The stakes are high for Uganda. We need every citizen to work towards achieving this goal. The other important element is the fact that we are poised to assume chairmanship of both the NAM and the South Summit for the next three years after the conclusion of the dual summits in Kampala.

This will also be a historical feat for the Pearl of Africa. So, Ugandans should be enthusiastic about hosting this summit.

But what is NAM? What about the composition of the Member States of the Group of 77 plus China?

The Non-Aligned Movement is a forum of 120 countries that are not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc. After the United Nations (UN), it is the largest grouping of states worldwide.

On the other hand, the Group of 77 at the United Nations is a coalition of 135 developing countries, designed to promote its members’ collective economic interests and create an enhanced joint negotiating capacity in the United Nations.

With the theme “Leaving No One Behind” the Third South Summit will look to instill a new dynamic to the cooperation among the 134 Member States of the Group of 77 in a more competitive world. 

The Summit aims at boosting South-South cooperation including in the areas of trade, investment, sustainable development, climate change, poverty eradication, and digital economy, with a focus on addressing global economic disparities. 

Uganda, therefore, needs to use the two summitts to advocate for the interests of developing countries and enhancing mutual economic cooperation. 

The Movement remains a vital pillar of support for developing countries’ shared quest for peace, security, development, and justice in international relations. 

On the other hand, the NAM summit will be held under the theme, ‘Deepening Cooperation for Shared Global Affluence,’ which fit in well with the four core principles of the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) Government—of Democracy, Patriotism, Social-Economic Transformation and Pan-Africanism.

Fostering the much-needed solidarity among NAM member states and promoting a multipolar world is the other target that we hope to achieve from these two summits. 

In short, strengthening the South-South cooperation and enhancing diplomatic influence, will be our core expectations from these summits.

I must also note that Uganda’s foreign policy is characterised by a commitment to regional cooperation, economic diversification, and diplomatic pragmatism. These principles are guided by principles of taking no sides.

However, it also faces ongoing challenges, particularly in the areas of sustainable development, managing the adverse effects of climate change, regional peace and security issues, all of which require continued attention and strategic maneuvering on the global stage.

Through sustained involvement in regional peace initiatives, trade and commercial diplomacy, multilateral engagements and our upcoming summit hosting responsibilities, Uganda is now rightly placed at the centre of the global eye with the forthcoming summits. 

This does not only signify Uganda’s rising diplomatic relations role, but it also illustrates our evolving role in the multifaceted international arena. 

The writer Kagenyi Lukka is the Deputy RDC Manafwa District

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