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Bidco team delivering their support to the Prime Minister at OPM on Tuesday


FOLLOWING a call by government through Prime Minister, Rt.Hon.Robinah Nabbanja Musafiri to the private sector to support its fight against the current global pandemic, Bidco Uganda Limited (BUL), an FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) company with a modern edible oil processing complex in Masese village,Jinja has today responded with a whopping $100000 donation.
According to Kampala Metropolitan State Minister, Hon.Kyofatogabye Kabuye, Bidco has always supported government on various humanitarian causes thereby making it inevitable for them not to extend a helping hand at this hour of need when contacted.
“We are out to combine efforts in the fight against the pandemic and as government,we are grateful to Bidco and its management for the philanthropic gesture”, Hon. Kyofa said.
Bidco’s General Manager who led the donation team that included the Chief Finance Officer to the Office of the Prime Minister argued that the pandemic has really affected their daily operations in addition to slowing down on production nevertheless they are supportive of the government approach aimed at massive vaccination targeting over 22m natives.
The enthusiastic General Manager who disclosed that their donation will be wired directly to the official Government Covid-19 Relief Account noted that the support will be able to procure over 25,000 doses of the vaccine of which 5,000 doses will strictly be for their management and support staff in Jinja,Buvuma and Kalangala with the rest going to the community and the surrounding areas.
On her part,Rt.Hon.Robina Nabbanja Musafiri heaped praises on the privately owned company for the good gesture.
“Bidco’s support will go a long way in procuring some doses for our people and I want to thank them for their humanitarian support as we battle the virus”.
This is the second time that Bidco which has palm projects in Kalangala and Buvuma Districts is supporting the government in the pandemic.
In the first lockdown of 2020,Bidco donated UgX521m cash with other products from their conglomerate.
They have also renovated Walukuba Health Centre IV to a tune of UgX100m



In the photo: Racheal Kagoya and her close friend after blocking Mr. Bigirwa from accessing his house (Photo credit; Bukedde tv)


LATEST information reaching our news desk shows, there has been an attempt by politician Moses Bigirwa’s former wife Racheal Kagoya and her new husband Hamza to sell Bigirwa’s Gangu house in order to pay a Bank loan of UGX 80M, which money was allegedly eaten by the two extravagant love birds! 
We have been reliably informed, on being tipped how Racheal and Hamza were planning to sell the house he built from his little savings as a youth and clear the bank loan, Bigirwa a no nonsense guy stepped in to block the deal!  This is how the two are said to have plotted his arrest and stage managed his embarrassment before cameras.
In fact their motive was for Bigirwa to shy away since to them this would kill his political image, so that they proceed with their mission.

To their shock, Bigirwa put up a strong fight without fear or favour to block this open day fraud on an asset he single handedly put up, five years before him and Racheal Kagoya fell in love.
Bigirwa, who likes to be reffered to as ‘Gen’, contested for MP Kamuli Municipality on opposition NUP ticket and narrowly lost although for he claims, the election was rigged by a clique in government in connivance with Racheal Kagoya.

It is alleged that the two, Racheal and Hamza secured a loan from a certain reknown big bank in Kampala (Names withheld). 
The documents of the Land on which Bigirwa’s house sits was deposited in this bank as security/mortgage.
However, all this was done without Bigirwa’s consent. Bank did not get any clearance from the land and house’s rightful owner before giving out a loan. It’s only a relative to Hamza who alerted Bigirwa that the house he often says is for his children, was used by Kagoya and her lover as security to acquire a loan.
He decided to go to his home only to be stopped by Kagoya’s sisters who are said to have run out of their marriages and another lady Bigirwa identified as a security personnel.
The three put up a fight to block the house owner from accessing it and were joined by their sister Kagoya and a man identified as Hamza.
Thanks to the media which covered this scuffle, the Bank realized how they were conned by Kagoya and her fiance, by depositing security they had no ownership over.
Now we are told, bank wants it’s money or they take Kagoya’s new Bunga-Kawuku palatial home. This Kawuku house is estimated to have cost UGX 800 M by the time it will be done with repairing and beautification. Click and read this: SEX SCANDAL: HERE IS DIVORCED BIGIRWA’S WIFE’S 800M HOUSE SHE BOUGHT NEAR TYCOON HAM RESIDENCE, SAYS GOT MONEY FROM NRM BOSS
The couple is now in panic and are requesting for peace talks with Bigirwa.
Insiders say, Kagoya’s uncle (a big man who owns a certain hospital in Bugolobi) is not happy about the fact that she has embarrassed herself and the family. He has ordered her to shut up and settle the matter amicably. We shall come back to this later.

Bigirwa’s story in Gangu starts with his elder sister a one Nangobi, commonly known as Maama Imran. This is the lady you normally see with Bigirwa when ever he is at police or at Gangu claiming his house.
From village to Kampala, Bigirwa was brought by this good hearted sister.
She has a house in Gangu where she got married and this is from where she hosted her brother. Like any youth, Bigirwa did some casual jobs and his sister advised him to save.
Those who remember (late) Haji Sebaggala days as Kampala Mayor, he lifted up many youth, gave them some deals and among them was Moses Bigirwa.
This young man managed to save on whichever coin he got which excited his sister Nangobi.
Around 2009, Bigirwa had saved some good money.  His sister then advised him to buy himself a plot of land in Gangu and put up atleast a small house.
She personally looked for this plot near her home in Gangu, Bigirwa paid and after a certain time, he started building his house ‘process by process’.
Five years later, when the house was already done and Bigirwa married with the mother of his first three children all living in this Gangu house, Racheal Kagoya tears apart this marriage.
She fell in love with Bigirwa in 2014. She fought Bigirwa’s wife until the lady ran  for her dear life, leaving behind her three children.
Kagoya took over and she there an then started torturing her step children until two ran out of their home.
She behaved like a mad dog and couldn’t adhere to her husband’s directives. (We shall also expound on this in our Part III of the story).
Therefore, it’s true, this woman didn’t contribute even a single penny when Bigirwa was buying this plot of land and house Racheal and her bonkmate want to grab.
Bigirwa continously demands that Kagoya produces the land buy agreement with proof of signatures that they both paid for this land.  
If there is any one who supported Bigirwa, then it’s his sister and the mother of his first children with whom they were living together in this house before Kagoya came and forced the woman to leave her matrimonial home.

In Part III of the Bigirwa story, we bring you details of how Racheal and Hamza plotted to grab the Gangu home and what was in the UGX 1B NRM deal. For views/comments, send us an email to newseditor.info@gmail.com 




WAIT a minute, hold it! Now think of a situation when your own children – innocent minors as young as between 9-15 years of age are recruited and then used as soldiers in an armed conflict. First, abducted and second, beaten into submission to working as combatants and sex slaves.
This is the current situation in Tigray, the northern most regional state in Ethiopia, where the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), a declared terrorist group by the federal government, has for months been fighting while recruiting and enrolling minors on the battlefield for selfish and political gains.

The children are forced and fronted to work for TPLF as its fighters. Many girls joined the conflict fearing repercussions such as rape and being sex slaves. TPLF is dragging the people of Tigray into the conflict.
Many of these children who escape narrate horrible stories of how TPLF captured and mercilessly meted all sorts of violence onto them with the soul purpose of seeing them fight with and for them, purportedly to defend Tigray, out of a feeling of revenge on the country’s federal leadership.
This evil decision of the TPLF made the children and elders the first victim of the conflict and Ethiopian government has an obligation to rescue the children.
It should be noted that the current conflict in Tigray was sparked by an unprovoked violent attack by the TPLF on Federal forces in November last year after over two years of provocation. They wanted to acquire over 80% of the National army’s possession which was in the region and illegally and forcefully change the leadership of the country.
This particular act of provocation was hard to contain as always – they went overboard. And, just like no functional state would ‘swallow’ that, that an armed terrorist group attracts military bases and walks scot-free, the federal government led by Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed responded and neutralized them.
But surprisingly, the US and the western media were quick to blame the Abiy-led government of using words like atrocities and war crimes, of course basing on the TPLF propaganda network portraying themselves as the victim.
When Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed declared a unilateral ceasefire at the end of last month and ordered all federal forces out of Tigray so as to allow residents access humanitarian support and plough land in peace without sporadic clashes with TPLF, the anticipation was that the terrorist group would cooperate but alas, their atrocities have since increased and expanded to neighboring regions like Afar and Amhara where they invaded, attacked and killed residents there.
What is more disheartening however, are are the ‘double standards’ of the U.S and the West who are now tempting many to assume that they are supporting TPLF and the violence in Tigray, basing on how they are responding to the Tigray conflict.
Look, the US was quick to blame the federal government for repulsing the terrorists who wanted to overthrow it but it has remained silent on the massive recruitment and use of child soldiers despite condemnation by Ethiopia and Ethiopians online who are using #ChildrenNotSoldiers to disapprove the act.
Media outlets such as the New York Times and the Associated Press have been condemned on social media for portraying the children as “highly motivated young recruits.”
For starters, associating young children with armed forces and groups is a crime under several international laws.
In 2000, the UN General Assembly adopted the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict to protect children from recruitment and use in hostilities. It entered into force in 2002.
The Optional protocol is a commitment that States will not recruit children under the age of 18 to send them to the battlefield, States will not conscript soldiers below the age of 18 and that States should take all possible measures to prevent such recruitment –including legislation to prohibit and criminalize the recruitment of children under 18 and involve them in hostilities.
The protocol also provides for States to demobilize anyone under 18 conscripted or used in hostilities and will provide physical, psychological recovery services and help their social reintegration and that Armed groups distinct from the armed forces of a country should not, under any circumstances, recruit or use in hostilities anyone under 18.
Human rights law declares 18 as the minimum legal age for recruitment and use of children in hostilities. Recruiting and using children under the age of 15 as soldiers is prohibited under international humanitarian law – treaty and custom – and is defined as a war crime by the International Criminal Court.
The TPLF leader, Debretsion Gebremichael, is on record for having promised last year in November a “people’s war” in which “starting with the children, everyone will be taking part.”
This should have been enough for the US and the international community who have already pitched selves as neutral and leading advocates and defenders of human rights, to condemn the acts and stand with the children of Tigray just as they did in Uganda when Joseph Kony, leader of rebel group, LRA recruited child soldiers.
Recruitment of child soldiers by Kony justified the 2014 American foreign policy priority to hunt him down. Kony used over 60,000 children as child soldiers and sex slaves for his guerillas from 1986 to 2009, crimes which led to the displacement of millions of people.
US Osprey aircraft and 150 American air force special forces personnel swooped in to help the Ugandan Defence Forces hunt down the LRA leaders so they could be handed over the International Criminal Court.
In the same spirit, President Yoweri Museveni, a renowned Pan-africanist and freedom fighter, one who has witnessed the pain subjected to children in Northern Uganda, ought to be on the front line in rejecting meting of violence on the children of Tigray.
They are children like the rest of others in the world, they need education, love and mentorship into becoming good citizens in the future not on the battlefield.
To date, wounds and injuries of war subjected on children by Joseph Kony’s LRA are still fresh in the eyes of Ugandans. The future of most of those children was ruined, many died and others are still suffering with diseases like HIV. This should not be allowed to continue taking place in Tigray.
The country and the people of Uganda, rooting experience from use of children as soldiers by Joseph Kony, should stand firm and together to disapprove the same by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front.

The writer is a Ugandan Journalist with passion for current African affairs. Reach him on: adamkungu7@gmail.com



In photo is the newly acquired house, Racheal Kagoya bought using money she allegedly got from NRM boss. The two boys are the Bigirwa’s children Kagoya left with (Photo by News Editor)


THOSE who have been sympathetic to Rachel Kagoya, the woman who is making endless noise in media about how the father of her youngest two children Moses Bigirwa neglected his family, you need to pause a bit and read this interesting story! 
Bigirwa a popular youthful politician, contested for Kamuli Municipality Member of Parliament on Opposition NUP ticket, an election he claims to have massively won only to be rigged by government officials dealing with Racheal Kagoya as a punishment for rejecting their deal.
For starters, Racheal blocked the father of her youngest two children from accessing his Gangu house in Wakiso district he single handedly built 5 years before meeting and falling in love with this woman.
However, it is now a couple of months since Racheal moved into her fourth marriage and Bigirwa insists, she moved on with one Hamza and the two own a magnificent house in Bunga-Kawuku.
This has not stopped Kagoya from putting up a strong fight and deny Bigirwa access to his house that he built from his small savings as a youth.
Racheal accuses Bigirwa of Domestic Violence vide Ref. 17/19/07/2021 at Katwe Police Station and was given a police bond on 17th July 2021 at Katwe Police Station. He will report back on 26th/July/2021 at 9am.

This news Website has carried out thorough investigation about this estranged woman’s multi million house involving a top NRM boss who allegedly assigned her on a mission and she was paid a deposit of UGX 1 Billion Shillings!
Rachel Kagoya a mother of 6 children from three failed marriages has bought a magnificent house worth UGX 800M in Bunga-Kawuku near the residences of billionaires Hamis Kiggundu of Ham Towers and Rubaga Miracle Centre Church Pastor Robert Kayanja.
Born in Bugweri, Iganga district, Racheal Kagoya who is about 45 years old, is a Nalongo with one pair of twins she mothered with another man before falling in love with NUP Politician Gen. Moses Bigirwa.
Facts about her parents are not clear, she tells different stories to her friends. But the truth is, she grew up from a Missionary House in Jinja. Those knowing her say, she didn’t go beyond Secondary school education. She dropped out of school early and joined the marriage institution. It is not true that she is a medical Doctor like she alleges, may be she meant, a witch doctor. We shall come back to this later! 
Back to her multi million house in Bunga-Kawuku, by the time our spy troops went at this site, work on her house was on going to beautify it so that it perfectly fits in the ‘Yellow Village’ where NRM tycoons and powerful people in government live.
Racheal Kagoya lives in this palatial home with her new bonkmate one Hamza who Bigirwa calls a security operative. She recently bought her self a brand new Toyota Harrier (Kawundo).
Outside her gate, our spy team found Bigirwa’s son Marvin (who is a step son to Kagoya) and Kagoya’s first son with Bigirwa aged about 6 years old.
Our team however, did not bother these young ones. There were builders working on Kagoya’s new house but did not realise what our mission was. It took our team about 30 minutes to gather enough information about Kagoya and her new catch which we wish to give you dear our readers, in series. 
In this Part I of our story we will concentrate on the location of the house and how we knew about it!

We took Bunga-Gaba road and branched off at Bunga stage located at ORXY Fuel station driving on Kawuku – Gaba bypass road. This road goes to Las vegas Garden Hotel.
After a 5 minutes drive, we branched off to Hamis Kiggundu Road Kawuku on left hand side. 

We slopped down and drove for about 3 minutes. We reached a corner and on the right hand side, there is Njuki Festo road. We branched off to this road which also goes to Yellow Heaven Victoria view Apartments.
We drove for a few meters, past a police booth on the left hand side, then branched off to Sam Ssali close.  Sam Ssali close is a small murram road which goes straight to Racheal Kagoya’s maginifent house.

It was one of Hamza’s buddies (who wishes to stay anonymous) that felt like these love birds are doing an injustice to Mr. Moses Bigirwa.
This person reached us via our contacts and gave us this tip.
He led us straight to the house where to our advantage, we found Bigirwa’s children who perfectly resemble their dad.
We engaged neighbours about their new neighbours and what they told us, will be a good story for another day.

In the next story, we bring you more details about the source of millions Kagoya is dishing out, facts about her two first failed marriages and the 50 lies she has told Bigirwa in their marriage.
For comments/views, email us on newseditor.info@gmail.com 




ON GLOBAL scale, there have been frantic attempts to avert the dangers of COVID-19 ever since the global pandemic broke out in Wuhan, China at the end of the year 2019. Being a highly infectious disease that can cause life threatening symptoms, the whole world has been on it’s toes to save it’s 7.9BN population from decimation under the weight of coronavirus. After a year and a half, economies of governments are in tatters with the death toll surpassing 4million and still counting.
In response, governments have imposed lockdowns and ramped up efforts to vaccinate citizens especially for those who have been lucky to access COVID-19 vaccines. Despite all the efforts by governments in both developed and developing countries, there is currently no known cure for COVID-19 save for some treatments through use of antivirals such as Veklury (remdesivir) and dexamethasone that are available to help manage it.
Lately, all the efforts have been turned to vaccination as a more trusted remedy. But whereas experts think that the world’s high vaccination rate will largely protect people from severe illness and death, health experts also caution that the vaccines aren’t 100% effective. Therefore, a vaccine is not a silver bullet. Even if one (or more) is proven safe and effective, vaccines are notoriously difficult to make and distribute. It is now evident that unless vaccine supplies are shared more equitably (which has also proved not to be possible) it will take years for the world’s poorest countries to achieve a vaccination rate of 60 percent to ensure “safety” of their population.
This means that people will continue to contract the virus because some won’t get vaccinated and because the vaccine may not be effective for everyone (for various reasons ranging from access, to the evolving nature of the virus leading to new and more dangerous variants), there is urgent need for a more and comprehensive solution to the pandemic that is beyond lockdowns, the available drugs and the vaccines. For developing countries, the urgency is more intense.
This is where local African innovations come in handy. Cheers! The continent has made tremendous strides in this line. The discovery of COVIDEX and later COVILYCE-1, has proved to all and sundry that there is potential to develop a home-made solution to COVID-19. Luckily, the “raw products” are so abundant and all that is required is government support for our innovators to go into mass production. Why then should we continue to “donate” trillions to IMF and other international credit facilities for loans yet we can eradicate the problem completely?
Again, can anyone disregard the impact of Madagascar’s home-made herbal tonic COVID-ORGANICS when it has been reporting just 17 new infections on average each day for months with the highest daily average reported on April 21? Who knows if the local remedy has since been silently administered and an unsung hero behind the country’s good record in managing COVID-19 infections? Statistics indicate that there have been 42,606 infections and 941 coronavirus-related deaths reported in Madagascar since the pandemic began! Tanzania (which initially resorted to local remedies and could be still relying on them) is not reporting mass deaths too. Remember Magufuli had promised to import the Madagascar ‘wonder drug?”    
More realistically, we will need to manage COVID-19, and possibly other novel viruses, for years to come. A vital tool, therefore, will be effective and this could come in the form of locally developed treatments. We must prioritize their development now. If we do, we will be rewarded with resilient health systems, a stronger economy and longer lives. Soon, there will be no need for irritating lockdowns, COVID-19 certificates and lining up for painful jabs or the associated side effects.  
If such effective treatment could be found, the urgent need to vaccinate millions of people would diminish. The balance between public health and fully re-opening the economy would be easier to achieve and this will be a spotlight for the continent whose capabilities have been undermined. Can’t Africa and her people stop looking further for the solution to the COVID-19 pandemic?

The writer, Mr. Apollo Tusiime is a senior Journalist and a TV talkshow host at SALT Media. He is also the Secretary General Uganda Parliamentary Press Association (UPPA). You can reach him on 0701 609 906



ABOVE: Mayanja, top crusader against Private Mailo land and busuulu paid by bibanja holders


PRESIDENT Museveni’s junior Minister for Lands Sam Mayanja is in trouble over statements he made shortly after his appointment as junior minister for lands calling for the cancellation of all titles for Kabaka’s land. 
Public has warned him to be careful and avoid making such ‘reckless’ statements because they intend to incite Kabaka’s subjects who are able to do everything possible in protecting their King against those attacking his Kingdom.
In a press interview with Daily Monitor Newspaper shortly after his appointment, Mayanja called for the abolishment of Mailo land tenure system in Uganda with the prime target of taking away Kabaka’s land. 

His hate gospel is also against compensating private Mailo owners especially Kabaka, saying that they got the land free of charge.
In Mayanja’s wisdom, government should do away with Mailo land tenure because it is the major cause of land evictions.
He incited bibanja holders in Buganda not to compensate private mailo land owners like Kabaka, something that has caused harsh public reactions on his story published by Daily Monitor Newspaper on Sunday 4th July 2021 and shared on Facebook. 
Reading through hundreds of comments, public is accusing the minister of being used by the enemies of Buganda to take away Kabaka’s land, a deal his subjects have vowed to fail. 
Ali Kayemba has warned that, “Land is going to cause problems to this government. Mayanja is pressing a wrong button. He is being used to grab our land which they are occupying illegally. That is treading of a wrong move.”
One Godfrey Webale Wapipi has written that, “Counsel Mayanja don’t soil your reputation and that of your law firm at least. What you are chasing for is unpopular and deadly. I am not a Muganda but I see Covid-20 in your thoughts.” Mayanja is a partner at Kampala Associated Advocates (KAA), one of the biggest law firms in Kampala.
Thomas Snider Ejotu said, “Bibanja holders have peacefully lived on Mailo land for over 100 years and there has never been any issue of land evictions until those who think everyone should own land in Buganda came in to start disturbing the poor.”
Veteran journalist Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi who was last week appointed Deputy RCC Masaka City said, most of the evictions are not on private Mailo estates like Minister Mayanja alleges, but on public land and most of the new owners are non Baganda.
“Even evictions on private Mailo estates are mostly done by new owners most of them non Baganda.” Noted Deputy RCC Kateregga.
Counsel Lwetutte told us that, as a lawyer, he hopes minister Sam Mayanja understands that for his proposal to succeed, it will require constitutional and legal changes of seismic proportions. 
It will require a major shift from the key tenets of a free market economy – the respect for property rights and adequate compensation. 
“This has the potential for far-reaching repercussions for the country as an investment destination and the national economy. If non citizens, the departed Asians, were compensated under pressure from the international community for their property, which law worth the name can hope to deprive citizens of property at variance with national and international law? “Asked counsel Lwetutte.

Buyungo BE U Richardis: The Land law is very clear, these baseless suggestions by the minister won’t work.
Bukenya Hakim: Where is this minister coming from? That law won’t work in Buganda. He is just looking for wars.
Henry Brian Namuyimba Ssembatya: This minister was appointed basically to tussle it out with Buganda. You won’t win this battle sir.
Mosz Mwesigwa: Simple advice to bibanja holders, continue paying busuulu to the landlords because no minister will be there to rescue you in the judicial courts.The judges base their arguments on the law.
Brian Kabugo Bisase: The minister doesn’t make laws. His directives are not legaly binding. Bibanja holders please don’t buy into these lies. Just follow the law and pay busuulu.
Kasule T Bruno: Trying to treat symptoms of malaria by taking panadol. Involve stakeholders in every step. Hate driven decisions may not be a long term solution.
Tom Bogere: Why? And when did it start? Now you are trying to create a misunderstanding between Landowners and bibanja holders so that you get a way of abolishing Mailo land tenure.  We are watching you guys! 
Niwi Wilson: Minister Mayanja we don’t want your projects. For us bibanja holders we shall negotiate with the landlords. We don’t want to pull ropes with them.
Richard Bin Nakayenga: Mr. Mayanja, you are creating a crisis then. May be you want mailo land to be sold off.
Kayanja Arnold: Stop playing with issues related to land. Stop playing games. People have always lived in harmony with one another. Your motive is up to no good. It is you stirring things up for reasons best known to you.
Ambrose Kituuka: Dear minister, we are all not thieves. We are willing to continue paying the monarch what is due. 
Christine Nassimbwa: I see this intended to steal our land yet it is very hard for Baganda to own land in other regions like Western parts of the country.
Slva Nk: Who has complained about this land tenure system? Where does the minister get it from? All we are reading is that government wants to take up ownership of land just like it is in Tanzania, Rwanda among other countries. Here the land problem is entirely caused by land grabbers who are big names, some in government, politicians, military personnels and shrewd businessmen. Why doesnt the minister deal with those first to show that he is working? Why is this minister disturbing the peace of bibanja holders with their land lords?  
Rogers Muyinza: Sorry minister Mayanja, we the bibanja holders shall always be obedient to landlords.
Zann Arafat: Uganda will be stronger if we respect our diversity….total federalism based on ethenicity is the only solution to land problem in Uganda.
Robert Tebandeke Kepler: The minster should be reminded that land evictions don’t only exist in Buganda but also in other parts of the country. Why then come up with laws which are looked at as targeting a particular region. Let him tell us the hidden motive behind this.
Kateregga Jimmy: It is true, not that every one can afford to buy land. Others buy bibanja. That is the advantage the Kibanja system. It enables those who would otherwise have no where to settle get where to settle. It is the reason, Buganda has no landless people not like it is in other regions like Kigezi and Bunyoro.
Sulaina Nakato: So the minister wants us to think that when you rent a house it becomes yours? Know what you are buying. If you want land, pay for land. If it is a Kibanja, then be ready to pay busuulu to the land lord. That is what the law stipulates.
Zenj Quality Dreadlocks centre: What about us who are renting and have stayed in the same houses for 5years, should our landlords also give us ownership? Tell me minister Mayanja.
Masagazi Lukiya Nampeera: It is very unfortunate, every one with power is against mailo land. Is it jealous or it is their way of governing? This was between the government of Buganda and the British government. Here comes a mere minister driving what he doesn’t know.
Save Uganda International: But I think the problem isn’t about Mailo land but land grabbers who sometimes are guarded by armed men in uniform. And I think, each region should find lasting solutions for land issues.
Barnabas Kirwisa: The minister looks to be so antagonistic against Baganda/Mengo. Was this Muganda purposely appointed to be used in battles against Kabaka?

In Part II of this story, our investigations team will unmask Minister Mayanja, his family back ground and why he has been fighting Kabaka. For comments/views about this story, sms 0792735159 or email: newseditor.info@gmail.com



Benefaciaries of Nankoma primary school receiving support from Owek. Dr. Joyce Abaliwano (left)


THERE is a jubilant mood allover Busoga and the surrounding areas among parents, guardians and the PLE 2020 candidates after the good performance.
According to the results released on Friday by Uganda National Examinations Board,all the sponsored candidates under the Ekigangu kya Busoga/Bidco bursary scheme who sat passed and are eligible to join secondary education.
One of the best pupils,Ismael Ntambi with 11 aggregates from Nankoma Primary School in Bugiri District attributed his performance to the availability of school dues courtesy of the scholarship.
“As a family,we would encounter challenges in meeting our obligation but with Bidco/Ekigangu paying my school dues,it enabled me concentrate making it inevitable for me to scoop a first grade and am grateful for the support”, Ntambi said pleading for more support in secondary as well. Others who performed well included Flavia Martha Nanyanzi with 12 aggregates from Nankoma Primary School, Bruno Azalwa with 12 aggregates from Iganga Boys Boarding Primary School,Jonathan Musasizi (child with disability) with 14 aggregates from Nabirumba Primary School in Kamuli District,Suudi Mukibi with 16 aggregates from Nabukalu Primary School,Susan Jackline Nyomera with 24 aggregates from Butumba Primary School among others.

Owek. Dr. Joyce Abaliwano Mulebeke, Team Leader Ekigangu kya Busoga also Minister for Gender, Women and Children Affairs argues that as an entity within the Kingdom, they look forward to increasing the number of children in school with emphasis on bright but vulnerable children with the girl child taking a lead.
“Increasing the number of children moreso girls who stay in school most especially at this difficult time where many girls have fellen prey to teen pregnancy is our top priority.We continue to deepen our crusade in agitating and supporting the education of the girl child and on behalf of management and Managing Directo,Rt.Hon.Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga, we are very grateful to Bidco for partnering with us in this noble cause and we look forward to more of the same”. Dr.Joyce said. She also conveyed greetings from both the Kyabazinga and Prime Minister.

Bidco’s General Manager noted that as a corporate company giving back to the community is a priority under their social responsibility provided the support benefits and serves the genuine cause it was asked for.
“As a company, we don’t aim at profit maximization but we also associate with community causes that are geared towards improving the well-being of the people we serve and when the Kingdom team approached us for support moreover with education, we welcomed the idea. No wonder our support impacted on the final performance of the candidates which is encouraging”, the General Manager revealed committing Bidco’s willingness to continue supporting Ekigangu’s pro-people causes since it falls within their core value of their corporate social responsibility.
This is the second year running that Bidco continues to support bright but vulnerable children under Ekigangu kya Busoga established by the Kyabazinga of Busoga.
Other benefiting students under the Bidco/Ekigangu bursary scheme go to Nabirumba Seed School in Kamuli District, Kidera SS in Buyende District, Bunya SS and Mpungwe SS in Mayuge District, Nkutu Memorial SS in Bugweri District, Walibo Seed School in Luuka District, Kiribaki SS in Iganga District. Banda SS, Kifuyo SS, St.Philips Lwangosia, Buswale SS all in Namayingo District.



Hon. Kiwanda crying after he was forced to step down for Kibedi Nsegumire (left) in a race for Mityana North MP. This was late last year


UP to now, there are many unanswered questions as to how come, former Tourism and Wildlife Antiquities State Minister Godfrey Kiwanda Ssuubi was on Friday July 16th 2021 shockingly beaten by Kabula man James Kakooza, in the race for NRM flag bearer in the EALA by- election. 
In this well detailed story, The News editor investigations desk has a must read exclusive story on why Kiwanda lost.
For starters, hours to the polls, all indicators showed Kiwanda was winning with a highest percentage afterall he had Party chairman blessings and endorsement of CEC, the ruling party’s highest organ. However, the party caucus gave it to James Kakooza, denying Kiwanda a chance to go to EALA.
According to the results released by the NRM EC boss, James Kakooza was declared as the dully elected Member of Parliament to the East African Legislative Assembly 2021. He polled 93 votes (39.2%). Godfrey Kiwanda  Ssuubi finished second with 85 votes (35.9%), Abbas Mutumba had 54 (22.8%) votes, Kenneth Nsubuga Ssebagayunga polled 3 votes (1.3%), Nakato Kyabangi got only 1 vote (0.4%) and finally Umar Lule Mawiya didn’t get any vote. Only 1 vote was invalid.
Out of over 330 NRM MPs, only 233 turned up for voting. 90 MPs boycotted. We are told, most of the boycotting MPs had issues with CEC where Kiwanda is a member, that many were promised ministerial jobs if they vote Jacob Oulanyah for Speaker, a pledge which was not fulfilled. Now there was nothing to offer to vote for Kiwanda who was CEC’s choice. 

Prior to 2021 General elections, there was a drafted intelligence report which was leaked to this news Website implicating Hon. Godfrey Kiwanda in fighting Minister Judith Nabakooba and distablizing NRM in Greater Mityana. 
She was also the Woman member of Parliament for Mityana district.
This report was drafted by the then Mityana District Intelligence Security Officer (DISO) Mr. Fabiano Niwagaba and addressed to his bosses at ISO headquarters in Kampala.
According to this report, Kiwanda alongside then Mityana South MP Henry Kamya Makumbi and counsel Joseph Luzige the then Mityana district LCV Chairman allegedly wanted Hon. Nabakooba out of Parliament so that they remain the only NRM bulls in Mityana and position themselves for ministerial appointments in the cabinet reshuffle.
The report indicated that, with Kiwanda as a ring-leader, Luzige, Makumbi alongside one Haji Haruna Kibirige Nziiza (former NRM Chairman Mityana District) also plotted against former Minister Vincent Nyanzi who wanted in 2021 to oust NUP man Hon. David Lukyamuzi Kalwanga and bounce back as Busujju County member of Parliament.
“These fights have led to the three politicians (Hon. Kiwanda, Chairman Luzige and MP Kamya Makumbi) fielding Mrs. Deborah Kyazike against Hon. Judith Nabakooba and fielding Kato Kasujja against Hon. Vincent Nyanzi in Busujju Constituency”, read DISO’s report.
DISO Niwagaba warned how Kiwanda and team’s mission would jeopardise NRM in Mityana and instead pave way for a landslide victory of NUP’ dangerman Hon. Francis Butebi Zaake (Mityana Municipality MP) and other opposition figures. This came into reality in 2021 elections.
Apart from Hon. Kibedi Nsegumire who won in Mityana North, all top elective positions in greater Mityana from MPs, Disrict Chairman, Municipality mayor, sub county chairmen and councilors were swept by the opposition. DISO saw this coming according to his intelligence report.
He had warned how Kiwanda’s actions in Mityana were going to cost the party dearly in the elections.
When contacted about the leaked DISO report, Kiwanda and other leaders pinned by DISO Niwagaba and demanded that he is fired and be punished for what they called, writing nonsense to his security bosses.
Angry Joseph Luzige wrote, “Eee, how can someone write such nonsense? Is your intention to finish the Movement (NRM) by wrongly reporting? You are the worst enemy that intends to cause in-fighting amongst us as NRM leaders in Mityana. I am so much disappointed with this DISO.”
For Kiwanda he only wondered how DISO can write such a false report against him!

Drafted in November 2019, the report addresses Political Affairs in Mityana district.
DISO’s report read;
The political situation in the (Mityana) district remains generally calm except political rivalries amongst NRM candidates.
In Mityana North (represented by Kiwanda) there is hostile rivalry between Hon. Godfrey Kiwanda Suubi and Muhammad Nsegumire Kibedi (an NRM figure who wants to contest Kiwanda).
In Mityana South (represented by Makumbi), rivalry is between Hon. Henry Kamya Makumbi and Apollo Kazungu the district council Speaker.
In Busujju Constituency, it’s between Hon. Vincent Nyanzi (former area MP) and Haji Nuhu Kalyesubula. Both want NRM ticket to tussle it out with popular David Lukyamuzi Kalwanga (the incumbent).
Then there is a power struggle and fighting for ministerial positions by the LC5 Chairperson Joseph Luzige, Hon. Kiwanda and Hon. Makumbi.
The three fighting both Hon. Nabakooba and Hon. Vincent Nyanzi.
Each of the three is fighting to catch the eye of President Museveni for political appointments.
Another confusion is headed by the funder/sponsor of People Power, the father of Hon. Francis Butebi Zaake who uses ‘NRM cadres’ like John Kabango the NRM Chairman of Mityana Municipality, Kayiwa, Bigambo (NRM Chairman Tamu Division) and Haruna Mabirizi to distablize NRM.
They are with NRM in the day, and with People Power at night.
The confusion was brought by (then) Acting NRM chairman Mityana district Haji Haruna Kibirige Nziiza who among the four candidates fighting for the flag of NRM candidate for Mityana Municipality, he favours his son Abraham Luzzi. He doesnt want him to follow the due process. 
Others are; John Mary Bugembe, Kakumba and Charles Sserugga Matovu (Munnakyalo). Nziiza wants Luzzi to run as NRM sole candidate. He doesn’t  want him to go through NRM Primaries leaving the three other contenders very furious.
Nziiza calls the office of the RDC and that of the DISO biased and therefore belonging to opposition. This is because as Security chiefs, we asked for his son (Luzzi) academic documents.
Comments: The (then) NRM Chairman Hajji Nziiza needs to be tamed for he is busy chasing away people from the party and other NRM candidates because of his abusive language and recklessness.

Instead of implementing what was in the DISO’s report, we are told,  some of the pinned NRM top leaders in Mityana put pressure on ISO boss in Kampala to recall Niwagaba accusing him of writing a bogus report.
He was indeed recalled only for his prophesy to come true early this year when Judith Nabakooba was defeated by NUP’s Joyce Bagala Ntwatwa. 
On losing her MP seat, Nabakooba spent the whole night crying and cursing Kiwanda who is said to have used his position of NRM Vice Chairperson Buganda region to confuse her supporters. She vowed to make him cry one day!
Because of the disunity among top guns in Mityana, Kamya Makumbi lost to DP’s Richard Lumu for MP Mityana South, Kibedi Nsegumire narrowly survived NUP’s Gordon Ssematiko in Mityana North, Zaake massively defeated NRM’s John Mary Bugembe in Mityana Municipality, and Luzige was defeated by NUP young man Patrick Mugisha.
In Busujju, NUP’s David Lukyamuzi Kalwanga defeated NRM’s Vincent Nyanzi while for Mayor Mityana Municipality, NRM iron lady Esther Ndyanabo was shown exit by NUP’s Faustine Mukambwe Lukonge.
In Greater Mityana, NUP took over Kassanda South MP seat, Kassanda North and woman MP Kassanda district. Kassanda mayor is a DP man.
Now NRM insiders say, their party humiliation in Greater Mityana was entirely due to political blunders orchestrated by Kiwanda and his team.

Insiders say, no one influenced Kiwanda’s EALA loss like this President Museveni’s blue eyed girl, Judith Nabakooba.
Her camp was the happiest when Kiwanda lost to Kakooza on Friday last week.
The two are sworn enemies, Nabakooba camp says no one fought their candidate in the last elections like Kiwanda. In fact her loss is blamed on Kiwanda and his clique.
It is believed, on realizing that Nabakooba was a darling to the president, Kiwanda chose to fight her and lose MP seat so that Muzeeyi will have no option but to reappoint him a minister in respect to a cut deal for Kiwanda to leave Mityana North seat to Kibedi Nsegumire.
Little did Kiwanda know that Muzeeyi had intelligence briefing about what transpired in Mityana.
When Nabakooba lost, Muzeeyi felt sorry and publicly consoled her. President hailed Nabakooba for fighting land grabbing in Mityana.
In his new cabinet, Museveni appointed Nabakooba the Lands cabinet minister and dropped Kiwanda! This was a blow to the axed Tourism State minister. To show how angry he was, Museveni did not deploy any one in the Kiwanda clique.
When EALA polls came,  it was an opportunity for Nabakooba to pay Kiwanda. We are reliably informed, Nabakooba’s camp secretly mobilized MPs not to vote Kiwanda referring to him as a green snake in  green grass.
Each MP who listened to Nabakooba’s story in Mityana and how Kiwanda fought NRM candidates paving way for NUP’s win, got annoyed and this is how things changed for Kiwanda at the 11th hour. Many Female MPs did not vote Kiwanda accusing him of fighting their own Nabakooba.

Since his election as Mityana North MP, NRM’s Kibedi Nsegumire has been hosted on different media platforms and blasted Kiwanda for fighting him during campaigns.
While featuring on a certain government owned tv station a few days after elections, Nsegumire said NUP Ssematiko camp had meetings in one of Kiwanda’s home to strategies on how to win NRM.
He even talked about NUP vote tallying done in Kiwanda’s home.
Nsegumire said Kiwanda was a very bad hearted man who lied that he had stood down for him in Mityana North for him to concentrate on the CEC office. 
Analysts say, Kiwanda was worried that if Nsegumire wins Mityana North MP seat, he had better chances to scoop the ministerial slot and him (Kiwanda) be dropped.
So for Kiwanda to remain the only bull in the kraal, Nsegumire didn’t have to win. For those who were at Kololo say, Nsegumire strongly mobilized for Kakooza.

Both Kiwanda and Kakooza were members in the 10th Parliament. One of the Kakooza stong campaign tools, Kiwanda is a CEC member with a deployment in Buganda where the party performed very poorly in last elections.  
He asked NRM MPs not to overload Kiwanda, let him concentrate on regaining NRM lost glory in Buganda and they send a ‘jobless’ Kakooza to the EALA front. This reasoning won many votes for a soft speaking Kakooza who has no blackspots not like Kiwanda with many crimes committed against party members.  

The clique which fought so hard to fail Rt. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga Speakership bid this time came for Kiwanda!
For starters, Kiwanda worked for this clique and was heard everywhere decampaigming and speaking ill about maama Kadaga.
Little did he know that the same clique will come for him.
Kiwanda has been referring to himself as NRM’s No.4 not knowing this was annoying this powerful clique.
Before cabinet reshuffle, he told his friends how he was the favourite for VP job. Operatives who were monitoring Kiwanda must have written a bad report about him and this ambitious man had to be handled or else he might disturb their project.
Political analysts say, Kiwanda has to be extra careful, avoid over talking and much excitement. It’s this that caused him problems. Those who take themselves to be all knowing in NRM, have politically ended badly.
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FORMER State Minister for Tourism and Wildlife Antiquites Ssalongo Godfrey Kiwanda Ssuubi is today Friday set to overwhelmingly win NRM Primaries for the EALA by elections after President Museveni’s endorsement.
The ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) members of Parliament will today Friday convene at Kololo Airstrip to elect their flag bearer in the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) by election.
By today morning, all NRM members of Parliament have been still getting calls from the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Anita Among, Prime minister Robinah Nabbanja and Government chiefwhip Thomas Tayebwa ordering them to vote for Kiwanda because, “He is President Museveni’s choice for this job.”
The whole of yesterday, NRM MPs privately met at the Pearl of Africa Hotel in Kampala to be briefed on what to do if the election hour comes.
MPs we talked to confirmed being given brown envelopes as transport refund ahead of today’s Kiwanda elections.
On Tuesday, NRM Secretary General Richard Todwong released a final list of six party members who presented themselves to contest for this seat.
They include: Kabula man James Kakooza, Kiwanda Ssuubi, Kenneth Nsubuga Sebayunga, Umar Lule Mawiya, Abbas Mutumba and Nakato Kyabangi.
How the number dropped from 26 to 6 contestants, we shall come back to this later

After the sudden death of EALA MP Mathias Kasamba who doubled as Director Mobilization at the NRM Secretariat, his MP seat fell vacant and had to be filled since there is still a year for the expiration of this term.
Kiwanda was last year forced to pull out of the Mityana North MP race for Moses Kibedi Nsegumire since he was contesting for NRM Vice chairman Buganda region was promised a ministerial position in the 2021 cabinet.
However, instead, President Museveni dropped him and many think, this was because of the allegations of an intelligence report against Kiwanda on how he frustrated NRM leaders in greater Mityana like Judith Nabakooba who lost to NUP gal Joyce Bagala.
On losing the ministerial job, Opposition leaders like Mukono Municipality MP Betty Nambooze Bakireke turned Kiwanda into a laughing stock calling him a political rejectee used and dumped by President Museveni.
Kiwanda felt disappointed by his government whose trumpet he has been blowing on different media platforms.
He believed was being fought by mafias in government who wanted him sent into early retirement. In fact no one expected Kiwanda to miss out on the new cabinet due to how he had driven and scored highly in the Tourism ministry.
We are reliably informed, a crestfallen Kiwanda approached party leaders like Ruth Nankabirwa asking them to plead for him before president Museveni if he had errored any where, to be forgiven.
When EALA called for a by election, Kiwanda was quick to show interest and found his way to President Museveni for endorsement.
Insiders say, Kiwanda cried before Museveni to the extent that his shirt became wet, begging the party chairman to allow him go and serve the party in EALA.
With a parental heart, Museveni said, “Ok Kiwanda, we shall see what to do.”
This is when rumours started making rounds on social media that CEC had endorsed Kiwanda.
Museveni wanted it done Kadaga-Oulanyah way but party legal brains advised Muzeeyi not to give chance to such an illegality, that the due process must be followed to have Primaries, which the big man okayed.
It was opened to all party members with qualifications and this is how 26 aspirants picked papers from the party EC headquarters.

President Museveni invited all the 26 candidates for briefing. When he started addressing them, he said this position was for Buganda.
“Those who are not from Buganda, please step aside, NRM will find for you something else to do.” Ruled Party Chairman.
While selecting EALA representatives, NRM normally considers Regional Balance, Gender and Sheds of opinion.
The current first four EALA MPs out of Nine (9) were elected on Regional Balance.
These are: Hon. Paul Musamali (East), Hon. Denis Namala (Western), Hon.Odongo (Northern) and late Hon. Mathias Kasamba (Buganda). On Gender balance they had Hon. Mary Mugyenyi and Jon. Rose Akol. The other two MPS Fred Mukasa Mbidde and Chris Opoka represents opposition political parties while Suzan Nakawuki is for independents.
So this time the Region whose member died was Buganda Region.
It is on this ground that President Museveni asked contestants from other regions to leave this slot for Buganda candidates.

After candidates for other regions pulled down, race remained with 13 candidates. President Museveni asked them to get one candidate to quickien the process.
Given a break to sort out themselves, leaders (names withheld) sweet talked some of these candidates to leave for Kiwanda.
“Muzeeyi has not been open to you but the truth is, his choice is Hon. Kiwanda. Please don’t complicate this process, just pull out he will definitely deploy you somewhere.” Top party bosses told other candidates.
At the end of the break, Seven (7) of the 13 candidates declared how they had lost interest in the EALA by election.
Hon. John Bosco Lubyayi (former Mawokota South MP) was the first to speak. He said, “Mr. President, with due respect and for the good of our party, I and other six (6) candidates have agreed to step down. Like you said Chairman, we will serve our party in other deployments as you wish.”
A happy Museveni thanked Lubyayi for making his work easy.
The six other candidates, none was ready to step aside.
However, writing on all walls shows Museveni wants Kiwanda and by the end of today, he will be the official party flag bearer for EALA.
By press time, we are told of the six candidates, some had already tipped on leaving for Kiwanda.
If Kiwanda goes through as expected, it will be a walk over in Parliament since NRM has the majority meaning, it’s a sure deal, he will beat hands down any other contestant.




GROUPS of people from Rubaga Constituency have raided the home of their MP Aloysius Mukasa commonly known as ‘Taata Lubaga’ demanding to be given food before they die of hunger.
Led by a one Damali Nansubuga from Ndeeba, Nsiike II Zone, these people claimed they had lost hope in Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja’s Covid-19 relief package of 100,000/= (One hundred thousand shillings),  now they want their MP to bail them out.
“Our MP, you are now our last resort. Hunger is killing us. Our businesses were locked down by the government and we have waited in vain for Prime Minister Nabbanja’s money. Our children are crying, we can no longer feed them. You are our voice in Parliament, please find a way of giving us food or we will surely die.” Said Nansubuga as hundreds of youth mostly bodaboda riders and taxi drivers who have spent almost a month without working cheered her on.
Notably among those who raided MP Mukasa’s home were reknown NRM, FDC, DP and NUP supporters.
In fact, a one Kaggwa who is a bodaboda rider at Kabuusu stage was heard saying, “We have not come here for a political rally. I don’t subscribe to the opposition. You all know me I am NRM 311. Hon. Mukasa is an MP for us all. I hear he is a generous man, he is our hope, we want food.”
Many of these people were speaking ill about government’s pledge to give the vulnerable people 100,000/= for food, a promise they have failed to fullfil.
By press time, voices were still coming from different parts of those districts that government had promised to send the 100,000/= for the vunerable poor saying it lied.
Addressing a group of Lubaga people who raided his home, Hon. Mukasa sympathised with them and vowed to raise this as a matter of National Importance in Parliament for the Prime minister to bring lists of who ever received 100,000/=
A tough speaking Hon. Mukasa said, “We all saw Prime Minister Nabbanja happily launching giving out the Covid-19 relief of 100,000/= Since then, press is reporting how the vulnerable people are getting this money but in the actual sense, this is not true.”
“As your MP, I will ask the Speaker of Parliament to cause Rt. Hon. Prime Minister to present before Parliament lists of all beneficiaries. There must be something fishy. How come our people have missed on this list yet they registered? Who are those vulnerable people receiving this money? Some one must explain this circus.” Vowed NUP legislator Hon. Mukasa.
A no nonsense Mukasa said the House can’t fold hands when people they represent we’re promised air yet the money was released.
Meanwhile, on giving them food, Mukasa, a reknown MP who has a benovalent heart assured his people that he will do everything possible to lobby for them what to eat.
“I won’t represent dead people in Parliament. I want all of you alive and healthy. It’s my duty to make legislation for you but also, to lobby for my constituents. You know me, I used to stand with you in every situation before I contested for MP, I will still stand with you come rain, come sunshine. I will never change.” Said Hon. Mukasa.
We are told, there after, MP Mukasa privately engaged the group leaders and that is when their people left his Najjanankumbi home, of course with a smile.
In last year’s Covid-19 lockdown, Aloysius Mukasa, then aspiring MP Rubaga South fed thousands of hungry Lubaga people. This time again, they have run to him after government failed to deliver on its pledge.
For starters, if you have seen the recent news covers highlighting the unspeakable conditions in which thousands of children, youth and mothers of Rubaga South in Kampala Uganda’s Capital, survive especially during the Covid-19 pandemic you will with no doubt be as horrified. 
Before the pandemic, many of these families were already struggling to pay for rent, food, and other basics. 
Now with the growing number of businesses laying off low-wage employees, these families find themselves with zero income and a lot of uncertainty about when relief will arrive.
Rubaga South Constituency is located in Lubaga, the most densely populated Municipality with over 1.3 Million people. It has suffering and starving children, youth and pregnant mothers.
Children and youth in Lubaga South are facing an unimaginable tragedy, as  Covid 19,hunger, disease, homelessness, acute poverty, unemployment and starvation ravage them.
Over 450, 000 innocent girls and boys sleep on empty stomachs and thousands of children are malnourished, they don’t even have energy to cry. Can you imagine such a situation in the heart of the city.

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