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TODAY: Hon. Mukasa addressing journalists outside court


HIGH COURT judge Her Lordship Dr. Winfred Nabisinde has today Tuesday afternoon on condition granted an application filed in by lawyers of Ms Eugenia Nassolo to bring other affidavits supporting her election petition against Lubaga South legislator Aloysius Mukasa.
In her wise ruling, Her Lordship Dr. Nabisinde granted the petition but ordered that, new affidavits must be in line with the grounds in the petition before court not bringing something new which court will not hesitate to throw away.
She in fact reminded the petitioner and her lawyers the five grounds on which her petition is built warning that if she brings something different, it will not be put on court record.
“Make sure you file those new affidavits by today (Tuesday) evening and the respondents must be served by Friday 27th August 2021. Court is adjourned to Monday 30th August 2021 at 2pm for hearing.” Ruled Her Lordship  Dr. Nabisinde.
Shortly after adjournment of the court, this news website exclusively talked to lawyers of Yiga, Semuyaba & Co. Advocates who are representing Lubaga South legislator Aloysius Mukasa in this election petition to give us their view about the petitioner’s application which court granted today. 
Counsel Semuyaba said, they are not bothered by the petitioner’s fresh evidence provided it is in line with the petition. He welcomed the ruling and said they are ready to scrutinies every line of the affidavit.
“Our legal team is not bothered by the new affidavits. We already knew what the petitioner was cooking and we have the answers. We are ahead. Good, Monday is not too far.” Said Counsel Semuyaba.
Earlier today, Nassolo, through her lawyers of Caleb Alaka & Co. Advocates asked court to allow her file in more affidavits outside the filing time to support her petition, an application lawyers of the 1st Respondent (Aloysius Mukasa) and those of the 2nd Respondent (Electoral commission) strongly objected saying, the petitioner wants to bring in another petition something which is outside the Parliamentary election Act (amended in 2005).
The lawyers perfectly made their point citing a number of cases and on the other side, lawyers of the petitioner assured court how they will not bring in a new petition from the one before court.
Outside court room, Hon. Mukasa said he is at court to fight and protect Lubaga South win which the loser Nassolo dreams that can grab through the High Court. 
“You all know we defeated her by a margin of about 40,000 votes. Lubaga South people spoke out loudly. No one be it who will ever grab this win. We are here to demonstrate that we are the winners. She came here unprepared that is why you saw her fidgeting and asking for more time to manufacture evidence. We can give her be it a full year if she wants but at the end of it, she will lose miserably.” Said MP Aloysius Mukasa commonly known as Taata Lubaga while addressing journalists today.
For starters, through her lawyers of M/s Alaka & Co. Advocates, Eugenia Nassolo petitioned High court for a declaration that the respondent (Aloysius Mukasa) was not at the time of his nomination and election qualified to take part in the elections of member of Parliament. 
Secondly, for declaration that the 1st respondent was not validly elected as member of Parliament for Rubaga South Constituency. 
Nassolo petitioned court for declaration that she is the validly elected member of Rubaga Division South Constituency. The Petitioner also sought for an order that the election of the 1st respondent as Member of Parliament Rubaga Division South be set aside,that the petitioner is the dully elected Member of Parliament for Rubaga Division South Constituency, and that the respondents pay the costs of the petition.
Lawyers of the 1st Respondent have already vowed to ask court to properly evaluate the petitioner’s evidence on record.
They want the trial judge to subject the evidence before court to the standard of proof required in Parliamentary elections petition. 
The 1st Respondent’s counsel is expected to rely on Dr. Kizito Deo Lukyamuzi v Kasamba Mathias and Another; Election petition No. 3 of 2011 for holding that, neither the Act nor the Regulations made under it give the definition of the phrase “change of name” therefore, it is not clear whether variation in name by merely adding or abbreviating your other name, without losing or abandoning the use of the original one, amounts to change. 
On questioning MP Mukasa’s academic documents, the learned trial judge is expected to make an inquiry according to section 63 (4) of the Parliamentary Elections Act into whether the 1st Respondent actually studied from Lubiri Secondary School under his current names before reaching a conclusion that he does not have requisite academic qualifications. 
Hon. Mukasa’s counsel says, there is no iota of evidence from the two schools that the 1st Respondent was not their former student. The burden of proving that Hon. Mukasa did not posses the minimum academic documents to be nominated as a candidate for election as a member of Parliament will now shift to the petitioner Eugenia Nassolo.
Mukasa lawyers want court to appraise the evidence on vote bribery submitted by the petitioner by subjecting it to scrutiny and coming up with a decision.
A successful businessman who is among Hon. Bobi Wine’s top confidants, Hon. Aloysius Mukasa contested on opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) ticket, massively winning Nassolo Eugenia and other twelve candidates to be declared winner by The Electoral Commission Kampala Returning officer.
Other candidates were; Male Charles Kenneth (NRM), Kifampa Silaje (JEEMA), Kato Lubwama Paul (Independent), Mugga Adam Swift (Independent), Lufunya Derrick (Independent), Ken Lukyamuzi (CP), Lubega Samuel Walter Mukaaku (SDP), Buwembo Habib (FDC), Kiyingi Denis ( Independent), Nakanwagi Grace (Independent), Sebugwawo Mbidde Denis (Independent) and Kayemba Michael Oscar (Independent).
Aloysius Mukasa polled 49,501 (Forty Nine thousand, five hundred and one) and Nassolo came second 12,893 (Twelve thousand, Eight Hundred ninety three) votes.

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IT IS not yet UHURU for Nansana Municipality Constituency Member of Parliament Wakayima Musoke Hannington Nsereko!
Opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party insists, Hight court should throw out this NUP man due to lack of minimum academic qualification and a by-election be held for the people of Nansana Municipality Constituency to elect a suitable member of Parliament. 
The same Wakayima Musoke was thrown out of the 10th Parliament due to lack of minimum academic qualification. FDC says, he should instead go back to school and aquire the required academic qualification of he is to contest for members of Parliament.

In an election petition 04 of 2021, Musoke Hamisi Walusimbi, the FDC candidate in the 14th January 2021 Nansana Municipality Member of Parliament election has told High court that, “The election of Wakayima Musoke as Member of Parliament for Nansana Municipality Constituency without having been dully nominated is null and void and ought to be set aside and a bye-election/fresh election held for the position of Member of parliament for Nansana Municipality constituency.”
FDC party is strongly backing the petitioner and prays that his petition is successful.
Though his lawyers of M/s Kabega, Bogezi & Bukenya Advocates, Musoke Hamisi Walusimbi told court that, contrary to Article 80 (1) (c) of the 1995 Constitution  (as amended) and Section 4 (1) (c) of the Parliamentary Elections Act 2005 (as amended), the 2nd Respondent (Electoral Commission) nominated the 1st Respondent (Wakayima Musoke Hannington Nsereko) while he did not possess the requisite minimum academic requirement of “A” Level formal education and such, unqualified to participate in the election for directly elected members of Parliament for Nansana Municipality or anywhere else.
A registered voter at Umea Primary School polling station, Nansana East Ward, Nansana Municipality Wakiso District and holder of National Identity Card Nin No. CM8303210262EC, Petitioner Musoke Hamisi Walusimbi says, contrary to Section 4 of the Parliamentary Elections Act 2005 (as amended), Electoral Commission accepted documents of another person as academic documents of Wakayima Musoke Hannington Nsereko.
“In the result, the Election of Wakayima Musoke as Member of Parliament for Nansana Municipality County without having been dully, lawfully and or legally nominated and without the requisite minimum academic qualifications is null and void and ought to be set aside and bye-election/fresh election held for the position of Member of Parliament for Nansana Municipality Constituency.” Reads Musoke Hamisi Walusimbi’s petition.
The petitioner was dully nominated candidate for election and such did participate in the election for Member of Parliament for Nansana Municipality Constituency as an FDC candidate together with the 1st respondent (Wakayima Musoke Honington Nsereko) an NUP candidate.
The Election was held on the 14th of January 2021 and the 1st Respondent was declared and published in the Uganda Gazette as the validly elected Members of Parliament for Nansana Municipality Constituency in Wakiso district with 67,862 votes while the petitioner (Musoke Hamisi Walusimbi) polled 744 votes.
Other contestants scored as follow; Kasule Robert Sebunya – NRM (15,367 votes), Musoke Enoch Kintu – Independent (1,761 votes) and Kaaya Rajab Semalulu -ANT (703 votes).
The petitioner contends that the above election was conducted in contravention of the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995, The Electoral Commission Act Cap 140 and The Parliamentary Elections Act, 2005 which affected the result of the election in a substantial manner rendering the nomination, participation and declaration of Wakayima as winner of the 14th January 2021 elections irregular, illegal, unlawful and invalid or otherwise rendering the election invalid and one unable to obtain the will of the people of Nansana Municipality Constituency through a free and fair election.
The petitioner avers that the entire Electoral process in Nansana Municipality Constituency beginning with the nomination exercise was characterised by acts of non-compliance and breach of Constitutional and statutory breaches, illegalities and commission of numerous Electoral offences and illegal practices contrary to the provisions of the Parliamentary Elections Act 2005, the Electoral Commission Act Cap 140 and the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995.
“In the alternative, the Electoral process, polling and subsequent election of Wakayima Musoke as a directly elected Members of Parliament for Nansana Municipality Constituency was conducted in non-compliance with the provisions of the Parliamentary Elections Act 2005 and the Electoral Commission Act, and the non-compliance and failure to observe these provisions affected the results of the elections in a substantial manner and ought to be set aside and a bye-election ordered.” Reads the petition.
The petitioner avers that Wakayima Musoke directly benefited from the above non-compliance with the provisions of the Parliamentary Elections Act, 2005 and the Electoral Commission Act.

In his affidavit supporting the petition, the petitioner Musoke Hamisi Walusimbi avers that, on 14th October 2020, another registered voter in Nabweru South in Nansana Municipality a one Ssemanda Umar through his lawyers of Mugarura, Kwarisiima & Co. Advocates raised a similar complaint concerning the discrepancies in the academic documents of Wakayima Musoke which complaint was ignored by Electoral Commission. The same was served on the Returning officer of Wakiso District. Surprisingly, the same was ignored.
The petitioner says,  he is aware that Wakayima Musoke presented academic documents that do not belong to him and has since made attempts to make sworn statements through statutory declarations, affidavits and has made and gazetted a deed poll to adopt the names of person(s) whose academic documents Wakayima Musoke is using/relying on which is unlawful, illegal and criminal.
“I am aware that the discrepancies are glaring and Electoral commission should not have accepted the same and should not have nominated him to run for the position of Member of Parliament not only in Nansana Municipality Constituency but also anywhere in Uganda because the legal regime does not allow him to contest for the said position while he dies not possess the necessary minimum qualifications of “A” level or its equivalent.” Said the petitioner.
He says, the academic documents and other qualification documents presented by Wakayima Musoke are questionable and can not be his in as far as;
■ The Musoke Hannington, which name Wakayima Musoke in his deed poll Gazetted on 24th of July 2020 purports to have been using, sat PLE at Nansana Catholic School under index No. 241150 035 in which he scored 8-in English, Maths 8, Science 5 and SST 6 hence aggregate of 27.
Whereas, Musoke Hannington that enrolled at Old Kampala Secondary school sat PLE at Nansana under Index No. 023 in which he scored; English 2, Maths 3, Science 1 and SST 2 and got aggregate 8. The said Musoke Hanningtons are different and Wakayima Musoke is seeking to impersonate both. The said persons and Wakayima Musoke can not be one and the same person.  
■ The afore mentioned academic documents which Wakayima Musoke presented for nomination are the same academic documents the court of Appeal as not reflect the required minimum academic qualifications.
■ The said information refers to different persons although Wakayima Musoke seeks to own and rely on the same as his own to back up claims that he possesses the necessary minimum academic qualifications.
■ The Musoke Hannington who enrolled at Old Kampala Secondary school and personally filled the Admission Form indictated his date of birth as 24th December 1974 whereas Wakayima Musoke’s National Identity card shows his date of birth as 4th April 1974. As such, the said persons can not be the one and the same person.
■ The Musoke Hanningtons who sat PLE and UCE are completely different and have never participated in Elective politics particularly in the current one for Member of Parliament for Nansana Municipality whose election was held on the 14th of January 2021.
■ Wakayima Musoke on 2006, 2011 and 2016 participating in elective politics under the guise of Musoke Nsereko Wakayima  (2006), Wakayima Musoke Nsereko (2011) and Wakayima Musoke Nsereko (2016) are not compatible with the Musoke Hanningtons that attended school, not to mention the fact of the said attending school by the Musoke Hanningtons being also questionable.
■ He was issued with a passport No.B0884011 issued on 27th July 2011 in the names of Musoke Nsereko Wakayima different from what the National ID bore being Musoke Hannington Nsereko. In 2011 and 2016 purported to use names of Wakayima Musoke Nsereko the said identities are intended to mislead and confuse public given the questionable education record of the 1st Respondent and the Musoke Hanningtons that he seeks to impersonate.
■ The Musoke Hannington who sat “A” level at Namagabi Secondary School does not have record of having studied Senior 5 and 6 anywhere and renders the academic record even of the said Musoke Hannington highly questionable.
■ On 20th July 2016 in the judgement of the High Court in Hon. Kasule Robert Sebunya Vs Wakayima Musoke Nsereko and the Electoral Commission  (Electoral Petition No. 004 of 2016) and the subsequent appeal in Wakayima Musoke Nsereko & Another Vs Kasule Robert Sebunya (Election Appeal No. 0050 & 102 of 2016), the 1st Respondent  (who then used the names of Wakayima Musoke Nsereko) was adjudged to be different from the person whose academic documents he had presented for nomination and eventual election declared a nullity.
■ That I am advised by my lawyers of Kabega, Bogezi, Bukenya & Co. Advocates which advice I believe to be true that by the virtue of the judgements of the High court and Court of Appeal, the 1st Respondent in essence was required to get to school and obtain the required minimum academic qualification to be able to participate in Elective politics for member of Parliament as opposed to publishing a deed poll to adopt names ofor other persons that may have the necessary qualifications.
■ That I am advised by my lawyers that it was grossly improper, illegal and unlawful for the 1st Respondent to have sworn a statutory declaration and published a deed poll to circumvent a Court judgement.

Your petitioner contends that, Wakayima Musoke personally and/or through his agents with his knowledge, consent or approval committed the following illegal practices and offences;
a) Used and presented to Electoral Commission for the purposes of his nomination, academic and other documents not belonging to him as his.
The petitioner contends that all the above illegal practices and offences were committed by Wakayima Musoke and/or his agents and supporters with his knowledge, consent, or approval and the first Respondent is liable for all these offences and illegal practices relating to presentation of the said academic documents.
The petitioner among others, humbly prays that it may be declared that;
(a) The nomination of Wakayima Musoke to run for the position of the directly elected Members of Parliament for Nansana Municipality was conducted contrary to the law and was a nullity.
(b) Wakayima Musoke doesn’t possess the requisite minimum academic requirements for election as member of parliament.
(c)The acts of Wakayima Musoke in swearing an affidavit, statutory declaration and deed policy to alter the judgement of the Court is illegal, unlawful and of no legal effect. 
(d) A by-election 
(e) Wakayima Musoke and Electoral Commission pay the costs of the petition.

For views/comments on this story, sms 0792735159 or email: newseditor.info@gmail.com




THE 11th Parliament Speaker Rt. Hon. Jacob Oulanyah has today evening visited the home of fallen Uganda Police Force (UPF) boss Maj. Gen Paul Lokech in Kitikifumba, Kira Municipality, Wakiso district to condole with the wife to the late.
Speaker Oulanyah encouraged the widow to, “Stay strong and be the pillar of your home. I ask you to always look up to God for guidance and strength.”
The sudden death of the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Maj Gen Paul Lokech, 55, was due to a blood clot, the Uganda Police Force has confirmed.
According a statement by the Force’s spokesperson, Mr Fred Enanga, a team of four pathologists carried out an autopsy on The Lion of Mogadishu’s body in the presence of four witnesses Brig Gen Dr Kusasira Stephen, the Director Medical Services in the UPDF, the deceased’s personal doctor, Khiingi Ben and two family representatives.

Speaker Oulanyah (putting on cap) talking to his deputy Anita Among at Lokech’s home. In the photo is Gen. Otema and Members of Parliament
At the late Lokech’s home, Speaker Oulanyah was seen with Among outside Lokech’s house sharing a moment while Gen. Otema Awany, Minister Beatrice Anywar and Members of Parliament waited on them. The Speaker  was just leaving as the Deputy Speaker came in.



When President Museveni visited Lusanja where hundreds of families lost their property due to land eviction. This is not Mailo land


PUBLIC has agreed with Retired Supreme Court justice Prof. George Wilson Kanyeihamba how it is suicidal for the government to abolish private Mailo land tenure system interpreting it as a launch of a fight against the Kabaka and Ugandans who pay allegiance to Buganda King.
According to hundreds of comments on Kanyeihamba’s story this news website published a week ago, we have received emails and sms showing how public wants government to stop hiding it’s head under the sand and instead address the causes of land conflicts, land grabbing and evictions which they very much know and leave Kabaka’s land alone.
Prof. Kanyeihamba who is also, 1995 Constitution draftsman had a media interview on land matters in which he strongly advised President Museveni to drop his campaign against Private Mailo land, else it will cause him problems.
The Kabaka of Buganda owns chunks of Mailo land and his subjects refer to him as Landlord.
An attempt to abolish private Mailo is seen as a plot to take away Kabaka’s land which public say, will not allow.
Justice Kanyeihamba brought it to the president how it’s dangerous and unconstitutional to abolish Mailo land tenure system which has become culture, not only of Baganda but of Uganda.
“Please president Museveni, don’t embarrass us, leave us to stay peacefully on Mailo land. We are all Kabaka’s people and we love him so much.” Said Prof. Kanyeihamba who is a tenant on Kabaka’s land in Buziga and proudly pays land rates (Busuulu) to his land lord, His Majesty Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II.
Of recent, President Museveni has been campaigning for the abolishment of Private Mailo Land tenure system saying it’s the major cause of land conflicts and he wants land to be owned by the government.
Justice Kanyeihamba who is a senior constitutional lawyer has laughed off the President saying he is just looking for what will take him out of power, let him not be misled by the corrupt who want free land, Mailo land is here to stay.
Commenting on this exclusive interview published by News Editor news Website, hundreds were positive to Kanyeihamba’s analysis. Click and read this story: ‘DROP UNPOPULAR CAMPAIGN AGAINST MAILO LAND OR IT WILL TAKE YOU OUT OF POWER’, SENIOR JUDGE WARNS MUSEVENI
The editor has picked some responses to Justice Kanyeihamba’s story. Please read on:
Fredrick Ntege (frericios@gmail.com): This was a great enlightenment of what we need to uphold as Ugandans regardless of region we originate. Because today its affecting Buganda and tomorrow it will come to haunt others. I believe Justice Kanyeihamba and many others like him if there was any chance tfor them to keep alive for the next 15years, they would help restore the discipline, rule of law and also bring back what has been stolen from us by the Juntas.
■ Jonas Tumukunde: Prof. Kanyeyimba is very right. Buganda land Should remain the way its. We have no problem with that.
■ Enock Bahereza: The land question is well answered by Prof. kanyeihamba.
■ Milton Turyareeba (miltonturyareeba@gmail.com): The land question was debated fully by the Consitituent Assembly (CA) in 1994 having consulted the population across the country widely. Mailo land where majority live on especially in Buganda have no problem. If government wants land for any development, adequate compensation should be given to the affected person or organisation and then government owns that land. I don’t think that Mailo land is what brings these massive evictions. Land should remain owned by the people.
■ Ayebare Mellisa (abemanyisa@gmail.com): Its hypocricy to abolish mailo in central Uganda and compensate omugabe/ Barigye in 2000 with over 4bn at the time for less than 100acres (information accurate and verifiable from ULC) in Mbarara, Bushenyi as of 2000 then for what our king had in value for squattered land there. Why cant this be the case in Buganda??
Yasin Ssentamu (0773574085): Mr. Museveni should use rational intelligence not feelings on land issues. I am a Muganda living in Ankole (Bushenyi) where no body, I think can accept their land to belong to the government. I wonder also, what is government? Let the Mailo land issue be put under referendum.
■ Pascal Imarach (0752327092): My father migrated from Teso to Buganda in 1943. I was born in the 70s and we have lived in Buganda as Kibanja holders peacefully until of recent when Government indirectly catalysed land grabbing. Land grabbing was in Bunya, Bugiri district and other parts of Uganda. Is there also Mailo land tenure system? Please, government should instead fight corruption in its systems and leave alone Mailo land. Treat all Ugandans equal and the war should be on corruption.
■ Ambrose Kabogoza (0782372309). I come from Nansana. Gorvenment to abolish mailo land, it needs total changing of Uganda laws.
My view, if Government is to own land, let landlords be left with 25% of their land.

For comments/views, sms 0792735159 or email: newseditor.info@gmail.com



In the photo: When Ethiopia re-entered the abyss of war


IN October 2019, Ethiopia’s prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in achieving peace and international cooperation, and in particular for his decisive initiative to resolve the long-running border conflict with neighbouring Eritrea.
In its official announcement, the Nobel Committee detailed a litany of accomplishments for Abiy as prime minister. 
These included: Lifting the country’s state of emergency, granting amnesty to thousands of political prisoners, discontinuing media censorship, legalizing outlawed opposition groups, dismissing military and civilian leaders suspected of corruption, and increasing the influence of women in political and community life.
Many observers compared the 44-year-old Abiy, who is currently the youngest president on the African continent, to leaders such as Nelson Mandela, Justin Trudeau, Barack Obama and Mikhail Gorbachev. 
However, today, barely two years after receiving that accolade, Ethiopia is on a brink of a full-blown regional conflict and a humanitarian crisis.
According to experts, the bloody war, which started in November 2020, in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region was sparked by the Tigrayan leaders, who argued that they were unfairly targeted in corruption prosecutions, removed from top positions and were also blamed for the country’s problems. 
Since then, the problems have multiplied, leading to deadly violence in Africa’s second most populous country. It is estimated that more than two million of Tigray’s six million people have fled their homes, 400,000 others living in famine conditions and with at least 10,000 reported deaths. 
Also, tens of thousands of people have sought refuge in Sudan and other neighbouring countries. 
Africa’s history has been riddled with civil wars, bloody riots and political unrest and these have been major catalysts for the continent’s slowed growth but it is apparent that we have learnt few lessons from these past mistakes. 

Take a look at South Africa: Africa’s third largest economy and a country with a long, dark history. At a time when South Africa was struggling to contain the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic that has claimed the lives of more than 74,000 people and with a health system beyond its breaking point, violent protests broke out following the jailing of former President Jacob Zuma on July 7. In what has been described as the worst violence witnessed since the 1990s, before the end of apartheid, the country has been dealt a major bloody blow in its efforts to rebuild the economy. 
The rioting, that majorly spread through KwaZulu-Natal (Zuma’s home province) and Gauteng provinces, has claimed more than 330 lives while damages and lost property have been estimated at over $3.4 billion. 
In South Africa, despite the gains made in the last two decades, millions of people remain impoverished, particularly during worsening economic conditions exacerbated by Covid-19. 
The July riots were partly fuelled by what many citizens consider as poor governance, severe inequality and a high unemployment rate that has rocketed to a record 33 per cent. Many of Africa’s problems have been attributed to its former colonial masters and Western powers. 
But while this is true, to a certain extent, there are equally many ills that have emanated from our own backyards. 
For instance, I don’t believe that it is the ‘white man’ accountable for the wide spread corruption, theft and gross abuse of public resources evidenced in most African states.  
In 2000, Oxfam published a ground-breaking report indicating that $50 billion was being embezzled each year from the world’s poorest countries (most of which are located in Africa) – a sum then roughly equivalent to the entire aid budget of rich countries sending cash to these poor countries. In Equatorial Guinea, Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue, the president’s son, vice president and also the country’s defence and security minister, has often been accused of embezzling and laundering public funds, stashing it abroad and using it to fund lifestyles of amazing luxury.
In 2011, the United States Department of Justice seized over $70 million worth of Nguema Obiang’s assets while in 2017, Switzerland seized his $100 million-dollar super yacht and 25 cars worth $27 million. 
On July 28, 2021, France’s highest court, upheld two lower courts’ convictions against him regarding France’s control over $177 million in stolen assets. 
Under all these agreements, the seized assets were to be returned to Equatorial Guinea for the benefit of her people. While Nguema Obiang and his father, the world’s longest-serving non-royal head of state, were spending incredible sums on fast cars, fast women and flash property, the population of their country continued to be stuck in persistent poverty, with the eleventh highest HIV rate in the world, as well as high rates of dengue fever, malaria and malnutrition.  
But it may be important to note that, in 1968, on the eve of independence from Spain, Equatorial Guinea had been one of the most prosperous countries in Africa, with almost universal literacy, more hospital beds, income per capita than Spain itself, and healthy crops of both cocoa and coffee.  
Another good example is that of Isabel dos Santos, the daughter of Angola’s longest-serving president, who became Africa’s richest woman in 2013 with a fortune estimated by Forbes magazine to be more than $3 billion. 
However, in a twist of events, her business assets were frozen in 2019, and was recently ordered by a Dutch court to return shares worth $500 million to Angola’s state oil company, Sonangol Energy Group, which she chaired until her father left power.Angola is ranked among the top 20 most corrupt countries in the world. 
According to the International Monetary Fund, some $32 billion simply went missing from the state budget between 2007 and 2010. And in 2002, the Central bank governor tried to transfer $50 million of the government’s money to his own account in the United States. 
When the request was blocked by Western bankers, he shamelessly tried again! These predicaments, coupled with many others, draw me back to Tokunboh Adeyemo’s 1997 book titled: Is Africa Cursed? 
With the same nagging question. Could it be that there’s something wrong with our skin colour or race? Is it about the location of our continent? Is the problem biblical? Or it’s the work of the white man? 
In the next edition(s), I will endeavour to provide more insight into this subject and also attempt to answer some of the above questions.
To be continued in Part II…


The writer Mr. Brian Mukalazi is the Country Director of Every Child Ministries Uganda.
email: bmukalazi@ecmafrica.org




AN ANALYSIS of recent media reports in Uganda, especially from the districts of Budaka, Pallisa and Buikwe, has revealed multiple cases involving relatives of people suspected to have succumbed to Covid-19 exhuming their bodies at night in order to accord them “decent and proper burial rites”.
Similar concerns have been raised in many other African countries and societies. For instance, in South Africa, as a way of enforcing the Covid-19 regulations, burials have also been modified from traditional ones to those with limited crowds, with burial teams donned in hazmat suits and with bodies wrapped (or ‘trapped’) in plastic bags.

Such ‘scientific’ burials have enraged many families, especially those in rural communities. In turn, they are defying the government and secretly exhuming the bodies. Their argument is: How could the spirit of the dead be reached and engaged when it is so trapped? Can the spirit be able to escape its ‘plastic prison’ and join the ancestors, or remain locked in captivity?
Some have expressed fear that these new burial rules have posed serious spiritual consequences for their families. They claim that, in their dreams, they receive messages from the ancestors warning of the suffocation and entrapment of their spirits in the plastic body bags. Thus, the need for exhuming the bodies, removing the plastics and reburying them.
In Kenya, relatives of a man suspected to have died from Covid-19 sued the government and asked that his hurriedly-buried body be exhumed and then re-buried with proper traditional rites. They complained that the body of their loved one was buried in a shallow grave wrapped in a plastic bag, contrary to their Luo customs and had caused stigma in their village.
In her judgment, the learned judge ruled that, given the health hazards involved, it was not advisable to exhume the body, but ordered that the grave site be cemented. Also, she stated that, “One does not cease being a human once dead, only the state of life is altered. I conclude that indeed the dead have rights”.
Most communities in Africa believe in life after death. Consequently, burial practices are given a lot of significance as they are perceived as crucial steps in transitioning from the world of the living to the spiritual world. It is believed that a properly conducted funeral helps the dead to relocate to the world of the dead where they live a similar life to those on earth and continue to participate in affairs on earth.
The fact is, there are so many rituals and social behaviours surrounding death, mourning and burial in the African society. Some cultures prepare for burial by washing, kissing and dressing the corpse. For others, in order to access the last wishes of the dying, they choose not to take them to hospital for medical attention. Of course, all these practices represent a considerable infection risk for Covid-19.
Many believe that if these rituals are not performed in the prescribed manner, or crucial steps are missed, the deceased would be condemned to wander eternally and would return to torment their relatives. This is even feared more than the Covid-19 infections because the angry spirits could cast spells on their descendants.
As Africa’s health systems continue to buckle under the onslaught of Covid-19, the recent trends in burial practices have demonstrated that the use of scientific methods alone without a holistic consideration of other contextual factors is not sufficient to control the disease. Governments should therefore, consider how Covid-19 plays into the cultures of the societies affected. Also click and read this story: COVID-19 LOCKDOWN DILEMMA: ONE-MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION ON PUBLIC HEALTH VERSUS UGANDA’S ECONOMY

About the writer; Mr. Brian Mukalazi is the Country Director of Every Child Ministries Uganda.
Email: bmukalazi@ecmafrica.org



IN THE PHOTO: Hon. Mukasa talking to a section of journalists at High court in Kampala today evening


DP WOMAN Eugenia Nassolo who petitioned court against the election of Mukasa Aloysius Talton Gold Member of Parliament for Rubaga Division South Constituency goes in hiding as hearing of her petition starts today Tuesday.
Her lawyers only sent a representative who also asked court to postpone hearing of the matter!
Addressing journalists shortly after leaving court chambers, MP Mukasa said Nassolo has deliberately dodged court because her petition lacks substance.
“The time i would be at Parliament representing my people in Lubaga South is wasted by one person Eugenia Nassolo who has no serious case against me. In fact she stands  against the Lubaga South People who massively elected NUP. She started this, she will not hide all the time. We are ready for her.” A determined MP Mukasa told journalists at court.
The presiding Judge Her Lordship Dr. Winfred Nabisinde adjourned the matter to August 24th 2021 but asked Nassolo’s lawyer to advise their client to find a way of settling this matter out of court because her petition is ‘lacking’!
“I read through the petition and affidavit of the petitioner. I also read the reply from the 1st Respondent (Hon. Aloysius Mukasa) perfectly answering the petitioner. I really don’t see why the petitioner came to this court. We only have to verify the original academic documents of the 1st Respondent.” Said the judge who met lawyers of both parties in her chambers.
She said, the gist in Nassolo’s petition only lies in Hon. Aloysius Mukasa’s academic documents and if he produces the originals, all will be settled.
Counsel Semuyaba, lawyer for MP Mukasa assured the judge that his client is more than ready to produce all the original documents as he will be ordered by court.
The Petitioner says, academic documents presented for nomination by the 1st respondent do not belong to him but to someone else and the burden will be on the Petitioner to prove this allegation.
In the reply, the 1st Respondent attached his O’ level and A’ level pass slips and the degree transcript from the University. Thereafter, the burden of proof shifts back to the petitioner (Nassolo) to prove whether the adduced documents belong to someone else. 
The judge hinted on other issues raised by Nassolo in her petition saying they are not backed up by evidence. This is when she advised the petitioner who might have acted in anger and went to court.
“If the petitioner insists on proceeding with the hearing, that is her right but as court, first thing, we give space to mediations. Let her think about that.” The learned judge advised Nassolo’s lawyers.
At first, Nassolo’s lawyer asked court to postpone hearing to Wednesday August 19th 2021.
“My Lordship, I have come to represent counsel Kenneth Paul Kakande who is busy attending another court session. He prays that you adjourn the matter before this Honourable court to 19th August 2021.” Said a lawyer who was sent by Kenneth Paul Kakande to represent Nassolo. Senior lawyer Caleb Alaka was also absent.
On adjournment of court to Wednesday, MP Mukasa’s lawyer rejected it saying he also has other court cases he will be attending to.
They all agreed hearing of this election petition to be heard next week on Tuesday August 24th 2021.
For starters, through her lawyers of M/s Alaka & Co. Advocates, Eugenia Nassolo petitioned High court for a declaration that the respondent (Aloysius Mukasa) was not at the time of his nomination and election qualified to take part in the elections of member of Parliament. 
Secondly, for declaration that the 1st respondent was not validly elected as member of Parliament for Rubaga South Constituency. 
Nassolo petitioned court for declaration that she is the validly elected member of Rubaga Division South Constituency. The Petitioner also sought for an order that the election of the 1st respondent as Member of Parliament Rubaga Division South be set aside,that the petitioner is the dully elected Member of Parliament for Rubaga Division South Constituency, and that the respondents pay the costs of the petition.
Lawyers of the 1st Respondent have already vowed to ask court to properly evaluate the petitioner’s evidence on record. They want the trial judge to subject the evidence before court to the standard of proof required in Parliamentary elections petition. 
The 1st Respondent’s counsel is expected to rely on Dr. Kizito Deo Lukyamuzi v Kasamba Mathias and Another; Election petition No. 3 of 2011 for holding that, neither the Act nor the Regulations made under it give the definition of the phrase “change of name” therefore, it is not clear whether variation in name by merely adding or abbreviating your other name, without losing or abandoning the use of the original one, amounts to change. 
On questioning MP Mukasa’s academic documents, the learned trial judge is expected to make an inquiry according to section 63 (4) of the Parliamentary Elections Act into whether the 1st Respondent actually studied from Lubiri Secondary School under his current names before reaching a conclusion that he does not have requisite academic qualifications. 
Hon. Mukasa’s counsel says, there is no iota of evidence from the two schools that the 1st Respondent was not their former student. The burden of proving that Hon. Mukasa did not posses the minimum academic documents to be nominated as a candidate for election as a member of Parliament will now shift to the petitioner Eugenia Nassolo.
Mukasa lawyers want court to appraise the evidence on vote bribery submitted by the petitioner by subjecting it to scrutiny and coming up with a decision. Also click and read this story: WE ARE READY FOR NASSOLO’S ELECTION PETITION BASED ON PARISH SUPERVISORS’ EVIDENCE’, SAYS MP MUKASA’S LAWYERS AS HEARING KICKS OFF
A successful businessman who is among Hon. Bobi Wine’s top confidants, Hon. Aloysius Mukasa contested on opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) ticket, massively winning Nassolo Eugenia and other twelve candidates to be declared winner by The Electoral Commission Kampala Returning officer.
Other candidates were; Male Charles Kenneth (NRM), Kifampa Silaje (JEEMA), Kato Lubwama Paul (Independent), Mugga Adam Swift (Independent), Lufunya Derrick (Independent), Ken Lukyamuzi (CP), Lubega Samuel Walter Mukaaku (SDP), Buwembo Habib (FDC), Kiyingi Denis ( Independent), Nakanwagi Grace (Independent), Sebugwawo Mbidde Denis (Independent) and Kayemba Michael Oscar (Independent).
Aloysius Mukasa polled 49,501 (Forty Nine thousand, five hundred and one) and Nassolo came second 12,893 (Twelve thousand, Eight Hundred ninety three) votes. Also click and read this story: 10 MAJOR GAPS IN DP LOSER NASSOLO’S ELECTION PETITION TO CANCEL OUT LUBAGA SOUTH MP-ELECT ALOYSIUS MUKASA FOR DONATING AMBULANCE & BUILDING CHURCHES

For views/Remarks, send us an sms on 0792735159



ON DUTY: MP Mukasa at Railway in Ndeeba, getting views from his voters


LAWYERS from Yiga, Semuyaba & Co. Advocates representing Rubaga Division South Constituency Member of Parliament Aloysius Talton Gold Mukasa the 1st respondent in an election petition no. 07 of 2021 filed by DP’s Eugenia Nassolo are set to take off with the matter in a High court hearing sitting tomorrow Tuesday, in Kampala.
Hearing is before Hon. Lady Justice Dr. Winfred Nabisinde at High Court (Criminal Division) court room 1 at 3:00 pm.
Through her lawyers of M/s Alaka & Co. Advocates, Eugenia Nassolo petitioned High court seeking declaration that the respondent (Aloysius Mukasa) was not at the time of his nomination and election qualified to take part in the elections of member of Parliament. 
Secondly, for declaration that the 1st respondent was not validly elected as member of Parliament for Rubaga South Constituency. 
Citing Section 68 (1), (7) & (8) of the Parliamentary Election Act, the petitioner Nassolo Eugenia says, “Mukasa Aloysius and his agents with his knowledge and consent or approval during the election period and with the intent directly or indirectly to influence voters to vote for him and to refrain from voting her gave out donations and gifts like branded masks, water tanks with words, ‘Aloysius Mukasa MP Rubaga South’, to voters on 23rd November 2020 at Nateete Market and Ndeeba Trading Centre.”
Nassolo petitioned court for declaration that  she is the validly elected member of Rubaga Division South Constituency. The Petitioner also sought for an order that the election of the 1st respondent as Member of Parliament Rubaga Division South be set aside,that the petitioner is the dully elected Member of Parliament for Rubaga Division South Constituency, and that the respondents pay the costs of the petition.
Electoral Commission who are the 2nd respondents in this petition, will be represented by their Legal Department.
We are reliably informed, evidence in Nassolo’s petition will be banked on the Election Parish Supervisors some from Nateete who are her prime witnesses.
These Parish Supervisors allege that, Declaration Result (DR) Forms in Nateete were altered and Nassolo wants to bank on this evidence so as to force court to hand out a ruling in her favor.

Lawyers of the 1st Respondent are set to ask court to properly evaluate the petitioner’s evidence on record.
They will ask the trial judge to subject the evidence before court to the standard of proof required in Parliamentary elections petition. 
The 1st Respondent’s counsel is expected to rely on Dr. Kizito Deo Lukyamuzi v Kasamba Mathias and Another; Election petition No. 3 of 2011 for holding that, neither the Act nor the Regulations made under it give the definition of the phrase “change of name” therefore, it is not clear whether variation in name by merely adding or abbreviating your other name, without losing or abandoning the use of the original one, amounts to change. 
It was further held that Parliament intended the registration of change of name to apply to persons who have been registered in accordance with the Act but a person whose name was never registered is at liberty to change his or her name at will and without recourse to the provisions of the Act.
The Petitioner says, academic documents presented for nomination by the 1st respondent do not belong to him but to someone else and the burden will be on the Petitioner to prove this allegation.
In the reply, the 1st Respondent attached his O’ level and A’ level pass slips and the degree transcript from the University. Thereafter, the burden of proof shifts back to the petitioner (Nassolo) to prove whether the adduced documents belong to someone else. 
The learned trial judge is expected to make an inquiry according to section 63 (4) of the Parliamentary Elections Act into whether the 1st Respondent actually studied from Lubiri Secondary School and Merryland High School Entebbe under his current names before reaching a conclusion that he does not have requisite academic qualifications. 
Hon. Mukasa’s counsel is expected to submit that there is no iota of evidence from the two schools that the 1st Respondent was not their former student. The burden of proving that Hon. Mukasa did not posses the minimum academic documents to be nominated as a candidate for election as a member of Parliament.
Mukasa lawyers are expected to ask court to appraise the evidence on vote bribery submitted by the petitioner by subjecting it to scrutiny and coming up with a decision.
A successful businessman who is among Hon. Bobi Wine’s top confidants, Hon. Aloysius Mukasa contested on opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) ticket, massively winning Nassolo Eugenia and other twelve candidates to be declared winner by The Electoral Commission Kampala Returning officer.
Other candidates were; Male Charles Kenneth (NRM), Kifampa Silaje (JEEMA), Kato Lubwama Paul (Independent), Mugga Adam Swift (Independent), Lufunya Derrick (Independent), Ken Lukyamuzi (CP), Lubega Samuel Walter Mukaaku (SDP), Buwembo Habib (FDC), Kiyingi Denis ( Independent), Nakanwagi Grace (Independent), Sebugwawo Mbidde Denis (Independent) and Kayemba Michael Oscar (Independent).
Aloysius Mukasa polled 49,501 (Forty Nine thousand, five hundred and one) and Nassolo came second 12,893 (Twelve thousand, Eight Hundred ninety three) votes.
Nassolo who is said to have ran one of the best bankrolled campaigns in which she donated tents, aprons, masks, water tanks among others items, has instead petitioned court to cancel Mukasa’s election on allegations that he donated 300 bags of cement to St. Peters Church Ndeeba.

“It’s true our MP is known for being very generous and for years, he has been extending a helping hand to the needy. But as a super observer of the Parliamentary election Act as amended, he couldnt commit illegal practices or other offences under this Act. So Nassolo’s allegations are baseless.” Mukasa’s camp told this News website. 
They were shocked that in her petition, Nassolo mistakenly brands Mukasa’s official car, Drone type reg. No. UBE 564W to be an ambulance asking whether this DP lady knows what is an ambulance and it’s features.
“We don’t want to waste time on this empty petition. We shall meet in court but advise her to be ready to the costs for her lies. Lubaga South people will stand with their member of Parliament as he defeats Nassolo in round three.” Vow Hon. Mukasa supporters. Also click and read this story: ‘NASSOLO PETITION IS INCOMPETENT & BASED ON POLITICAL GAMES DISMISS IT WITH COSTS”- NUP MP-ELECT MUKASA’S LAWYERS ASK COURT

For views/Remarks, send us an sms on 0792735159




PROF. George Wilson Kanyeihamba who is a retired Justice of the Supreme court and 1995 Constitution draftsman has warned President Yoweri Museveni on his campaign against Private Mailo land tenure system saying it is unpopular and seen as launching a fight against the Kabaka and his people, which according to him, the Head of State will badly lose it!
Calling himself a friend to the President, Justice Kanyeihamba warned, “Abandon this challenge against the Kabaka and against Mailo land Otherwise, although the electorate has kept you, and you have been very successful in electioneering, your continued opposition to Mailo land, which has become culture, not only of Baganda but of Uganda, will make you fall from power.”
“Please president Museveni, don’t embarrass us, leave us to stay peacefully on Mailo land. We are all Kabaka’s people and we love him so much.” Said Prof. Kanyeihamba who is a tenant on Kabaka’s land in Buziga and proudly pays land rates (Busuulu) to his land lord, His Majesty Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II.
Of recent, President Museveni has been campaigning for the abolishment of Private Mailo Land tenure system saying it’s the major cause of land conflicts and he wants land to be owned by the government.
Justice Kanyeihamba who is a senior constitutional lawyer has laughed off the President saying he is just looking for what will take him out of power,  let him not be misled by the corrupt who want free land, Mailo land is here to stay.
In an exclusive interview with the Alternative Digitalk Mighty Drive show host Norman Tumuhimbise, Justice Kanyeihamba a renowned straight forward legal brain warns, “I have seen every big and famous regime whether it is a junta or not, meet it’s close…the English call it at Waterloo, Museveni has met his Waterloo at Mailo land. Because he has totally confused it with other theories he learnt either in Federalism or in communism. If he is not careful,  Mailo land will take him.”
Kanyeihamba refered to many big and famous politicians who made such mistakes hence meeting their Waterloo! He mentioned France’s Napoleon Bonarparte the famous, he made a mistake by going to the Waterloo war. It overthrew him. 
“The British lost their empire by challenging Gandhi of India and the Nkurumas of this World. Saddam Hussein of Iraq made several mistakes by challenging America. He went with it. Amin fell because he attacked Kagera island in Tanzania. He would still be here. Land mistakes will take Museveni.” Said Kanyeihamba without mincing words.
He said, “I want to predict, the President has started this war, it’s a very bad war for him, he will lose. If he continues this challenge against the Kabaka who is loved by his people, and thus who have adopted him as their land lord, Museveni will lose it.” Kanyeihamba who is a tenant on Kabaka’s land in Buziga said, “We have no problem with Kabaka. Very many Bakiga, many Banyankore have no problem with Buganda Kingdom. Buganda is the most Cosmopolitan region in the country. In Buziga, our LC 1 chairman Fred Rukirahe is a Mukiga. His opponent was a Westniler. If you count people living on Buziga hill who are not natives of Buganda, you will be so amazed. These regard Kabaka as their King.” Reveals Justice Kanyeihamba.
He noted that, “If Kabaka visits this area (Buziga), even though I am on a wheel chair, I would go on the road side to welcome him. Whenever he comes here, there is a lot of jubilation and merry making yet the majority of the people are not Baganda. Kabaka is for us all, he is our beloved land lord and we pay allegiance to him.”
The retired Justice who has written four books about the land said, what the president is proposing that the whole land in Uganda belong to the State is a communist philosophy. 
He noted how he is not surprised because Mr. Museveni studied comnunism and one time he was branded as a communist just like his friends, Cuba, North Korea, China and others. 
“So it is really unbelievable that President Museveni forgets our history and the structure of government and where we come from and propose that land should belong to the government.” Said Kanyeihamba, an expert on land matters.
He has written very famous articles titled ‘Land banking’, showing how government can aquire land commercially slowly provided it is getting it legally. 
He advises the President that his government should aquire land commercially in accordance with the law, and then preserve it for development.
Since the fall of Idi Amin, there has been no constitutional instrument in Uganda including the documents that brought in the UNLF and NRM where Kanyeihamba has not participated. Either in the drafting of those documents or in giving advise on those opinions. He was trained as a land developer and an expert in land development and law. 
When he was campaigning to go to the Constituent Assembly (CA), he would tell voters in Kabale that, “I am the one who wrote these books and therefore, I am going to make your Constitution. Although we were six candidates, others said that i was the right choice. So I made it to the CA.”

Kanyeihamba revealed that, when they were drafting the 1995 Constitution, CA delegetes were very keen on land. “We took a lot of debate. President Museveni was unhappy with what we unanimously agreed upon to put in the Constitution. We were unanimous that land shall belong to the people and not to the government. That is very fundamental.” Said Justice Kanyeihamba.
He recalls that, each community like in case of Buganda and its people, in case of Kigezi the people of Kigezi, etc, they agreed that each community shall have a land Board like Buganda Land Board (BLB) in case of Buganda to manage land on behalf of Buganda Kingdom. 
They agreed that such land boards will not be appointed by the government but by the leadership of that community and that land shall be vested in the land Board which will manage that land on behalf of their people since the land belongs to the people not to the government.
Kanyeihamba revealed that, “Some of us who represented the Movement we were sympathetic to President Museveni. I was one of those who said, we should preserve statutory leases and land owned by the municipalities and local government. I was in the minority and people on the other side particularly led by delegate Winnie Byanyima wanted that government should have nothing to do with ownership of land.”

Asked about the land systems in Uganda, Kanyeihamba who was the chairman of the legal drafting committee in CA and also Attorney General, said they are four.
“We established four kinds of the land systems. Of these, there are two basic systems.That is, Free hold in many urban centres where people get statutory leases basing on free hold. The other one, is Mailo land, followed by customary land, etc.” Said Kanyeihamba.
He explained that,  Lease is when you hold land given to you by the land lord and you have it for a number of years say 99 yrs, 49 years and so forth.
People who are not Citizens in Uganda, can only have leases for a term of years. They can’t own Mailo land, they can’t own Free hold certainly not customary land. 
So, the other three were reserved specifically for the Ugandans.
Disclosing a personal interest, Kanyeihamba who is the author of the book, ‘The land, the People and Culture of Kigezi’, said, “I am living here in Buganda permanently and I mean it. I will never go back to Kabale or to Kigezi my place of origin.”
“Here where I live, is my residence. I have a lease from the Kabaka of Buganda. This land belongs to the Kabaka in the accordance with the 1900 Aggrement. I pay reasonable rate to Kabaka, the land lord. And for years I have been here, I have co-existed peacefully with the Kabaka. Then, what is wrong with Private Mailo land?” Asked Justice Kanyeihamba.
“As I speak now, I am told, president Museveni owns chunks of land in Buganda. He has a ranch in Kisozi. Is he saying it should belong to the government? Is he saying that Rwakitura where he has made a lot of development and taught the people of that area how to use that land profitably,  should belong to the government? Is he saying that the land of his ancestors should belong to the government? And you think his people will agree?” Asked Kanyeihamba.
He said, most people who work in Buganda especially President Museveni and his family, have Mailo land. 
He talked about his immediate neighbour Odrek Rwabogo, president Museveni’s son in law saying, his Buziga  home is sitting on Mailo land of Kabaka. 
“Rwabogo is married to my pastor Patience Museveni. They are tenants on Kabaka’s land. Has he ever chased them? As far as I know, another son in law to the President, owns some property in Kampala which is under the jurisdiction of Buganda land board. How come he lives peacefully with in the Kingdom?”
Asked Kanyeihamba. He added that, “My other neighbour is a Mutooro who is an Ambassador. They are on Mailo land. If you go any where in Buganda, the majority who own big chunks of land are non Baganda, but they are not disturbed by the Buganda Land Board.”
He talked about Buganda as a Cosmopolitan region in the country, citing Ochieng one of the young brothers to Martin Alika a close friend of the President, that he was a great Lukiiko (Mengo Parliament) member. 
“In Buziga where I live in retirement, I am consulted by my neighbours, One is a widow whose late husband was a friend of mine. They don’t regard me as a foreigner. I helped this particular widow to fight for her piece of land that some scrupulous people wanted to take.” Kanyeihamba told the Mighty Digital show host. 

In his opinion, there are no political or legal questions about the land. President Museveni should just leave things the way they are. The land law is adequate and their is nothing that needs fixing.  
In the constitution, Kanyeihamba says, “We categorically put it that, the government is free to takeover any land provided it compensates the owner. And that is a good law in any democratic country. We have a problem in Africa, when a law doesn’t suit you, you change it. You campaign against that law.”
“Although the president is on record saying this is the best constitution ever, he is realizing that he can’t freely give out land to his friends whenever he wants, he can’t extend his ranches the way he wants. That is why he thinks the law is bad. It is not.” Says Prof. Kanyeihamba.
In a two hours interview, Kanyeihamba said in the constitution they put it that, the powers of Kabaka and other cultural leaders must be governed by the customary law. He asked, why did the NRM government want to take over customary law and say, ‘You are now going to be governed by the Statute and Museveni’s government.’ 
“Why? What was wrong with the customary law? Nothing. Just that Museveni wanted more powers. He wanted himself to be refered to as the Ssaabagabe and reflected in the constitution.” 

According to Prof. Kanyeihamba,  yes it had to bite but he accuses leaders for governing by the law not under the law. 
For example, some say, ‘The law doesn’t allow me to do this, to torture people. But he says, the law empowers me to do this instead, not that the law prohibits me from doing this.’
“The land law isn’t working because leaders are not implementing the law as it is. They are not obeying it. I co-own land with Venerable Rev. Dan Kajumba. UNRA wanted the road to go through our land, We were compensated and we are all happy. If you follow the law, everything goes on smoothly.” Kanyeihamba urged that, our law on land is adequate.
Asked whether the president has a hidden agenda on the abolishment of the private Mailo land, Prof. Kanyeihamba said, “Museveni is totally exhausted in everyway possible. I am very sad that those near him in the NRM, don’t see it. Mailo land will be the political catalyst that will fell President Museveni if he doesn’t heed to what we are saying.”
“We want him to retire peacefully and we honour him. But if he continues to confront the Kabaka of Buganda on land, let him know that he is not fighting the Kabaka alone, but he is fighting the John Nagendas and Elly Tumwines  who have got the Mailo land, he is fighting the Kanyeihambas, the Amanya Mushegas who have cows in Buganda, he is fighting those who have put permanent residences in Buganda.” Said Prof. Kanyeihamba, adding that, “The president is fighting the likes of his relatives, the Rwabogos, the Karugires, his own daughter Patience who enjoys tenure on Mailo land. She has a church on private Mailo land. So what is the problem with our president? Why are you fighting the obvious? Your family members are happily living in Buganda with so many Baganda who are their friends and their associates. So I am afraid our president is misguided. My advise would be, please drop this campaign.”
A tough speaking Kanyeihamba talked about a certain minister allegedly misleading the president on Mailo land saying how he was told that this minister is an immigrant from Burundi! 
He said, “I have told you, the law about the land has no problem. But it has been politicized by those who are corrupt and corrupting the system, they want to have land and corruptly use it with the help of the government.”
“These are the people who put pressure on the President that let land be owned by government so that you have a free hand in giving us whatever we want corruptly or otherwise. So it is just pure politics, nothing to do with the law.”, Said Kanyeihamba. Challenging those who allege that the president wants to punish Baganda for not voting him in last elections, Prof. Kanyeihamba said it is not that all the Baganda wanted the opposition and it is not only Baganda who voted in Buganda. 
Kanyeihamba told viewers that, “We don’t have the statistics but I can tell you, the non Baganda who have businesses and permanent residences in Buganda, who have got titles on Mailo land are more than the President is imagining. So this fight is not against the Baganda,it’s the fight against the people in Buganda. And that fight is contrary to the Constitution which says land belongs to the people and explains how that ownership should be exercised under the land Board not by the government.” 

About the land that Government acquired on behalf of the public, Prof. Kanyeihamba says it has been mishandled.
He said, “Look at what has been developed on the chunk of land that used to belong to the public and that land which used to be regarded as the land for police in Nsambya. When you go there, there is a Supermarket which has come up, it is called Shoprite. The ordinary peasants of Buganda and Uganda can’t even visit them. They can’t afford it.
“We have this Munyonyo complex, only foreigners and heads of State can go there. Even I can not go there although I am not very poor. What happened to Shimon Demonstration School? It was taken over, the land is owned by a private individual not by the ordinary peasants. Isn’t that President Museveni doing? So he wants more land to dish it out? No way, that will never be. We will not allow it. We all say no, to our land becoming government land, never never.” Vows Prof. Kanyeihamba. 
The retired Justice who was celebrating his 82nd Birthday said, “We conceeded that government should have the lakes, the swamps, the forests but certainly not the land. I say once again, no to Museveni’s proposal on the Mailo land.”

On this, Kanyeihamba calls it a lie. He said, “I saw a statement by Museveni that he restored Mailo land! Where? He was not part of the Constituent Assembly. He was prohibited from going there. It is true we consulted him, he was a leader of our government, we are the ones who made this Constitution. When he comes struts with  out shame and thumps his chest saying,
 ‘I am the one who restored Mailo land..’, that is not true.”
Kanyeihamba wants President Museveni to stop claiming credit for what he didn’t do. “In fact I have told you, his concept on land was different from ours. We had to debate again and again.”

Justice Kanyeihamba says there is Mailo land in other regions, but in specified places. 
“It is in Ankole, Fortportal and Bunyoro, but it wasn’t very extensive and therefore, the majority in those areas live on customary or free hold land. That is why it isn’t so much publicized but it is elsewhere.” He said.
In those areas, it was mainly earmarked for chiefs and other dignitaries who are nolonger there, or for churches and other Institutions. 
According to Justice Kanyeihamba, President Museveni has no problem with these ones, it’s only in Buganda! 

Asked about these countries, Kanyeihamba re-echoed that, most of these countries are communist countries like Cuba, North Korea, etc. Their land is owned by the government. People don’t own anything. 
The other countries where land is owned by the Authority, is Federal Kings. Land belongs to the king like in UK. 
“But I have a house owned by a wife and daughter in the UK. But you pay the rates to the local Authorities on behalf of people. What I have said, our law was excellent. The Constitutional provisions were wonderful. It’s only politics which interferes with those beautiful provisions and then we end up in a mess, confusion. Instead of getting information from the Buganda Land Board, the President blasts the Kingdom.” Kanyeihamba tells viewers.


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Express FC 1
Nyasa Big Bullets 0


MUKWANO GW’ABANGI Express FC Square pass Mwotomwoto, the Uganda Premier League kings, are champions again!
The Red Eagles have today Saturday evening delivered the CECAFA Kagame Cup after defeating Malawi’s Nyasa Big bullets 1 nil at the Cecafa Club Kagame cup finals in Tanzania.
Thanks to danger man Martin Kizza’s minute 22 goal which gave the Wankulukuku Mayuuni boys the lead after a good pass from Erick Kambale.
Express FC had a marvelous show, Nyasa tried to fire their bullets but all in vain as the Red Army had the best defence ever. Boys did everything to win this final. Salutation to the club administration and the players.
At minute 59, Assistant captain Abel Eturude came on for Mutyaba Muzamiru as coach wanted the Red Eagles to protect the backline.
The fourth official added 4 minutes of added time which did not help Nyasa to stop Express FC from bagging USD 30,000 as the prize money for CECAFA clubs Kagame cup champions.
To reach finals,  Express FC defeated KMKM from Zanzibar while guest club Nyasa exited Tanzania’s Adam. 

The gaffer sticked to the same line up from the last game with no changes made today:
1 Mutakubwa
15 Walusimbi
5 Kiggundu
4 Juuko
23 Lumu
8 Byabakama
12 Kakooza
10 Mutyaba
7 Kambale
11 Senkaaba

D. Otim (GK), D. Mubuya, C. Musiige, J. Akandwanaho, I. Mayanja, A. Eturude, D. Shabene, F. Sekyanzi

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