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WHAT is happening in Afghanistan today following the Talibans’ state capture on August 15th 2021, blame goes to United States of America (USA) and their NATO allies who chose to turn a deaf ear on the wise counsel of Congress woman Barbara Lee 20 years ago, not to launch military attacks against this country! War isn’t always the answer. World must pray for Afghanistan!
Giving her prophetic words, congress woman Barbara Lee – the lone house member voted against the authorization for the use of military force in 2001. She said in her now famous speech: “We must not rush to judgment. For too many innocent people have already died…If we rush to launch a counterattack, we run too great a risk that women, children, and other non-combatants will be caught in the crossfire…We must be careful not to embark on an open-ended war with neither an exit strategy nor a focused target”.
What Barbara Lee said above is exactly what has happened after nearly 20 years of war in Afghanistan. The military miscalculations have led to a massive human cost. 
Research by Brown University estimates losses in the Afghan security forces at 69,000. It puts the number of civilians and militants killed at about 51,000 each.
In his speech on July 8, the United States President Joe Biden made it clear that, “We did not go to Afghanistan to nation-build…the United States did what we went to do in Afghanistan: to get the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 and to deliver justice to Osama Bin Laden…We achieved those objectives”.
But if President Biden’s words are anything to go by, my question is: Why has it taken them another 10 years to depart Afghanistan when their principal target, Bin Laden, was eliminated in 2011?

Today, as Afghanistan starts a new chapter under the Taliban rule, serious questions are already being asked about how the group will govern the country, and what their rule will mean for women, human rights, and political freedoms. 

Almighty Father, I come before you today with a heavy heart, one that is filled with sorrow, particularly regarding the state of affairs and the on-goings in Afghanistan in these past few weeks.
O God, the desperate scenes of chaos, panic and tragedy evidenced at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul have been unbearable to watch. 

The graphic images of people clutching onto plane wheels as aircrafts took off and those of babies and toddlers being passed to soldiers over razor-wire fences simply can’t get off my mind.
I pray for the victims (at least 90 Afghans dead and 150 others wounded) of the August 26 suicide bombing that occurred outside the Hamid Karzai International Airport. 
May You bless the souls of the dead and since You’re the Greatest Physician, I also kindly ask that You heal those still nursing wounds and bring strength to their bodies.
For the incoming Taliban government: May You give them wisdom to make the right decisions; wisdom that will enable them connect a country that is deeply divided by ethnicity, religion and political views; and wisdom that will give hope to the millions of people torn apart by the drastic effects of war, hunger, poverty, and diseases. 
God, I ask you to mercifully protect the Afghan children, women and all other individuals mostly at risk. UNICEF reports that since the start of 2021, more than 550 children have been killed while 1,400 others have been left with serious injuries.
With each and every passing day, the flaring conflict in Afghanistan continues to take a great toll on the country’s children. UNICEF further predicts that without urgent action, 1 million children under the age of 5 will be severely malnourished by end of the year. 
I pray against the discrimination and mistreatment of Afghan women and girls. Right now, there are real fears over women’s freedom to work, to dress as they choose, and to go to school. And while recent policy announcements by the Taliban spokesmen have appeared to be reassuring, many people remain skeptical.
Father, it will be extremely hard to convince people such as Malala Yousafzai, who was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman in 2012 after she defied the Taliban in Pakistan and demanded that girls be allowed to receive an education. Malala miraculously survived!
Whereas she went on to become the youngest person – at the age of 17 – to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014, her wounds, especially the psychological ones, are still fresh and open. Of course, not so many girls in Afghanistan have been as fortunate and lucky as Malala. 
But let love and forgiveness reign in the hearts of all, and that the spirit of hate no longer finds foothold in this country. 
God, please intervene with Your mighty power because we know that human efforts alone cannot compel love of a neighbour.  My humble prayer in faith is that, God changes the hearts and behaviours of Taliban leaders.
May they stand guard over all citizens, including their opponents and the powerless. May they stay true to their word and respect the “Doha Agreement” and all other peace pronouncements made. God, help them not to squander this opportunity, Be gracious to those who have fled from the violence, poverty and rejection in Afghanistan. May You Lord, protect and keep them safe. 
But for those who are willing to return home, may You grant them a safe passage back to their country. You’re surely a God of peace. I choose to recognize and to believe that You’re able to accomplish even far more, and to do far greater things than we can ever imagine. 
I thank you in advance for your miracles, goodness and the abundance of blessings You have in store for the Afghan people. In Your mercy, hear this prayer. Amen.

The writer Mr. Brian Mukalazi is the Country Director of Every Child Ministries Uganda.
email: bmukalazi@ecmafrica.org



PHOTO: Hon. Dr. Charles Ayume (chairperson Parliamentary Health Committee) leading Members of Parliament on a tour at the Covid-19 testing centre -Entebbe. Extreme right is Mr. Andrew Nsawotebba, site operations manager


THE Parliament of Uganda has saluted the partnership between Ministry of Health (MoH) and the private sector for a wonderful operation to secure the country from the Covid-19 variants carried by travellers entering Uganda especially through Entebbe International Airport. MPs have bought the idea of mandatory testing and vowed to support it.
Six modern laboratory facilities are stationed at Peniel Hotel, a site which was identified by the joint team of Ministry of Health and World Health Organization (WHO) as a testing site, located just a few meters from Entebbe Airport. 
The six laboratories are from; Medipal Hospital, Case Hospital, Test and Fly, City Medicals, Same Day Laboratories and Safari Laboratories.
Travellers are tested first to know their status and those found negative, are cleared to join their families and friends.
Addressing media yesterday on a parliamentary Health Committee tour of the Covid-19 testing centre in Entebbe, Committee chairperson Dr. Charles Ayume who with other committee members interfaced with the six modern facilitities stationed, appreciated that the site is a private sector led intervention with supervision of The Ministry of Health.
The MPs were received by among others; Mr. Fred Byamukama (Administration and also in charge of Test & Fly), Mr. Andrew Nsawotebba the site operations manager, Ms. Naturinda (Test & Fly) and other Ministry of Health officials.

On behalf of other members sitting on the Health Parliamentary Committee, Hon. Dr. Charles Ayume said, “We have seen the statistics of this facility showing that 54% of the Delta variants were from tourists. Now the question is, if the Ministry of Tourism allows tourists to go through un tested, wont the country  be in great trouble?” 
“Good the facility has capacity for about 25,000 travellers and modern testing lab machines, we must go for mandatory testing to secure the lives of 45M Ugandans from Covid-19. We only request to lower the turn around time from four hours to atmost two hours.” Said Parliamentary Health Committee Chairman Dr. Charles Ayume.
This comes at a time when some voices from the Ministry of tourism were protesting mandatory testing saying it takes a lot of tourists’ time and may kill tourism industry hence financially crippling the economy. Parliament does not however share this school of thought. 
Dr. Ayume, son to late Francis Joash Ayume former Speaker Parliament of Uganda clarified that, “As Health committee of Parliament, we shall support the position of the ministry of Health to ensure that all travellers are tested regardless of vaccination status or when you last did your PCR because we are backed by science.”
Other committee members present included; Hon. Margaret Makokha (Woman MP Namayingo district), Hon. Nekesa, Hon. Isaac Otimgiw Ismail (Mp Padyeri county Nebbi district), Nebanda Andiru Florence (Woman MP Butaleja), Hon. Hope Grania Nakazibwe (Woman MP Mubende district), Hon. Dr. Opio Samuel Acuti (MP Kore North), Hon. Josephine Babungi Bebona (Woman MP Bundibujo district) and Hon. Yusuf Nsibambi (Mawokota South).
Dr. Ayume revealed that, “The objective of this visit was fact finding. It is within our scope to oversee. We came here to ascertain whether this facility is necessary. The answer is yes, it is very necessary in the sense that we anticipate the third wave in the country and monitoring of boarder entry points, is one of the pillars of World Health Organization (WHO) management of the epidermic.”
The Koboko Municipality Member of Parliament noted that by testing travellers entering the country for covid-19, the ministry of Health is exercising it’s mandate in terms of management of the epidermic. 
So what the ministry of Health does is quality assurance, supervision, data management and so forth. 
The six hospitals named to carry out tests are under the watch of Uganda Virus Research Institute, the Central public Health laboratory.
About the public concern in regard with whether the people who were immunised from their respective countries and those who have PCR test in the last 72 hours need to be subjected to a test, the Parliamentary Health Committee agreed with the Ministry of Health that these travellers should be subjected to Covid-19 testing before allowing them to proceed with their journey. 
Hon. Dr. Ayume said, “Science has shown that even when you are vaccinated, you can still be a transmitter of some of these variants like the Delta.
About compliants that the test cost of UGX 235,000 ($65) is high, the committee tasked Ministry of Health and the private partners to explain how they reached that figure, something which they perfectly did. They however agreed to sit and see how to get a subsidised figure.
Dr. Ayume however reminded public that, “The cost of treating a patient in ICU is UGX 3M per a day. Let’s have that at the back of our heads before we look at the financial and social inconvenience. If you had a patient in ICU for 20 days, that is UGX 60M. Yet you would have paid just 65 dollars and walked through.”

Dr. Richard Mugahi who works with the Ministry of Health and also is the Assistant Commissioner in charge of health operations at the Entebbe Covid-19 testing site revealed to Members of Parliament on a visitation tour how they have put in place a special package for tourists. 
Taking MPs through what goes on at the facility regarding the testing of travellers for Covid-19 who are coming into the country, Dr. Mugahi said their major objective for this operation is to ensure that they do minimise importation of variants of Covid 19.

“The country knows that variants are responsible for causing the epidermic within the country and we think by minimising the entry of these variants through screening at the points of entry and specifically Entebbe International Airport, is very important. We have a number of laboratories that are engaged in this process. It’s not true that we have one lab. There are six laboratories that have been engaged to do this work, good you have seen all them with your naked eyes.” Dr. Mugahi told MPs who visited the site.
He added, “We are happy that you have noted how the service at the facility between the Ministry of health and private sector laboratories partnership has greatly improved. We believe that in the coming week when we move on to mandatory testing we shall be able to give them results within two hours or even in one and half hours.”
He said, some of the travellers testing postive are tourists although they are not a big number.
“So testing for tourists is also mandatory as they come in but we have put in place mechanisms that make sure that tourists are not inconvinienced and do not take a lot of time at the testing ground. When they come in, they are immediately tested, samples taken, they go to their hotels and do not get out of their hotels until they get their results in a period of about one and half hours.” Said Dr. Mugahi about the tourists’ package.
The ministry said they have enough man power at the facility and if they go for mandatory testing, they will be able to test between 800 – 1000 travellers. 
“We are trying to get all our stakeholders engaged. As a country, we are not ready to have these waves of Covid-19. They disrupt the economy and everything. That is the sole purpose why we are doing all this.” Dr. Muhiga told MPs.

Dr. Muhiga revealed that the ministry has been not been testing vaccinated people but the new proposal is testing everyone coming into the country through the international Airport
“Because we know that vaccination does not protect an individual from carrying the infection and spreading it but protects the individual from getting a severe form of the infection. We therefore have to test even vaccinated people.” Said Ministry of Health official. 
He reffered to Science that it has shown how vaccinated people can easily carry the infection and infect others with them not getting severely affected.
About the testing cost, Dr. Mugahi said, “The true cost is $ 45. Then, $20 is operational costs. We need to test to protect our population, we need also to make sure that the cost is not high for any traveller. I think the discussion is going to continue. I don’t know how low it can go because this test is a partnership between  the Government and the private sector.”

As of 30th Aug, 2021 the Cumulative No. of targeted travellers tested for COVID-19 at Peniel beach- testing ground was 18,907 (Nationals 7,590 and Foreigners 11,317).  A total of 697 cumulative positive travellers were identified out of 18,907 (3.7 %). All the (697) positives have been linked to Isolation facilities under the case management pillar (360 Public, Private 302, HBC 35).The above positive cases are from a total of (15) countries and (05) high contributors are; Kenya 186 (26.7%), UAE 148 (21.2%), South Sudan 99 (14.2%), Tanzania 70 (10 %), South Africa 37 (5.3%) and Others. 
Of these positive cases, 495 were Ugandans and 202 were Foreigners. 97 of the positive samples were taken for genomic Sequencing (looking at which variant are these people coming with) and the results show predominantly the delta variant.

Lessons and proposed reforms from previous testing Interventions at the EIA.
The engagement with CAA revealed there was no adequate space at the airport to carry out testing activities. The testing of travellers started on 11th May 2021 and on average 120 tests are done daily from travellers in category 2 countries, but for mandatory testing of all incoming travellers, we expect to test between 800-900 tests daily. The testing at the Airport started on 10th May 2021.

Issues of escaping travellers and selective testing criteria 
This has been an area of concern as some travellers from category 2 countries felt it segregated them. This will be addressed by the “test all” principle and regular coordination meetings with stakeholders to address the gaps.

Increasing No. of travellers unable to pay for PCR test
Clearly authorised and documented waiver options for tests will be done by any of the private labs. GOU will refund test kits. (As of 30th August 653 travellers had been exempted from testing fees and GOU will cater for the testing Kits) .Criteria; Deportees, Students (Armed forces), returning palliative patients.

Delays at the testing area due to long TAT by some labs
Failure of the Laboratories to install at the testing site. Initially only three private laboratories were engaged to screen travellers and only one laboratory was able to install equipment at the testing site. The new direction is all private laboratories MUST install equipment at the testing site by the 3rd of September.

(06) Laboratories with modern equipment capable of producing PCR results within 90 minutes have fully installed equipment at the site;

Rationale for Mandatory Testing of all Incoming Travellers at POEs?
Availability of COVID-19 variants of concern among travellers with potential to rapidly spread and overwhelm our health system. There are many deadly variants that are circulating around the globe and this will come in country through travellers if we do not strengthen screening. Available evidence shows that, vaccinated persons are protected from severe forms of the disease but can carry and spread the Virus. Category testing at the airport had challenges of screening and can potentially allow variants of concern to enter the country.

Areas of emphasis for effective implementation of the mandatory testing
▪Results processing and dispatch guidelines are available
▪Management of positive cases protocols are available
▪Stakeholder communication strategy.

Passenger Transportation and coordination
All arrivals shall be escorted to the VIP Parking Lot by a joint Avipol, MoH & Operations team. At the parking lot, they shall present their baggage to the baggage handling team. Passengers shall then be directed to waiting buses (10 stationed buses with 30 seat capacity with social distancing). Hand sanitization shall be done before boarding the buses, a free mask shall be given to those without, social distancing will be observed while in transit to the testing site. The travelers will; be escorted to the testing site by security personnel. It takes about 10 minutes for travelers to embark and move to the testing site.

Baggage handling
All travellers will present their baggage to the Baggage Handling Team at the airport VIP parking lot. The team shall pick Bingo stickers from Tags on baggage and append them on Bingo reconciliation forms/cards (a Bingo is a card with a Tag number; Flight number; and Barcode identical to the information on a Baggage Claim Sticker and unique for each traveller). The Baggage shall then be loaded onto trucks (box bodies) with secured locks and transported to the Baggage store at the testing site. There has not been any reported loss of baggage for the last 4 months of operation.

Waiting area travellers
A well paved waiting area for travellers with capacity to hold 300 passengers is in place with, free wireless internet and 16 charging spots, and six electronic bug zappers for trapping and killing lake flies and mosquitoes at night have been installed.A process to erect 3 more tents (@ with capacity of handling an additional 300 passengers with social distancing has started.External service providers have been engaged to provide food and drinks to the travelers at their own cost.60 Charging points & Bug Zappers have already been drawn and contractors identified.The waiting area, is fitted with a public address system that will help during results dispatch to the clients.

Waiting area for family and friends
Family members and friends will wait outside the gazette testing area with ample packing for about 200 vehicles at an affordable cost charged according to time spent.The crowd will be managed by our security personnel that are deployed at the testing ground.
Upon receiving the results and Baggage the security team will authorize the traveler to leave the testing ground and link up with family.

Progress so far
Stakeholder coordination meetings have been conducted at operational and strategic levels. Meetings with security team (Aviation Police, UPDF)Private laboratory teams, Immigration, CAA, UTB. Health committee of ParliamentInter – Ministerial coordination meeting.

Identification and engagement of private Laboratories to support Testing
Formal invitation was sent out to all the (25) COVID-19 accredited laboratories to express interest and attend a meeting at the Ministry of Health. 10 Laboratories attended the meeting and expressed interest but only 06 were able to set up at testing venue.

Testing Facilities:
The testing capacity at the penial beach has been increased from (02) to (06) private laboratories with modern equipment set up at the site. The total testing capacity for the (06) private laboratories is 1048/run or per every 90 Mins.All the (06) six laboratories have capacity to produce PCR results within 90 Mins. (1.5 hrs.) and this has been verified by the Ministry of Health Laboratory supervision team. The (06) laboratories will be able to serve the anticipated increase in the daily load of tests from the average of 120 travelers/Day to the average of 800 travelers/day.The participating Laboratories will conduct weekly coordination meetings under the leadership of the Ministry of Health.

Management and linkage of all positives cases
All the identified positive cases are linked to Isolation facilities. The public Isolation facility will be Namboole Isolation facility.
Two (02) other Non-Traditional Isolation facilities have been identified for positive travelers who are not comfortable in Public isolation facilities one in Entebbe (Mowcribs Hotel) to Isolate Tourists and other travelers and the second is in Kampala (Kerona Dam Hotel). The cost of the private facilities range from $60 to $80 full board. The positive cases will be managed by the case management pillar as per the National Protocols. Stand by transport is available for timely referral and linkage of positives cases to isolation facilities. Positive samples are segregated and those with low CT value are forwarded to UVRI for Genomic sequencing. A team of (10) psychosocial counsellors are available at the testing site and airport to deliver results and also explain the importance of the intervention.

Data Management facilities
We intend to reduce the pre-analytical time from 15 Minutes to 5 Minutes by introducing an electronic data capture and payment system. This will save travellers time as they will only present for sample collection at the testing ground.

Special Considerations.
Testing Government VVIP:

Samples will be collected from the VIP lounge and will be allowed to wait for their results that will be ready within 90 minutes.

Test for Ambassadors and Immediate families:
Clearance was provided to the EU and USA Ambassadors to have their tests from their approved laboratories (eg. the IOM laboratories) and provide MOH with test result within 90 Minutes.

Testing of Tourists:
Samples will be collected from the testing grounds where a special desk has been set up to handle tourists. The tourists will be allowed to move to (05) Hotels in Entebbe gazetted with the support of the Uganda Tourism Board (UTB). The Hotels are; Hotel Number 5, Papyrus Guest House, Boma Guest House, Karibu Guest House and Airport guest House hotel. The cost of staying at the guest house will be settled by the tourists.The results for Tourists will be processed within 2 hrs. The negative Tourists will proceed to their destinations and positive ones will be Isolated at gazetted NTIF.

● Support the mandatory PCR testing for all incoming travellers
● MOFA to communicate to all Embassies about the new directive.
● OPM to coordinate the inter-ministerial meetings and communications 
● CAA to communicate to airlines about the new directives

For views/comments on this story, send an sms on 0792735159 or email: newseditor.info@gmail.com




FOR those of you planning to go for a tour or greener pastures in Saudi Arabia, this is a MUST read story!
The News Editor
news website has gathered for you whatever is restricted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), a country in Western Asia. 
For starters, Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Middle East, and the second-largest country in the Arab world. It is bordered by Jordan and Iraq to the north, Kuwait to the northeast, Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates to the east, Oman to the southeast and Yemen to the south; it is separated from Egypt and Israel in the north-west by the Gulf of Aqaba. 
Its capital and largest city is Riyadh, with Mecca and Medina serving as important cultural and religious centers. The world’s second-largest religion, Islam, emerged in modern day Saudi Arabia.
Hundreds of Ugandan girls have been employed in Saudi Arabia as domestic workers. It is one of the most richest and beautiful countries you must visit before you die. 
Here are the 10 things prohibited in Saudi Arabia you must take note of before going there. Please read on;

    One of the first things you will have to take care of while travelling to Saudi Arabia is abstainance from liquor! Being a country that strictly follows the tenets of Islam, Saudi Arabia prohibits the sale and consumption of intoxicating drinks. If you are spotted drinking or getting tipsy, you can be subjected to lashes, deportation, hefty fines or even put behind the bars. It is also advised not to drink even on the Plane when you are on flight to this country. 
    Islam does not allow the consumption of pork and Saudi Arabia strictly adheres to this principle. So, don’t expect to go on a full English breakfast with sausages and bacon or a Ham Sandwich when you are in this country. Regardless of your religious beliefs, you will not be allowed to consume pork in any form and generally, only ‘Halal’ foods are available in this country. Even anything that’s pork-flavoured like chips and other snacks can not be consumed. 
    Possessing adult content on your phone, tablet, computer or any electronic device could land you into serious trouble. Saudi Arabia has blocked all such websites to abstain it’s people from consuming the content. So, if you are sharing such content including pictures or videos, you will get into trouble. Even illustrations of such type, especially those of women, are strictly not allowed. In fact, custom officials are directed to scan your devices for any content that is against the law before letting you enter their country. 
    If you want to get cosy with your significant other in public, think twice when you are in Saudi Arabia. Any public display of affection is looked down upon in this country. Tourists displaying PDA can be fined under the Public Decency Code of Saudi Arabia and the maximum fine is almost $800. Any public display of affection should NOT be indulged in, as it may not be very welcoming. 
    This day which is celebrated annually as a festive of love on 14th day of February, in Saudi Arabia it is considered a Christian occasion. In this country, valentines day was prohibited in 2008 and has never been permitted again to be celebrated. In 2018, the Authorities eased the restrictions a little and the Saudis celebrated the day. For the first time, shops in Saudi Arabia displayed little red tokens of love for those willing to celebrate. 
    Well, not all forms of socializing are disallowed in Saudi Arabia. However, intermingling of men and Women at malls and restaurants is generally not welcome. Unless they are your family members, socializing with opposite gender is not allowed. Generally, men and women are separated at social places. However, the stringent was relaxed in 2019. While foreigners may be excluded from this law, it’s better to be aware about the social situation in Saudi Arabia. 
    While photography is not prohibited in itself,  it is strictly regulated. Firstly, photographing a Saudi without their consent or express permission is against the law. The fine can go up to $300. Also photographing government buildings, military facilities and Palaces is not allowed. This is prohibited due to National security reasons.
    As per Saudi Arabia’s Public Decency Laws, men as well as women are advised not to put on shorts and to ‘dress modestly’. While the rules are not strict to the children, young adults and older people are expected to follow the norms. It’s true, the country is moving towards a relaxed dress code but outsiders, especially women have to be careful with the way they dress up in this country. Women can not wear shorts unless they are covered by the robe. 
    For decades, Saudi Arabia did not allow playing music in public at all. But with more liberal measures being introduced in this country, these days music can be heard in public. It is however very important to note that, playing music loudly is a taboo and can easily land you into trouble. This law has to be observed especially during each of the 20-minute prayer times that happens five times a day.
  10. DABBING 
    The viral dance move called ‘Dabbing’ became popular worldwide in 2017. However, you can not flaunt it while in Saudi Arabia.The country’s Ministry of National Commission disallowed people from displaying the dance move due to its association with the substance culture. The decision was taken after a Saudi TV host was filmed dabbing at a Music festival in Taif. 

For comments/views on this story, sms 0792735159 or email newseditor.info@gmail.com 



IN THE PHOYO: Late Josephine Mulinda


LUBAGA SOUTH legislator Aloysius Mukasa will today Saturday join mourners in Luwunga village, Kinoni – Masaka to see off late Josephine Mulinda, mother to Princess Eugenia Nassolo who contested for this constituency Member of Parliament election in January this year.
Princess Nassolo’s mum has for been struggling for her dear life. She breathed her last on Thursday morning. 
Nassolo who contested for Lubaga South MP on Democratic Party ticket, this week, through her lawyers of Caleb Alaka & Co. Advocates withdrawn an election petition she had lodged against Hon. Mukasa.
Nassolo said, she did this basing on the grounds of uniting the people of Lubaga, promoting the spirit of the opposition but on top of this all, allowing the massively elected MP Aloysius Mukasa serve his constituents with one heart.
In an exclusive interview with this fastest growing News Website, MP Mukasa welcomed Nassolo’s move to withdraw the petition saying it had no life at all.
He told us that, “I want to thank my sister Nassolo for not wasting court’s time and withdrawn her petition. Truth is, elections were done in February and Lubaga South voters’ voice was heard loudly. They elected a competent and able MP. This is the time to speak for them in Parliament not wasting time in court battles. I thank Ms. Nassolo for understanding this before it’s too late.”
Nassolo’s move must have united all political factions in Lubaga South. No wonder, Hon. Mukasa is today leading Lubaga South people to go to Masaka and mourn with Princess Nassolo an act of political maturity. 
Here at The News Editor Media, we extend our heartfelt condolence to Ms. Nassolo. May the soul of the deceased rest in eternal peace! 



When Whites in South Africa imprisoned Nelson Mandela


RECENTLY, i had a conversation with a colleague who controversially intimated that if, by any chance, a vote or referendum was to be held today regarding whether Africa should be re-colonialized or not, we would be shocked with the results.
According to him, majority of the African people would vote in favour of re-colonization. Why? Because our so-called post-colonial African liberators have failed to live up to their expectations.
They have backtracked on their promises and many no longer qualify to be labelled as heroes. Some have actually turned out to be just as brutal (or even worse) as the repressive colonial regimes they deposed.
Perhaps this could explain why in the 2016 Local Government Elections in South Africa, Athol Trollip, a white man from the predominantly ‘White’ Democratic Alliance Party, was elected mayor for the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality. Trollip’s election was seen as a major political shock in South Africa.

With a Black South African population exceeding 60 per cent, the Nelson Mandela Bay has a rich history of anti-apartheid struggle and was once a key battleground. But to observers, this was an indicator that people were losing faith in the African National Congress (ANC) as a governing party.
Let’s face it, with the current state of affairs in most African countries, even if development in countries found in the Western world was to be hypothetically frozen for 100 years, I have an absurd feeling that Africa would still not catch up.There’s something exceptional about the African continent!
In this final edition of a three-part article series regarding the above notion, I will give parting shots and also take aim at the probable way forward.
Africa is blessed, Africa is NOT cursed. Of course not. Many of Africa’s problems including poverty, diseases, and poor political leadership are not specific to only Africa. The same have been consistently experienced elsewhere including Asia, South America and some parts of Europe and North America, but this idea of a ‘curse’ never ever comes up.
In the Bible, there’s no reference to creation of a special or privileged race of people. In the book of Genesis, when the first human being is created, he is simply called Adam, which stands for ‘Human-kind’ in Hebrew.
Adam and Eve were neither White nor Black and their ethnicity is not even mentioned. And the Bible seems to stress that they are the mother and father of all nations.
Back to the so-called “Curse of Ham” (Genesis 9:18-27) we examined earlier: This Scripture has been often abused, distorted and twisted by those promoting racial prejudice. But we should clearly understand that the said curse is placed on Canaan and not on Ham.
To project the curse to all of Ham’s descendants is to misread the passage. Besides, it is also speculative to assume that the name Ham actually means “black people”.
How can Africa be cursed when it has the best weather on earth? How can Africa be cursed when it almost has the largest amounts of natural resources? And how can Africa be cursed when the African people are regarded as some of the friendliest on earth? I would consider all these to be Africa’s blessings.
But could it be that we have misused the blessings God bestowed upon us? Have these blessings created complacency? Well, I don’t know if I have the right answers to these questions but what I know, for sure, is that there’s something wrong.
Getting our priorities right, like I indicated earlier, Africa is not short of the required resources to fulfil her development agenda. However, there continues to be a prolonged development crisis.
And one of the major hindrances has been the poor policy prioritization by many African governments, where key priority areas such as healthcare, agricultural production, employment and education have been largely ignored.
Let me use my homeland, Uganda, as an example: Here, you may really wonder why the Country is investing billions of Uganda shillings into production of electric cars, including buses, yet it still imports toothpicks and match boxes; when the Members of Parliament (529 MPs) are more than the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds in public hospitals.Then it came to the Covid-19 fight: By August 1, the country had raised over UGX 4 trillion ($1 billion) through loans, donations and grants but remarkably, the biggest chunk of these funds never went into health interventions and no single dose of Covid-19 vaccines had been purchased (all the availed vaccines came from donations).
Instead, much of the funds were reportedly used on security, allowances and other administrative activities.
The influence of the ‘white man’ (and now China), without a doubt, the slave trade, that began in the 1400’s through its peak in the 18th century, left Africa seriously bruised.
It is estimated that 11 million people were forcibly taken into slavery and according to Professor Nathan Nunn, ‘The African countries that are the poorest today are the ones from which the most slaves were taken’.
Experts say that all of Africa’s colonial masters left behind a way of life completely decimated, a people traumatised and taught in colonial schools to loathe everything about themselves; from their skin, their languages to their customs. African economies were then crippled by structural adjustment policies of the World Bank and IMF.
An observer once noted, ‘When you take a closer look at most of the problems that Africa faces, one sees the hidden hand of colonial imperialists in one form or another. Libya, South Sudan, the scourge of Boko Haram in Nigeria, and now the so-called terror threat in Cabo Delgado Province, Northern Mozambique, all point to the scramble for the natural resources found in abundance on the continent’.
Then enter China. Through its Belt and Road Initiative, China is slowly trapping many African countries into debt. For instance, the $4 billion Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, financed by the Chinese, ended up costing Ethiopia nearly a quarter of its total 2016 budget. Is there light at the end of the tunnel? Yes! It is not all gloom and bloom for the African continent (Reminder: Africa is not a Country!). Despite the prevailing challenges, there are real opportunities ahead. And with success stories, such as Botswana, I have no doubt in my mind that in the decades to come, Africa can make the leap from poor to good and eventually to great.
Botswana, a predominantly tropical and landlocked country, was one of the world’s poorest countries at independence in 1966. However, because of its institutional strength and prudent policies, Botswana, today, is ranked as an upper-middle income country and regularly surpasses countries such as Italy and Spain on corruption indices. It is often talked of as the ‘African miracle’.
Our leaders must create an infrastructure that will improve people’s education, health, security and economic prospects. But most importantly, we must build sustainable governance systems because these are the fulcrum of all the other issues.
We need to put our blood, sweat and tears into things that really make a difference; not just seating and waiting for foreign assistance. The honest truth is that foreign aid and investment do not in themselves develop a country/continent; they can only help. Only those with a strong development mindset and policies can develop. Ultimately, the development of Africa is up to Africans. This message should be fully engrained in the minds of each and every African.


Mr. Mukalazi is the Country Director ofEvery Child Ministries Uganda.bmukalazi@ecmafrica.org




BREAKING news coming from High Court Kampala, Princess Eugenia Nassolo who petitioned court against the election of Aloysius Talton Gold Mukasa the Rubaga South member of Parliament, has lost interest in the petition and we can authoritatively report this that, this election Petition has been withdrawn. Congratulations to the three winners; Lubaga South People, Hon. Aloysius Mukasa and our mum, Princess Eugenia Nassolo.

Court will this afternoon be moved for this petition withdrawal to go on record. We are reliably informed, Nassolo who contested on DP ticket in the January 2021 Parliamentary election has decided to withdraw the petition in the spirit of opposition, uniting Lubaga South People and to allow the elected MP serve his voters without disturbances.

This News Website which writes truth, nothing but the truth, is working on an exclusive story giving the way forward after this petition is withdrawn. Watch the space!




YESTERDAY on Wednesday 1st September 2021, Luweero court remanded Princess Faridah Bwanga Namirembe to Kigo Prison until September 13th 2021. On Thursday last week, Bwanga was arrested in Luweero by the Head State House Anti corruption unit Col. Edith Nakalema which arrest must have caused unrest amongst members of the First Family! In this story, we strictly take you through how and why Princess Bwanga was arrested last week, how she was released and the genesis of everything. Enjoy the story.
Princess Bwanga was arrested on allegations of impersonation and tresspass, not land grabbing as lies made rounds on social media and other substandard media platforms.
She was on Friday transferred from Luweero to CPS in Kampala where she was interrogated about her State House job description. She instead reffered them to her boss, President Museveni.
Led by Mr. Nzeire who is President Museveni’s young brother, a group of members of the first family on Saturday raided Kampala Central Police Station and ordered her release with immediate effect.
Other first family members who intervened were Gen. Salim Saleh’s son and another one (names withheld) who came with Prince Kimera.
Kampala CPS had to send for the Luweero Police Station file from where she was arrested on Thursday and the OC CID came on a bodaboda to bring a file which they used to release Bwanga on police bond.
For starters, Princess Bwanga is a State House employee deployed by President Museveni on special duties and we are told she reports directly to First son Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba.
On many occasions, Bwanga has been cited resolving land wrangles. Sometime around 2011, President Museveni linked to His Majesty Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II through this Princess and this news website has copies of letters from President Museveni to Kabaka having Namirembe Bwanga’s name highlighted.
In fact, she played a pivotal role in returning a bunch of Buganda Kingdom land titles.
We shall come back to this later!

All started with Haji Ibrahim Lumu, father-in-law to Princess Namirembe Bwanga who approached her about a one Kigaba Aloysius Bukenya whom he accuses of trespassing and grabbing his land located in Kikyuusa, Luweero.
Kigaba reached out to Haji Lumu offering to buy his land. However Lumu excused himself saying his land wasnt for sale. So, according to Haji Lumu, Kigaba chose to use force and connections to grab his land.
Lumu who was accompanied by his son Abdul Mpanga narrated to Princess Bwanga how the untouchable Kigaba was hiring goons armed with machetes to butcher innocent people working on his farm.
“Whenever they attack my people, they cut them with pangers and demolish my houses. During the recent 42 days Covid-19 lock down, he grabbed a piece of my land and built on it a two roomed house. I have reported this matter at Luweero Police Station where I have not received any help. I highly suspect that the police officers also fear him or have been compromised in a way. They just look on as him and his workers continue to terrorise people they find at my farm.” A hopeless Haji Lumu told Princess Bwanga showing her about seven police references when he reported Kigaba at police.
Lumu lodged a complain to PSU at Kireka about the conduct of Luweero Police but by the time he decided to run to Princess Bwanga, he had not been helped.
She advised him to go to Ministry of Lands Luweero zonal office at Bukalasa.
On reaching at Bukalasa, Princess Bwanga requested to meet the land Registrar and the DSS.
She asked them to bring the said land file and was shocked to discover how the white page was tempered with, white washed and the true land owner’s name fidgeted with to indicate that late Mikayiri Kalibwamu who sold this land to late Matayo Mpanga Kibimbo grand father to Haji Ibrahim Lumu was actually the owner of the land.
Lumu’s father, late Kafumbe was the heir to Matayo Mpanga Kibimbo.
Princess Bwanga who talked to us from her Makindye palace reffered to this as typical fraud since Mikayiri had sold land to Matayo Mpanga as far back as 1930 and the two are dead.
“I advised that the file be taken to Kampala to ascertain how a dead person resurrected to re-own the land he sold about 90 years ago. Bukalasa land Registrar agreed with us in the presence of Haji Lumu’s lawyers to bring the file to Kampala.” Princess Bwanga explained.
At Kampala, Mr. Karuhanga, the land commissioner advised that Lumu’s lawyer writes a letter requesting for the cancellation of the tempered with land title and reinstate the true owners.

From Bukalasa, Haji Lumu asked Princess Bwanga to visit the land and see with her naked eyes how Kigaba tresspassed on his land and she even talk to the victims.
In a recorded video seen by this news website, Princess Bwanga was filmed interrogating men she found cleaning the ground on Lumu’s land about who brought them there.
Some said they came from Kayunga, others from Lira and confessed how they were brought by Kigaba during Covid 19 to clear this land ground.

As Princess Bwanga and team were leaving, a group of men holding big sticks and machetes surrounded them ready to pounce on her. God is good, her police guards intercepted them and managed to arrest about nine of the attackers.
They were brought to Luweero Police Station where a lady officer Nalwoga said to be the RPC opted to keep out of this case fearing for her safety.
Princess Bwanga assured her how she was safe only that her guards had arrested a group of youth who wanted her dead!
We were told, madam RPC’s response shocked the complainants.
She said, “You guys this time I am going to arrest you. I told you to back off from attacking people but you don’t listen. Today I give up on you.”
She referred them to the OC CID saying for her, she had no time for that.
OC CID detained the suspects and one of the police officers guarding Bwanga, made a police statement to show how they arrested them.
The next day, to every one’s shock police released the suspects.

On day two after she left Luweero, Princess Bwanga was summoned to Luweero Police on the pretext that they were going for a locus visit on the land from where her guards arrested men who attacked her.
RPC Nalwoga ordered Bwanga to identify herself and before she said a word, DPC was directed to arrest Princess on charges of impersonation and tresspassing.
She was arrested alongside her drivers and two of her aides.
That evening, she recalls, a drone car came to pick her but she refused being moved that late.

On Friday morning, a forest of police officers from Kampala was sent by Nakalema to pick her from Luweero.
Her police guards came following their boss.
She was driven direct to CPS to record another statement.
At CPS, she refused to reveal her State House job description and referred them to the appointing authority, the Head of State.
She was made to sleep in the cells of CPS on Friday. She was released on Saturday.

After buying about 304 acres from Mikayiri Kalibwami in 1930s, Matayo Mpaga Kibimbo distributed it amongst his children leaving out 62 acres for himself and his successors.
Each of his three girls got land. Luci Mwenyango got 69.60 acres, Esteri Nambi got 20 which is Block 488 plot 8 and Lukia Bansuna got 70 acres. Plot 11 is the land for Bansuna and Mwenyango.
About 80 acres are said tp be occupied by a one Ssalongo and Haji Lumu is not aware how this one came to own part of their Land.
Lumu got letters of adminstration for his two aunties, Lukia Bansuna and Luci Mwenyango.
The original plot 9 became plot 10 which is the land for successors.

Aloysius Bukenya Kigaba owns land near Haji Lumu’s land. Kigaba took over his grand father Nkwanga’s land on plot 5.
On 30th September 2019, Musan Associates wrote to the The Registrar Bukalasa, Luweero Lands introducing Mr. Lumu Ibrahim as the Administrator of the Estate of Lukia Bansuna, Lusi Mwenyango and Esteri Nambi of Kaswa Bulemeezi.
Lawyers Said, “We act for and on behalf of our client Mr. Lumu Ibrahim the administrator of the above captioned Estate with instructions, we introduce him to you.”
Letter says that Mr. Lumu is the administrator of the Estate of the Late Matayo Mpanga, whose daughters are Esteri Nambi, Lukia Bansuna and Lusi Mwenyango.
That sometimes, a one Kigaba Aloysius Bukenya approached Lumu Ibrahim and informed him about the Estate land in issue belonging to his predecessors.
That at the time having been told by Kigaba, Lumu Ibrahim made a follow up and approached the registrar in Bukalasa land office a one Koreta at the time. Our client was told that he can not be given any document for lack of authority ( Letters of Administration).
Having acquired the letters of Administration, Lumu Ibrahim went back to Bukalasa and found out that the blue pages were available, that is to say, Esteri Nambi, Lukia Bansuna and Lusi Mwenyango all being derived from the same MRV 103/12.
However, when he opted to process the titles of the same, he was told that the blue pages of Lukia Bansuna and Lucia Mwenyango were missing, and that the only one present was that of Esteri Nambi.
Mr. Lumu struggled to acquire title of the land belonging to the successor of Matayo Mpanga whereof he is the administrator vid Block 488 Plot 4 Kaswa Luweero.
We therefore request your authority to authorise Mr. Lumu Ibrahim open boundaries and acquire a survey report to allow him process for the land title belonging to the Estate which is plot 11 as the residue left. We await for your cooperation and quick response with regard to the same.
On 11th March 2020, lawyers of Musan Associates wrote to the The Commissioner Lands about the Area schedule vid 103/12 of Kaswa Bulemeezi. It was received on 12 March 2020.
The letter reads, “Reference is made to the above subject matter. We write to you with regard to the issues discussed verbally in your office with regard to the same.That you requested for an area schedule of the same so as to enable you conduct an investigation and make a bolstered decision in reference to the missing blue pages of Lukia Bansuna and Ruth Mwenyango.”
“We therefore request you through your office to respond accordingly by allowing our client process the title of the missing blue pages. Hope our request shall be put into your consideration.” Wrote Musan Associates
On 17th August 2021, Musan Associates acting on the instructions of Lumu Ibrahim the administrator of the Estate of Lukia Bunsana and Luci Mwenyango, wrote to the Registrar Bukalasa Land Office requesting for research of Block No. 488 plot 11 at Kaswa Bulemeezi in Luweero. They wanted to ascertain the status of the above captioned plot. They wanted this office to provide them with an official search letter thereafter.
On the same day, the same lawyers wrote to the Registrar Land Bukalasa, Re: Complaint on Block 488 plot 11 at Kaswa Bulemeezi in Luweero district.
We act for and on behalf of Lumu Ibrahim on whose instructions we address you as follows:
That the above captioned number is derived from MRV 299 Folio 9.
That on the 27th July 2020, a detailed area schedule was issued with information reflecting plot 11 as residue.
That it was reflected in the same area schedule that Lukia Bansuna and Luci Mwenyango are entitled to survey from plot 9, from which the residue is generated.
That Mr. Lumu is the administrator of the Estate of Matayo Mpanga, Lukia Bansuna and Luci Mwenyango.
That Mr. Lumu Ibrahim acquired title plot 10 in 2016 as the successor of Matayo Mpanga as reflected by the MRV title.
That Mr. Lumu is in the process of acquiring the title of Lukia Bansuna and Luci Mwenyango respectively.
That given the comprehensive distribution of land as indicated in the MRV, Mikali Kalibwame having been the first proprietor ceased to have part or any of the Estate whatsoever as reflected in the MRV.
That our client was surprised having been told that plot 11 as residue belongs to Mikari Kalibwame and that title to the whole residue was issued in 2018 as indicated by the district staff surveyor. Whereof, we verily believe that this was fraudulent transaction that took place without our client’s knowledge.
That when you add up the Estate of Lukia Bansuna and Luci Mwenyango, it automatically adds up to the total hectares (56.4) as indicated in the area schedule.
We therefore request for the following;
1) The permission be granted to survey the said residue conducted by a surveyor.
2) Cancellation of the title of Block 488 plot 11 that was fraudulently acquired/issued in 2018.
3) That title to the respective Estates be processed and issued to the administrator of both estates.
On 18th August 2021, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban development, Luweero Ministry Zonal office wrote to Musan Associates about statement of search of Bulemeezi Block 488 plot 11 as at 18th August 2021.
The following entries appeared on the Title register;
Area: 56.4000 hectares
Owner: Mikaeri Kalibwani of Kaswa registered on 1st October 2018 at 9:24 am under instrument no. BUK174279
Incumberance/s: None
“It is for you to satisfy yourself that this land is the property of the person whom you are interested in and not of someone else of the same name.” Wrote Jamirah Lunkuse, Registrar of Titles, for commissioner land Registration.

For views/comments on this story, sms 0792735159 or email us newseditor.info@gmail.com



Rich in Resources: Why is Democratic Republic of Congo Poor?


FROM advances in technology and medicine to paradigm shifts in livelihood systems, the past 50 or so years have seen tremendous changes occur in people’s standards of living all over the world. On average, people’s lives have improved on every continent. Except for Africa! 

While Africa is often regarded as the most beautiful and richest continent, it is, at the same time, the poorest land on earth and is the only large, contiguous region left out of the worldwide rise in prosperity – with more than a quarter of the hungry in the world living on the African continent.Why is that? Is Africa really cursed? Obviously, there are myriad of issues surrounding this question. In last week’s article, titled: “Is Africa really cursed? – Part I”, I ventured into a number of potential causes for Africa’s problems and the focus was on widespread corruption, gross abuse of public resources, bad leadership and political instabilities. 
In today’s discussion, I will focus on these two underlying factors: (1) Scriptures and biblical interpretations, and (2) poverty and the mindset factor; 
Scriptures and biblical interpretations
Were Africans or black people born to be slaves? In his book, ‘The Curse of Ham”, David Goldenberg notes that there’s a myth derived from the book of Genesis in the Bible that the black race came from the lineage of Noah’s cursed son, Ham (in particular Canaan, one of his four sons), who was cursed by his drunken father. 
In the scriptures, Noah said, “Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.” He then blesses Shem and Japheth (who were the two other sons of Noah), declaring, “Blessed be the LORD of Shem! May Canaan be the slave of Shem. May God extend the territory of Japheth. . . and may Canaan be his slave” (Gen. 9:25-27). 
Although there is no biblical evidence that Ham was the “father” of African people, various Jewish, Christian and Islamic writers came to believe that he was, and this belief, in many ways, helped establish a firm connection between Ham, Africa, slavery and race. For thousands of years, this biblical story has been used as the single-greatest justification for Black segregation. This story was/is frequently cited by many White people to argue that the slavery of the black race was, in fact, a fulfilment of the prophecy. They argued that: (1) the word “Ham” means “black” and thus refers to the Black race; and (2) God commanded that the descendants of Ham (Black people) become slaves to Japheth, who, they argue (d), represents the White race. Some observers also argue that the misinterpretation and misapplication of this particular bible story was one of the roots of the deadly tribalism that destroyed lives of more than 800,000 people in Rwanda. The story became the justification for giving privileged status to one indigenous group over another.
Away from the so-called ‘curse of Ham’, there are several other holy scriptures often quoted (and misquoted) by those in support of this miserable subject, including church leaders and other Christians. 
One of those came from the Apostle Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians 6:5-8 that states, “Slaves, be obedient to your human masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ”. 
In reference to those two scriptures above, the other parts of the Bible have been largely ignored and the promoters often point out that nowhere in the Bible did Jesus condemn slavery.  It was/is also generally accepted that the Latin word servus, usually translated as servant, really meant slave.
Poverty and the mindset factor It is ironic that, in terms of natural resources, Africa is arguably the richest continent on earth yet the majority of its population lives on the margins of society. 
For instance, with over $24 trillion in mineral deposits, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is ranked among the top 10 Countries in the world with the most natural resources. But in a rather bizarre contrast, DRC is also ranked in the top 10 list of poorest countries in the world. Today, poverty can be singled out as Africa’s biggest problem and it is even deeper than our broken political systems. 

The Poverty levels have been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic and it is estimated that nearly 50 million people in sub-Saharan Africa could be pushed into extreme poverty. 
When people imagine poverty in Africa, they tend to think of it in terms of lack of means or resources, but that is not true. The real issue resides in our ‘Mindset’ – you may also call it ‘poverty of the mind’ – of its leaders and citizens. 
African People are mainly driven by dependence on government and foreign aid, instead of critical thinking, hard-work, determination and a sense of responsibility towards self & country. 
Whereas Africa is estimated to receive over $140 billion in foreign aid and donations each year, there’s overwhelming evidence to demonstrate that this aid has instead made the poor poorer, and the economic growth slower. 
Also, some $220 billion is extracted from the continent in the form of debt repayments, multinational company profits, and illicit financial flows. 
In other words, Africa suffers a net loss of more than $80 billion every year. Dambisa Moyo, a global economist and author, contends in her book, Dead Aid, that while foreign aid that addresses humanitarian needs caused by drought and conflict is helpful, most of the aid given to African countries is rather harmful. 
Moyo lists the problems enhanced by aid to include corruption, civil conflict, shrinking of the middle class, and the instilling of a culture of dependency. 
And even the would-be good poverty alleviation projects do not necessarily empower the people because they are usually compromised by the government and other officials in charge. 
These projects often turn out to be short-lived programmes that mainly benefit the government officials or a limited number of the people concerned. 
If Africa is to make any meaningful progress, the mentality of looking for solutions to come from elsewhere and blaming outsiders for our poverty and misfortunes must stop. 
The unwillingness to take action, and the deep-seated mindset problem pose some of the biggest mysteries, obstacles and threats to development in Africa.
To be continued…


The Writer Mr. Brian Mukalazi is the Country Director of Every Child Ministries Uganda. Reach him via: bmukalazi@ecmafrica.org



Outgoing NRM Treasurer Rose Namayanja Nsereko handing over office to Barbara Nekesa (Right)


TWO months ago, President Museveni who doubles as the Chairman of the ruling National Resistance Movement appointed new leadership at the Kyaddondo Party Headquarters in Kampala where he among others, replaced Hon. Rose Namayanja Nsereko with Hon. Barbara Nekesa Oundo as the NRM National Treasurer.
Nekesa took over office a week back at a function where newly appointed NRM Secretary General Richard Todwong promised party members that the new team at the Secretariat priorities transparency and openness while executing party activities. 
Todwong who took over from Justine Kasule Lumumba said, “We are all servants of the party. A cordial relationship and mutual understanding with one other is key. We are going to continue respecting one another but also allow offices to work independently to help achieve  the overall goal for all stakeholders”. 
For the newly elected Party Treasurer Nekesa, her tasks rotate around filing all reports and statements accurately and on time. Depositing receipts and authorizing expenditures or appointing someone else (orally or in writing) to authorize expenditures. She must be in position to look for funds that will run party offices in different districts and the activities both in districts and at the party headquarters. Here, Namayanja had weaknesses. The party Chairman expects Nekesa to be different so that all party structures function perfectly.

A 37 years old Barbara Nekesa Oundo is a born of Busia District in the Eastern Uganda. She was born on 6 June 1984 to Mary Hadudu, mother and Edward Wabudi, a local councillor. This couple is blessed with 9 other girls.
Nekesa has been serving as Uganda’s High Commissioner to South Africa and was based in Pretoria.
In that capacity, she has been also representing Uganda to the nations of South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland.
A graduate in Bachelors of Human Resource Management from Makerere University she got married to Charles Mukanga Oundo, a foreign service officer, whom she met while  still an undergraduate at Makerere University. The two have children. 
In 2017, she however divorced Mr. Charles Oundo her first husband. In December 2018, she entered into another marriage with Hajji Suleiman Lumolo Mafabi, a reknown businessman based in Mbale. The private ceremony took place at their home in Muyenga, an upscale neighborhood in Kampala.
Nekesa attended Bubulo Girls School in Mbale for her middle school education (O-Level) and Mbogo High School in Kawempe for her high school studies (A-Level).
​Before being appointed Uganda’s Ambassador to South Africa, Ms. Barbara Nekesa was on May 27th 2011 appointed the state minister for Karamoja affairs in the Cabinet. 
Then, she was the elected Busia District woman Member of Parliament in the 9th parliament representing ruling National Resistance Movement  (NRM).

For views/comments on this story, sms 0792735159 or email: newseditor.info@gmail.com



In the Photo: Frank Gashumba


A RIFT between Banyarwanda, a community of Rwandan origin living in Uganda and the immigration offices at the Ministry of internal Affairs over passport issuance has depeened.
Their war has now reached High Court in Kampala where the principal immigration officer one Deborah  Amanya filed a case in court blocking Mr. Frank Gashumba who is the Chairperson of the council of Banyarwanda community in Uganda  blocking him from talking about  the continued discrimination of Banyarwanda at the immigration offices.
Banyarwanda accuse immigration offices for denying them passports.
For starters, Banyarwanda are named as number 24 under the tribes listed in the Constitution of The Republic of Uganda.
Speaking to the press in Kampala on Monday, Mr. Gashumba said Ms Deborah Amanya’s motive is to tight lip them so that they do not talk about the continued  discrimination of Banyarwanda at the immigration offices.
“We wonder why the Banyarwanda are so much considered as Ugandans during election time and given voter slips but later denied passports at the ministry of internal affairs. These days, export  labour companies have stoped them from applying for jobs abroad knowing that they will not be given passports. What is the motive behind this circus?” Asked Frank Gashumba who wanted the Banyarwanda community in Uganda to be given a new name of Abavandimwe.
On Monday, Frank Gashumba went to the High court expecting the matter to be heard, but unfortunately court did not sit. The High court registrar Jameson Katemsni had an engagement thus adjourning the matter up to Monday 30th August 2021.

For views/comments on this story, sms 0792735159 or email: newseditor.info@gmail.com

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