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THE Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) has revealed how cases of counterfeit have increased in the country since the outbreak of covid 19 in March 2020.
Other challenges recorded include change in symbols, use of same without changing the product among others have been recorded.
Carol Nazziwa from the Uganda Registration Services Bureau noted that in just two months they have registered over 76 cases of duplication of names of various companies.
She revealed this to the press while meeting with officials from Fohow International Uganda limited led by Daniel Tumushabe who cautioned various companies to be more keen with people who want to develop using other people’s business through duplication.

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CABINET on Monday 25th October 2021 under the chairmaship of H.E the president Yoweri Museveni took a decision on signing and ratification of the Uganda – Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) inter governmental agreement for the joint construction of road infrastructure.
Yesterday while addressing journalists at the Media Centre, Dr. Chris Baryomunsi the minister of ICT and National guidance said, “This will strengthen bilatel relations between Uganda and the DRC, increase volume of trade between Uganda and the DRC and also improve people to people movement and security.”
Baryomunsi noted that this initiative is done to benefit trade because the eastern congo is not well developed and yet there is alot of trade and business in this area between Uganda and DRC.
Minister Baryomunsi also revealed that, “Cabinet also approved the implementation of the Amuru deed of settlement for the Amuru sugar works project.”
He said, this will enhance social economic transformation of the Amuru community as a result of established Agro – industry and infrastructure development.
This will also improve standard of living as a result of established Agro – industry by Amuru sugar works limited through the creation of employment particularly for unemployed youths.

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UGANDA Revenue Authority (URA) a few days ago kicked off the third edition of the e-bomba ya business summits with discussions on survival of businesses in the wake of the effects of COVID-19 pandemic.
The month-long virtual engagements are aimed tipping business owners on financial growth and fostering voluntary compliance. These have been incorporated with skills to help businesses thrive in the new normal.
According to the URA Ag. Commissioner General Abel Kagumire, majority of the businesses which were a big source of revenue for government have been greatly hit by the effects on trade by the COVID-19 pandemic and this has affected tax collections by the institution. 
Kagumire pointed out sectors like education, food services, accommodation, arts and recreation as those that have been grossly affected in this era.
Collections from the food service and accommodation hit a dive of 37% especially because the sector is driven by tourists who were locked up in their respective countries. 
He however says that the revenue body is hopeful of a change in the sector collections because of the vaccines that are making travels much safer.
The e-bomba ya Business summits will run in series on Fridays up to 12th November 2021. The first episode of the summits has focused on survival through the pandemic with deep conversations on business financing and alternative skills adoption by sectors grossly affected by the COVID-19.
The discussants included; Ag. Commissioner General Abel Kagumire, Private Sector Foundation Uganda’s Ruth Biyinzika, the Managing Director Centenary Bank Fabian Kasi and Price Waterhouse Coopers’ Crystal Kabajwara and moderated by NBS TV’s Mildred Tuhaise.
Mr. Kagumire revealed that, unlike the past where the tax burden was carried by a few entities, the authority is to embark on expanding the tax register so that the businesses recovering from the pandemic effects are not overwhelmed
“URA has embarked on expanding the taxpayer register because we know that there are many Ugandans out there in profiting business but are not paying taxes. We intend to achieve this with comprehensive tax education so that everyone contributes to betterment of this country”
said Kagumire
Uganda’s tax burden was held by slightly over 1.7 million taxpayers by the end of financial year (FY) 2020/21. However, this figure is expected to expand by 400,000 additions as the authority is set to have 2.1 million taxpayers by the end of FY 2021/22.
Ruth Biyinzika cautioned business owners against unnecessary expenditures as they recover from the pandemic emphasising that all resources are now needed for business survival. She pointed to the need for effective financial management in order for business owners to turn around operations for the better.
URA started the e-bomba ya business summits in 2019 as one of the activities in the Taxpayers Appreciation Month to equip business owners with necessary skills for financial growth and these were held at Kololo independence grounds.
However, due to the pandemic, these went virtual to cope with the standard operating procedures to curb COVID-19. URA will continue to equip segmented taxpayers with skills to thrive financially as it marks a 30-year anniversary. A similar engagement will be held for the youth in January in an Open Minds Forum Engagement.

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THE Uganda Aids commission on Tuesday launched the National Policy Guidelines on Ending HIV Stigma and discrimination.
While presenting the contents of the policy in Kampala, the Executive Director of the Commission, Dr Nelson Musooba said, the objectives of policy guidelines is to provide stakeholders and the public with guidelines on non stigma and discrimination to enable them take appropriate actions to protect themselves and the communities.
The policy is also to improve access to and utilization of health and other services by people living with and affected by HIV especially where there has been punitive laws, policies and practices which violate human rights.
Dr Musooba noted that the Commission has secured funds to roll out the policy across the country that will help in eliminating the rising vice of stigmatizing people living with HIV/AIDs.
While launching the guildlines the minister for presidency Milly Babalanda has appealed to all ugandans to go and test for HIV.

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KAMPALA Capital City Authority (KCCA) through the help of government of Uganda has secured USD 288M from the Africa development bank to help improve road transport and ease congestion in the city by upgrading 22 road junctions.
According to the acting director engineering and technical services Justus  Akankwasa, this will enhance the drainage capacity of the city to mitigate street flooding in low lying areas.
Akankwasa said that the project will improve 69.7km of roads in all divisions of Kampala,134 km of non motorised traffick facilities, walk ways, cycling trucks, construct commercial vehicle parking places, bus depots, 30 public toilets,6 Public markets along project roads for women vendors.
Meanwhile Akankwasa says Kcca has collaborated with Uganda railway corporation to revitalize the passenger train service between Kampala and Namanve.

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UMSC SG Mugalu and UNBS executive director Mr. David Livingstone Ebiru after signing MoU


IN a bid to implement and enforce Halaal standards in Uganda, Uganda National Bureau of standards has today signed a memorandum of understanding with Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC).
During the MOU signing at the headquarters of UNBS today, leaders of the two institutions agreed to work together to support the implementation and enforcement of Halaal standards in Uganda.
Speaking during the signing, the UNBS executive director Mr. David Livingstone Ebiru said UNBS will be working closely with the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council to make sure that those who claim that they are implementing Halal standards can be verified to promote trust and confidence in their products so that they can be consumed by the Muslim community and countries as a way of sidelining false claims.  
Mr. Ebiru revealed that the focus of the MoU is that as UNBS implements the Halal standards, they also protect the Muslim consumers as part of their mandate of consumer protection because Uganda as a country is a member of the Standards & Metrology institute of Islamic Countries called Organization of Islamic Countries whose secretariat is based in Turkey and that as members, there is need to harmonize standards and develop standards together.This means that Uganda should be able to sell our exports to countries that align to the Muslim faith.
“We are members of Organization of Islamic Countries whose secretariat is based in Turkey. As a member, we harmonize standards and develop standards together and the focus of the MoU is that as UNBS implements the Halal standards, Muslim consumers are protected as part of our mandate of consumer protection.” Said Mr. David Livingstone Ebiru.
Ebiru says uganda’s airlines fly to islamic countries and while in the flight people are served food where most of the travellers in the airlines are Muslims who want food that meets the expectation of the Muslims since muslims are part of the community.
Meanwhile the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council secretary General Hon. Ramadhan Mugalu on behalf of UMSC expressed gratitude  that Uganda has joined many countries to have Halal in it’s standardization which he says will give more consumer protection not only to the Muslims but also other people who would enjoy halal products.
Hon. Mugalu also said the signing of the MOU will expose uganda to the Arab and islamic countries market in terms of exports.
“We agree with what UNBS is doing and are very much in support of their endeavors.” Said SG Mugalu
Also the secretary for halal at Uganda Muslim Supreme Council sheikh Munil Sebintu said the MOU will give Uganda a chance of selling its products to the outside counctries.He says this will enable people to consume good things which can only be achieved when the two institutions work together.
Sheikh munil working together with UNBS will save muslims from consuming things that contradict with the islamic faith.

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2ND BENCH: From left; Mps Kibedi Nsegumire, Francis Zaake, David Lukyamuzi Kalwanga, Joyce Bagala and Ssimbwa attending court in Mubende where judge ordered for a by election


ON FRIDAY morning, His Lordship Hon. Justice Emmanuel Bagumajudge of Mubende High Court nullified Hon. Joyce Bagala Ntwatwa’s election as Woman Member of Parliament representing Mityana District on grounds that there were electoral malpractices in the electoral process that returned her as winner. He ordered for a by election.
Specifically, among other things, the Judge stated that I (Hon. Zaake)bribed voters in Mityana to vote for Hon. Bagala.
In his Judgment, Hon. Justice Baguma states that, I acted as Hon. Bagala’s agent and bribed a one Nakyagaba Tolophina with UGX 10,000/= to vote for my candidate.
I take strong exception to this outrageous conclusion that the Judge reached, without even offering me an opportunity to be heard, even when I attended many Court sessions that the Judge presided over.
I wish to set the record straight that I have never given the said Nakyagaba Tolophina any single coin money or with the intention of influencing her or anybody else to vote for Hon. Bagala or any other candidate. In fact, I have never heard of this person! I don’t know her.

As a flag bearer of NUP, it was my responsibility to campaign for Hon. Bagala and other NUP candidates in my district.
That of course did not turn me into her agent! How could I fail to bribe my own voters and I bribe for another candidate?
Generally speaking, I think that this judgment sets a bad precedent which should find no space in our Country’s Jurisprudence.
It’s good to know that Hon. Bagala intends to appeal against such a judgement which has a lot of errors.

The writer Hon. Francis Zaake is a Commissioner Parliament of Uganda and member of Parliament representing Mityana Municipality. He is the National youth leader in opposition NUP Party



VERY CLOSE: Gen. Muhoozi and Mr. Balam Barugahara


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the World’s most acclaimed democracy has not once, but twice registered the inevitable and phenomenal scenarios of First Sons becoming Presidents and Commanders in Chief of the strongest army.
Presidents John Adams (1797-1801) and his son Quincy Adams (1825-1829). And Presidents George H.W. Bush (1989-1993) and George W. Bush Jnr (2001-2009).
In South Korea, one of the famously industrialized Four Asian Tigers, Park Chung-hee ruled from 1961 to 1979 and his daughter Park Guen-hye from 2013 to 2017.
Go to India, the world’s most populous democracy. Jawaharlal Nehru (founding father)ruled from 1947 to 1964 and his daughter Indira Gandhi January 1966 to March 1977 and again from January 1980 to 1984.
In the neighboring Kenya, the reigning President Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta perfectly fitted in the shoes of his Father Mzee Jomo Kenyatta who was president between 1964 to his death in 1968. And the story is the same to other African Countries like Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) of Joseph Kabila who took over after his late dad, president Laurent-Desire Kabila in 2001.
Here in Uganda, President Museveni exceptionally transformed the country from a smuggling & rationing economy to a steady exporter and many other milestones registered in three decades. We fully rally behind the strategic leadership of Father of our Nation Gen. Museveni and we shall forever be grateful.
Now, First son Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba is best suited, not only to democratically replace the father at the opportune moment, but also to consolidate the socioeconomic and political gains since 1986.
Our generational leader has quintessentially demonstrated his dedication, skills and undoubted sacrifice in the military, exceptional experience. Patriotism & Pan-Africanism define the charisma of Gen. Muhoozi. He’s a good leader, good listener, trained, tested, tried, honesty, respectful, brilliant and respectful person to mention but a few. Gen. Muhoozi is my First Choice.
The day Mzee retires, we shall have one indisputable Leader Champion to overwhelmingly vote for and he’s Master Muhoozi Kainerugaba.
For now he’s Proffessionalizing the Ground forces, Army. But we shall be there, it’s just a matter of time.

For now let’s support Mzee M7 pakalast as he’s still able and strong.
Let’s also tap into Government Programs like Emyooga, NAADS and opportunities available in the Armed forces (2000 in the UPDF annually).
Form Saccos, tap into OWC for Agric support and inputs, Tourism is also under exploited and ICT is almost a virgin industry. The youth should focus on productive activities to build their own economic potentials and only engage in political debates, that benefit politicians, at their free time.
Our leaders in charge of these programs let’s know about them and avail younger people this information and the much needed support.
Let us also be tolerant and embrace political pluralism by respecting and accommodating divergent views.

Our Generation Leader Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba,may God bless you . No matter the duration it will take, young and old Ugandans are ready to support you massively in all regions making up Uganda once you accomplish your military services. We are looking forward to supporting you the dear the People’s Favorite General. God bless Uganda & Our President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.

The Author, Mr. Balaam Barugahara Ateenyi is a successful Ugandan businessman, an events guru and proprietor. He is one if the richest individuals in the Ebtwrtainment Industry. Balam is an NRM diehard and very close to the 1st Family of Uganda and No1 Supporter of Gen. Mzee Yoweri Kaguta Museveni & Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba




A FUNCTION organised next month by a group of youth calling themselves ‘Friends of Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba’ to celebrate achievements of Museveni’s son Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba lies in balance after a tweet by Maj. Chris Magezi saying that the 1st son is neither aware nor authorised it. We are reliably informed, all security teams have been directed to block this function saying it’s motive isn’t known.
Maj. Magezi is the Director Information and Communication Office of the Senior Presidential Advisor in charge of Special Operations (SPASO) who is Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba.
‘Friends of Muhoozi’ have organised a luncheon at Sheraton Hotel Kampala to celebrate the Achievements of Gen. Muhoozi.
Led by a one Lyvine Julius Kashugi, these ‘Friends of Muhoozi’ have been organising such functions annually and last year, the chief guest Gen. Muhoozi was represented by Chief of Staff, Lt Col McDans Kamugira.
In a statement disowning Kashugi and his group yesterday on Monday, Maj. Chris Magezi tweeted, “It has come to the attention of the office of the Commander Land Forces (CLF) & SPASO that some rogue characters are organizing and collecting money from unsuspecting members of Public over some fictitious event at Kampala Sheraton sometime next month.”
“Please be advised that, Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba is neither aware about the said event and nor has he authorized any such undertaking in his name. Members of public should not be hoodwinked otherwise.”
Reads Maj. Magezi’s tweet. 

This comes at a time when ownership of Muhoozi project campaign rages on as different groups claim ownership.
This campaign is intending to see Museveni’s son become the next President of Uganda after his father.

In a phone interview with the News Editor Media, ‘Friends of Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba’ have denied ever soliciting money from members of the Public as alleged by Maj. Magezi challenging him to bring proof.
Group chairman Mr. Kashugi has instead referred to this as a blackmail campaign against a good cause citing those with intrigue against Gen. Muhoozi to be having a hand in this. 
Kashugi asked, “Can afande Magezi table evidence on what he wrote? Can he show any member of public we asked to give us money?”
He revealed that ‘Friends of Muhoozi Kainerugaba’ use their money to sponsor this annual function and asked, why Maj. Magezi wants to spoil their names?
“Does he want public to believe that this will be the first luncheon we have organised so far? Who is misleading our brother Magezi?” He asked.
Kashugi noted that, money to organise the luncheon is contributed by members of the forum (Friends of Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba), not from any outsider.
“We have never collected money from non members just like Magezi blackmailed us. As members, we contribute this money willingly, we sponsor ourselves. We always have a dinner or luncheon annually. My only work is to invite speakers. Let him table the matter and produce evidence.” Said Kashugi who calls himself, Founder of Muhoozi project in Uganda. 
He insists, there are some selfish people who want to hijack Muhoozi Project, saying, the same people might be the ones misleading Maj. Magezi hence tainting their names.
Asked whether they indeed consulted Gen. Muhoozi whose achievements they want to celebrate, Julius Kashugi said yes and that he is aware.
“We have already engaged Col. Kamugira and afande ‘Muhoozi’ is highly briefed. He will grace the function. What’s wrong with celebrating achievements of such a great warrior? We have been doing it for the past years, Maj. Magezi needs to be reminded. 
We asked Kashugi, how many members do they have and answered that they are very many.
“If they keep on provoking us, we will even take the function to Kololo Airstrip and fill it to capacity.” Said Kashugi who held the first dinner at Munyonyo attended by Promoter Balam Ateenyi Barugahara, a renowned Muhoozi blue eyed man.
During last year’s luncheon at Sheraton Hotel Kampala, Gen. Muhoozi thanked this group for the love and support they have for him.
In his message delivered by Lt. Col. Kamugira, Gen. Muhoozi said, “Thank you for your love and support and for always standing up for me. However, I now encourage you to go out in this electioneering season and mobilize support for mzee and the revolution that saved our country,” 
At this luncheon under the theme, “Empowering our nation for socio-economic transformation”,  the group appreciated Gen Kainerugaba for dedicating his life to serve Uganda having been in the UPDF for over twenty years.
According to media reports, in his own capacity, as per the theme of the day, Col Kamugira highlighted three critical areas including ideology, relevant skills, and good leadership as a way of ensuring social-economic transformation.
On ideology which he described as the world outlook or what we believe in as a nation, Col Kamugira emphasized NRM’s core beliefs; democracy, Nationalism, Socioeconomic transformation, among others.
“Let’s embrace Nationalism and avoid sectarian tendencies if we are to advance. Every one of us matters and the market of our businesses begins with us,” Col Kamugira said.

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Gen. Museveni and son, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi in army combats


PREPARATION of a suitable heir to take over State House after President Museveni, is in high gear! 
It’s true President Museveni has not announced his exit plan but insiders say, with a succession war on-going in State House especially between camp First Son Muhoozi Kainerugaba and camp Son-in-law Odrek Rwabwogo, God should prevail! Gen. Muhoozi is the commander of Land Forces
It looks like each camp is very much determined and no one is willing to let it go. Recently there was a hot debate on a certain MPS’ WhatsApp group about who, between Muhoozi and Rwabwogo should take this coveted seat.
Although Mr. Odrek Rwabwogo who is a son-in-law to the President has strongly denied any interest in the Presidency, his supporters are already spreading the gospel, showing how all is set for Patience Museveni’s husband to tussle it out with Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba for the top office of the land. Camp Muhoozi says they are ready to carry on the mantle if President Museveni chooses to throw in the towel.

In a statement Rwabwogo released a few days ago, he said, those bringing his name into issues of succession are instead promoting themselves at his expense.
The two pager statement reads, “They assume that if they throw my name in this melee, it makes their games appear legitimate and credible. This is wrong. Munsaanze nga ndaba, amaaso ngakanude bulungi. You will not use me or anyone I work with in this undisciplined and aimless behaviour.”
“The people behind it know there is no election going on now and we only got out of one a few months back. I was not a participant in this election and therefore I am not petitioning for anything. Why would I or anyone project themselves in a non-existent contest now? What outcome would one be aiming at? Who is this with time on their hands for these distractive games at a time when the country is moving forward with the work of healing rifts provoked by the recent elections?” Asks Odrek Rwabwogo.
He however admitted that he meets some groups of people and said, “To many young people that I meet in our teaching sessions, I implore you to focus on the greater issues of our country especially the need for finding solutions to build an economy that, like rising waters, lifts all boats to the shore, to seek out what unites us and shun the use of underhand methods as a means of getting into leadership.”
“Anyone who has worked with us can easily surmise these are not our work methods. We always seek an honest, deeply engaging and thoughtful debate about what needs to be done. This is because we know that Leadership is not positions and titles. It is hard and thankless work and without a genuine calling, few can sustain the pain of the marathon and the loneliness of hard decision making.” Reads Odrek Rwabwogo’s statement.
We shall come back to this later……

In a leaked letter addressed to all Municipality and Division youth leaders through the National cordinator National Youth Council, they are all invited for a luncheon at Sheraton Hotel. 
However, according to the organizers who call themselves ‘Friends of Muhoozi’, this function is about celebrating the achievements of Gen. Muhoozi. 

Political analysts say, if this function happens to take place, it will send signals that the Muhoozi project is real and unstoppable.
Letter reads, “We are pleased to invite you at the luncheon to be held on 27th November 2021 at Sheraton Hotel Kampala at 12:30pm. The event has been organised by the Friends of Muhoozi.” 
Under theme, ‘Celebrating the achievements of Lt. Gen. Muhoozi’, Friends of Muhoozi say, “We are deeply honored and pleased to invite you as youth leaders as we are aware of your expertise and experience. Your graceful presence will be truly a source of inspiration for our members and it will gear up our efforts.”

An invitation letter signed by Chairman Lyvine Julius Kashungi and his Vice Arinda Carol says, “We are sure your presence will make the occasion more cherished for me and entire team.”
Although Gen. Muhoozi is unclear on his bid whether he is willing to takeover after dad, his close friends are everywhere on social media campaigning.
Balaam Barugahara Ateenyi, about five days ago posted on his Facebook that, “USA did it with President George W Bush Jr, Kenya has done it with President Uhuru Kenyatta, Chad with Idriss Deby among others. Why not Uganda with Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba?”
“My candidates of Choice now Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and soon Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba will come in. Present Candidate of your choice as well. The lines are clear everyone should Stick to his or her lane.” Posted Mr. Balaam.
He said, Muhoozi project is the best gift for Uganda because the First son was born into a wealthy family and so he is not into accumulating material things like most African leaders from poor background. 
Balam says, Gen. Muhoozi gave them green light to start the campaign. 
“The key attributes that make Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba our No1 choice are; he has more tangible and intrinsic values mentioned above. He commands  Respect,Patriotism,Transparency, courage,confidence,Humility, honesty etc. Step by step, process by process we shall make it.” Balaam posted on his Facebook page.
WhatsApp groups and other media platforms have been formed to spread the gospel. There is one called, ‘Group to the Chosen one Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba’ and another one is, ‘GEN. MK FOR PRESIDENT’.

Dear Friends & Colleagues, I have seen some of my old media interview videos and images mischievously and callously 
re-edited and distributed in increasing proportions by some elements who I suspect are intent on creating a certain line of political posturing. In the past, I have ignored these but I am now compelled to respond given the probable import and interpretation of these images by some of you, my friends. These interviews and videos have been adulterated and presented as if they were conducted today yet they are more than six years old. The people doing this, I presume are seeking to create the impression that there are some ‘special people’ in the Movement who are jostling for positions in the event of any form of succession and leadership in the party and/or country. 

For those who vend this thinking, there are two problems:
First, the people behind it know there is no election going on now and we only got out of one a few months back. I was not a participant in this election and therefore I am not petitioning for anything. Why would I or anyone project themselves in a non-existent contest now? What outcome would one be aiming at? Who is this with time on their hands for these distractive games at a time when the country is moving forward with the work of healing rifts provoked by the recent elections? Secondly, this fruitless social media campaign has an underlying intention of driving a wedge among supporters of the Movement as if the organization has neither structures nor system to make decisions about leadership renewal. I suspect this is enemy propaganda meant to cause unnecessary strife and it should be rejected. Anyone who falls for these stunts or is casual about their negative impact, is an adversary of our stability to which many gave their lives. 
This disinformation endangers the process of building institutions and undermines the very efforts we need to create certainty and predictability for Uganda’s politics. Perhaps the people behind this are unaware that institutions carry the collective hopes of a nation, marshals the strength of each individual to build a greater good and they are the only means of overcoming human limitations imposed by mortality. We should work hard to nurture and strengthen them instead of playing childishly against them. These people who act outside a system cannot be my comrades. They should know that Uganda is neither a monarchy nor is the Movement a tree for charlatan climbers to be abused by any illegitimate interests anyhow. Legitimacy in the Movement and in any organization is a function of merit, capability and contribution. These attributes can only grow from the soil called orderliness and watered by a stream called transparency.
To you who I work with or who have seen our efforts in the past and are genuinely confused by this contrived online gimmickry in pictures, I would like to assure you that I continue to work as a volunteer for building national collective values, support efforts to wean our youth from dizzying empty politics so they can concentrate on creating their own enterprises. 
Even if there might be some of you who admittedly see and appreciate something in our work, no one has come to me to consult on anything you see circulating on social media. I see these images just like many of you do and I have no hand in them. 
Don’t I have a right of say or to be consulted even if you wanted my opinion on these issues? In the 2015 NRM race, I did not hide behind any social media stunts to state my position. I went to all corners of our country, reaching out to many of our elders and to thousands of young people. We worked in broad daylight. I explained the issues of our time and what we need to do in a growing country with many challenges. We showed a way to fix some of these issues. 
Why would I now choose to hide behind social media trolls and circulate old campaign artifacts, if I wanted to run for any office? 
Therefore, anyone who falsely or deliberately positions me in this angling and elbowing for positions, really insults both our intelligence and the work we do. Leadership is a selfless and genuine internal search for purpose, meaning and contribution to an institution. Leadership is a carefully sought out choice about who is capable among many who might often not even see a similar direction but share concerns about an institution at a given time and circumstances. It is a negotiation with nature, multifaceted interests and the future. 
My favourite organizational management mentor, the late Peter Drucker, said “By themselves, character and integrity [in the search for leadership], do not accomplish much but their absence faults everything else”. Stay principled.
I Thank you
Farmer, Entrepreneur & Senior Presidential Advisor – Special Duties

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