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FILE PHOTO: Visiting Kitalya Min-Max prison


JUST as it is inevitable to fall sick and end up admitted in hospital, so is being arrested, charged and remanded to Kitalya Min-Max Prison! It is many a time unavoidable, you can’t run away from it. Every one is a candidate, any time, any day!
This story will therefore, take the reader through the 27 rules and regulations all Kitalya in-mates MUST abide with to evade punishment and new files (cases) so that when your day comes, you verily know how to keep in the lanes until this prison vomits you.
Are you aware that a big percentage out of the 3000 inmates at Kitalya min-max Prison say are on trumped up charges? If the complainants are not targeting your land, your girl friend, your palatial home, your juicy job, that fancy car or political differences, then it is something about may be, your religious affiliation. 
A young boy Alvin who used to operate a mobile money business at Usafi Market in Kampala was roughly arrested one night from his parents’ home in Bulenga simply because someone who had allegedly stolen a phone withdrew money at Alvin’s mobile money shop, months back. 
Alvin, a born Again Christian tried to explain himself before security officials that he is just a mobile money agent who attends to hundreds of people on a daily basis, but no one bothered to listen. 
Amidst tears from his struggling parents, Alvin was handcuffed and thrown in a police cell from where he was picked and driven to Buganda road court to be charged of rape and aggrevated robbery! Court remanded him to Kitalya Prison! His helpless family up to now doesn’t know how to save this young boy! Cases like that of Alvin, are very many in Kitalya Prison. Yes justice will come but after years but we well know the old adage that Justice delayed is justice denied.
However, it’s also true, at Kitalya Prison there are a number of inmates who are hard core criminals. When you talk to them privately, they confess how they defiled school girls, how they murdered innocent people, how they were involved in aggrevated robbery, name it. We shall come back to this story in another episode with shocking details! 

Below are the 27 rules and regulations all Kitalya inmates my adhere to and failure to do so, calls for punishment. Read on please;

  1. No escaping from prison (If you do so and get caught, you will hate the day you were born).
  2. Respect Lock-up and fall-in (foreni) time e.g time of unlocking in the morning, mid day and final locking in the evening.
  3. Respect all prison officers.
  4. Respect all leaders e.g over all, ward leaders (Katikkiros), RPs, etc and fellow in-mates.
  5. Immoral behaviours such as homosexuality, use of vulgar language, etc are prohibited.
  6. No fighting in wards and BOMA (out side wards). 
  7. Theft is prohibited like stealing soap, uniforms and blankets.
  8. Un authorised movements in BOMA is prohibited. Such as; moving to offices, clinic, school, kitchen, isolation wing and gate.
  9. No tresspasing in wards e.g sitting on beddings of fellow in-mates
  10. Personal hygiene is a MUST. E.g, bathing, cutting finger nails, shaving hair.
  11. Civilian clothes (non uniforms) in BOMA are not allowed; such as under wear, jackets, vests, etc.
  12. No keeping and eating left overs of food.
  13. Observe silence during bed time (from 9pm – 6am)
  14. No showering beyond 9pm.
  15. No use of prohibited articles such as opium, tobbaco, knives, folks, pangas, etc
  16. Eating utensils are not allowed in the toilets, e.g; Cups, bowls.
  17. Avoid destruction of government properties such as water taps, showers, glasses, plates, desks, computers and chairs.
  18. Observe silence and respect during time of prayers.
  19. No littering of rubbish in any part of BOMA.
  20. Ensure proper use of toilets, sink, showers, by not dropping in plastic bottles, small pieces of clothes, polythene bags, etc.
  21. Participation in prison activities such as cleaning, official gatherings, meetings, etc is a MUST. 
  22. All prisoners must stand up while welcoming visitors and clap at the end of address in an organised manner as a sign of respect.
  23. In-mates MUST squat while talking to officers as a sign of respect. 
  24. In-mates are not supposed to sleep naked.
  25. All in-mates who are sick MUST report to the ward doctor who will forward them to the officers to be taken for medication and dosage of drugs MUST be taken as prescribed by the medical personnel.
  26. All in-mates MUST observe quick response to alarm bells or whistles.
  27. Inciting violence or organising strikes is strictly prohibited
  28. Entering a ward or transferring yourself to another ward or unit is not allowed.

In the next episode, we will bring you the terminologies used in Kitalya so that you are not caught offside. We also have interesting stories like how Kitalya cameras caught an inmate stealing court bailiff Kirunda’s fish!
For views/comments on this story, send us an e-mail on newseditor.info@gmail.com




GENDER, Labour and Social Development minister Peace Mutuuzo says there are escalating cases of gender based violence country wide as these cases remain high.
According to the Minister, data collected by Uganda demographic and health survey indicated that 56% of ever married women and 44% of ever married men have experienced spousal violence either physical, sexual or emotional.
Mutuuzo said this while briefing media at media centre about the launch of 16 days of activism campaign.
She added that, “The national statistics show that over half of the women between 15 and 49 years have experienced violence and more than one in every five young girls between ages of 15 and 24 have experienced sexual violence in their life time.”
It shows that, violence against girls is very high as child marriages is still high as it’s at 34% for girls between 20-24, and female genital mutilation remains high in Kapchorwa, Moroto, Sebei and Karamoja region as 13% of children and 52% of women have been subjected to female genital mutilation.
Uganda is to join the rest of the world on friday 26th to launch the beginning of 16 days of activism campaign of gender based violence.
The national launch for this year will take place at Amagi primary school in Kamdin subcounty,Oyam district under the theme: ‘Always the world in violence against women and girls’.



PHOTO: From left, Gaster Kiyinji and Anthony Wolimbwa


CIVIL Society Organizations (CSOs) advocating for forest conservation are worried that by 2050 if there is no significant intervention, the country will not have a single forest.
They are concerned that the rate at which country is losing forest cover is a threat to future generations. 
Uganda’s forest cover dropped from 4.9 million hectares in 1990 to 1.9 million hectares in 2020 which they say has been severely deforested and also degraded at a very fast rate.
For many years Uganda’s protected areas are under increasing threats from deforestation and degradation, owing to an increasing human population and industrialization.
Speaking to journalists in Kampala, programs officer at Ecological Christian Organization (ECO) Anthony Wolimbwa explained that, “There is need for a better policy to guide on how best the country can protect the available forests and other natural resources. We are worried about the speed at which forests are cut.”
At the same press briefing, Gaster Kiyingi, a team leader at Tree Talk Plus says that the government lacks the political will to protect the natural resources which is discouraging.



Pastor Solomon Mwesige, owner of KS TV


PASTOR SOLOMON Mwesige, Head pastor of Good News Church located in Bulenga, Wakiso district on Mityana road, also owner of KS (King Solomon) TV is the first to stop playing of Ugandan gospel music on his television and banning of gospel artists affiliated to an organization called Uganda Performing Rights Society (UPRS), to sing in his church.
This was as result of an invoice worth UGX 2M sent to KS TV by UPRS for playing music of gospel artists something which angered the man of God and he directed that music belonging to artists who are members of UPRS should not be played again on his tv. Among songs banned are those of Brian Lubega, who started his music career in this Bulenga church.
While preaching to his followers who filled Good News church to capacity in a Sunday service, Pr. Mwesige said because this is open day robbery, “From today, we have stopped inviting gospel  musicians to our church, hosting them on KS TV and singing their songs in chuch by our Worship Team because we don’t know, who is with UPRS and who is not. We will compose our own songs and instead play international music on our TV. We are done with Ugandan music.”
A few weeks ago, while speaking at the launch of UPRS  annual general meeting, Wisdom Kaye one of the board members said they are capable of mobilizing one hundred billion Uganda shillings if all Ugandan artists register in this organization explaining that, when all this money is collected, it will go back to artists hence improve their lives.
Kaye who urged artists to continue registering to become beneficiaries of this initiative, condemned pastors who deter gospel artists from registering in UPRS saying they are endangering these talents.
He instead advised gospel artists not to listen to such suggestions because pastors who say such want them to die poor and never to gain from their talent.
“It’s not the pastor that pays for the production of their songs, it is the artist who personally pays for every cost therefore gospel artists should think twice before making a decision of not registering.” Said Kaye.

Showing his followers a video clip of UPRS boss during a press interview in which he vowed to milk money from all Born-Again Pentecostal churches who sing and play songs of registered gospel artist during the service and church choir with membership of UPRS, Pr Mwesige said UPRS is reaping from where it did not sow.
He noted that, for example KS TV has been playing Uganda’s gospel music for free, “We have helped many of these gospel artists to develope their talent, they started their music career using our microphones and other music instruments, how can we be made to pay such a tax?”
“Look at this musician Brian Lubega, he did his first song on my key board which I bought from United States of America and you all heard him testifying about it here. Now UPRS is claiming him with all powers and our television was invoiced for playing his music and promoting him. But his first song was on my key board. To become a musician he is today, he started his music journey from our church. But now, we can not even sing his song and I can’t invite him and other musicians to sing in our church.” Said Pr. Mwesige.
Gospel artist Brian Lubega has songs like; Nungamya, Wakitiibwa, Nyanjala, among others.
“So as Good News Church,”, Pr. Mwesigwa reasoned, “To avoid being in conflict with UPRS,  and I am speaking this live  on television, we have stopped inviting musicians because if they will sing here and they are part of UPRS,  church will also be invoiced just like KS TV got an invoice of 2M. Other Pastors be aware.”
A tough speaking Pr. Mwesige who owns King Solomon School and Feed the Hungry NGO, reminded his church that, UPRS doesn’t have an audience, the church has a congregation, “This is where musicians come to sing. They do their concerts in our churches and UPRS leader is accusing us that we don’t wish them well. You can imagine!

He told church how some pastors had not cared about it so much, “But we have come to realize that these people intend to get money from us in any way and this can easily kill gospel music.”
This news website is reliably informed that, some musicians are registered with UPRS while others are not but this organization behaves like it owns all musicians in Uganda.
UPRS chairman was quoted by Pr Mwesige saying, every musician provided you are a member of UPRS, either you registered yourself or some one registered you without your consent, although you sing in a church choir, he will bring an invoice to the church and make it pay for using their member to sing in your church.
Churches must therefore stand warned! When you sing a song in your church of any musician who is a member of UPRS during worshipping or praising session, you will receive an invoice and pay for that. 
Pr. Mwesige, without mincing words revealed, “These musicians you see, like here at Good News Church, started holding the microphones from this church. They use our machines and you are the first audience. Remember they don’t sing for free. Don’t you people give them money? When did UPRS start claiming and fighting for these musicians? What does UPRS know about them?”
He said, for those gospel artists who visit Born-Again Pentecostal churches to sing, people give them money. And if what church members have given is less, in the office, Pastors add on. He wondered when UPRS started caring 
about these musicians more than their pastors. “
He talked about a day he found their Worship team training a song of gospel artist Brian Lubega and he stopped them so that church doesnt get problems with UPRS. “Even if they hear you singing a song of somebody in your church, UPRS brings an invoice.” Said Pr. Mwesige.
He cautioned those musicians who still want to sing in churches, let them go and fight for themselves with UPRS. “But for us as pastors, no such music will be played again in our churches.” Said Good News Church Pr. Solomon Mwesige.
Andrew Kajara, one of leaders at Good News Church in support of his Pastor said, “Radios and TV’s promote gospel artists. My question is, if Pentecostal media houses boycott their music who will promote them? I think UPRS has come to kill that industry indirectly, gospel artist should fight for themselves otherwise they are going out of the market.”
Patrick Okumu another church member said, “Some of these Associations are self seekers not representing the purpose for which they were formed.”

Uganda Performing Rights Society (UPRS) is a society that was formed in 1985 by authors (mainly musicians) to advance the cause of copyright administration in Uganda
promoting and protecting the authors’ rights while representing all genres of music. It is registered with the Registrar of Companies as a Company Limited by Guarantee having no share Capital, in other words it belongs to all of its members. 
It is located at Plot 35, House 5A Bukoto Drive Kampal, Uganda.
UPRS is recognized by the Government as a Collecting Society and is a Member of the Confederation of International Societies of Authors and Composers ( CISAC ).
UPRS protects foreign and local works falling within their repertoire in Uganda while other Societies protect UPRS members’ works in their respective Countries. 
UPRS Chairman is Moses Matovu and Antony Mwandah is the CEO.

For views/comments on this story, send us an e-mail to newseditor.info@gmail.com




IT IS no longer news that on Tuesday, November 16, suicide bombers associated with the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), an extremist group affiliated to the Islamic State group (ISIS), set off two powerful bomb explosions in the heart of Kampala city leaving a number of people dead and others nursing injuries. 
Clouds of smoke quickly filled the streets of the city. Office workers and residents ran in panic as they tried to outpace the billowing debris clouds. In the aftermath, a number of buildings and other property, including motor vehicles, suffered serious damage. 
These terror attacks were the latest in a string of bombings that have rocked the country in recent weeks. And from the look of things, we could, sadly, just be getting started – the worst could be yet to come! According to Police Spokesperson, Fred Enanga, at least 150 planned attacks had recently been defused, but the terror groups are eager to carry out more attacks.
As new details continue to emerge about these terror threats, I have been tempted to delve into recent history relating to Uganda’s response to similar threats and emergency situations. And this route has led me straight to the country’s fire department, an often-neglected, but a key Police unit, especially in these troubling times.  
While analysing the state of Uganda’s fire department, my memory quickly drew me to the fire that gutted Makerere University’s now 80-year-old iconic main administration building in September last year. The fire destroyed student records, University archives and property worth billions of shillings.
Addressing journalists immediately thereafter, the University Vice Chancellor Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe said that the fire had been seen a few minutes after it started but it couldn’t be stopped. He said: “The first fire trucks failed to put out the fire because they had short hoses that could not spray long distances. By the time fire trucks with cranes and long horses arrived, the fire had already spread to nearly the entire right side of the building”. 
According to eye witnesses, at some point, the fire-fighters helplessly stood and watched as the fire raged on. It was clear that they had done the best they could. Hon. Mathias Mpuuga, now Leader of Opposition in Parliament, described the incident as “the highest level of criminal negligence and absent planning”. 
The Makerere University fire incident should have served as a wake-up call to government and the Uganda Police because it showed how ill-equipped the country was in fighting fires and emergency responses. It, therefore, gives me a serious heartache knowing that not much has since changed in the fire brigade unit even amid today’s looming terror attacks. 

Underfunding and inadequate fire equipment, personnel
Uganda Police’s firefighting and rescue budget for FY2021/22 is estimated to be in the region of Ushs8 billion, or $$2.3 million, but I have doubts whether this will sufficiently cater for the replacement of the currently dilapidated fire equipment (firefighting trucks, fire hydrants, water tankers, etc.), the training or re-training of our rusty firefighters and the creation of basic safety awareness.

With the current state of Uganda’s fire department, if a major terrorist attack occurred, in the worst cases like the U.S 9/11 attacks, I can guarantee that the emergency and rescue system would be overwhelmed almost immediately, resulting into hundreds of causalities. 
The department requires an immediate overhaul, with modernized technology, reworked on-scene protocols, and enhanced training for the firefighters. In the U.S 9/11 attacks, if it wasn’t for the heroic efforts of the New York City Fire Department’s well-trained personnel, thousands of lives that were saved would have otherwise been lost. And as it turned out, about 343 firefighters lost their lives. 
Firefighting in the age of terrorism is a whole new phenomenon. We need modern-day firefighters who are the trained to respond to modern-day disasters. Their expectations and competencies should go beyond fighting house or market fires but to also include hazardous materials response, and handling incidents of domestic terrorism. 

Need for a re-designed Counterterrorism and Risk Management Strategy
The Uganda Police urgently needs a new or revised Counterterrorism and Risk Management Strategy. For the fire department, the key component of this strategy should be inclusion of response considerations. The Department’s terrorism preparedness can minimize the effects of an attack, quicken mitigation and recovery, and better inform firefighters of trends in terrorism. 
The strategy should include intelligence production and consumption, counterterrorism-specific training, technological enhancements and improved network command structures that can better manage complex, large-scale incidents. 
The fire department should work tirelessly to significantly enhance its planning and operational capabilities to better respond to terrorism. It needs to closely study previous incidents, conduct training on multi-agency and single agency responses, and coordinate and collaborate with response objectives and operations.
More active approaches to fire-safety during property construction is also critical. In collaboration with other government agencies, building frames must now include fire protection, and engineers need to conduct computational analysis to model what could happen structurally in a fire rather than relying on defensive fire protections.
I agree that all terrorist attacks cannot be prevented. However, it is important that our fire and emergency agencies promote a culture of preparedness and resilience. But as they do that, we, the public, must also realize that every citizen has a role to play if these heinous attacks are to be prevented. 
Working collaboratively as a nation, I believe we can win this battle and gain the upper hand in bringing these events to an end.

Mr. Mukalazi is the Country Director of Every Child Ministries Uganda.




THE Ministry of Works and Transport on Wednesday November, 3 2021 took over the registration and licensing of all vehicles in Uganda from the tax body, Uganda Revenue Authority (URA).
The mandate to register and licence motor vehicles is now a responsibility of the Ministry of Works and Transport. URA will remain responsible for motor vehicle customs clearance and first-time registration.
Speaking during the handover at URA headquarters in Kampala, Transport and works cabinet mimistsr Gen. Edward Katumba Wamala explained that this is done to enable URA to concentrate on revenue collection.
Gen. Katumba said, “The ministry has made some changes in the log book from the old.”
At the same function, the Commissioner General URA John Musinguzi pledged to equip staff of the ministry of transport and works with the required skills.




LORD COUNCILOR Hakim Kizza, the secretary for works and physical planning committee at City hall, has called upon President’s intervention in reconstructed Old TAXI wrangles where some city tycoons blocked it’s reopening saying they own part of it.
KCCA had to be reopened this park on 30th October 2021 after spending billions on it but due to various misunderstandings with some of the city tycoons owning plots in old taxi park, it was halted until the misunderstands are resolved in courts of law.
Hakim Kizza said, “I appeal to president Musevsni to come out and negotiate with the owners of various plots within the old taxi park such that taxi drivers stop parking on road sides.” 
He says, it’s only President Museveni who can secure this park for the wanainchi who use taxi.
In one of his letters to KCCA, Museveni said taxi parks must be redeveloped by taxi drivers and vowed never to allow evictions of taxis from the park.
“I and Muhoozi used to board taxis at the old park. It must be preserved and any redevelopment must be for the taxi drivers.” Said the president.
This is why Lord councilor Hakim Kizza wants Museveni to prevail and settle this matter out of court.
Meanwhile, the City Executive Commiitttee on matters of Old Taxi park wants it to be reopened in April next year.
However lord councilor Hakim Kizza and other councilors want taxis to be using that side within old taxi park which has no wrangles as they wait for courts decision on the 13 plots within the old taxi park.




THE NRM Deputy Secretary-General, Hon. Rose Namayanja Nsereko has assured Ugandans that government will hit the vaccination target to enable the economy fully reopen in January next year.
The former government minister and member of Parliament representing Nakaseke district said, “Ugandans have two months to prepare and ensure that those who have not been vaccinated do the needful.”
She revealed that, recently in Kampala, a vaccination drive was put in place and over 3.5 million people were vaccinated. “To reach our target, different centres have been put in place to avail the vaccines and this is a process where numbers will be increasing day by day. I am confident that we shall hit our vaccination targets by December,” Namayanja said.
She told press that the government has done all it takes to ensure Ugandans are vaccinated against Covid and that by the end of the year, the required number of the population will have received their jabs.



ON DUTY: Deputy Speaker Anita Among enters plenary to preside over the House


RT. HON ANITA Annet Among (AAA) has finally reacted to an anonymous dossier which has been making rounds on social media since Sunday, alleging that President Museveni is under pressure to cause her impeachment following numerous corruption reports allegedly filed against this four month-old Deputy Speaker, Parliament of Uganda!
According to her tweet on Tuesday, Madam Anita, without mincing words said she is aware of those behind that propaganda and blackmail campaign against her, but they should instead go and hang because she is going no where, she will be Speaker of parliament until 2041.
Fearless Bukedea district woman Member of Parliament massively won Deputy Speaker’s seat in May 2021 trouncing two male contenders; Kampala Central MP Muhammad Nsereko and FDC’s Yusuf Nsibambi. Anita, the ruling NRM Party candidate got 415 votes while her closest contender Nsibambi (FDC) polled 35. Hon. Nsereko trailed with 24 votes only. Anita Among, 47, an accountant, a lawyer and politician has urged women leaders not to be intimidated by the likes of such people who want to bring them down.
Deputy Speaker Anita’s tweet reads, “I want to ask the women leaders not to be intimidated by those who want to bring them down, please stand firm. And I can assure you that I am here for ten years as Deputy Speaker and ten years as Speaker (Parliament of Uganda). We know the people who are doing these things (blackmail) and we are not moved.”
She did not however, mention any names of people who are behind this blackmail campaign.
Analysts have interpreted Rt. Hon. Anitah’s tweet as a clear message to her enemies that if they are praying for her impeachment from Deputy Speakership, let them not waste their energy because after serving in that office for two terms (2021-2031), she will contest and  must win in the 13th and 14th Parliaments to takeover 6th floor as the Speaker, Parliament of Uganda.

It alledges that, Anita is using the office of the Deputy Speaker to grab any thing that comes her way and is fast becoming a disgrace to the President. 
That she has misused the President’s name in all manner and is abusing the powers of her office for private gain. Dossier talks about the two meetings held by His Excellency the President over the matter.
The anonymous dossier says, some of the shoddy dealings the President has uncovered in classified reports includes; Grabbing tycoon Karim Hirji’s House in Nakasero, plot on her boss Jacob Oulanyah’s life, bribes from Roko Construction not to terminate it’s contract to construct new Parliamentary chambers, bribe from tycoon Sudhir Rupaleria of Kingdom Kampala building where MPs’ offices were rented and how she got UGX 600M over degazzetting Bajo, Wamale, Kiula central forest reserves.
Deputy Speaker Anita also allegedly conned ‘unnamed’ Kampala businessman of furniture worth UGX 300M. That she also took a bribe from Amuru Sugar Factory investor a one Amina.
That Anita conned Indians of USD 400,000 by using a certain man with a fake Museveni accent who called two indian Investors directing them to support NRM. The fake ‘President’ directed that Indians to hand over their contributions to the tune of USD 400,000 to Anita Among which they, allegedly did.
The anonymous dossier also linked Anita to a certain Okua who passes as an ISO officer, harasses and has put at ransom several rich people on pretext they are under ISO investigation. Many victims have been conned of huge sums of money by the said Okua
She allegedly was in a deal with NUP MP Muhammad Segirinya of UGX 600M to clear an election petition filed against him by Sulaiman Kidandala.
It is not known who authored the said dossier and what his or her motive was.
Because it is anonymous, this dossier raises many questions about its authenticity. It shows no evidence that can be relied upon to pin Anita Among hence easily qualifying it to be defamatory to the person of the Deputy Speaker.
Her supporters say, this anonymous dossier lacks any iota of truth, those feeling jealousy of Anita’s political rise and being loved by majority of members of Parliament must be behind this to taint her name and pull her down. on this, the deputy Speaker has said, they are day dreamers.

Below are some of the responses to Deputy Speaker Anita’s tweet that she will be Speaker of Parliament until 2041:
Phil Baguma: The beauty of the law is that, you can only be charged with credible evidence adduced against you. If this is an attack on your achievements based on falsehood, all will soon know the truth. 
Dr. Allan Bomuhangi (PhD): While we celebrate women in leadership, we kindly request that you should not use the position to deny other women opportunity to lead. Staying more than one term itself is not empowering others. Let’s lead by example.
Fatia Nabakooza: Shaaa, Madam Speaker, I think you can hold the position for your entire life! Because I don’t think the twenty years you wish to be monopolizing it will be enough for you to fulfil your agenda. And the fact that In the all legislative panel, no any other member is capable
Bashir Umar: Being ambitious isn’t bad but throughout history, those with overwhelming ambitions have been outsmarted. Rt. Hon, it’s a notion if necessary, don’t drink from the same cup like them. 
Appelez-moi_Kizza: I doubt this is a “women leader”. Let us not play the feminism card but stick to ideologies that benefit us all as a nation. More still; 20 years in a position, differentiates you not from your predecessors. 
M@nabuyoga: These days women are thirsty for power…we shall leave for you everything.
Kamukama James K: But Rt. Hon. Anitah Among, what if he retires after 5 years, will you and your colleagues be able to make it back? Nonetheless, good luck. If the allegations are false and mere blackmail, it will instead make you stronger and this will instantly vanish.
Tmusa Kasereka: Reason why I detest Toxic Politics and dislike all those who promote or propagate it, it creates a tense political environment and could result into unease among the public. We need to talk against Toxic Politics and those who promote it.
Silver Ahimbisibwe: If Rebecca (Kadaga) could, I am sure you will do better. Salute Rt. Hon. Anitah Among
Bumba Erinest: If not Ugandans, atleast nature will have to swing into action to get rid of the person who gives you power.
Mbaho Joshua: There is this common saying that, “Leadership comes from God.’ Stick to serving a common Ugandan, that is what hurts them most. We continue praying for Rt. Hon. Anitah Among.
Hon. Orone Derrick: Wow, I am happy that you have replied them and I am ready to be your company manager for those 30 years
@luttmark: Miss Annie, are you talking about 20 years to come?
David Masereka: Dont be a god of your own Hon. Anitah Among. He likes no rival.
John Mbusa Tumwesigye: We hear you madam Speaker…20 years wamma, not less! Go on my friend…
Ssempijja Reagan Omuvandimwe: So Rt. Hon. Anitah, did you bargain with God for years in life?
Benard Cankara: God can cut you short though, don’t be too confident. Meanwhile, at this rate, Oulanyah is headed for another takeover
Melvin Francis: But every time, women will talk on behalf of men
Kyomuhendo Norbert: But the future is a ‘she’. No debate on that.
Joackim Bwambale: I like the assurance part!! None of us is immortal. Power belongs to God.
Martin Mukongs: God is for us all not you alone to be favoured that much.
bkastiro: Excellent. You are a courageous woman Rt. Hon. Anitah Among. But I am not sure what Influence you command on the future.
Mzee Kamba Byamusangala: 2026 isn’t far, our votes shall determine
Okello William: Thanks Deputy Speaker for the update. I wish you well.
Abdullah Oscar Agon: Just forget
Maria Grace: Counting your eggs before they hatch…good luck nevertheless.
Kemigisha Sauda: The sayer of truth has many haters….strong woman
Mwesigye Isanga: Well stated Rt. Hon. Deputy Speaker. Don’t intimidate her you crooks. Kudos our iron lady
Hon. Nsubuga Acksam:
Madam, the position of Speaker is not monarchial. This is the republic of Uganda. 
Samuel Sagal:
Love that courage Honourable
Elijah Nicholas:
This state has taken a wrong route and we might not redeem the effects of bogus governance in our life time. Just a few months in office, she has curved out her interest in the seat for the next 20 years. Take caution…the next 20 years might not be definite like the past 20 years. 
Otai Muhamed: More prayers needed
Hoima Bouy: So you are planning 20 years in Parliament!!! You people behave as if you own this country
Buyela Christopher: Challenge her Incase you can fill her boots.
Hellena Kabejja: Women leaders? Please don’t degenerate us to this level. How can you predict what will happen in 20 years to come. I am for women of influence but you spoilt the broth with this lack of self control.
Bwango Amos Kanago: Madam Speaker, what gender is injustice? Today legislation is done on the basis of skirts and trousers that’s why Uganda is becoming a mockery. Can we have a true legislation and not sympathy seekers in Parliament and other offices of leadership? 
Waiswa Fred: And if you are confidently speaking about transition plan for speakership, why not allow the old man to rest after all we have had enough of him?
Elijah Nicholas: Kadaga has been an excellent Speaker..who intimidated her? Crying foul this early is a sign of cowardice. When will women stop seeking for sympathy and seeming inferior? Men are actually endangered in this country because of that womanist mentality.
M@nabuyoga: It’s not written anywhere that all deputies must be deputy for 10 and speaker for 10 years. How sure are you that you will be voted back. How sure you that you will be alive. How sure are you the parliament will vote you again for another term. Gods dislikes the proud.

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LORD COUNCILOR Ivan Mubiru representing Busega-Nateete at City Hall, Kampala and other youth who were arrested on Saturday over unclear charges, have been released after spending three days in cells, thanks to Lubaga South MP Aloysius Mukasa who forced Nateete Police Station to vomit them.
Outspoken Mubiru who is a member of the opposition National Unity Platform (NUP), was arrested alongside Busega Youth chairman Samuel Kibirige and other youth. They were all found at Ivan Mubiru’s home enjoying the weekend.
Since their arrest, the area MP Aloysius Mukasa camped at Nateete Police Station after he realized that Mubiru was being haunted due to his political belief and being his staunch supporter.
In an audio recorded by Mubiru a few hours after he was arrested, he pinned Lubaga Division Deputy Mayor Hajjat Rehema Fugge to be the invisible hand behind his arrest.
“My supporters, I was arrested due to trapped-up charges connected to homosexuality. That I was involved in acts of homosexuality. It’s a lie, truth is, I am being haunted by Deputy Mayor Hajjat Rehema Fugge. Although I am arrested, I won’t be forsaken.” Revealed Lord Councilor Ivan Mubiru who a few weeks ago, declared his intention to contest for Lubaga division mayor, a seat occupied by Fugge’s boss, Zaccy Mberaze. Both Mberaze and Fugge are also members of NUP. When we reached Deputy mayor Fugge to give her side about Mubiru’s allegations that she is in bed with security officials to torment NUP supporters, she did not bother to respond.
According to rumour making rounds, Fugge is also interested in this seat. Therefore, the row between Fugge and Ivan Mubiru is linked to their interest for the same seat.
Back to Mubiru’s arrest, he was picked from his home at around 8pm. He was found with his colleagues.
 Efforts to enquire from police officers why he was being arrested were futile, although one of the arresting officers was heard talking about disobeying presidential directives on curfew.
“But they were at their home, inside a house. Does it mean, these days curfew goes up to our homes? The charge sheet is not clear at all.” MP Mukasa told this news website on Sunday morning. 
Hon. Mukasa hired lawyers for the arrested youth who processed for their police bond and released on Monday evening. 
Before that, there were fears from Lubaga South people that their leaders will be linked to bombs blasts in Kampala.
Thank God, ‘Omuloodi’ Mubiru and his colleagues have regained their freedom.

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