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SPEAKER of Parliament Anita Among yesterday directed the Auditor General to conduct a forensic audit into the Shs1.3 billion allocated to support nodding disease affected persons.
Madam Speaker has called for an audit into the funds that have already been released for the treatment of nodding disease.
Among tasked government to report to the House after every three months.
“We will have a forensic audit into the funds released for nodding disease. The Minister of Finance should also give us evidence that this money has been going to the districts,” Anita Among said.
The MPs on Wednesday, 20 July 2022 adopted a motion tabled by Kitgum District Woman MP, Hon. Lilian Aber, urging government to prioritize interventions into nodding disease in Northern Uganda.
According to the Centre for Disease Control, nodding disease syndrome is a neurologic condition that is characterized by episodes of repetitive dropping forward of the head, often accompanied by other seizure like activity like convulsions or staring spells.
Reports of the disease emerged as early as 1998 in Kitgum district. However, thousands of cases were registered in Northern Uganda in the late 2000s.
Members of Parliament, yesterday, called for prioritization of interventions into nodding disease, and an audit into funds allotted to support those affected by the disease. In March 2018, Parliament authorized government to spend shs1.3 billion for the revitalization of the interventions for nodding syndrome in Northern Uganda.
This followed a campaign to raise funds and support the children affected by the disease by the late Speaker, Jacob Oulanyah.
In her motion, Aber urged government to make a follow up on the funds allocated to ensure effective utilization, and also train personnel on how to handle those with the disease.  
MP Aber revealed that the number of nodding disease-affected children remains high , with Kitgum having 1,449, while the mental health department which supports the children grapples with lack of space to support the increasing number of cases.
“We request that government provides food relief and shelter to the affected families. There is an NGO, Irene Gleeson Foundation that has taken the mantle to spearhead mobilization for food items to support these families but it would have been better if the Office of the Prime Minister took this on,” Aber said.
The Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Mathias Mpuuga, called for immediate, medium- and long-term strategy to curb the disease saying the disease was seriously affecting the children.
“We need resources to go and take care of the immediate social needs of these families and their housing conditions; they have no food and they look dejected,” Mpuuga said.
Hon. Anifa Kawooya, the Minister of State for Health in Charge of General Duties said that government is alive to the challenge of the nodding syndrome.
“Initially the Ministry of Health was the one receiving the budget for nodding disease but from the financial years 2018 and 2019, the Ministry of Finance sends the money directly to the districts,” she said.
She added that the ministry welcomes the forensic audit into the funds provided to cater for the victims.
Aringa north County MP, Hon. Godfrey Onzima said that what is needed is a comprehensive report and accountability.
Hon. Betty Aol Ocan (FDC, Gulu City) stated that a non-governmental organization, Irene Gleeson Foundation has reported new cases of the disease. She said that the Ministry of Health needs to take charge and ensure that these cases are managed.
“People are asking if we have done something for these nodding syndrome children, it is a big shame,” she said.
Hon. Lucy Akello, the Amuru District Woman MP said that the disease is treatable if children are given the right food. She said in her constituency, five children from one family are all battling nodding disease.

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● Read about what no body has told you about this highly respected prolific Author


IN KENYA, every student paid Ush 370,000 (Three hundred, Seventy thousand shillings) and adults paid Ush 560,000 (Five hundred, sixty thousand shillings) to attend Dr. John W. Stanko’s four hours’ conference on Zoom! 
However, in Uganda at Good News Church Bulenga, on Friday July 22, 2022, thank God, Dr. Stanko will appear physically and his conference will be free of charge! 
According to the hosts Pr. Solomon and Doreen Mwesige, this one day leadership conference is specifically for all Good News Church ministers and Departmental leaders. It will begin at 9:00am to 4:00pm at Good News Church,  the home of KS TV.

Pr. Mwesige, the lead Pastor of Good News Church revealed to us how this conference, “Will bless our ministry and our ability to serve better. We will have him live the whole day, free charge. Remember, at the begining of this year, we committed ourselves at Good News Chuch that 2022 is our year of service and restoration.”
An international reknown author, Dr. Stanko is talked  about as an experienced minister who has gathered alot of knowledge, a great teacher, life coach, professional, theologian, visionary man of God and a very well established family man. For more than 40 years, John Stanko has taught and consulted extensively on the subjects of time management, creativity, purpose, and leadership. He has over 35 books on Goodreads with 116 ratings. John W. Stanko’s most popular book is So Many Leaders…So Little Leadership.

He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and attended Duquesne University where he received his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Economics in 1972 and 1974 respectively. 
Since then, John has served as an administrator, teacher, consultant, author, and pastor in his professional career. 
In 2011, he completed a Doctor of Ministry Degree at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh. 
John has taught extensively on the topics of time management, life purpose, and creativity, and has conducted leadership and purpose training sessions throughout the United States and in 50 countries. 
He founded a personal and leadership development company, called PurposeQuest, in 2001 and today travels the world to speak, consult, and inspire leaders and people everywhere. 
From 2001-2008, he spent six months a year in Africa and still enjoys visiting and working on that continent where he is now focusing most of his efforts with his ministry partners in Kenya. 
John is currently a part-time instructor for Ottawa University in Kansas where he teaches theology and leadership classes. 
A prolific writer, John Stanko has published dozens of books—including a verse-by-verse commentary on the entire New Testament—as well as numerous articles for publications around the world. He serves as a creative and life purpose coach for people in many nations, and his daily and weekly blog posts have a large following, as does his work on other social media outlets. He is currently working on an Old Testament commentary called the Purpose Study Bible.
He has been married since 1974, 48 years ago, to Kathryn Stanko, and they have two adult children and two grandchildren. 
In 2014, John founded Urban Press, a publishing service designed to tell stories of the city, from the city, and to the city through which he serves a diverse community of authors.

For views/remarks about this article, WhatsApp our editor on +256 772 523 039



Speaker of Parliament Anita Among has directed the Prime Minster to expeditiously address the worsening famine situation in Karamoja Sub-region, and also find transformative long-term solutions to address the disaster left many dying of hunger.
The speaker made the remarks in her communication to the House during the plenary siting today July 19th, 2022.
“Honorable Members, the plight of our people in famine-stricken Karamoja remains a scar on the conscience of our Country. The images of starving malnourished children and reports of famine-induced deaths has left us all enervated.” she said.
Adding…”Therefore, I direct the Prime Minster to find sustainable solutions to stem this seasonal challenge forthwith.’’

Madam Speaker acknowledged government’s undertakings on requisite budgetary interventions in terms of food relief, which she said will not be enough to solve the problem.
She stressed the need for short-term, medium-term and long-term solutions that will address problems of food production and storage that will make Karamoja self-reliant.
Speaker called for a concerted effort of leaders, local population, development partners and neighboring communities to prioritize the agenda to be replicated within the East African community Frame work since the variable of the problem has a regional context.
Last week, Government tasked the Ministry for Finance to urgently provide Shs135 billion for the procurement of food to alleviate the hunger crisis in the Sub-region.
Being a semi-arid area, Karamoja experiences two rainy seasons and an intense hot and dry season which makes it hard for people to engage in farming.
The most affected districts are Kotido where 1O7, 7OO are estimated to be starving, Napak (81,800), Kaabong (70,600), and Moroto (61,900).

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GROUP PHOTO: Bishop Luwalira with visiting ANT Party leaders. On his right is Hon. Sarah Kiyingi. On left is Gen. Mugisha Muntu


HON. SARAH Kiyingi Musoke, former Internal Affairs minister in President Museveni’s caninet and Woman member of Parliament for Rakai District has fully joined Gen. Mugisha Muntu’s Alliance for National Transformation (ANT) Party and appointed member of the interim committee. 
ANT says, she is on the team that is mobilising and lobbying religious leaders to speak out against bad governance, corruption and all acts of torture in the country.
Together with other leaders from ANT Party, Gen. Muntu and Hon. Sarah Kiyingi today morning visited The Bishop of Namirembe Diocese Rt. Rev. Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira at his office. At Namirembe, ANT leaders were received by Bishop Liwalira, Diocesan Secretary Canon Henry Ssegawa, The Ven. Rev. Can. Jonathan Kisawuzi Ssalongo, Rev. Samuel Muwonge (Diocesan Mission Secretary) and other clergies.
For starters, Minister Sarah Kiyingi was fired by President Museveni for opposing lifting of presidential term limits in 2005.
At a time when the majority Cabinet members kept quiet about deleting presidential term limits from the Constitution, Sarah Kiyingi was one of the few who spoke against it and got fired. 
She however told media in an interview recently how she has no regrets for that.
“Even before the presidential term limits were removed from the Constitution, I had seen it coming and I actually went to one of my church leaders and I told him that Mr. Museveni wants another term. But I made it clear to him that if the matter was passed in Cabinet, I would oppose it and thereafter resign because it was unconstitutional.
I opposed it in Cabinet but they passed it and when it was brought to Parliament, I still told them not to pass it but they insisted.”
A fearless Sarah Kiyingi told media recently.
Asked her reasons for opposing lifting of the presidential two term limit’s, Sarah Kiyingi said, “You see, people ought to be honest. For me, I really believe that [President] Museveni did a good job in the beginning. We went through difficult times during Idi Amin and Milton Obote’s regimes and we didn’t have structures. We needed somebody who would build structures and Museveni did this. A constitution was made, Judiciary formed and many others. Now after forming these structures, you need a leader who will abide by the law and honour institutions, but that’s not Museveni. He doesn’t believe in structures.”
She has now joined the front with Gen. Mugisha Muntu who was the Army Commander of UPDF before him and President Museveni parted ways in the early 2000s.
Once a legislator in the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) for two terms, Muntu served as FDC President, a party he left to form ANT.

Speaking to The News Editor Media about their visitation to Namirembe Diocese, Gen. Muntu told us that they are going to visit all religious leaders of different religions to share notes on how they can embrace the call to good governance in the Country. 
“After here, we are heading to the Seventh Day Adventists Headquarters at Makerere to meet SDA top leaders. We shall also visit The Arch Bishop of Kampala His Grace Dr. Paul Ssemwogerere, then to the Namungoona Authodox, to the Muslim leadership and The Born-Again Pentecostal Church leadership.” Gen. Muntu revealed to this news Website.
Asked to explain why ANT party leaders are visiting religious leaders, without mincing words, Gen. Muntu said, “First of all, we wanted to tell them what we are, our belief in religious leaders that they are influential and pivotal in guiding political leaders on how to serve all Ugandans in a democratic way.”
Gen. Muntu told us that, the relationshipbetween religius leaders and politicians had weakened, political leaders had turned deaf ears to the wise counsel from religious leaders and that is why the country is totally messed up. 
“As ANT party, we want to strengthen the relactionship between religious and political leaders, for they lead the same people. Because religious leaders are God’s ambassadors, we the political leaders must abide by their guidance.” Said Gen. Muntu.
He said, their meeting with Bishop Luwalira and other clergy was successful. 
Thanking Bishop Luwalira for the great welcome, Gen. Muntu said, “We have reminded them their responsibility given to them by God to influence a number of things for a democratic, better, stable, peaceful and corrupt-free country so that we can all enjoy it.”
During their meeting, Muntu asked Bishop Luwalira and the clergy present not to lose hope like the people they lead, saying, with their guidance, things will change for better in the country.
Gen. Muntu believes that in all developed countries transparency in service delivery is paramount. Let religious without fear or favour speak against bad governance, corruption and torture, insisting that with their bold voice, sanity will come back into the country.
Muntu was accompanied by Owek. Ssewava Sserubiri (former Buganda Kingdom Minister), Hon. Sarah Kiyingi (Member Interim Committee), Nelson Agaba (National Youth leader), Aisha Nabasirye (ANT flag bearer for Woman MP Kampala 2021), Martin Okum, Euunice Okullo (coordinator religious affairs) Ochaya Kevin (youth rep. Northern Uganda). 
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PHOTO: Speaker Anita, her guest Dr. Motsepe (left) and FUFA President Moses Magogo in a meeting


RT. HON. Anita Annet Among, Speaker Parliament of Uganda has lobbied for Uganda to co-host with neighbouring Tanzania the 2027 African Cup of Nations a deal, visiting CAF President Dr. Patrice Motsepe has bought! Thanks be to God! 
In a meeting at Parliament today morning, Speaker Anita Among revealed Uganda’s readiness to co-host the African Cup of nations 2027 with Tanzania which she said will help motivate and transform lives of thousands of people directly and indirectly.
‘’Football has been a uniting factor not only in this country but globally as well. It brings together fans, players, service providers, sponsors and various other stakeholders in ways that transcend the socio-economic barriers of tribe, politics, religion and race.’’ Madam Speaker told her guest in a meeting attended by FUFA President Hon. Eng. Moses Magogo.
In his response, CAF President Dr. Patrice Motsepe commended the Speaker for her dedicated interest in promoting football and pledged support to ensure that Uganda successfully co-hosts the AFCON 2027.

Madam Speaker told CAF President that, “Like education, talent identification and nurturing accords our budding youthful population the unique opportunity to break through in life while adding immense value to society. It’s upon this background that Parliament allotted significant budgetary resources to various Sports Federations to help support talent.’’
Dr Motsepe is on a two day to visit to the country to meet the Member Associations. He was accompanied by the President of CECAFA and Tanzania Football Federation, Mr Wallace John Karia.

The meeting was also attended by FUFA officials by their President Moses Magogo, FUFA CEO Edgar Watson, Communications Director Ahmed Hussein Marsha and other Federation officials.

Dr. Patrice is the founder and owner of Mamelodi Sundowns; a team in which our renowned footballer, Denis Masinde Onyango continues to ply his illustrious goalkeeping trade.
He is expected to meet President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni at Statehouse later this afternoon.

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PHOTO: FUFA President Eng. Moses Magogo handing a Uganda Cranes Jersey to visiting CAF President Dr. Patrice Motsepe


MULTI-BILLIONAIRE Dr. Patrick Motsepe, Confederation of African Football (CAF) President visits Uganda. He is set to meet Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Anita Annet Among today morning. The two Principals will address Parliament media in Speaker’s Boardroom at 8:00am. There after, according to FUFA’s Communications Director Ahmed Hussein Marsha, CAF president and President Museveni will meet at State House.
At the Airport yesterday evening, Dr. Motsepe was received by the FUFA President Hon. Eng. Moses Magogo together with officials from the Federation of Uganda Football Association. Details about his visitation will be given in our next article.

For starters, Mr. Patrice Motsepe, is a South African billionaire who months ago was announced as the new president of the Confederation of African Football (CAF).
The reigning CAF President Motsepe succeeded Malagasy Ahmad Ahmad, who is serving a two-year FIFA ban over “governance issues”. 
Dr. Motsepe, a 59-year old businessman is the owner and President of the Mamelodi Sundowns club since 2003. He is the brother-in-law of President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa.
The South African is the founder and executive chairman of African Rainbow Minerals and is non-executive chairman of Harmony Gold, one of the world’s largest gold mining companies.

Motsepe has an estimated fortune of $2.1 billion and is the first black African on the Forbes rich list.
He is the first South African to lead CAF, following in the footsteps of two Egyptians, a Sudanese, an Ethiopian, a Cameroonian and a Malagasy.

For a comment/view about this story, WhatsApp editor at +256 772 523 039 or email at newseditor.info@gmail.com



PHOTO: MP Frank Kabuye (left) and Nakawa Speaker Luyombya at Makerere University yesterday to drum up support for NUP’s Dangote (in poster). Polls have been suspended


FOLLOWING the murder in cold blood of a one Betunguura, a  Law student at Uganda Christian University Mukono who had gone to solicit support for his friend Justus Tukamushaba the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) candidate for Guild President Makerere University, elections which were slated for today (Friday) have been suspended indefinitely. 
Mrs. Lorna Magara, the Chairperson of Council has written to the Vice Chancellor Prof. Banarbas Nawangwe, in a letter copied to the First Lady Janet Kataha Museveni who is the minister of Education and Sports, suspending the University students Guild and the ongoing Guild elections.
Betunguura was allegedly stabbed to death by unknown people following violence in the campaigns said to be started by opposition NUP and FDC party camps.
In a two-horses race of NUP’s Lawrence Alionzi aka Dangote and FDC’s Justus Tukamushaba, supporters of each camp yesterday evening had put up a strong team to make sure they win today’s election. They started confronting each other in a very violent way, and Betunguura’s demise is linked to this violence! It’s sad!

In a letter seen by this News Website, Mrs. Magara the Chairperson of Council Makerere University Kampala said; Whereas Section 40(2) (a)of the Universities and other Tertiary Institutions Act, 2001, as amended, (the Act) mandates the University Council with the responsibility for the direction of the administrative, financial and academic affairs of the University; 
And whereas Section 40(2)(d) obligates the Council to do any other thing and take all necessary decisions conducive to the fulfillment of the objects and functions of the University;
And whereas Section 41(f) of the Act empowers the Council to provide for the welfare and discipline of the students!
And whereas Section 42 of the Makerere University Council Charter, 2009 empowers the Council Chairperson to take decisions on behalf of the council in extraordinary circumstances.  
It is hereby noted as follows;
“Makerere University Council is appalled by the violent events that have characterised the electoral campaigns for the 88th Students Guild leadership, which resulted in the loss of life of one of the young people participating in the campaign activities.” Reads Mr. Magara’s letter to Prof. Nawangwe.
Her letter says, “The University Management and Council have repeatedly raised concerns about the persistent cases of indiscipline and violent altercations among members of the Students Guild and the Students senior Common Room, which often resulted in damage to University property and injury to University Students and staff.”
She says, Management and Council have reportedly engaged the student leaders at the Guild and SCR levels to address the violent behaviour, but the engagement have not yielded any Improvements.
She therefore directed that;
● No ongoing elections for the 88th Makerere University Students Guild Leadership are suspended indefinitely. 
● The Makerere University Students Guild is suspended with immediate effect. The suspension includes The Guild Care Taker Government and the Students Common Room.
● Management shall investigate all cases of violence in the electoral campaigns for the 88th Students Guild leadership and report to the Council for appropriate action. 
● The Council will convene in an emergency meeting on Friday 15th July 2022 to consider further actions to address Students indiscipline and violence at the University.
Letter was copied to; Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament, Deputy Speaker, Chairman Education Committee Parliament of Uganda, PS Ministry of Education and Sports, IGP,  Vice Chairperson of Council, Chairperson Students Affairs Committee, Chairperson Students disciplinary committee, University Secretary and Dean of students.
Before Guild elections were suspended senior NUP leaders spent the whole of yesterday combing campus and halls of residence for votes in favour of their candidate Dangote.
Among the leaders seen at MUK was Mityana district woman Member of parliament Joyce Bagala Ntwata, Kassanda South legislator Frank Kabuye, Nakawa division council Speaker Godfrey Luyombya among others.
NUP officials had assured this news website that although campaigns were marred with intimidations and torture, their candidate Dangote whose campaign centered on improving students’ welfare, Academic excellence and progressive research, was in lead of a 14 candidates’ race. 
Here at News Editor Media, we condole with the family and relatives of the late Betunguura and in the strong terms condemn such heartless acts. We pray that security arrests and prosecute whoever is behind this murder.

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PHOTO: Busiro FC player helps MP Nsubuga (right), to wear Captain’s armband during a match against Bugerere FC on Saturday last week


UNDER the guidance of dangerman Hon. Paul Nsubuga, the Busiro North legislator who doubles as team Captain for Busiro Saza FC, Ibrahim Kasenge and Lawrence Kambugu scored two goals in an interesting match as home boys defeated Bugerere to be ranked second in Group C, below stubborn Bulemeezi FC.
In this group, Ssese FC is no. 3 with 3 points, Bugerere 4th with 3 points, Kyaggwe has 1 point and Hon. David Lukyamuzi Kalwanga’s Busujju FC comfortably in the 6th position with no point in the two games played so far. For starters, NUP MP David Lukyamuzi Kalwanga is team manager and funder for Busujju Saza FC. His boys need to pull up their sock.
To what fans referred to as making history, no serving Member of Parliament has ever played in Masaza cup, in the history of Masaza Cup. Hon. Paul Nsubuga, one of the youngest legislators in the 11th Parliament will enter in the Guinness book of records.
The MP who was the team captain and at the same time the manager bankrolling Busiro FC was superb on the pitch. His passes left Bugerere players dizzy, hence falling into Nsubuga’s slaughter chamber.

Speaking to News Editor Media shortly after Busiro-Bugerere clash, Manager Paul Nsubuga said he is happy that in the Masaza Cup 2022, he doubles as the team manager and a fully licenced Busiro FC player.
“This makes me a record making Member of Parliament in life to play Masaza Cup. I have featured in Busiro vs Bugerere in which we won 2-0. I am grateful to His Majesty Kabaka and to Owek. Charles Peter Mayiga, the Katikkiro of Buganda for such a tournament in which we are given an opportunity to display our talent.” MP Paul Nsubuga, commonly known as ‘Manager Nsubuga”, told this news Website.
By the end of this year’s Masaza tournament, Hon. Paul Nsubuga says, Kabaka’s subjects will have realised how he has made in Masaza Cup tournament. He targets a trophy and a medal.

“The most important thing is to step on the pitch and win all our games. I am here to help Busiro Saza FC lift this year’s trophy. To all my supporters, don’t miss a single match, I will be on the pitch playing and commanding the boys to victory. Who ever comes our way, will be humiliated like Bugerere. We have come for real business.” Warns Busiro FC team captain Hon. Paul Nsubuga.The NUP Member of Parliament has vowed to command the spotlight this season, will lead his side to the Masaza cup final.
Hon. Nsubuga is a man of surprises and determination. He believes in himself and always wants to be at the top.

He takes good care of himelf, pays a lot of attention to what he does, he practices very well what we refer to as work life balance.
“We have a very good team, we don’t give up, we have mental strength; a strong team that, with the help of our supporters, can turn any situation around. Busiro has young players who respect the manager and follow commands. We will bring down who ever is thrown our way,”warned Manager Nsubuga.

In 2021 Parliamentary elections, he uprooted Minister Ssozi Ggalabuzi to be crowned Busiro North MP.
Hon. Paul Nsubuga is a player with Parliament football club and during inter parliamentary games in Tanzania a few months ago, he helped Uganda Parliament team to score goals.

A renown sportsman, approachable, generous, a man of the people and very loyal subject to the Kabaka, Honourable Nsubuga subscribes to the breed of unique leaders
We can’t wait to see manager Paul on the pitch playing for Busiro Saza FC! 


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PHOTO: Televangelist Pr. Solomon Mwesige of Good News Church Bulenga and CEO KS TV

● Killer Poison was put in cooked food at home
● The whole family ate the poison
● Pr. Solomon Mwesige is the lead Pastor Good News Church Bulenga
● He is the CEO KS TV


UKNOWN person has poisoned international televangelist Pastor Solomon Mwesige of Good News Church – Bulenga, fast killer poison was smuggled and put into cooked food and meal shared by the whole family! Him, wife Pr. Doreen Mwesige and their children ate the poison, thank God, they miraculously survived death!
This was revealed by Pr. Solomon Mwesige during yesterday’s Sunday service aired live on KS TV, a television watched in over 54 countries world over. Pr. Mwesige is the CEO of KS TV.

Preaching to hundreds of his followers world over, Pr. Mwesige shockingly told church how he was poisoned with his family but because they believe in Jesus and they preach His gospel, death didn’t touch them.
“Some body put poison in our food and cooked. The whole family ate. We always bless the food before we eat. We ate the poison and survived. We are covered because we are believers.” Pr. Mwesige told church. He didnot however reveal who poisoned his family and what the motive was.
This is not the first time, Pr. Mwesige was attacked! He has on many occasions, by God’s grace survived such ill-inventions by the enemies of the gospel.
Citing the Book of Mark 16:17,18 which says, “These signs will accompany those who believes (in Jesus); In my Name they will cast out demons, they will speak in new tongues, they will pick up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly it will not hurt them, they will lay hands on the sick and they will get well. ” , Mwesige said, God saved his family from the deadly poison because they believe in the name of His son Lord Jesus Christ.

Dwelling his day’s sermon on the End Time Gospel, Pr. Mwesige told his attentive congregation that, “We are in the last days. We are believers. Jesus was born, he died, rose from the dead, went back to heaven and he promised that He will come again. We are in last days of his return, go out and preach the gospel on streets, in bars, in schools, go to your offices, work places and tell every one to repent and get saved, the end is near.”
Reading in the Book of Mathew Chapter 24, Pr. Mwesige said Jesus gave signs of what we can see, to help us know that the days are near.
Bible says, when they were on Mountain Olives, the Disciples asked Jesus , “Master, tell us, when are you coming back? Then what are the signs that we can see, to know that you are about to come?”
Pr. Mwesige told Church that the whole of Mathew Chapter 24, Jesus showed what the future is holding. And He talks about so many other things. 
“When Jesus was about to go back to Heaven, He commanded all of us as believers to go preach the gospel to every body. This mission is the assignment we received from Jesus of what we must be doing, until he comes back.” Noted Mwesige.

He said it’s unfortunate that most people come to church, they sit only to listen to their pastors, they go and come back the next week, they do their work, they sit until next Sunday.
“Listen, the responsibility of taking Jesus’ message to the World is on every body’s shoulders. We take it to the schools, markets, streets, families, neighbours, every where you are, that is the place God has called you to serve him, to talk about him, to introduce people to Salvation. That is the responsibility of the Church.” Good News Church head pastor informed his followers.

Highlighting Mathew 24:10, which says ‘And then many will be offended and they will betray one another, and they will hate one another’, Pastor Mwesige told Church that Jesus was predicting what was going to happen, “in our days”. “That in our days before He comes, people will be taking offence. We have so many people that have left church, because of offence. We have people that talk evil about churches and ministers, because they took offence. Jesus says, many will be offended. We have many people that don’t go to church, because they went to church and got offended.” Said Mwesige calling upon believers of Lord Jesus Christ to let people say whatever they say, but for them should avoid the offence.

Reading Mathew 24:11 which says that many false prophets will rise up and deceive many during the end times, Mwesige asked chuch how many false prophets they have been reading out in Uganda.
He said even in Bulenga, there was one calling himself ‘Yesu Muto’ (Young Jesus) who was recently arrested.
“False prophets are everywhere. Many of you have been there! And because of pressure here in Africa, people are looking for quick solutions. And they unfortunately end up in wrong places. Please watch out, the end is near.” Said Pr. Mwesige, cautioning believers to leave comfortable zones, go out and preach the good news so that people turn to Christ.

Warning his church about false prophets as End nears, Pr. Mwesige said it is no wonder, former good preachers like Creflo Dollar who recently renounced his past teachings especially on the importance of Tithing, have turned into false prophets and now decampaigning Tithing yet it is Biblical.
Mwesige told his viewers world over that, “That day I stand and deny the gospel I have been preaching, you shouldn’t consider me any more. These things are trending on facebook, others are saying i am very sorry, i was preaching this, but now, after he has collected all your money, he is extra rich, owns about eight jets, he is now preaching against tithing. People of God, that is too much greed!”
“They teach not because they are blessing people but because they want to be blessed themselves. After stealing too much, then they come to repent. And then they make it hard for other people to give and be blessed. Some of these people have very big names. I am on t.v and will speak about it. How can a man of calibre of Creflo Dollar come out and say that, ‘I am sorry for telling people to give’. Is giving our idea or it is the Bible?” Asked Good News Pastor Solomon Mwesige.
He said, greedy people are changing the Biblical teachings, misinterpreting everything, and all these are signs of the end.
“Every body is on tv and facebook, asking, should we tithe or we shouldn’t? Is this our opinion or it is in the bible? Is tithing Biblical? The answer is yes! You don’t even argue! The church of God is in turbulent last days! Many false prophets will rise and they will deceive the world. Please be aware.”
said Mwesige, urging his followers to be so careful.
He even told them, “If Solomon falls, you don’t fall with him, stand, believe the word, believe the Bible.”
He asked believers to keep their faith, if other people becomes too rich and celebrities and forget preaching the word of God, for the believers should remain standing.

Mwesige told church that because the End is near, he has decided to go back to the streets, to preach the gospel and people are getting saved.
Last week on Thursday, 81 people got saved and they lined up to be prayed for.
“We even saw demons screaming and leaving people, they got delivered just on the streets. People come, they get saved, the line up for prayer, we counsel them, we lead them in deliverance, right on the road. We need to go back to the preaching of the gospel.” Mwesige told church saying he started on the streets and he has now gone back to the streets, people are there, they need Jesus and somebody must tell them about Christ.
The mandate as church of Good News Church Bulenga is; To win souls, and to finance the Kingdom of God.
Our money is to win souls. And this is what God has called us to do.
“In Mark 16:15, You either believe or you are condemned. Let’s take the gospel to the street, to the world. People must receive the gospel in order not to be condemned.” Good News Church Pastor Solomon Mwesige rallies his followers.

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PHOT: Journalist leaders in Uganda, during a press conference today morning


UGANDA Journalists through their umbrella Uganda Journalists Association (UJA) headed by their President Mathias Rukundo have threatened to take the Government to court over continued negiligence and sabotage of local innovators and researchers like Dr. David Ssenfuka.
For starters, Dr. Ssenfuka is the director LEONIA-NNN Medical Research and Diagonastic Centre in Kasubi, Rubaga division, Kampala Capital City. 
Addressing journalists at Speke Hotel in Kampala today, UJA leadership said they feel it is high time, Dr. Ssenfuka with other relevant key players in that sector domestically and externally were recognized for their remarkable  contribution towards medicinal discoveries that have turned around lives of many people, ladies and gentlemen, locals, foreigners, and people of all walks of life, to mention but a few.

Appreciating the few conventional Medical practitioners like Dr. Moses Ampairwe who has braved the stigma of collaborating with natural therapeutic practitioners, journalists called upon the government to promote the narrowing of the gap between conventional medical practitioners and complementary medical practitioners.
In a three pager press statement signed by UJA President Mathias Rukundo and read out by Secretary General Emmanuel Kirunda, journalists said, “As a community of journalists in Uganda, we are pleased to hear that our Country has registered great strides in treatment of some of the Non-Communicable Diseases (NDC’s) particularly; Cancer and Diabetes using herbal medicines by herbal researcher Mr. David Ssenfuka.”
Although the treatment remains highly costly for average citizens living with those infections, Ssenfuka’s herbal discoveries have significantly helped many of the users to live for more days by having relief or miraculous cures. 
Case in point is Mrs. Doreen Zziwa of Kasenge in Wakiso district who miraculously defeated breast cancer while pregnant after using treatment of the said herbal remedy.
Other impeccable senior citizens including among others; Hon. John Bosco Katutsi, Hon. Kasole Bwereere Llangammarch,  etc, have publicly given out testimonies of how they were liberated by Mr. Ssenfuka’s herbal medicines.
Given that journalists happen to come to the same society which has people with reported severe Diabetes and Cancer cases and they are seeking relentless cure, Mr. Rukundo said, they were forced to pick interest in Ssenfuka’s herbal solutions and start closely monitoring them through sampling the testimonies  of a few of those that have progressively been treated to properly have knowledge of what is being talked about.

“Also having amongst us fellow journalists colleagues with Cancer and Diabetes extremely affecting them, we thought it was a chance for us to further explore a lot of untold treatment experiences about the herbal remedy.” Revealed Journalists’ supreme leader in Uganda.
Prior to the May 3rd 2022 World Press Freedom Day celebrations journalists embarked on running series of humanitarian programs including among others, UJA Initiative on Environment in which they intended to protect and preserve environment-natural resources by planting One million trees with ‘My Tree Uganda’ and UJA initiative on Domestic Violence, all to be officially unveiled in July 2022. 
Journalists told public that, by agitating for support towards promotion of herbal medicines, therefore, “We are being cognizant of the need to protect and preserve eco systems from depletion to enable researchers in herbal solutions sustain their research.”

This explains as to why UJA awarded Ssenfuka the best herbal researcher in Uganda during the May 3rd 2022 World Press Freedom Day UJA Media Dinner celebrations held at Hotel Africana in Kampala, having closely monitored him.

In their letter to the Head of State recently,  journalists in Uganda asked him to consider the following;
 ● That Germany’s John Peter Frank who significantly contributed in the discovery of 
the Diabetes diseases in 1794 be recognized as he was recognized in his home Country and other Countries like the U.S.A, U.K, Russia and others. They asked that a souvenir be constructed in remembrance for his noble contribution that has given a leeway in motivating a number of local researchers including Ssenfuka, to break through the jar.
● They requested that the government scientists that collaborated in discovering the therapeutic properties of this herbal medicine notably the Director of Research at the Natural Chemotherapeutics Research Institute, Dr. Grace Nambatya and her team be recognized.This is because since the time when John Peter Frank discovered Diabetes, it is this Institute that came out with these research discoveries that were a breakthrough for a declared cure of Diabetes, therefore that their recognition and honor should transcend boarders beyond Uganda. 
● That Dr. Nambatya and her team be allocated a certain monetary benefit for their intellectual contributions as a way of recognizing their efforts but also promote their achievements worldwide as a way of appreciating their noble contributions of discovering the novel therapeutic properties of Ssenfuka’s herbal medicine.
● Journalists want Mr. David Ssenfuka’s herbal medicinal discovery formula to acquire patent rights with the aid of government to be able to protect them well and highly improve the medicinal products that have changed Uganda’s research status in the arena of herbal research treatment in the country and beyond for avoidance of fake duplications, but also to enable government realize much reasonable tax revenue collection.
● All individual players that have contributed to the discovery of herbal medicines be recognized as it will motivate many new discoveries in herbal science. For example, as Prof. Patrick Ogwang of Jena Herbal Products was rewarded for his COVIDEX medicine which is helping in the treatment of COVID 19 and other related diseases, so should David Ssenfuka for his Cancer and Diabetes treatment medicines.
Journalists’ body in Uganda in amalgamation, asked President Museveni to render all the necessary support required to enable this innovation attain the desired recognition.
“It is our considered opinion as journalists to render sincere service to the Country to inform you of the truth which we are saying to you. Unbelief is responsible for our misfortune as a third world Country and our role is to break the good news to you.” Reads UJA’s letter to the President which was read out to journalists.
Journalists requested H.E the president to underscore the importance of this innovation and give it his direct executive oversight. 
They begged, Museveni to underscore the importance of Ssenfuka’s innovation and give it his direct executive oversight. This will  most likely reduce the red tape mostly observed in Government initiatives and the corruption that usually meddles in them. 
“His direct supervision will invite hard work, dedication and timely delivery of the much-desired results of availing standardized drugs to the waiting public.” Revealed journalists’ leaders.
“As they say, ‘Brains, like hearts, go where they are appreciated’ and ‘Nothing great Was ever achieved without enthusiasm’, we implore the president to recognize these local innovators for we know so well that such monumental recognitions are an incentive to Increased productivity and engagement, national satisfaction and sense of pride, Country loyalty and retention of quality inventors.” Said journalists. 
They called upon the president to fascinate the idea of recognizing all the scientists that were at the heart of this discovery who were led by Dr. Grace Nambatya but also in a special way honor David Ssenfuka with not only national honors but with the monetary benefits and privileges befitting men of valor like him. 
This is when journalists threatened to take the Government of Uganda to court should it continue to neglect this innovation and or continue its sabotage.

Dr. Ssenfuka grew up with his grand mother, now deceased, the late Nalongo Leonia Namuganga Nakiwala whose initials are reflected in the name of his company in memory of her illustrious career and fellowship in traditional medicine. 
Nalongo Leonia’s knowledge in traditional medicine was slowly passed on to Ssenfuka through the spirit of goodwill who pursued and discovered that the story of the herbal therapeutics she used contained ingredients that have curative effects for Diabetes Mellitus and Cancer.
The journey of discovery, though was realised by coincidence, later took on the course of scientific inquiry, when analysts at the Uganda National Chemotherapeutic Research Institute (UNCRI) investigated the metabolic action of the ingredients found therein and found them effective to cure Diabetes.
This was confirmed during the trials conducted after conducting the safety toxicity tests on drugs. 


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