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WHAT NEXT: Hamis Kiggundu and his lawyer Muwema


WHAT we predicted in all our stories about Kabaka’s Kigo Land, yesterday September 6, 2022 came to pass! Government agreed with His Majesty the Kabaka of Buganda and cancelled Hamis Kiggundu’s Titles he had fraudently acquired on Kabaka’s land without the knowledge of the Land Lord. Thanks to The Commissioner Land Registration, Kabaka’s legal team and Buganda Land Board (BLB), an organisation set up by Kabaka to manage Kingdom land, for the job well done.
Buganda Kingdom petitioned the Commissioner Land Registration to cancel Kiggundu’s titles accusing him of overlapping Kabaka’s land with freehold titles.
According to a  judgment signed by Mugaino Baker yesterday, Commissioner Land Registration ordered the immediate cancellation of Kiggundu’s titles citing an overlap on Kabaka’s titles, fraudulent procedures of allocating land by Wakiso district and the fact that the disputed land is a wetland.
This land is situated between Serena-Kigo and Mirembe Villas land, off Munyonyo Spur Road, and extends inwards sharing common boundaries with Serena-Kigo, Mirembe Villas, and the Lake. Usable acreage is 78.086 acres whereas 15.236 acres incorporate access roads.
“By the powers conferred upon me under S.91 of the Land Act, having found that the certificate of titles comprised in Kyadondo Block 273 plots 23974, 23975, 23976, and 23977 subdivided from plot 23720 were illegally issued, I hereby order that the same be cancelled and expunged from the register book forthwith.” Reads the judgement.
The Commissioner’s decision settles the longstanding battle between Hamis Kiggundu and the Kabaka of Buganda over ownership of land in Kigo measuring 140 acres.
NEWS EDITOR MEDIA first broke this story earlier this year when Buganda kingdom stopped activities by Kiggundu where he wanted to construct a road between Mirembe Villas and Serena Hotel Kigo to gain access to what he calledd his land.
Mengo insisted that the land claimed by Kiggundu is Kabaka’s and all titles being peddled were acquired fraudulently. 
The matter was then referred to the Commissioner Land Registration to cancel the titles thereon.
Following  a cancellation hearing, the commissioner ordered a joint boundary opening exercise to ascertain the true ownership of this land conducted by surveyors from both parties.
“According to both majority and minority reports availed to the office of the commissioner land registration, it is deduced by both reports that there is an encroachment by the freehold titles on the Mailo titles. Both reports agree that plots 23974, 23975, 23976 and 23977 owned  by Kiham entreprises ltd encroach onto the Mailo Titles in plots 38, 87,99 and 110 owned by the Kabaka of Buganda,” reads the Commissioner’s judgment. 
He adds, “Therefore, it is questionable how a professional survey could have been undertaken to create on overlay on an already existing title. Without any doubt, such survey process was flawed and an illegality that resulted in double titling.”
The Commissioner Land Registration therefore said, “My finding that the freehold titles owned by Kiham Entreprises Ltd overlap the Mailo Titles owned by Kabaka of Buganda, which is illegal.”
The judgment further points out that the said land is a wetland given that it is found in the lake reserve area.
“It is therefore my finding that even if the land was public land, Wakiso District Land Board illegally gave out in grant of freehold to Kiham Enterprise subject land when the same is a wetland. It was therefore illegal for Wakiso Ministry Zonal Office to title land which was a wetland on recommendation of the land board.” Reads the judgement in detail.
There was also a contention on the procedure followed in the allocation of the said land, with Kabaka’s lawyers saying the area land committee used does not have jurisdiction over the said land.
“It is, therefore, my finding that the applications for grant of freehold having been handled by Kajjansi Town Council yet the land falls under Makindye Ssaabagabo Area Land Committee was illegal and affects the root of the title. The titles should therefore be cancelled having been flouted in the procedure of their allocation.” Said The Commissioner Land Registration.

Lawyers from two popular legal firms of Ms. K&K Advocates (Kiwanuka & Karugire Advocates) and Ms. S & L Advocates (Sebalu and Lule Advocates) acting on instructions of Buganda Kingdom first advised businessman Hamis Kiggundu to conceed cancellation of these fake titles and make an apology to His Majesty The Kabaka of Buganda, his officials and to all the people of Buganda for the plot he had crafted to grab Kabaka’s land or he will be made to pay for his sins! Kiggundu remained adamant!
This was during a tribunal hearing at the Commissioner Land Registration officer in Kampala a few weeks ago.
Kiggundu was asserting that he is the rightful owner of the land and that he legally obtained it from the Wakiso district Land Board although Wakiso Land Board disowns him saying signatures were forged.
According to an insider at the office of the Commissioner Land Registration, Kabaka’s lawyers arrived at the tribunal in time for hearing, ready to expose Hamis Kiggundu who they insist faked titles on Kabaka’s Kigo land.
They petitioned for the cancellation of these fake titles so that Ham doesn’t hoodwink other people and sell them this land which doesn’t exist.
Hamis who a few days ago went to Mengo and confessed before cameras how he gave up on Kabaka’s land, shockingly ate his vomit when he changed his mind and protested cancellation of the fake titles. 
Commissioner Land Registration tribunal summoned the two parties to listen to them before pronouncing himself on the cancellation application.
Minutes later, after the arrival of Kabaka’s lawyers, Hamis Kiggundu entered with his front man Edward Nakibinge with whom they claim ownership of Kigo land through Kiham Enterprises Ltd. 
Kiggundu who looked frustrated because of the absence of his lawyer Muwema, was seen moving up and down, making endless calls to someone whom our sources believe was his lawyer Fred Muwema of Muwema & Co. Advocates.
Later, counsel Muwema arrived and on his arrival, he asked tribunal for adjournment to grant him more time to study his client’s titles. 
“We are asking for a two weeks’ adjournment…” pleaded Kiggundu’s lawyer Muwema, to which Kabaka’s lawyer objected saying that was too much time. “There is nothing much Muwema was studying, the fact is Hamis Kiggundu’s land titles are fake, they should just be cancelled, nothing much.” Said Kabaka’s lawyers. Tribunal gave Muwema only one week.
After adjournment, Hamis Kiggundu approached Kabaka’s lawyers and asked them why they are tainting his name before Kabaka’s subjects yet he is a loyal subject.
In his response, one of the lawyers told Kiggundu, “You are just making false allegations. None of us has ever gone to media houses to spit fire against you like you do against Buganda Land Board officials. We have your recordings to the media blackmailing some BLB officials and labelling them as fraudsters. By the way, after this land matter, we have other instructions to sue you over your defamatory statements against Kabaka’s officials.”
In fact while addressing media a few days ago, Hamis Kiggundu named BLB officials he wanted Katikkiro Mayiga to investigate for what he termed as being fraudster. 
These officials said Kiggundu is targeting them because they blocked his deal to grab over 140 acres of Kabaka’s Kigo land. 

Hamis Kiggundu first requested for boundary opening to ascertain his freehold land from Kabaka’s mailo land to which Kabaka’s lawyers said they had no objections. 
For starters, boundary opening is a method for determining the exact borders of a piece of property. It mainly focuses on the definition of the corners of a plot. 
In a letter dated May 24, Mr. Henry Opio Ogenyi the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Lands, Housing, and Urban Development
said there were overlaps between Kyadondo Block 273, Plot 38 (Mailo Title) and Kyadondo Block 273, Plots (23974, 23975, 23976, and 23977). 
The Ministry called for a boundary opening exercise to determine the exact borders of the 140-acres of land in Kigo which Hamis Kiggundu claims. 
In a letter to CEO Buganda Land Board, Mr. Ogenyi said, “There is a need for boundary opening of plots 23974, 23975, 23976, and 23977 in relation plot 38, all Kyandondo block 273.” 
Kiggundu had also proposed that a joint boundary opening exercise of both the freehold land titles comprised of Kyadondo Block 273 Plots 23974, 23975, 23976, 23977 and the Kabaka’s Private Mailo land comprised of Kyadondo Block 273 Plots 87, 99,110 be carried out to seek clarifications and ascertain the true location of both properties and as a way of confirming that the two properties are separate, do not overlap into one another.

Kabaka’s lawyers said, “We also want boundary opening, however, land boundary is opened on two genuine titles but Kiham’s titles are disputed, they are fake. Let’s first put Hamis Kiggundu’s titles on a test of legality.”
“First question/procedure which Mr. Kiggundu must address, is the authenticity of his titles. How did he get them? Officials of Wakiso Land Board say their signatures were forged, and you call that a genuine title?” Asked Kabaka’s lawyers.
Secondly they asked Kiggundu to explain how Kajjansi Town Coucil land committee sanctioned him to get this land yet the disputed Kabaka’s Kigo land is in Makindye Ssaabagabo Municipality. 
“Don’t you think may be your land is somewhere else not in Kigo as you allege?” Lawyers asked.
Kabaka’s lawyers said, the whole Country was mapped, if Hamis says his land is in the lake area, which is public land,
“Public land comes from crown land. Crown land was crown grant. We are asking Kiggundu for his crown grant number if he is talking about owning public land.” Asked Kabaka’s lawyers, and Ham had no answers. No wonder, he lost the battle! 

For views/comments on this story, send us an email on newseditor.info@gmail.com



Nakivubo war memorial Stadium in the heart of Kampala under construction. This photo was taken five months ago. Work is ongoing. Let’s support the developer Mr. Hamis Kiggundu

● Funds to construct more two National Stadiums will be allocated both in 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 Budgets


THE Parliament of Uganda has already recomended two stadiums, Nakivubo war Memorial Stadium which is under reconstruction by tycoon Hamis Kiggundu and Mandela National Stadium Namboole to host the 2030 AFCON matches, this investigative News Website can exclusively report.
A stadium may only be used to host such an event if the structural and technical condition of the stadium complies with the host nation’s safety requirements and a safety certificate has been issued by the relevant authority. The two, Parliament believes will pass the test.
Dr. Lawrence Mulindwa’s St. Mary’s Kitende Stadium has been left out. It can’t qualify to,host AFCON finals.
Parliament will also, in the next financial years 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 allocate funds to construct more two State-of-art National Stadiums, one expected at Naggulu in Kampala, and then we will be good to go!
This information was revealed to us by one of the Members of Parliament (names withheld) who closely followed what transpired in a meeting between the Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Anita Annet Among and her guest Dr. Patrice Motsepe, when the Confederation of African Football (CAF) President visited Uganda in mid July, this year. 
Both, President Museveni (who also hosted the visiting CAF supremo) and Speaker Anita Among lobbied Dr. Motsepe to endorse Uganda to host AFCON 2027.
Originally there was a plan for Uganda to co-host with neighbouring Tanzania the 2027 African Cup of Nations due to lack of enough stadiums, a deal, visiting CAF President Dr. Patrice Motsepe had bought!
However, Uganda changed its mind, and settled for constructing more two Stadiums on addition to Namboole and Hamis Kiggundu’s Nakivubo war memorial stadium to be able host AFCON alone.
Construction of a magnificent Nakivubo War Memorial Stadium is on advanced stage, thanks to the son of the soil Haji Hamis Kiggundu who is spending sleepless nights to make sure the construction is completed in time.

Even Mandela National Stadium is under renovation. For some time, this stadium has not been in use since it was turned into a treating centre for Covid 19 patients in 2020.
For starters, a stadium is where a match is played. This includes the entire premises (to the extent that an accreditation card is required in order to gain access) of the stadium facility inside the outer perimeter fence and (on match days and on any day on which any official team training session takes place within the stadium) the aerial space above such stadium premises. 
Stadium also includes all parking facilities, VIP/VVIP and hospitality areas, media zones, concession areas, commercial display areas, buildings, the field of play, the pitch area, the broadcast compound, the stadium media centre, the stands and the areas beneath the stands.
Parliament believes, with the completion of Namboole and Kiggundu’s Nakivubo Stadiums, and construction of other two Stadiums, AFCON wI’ll be home.

In fact during Speaker Anita-CAF President meeting at Parliament, the Bukedea  district woman Member of Parliament revealed Uganda’s readiness to host the African Cup of nations 2027 will help motivate and transform lives of thousands of people directly and indirectly.
‘’Football has been a uniting factor not only in this country but globally as well. It brings together fans, players, service providers, sponsors and various other stakeholders in ways that transcend the socio-economic barriers of tribe, politics, religion and race.’’ Madam Speaker told her guest in a meeting attended by FUFA President Hon. Eng. Moses Magogo.
In his response, CAF President Dr. Patrice Motsepe commended the Speaker for her dedicated interest in promoting football and pledged support to ensure that Uganda successfully hosts the AFCON 2027.
Speaker told CAF President that, “Like education, talent identification and nurturing accords our budding youthful population the unique opportunity to break through in life while adding immense value to society. It’s upon this background that Parliament allotted significant budgetary resources to various Sports Federations to help support talent.’’
Dr. Motsepe was on a two day visit to the country to meet the Member Associations. He was accompanied by the President of CECAFA and Tanzania Football Federation, Mr Wallace John Karia.

The meeting at Parliament was also attended by FUFA officials led by their President Moses Magogo, FUFA CEO Edgar Watson, Communications Director Ahmed Hussein Marsha and other Federation officials.
Dr. Patrice is the founder and owner of Mamelodi Sundowns; a team in which our renowned footballer, Denis Masinde Onyango continues to ply his illustrious goalkeeping trade.
He later met President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni at Statehouse. 

Parliament believes,  on their completion, the two Stadiums will meet the required standards to host CAF A type competitions. They will be up to the required standards.
Among others, CAF looks at the grass, modern floodlights, a standby generator, the dressing rooms, modern first aid and treatment facilities for players and officials, seats for individual spectators, well equipped media facilities and training facilities.
The stadiums must be equipped with a television set, a refrigerator equipped with non-alcoholic drinks, sealed mineral water bottles and waste-paper bin for bottles.
The playing surface whose measurements must comply with the Laws of the Game and upon which any match is played within a stadium, including any areas immediately behind the goal lines and touch lines.
There must be Inner perimeter that immediately surrounds the stadium building, which usually contains the turnstiles.This perimeter may comprise the stadium walls.
They are required to have a mixed zone. This is the area designated by FIFA and/or the association which is located between the team dressing rooms and the dedicated team bus pick-up area, where players may be interviewed by media representatives.
The Stadiums are also required to have an outer perimeter. This is the perimeter outside the inner perimeter, beyond which only officially accredited personnel and match ticket holders are entitled to pass on match days.

For views/comments on this story, send us an email to newseditor.info@gmail.com



When Bishop Joshua Lwere and other leaders of NFBPC-U visited Buganda Kingdom Premier Charles Peter Mayiga at Bulange-Mengo


BISHOP Joshua Lwere whose second and final term as General Overseer (GO) of the National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda (NFBPC) is coming to an end, has finally succumbed to pressure from over 2000 pastors in Uganda. He has announced his exit! 
This marks the end of rumours which were making rounds among different groups of Born-Again that Joshua Lwere and a clique of his people were plotting to cause the ammendments in the constitution governing NFBPC, with the aim of removing term limit so as to make him a life leader.
This leading investigative news website had landed on a plot hatched by Bishop Joshua Lwere and a clique of his yes men to touch the NFBPC constitution and remove Article 22 (5 b) (b iii) which reads, “After two consecutive terms, the General Overseer may only be eligible for re-election if a period equal or more than the total length that he spent in office has elapsed.”
Meaning, since Lwere’s two terms have elapsed, a new General Overseer should be elected, for he may return to contest for the same office if he wishes to, in the future but not at the expiry of his two terms. So he has to leave office to pave way for the election of the new NFBPC leader.
However, Lwere’s camp didn’t want him to leave office, they wanted the constitution amended so that he runs again! 
During the recently convened Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Lwere’s Grace Assembly Christian Centre located at Sir Apollo Kaggwa road in Kampala, this idea was dropped and this is when Lwere told delegates present that he is going to let them choose a new leader for Balokole in Uganda! 
“Fellow Bishops and all delegates, my term as the General Overseer has ended! I am going away, be ready to choose a new leader.” Announced Bishop Joshua Lwere during the AGM.
The Aspirants for the General Overseer office include; Leonard Sserwadda from Masaka, Fredrick Ssemazzi (former General Secretary (NFBPC ) from Bukasa in Muyenga, Joseph Nsubuga (current National Mobilizer) from Komamboga Kawempe, Moses Odongo (the current National Clerk) from Namuwongo, and renown Pr. David Micheal Kyazze of Omega Healing Centre Namasuba on Entebbe road.
Lwere’s confession that he has no plans to influence constitution amendments and cling to power excited delegates who had planned to walkout on him, protesting if he had dared to announce otherwise! 
One senior pastor said, “Now you are talking. Those who wanted you to abrogate our constitution were misleading you. We shall indeed choose your successor by the guidance of The Holy Spirit.”
Lwere distanced himself from any knowledge about constitutional amendments as alleged saying, the constitutional provision of two terms will be preserved.
According to our sources who attended that AGM, the idea of ending tenure of the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) and that of Electoral Commission (EC) as it had been planned by the Lwere clique also failed.
In fact if it had passed, this could have led to the postponement of the elections. Now that EC’s work was not sabotaged, election of new leaders of National Fellowship for Born-Again Pentecostal Churches, is on course.  Days before the AGM, the election process had been stopped, aspirants banned on the orders of Lwere from holding consultative meetings.
However, Lwere’s clique managed to remove the 40% constitutional requirement for nomination of the General Overseer (GO). 
According to Article 22 (4) b) 
(a); The names of the candidates for the office of the General Overseer shall be forwarded by a minimum of 40% of the District Governing Council (s) from among the members of the National Electoral College, (with national reflection) to the Electoral Commission, which in turn shall forward them to the National Council of Elders for vetting.
In the recent AGM, they also passed a ridiculous AGM sitting to propose and pass a change of constitution without review of the CRC. 

Meanwhile, there is a conundrum in the National Fellowship for Born-Again Pentectostal Churches of Uganda, the   Electoral Commission which is in charge of elections of new leaders has no money to conduct elections.
We can reliably report that, EC is in situation catch 22, the commission is looking for funds to the tune of UGX 2B to organise for fresh elections country over. 
Insiders say, although AGM cleared the electoral road map, they didn’t discuss source of the funding.
“Some of us still think that AGM was not needed at this time. Sums of money which was spent to convene the AGM, feeding over 400 delegates for days and transported them back, would have been diverted for the elections this month. How can you give EC a green light to organise elections when you have not given it money? What a clear sabotage?” Asked one of the delegates.
There is a school of thought that there is no interest at all about the elections, “Since selfish interests were frustrated by Pastors.” 
Our attempts to reach Apostle Rogers Zziwa who is the Commissioner General (CG) for EC so that he tells us the way forward were futile, by press time he had not picked our calls. 

The National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches of Uganda (NFBPC-U) was formed 32 years ago in 1990.
Records show, it was an idea by the then President Museveni’s Government Minister Balaki Kirya who was a Born-Again. 
General Overseer (GO) of NFBPC is the ultimate leader of the Fellowship of Pentecostal Churches in Uganda.
The first General Overseer was Prof. Simeon Kayiwa of Namirembe Christian Fellowship. 
Kayiwa became GO in 1990 -1995 and was given a second term. 
In 2003, Apostle Alex Mitala took over from Prof. Simeon Kayiwa. His leadership ended in 2013 after 10 years and he left the office peacefully.
The mantle was given to the reigning leadership of Bishop Joshua Lwere in 2013 and his term remains with a few weeks to end.

For views/comments on this story, send us an email at newseditor.info@gmail.com



PHOTO: Remmy Asiteza with his loot, minutes before he was arrested


ON TUESDAY evening, Security operatives working with Uganda Police arrested two senior fraudsters in Kampala over a false and defamatory story they published on social media against Ham Towers Makerere with an intention of sabotaging, blackmailing and extorting money from its owner, tycoon Hamis Kiggundu.
The harvested fraudsters Javira Sebwami who is the founder of UGSTANDARD.COM and Remmy Asiteza of the DAILYEXPRESS.CO.UG were arrested with an exhibit of UGX 4M they had extorted from tycoon Kiggundu as a ransom to put down a false and malicious story about his mega business mall (Ham Towers), located opposite Makerere University main entrance.

According to that false story published on social media, the authors put in print lies about how traders operating at Ham Towers had called upon the National Building Review Board to immediately carry out structural assessment of this multi million Mall, for fear that their lives are in danger. 
In a story which didn’t quote any trader saying so, Sebwami Javiira and his partner in crime put words in the mouth of Ham tenants that their concern was about the multiple compression failure of reinforced concrete columns of the entire structure.
The false article said, traders now fear for their lives and wanted Kampala Capital City Authority and National Building Review Board to urgently intervene and make an assessment of this building! 
On this building is a Super Market, offices, training institutions and other mega businesses which have been operating for years without any fears!
Successful businessman Hamis Kiggundu who owns a number of buildings and business malls in Kampala said Sebwami Javira, Remmy Asiteza and others still on the run, were simply spreading hate and negativity against him with a motive of tainting and sabotaging his businesses.
“Their story holds no substance, there is no complaint and no evidence. It isn’t backed by any proof. Just mere blackmail and sabotage. There is no need for panic, we will get them.” Tycoon Hamis Kiggundu who is a lawyer by profession revealed to this investigative news website, just a few hours before the two fraudsters were netted.

Before having the two arrested, they were first contacted by Mr. Kiggundu’s aide who advised them to pull down that false story about Ham Towers and its owner from their websites since it had no facts apart from blackmailing and tainting his name and business.
The two vowed not to pull down the story until Hamis Kiggundu remits UGX 4M in cash. They threatened and coerced Hamis Kiggundu into giving them money or they hit his business empire, more.
“It’s true the story has no facts but putting it off goes at a cost. You know how economy is biting these days. Deal is, give us UGX 4M and story will be removed from our websites instantly.” Said one of the two netted conmen. Little did they know that the whole conversation was being recorded! 

Ham’s aide told them how they can’t pay for such a defamatory story. However the two kept on boasting that if Hamis wants the story off website, let him cough that ransom or he should wait for a tough part II of the story!
On being briefed by his aide about the two guys’ demands , Businessman Kiggundu approached Police who with the aid of other senior security operatives plotted the arrest of these fraudsters.
According to the plot, Kiggundu’s aide had to call the two guys showing how his boss was ready to comply with their demand.
They identified a meeting venue to receive the ransom so that Javira and Asiteza proceed to remove the story.
Security operatives were deployed around the venue and by the time Ham’s aide brought UGX 4M and handed this cash to the two conmen, the place was already marked a ‘crime scene’.
“Upon receipt of UGX 4M, Javira Sebwami and Remmy Asiteza were arrested and handcuffed.” Confirmed Hamis Kiggundu’s aide.
A case number SD REF53/29/8/2022 vide Kira Police Station was opened against the two.
At Kira Police, the two pleaded for forgiveness saying it is the economic situation which forced them to spread lies against businessman Kiggundu.

In an interview with business mogul Hamis Kiggundu, he told us how others should learn from these two arrested conmen that they their is a price paid in blackmailing,  defaming and spreading malice against one’s business.

For views/comments on this story, send us an email on news editor.info@gmail.com 



Hon. Kawalya addressing the people of Namungoona whose property were destroyed by NEMA yesterday.


RUBAGA NORTH legislator Hon. Abubaker Kawalya today morning rushed to Namungoona in Rubaga, where hundreds of people were yesterday illegally evicted by officials from The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and their property worth millions of shillings reportedly destroyed by heartless security officials!
MP Kawalya who was accompanied by Rubaga mayor Zacchy Mberaze, a number of councilors and other local leaders, bought food for the evicted people and also vowed to pursue this matter to Parliament. 
Kawalya wants his people compensated for the loss they incurred over what people called incompetence and injustice inflicted upon them by NEMA.
“I am going to raise this issue as a matter of National importance. We will also engage Prime minister. My people must be compensated. NEMA didn’t give them notice, they were just ambushed as if NEMA doesn’t know the law.” Area MP Kawalya told our reporter, on phone.
On Wednesday, NEMA conducted what referred to as a merciless eviction operation that combed down people’s houses and businesses amidst tight security by police officers who were armed to the teeth.
Kawalya together with mayor Mberaze and councilors 0 Councilors Wasswa Ibra Ssemanda, Agatha Mawanda and Hajat Fatuma Muguluma got annoyed by the wrath of the security operatives who conducted the operation which saw the destruction of property worth millions, hence turning these residents into beggars.
The evicted people told their Member of parliament how they erected their structures at the watch of NEMA. They are now demanding for equity in form of compensation for the damage inflicted onto them.
In response, NUP MP Kawalya said, the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, under the General Social and Economic Objectives guarantees to fulfill the fundamental rights of all Ugandans to social justice, economic development, enjoying rights and opportunities and access to clean and safe water, health and decent shelter amongst others.
He said his people were not given a fair hearing and in any way, NEMA had to warn them.
We are told, during a retreat of RCCs/RDCs and their deputies in Kyankwanzi recently, President Museveni directed them to desist from giving green light to people building in wetlands warning that,  any RCC or RDC who will be involved,  “I will not only fire you but you will be arrested and taken to prison.”
Mr. Museveni believes, floods which rese hit Bugishu subregion killing people and destruction of properties, were as a result of encroaching on wetlands. He also directed NEMA to handle. The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is a semi-autonomous institution, established in May 1995, as the principal agency in Uganda, charged with the responsibility of coordinating, monitoring, regulating and supervising environmental management in the country. 
Hon. Kawalya however said, in execution of their duties, NEMA should notify the people before evictions are carried out so that their property isn’t destroyed.  

For views/comments on this story, send us an email on www.newseditor.co.ug 



PHOTO: When President Museveni delivered a lecture of opportunity to ISO staff who have been undergoing a course at the Oliver Tambo Leadership School


PRESIDENT Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, with deep sorrow, officially announces the death of his former Security minister and a trusted UPDF icon Gen. Elly Tumwine who passed on from Nairobi, Kenya hospital, today Thursday morning.

Tumwine a renown Born-Again has joined other Generals and patriots like Gen. Aronda Nyakairima, Gen. Kasirye Gwanga and others, who lost their lives.
Here is the full statement by The Head of State:
Countrymen and Countrywomen, especially the NRM- NRA- UPDF fraternity.
With deep sorrow, I announce the death of General Elly Tumwiine which occurred at 5:46am this morning in Nairobi, from lung cancer.
According to his widow, with whom I have just talked to on telephone, Gen. Tumwiine was now 68 years old. I had taught him at Burunga Primary School in 1967, after our A-levels, as a student teacher, before going to University, later that year.
He joined FRONASA with 9000 others in 1979, went to Monduli Military School in Tanzania and was the one who fired the first shot on the 6th February, 1981, at Kabamba, at the beginning of the 1981-1986 war of Resistance.
Since that time, Gen. Tumwiine has been part of the leadership of the NRA- UPDF as well as serving the government in various capacities.
Those capacities included being Army- Commander, member of the High Command, Director-General Intelligence, Minister of Security, etc.
He has been a dedicated and hard working cadre. More will be said about him later.
Condolences to his family, to the NRA-UPDF- NRM fraternity and to all Ugandans.
May his soul rest in eternal peace.
Gen. Yoweri K. Museveni
President of the Republic of Uganda

For views, comments on this story, WhatsApp editor on 0772523039



PHOTO: Hon. Mukasa on the floor of Parliament. He said, by NRM pledging to give LCI chairpersons a monthly allowance of UGX 10,000 was a mockery


LOCAL Government minister Raphael Magyezi is yet to give Parliament of Uganda an official statement to as to why his Local council leaders have for three years not received their monthly allowance of UGX 10,000 (Ten Thousand shillings only) as promised by Government.
A week ago, Rt. Hon. Speaker Anita Among assured Hon. Aloysius Mukasa and the whole August House how Government was going to give an official statement on the delay of paying Local council leaders their allowance of UGX 10,000 as pledged.
This came after Rubaga South NUP Member of Parliament Hon. Aloysius Mukasa raised a Matter of National Importance on the floor of Parliament in regard to the welfare of Local Council leaders who includes LC chairpersons, women leaders, youth leaders and people with disabilities (PWDs).
During a Parliamentary sitting presided over by Speaker Anita Among, MP Mukasa, through madam Speaker, asked Local Government minister to explain why local council leaders were promised air yet they play a very fundamental role in communities within their jurisdiction.
Hon. Mukasa told Speaker and fellow legislators that, “Local leaders including those at village councils are entitled for a monthly allowance of UGX 10,000 (Ten Thousand Shillings only) which government pledged to give them. Despite the role they play in ensuring security and harmony within communities, they have spent 3 (three) years without a pay.”
Rubaga South MP told Parliament that besides UGX 10,000 a month being a mockery by NRM government to these hardworking local council leaders which allowance Parliament should look into and consider an increment, that money isn’t sent to them as government pledged.
Hon. Mukasa said failure by the government to facilitate local council leaders brings laxity in the execution of their duties and the end result is increase in criminality, cases of land grabbing and corruption.
Speaker saluted Hon. Mukasa for raising this matter and promised that government will come out with an official statement.
As we are all still waiting for the government’s statement over this matter, MP Mukasa has vowed to continue fighting for the pay rise of Local council leaders saying government should stop taking these leaders for granted!

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PHOTO: What next? When Lwere met some leaders

● Read About All The 20 Grounds Supporting Pastors’ Application In Court
● They Demand Accountability For The Funds Collected For Election Road Map Which Lwere Later Suspended 


THE war within National Fellowship of Born-Again Pentecostal Churches (NFBPC) Uganda against the dictatorial tendencies of Bishop Joshua Lwere, the outgoing General Overseer (GO) who some Pastors accuse of plotting not to leave office after the expiration of his two terms, has taken a new twist. 
This investigative news website can reliably report that, the rift between Joshua Lwere and Born -Again Pastors whose reasoning is that his time as their leader is up, has turned into a legal battle which analysts have predicted to leave this man of God naked! 
Latest, from High Court Kampala Civil Division, through his lawyers of Messrs LMN Advocates, Bishop Shadrack Kaganda, a Pastor attached to Garment of Love and Mercy Ministries and also a Member of the National Fellowship for Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda has dragged to court Bishop Joshua Lwere and 13 (thirteen) other top Pastors who are in bed with Lwere, seeking for an Order of injunction restraining them from interfering with the electoral process of leaders of the NFBPC.
Lwere and his clique suspended electoral process of leaders of the National Fellowship for Born Again Petecostal Churches and called an Annual General Assembly which Bishop Kaganda, who is believed to be supported by over 2000 pastors says, the decisions are illegal, unfair, irrational and ultra vires.

Bishop Kaganda a former leader of National Fellowship for Born-Again Pentecostal Churches is a registered member number 232624 and his Certificate Number BAC/CE/0455 is valid from 2018 to 2023.
The Miscellaneous Cause No. is 071 of 2022. In the matter of the judicature (Judicial review) rules S.1 No. 11 of 2009 and in the matter of an application for Judicial review seeking the prerogative orders of certiorari, mandamus prohibition, declaration and injunction.
The respondents are;

  1. National Fellowship of Born-Again Pentecostal Churches – Uganda
  2. Bishop Joshua Lwere  (General Overseer)
  3. Bishop Mark Wamala  (General Secretary)
  4. Pastor George Oduch (NTR)
  5. Bishop Daniel Waddimba  (National Public Relations)
  6. Bishop Moses Odong (NC)
  7. Bishop Don Tumusiime (Regional Overseer Ankole)
  8. Bishop Julius Kamiza  (Regional Overseer Eastern)
  9. Bishop Leonard Sserwadda  (Regional Overseer Southern)
  10. Bishop Micheal Grace Okello (Regional Overseer Kigezi)
  11. Bishop Hudson Ssuubi  (Regional Overseer Central)
  12. Bishop Hudson Luwagga  (RO)
  13. Bishop Harry Moris Bukenya 
  14. Bishop Eprahim Okello
  15. Apostle Darlington Rogers Zziwa

[Brought under Section 36 (1) (b) (c) (e) and 38 of the Judicature Act Cap 13 as amended by Act No. 3 of 2002 and Rules 3,4,5,6 & 7 of the Judicature  (Judicial Review) Rules 2009 S.1 No. 11 of 2009 as amended by S.1 No. 32 of 2019]
According to the notice given, “High Court will be moved on the 1st day of September 2022 at 12:00 O’clock in the fore/afternoon or so soon thereafter as counsel for the Applicant can be heard on the Applicant’s behalf when this Honourable Court will be moved for orders of Judicial reliefs of:
● A declaration that the 2nd Respondents’ decision to suspend electoral process of leaders of the 1st Respondent is illegal, irrational and ultra vires.
● A declaration that the 2nd Respondent to the 12th Respondents’ decision to call for and/or convene an Annual General Assembly of members of the 1st Respondent during the electoral process is irrational and ultra vires.
● A declaration that the 2nd Respondent to the 12th Respondents’ decision to call for/or convene an Annual General Assembly is conduct prejudicial, unfair, unjust treatment and irrational to the aspiring candidates involved in the electoral campaign desiring to be elected as the new leaders of the 1st Respondent.
● A declaration that the agenda item no. 7 of the intended Annual General Assembly to review the 1st Respondents’ Constitution is ultra vires.
● A declaration that the agenda item no.8 of the intended Annual General Assembly to review of the tenure of Electoral Commission and Constitutional Review Commission is irrational.
● An order of Certiorari to quash the 2nd Respondent to the 12th Respondents’ ultra vires decision of calling or convening Annual General Assembly
● An order of Mandamus to compel/direct the 1st Respondent’s Elders Council Members led by the 14th Respondent to govern the 1st Respondent.
● An order of Mandamus to compel/direct 1st Respondent’s Electoral Commission led by the 15th Respondent to continue with conducting of elections of leaders of the 1st Respondent as slated in the electoral road map launched.
● An Order of injunction restraining the 2nd Respondent from interfering with the electoral process of leaders of the 1st Respondent 
● An Order of prohibition against the 2nd Respondent to the 12th Respondents from making decisions that halting, intervening or interfering with the electoral process of leaders of the 1st Respondent.


  1. That applicant (Bishop Shadrack Kaganda) is a member, former leader of the 1st Respondent (National Fellowship of Born-Again Pentecostal Churches Uganda) and has direct to interest in the affairs of the 1st Respondent 
  2. That applicant is aggrieved with the 2nd Respondent to the 12th Respondents’ decision to cancel or suspend electoral process or activities and convene an Annual General Assembly/Meeting.
  3. That the 2nd Respondent’ decision to cancel or suspend electoral process or leaders of the 1st Respondent is conduct prejudicial, unfair, unjust treatment and irrational to the aspiring candidates involved in the electoral campaign desiring to be elected as the new leaders of the 1st Respondent illegal, irrational and ultra vires.
  4. That it is in the interest of justice, that this application be granted.

“I Bishop Shadrack Kaganda of C/O Messrs LMN Advocates solemnly swear and state as follows;

  1. That i am adult male Ugandan of sound mind, the Application herein well conversant with facts of this Application in which capacity I depose this affidavit.
  2. That I am a Pastor attached to Garment of Love and Mercy Ministries and also a Member of the Respondent Company. His membership Registration number 232624 and Certificate Number BAC/CE/0455 valid from 2018 to 2023.
  3. That the 1st Respondent  (NFBPC) was on the 24th day of November 2016 incorporated under the Companies Act No. 1 of 2012 as a company limited by guarantee owing to the desire to have a single and a collective voice for all member Born Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda.
  4. That the Company’s objects are to promote and safeguard the unity, harmony and a true sense of fellowship and ethics in Born-Again churches to contend, defend and protect the strong and weaker churches corporately considered to be professing a sound biblical doctrine, among others.
    ● That on 9th day of February 2022, the office of Electoral Commission of the 1st Respondent launched an electoral road map that was accepted and adopted by all organs and members of the 1st Respondent.  
    ● That according to the said Election road map, on the 15th day of September 2022, 29th September 2022, 27th October 2022,  1st December 2022 and 16th March 2023 are slated dates for election country wide. Sub county leaders,  District leaders Provincial leaders, Regional leaders and the National Election day for National Governing Council respectively. 
    ● That pursuant to the election road map, the intending aspirants expressed interest at all levels from National to Sub counties.
    ● That prior to the launch of the Election road map on 16th November 2021 at Streams of Life Church Mengo, Kampala, Rubaga division, an extra ordinary General Assembly/meeting was held.
    ● That the main or most important agenda items were reviewing of the status of Electoral Commission and    Constitutional Review Commission in the said Extra ordinary General Assembly/meeting 
    ● That said agenda items were considered under Minute Number 4 & 5 at page 17 of the said minutes of the Extra Ordinary General Assembly/meeting and a vote was conducted and 46 of the members who had attended the said meeting agreed to extend the tenure of the members for both the Electoral and Constitutional Review Commissions for a period of two years as suggested by Electoral Commissioner Bishop Roger Zziwa
    ● That the reason for the extension of the tenures of the members of Electoral Commission was based on the ground of not disrupting or interfering with the forthcoming elections
    ● That surprisingly, the resolution at page 21 of the minutes of the said meeting state that, the tenure of both Electoral and Constitutional Review Commissions were extended for a period until the holding of the General Assembly
    ● That on 24th June 2022, the 2nd to the 12th Respondents passed a resolution as the National Governing Counci:
    ~ Calling for an Annual General Meeting slated for the 22nd – 25th August 2022
    ~ Suspended all Election Commission activities and 
    ~ further stopped all aspiring candidates at all levels from expressing interest, without consultation from the National Consultative Assembly which is the top echelon of the company.
    ● That the Annual General Meeting is slated to look into the amended Constitution of 2016 without recommendations from the Constitution Review Commission which has the prerogative of inquiring and making consultations as regards the Constitution.
    ● That the impugned Annual General Meeting is slated to look into and/or revise the tenure of the company Electoral Commissions and the Constitution Review Commission yet the tenure of members of the said commissions were extended.
    ● That the said Annual General Meeting is intended to sabotage the election road map of over 1000 electoral positions of the 1st Respondent that was launched and accepted by all company organs on the 9th day of February 2022.
    ● That the said Annual General Meeting is intended to usurp powers vested in the 1st Respondent’s organs such as the Constitutional Review Commission vested with the mandate of making inquiries and consultations with other organs of the 1st Respondent.
    ● That the 13th to 15th Respondents have failed and/or reneged on their duty of advising the National Governing Council as required by the Company Constitution which has led it to come up with ultra vires decisions.
    ● That the 14th Respondent failed to act and/or respond when the National Governing Council usurped it’s powers of organising elections.
    ● That the key members of the 1st Respondent have been kept out of all decision making and management processes of the 1st Respondent 
    ● That I depose this affidavit in support of this application for orders sought and costs.
    ● That it is just fair, equitable and in the interest of justice that this Application succeeds and that this Honourable Court grants these orders we seek. 

In our next story, we leak you a tough dossier written by a group of senior Pastors, demanding for accountability for the funds collected to facilitate the electoral process which was later suspended by Lwere and his clique.  Now Pastors want to know the whereabout of the money they collected.



For views/remarks about this story, send an email to The Editor at newseditor.info@gmail.com



PHOTO: Hon. Counsel Mbidde making an urgement in court today


THE matter in Entebbe Chief Magistrates Court in which controversial lawyer Mabirizi Kiwanuka accused the DP President General also Minister of Justice & Constitutional Affairs Hon. Nobert Mao and the DP Secretary General Mr. Siranda Gerald Blacks of being common nuisance after signing a Cooperation Agreement with NRM on behalf of DP, Mabirizi has lost miserably.
“Court has dismissed the Mabirizi case for being vexatious and frivolous”, said Minister Mao’s lawyer, Hon. Counsel Fred Mukasa Mbidde, today evening.
With able representation of Hon.Mukasa Fred Mbidde who also doubles as the DP Vice President, Counsel Ssemuyaba Justin and Counsel Ssengendo Eric through his chambers Mbidde & Co. Advocates, Hon. Mbidde successfully persuaded the presiding Chief Magistrate Her Worship Stella Maris Amabilis to overrule Mabirizi’s oral application.
Counsel Mbidde who is also MP EALA,  requested Her Worship to recuse herself from the case on grounds of conflict of interest particularly alleging Her Worship’s extended relationship with Hon. Mao, to which Her Worship Amabilis agreed with Hon. Mbidde’s submission and dismissed Mabirizi’s application.
In the Chief Magistrates court of Entebbe at Entebbe Miscellaneous Application No. 24 of 2022, under Section 42 (1) (b) 8 (3) of Magistrate’s Court Act, Male Mabirizi instituted criminal proceedings against Narbert Mao and Gerald Blacks Siranda.
According to particular of offence, Narbert Mao, Gerald Blacks Siranda and others still at large, between 20th – 27th July 2022 or soon before or after those dates at State House Entebbe Municipality, Wakiso District, holding out as President and General Secretary General respectively of Democratic Party an Opposition Political Party well aware that your 5 years term expired in the year 2020, signed a document titled, ‘Memorandum of Understanding with Yoweri Tibuhaburwa Kaguta Museveni holding out as Chairman National Resistance Movement,  a ruling political party, an Act not Authorised by Law thereby causing annoyance or inconvenience to the public.
The Presiding Chief Magistrate has instructed Male Mabirizi to diligently adhere to the legal procedures required in the initiation and prosecution of a criminal matter as a Private Prosecutor.
Specifically, the Chief Magistrate notified and directed Mr. Mabirizi that before any other step is taken on the case, he (Mabirizi) is required to produce an LC 1 letter from Entebbe State House zone chairperson confirming that indeed a crime was committed by Hon. Mao and Mr. Siranda in that location, as it is required by the laws governing private prosecution.

We shall keep you updated on this matter 

For comments/views, WhatsApp our editor on 0772523039



PHOTO: Fatigued Joshua Lwere is recorded in a video justifying why he has banned the electoral process to get his successor

● More Pastors Mount Pressure On Lwere To Leave In Peace As His 2nd Term Ends
● Sserwadda Speaks Out On Land Title Whereabouts


AN INVESTIGATIVE story, this mighty News Editor Media Website published on Tuesday about a scandal where Bishop Joshua Lwere, the outgoing General Overseer of the Fellowship for Born-Again Pentecostal Churches of Uganda (NFBPC) allegedly transferred into his company land donated by a top URA boss to the Balokole Fellowship, has deepened!
For starters, the said land in Namanve, Mukono district which is measuring approximately 1 acre was donated to the Fellowship in 2013 by a one James Kisaliza, former commissioner Uganda Revenue Authority (URA).
Pr. Leonard Sserwadda who is the Masaka based Regional Overseer (RO) and a member of NGC also one of the five aspiring candidates who want to unseat Joshua Lwere has written about the whereabouts of this land title, as more pastors mount pressure on Lwere to prepare to leave office since his two terms’ limit has expired. A defiant Lwere has however said, he is going nowhere!
A shocking video clip showing intepred as refusal to leave office and how he plots to ban NFBPC Electoral Commission works has finally leaked! We have it. Very shameful to the body of Christ! (This video is uploaded on our Facebook page. Just log-in news editor online)
Unlike his predecessors Prof. Simeon Kayiwa of Namirembe Christian Fellowship and Apostle Alex Mitala who truthfully served and left in peace when their two constitutional terms expired, Lwere isn’t planning to leave office, its sad!
He has copied notes from some politicians and wants the Constitution amended. He has influence a clique of a few people who he wants the amended constitution to empower and they vote for him so that he rules for life!

In a 1:36 minute video clip recorded when Lwere was seated in church talking to someone (not shown), this senior Pastor of Grace Assembly Christian Church Sir Apollo Kaggwa road in Kampala said, him as a leader is banning the electoral process, although it is well stipulated in the NFBPC constitution, saying it will tear down the Fellowship.
In this Video, Bishop Lwere said, “To us as leaders, that cohesion, the unity is more important than the electoral process. If you allow the electoral process to go on, it is going to tear you down, you will have a good electoral process which is going to tear you down.”
In fact a few days to the election of the new General Overseer, the election process has been stopped, aspirants banned on the orders of Lwere from holding consultative meetings.
Lwere who many think fears living the life of not being the General Overseer for Pentecostal Churches in Uganda said, “You have followed the law (of electoral process) but the whole thing is gone. So which is more important if it was you sitting in my seat today? Which one would you protect? Electoral process or the unity of the fellowship? We are protecting the big picture, we are protecting our unity.”
Justifying his unconstitutional move, Lwere says because all the five candidates aspiring for the General Overseer, a top officer in the National Fellowship of Born-Again Pentecostal Churches  (NFBPC) are maligning and mudslinging each other, that kills the spirit of Fellowship, so him as a leader he would rather do away with the elections of new leaders thereby protecting the unity of members in the Fellowship.
In the video, Lwere who looks fatigued and very stressed said, “If you have these five people contesting (for General Overseer National Fellowship for Born-Again Pentecostal Churches), and each one is maligning and mudslinging the other, that is not allowed spiritually. You can do it in the world, but in the church you can not. Whether it’s a local church or a church organisation.”
He said when people start to malign and mudsling each other, “We know you are going a wrong direction. We have a responsibility to correct that. When one stands up and says, ‘No that one is nothing….’, already you have created divisions.  Because if he wins an election, will these people you told that he is nothing follow him? Will they continue to be part of the fellowship?”
“So would you rather protect the electoral process than controlling the umbrella itself and the cohesion? What is more important, is it to protect the unity of the whole thing or protecting the electoral process that will end up tearing the fellowship! Does that make sense?” Asked Lwere in the Video.
According to the NFBPC constitution Article 22 (5 b) (b iii), “After two consecutive terms, the General Overseer may only be eligible for re-election if a period equal or more than the total length that he spent in office has elapsed.”
Meaning, since Lwere’s two terms have elapsed, a new General Overseer should be elected, for he may return to contest for the same office if he wishes to, in the future but not at the expiry of his two terms. So he has to leave office to pave way for the election of the new NFBPC leader.
The Electoral Commission of the National Fellowship for Born-Again Pentecostal Churches is mandated as per the Fellowship constitution to organise elections for the new General Overseer and other offices.
EC had released the road map and already five pastors declared interest to contest for the top office.
These are; Leonard Sserwadda from Masaka, Fredrick Ssemazzi (former General Secretary (NFBPC ) from Bukasa in Muyenga, Joseph Nsubuga (current National Mobilizer) from Komamboga Kawempe, Moses Odongo (the current National Clerk) from Namuwongo, and renown Pr. David Micheal Kyazze of Omega Healing Centre Namasuba on Entebbe road.
In fact, Pr. Michael Kyazze, a senior Pastor in the Country had traversed the whole country to seek for endorsement by fellow Pastors.

Responding to Lwere’s video, Pr. Fed Kasule on August 13, 2022 wrote this, “The explanation in the video clip is sufficient enough to cause a good high magnitude of doubt in proportion to the secondary act that was taken by NGC. It may cause one to assume that an official written communication would be made to Electoral Comission who is the responsible organ, and be informed of the happenings, concerns, worries and be told to handle the situation at the earliest possible rather than tampering with the Electoral Roadmap and it’s activities.”
Pastor Kasule revealed that he is sure if it was done in that professional manner of handling business in organizations, the  EC could take charge and call all aspirants in a meeting to regulate and guide  them. 
“I am of the view that the aspirants would heed the CG EC. This would be the right best way to handle the situation ideally. The situation didn’t need any NEC or NGC resolutions if it was handled professionally and as per NFBPC organ, protocols, and policies of functionality and operations. It’s good, the General Overseer (Joshua Lwere) has come out, express and justify his motive.”

In a message written by Lwere’s ‘yes man’ Leonard Sserwadda and shared to different Pastors’ forums (WhatsApp groups), a message which analysts believe he was coached to tell lies to the flock of Christ, he said, “I am here to clarify that the land titles are safely handled by our National Treasurer, Bishop Oduchi. Reports that our General Overseer Bishop Joshua Lwere transferred the land title into his company, is incorrect.”
In our story published on Tuesday this week which went viral world over, pastors accused Bishop Joshua Lwere, a renown Anti corruption crusader for not only plotting to amend the NFBPC constitution and remove term limits so that he can run again as leader of Born-Again Fellowship in Uganda, they also alleged, Lwere transferred the Namanve land title into his own company! 
They even said, this is what Lwere has done for the Fellowship in his ten years tenure, nothing more. 
Bishop Leonard Sserwadda, the Masaka Chairperson House of Bishops(regional overseers), also a member of NGC said, the said land title is in very safe hands.
However Pastors demand to have a look at the title and some wanted it shared on their WhatsApp groups for Lwere to disapprove those alleging that he transferred it into his company.
Leonard Sserwadda also said, Bishop Lwere doesn’t have any intention of tampering with the NFBPC constitution in order to remain General Overseer as many believe.
He said, “In the former Masaka meeting, where we discussed the constitution and found out that there were expired organs like Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) and Electoral Commission (EC) because of COVID, we came up with an extra Ordinary General Meeting so as to expand their term temporarily until the nearest AGM because the AGM is the supreme council to guide the fellowship. There is no hidden agenda in the AGM.” 
However, impeccable sources confirm, a four-days Annual General Meeting (AGM) has been called to amend NFBPC Constitution and remove term lifts so that Lwere can run again or even be declared a sole candidate. 
In July 2022, Bishop Mark Wamala the General Secretary NFBPC wrote to NEC members, Members of the Council of Elders, the NFBPC Ministers and the NFBPC electoral Commission inviting them to the NFBPC Annual General Assembly scheduled for August 22nd – 25th, 2022 at Lwere’s Grace Christian Centre church located at Sir Apollo Kaggwa Road.
Others invited in the Annual General Meeting intended to clear Lwere for a third term are; The Constitutional review Commission, the five members from each of the NFBPC Regional councils, the five members from each of the provincial councils and the five members from each of the NFBPC district councils.
Bishop Wamala’s letter reads, “This is to officially invite you to the General Assembly as per Article 17: 2b of the Constitution as amended in 2016.”

The National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches of Uganda (NFBPC-U) was formed 32 years ago in 1990.
Records show, it was an idea by the then President Museveni’s Government Minister Balaki Kirya who was a Born-Again. 
General Overseer (GO) of NFBPC is the ultimate leader of the Fellowship of Pentecostal Churches in Uganda.
The first General Overseer was Prof. Simeon Kayiwa of Namirembe Christian Fellowship. 
Kayiwa became GO in 1990 -1995 and was given a second term. 
In 2003, Apostle Alex Mitala took over from Prof. Simeon Kayiwa. His leadership ended in 2013 after 10 years and he left the office peacefully.
The mantle was given to the reigning leadership of Bishop Joshua Lwere in 2013 and his term remains with a few weeks to end.

Because he doesn’t want to leave office of General Overseer, Joshua Lwere’s plot is about taking away the right of eligible voters of the GO and vesting the power into a clique of the House of Bishops, just like it is done in the Anglican Church, and they dictate on who should be the next GO.
Because this will be a new format of electing the GO, Lwere will automatically bounce back as the General Overseer!!
According to Lwere’s strategists, the usual process of election where aspirants move around the whole country, consulting pastors and soliciting for nomination, is already banned.
The statement was signed by; Bishop Joshua Lwere (GO), Bishop Mark Wamala (GS), Bishop George Odouc (NTR), Bishop Daniel Waddimba  (NPRO), Bishop Joseph Nsubuga  (NM), Bishop Moses Odongo (NC), Bishop Don Tumusiime (RO Ankole), Bishop Julius Kamiza (RO Eastern), Bishop Leonard Sserwadda (RO Southern), Bishop Michael Grace Okello (RO Kigezi), Bishop Francis Gamukama (RO Rwenzori), Bishop Hudson Suubi (RO Central) and Bishop Godfrey Luwagga (RO Kampala). This is a clique fronted to bring back Lwere after the expiry of his two constitutional terms.

After amending the NFBPC constituition and power to elect the new GO is given to the 14 Bishops, insiders say, these Bishops will convene a meeting from where they will elect among themselves the new GO, probably Joshua Lwere who is the convener and Chairman.
For starters, Bishops are the Regional Overseers (RO) from the 14 regions making Uganda. These form the House of Bishops. 
The regions are; Karamoja, Teso, Lango, Acholi, Westnile, Bunyoro, Rwenzori, Kigezi, Ankole, Buganda Southern Part (Masaka to Mutukula), Central region, Busoga, Kampala and Bukedi. 
So these 14 will converge in a place, pray, and among them find the General Overseer. Lwere and his clique wants to do an episcopal election in a Fellowship, something which is contested by Pastors across the country.
“The Anglican approach in electing their leader can’t work in Pentecostal churches. For the Anglican church, it is stimulous from ground. It is the whole Anglican church,but for NFBPC, this is a Fellowship. We are People of different background, coming together with registered legal ministries. You can not hijack and impose on us a leader who isn’t of our choice.” Said one of the Pastors from Karamoja region.
In an exclusive interview with this news website, this Pastor told us, “We put our trust in you to lead us, how dare you come back and say you locked the door for us because we are too many, that is why you are seeking mandate from only the Bishops. That is wrong.” 

Click here to read details about the full plot, how General Overseer is elected, qualifications of the General Overseer; JOSHUA LWERE: LEADER OF PENTECOSTAL CHURCHES REFUSES TO LEAVE OFFICE AS HIS TERM ENDS, OVER 2000 PASTORS VOW TO THROW HIM OUT – https://www.newseditor.co.ug/2022/08/joshua-lwere-leader-of-pentecostal-churches-refuses-to-leave-office-as-his-term-ends-over-2000-pastors-vow-to-throw-him-out/

In Part III of this story, we will bring you a full detailed shocking story of how Lwere and three other wise men in Church tricked millions of Balokole and registered National Fellowship of Born-Again Pentecostal Churches (NFBPC) found in 1990, as their personal company. Please don’t go away!

For views/comments on this story, send us an email at newseditor.info@gmail.com

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