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GRATEFUL: Bukedea people receive farm equipment donated by Speaker Anita


YESTERDAY, Speaker Parliament of Uganda Rt. Hon. Annet Anita Among (AAA) donated to the people of Bukedea district in Teso Subregion tractors and other farming equipments worth UGX 300M calling upon other leaders to support their communities to transform from subsistence to commercial farming.
This is not the first time, Speaker Anita who doubles as Woman Member of Parliament representing Bukedea District has been donating such equipment to boost Agriculture in the region.
Her call for commercial agriculture resonates with President Museveni’s appeal for Ugandans to scale up from producing only for the stomach to commercial agriculture as one of the means to boost food security and uplifting livelihoods. 
In her message read at the handover of farm equipment in Bukedea District, Speaker Anita said, “This will improve household incomes, given that agriculture remains an integral sector of Uganda’s economy, whose contribution in terms of exports cannot be downplayed.”

“Uganda is blessed with a conducive weather that supports farming throughout the year. Let’s use this as a resource and transform from farming for food only to commercial agriculture through which we can earn some money,” she said. 
About 60 percent of Uganda’s population is engaged in agriculture, with related exports from the sector standing at 48.5 percent while contribution to gross domestic product stands at 23 percent.  
During the handover of tractors and other farm equipment worth Shs300m in Kidongole Sub-county in Bukedea, Ms Among noted that it was indeed time for Ugandans to embrace commercial agriculture, which is a key ingredient to government’s larger plan to reduce poverty.  

Ms Among also called upon Ugandans to embrace government development programmes such as the Parish Development model (PDM) that seeks to lift Ugandans out of poverty by directly placing resources nearer to them.
Hundreds of Bukedea people expressed their gratitude to their beloved daughter for her endless efforts to transform their lives. 
“This donation is a great boost to commercial agriculture. We are so greatful to our daughter Anita Among and may God continue protecting her.”
Said one of the elders Mr. Omale.

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PHOTO: Speaker Anita Among, Opposition Chief whip JB Nambeshe and other MPs in a group photo with UPPA newly elected leadership headed by Sam Ibanda Mugabi. Francis Lubega who lost to Mugabi was also invited in the photo


THE Speaker of Parliament, the second arm of Government Rt. Hon. Annet Anita Among has responded to the Opposition Chief Whip Hon. John Baptist Nambeshe’s call for a peaceful, smooth and transfer of power in Uganda.
Hon. Nambeshe one of the top ranked opposition leading National Unity Platform (NUP) members made these remarks yesterday Friday at Parliament during the swearing in of Parliament journalists’ body (UPPA) newly elected President Sam Ibanda Mugabi and his executive.
Nambeshe who represented Leader of Opposition (LOP) at the function, congratulated and saluted Parliament journalists for demonstrating a peaceful and smooth transfer of power.”
This was after New Vision’s Moses Mulondo handed over power to NBS’s Ibanda Mugabi after serving two UPPA constitutional terms as President.
Mr. Mugabi defeated ‘hustler’ Francis Lubega in one of the hottest races ever at Parliament. Mugabi was declared winner after polling 76 votes while Lubega bagged 64 votes and conceded defeat. He even attended the      swearing-in function and wished the new president good luck.
However, over 115 UPPA journalists did not vote.
Looking at how free and fair the process of electing UPPA president and handing over power by the former president Moses Mulondo to Sam Ibanda Mugabi is what irked most Opposition Chief Whip JB Nambeshe.
He said, “As a country, we are eagerly waiting for a similar process. In fact, we would like to emulate you but there are impediments on the way. Our prayers and desire is to get a similar peaceful transfer of power in this country.”

Addressing journalists, Members of Parliament present and other invited guests, Speaker Anita Among started by shooting down NUP’s JB Nambeshe’s statement that Ugandans are hungry for a peaceful and smooth transfer of power.
Without mincing words, the ruling NRM Party Bukedea district boss Anita Among said, “There is peaceful transfer of power in Uganda. And we will still have transfer of power to the person who wins ‘for president’ and once you win, there will be transition, whether it is the same person.”
Every after five years, Ugandans elect their new president in a General election. 
NRM’s candidate Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has so far won seven elections since 1996 General elections.
Speaker Anita advised opposition to stop baby tears, go and look for votes and when they win, will definitely be declared else, they will keep singing ‘peaceful transfer of power’. 

In her educative speech which lasted for about 20 minutes,  Speaker Anita who doubles as Patron Uganda Parliamentary Press Association (UPPA) welcomed journalists to Parliament of Uganda saying, “We have always said, This is the peoples’ centred Parliament. And once you are here, you feel at home. This is your home, this is where you work on day to day basis, and we will ensure that we give you a conducive environment.”
Speaker congratulated the newly elected UPPA President and and his executive,  “And also congratulate Mr. Francis Lubega for putting up that wonderful contest.”

She thanked the out going leadership for the good work done both for the Association and Parliament.
“Your leadership has done a lot and now we expect a little more from the new leadership. As the parliament fraternity, our expectations are too high. A call to leadership is a call to service.” Noted Madam Speaker.
The soft speaking Anita Among turned to lecturing Parliament journalists on how they should report responsibly about Parliament work and Parliamentarians cautioning them to desist from being used by wrong people to taint Parliament and blackmail Parliamentarians.  
She said, “Don’t allow blackmail of members of Parliament, much as there is freedom of expression as by Article 29 (1) (a) we respect the freedom but whereas we do so, you must be professional enough as you express that press freedom. Your professionalism is very important because you are reporting for Parliament, the 2nd arm of government after Executive.  
Citing the recently passed Computer Misuse Act, Speaker Anita reminded journalists that, “How you report, what you report matters! Because everybody will be expecting to hear from you. And as a reminder, what you report must be with in the law. The Computer Misuse Act is in place. This business of hate Speech and unsolicited information is very very dangerous. Please do the right thing. You have heard I am madam Action, I may Act. When I see you doing the wrong thing,  I will act.”
She told Ibanda that the task ahead of him is very clear, to guide his colleagues towards the path of professionalism. They should do work professionally and then adhere peacefully to the professional ethics of journalism. 
“The other day i was complainig of how somebody can write that MPs have increased their salary by 40%. Why don’t you write what you know? If you don’t know, please don’t write. And when you talk about unauthorised access of the information. You are not here to look for information that you are not supposed to access. If you think you are going to get unauthorised information which is even not correct, then the law will catch up with you. That is the computer Misuse Act.” Anita, who was hailed by UPPA outgoing President for perfectly steering 11th Parliament, told journalists.
As a Patron, she said her work is to advise UPPA members to do the right thing at the right time. On information they are not sure of, she advised them to always go back to Parliament and ask. 
Among says, what journalists owe Ugandans is to give them the correct information, keep them updated time to time. 
“Don’t give them what will bring problems in the community. As journalists, do research, have your facts, be objective enough and then you adhere to the legal frame work that regulates professionalism. Please report with facts, evidence based! Because some one will drag you to court and will have nothing to rebuttal since you have no facts.” Urges Speaker Anita.
Among who massively defeated JEEMA’s Asuman Basalirwa in Speaker elections last year said will ask CPA department at Parliament to ensure that UPPA members get all the information they want.
Injecting UGX 50M into UPPA SACCO, Anita assured Journalists of her support saying her office will put measures that are conducive enough for them to do the work.
“But when you fail to do your work professionally, we shall use stick and carrot! We pray that we work together so that you don’t fail to be with us here.” Said Anita who is known to be a very strict and principled lady.

On media professionalism, Hon. JB Nambeshe said he see challenges as media practitioners’ adherence to their professional code of conduct. 
“The question is, how do you guarantee that strict adherence to your professional code of conduct especially in a country, with an environment where a quater of the revenue generated by your media houses comes from advertising and the most financially lucrative advertisement comes from government?” Asks opposition Chief Whip adding, “And the owners of these media houses definitely are long on profit making and may be very short on truth telling. And that be so, may arm twist or even compromise you given that your pay is worrying. So it is here where you have to draw a line between your ethical conduct and paying allegiance to the powers who have adverts.”
He said the other challenge faced by media is when you hold the powerful institution like Parliament to account. 

Thanking Rt. Hon. Speaker for her acceptance to grace the swearing in of the UPPA leadership, President Ibanda Mugabi said, “As we start our two years’ term journey as leaders of UPPA, Madam Speaker, we believe and commit that our leadership will have a cordial working relationship with the Parliamentary leadership.”

For starters, UPPA is a body that brings together over 255 journalists. Some come from local media houses whereas some come from international media houses like BBC, Aljazera, CNN and many more.
Ibanda a senior journalist at the fastest growing Next Media said that journalism has become one of the world’s most dangerous profession. 
“Madam Speaker, of recent, there has been increase in violation of journalists’ rights not only by men in uniform but some members of the public that do not understand the importance of media. This impunity creates violence and weakens democracy.” Says Ibanda in his maiden Speech, adding, “Our dear patron Rt. Hon. Speaker, with your able leadership, we request  you to do more to protect the state of journalists and bring those responsible for attacking media, to justice.”
Ibanda asked Parliament to organise induction trainings for journalists covering the House saying this will improve on the quality of UPPA journalists.
“Madam Speaker, we also propose a quarterly engagement with members of the Fourth Estate. This will be a platform for your office to explain to the public the achievements of parliament in that particular meeting in that session and what they should expect in the next session. Leader of Opposition and Government Chief Whip should also have such engagements with UPPA.” Said Ibanda, a request which Speaker gave a green light.
He asked for support towards the procurement of the UPPA van saying it will help transportation of members in times of need like when a member loses his or her dear ones.Speaker Anita assured them of her support on this.
Ibanda saluted the outgoing UPPA executive headed by Mr. Moses Mulondo, for the job weldone during their tenure. 
He also thanked Francis Lubega for participating in the election and  asked him to bring his good ideas on table and work together. 
To his colleagues who voted him their President,  Sam Ibanda Mugabi assured them in the presence of his immediate boss at NBS Dalton Kaweesa that he will never disappoint them. “We shall together make UPPA stronger”.


  1. President: Sam Ibanda Mugabi  (NBS)
  2. Vice President: Gloria Gwitabangi (UBC)
  3. SG: Apollo Tusiime (Salt Media)
  4. Deputy SG: Damali Mukhaye (Daily Monitor)
  5. Treasurer: Rachel Nakassi (Bukedde tv)
  6. Secretary Discipline: Joseph Sseruwooza (Dream TV)
  7. Rep. Online: Ronald Kabuubi (Kmaupdates)
  8. Rep. Print Media: Moses Kiwuuwa (New Vision)
  9. Rep. Radio: John Ssebadduka (CBS Radio)
  10. Rep. Tv: Fred Kajubi (Urban tv)
  11. Secretary Welfare: Nickson Bbaale (Channel 44tv)
  12. Secretary Women Affairs: Joweria Namagembe (Tagy Tv)
  13. Organising Secretary: Sarah Nakandi (See tv)


  1. Chairperson: Ronald Galiwango (NTV) 
  2. Secretary: Godfrey Ssali (Radio One) 
  3. Treasurer: Josephine Namulooki (The Observer)
    Members: Sarah Nandawula, Lucy Lapot, Nabagereka, 
    Loan officers: Chairperson is Ronald Tweheyo, Secretary Namayanja and member Julius Adiga



CLEARS AIR: Hon. Kawalya in Parliament today


IN line with Rule 52(2) of the Rules of Procedure of Parliament, the Rubaga North Member of Parliament Hon. Abubaker Kawalya has today Thursday November 3, 2022 made a Personal Statement on the floor of Parliament, as per the Speaker’s ruling in response to the allegations made by the Minister of State in charge of Primary Healthcare Hon. Margaret Muhanga over Ebora outbreak!
The minister told Parliament that while appearing on CBS FM, Kabaka’s Radio on September 1, 2022 , MP Kawalya said there is no Ebola in the country.
The legislator has called this mere allegations and blackmail by the minister to taint his namemail. He asked the Speaker to expunge the Minister’s statement from the Hansard. 
“Madam speaker, for all the times I have appeared on different radio and tv talkshows on matters of national importance, my cardinal role has always been and will continue to be awareness raising and providing alternatives to government as the Shadow Minister for Kampala. It is not true that I made that statement as alleged by Hon. Minister Muhanga.” MP Kawalya told Parliament asking the minister to apologies for telling lies to Parliament.
Yesterday, Minister Muhanga informed the House that while appearing on CBS FM Radio Buganda on September 1, 2022 , MP Kawalya said there is no Ebola in the country.
For starters, by September 1, 2022, Government had not released any statement that there was Ebola and so, there was no Ebola talks in the county. Ebola outbreak was declared on September 20, 2022.
In fact Hon. Kawalya told the House that, he could not have made such a statement when he has already lost two people from his Constituency of Rubaga North constituency to the disease. 
In her ruling, the Speaker has told the House that the institution of Parliament will get the recordings from CBS radio and carry out investigations. She has also said that the record of the Minister will not be expunged from the Hansard until after investigations.

To reach our editor, send an email on newseditor.info@gmail.com




THE battle to lift the Europa League trophy in Budapest on 31 May has been joined by eight fresh clubs this week. Tonight, Manchester United and Arsenal will be playing their last group matches. However, although they lost to PSV last week, Arsenal looks a better side.
The sides who finished third in their Champions League groups have switched to the competition, which is in its 14th season after being renamed from the UEFA Cup.
Tonight, Manchester United, according to the Club’s official page needs at least a two-goal victory this evening (Thursday) to beat Real Sociedad to top spot in Group E.
Otherwise, they will be paired with one of the eight sides in a play-off, with the draw taking place on Monday around midday, in Switzerland.
So who are the eight sides entering the competition?

Manchester United’s manager Erik ten Hag’s former club and, of course, the same is also true of Lisandro Martinez, Christian Eriksen, Donny van de Beek and Antony. We met the Amsterdam giants in the 2017 final, winning 2-0 in Stockholm.
The Dutch champions finished behind Napoli and Liverpool in Group A but six points clear of bottom side Rangers.

It was something of a surprise that the Catalan club were knocked out of the premier competition with a game to spare, following Internazionale’s win over Viktoria Plzen. Bayern Munich were the runaway group winners after posting a 100 per cent record.
Manchester united’s last clash with the Nou Camp outfit came in the 2019 Champions League quarter-finals but Xavi’s men did play in the Europa League last term, going out to eventual winners Eintracht Frankfurt at the last-eight stage.

The Bundesliga side are currently managed by former Liverpool midfielder Xabi Alonso and remained in Europe with a third-placed Group B finish, sensationally knocking Atletico Madrid out altogether. A goalless draw with Club Brugge proved enough, with Atleti losing 2-1 at pool winners Porto.
Manchester United are unbeaten in six meetings with the German club, including an outstanding 5-0 away triumph in 2013, although they did knock us out of the Champions League on away goals in the 2002 semi-final.

Manchester Unitex have had some famous clashes with the Old Lady in the past, including the 1999 Champions League semi-finals, and we won at the Allianz Stadium in 2019.
The Turin giants, Cristiano Ronaldo’s former club, have Angel Di Maria and the currently injured Paul Pogba in their ranks but finished a long way behind Benfica and Paris Saint-Germain in Group H (11 points) and narrowly edged out Maccabi Haifa for third spot.

The Austrian champions have yet to play United in a competitive fixture and they competed well in Group E before being well beaten by AC Milan on the final matchday (4-0) and finished below Chelsea and the Italian side in the table.
Salzburg are currently two points clear of Sturm Graz at the top of their domestic league.

Familiar foes for the Reds, who got the better of Manchester United in the 2018 Champions League round of 16 and in the 2020 semi-final, with Luuk De Jong scoring the winner, behind closed doors, in Cologne after Bruno Fernandes’s opener was cancelled out by Suso. 
Sevilla saw off FC Copenhagen for the third spot in Group G, with Manchester City and Borussia Dortmund qualifying for the knockout stages.

The Ukrainians have performed so well, given the backdrop of the ongoing war in their homeland, but a heavy 4-0 home reverse to RB Leipzig ended Group F in disappointing fashion.
Real Madrid and the Bundesliga outfit progressed, with Celtic finishing bottom. Manchester United last met Shakhtar in 2013/14 but they are staging their home European matches in Warsaw at the moment.

The Lisbon side, another of Ronaldo’s ex-teams, were unable to join compatriots Benfica and Porto in the next stage of the Champions League, with both those teams winning their respective groups.
Sporting finished behind Tottenham and Eintracht Frankfurt in probably the most exciting group, with Marseille missing out on European football in the first part of next year altogether, following Spurs’ late winner in France. Manchester have played the club four times in competitive fixtures (1964 and 2007) and who can forget the friendly when we opened their Jose Alvalade stadium?



PHOTO: Deputy IGP Maj. Gen. Kasigazi in Speaker’s office yesterday


DAYS of reckless bodaboda riders especially in Kampala capital and other towns in Uganda, are numbered! The Supreme leader of law makers in Uganda Rt. Hon. Anita Annet Among has directed Deputy Inspector General of Police Maj. Gen. Tumusiime Kasigazi to immediately solve the boda boda accidents crisis that continues to claim innocent lives. 
In a meeting convened following release of a CCTV video by police, in which graphic details show accidents involving boda-bodas in the month of October, Speaker Among told Maj Gen Kasigazi that the country is facing a crisis which must be addressed immediately. 
“We face a crisis, especially on Kampala roads as a result of reckless boda-boda riders. We must address it forthwith. You need to take critical steps to reverse this devastating trend and save lives on our roads,” said Speaker Among, noting that police should also find long-term solutions to solve the issue of road carnage, through tightening enforcement and traffic guidelines to curb errant road users.
Boda boda accidents remain the largest contributor of fatal accidents, in which at least an average of 1,918 people are killed annually, according to the 2021 Annual Crime and Traffic/Road Safety report. 
On Saturday, State Minister for Lands Sam Mayanja’s daughter Belinda Birungi was reportedly knocked while riding on a boda-boda along Stretcher Road, Ntinda. 
The boda-boda rider whose particulars were not readily available by the time of filing this report died on the spot while Birungi was rushed to hospital in critical condition before she was pronounced dead moments later.
Maj. Gen. Kasigazi agreed with the Speaker that the recent spate of accidents is a result of reckless road users, noting that police will come up with measures to address the matter.

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PHOTO: President Museveni, Ronald Magunda (Heir) and Lt. Kisitu Ephraim Ssalongo (late)

● Kisitu lost 300 heards of Cattle and banana plantations during the NRA bush guerrilla war. His land is also being grabbed! Sad!
● Family accuses former Administrators of their father’s estate Kenneth Mayambala, John Kaweesa, Mark Mivule, Alice Terukanya and Harriet Nalubwama for being in bed with land grabbers


CHILDREN of former NRA bush war hero Lt. Ephraim Kisitu Ssalongo headed by the heir Ronald Magunda are in tears and helpless, after a group of merciless gunmen and stick-welding men raided them at night and evicted them from their late father’s land measuring 56 acres at Namwabula, Buyala, Mawokota in Mpigi district.
Lt. Kisitu died just seven years ago leaving chunks of land and other properties to cater for his children after losing over 300 herds of cattle and banana plantations during a guerilla war which brought the ruling government into power.
It’s unfortunate that the children of such a war hero are now homeless as the family property is forcefully grabbed by those who claim to be untouchable soldiers, It’s sad!
Lt. Kisitu’s children have cried out to President Museveni for help asking the Head of State to prevail against land grabbers who are posturing with what they call a fake special land title to grab their father’s land without even a court order.
Family is suspecting Kenneth Mayambala, John Kaweesa, Mark Mivule, Alice Terukanya and Harriet Nalubwama the former Administrators of their father’s estate to be in bed with these land grabbers.
In fact when our senior editor called Kenneth Mayambala on the way forward after the grabbing of this land, he lied that he was in a meeting and promised to call back, which he didn’t do.

When we called John Kaweesa, he arrogantly ordered our editor to back-off as if this clique was hiding something from Kisitu’s other children. Is there a conspiracy with the land grabbers?

For starters, Letters of Administration that had been granted to Kenneth Mayambala, John Kaweesa, Mark Mivule, Harriet Nalubwama and Alice Terukanya were revoked by court after Kisitu’s children cited fraud in the way Mayambala and his colleagues handled their father’s estate. We shall come back to this later! 
In their petition to the Commander Armed Forces, the heir Ronald Magunda says, the gang which attacked them cut trees, slaughtered Lt. Kisitu’s goats, roasted meat and there after started fencing off this land claiming to be the rightful owners. This happened in the night of Sunday October 2, 2022. 
The Petition is signed by the three widows; Ms. Sarah Nanziri Kisitu (Kiwumu), Ms. Betty Nakayita Kisitu (Bulaga) and Betty Nakato Kisitu (Lwankonge-Ssingo) and their children; Ronald Magunda, David Mayanja, Milly Nakamya, Immaculate Nangendo Meeme, Juliet Nantaba, Henry Ssebwalunnyo, Ronald Kalumba, Robert Nagaya, Denis Kaggwa, Samuel Kalasana, Jimmy Kizza, Derrick Muwanga, Joyce Namusoke, Harriet Nanteza, and the two last borns Brian Saabwe and Phiona Teruggwa who are still students but lack school fees!

Our investigations team was told, these men who were numbering up to 50, armed with machetes and guns, raided this place and started destroying whatever was found on the land, beating up whoever was present and ordering them to leave saying, “We are soldiers, we are taking over this land, better run for your dear lives”.
When we reached David Mayanja, one of late Kisitu’s son he told us, “Part of it was farm land and we had over 40 cows and goats left by our dad. They chased away the herdsman and animals got scattered.”

Mayanja rushed to Buyala Police post to report the matter and on visiting the locus, OC Buyala found the panga welding men threatening to kill Kisitu’s widow Betty Nakayita and some of Lt. Kisitu’s children; Samuel Kalasana, Juliet Nantaba, Immaculate Nangendo Meeme, Betty Nakayita, Ronald Kalumba, Henry Ssebwannyo, Dennis Kaggwa and Brian Ssaabwe who had come to stop the illegal evictions.

Presenting a copy of the said land title, children told Police that their late father bought this land in 2000, about 22 years ago, from Bakaluba Matayo.
On his demise in September 25, 2015, the land title was on October 29, 2018 transferred from Kisitu Ephraim Ssalongo to Kenneth Mayambala, John Kaweesa, Mark Mivule, Alice Terukanya and Harriet Nalubwama who were the Administrators then of the estate of late Kisitu Ephraim Ssalongo. 
Kisitu’s children appointed the five as Administrators on March 20, 2017, two years after the death of their father.
This leading investigative News Website has learnt that, Kisitu’s children have never made any transaction on their father’s land.
So they wanted police to arrest the attackers who had raided and evicted them from their father’s land. The attackers vowed that no one on earth can make them to leave. 
We are reliably Informed, when OC Buyala called his bosses for re-enforcement, he was instead directed to return to his office and leave because matters of that land were above him. As soon as OC Buyala had left, other police officers said to be attached to Nakirebe police post arrived and instead of arresting the attackers, Kisitu’s son, Ronald Kalumba was handcuffed. A motorcycle owned by Dennis Kaggwa, another of Kisitu’s son was also confistated by these police men leaving the attackers at large. 
This prompted the family to report the matter to CID Headquarters Kibuli, and the Commandant Land protection unit Mr. Olara Johnson directed OC CID Mpigi to investigate the matter. Children however suspect that there is foul play at Mpigi Police since some officers are playing hide and seek!
They had to first petition the office of NRA bush war veterans that RDC Mpigi Sempala Kigozi intervened.

On October 11, 2022, Mpigi District RDC Sempala Kigozi wrote to The Chairperson LC 1 Buyala Village and to other 11 children of the late Kisitu over land dispute on Kibanja at Buyala Namwabula Village, Kirengete Subcounty. 
In his letter which was copied to DISO Mpigi, DPC Mpigi, Police Land Protection Unit, The LC III Chairperson Kiringente Subcounty and to the Area GISO, RDC Sempala Kigozi said his office received a petition from David Mayanja and Jimmy Kizza on behalf of other family members of late Ephraim Kisitu that a one Willy Ssenabulya claims ownership of their land and that title was changed from the former Administrators (Kenneth Mayambala, John Kaweesa, Mark Mivule, Harriet Nalubwama and Alice Terukanya).
RDC Kigozi’s letter calling for a meeting read, “The purpose of this communication therefore is to invite you for fact finding and mediation meeting with all relevant documents scheduled to take place at my office on October 21, 2022 at 10:00am. By copy of this letter, all activities like sub-divisions, transactions and new developments have been halted with immediate effect until this matter has been resolved to the core.” 
However, the meeting didn’t take place as planned,  RDC Kigozi decided to visit the locus and was so much saddened with what he found on ground!

Kigozi stopped all the activities until investigations are done. A one Bosco was arrested on site and trucks carrying wood from cut trees were apprehended.
A case of Criminal Trespass and Malicious damage on file number REF: SD 50/03/10/22 was opened up against Willy Ssennabulya, Nakiku and Bosco. The three are accused by David Mayanja, on behalf of Lt. Kisitu’s Children.
Shockingly,  a police officer by the names of Bazibu who worked on the file, later informed Kisitu’s family how State had closed the file of a one Bosco who was arrested by RDC and truck given back to the owner!

Until today, attackers are still at large, they are still cutting trees, and the rightful owners can’t access their land!  
We are reliably informed, children have petitioned President Museveni, Speaker Parliament of Uganda and the State House Anti Corruption Unit among others.

Born on January 25, 1935, Kisitu had 38 Children and four wives.
According to an introductory letter written on June 5, 1986 by Gen. Elly Tumwine then Army Commander NRA, Lt. Kisitu was a leading member of NRA/M and a senior political leader.

Just last year, President Museveni and Commander In Chief of the Armed Forces appointed him to the rank of Lieutenant.
“I, reposing a special trust and confidence in your loyalty, courage and good conduct do by these present, constitute and appoint you to be an Officer on regular service in the Defence Forces of Uganda.” Reads August 15, 2021 Warrant of Appointment, Regular Commission in the 59th year of Uganda’s Independence.

The President of Uganda said, “RO/16518 Ephraim Kisitu Ssalongo you are therefore, carefully and diligently to discharge your duty as such in the rank of Lieutenant or in such other rank as the Ugandan Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) may from time to time, hereafter be pleased to promote or appoint you to and you are in accordance with the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces Act 2005 and regulations made therein and in such manner on such occasions as may be prescribed by the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces Council; to exercise in a well-disciplined manner, duties in command of such officers, men and women as may be placed under your orders from time to time and use your best endeavors to keep them in good order and discpline; and I do hereby Command them to obey you as their Superior Officer and you to observe and follow such Orders and Directives as from time to time you shall receive from the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces Council or any of your Superior Officers according to Rules and Discipline of War, in Pursuance of the Trust hereby reposed in you.”

On March 20, 2017 Her Worship Jane F.B Kiggundu, judge of the High Court of Uganda, made known that Letters of Administration of the property and credits of the estate of the late Ephraim Kisitu Ssalongo, formerly a resident of Bbira, Bulaga, Wakiso district were granted to Kenneth Mayambala, John Kaweesa, Mark Mivule, Harriet Nalubwama and Alice Terukanya. The five are children of the late Kisitu.
The above children were mandated to administer the estate of their late father, and make a fully inventory of the said properties and credits and exhibit the same in this court within six months from the date of the grant or within such further time as court may from time to time appoint and also to render to this court a true account of the said property and credits within one year from the same date or within such further to, as court may from time to time appoint.

Just after two years, on April 24, 2019, The Registrar, High Court, Family Division in Makindye Kampala received a complaint from the family of fallen Lt. Ephraim Kisitu Ssalongo led by Juliet Nantaba, Derrick Muwanga, Dennis Kaggwa, Immaculate Meeme Nangendo and 13 others against the Administrators in Administration Cause No. 1782 of 2016, Estate of the late Kisitu Ephraim Ssalongo. 
For starters, Lt. Kisitu survived with 38 (Thirty Eight) Children and of these, children selected among themselves five to be granted with the Letters of Administration for the Estate of Late Kisitu Ephraim Ssalongo. 
The five selected were; Kenneth Mayambala (Chairman), John Kaweesa, Mark Mivule, Harriet Nalubwama and Alice Terukanya.

However, Kisitu’s family informed The Registrar High Court how they had reservations about the Administrators with the way they conduct their business in regard to the following;
● The Administrators were abusing their powers by selling off some of the Estate’s property without the knowledge and consent of the beneficiaries.
● The Administrators had never convened any family meeting concerning the Estate of the late Ephraim Kisitu Ssalongo.
● There was no accountability to the beneficiaries and children of the deceased.
● The Administrators were not taking care of the sick children of the late Kisitu Ephraim Ssalongo.
● Non-declaration of the income and income generating assets of the Estate.
● Failed to file an inventory in court.
“Since we are many, we need more transparency as a family to have order and calmness in the family. For the above reasons, we request for your intervention in our matter and call all the parties; the Administrators and all the beneficiaries to the Estate of the late Ephraim Kisitu Ssalongo, for mediation and further directions so as the Administrators do not overstep their authority.” Reads the letter from the children of late Kisitu to the Registrar High Court.
They believed that the conduct of the Administrators is wanting and might lead to serious problems.
The letter was signed by Juliet Nantaba, Derrick Muwanga, Dennis Kaggwa, Immaculate Meeme Nangendo and other children of late Ephraim Kisitu.

On February 25, 2022, Ms Jacquelyn Mazinga Ssemakula, Assistant Administrator General/Public Trustees wrote to; Kenneth Mayambala, John Kaweesa, Mark Mivule, Harriet Nalubwama and Alice Terukanya communicating to them the court decision revoking their Letters of Administration.
“This office has been served with a judgement and Decree in respect of Civil Suit No.149/2019 Wherefore, your Letters of Administration obtained in 2017 vide High Court Administration cause No. 1782 of 2017 were revoked.” Reads letter from Administrator General.
Letter says, “As appointed Administrators then, you were among others to distribute the estate, make an account and secure the same. Suffice to note, since the said letters of Administration have since been revoked, it is prudent that you do surrender the following to this office for safety custody:
● Land title to Mawokota Block 107 Plot 2 Land at Namwambula
● Land title to Mawokota Block 107 Plot 6 measuring 33 acres 
● Land title to Busiro Block 306 plot 3168 measuring 0.591 hectares 
● Busiro Block 314 plot 1306 Land at Buloba measuring 0.5977 hectares 
● Busiro Block 314 plot 1307 Land at Buloba measuring 0.858 hectares
● Busiro Block 306 Plot 4532 Land at Bbira measuring 0.209 hectares 
“Further still, you are directed to avail us with an account and inventory of the estate to enable us establish the residues and the un-administered effects before we issue a Certificate of No Objection. All the above should be submitted to this office not later than March 2, 2022 at 11am.” Reads the letter which was copied to the Beneficiaries, Kyomukama & Co. Advocates, Anguria, Augon & Co. Advocates.
Before that, Ms Mazinga Jacquelyn Ssemakula the Assistant Administrator General /Public Trustees, had on February 3, 2022 written the widows and all adult Children, Sarah Nanziri, Betty Kisitu Nakayita, Justine Nassali Namirembe and the family lawyers, telling them how there was need for appointment of new Administrators.
Letter was inviting them for a meeting at the office of the Administrator General, Georgian House, Kampala, on February 9, 2022.
This followed the Revocation of Letters of Administration granted to Kenneth Mayambala, John Kaweesa, Mark Mivule, Harriet Nalubwama and Alice Terukanya.
The former Administrators did not attend the Administrator General’s meeting neither returning whatever she asked from them.

Giving them a certificate of No objection, Mr. Charles Kasibayo the Administrator General letter on Mach 16, 2022 to the newly appointed Administrators; Juliet Nantaba, Immaculate Nangendo, Derrick Muwanga, Denis Kaggwa, David Mayanja said, “Take notice that the Administrator General of Uganda does not object to your application for a grant of Letters of Administration/Letters of Probate in respect of the estate of Kisitu Ephraim Ssalongo, the deceased.
So whoever deals with the former Administration on behalf of the estate of late Kisitu Ephraim Ssalongo does so at his or her own peril!

In our Part II of this story, we dig deeper into the land deal of other 33 acres of Kisitu’s land involving Kampala businessman John Bosco Muwonge and a Kampala lawyer where former Administrators bagged billions to sale land to this businessmen without the consent of the children. Businessman is already worried of making huge losses as Kisitu’s children insist, he bought air.

For views/comments on this story, send us an email at newseditor.info@gmail.com 



● Manafwa Deputy RDC Lukka Kagenyi Deploys Them To ‘Debunk Opposition Lies’ In Bugishu Subregion, saying NRM will continue welcoming home opposition members who are ‘weary and burdened’
● ‘We Want To meet President Museveni To Confess Our Sins’, Begs Defectors

PHOTO: Defectors listening to Deputy RDC Kagenyi


MANAFWA Deputy Resident District Commissioner Mr. Kagenyi Lukka has organised a function at the District Hall to welcome to the ruling NRM party, 213 defectors from the two leading opposition political parties National Unity Platform (NUP) and Forum for Democratic Change (FDC).
Led by Kenneth Sibeke, Sam Wetete and Martin Waniala, the defectors said they are tired of feeding on lies and hatred, saying they have come out during broad day light to cross to the mass party and celebrate together the achievements of National Resistance Movement. 
“We have come in peace, we also want to be members of the big ruling party NRM, allow us in we are tired of feeding and spreading of opposition lies. Enough is enough.” Said defectors before cameras.
Addressing them, Deputy RDC Kagenyi assured them of a warm reception saying, “Just like the Holly Bible says, ‘Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest’, NRM, the mighty party will indeed give you a rest. Than you for choosing peace, steady progress and unity.”

We are reliably informed, these defectors worked so hard to deny NRM camp 100% victory in Manafwa district in the recently concluded 2021 presidential elections. Majority of them were Team Ssentamu Kyagulanyi (Bobi Wine) while others campaigned and supported FDC candidate Patrick Oboi Amuriat (POA). 
Their crossing to the ruling NRM according to Deputy RDC Lukka Kagenyi, is a big achievement. He says, these converts will help in consolidating NRM’S dominance in the politics of Manafwa district and of course the whole Bugishu Subregion.
Kagenyi urged them to debunk what he called opposition lies and advised them to work so closely with NRM leaders and all other members.
He asked them to form SACCOs so that they tap on government’s developmental projects as they access PDM and Emyoga cash for the social economic transformation.
They got excited when RDC promised to take them to the president, saying on meeting The party Chairman, they will spill opposition top secrets.
The defectors mainly came from the greater Butiru and great Buwagogo subcounties.
The greater Buwagogo is comprised of Buwagogo Subcounty, Manafa town council, Sibanga town council, Buta town council, Bukewa Subcounty, Buweswa subcounty, Buwangani town council and Mayanza subcounty. These are some of the areas making up Buburo West. 
Greater Butiru is comprised of Bukadara Subcounty, Butiru Subcounty, Lwanjisi subcounty, Bukusu subcounty and others making up Butiru Constituency.
Curved from Mbale district in 2005, Manafwa district is comprised of 32 lower administrative units. Subcounties are 27 are 5 town councils.  It has 156 parishes. 
Hon. Dr. Grace Kitutu Kimono is the district woman member of Parliament. She also doubles as Karamoja subregion Affairs’ minister.
Hon. Peter Christopher Werikhe is the MP representing Buburo West while Hon. Godfrey Matembu Wakooli represents Butiru constituency.

For views/comments on this story, WhatsApp editor on 0772523039



● Says Press Freedom Must Be Transmogrified Into Media Freedom Now That Includes Social Media
● ‘Some People Must Be Sensitised Even By Force, You Don’t Need To Seek Authority From A Stupid Fellow That He Or She Should Be Taught. That Fellow Must Access By Repetition And Simplification Knowledge Until He Or She Learns’, Argues Lawyer Mbidde
● Believes Law Was Drafted Out Of Anger To Curtailing Access To Information
● He Talks About Redpepper To Justify Media Evolution And Growth

PHOTO: ‘Village Philosopher’ Fred Mukasa Mbidde (right) meeting Next Media boss Kin Kalisa (left). Photo Credit: Next Media


HON. FRED MUKASA Mbidde of Mbidde& Company Advocates, a law firm on record for winning 5 cases in the East African Court of Justice and many other cases in Uganda is back in court to challenge President Museveni’s newly signed Computer Misuse Act. Counsel Mbidde says it’s a bad law which can’t be allowed on court records!
On Thursday last week, President Yoweri Museveni signed into law the Computer Misuse (Amendment) Bill, 2022 that could see citizens who violate the privacy of others, or tarnish their reputation online, given a five-year jail term, pay a fine to the tune on UGX 16M, or both.
The Bill, which was tabled by Kampala Central Member of Parliament Muhammad Nsereko and passed by Parliament on September 22, 2022, provides for a jail term for anybody who shares or sends unsolicited offensive information or hate speech.
Rights activists, journalists and politicians have faulted the new law on Computer Misuse, arguing that it could curtail press freedom and freedom of speech and expression.
In an exclusive interview with the News Editor Media, a leading investigative news Website in Uganda, EALA MP Mbidde argued that, “We can not grant the State capacity to determine what should be published, either on social media or any other media house. It has never been in its powers to determine. That power, a person has it inherently in that, to tell someone use it, you can’t be thanked.”
Mbidde said, it is like driving with your wife in a bus, and she thanks you for not raping her because men rape women. 
“It is prudent for any body not to do that. So, they thank you because you have not done it, is like granting freedom. That is why I am going to challenge that act. Because it has a lot of impropriety.” Vows Hon. Mbidde, who doubles as opposition Democratic Party (DP) Vice President.
He says, when you read through the committee report, on what Mps considered to pass the Computer Misuse Act, they are curtailing access to information. 
“They are talking about unsolicited information (sharing something unrequested) that it is criminal! No, some people must be sensitised even by force, you don’t need to seek authority from a stupid fellow that he or she should be taught. No! That fellow must access by repetition and simplification knowledge until he or she learns.” Reasons Hon. Mbidde, MD Elsie Hotel (EH) Masaka City.
For starters, the 5 cases Mbidde won before the East African Court of Justice includes;
● Ref No 6 2011: Mukasa Fred Mbidde and Others Vs EAC and the AG of Uganda.
● Ref No 2 of 2012 : Democratic Party Vs Uganda, Kenya, Tanzani, Burundi and Rwanda (then the 5 East Africa Countries with EALA representatives).
● Ref No 5 of 2015 : Mbidde Foundation Vs EAC (saving then Speaker, Rt. Hon Margaret Nantongo Ziwa, a Ugandan).
● Wani Santino Vs Republic of South Sudan 
● Burundi Vs EAC (Saving Speaker Rt. Hon Martin Ngoga, a Rwandese).
In Uganda, Mbidde won  32 Cases and applications against the election of Hon. Nobert Mao in 2010 as DP President General.
He is also on record for winning other commercial cases under Mbidde & Co ADVOCATES. This is the lawyer who is running back to court to challenge the newly signed Computer Misuse Act with high chances of his application being successful.
According to this law, a person who uses social media to publish, distribute or share information prohibited under the laws of Uganda, or using a disguised or false identity, commits an offence. 
The law also penalises recording of a person’s voice or video without permission, or unauthorised access to their personal information, which human rights activists and journalists have described as dangerous as it would interfere with journalism and collection of evidence for the prosecution in a case of bribery or any crime committed.
Mbidde said, “Ugandans, our problem is having a country which acts as a fire brigade. We don’t seek to look at the future. We just come to bring out fire, period.
The future of this country doesn’t lie in legislature to criminalise acts. It lies in freedoms that will evolve into social responsibility.”
Giving an example of Red pepper News Paper, Mbidde said it started when he was still Guild President Makerere University in his 2nd year.
He reminded us that he had bought Financial Times News paper and renamed it Financial Trends. 
“We were publishing stories about economics, analysis and other serious news articles but the people/market looked like they were not interested in our stories. They were instead buying Red pepper which was running what you can refer to as gutter news and Obscenities.” Said Mbidde.
He reminded us a story published by Red pepper of a naked woman standing on top of the table and down the table was a young boy whose eyes were glued at the woman’s private parts and the Headline was, ‘MAP READING’, Mbidde said, Red pepper sold like a hot cake with no returns that day.
“Because Redpepeper was left freely to operate, it evolved into a very serious news paper. To date, Red pepper no longer runs gutter news that is why you see, its editors are arrested over publishing serious political stories not the nude photos they used to run. So Red pepper evolved from where it started to where it is today. It’s a news paper you can trust with your children at home. That emerged from freedom not curtail.” Says Counsel Mbidde who also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communication.
Referring to United States of America, Mbidde said, Jefferson, once a President of this great State expoused a principal known as the libertarian theory of communucation.
According to this theory, when you give liberty to communicators, they can misuse it in interim but they grow eventually and evolve into responsible communicators. “That is what has accounted for the growth of the media industry in the USA and several other countries. It grew just like Red pepper and time will come when you will find no obscenity on social media.” Revealed Mbidde.
He gave an example of WhatsApp groups saying when they started, some members would post and share obscenities but it reached a time when group admins clean these groups and now there are groups that discussing serious material.
He says, the newly amended Computer Misuse Act is staypholing rights of social media, and the law framers are forgetting that social media is media.
Mbidde told us that in the past it was called press freedom,  because during that time there was no internet. 
“That was the media. Press freedom now must be transmogrified into media freedom, now that includes social media. There must be light available to every body to give opinions.” Argues Mbidde.
According to counsel Mbidde, one must be born with freedom to do every wrong thing in terms of speech and information until you get to school and learn.
Mbidde believes this law was drafted in a bad faith, just out of anger. 
“You can’t tell me that the law was drafted because someone was on Facebook and insulted you or the Head of State. That means, your are just pouring water on that fire. That man who posts or shares insults will eventually evolve into a responsible communicator the moment he starts losing audience. Then you will see him posting adverts on his page.” Mbidde reasons, adding, “Because if you use the same facebook page to advertise let me say, Geisha, people will say, but you were insulting Kabaka. Then you stop insulting Kabaka. The owner of the page will become a responsible fellow. You don’t need a law to become so. Freedoms must be guaranteed, it doesn’t matter what you use it for in the interim, what matters is how you are going to deal with it.”
Asked whether his going to court won’t jeopardise DP’s cooperation with ruling NRM, Mbidde said, “Our agreement is on the content. Part of it includes an overhaul of the laws of Uganda.”
Let’s watch the space!

For views/comments on this story, send us an email on newseditor.info@gmail.com



PHOTO: The chairman of Buganda Land Board Eng. Martin Kasekende (2nd left) and the Managing Director Centenary Bank Fabian Kasi (2nd from right) after signing MOU. Middle is Owek Patrick Luwagga Mugumbule, Speaker Buganda Lukiiko


CENTENARY Bank and Buganda Land Board (BLB) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to enable seamless land title processing for the bank’s customers.
In this arrangement, Buganda Land Board a professional organisation set up by His Majesty Kabaka to manage and protect Kingdom land will offer survey and title processing services for all bank customers that want Kyapa Loans from the central region.
Speaking at the MOU signing held at the bank’s head offices on Mapeera building, Kampala road, the Managing Director Centenary Bank Fabian Kasi recognized Buganda Land Board’s experience in the land management sector as one of the reasons they have sought their services.
“It’s a pleasure to have this MOU signing with Buganda Land Board as we work towards simplifying the life of our customers seeking to acquire land titles. This partnership will see both the bank and Buganda Land Board synergize in matters pertaining acquisition of land.” Said Mr. Fabian Kasi.
The chairman of Buganda Land Board Eng. Martin Kasekende appreciated Centenary bank for the vote of confidence in the organization’s capacity to handle all land-related matters.
“We consider ourselves a one-stop-centre on land matters because of our expertise in this sector that spans more than 28 years. We promise Centenary Bank and its many clients that we will not break their trust,” Said Eng. Kasekende.
He revealed that, this memorandum serves to concretize the longstanding relationship Buganda Land Board has with Centenary Bank under the Lease Access Financing Initiative where people on Kabaka’s land acquire land titles not by paying a lumpsum but through affordable installments. 
According to Kasekende, Buganda Land Board now has a fully-fledged department that handles people on land other than Kabaka’s who are the main target of this new arrangement. 
The event was officiated by the Buganda Lukiiko Speaker Owek. Patrick Luwagga Mugumbule who represented the Katikkiro while the Director Land Management at the Ministry of Lands Naome Kabanda attended on behalf of the ministry.
Ms Kabanda applauded Buganda Land Board for its professionalism in land management and promised government’s technical support in this new arrangement.

Kabaka set up Buganda Land Board (BLB), a professional body, to manage land and property returned under the Restitution of Assets and Properties Act of 1993. 
Such property includes among others; The Bulange, The Lubiri at Mengo, The Butikkiro, The Buganda Court Building, Kabaka’s official 350 square miles of land, Namasole’s 10 square miles of land, Bannaalinnya’s Land, Kabaka’s lake, Former Omulamuzi and Omuwanika’s Official Residencies at Mengo, Land Adjacent to The Mengo Lubiri on which Buganda Ministrial Houses used to stand, all Bassekabaka’s Tombs, Buganda Works Building at Kakeeka, Basiima House and Nnaalinya’s House at Lubaga.
Furthermore, the assets under BLB mandate extend to include all those as outlined by the M.O.U between the President of Uganda and His Majesty the Kabaka. They include the former estates of Buganda Kingdom comprising:
● Land in urban centres or towns
● Land where former administration headquarters i.e Counties and Sub-counties were situated
● Land not claimed, utilized or occupied any lawful or bonified occupant.
● Land on Mityana Road (Jjeza Farm)
● Former Buganda Kingdom Markets
Buganda Land Board has branches and service centres in all the 18 of Buganda counties to offer effective service delivery to all it’s clients.

For views/comments on this story, send us an email on nwwseditor.info@gmail.com



PHOTO: Dr. Siranda (in Kanzu) with Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa (left)


ALL is set for opposition Democratic Party (DP)’s Secretary General Dr. Gerald Blacks Siranda to be nominated today Tuesday September 20, 2022 for Member of Parliament East African Legislative Assembly  (EALA) 2022-2027.
Nominations are on-going at Parliament of Uganda. Siranda’s delegation we have been briefed, will be led by none other than DP President General who also doubles as Justice and Constitution Affairs minister Hon. Nobert Mao together with his VP Hon. Fred Mukasa Mbidde.
We are reliably Informed that, after the nominations, Hon. Mbidde who has successfully served as EALA MP for two terms, will host Dr. Siranda’s delegation for a party at Serena Hotel Kampala.
Dr. Siranda who this leading investigative news website almost a year ago predicted that he will sail through to EALA, last week was officially endorsed by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who is the chairman of ruling NRM Party and directed NRM Members of Parliament who forms the majority, to vote for Siranda, a leader he talked about as disciplined and competent.
Museveni also cleared Justice Forum’s SG Haji Muhammad Kateregga and UPC’s SG Fred Ebil.
The three will join NRM’s six candidates to make 9 Members of Parliament, a total of MPs each member State sends in EALA every after 5 years’ term.
Museveni this time left out independents, their slot given to JEEMA’s Kateregga, due to what analysts say, this party’s religious participation in IPOD and believing in politics of dialogue.
In fact all the three parties whose candidates President Museveni gave a green to go to EALA are very active in EALA.
Not like National Unity Platform (NUP) and Forum for Democratic Change (FDC). 
For starters, NUP said won’t front any candidate for EALA although it’s the leading opposition party in Uganda and for FDC, their flag bearer Harold Kaija looks like he is just flogging a dead horse! 
Besides his endorsement by NRM chairman, the three opposition parties are in good books of Rt. Hon. Anita Annet Among who is the Heads the 11th Parliament and to those knowing this Bukedea district woman member of Parliament, she has an upper hand in determining who will go to EALA.
The number of independents who will try their luck is expected to be big but their chances are very slim!  
529 members of the 11th Parliament are the voters of the 9 MPs to represent Uganda in EALA 2022-2027. 

On Wednesday February 9, 2022 after President Museveni met the four political party secretary generals who attended the Inter-Party Organisation Dialogue (IPOD) at State House Nakasero, Dr. Siranda asked for a few minutes to privately talk to the IPOD boss, Mr. Museveni.
For starters, Museveni is the current Chairman IPOD. That day, the IPOD meeting was attended by JEEMA’s Muhammad Kateregga, UPC’s Fred Ebil, DP’s Siranda and NRM’s Richard Todwong.
In a very humble soft voice, Dr. Siranda a young man from Eastern region told Museveni that, “Your Excellency, I won DP Primaries for EALA but there is no way I can make it without your blessings. Sir, I am begging you to help me achieve my dream.”
Siranda told a listening Museveni that he is well furnished with issues of regional coperation and the need for a common maket, so if sent to Arusha, he will foster the cause.
He talked about himself as a peace loving citizen who detests activism, telling the Head of State that he will lift the Ugandan flag higher if he gets the President’s endorsement. 
In his response, Museveni said he was happy to hear that DP is sending a young man he knows very well.
“NRM will support your candidature. I will direct NRM Secretary General to immediately work on that. All will be fine my son, you are a very discplined muzzukulu.” Noted the President.
We are told, there after, Museveni acted immediately and gave directives to Todwong and Thomas Tayebwa who was then the NRM Government Chief Whip, to make sure Siranda goes through undisturbed.
Fact is, there is nothing that has won Siranda EALA endorsement like the Inter-Party Organization for Dialogue (IPOD) meetings. He has been in top leadership and this has brought him closer to leaders of different political parties more so NRM which has the majority MPs. These meetings have depicted him as a national leader who agitates for peace, good governance and dialogue. 

For those who don’t know, going by the 11th Parliament composition with NRMs being the majority, there is no way an opposition member can win EALA seat without NRM’s blessings.
NRM has a total of 339 MPs. Opposition are only 107 out of 529 MPs. Even if opposition MPs are allowed to vote twice, opposition MPs can’t take through their candidate. So, NRM votes count and Dr. Siranda has this vote.
Now that Siranda has been officially endorsed by ‘baba’, it’s automatic he will sail through.
We think it’s not too early to congratulate Dr. Siranda upon this great achievement in life.

A trusted source says, Dr. Siranda has been loyal to the party, and at no single moment has he ever rebelled against DP. No wonder, he defeated money magnet Babirye Kabanda in EALA Primaries. 
Siranda is dependable and trusted. The party feels comfortable to deploy such a brilliant young man to EALA to replace an encyclopedia Hon. Fred Mukasa Mbidde.

Siranda is not tribalistic, he is a National figure. A fluent soft speaking young man,  Dr. Siranda comes from Bukedi, a region that has never had any person elected EALA MP. 
For starters,  Eastern region is among the regions with big numbers of MPs in the 11th Parliament. They are 198. This is a very good start for the son of the soil. Dr. Siranda if they unanimously vote for their son of the soil.

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