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PHOTO: Nangabo Foundation Executive Director Hon. Muwada Nkunyingi interacting with his people in Kyadondo East Constituency


NANGABO Foundation, a fully registered local Human Rights Non Government Organisation (NGO) has organised a mega symposium tomorrow on Wednesday January 25, 2023 under the Theme: Human Rights, Climate and Environment conservation. It will run from 8:00am to mid day at Hotel Africana, Kampala.
We have been reliably informed that, a good number of high profile people have already confirmed their attendance.
According to the Executive Director Nangabo Foundation Hon. Counsel Muwada Nkunyingi (Kyadondo East Member of Parliament), from 7:00am to 8:00am will be arrival of Participants. Then Symposium will start at 8:00am sharp with panelists Xavier Ejoy (Country Director, Action Aid), Dr. Lina Zedriga ( Deputy President National Unity Platform) and Ms. Mariam Wangadya (Chairperson, Uganda Human Rights Commission). Topic of this first session will be Human Rights Values and Protection. The role of Citizens and Leaders. From 9:30 am to 10:30 am it will be open discussion and responses.
Second session will kick off at 10:30 am to 11:30 am under the topic: Climate and Environment conservation as a right, the role of cotizens and leaders.
Panelists will be; Kate Airey Obe (British High Commission), Mrs. Barbie Itungo Kyagulanyi (Caring Hearts Uganda) and Dr. Barirenga Akankwasa (Executive Director NEMA).
Open Discussion after this session will take one hour from 11:30am to 12:00pm. Then closing remarks and departure.

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PHOTO: Dr. Kimbowa

● Commonly known as Dr. PK, a few years ago, Dr. Peter Kimbowa was named one of the 101 World’s best Corporate coaches by the World Human Resource Development Congress that is celebrated in USA, UK, Europe, Africa, GCC and Asia.
● Tondeka was name and awarded by Gen. Katumba Wamala, Best Passenger Transport Company of the Year 2022 Award.


FORMER workers MP Dr. Sam Lyomoki together with a clique of disgruntled elements have been cited in a blackmail drive to taint National Social Security Fund (NSSF) Board Chairman Dr. Peter Kimbowa and Tondeka Bus, a Company working hand in hand with Kiira Motors Corporation Uganda on the directives of President Museveni to make new buses.
Kiira Motors Corporation is a State Enterprise in Uganda established to champion the Development of the Domestic Automotive Value Chain for job and wealth creation and commercialize the Kiira Electric Vehicle Project. 

President Museveni cleared Tondeka buses to end traffic jam caused by private cars in and around Kampala

This leading investigative news website has landed on an anonymous letter said to have been crafted by the Lyomoki clique petitioning The Insepector General of Governm Attorney General of Government requesting to investigate Mr. Peter Kimbowa alleging that no sooner had he been appointed Chairman Board of Directors NSSF, than, Tondeka bus company was able to put 10 new buses on Kampala street on guesswork that, he might have used workers money to buy, the 10 new Tondeka buses on the street”.
Meanwhile, this anonymous letter dated January 18 2023 has been rubbished by sources in both Tondeka bus company and NSSF saying the allegations don’t add up, doesnt have any iota of truth and letter is good for dustbin.
“If it is true that it is Dr. Sam Lyomoki and his clique behind these baseless allegations, we advise him to find something meaningful to do and stop being idle. We can all imagine how he feels after losing an MP seat. We advise him to try farming or rearing goats, it is good business. Let him desist from spreading lies and blackmailing people.”
Said our source in NSSF asking public to disregard that rubbish.
Our reliable sources in Tondeka have told us, “In Tondeka, we dont have time to respond to lazy minds. Actions will speak for us. Mr. Kimbowa was once our Chairman, and when he got a job at NSSF, we congratulated him and he resigned. At Tondeka, we moved on. So there is nolonger anything like that attachment between Tondeka and Mr. Kimbowa.”
Showing gaps in the anonymous letter said to have been received by the office of The IGG, sources in Tondeka say, it is not true that the company brought 10 buses as alleged.
“Fact is, we have so far boought 5 buses from Kiira Motors Corporation. Those are the buses you see, giving service to our people in and around Kampala. We entered into parternship with Kiira Motors who are making the buses for us.”
Said sources in Tondeka.
They said, Tondeka is a private company and its owners have never got even a single coin from government or any government parastatal. 

Free Wifi, cheap, effective and clean Tondeka buses

“Its true we have a target of over 1000 buses to simplify transport and traffic jam issues in Kampala. The Head of State welcomed the idea and he was grateful to learn that we are buying our buses from Kiiro Motors Uganda, locally made buses.” Sources who preferred not to mention their names, told us.
This clears Mr. Kimbowa’s name and those spreading lies to tarnish his clean name are just logging a dead horse.

Commonly known as Dr. PK, a few years ago was named one of the 101 World’s best Corporate coaches by the World Human Resource Development Congress that is celebrated in USA, UK, Europe, Africa, GCC and Asia.
Kimbowa received the citation at Celebrations to mark 28 years of the World HRD congress that took place at the Taj Lands End, Mumbai, India.
Dr. R. Bhatia the founder of the world sustainability Congress said that the awardees were identified after an international research process undertaken by the research cell which consists of Post Graduates in History & Management with over 5 years research experience, an iconic job that produced a shortlist of Individuals who are doing extraordinary work. The shortlist was then reviewed by a Jury comprising of senior professionals from all over the globe. Chairman of the jury, Professor Indira Parikh, Ex Dean of IIM Ahmedabad & President – Antardisha, spoke of Dr. Peter Kimbowa as a leader who has set a big example for transformation and change not only in Africa but also around the globe. Dr. Kimbowa is a corporate Board member and advisor to several Boards including but not limited to; ESKOM (U), Equity Bank, Baylor College of Medicine which is based both in Mulago Hospital and Houston Texas, Kampala Archdiocese and advisor to the Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU). He is the reigining Board of Directors NSSF.
A soft speaking gentleman, well educated, down to earth, approachable and a man of his word. You need to work under Dr. Kimbowa, then you will know how transparent managers behave. 

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SPEAKER OF PARLIAMENT: Rt. Hon. Annet Anita Among


RT. HON. Speaker of Parliament Anita Among has asked the Minister of Works and Transport to expedite design and tarmacking of Kamuli-Buyende, Kaliro-Nabirumba-Iyingo-Kagulu-Irundu roads which she argues were budgeted for in the previous financial year.
While responding to a matter raised by Kaliro Woman MP Namutuka Brenda during the January 19 Plenary Sitting, Speaker Among said several concerns had been raised about the section of the road, which calls for urgent intervention.
“I have received concerns over those roads, which for long has been in a bad state and nothing has been done. I implore the line ministry to listen to calls from citizens and work on those roads, and many others in that state,” Speaker Among said.
Ms Namutuku informed Parliament that that sections of the roads had become impassable, worsened by heavy rains, which had paralyzed trade and transport in the area.
Worth noting, the same issue was earlier brought to the President’s attention in a letter drafted by Budiope East legislator, Hon Moses Magogo requesting for consideration for construction of the same roads to which Mr Museveni responded in affirmative, and a contractor was identified.
The Speaker’s guidance comes at a time when a large section of the roads infrastructure has broken down, worsened by heavy rains in a large part of Uganda.
Government continues to face challenges with an increased breakdown in the road infrastructure as a result of natural calamities.

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WHITE SMOKE: Enos Kitto Kagodo is the Bishop-elect Mukono Diocese

Meanwhile Mothers’ Union elect new President, other leaders


NEWLY elected 5th Bishop of Mukono Diocese Church of Uganda the Very Rev Canon Enos Kitto Kagodo of St. Philip’s and Andrew’s Cathedral Mukono has testified before The House of Bishops how he was a drunkard thanking God for saving him.
Addressing fellow servants of God, Bishop-elect Kagodo said, “I thank God who saved me from being a drunkard and from the life full of destructive behaviours which I had started as a juvenile.”
Kagodo who was elected by The House of Bishops today morning at Lweza Training and Conference center, has taken over from Bishop James William Ssebaggala, defeating Godfrey Ssengendo of Mukono Nassuuti in one of the hottest races ever! 
Bishop-elect Kitto Kagodo will be consecrated and enthroned as Bishop of Mukono Diocese on February 26th 2023 as the Fifth Bishop of Mukono Diocese at St. Philip’s and Andrew’s Cathedral, Mukono.
Rev. Enos was born on 13th December 1968 in Nakisunga Sub-country in Mukono District. He was born again on 14th October 1994. 
He earned a Master of Divinity degree and a Bachelor in Health Administration from Uganda Christian University, after receiving diplomas and certificates in the same fields. 
Rev. Enos is currently the Provost of St. Philip’s and Andrew’s Cathedral in Mukono. Prior to this position, he has served as a parish priest, Archdeacon, and Diocesan Health Coordinator. 
He was ordained a deacon on 9th June 2002 in Mukono Diocese and then made a reverend on 12th December 2004. He has served on school management committees as well as various Diocesan Boards in the course of his ministry.
Rev. Enos is married to Catherine Namuddu and God has blessed them with seven biological children and many spiritual children.
In one of the messages congratulating him, Manafwa Deputy RDC Kagenyi Lukka has said, “He is a son to Late Philip Kalule Kagodo and a brother to Ambassador Moses Kalule Kasujja.”

Rev. Onesimus Asiimwe has been Elected 6th Bishop of North Kigezi Diocese. He testified how he was a heavy smoker before getting born again. He was born again on January 8th 1988. After a night of heavy alcohol drinking, he heard the Lord say to him the next morning, “Onesimus, do you not know that your body is the Temple of God?”
In response to the voice, Onesimus told Bishops, “I threw away the cigarette dangling between my fingers ad called on Jesus for salvation. The Holy Spirit 
convicted me to repent of my sins and to make a public confession of my new found faith, which I did that very evening during our family prayer time and a couple of days later in our local church in Kihanga.”
He will be consecrated and enthroned as Bishop on 12th March 2023 at Emmanuel Cathedral, Kinyansano, Rukungiri.
Rev Onesimus was born on 24th April 1965 in Mparo, Rukiga District. He earned a Master of Divinity from Uganda Christian University, a Bachelor of Education from Makerere University, and a Diploma in Education from the National Teachers College in Kabale. He has attended numerous capacity building trainings locally, as well as internationally.
Rev. Onesimus is currently the Chaplain of St. Francis Chapel, Makerere University. Prior to this position, he served as the Provincial Youth and Students Coordinator where he helped develop the very influential PAYSCO (Provincial Annual Youth and Students Convention) programme. He also served as the Chaplain to Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi, and Coordinator of the Provincial Healing, Deliverance, and Intercessory Prayer Ministry.
Rev. Onesimus is married to Florence and the Lord has blessed them with three children.

Early morning, The Mothers’ Union Annual General Meeting sitting at Lweza Training and Conference Centre today elected Mrs. Grace Murengezi from the Diocese of Kampala as the Provincial Mothers’ Union President replacing Canon Dr. Ruth Senyonyi who has served for eight years.
During the same meeting, Mrs. Caroline Cik from Northern Uganda Diocese was elected as the Vice President replacing Maama Dr. Alice Mwesigwa from Ankole Diocese.
Mrs. Grace murengezi who was until her election today been the Provincial Mothers’ Union Treasurer, is married to Eng. Moses Murengezi and God has blessed them with four sons and grand children.
The election was presided over by the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, The Most Rev Dr Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu; Rev Canon William Ongeng, the Provincial Secretary and Rev Simon Peter Ddembe, the Director of Missions and Outreach.
During the same meeting, members elected Regional Presidents and Community Development Coordinators (CDC’s) as follows;
Western Uganda President- Mama Jean Magezi (North West Ankole Diocese)
CDC: Mrs. Olive Magezi (West Ankole Diocese)
Eastern Uganda President: Mrs. Natasha Isabirye Kagoya (Busoga Diocese)
CDC: Mrs. Betty Taata Nesihwe (Bukedi Diocese)
Central Uganda President: Mrs. Roseline Biingi Kawiso (Namirembe Diocese)
CDC: Mrs. Janet Kibuuka (West Buganda Diocese)
Northern Uganda President: Canon Grace Kissa (Lango Diocese)
CDC: Rev. Capt. Hellen Munduru (Madi West Nile Diocese). 
According to Mrs Barbara Mugisha the Mothers’ Union and Family Life Ministry coordinator, the rest of the committee positions will be filled by the Mothers’ Union Council which will sit very soon.
Past Provincial Mothers’ Union Presidents are; Mama Geraldine Kauma, Canon Gwennie Rukare, Canon Jolly Babirukamu, Mrs. Vivian Kityo, Rev. Canon. Dr. Edidah Mujinya and Canon Dr. Ruth Senyonyi.

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GROUP PHOTO: Speaker Anita Among with Parliament female staff shortly after their meeting at Hotel Africana, today


EALIER today, Rt. Hon. Annet Anita Among, Speaker Parliament met the female staff of Parliament of Uganda at Hotel Africana in Kampala, who joined the Parliamentary service in recent years.
Speaker appreciated them for what she referred as distinguished service they render to the legislature.
Anita Among called upon employers to safeguard their employees against sexual harassment in the workplaces that is usually perpetuated by men against women. She noted that no woman should have to tolerate such a conduct as it violates the respect and dignity of the victim.
During this meeting, Ms. Anita Among implored female employees to speak up against any form of sexual harassment that they experience at work.

Among said, at Parliament, her administration recognizes the roles female staff play in aiding the performance and excellence of the Legislature.
She called on them to maintain unity of purpose, cooperation and team work as the Parliamentary Service undergoes strategic changes and growth.
Madam Speaker said she is aware that women at the workplace face unique realities, “And there is need for us to openly deliberate upon such realities to make the workplace a better environment for us all.”
Without mincing words, Rt. Hon. Anita Among noted that, “I am aware that one of the main challenges faced by women in a work environment is sexual harassment, usually in the form of unwelcome or inappropriate sexual advances, with promises of rewards and favours.”
The Bukedea district woman Member of Parliament said, sometimes it may take even wilder forms devoid of requests for sexual favours but forms such as verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.
“The Parliamentary Commission has a fully-fledged anti-sexual harassment policy enshrined in Section 9 of the Parliamentary Service Human Resource Policy Manual.

The same policy also stipulates the complaints procedure in terms of how such cases are reported and handled so as to ensure utmost confidentiality.” Anita told female staff at Parliament. 
She therefore asked them not to condone sexual harassment,but fight it if it surfaces.
“Today’s meeting is a wakeup call to you all, including other workplaces, to condone sexual harassment. Let us fight this iniquity together. Vices of this nature strive when victims keep quiet. It therefore requires us to be open about it so we can confront it and its perpetrators head on. My position is steadfast and clear; No person is too powerful to be confronted. I urged our girls to feel free to approach me or a colleague they are comfortable with, and report any form of sexual harassment you are suffering.”
Said Speaker Anita Among.
She urged the Clerk to Parliament to ensure that our policies and regulations decisively deal with any forms of exploitation or discrimination based on gender, creed, religion or any other socio-cultural variable.
She re-echoed her vision for the Parliamentary Service that it is an all-inclusive, united, cohesive and productive workforce that depicts a national image and character.
Speaker asked female staff to work confidently and securely knowing that her administration will not condone any form of exploitation.
She also urged them to uphold high levels of professionalism at the workplace in the way they dress, present themselves and relate with their colleagues. 
At an appropriate time, Speaker promised to also meet the male staff at Parliament and have a candid discussion with them saying professionalism helps to draw boundaries and avoid transgressions in human interactions.

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PHOTO: When Speaker Anita Among (right) hosted the High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to Uganda H.E Velupillai Kananathan at my residence. Both had cordial discussions on how the two Countries can work together to achieve their shared goals and interests


RT. HON. Speaker of Parliament Anita Annet Among  has this afternoon outset preparations for the coming 27th Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth, reaffirming Parliament’s readiness to host the conference due January next year.

This was occasioned by the ongoing conference in the Australian capital of Canberra where the Deputy speaker Thomas Tayebwa represented the Speaker, during which Uganda was chosen to host the next sitting.
The conference will bring together Speakers and Presiding Officers of the national Parliaments of the independent sovereign states of the Commonwealth.
“The main objective of this conference is to maintain, foster and encourage impartiality and fairness on the part of Speakers and Presiding Officers of Parliament, promote knowledge and understanding of parliamentary democracy in its various forms; and develop parliamentary institutions.”
Speaker Among revealed during a meeting with Parliament’s top leadership and MPs this afternoon.

Madam Speaker said, “The conference is also an opportunity for our people to tap into various opportunities in sectors such as hospitality, transport, as well as showcase Uganda’s tourism potential.’’
The conference is expected to attract at least 500 delegates including Clerks and Secretaries-General of national Parliaments, parliament staff.

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RIO GAVIN Ferdinand OBE, one of the finest defenders in world football during 12 successful years at Manchester United and now a television pundit for BT Sport has released a statement in which he defends former team mate Cristiano Ronaldo’s move to Asia!

Ferdinand believes, the media is shameful, when Rooney, Beckham, Lampard and Gerrard went to America they said it was a great way to end their careers, to make a lot of money in a league that isn’t as competitive and they deserved.
“This is all I have been reading in the media. But when Cristiano Ronaldo decided to do this, it became a shame and a disaster all because he went to Saudi Arabia…”
Writes Former England defender.
He continues to say, “I am glad Cristiano is finally happy. For any footballer, whatever his level, happiness and being content in the environment in which we play is one of the most important things. He hasn’t been happy for a while so I am glad he is about to find that happiness again, even if it’s at an unexpected club.” Rio Ferdinand noted that, this is an adventure for Cristiano to go to Saudi Arabia, to discover a brand new league, saying it is a highly competitive league in Asia.
“I have seen people comment and some experts saying it was a sad way for him to end his career. The only sadness is how it ended at Manchester United. I think in hindsight, in a few years he will look back and feel this could have been handled differently. But this next chapter, going to Saudi Arabia, what a sad way to end your career? I don’t understand how people can say this?” Asked Ferdinand.
He says this is a new adventure where Ronaldo takes his family to discover a new culture too.
“All the other great players who went to a less competitive league to end their careers deserved it. And no man on the planet has earned the right to do it more than Cristiano.”
Said Ferdinand.

Cristiano left Machester United after getting misunderstandings with club management. He has now settled with club Al-Nassr in Saudi Arabia and will be the higly paid footballer on planet earth.

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PHOTO: From right; Archbishop Kaziimba Mugalu, Rev. Samuel Muwonge and Bishop Kityo Luwalira during a Crossover night at Namirembe Diocese on 31st December 2022

● Kityo Luwalira’s Term As Bishop Namirembe Diocese Ends This Year on December 8, 2023
● Saluted For Being A Preacher of The Gospel Not Just A Mere Bishop
● Rev. Samuel Muwonge’s Mission Department Appreciated For Organising A Great Crossover Night 


WHEREAS preparations for Dr. Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira to leave office as Bishop Namirembe Diocese this year on December 8, have kicked off and those who are interested in this prestigious holy seat started showing interest, Archbishop Dr. Samuel Steven Kaziimba Mugalu has sent a tough message to the House Bishops in charge of electing a new Bishop.
Speaking during a mega Crossover night at Namirembe Cathedral organised by Rev. Samuel Muwonge the Diocesan Mission Department Secretary, Archbishop Kaziimba said the House of Bishops must be very careful while electing Bishop Luwalira’s successor.
Without mincing words Kaziimba said, “We want a good successor of Bishop Kityo Luwalira who will not just become a Bishop but the preacher of the gospel. Not just a gospel or something which looks like a gospel but the real gospel of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Master of Masters, the one who was, will, the same God yesterday, today and tomorrow.”

Amidst applause from hundreds of people of God who filled St. Pauls Cathedral Namirembe gardens to capacity, Archibishop Kaziimba Mugalu said Namirembe Diocese needs a bishop who will fit in Luwalira’s shoes and able to carry on his legacy especially in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The supreme leader of Anglican Church in Uganda first saluted Bishop Kityo Luwalira for his serving God with one heart and said, “We thank Bishop Luwalira for giving us this opportunity. You know this is his last opportunity as the Bishop to gather us all here at the end of year as we cross to a new year.We should thank God for giving us life and for Namirembe Bishop who created this atmosphere that we all gather here to welcome new year. We can’t take it for granted. Some people may not like it but it’s good to spend time before the Lord when we are jubilating at the end of the year.”
Quoting a British saying that, ‘You will never know the wealth of the well until it dries up.’ Kaziimba said you may abuse the well, despise it, you may say, what kind of water is this, but when it dries up, that is when you will know how useful the well was. 
“The usefulness of Bishop Luwalira in the ministry of evangelism will be known when he retires,” Said Kazimba Mugalu.
He noted that, Luwalira is a true witness of God who, “Knew your end before your knew your beginning. The one who understands you better, who is there for you, although no body is there, but for him is around. Although others are against you, God is with you. He goes ahead of you, he follows you, he is above you, he goes below you, to supports you,  he is around you, he is our God who has been with you in 2022. He is walking with you in 2023. This is your God our Bishop and all of us witness.” 
Kaziimba appreciated  Rev. Samuel Muwonge the Mission cordinator for the job well done saying, he is really a hard-working man.

“I have been hearing his gospel and worship. Thank you for supporting Mission  department. God will not leave you unpaid. God is not forgetful, he is not unfair that he will forget what you have done. He can’t forget your giving for the mission.” Said Archbishop. Mission Department of Namirembe Diocese has put up a magnificent Mission House and Kaziimba requested for more financial support.
Reading in Numbers 23:19 where God says, ‘I am not a  man that I should lie, neither a son of a man that I should repent: who has said and shall not he not do it or has he spoken and shall he not make it good,’ Kaziimba assured the congregation that God can do everything. Nothing can defeat God. 
“One thing God can not do, he can not worship himself. We worship him. And when you worship him, you leave him with no choice other than pouring his blessings to you. God doesn’t sprinkle his blessings, he just pours his blessing. As we enter 2023, he going to pour his blessings.” Declared Archbishop Kaziimba Mugalu.

In his gospel which ushered Anglican Church into New Year 2023, Archbishop told Church of Uganda that amidst all challenges they experienced in 2022, there is hope in 2023.
Referring to a reading in the Book of Job 14: 7 which says, ‘For there is hope of a tree if it be cut down that it will sprout again and that the tender branch thereof will not cease’, Kaziimba said we have had a number of challenges, atleast there is Hope amidst everything, he is our God. 
He said the book of Job in the Bible talks about God’s greatness, God’s supremacy, and also brings Setan and his works but there is one important thing why the book of Job was written, to demonstrate God’s power and the meaning of true faith. It is demonstrated when one goes through challenges. A true believer should not expect a smooth journey. 

He said the book of Job is here to remind us that there is power in God. Job focusses on God. 
“But this book raises a question, why should believers suffer! We were not called to be in a smooth life. Jesus himself was crucified but  John 16:33 says, ‘rejoice because I have conquered the earth.’ Amidst challenges, rejoice in the name of lord Jesus Christ.” Kaziimba Mugalu asked Anglicans.

Earlier, Namirembe Bishop Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira who some people said sounded political, said in the year 2023, Jesus should open eyes of those who dont see what is happening in the country, what Ugandans are going through.
A soft speaking Luwalira who is known for his humility and incorruptible heart read in the book of Luke 18:35-48 about a blind man who was seated on the roadside begging. On hearing Jesus of Nazareth passing by, he shouted at the top of his voice, asking Jesus to have mercy upon him.
“People who were with Jesus shouted at this blind man to keep quiet but he kept on shouting until Jesus asked what he wanted from him. The blind man demanded to regain his sight. Jesus directed that this man see again and his eyes opened.” Preached Bishop Luwalira.

He said many people in Uganda are blind and don’t see what is transpiring, prayed that may God open their eyes in 2023. He also said others have eyes but still can’t see. May God help them to see clearly.
“Brethren, there is seeing but when you are not seing clearly. What do you see in our country, do you really understand the happenings? Do you see the politics in our country, the economy, healthy standards in the country, do you see and really understand them? May God open our eyes in 2023 like that blind man.” Said Bishop Luwalira who is known for his boldness against corruption in the country, abductions and political torture.
“Now if some of you say that you are not blind, you see, it’s fine. Therefore see things rightly. When you look at the way things move in the country, know that the situation is alarming! Don’t pretend that you don’t see how things are going on in our country. Be realistic. May God help you see that seasons come and go, and that may we know the seasons and what to do.” Bishop Luwalira said in parables.
Analysts say, about those who barked at the blind man to keep quiet, Luwalira might have been referring to those in power, silencing Ugandans whenever they demand for service delivery.
He assured Ugandans how God is ready to open their eyes in 2023 and country will not remain the same.
Also Luwalira thanked Mission Secretary Rev. Muwonge for the great crossover night and how it was publicised. 
He explained why Church of Uganda don’t blow fireworks at the ushering in of new year saying, theirs isnt a matter of an event but time to worship and praise God, time to forward their prayer requests for new year.

Preachers led by Apostle Victor Uchebulum from lagos Nigeria who preached about  making the name of Jesus a legal tender in 2023.
Reading Phillipians 2:5, He said, “Jesus is our purchasing power, our bargaining power, is our legal right to obtain anything from God. To do anything on earth, we need the name Jesus. It is indeed  our authority of bargain.” He led the praying and deliverance session. Other preachers were: Rev. Samuel Muwonge, Caon Abraham Lubega Kisaakye and Rev. Simon Peter Ddembelyayesu the Mission Secretary of the Province.

Praising and worshiping was led by Rev. Samuel Muwonge and the Mission choir. 
Other singers like the K brothers entertained the congregation.

Function started with Bible competition which was won by Racheal Kisaakye from Nakibizzi in Mukono Diocese. She defeated Daudi Lumala, Samuel Ssempaka, Samuel Lugayizi, Cathy Baagala among others.

News Editor Media is proud to have been part of the Namirembe Diocese Crossover night 2022.

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ALL roads on Saturday December 31st will lead to Kyambogo University Cricket Oval for the mega National Passover 2022 as Ugandans usher in new year 2023 in the presence of God! 
Passover is a National Born Again event that ends a year and ushers in a new year. This year’s Passover runs under the theme: ‘The Gibeon Encounter – More Than You Can Ask For’ 2nd Chronicles 1: 7-13.
Normally, Passover festival takes place at Mandela National Stadium Namboole but this year, it will be held at Kyambogo University where three big play grounds which accomodates about 100, 000 people have been spared for this big annual event, thanks to the organising committee.
For starters, Namboole is still under renovation courtsey of ministry of Education and Sports. It can not be used by public until work is done in June 2023.
The chief convener Presiding Apostle of the Born Again Faith in Uganda Dr. Joseph Serwadda who is also the lead Pastor at Victory Christian Church – Ndeeba has spoken to The News Editor Media, a leading news website and assured people of God from all walks of the country and outside Uganda that all is set for the Passover 2022, a National event! 

Dr. Serwadda told us how wiring of all lights and sound testing is done. 
“On Friday intercessors numbering to 15,000 were taken to Kyambogo for intercession to call for God’s presence of God this place.” Said Presiding Apostle Dr. Serwadda.
He notified us about how the final security meeting was also held at Kyambogo today for security teams to be briefed on who will take over which part at Kyambogo and how to detect elements of crime.
We are told, all places of sanitization have been set up and inspected in respect to Ministry of Health Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) in the fight against Covid 19.
On Saturday very early morning, Security will return with dogs to detect bombs.
Gates will officially open for public at 8am on Saturday morning. And who ever enters will be given a seat. 
Program will start with intercession and later, different preachers and chiors will take over.

Reading in the book of 2nd Chronicles 1: 7-13, Presiding Apostle Joseph Serwadda said, “God told us that the year 2023 will be having what is referred to as ‘the Gibeon Encounter between God and King Solomon.’
Dr. Serwadda said, “The meeting at Gibea can easily be explained as in that, at Gibea, where a Temple of God in Jerusalem was built on the big mountain called Jerusalem but it has a position called Gibeon. It is where God encounted with King Solomon after giving in his Sacrifice.”

Bible says, that night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”
Solomon answered God, “You have shown great kindness to David my father and have made me king in his place. Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours?”
God said to Solomon, “Since this is your heart’s desire and you have not asked for wealth, possessions or honor, nor for the death of your enemies, and since you have not asked for a long life but for wisdom and knowledge to govern my people over whom I have made you king, therefore wisdom and knowledge will be given you. And I will also give you wealth, possessions and honor, such as no king who was before you ever had and none after you will have.”
Then Solomon went to Jerusalem from the high place at Gibeon, from before the tent of meeting. And he reigned over Israel.
Dr. Serwadda said, such encounter between God and Solomon is not seen anywhere else. 
“In the new Testament Jesus said, whatsoever you ask for in my name, i will give it to you. That is commitment from heaven. That is an open cheque. What we are going for in Passover 2022 is an open cheque. Come with your player requests. God will answer all your prayers and He will add you all you have not asked for like he did to King Solomon.” Said Presiding Apostle.

Dr. Serwadda speaking at the function recently. He will lead thousands of people in an encounter as world welcomes new year 2023

Dr. Serwadda told us how, “God we serve tells his people what he will do for them. He is a God of promises. His promises make him different from other gods. When he speaks, it must come to pass.” 
He said what God is promising in passover 2022, will be achieved. 
“We have spent 20 years and each passover, each year had a special message. And people have been following. But all we said, came to pass. Also this will pass in this encounter”. Said Serwadda inviting people of God not to miss this encounter with God at the Passover 2022 at Kyambogo University.

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PHOTO: JEEMA Party officials at UDA headquarters in Kenya


UGANDA’s opposition political party Justice Forum (JEEMA), has started serious strategies towards 2026 power hunt. 
At the beginning of this week, a group of youthful leaders from JEEMA visited Kenya on the invitation of yet to be identified official in the newsly sworn-in President William Samoi Ruto’s Kenya’s ruling United Democratic Alliance (UDA).  
JEEMA’s delegation included; Mr. Ssentongo Abdulnoor Kyamundu (Party Spokesman), Naswiif Luswata (Vice president Buganda region), Habiib Asega (VP Nothern), Muhindi Kennedy (Vp western region), Namakajjo Derrick (Secretary legal affairs), (Mukasa Abdullatif (head of tertiary institutions) and Mr Omar Kalinge Nnyago (former Secretary general).
According to a post in one of the party WhatsApp groups, the JEEMA delegation was received by UDA Secretary General, Veronica Maina and other directors at the ruling party secretariat. We have learnt that Our reliable sources say, JEEMA and UDA officials discussed a lot of issues among others; was training of JEEMA leaders in resource mobilization, human resource development, and elections management ahead of 2026 General elections. 

When contacted for comment, the party spokesperson, Mr. Ssentongo Kyamundu confirmed the meeting and told this investugative news website how JEEMA has started getting more serious with power hunt. 
“It’s true JEEMA officials were in Kenya to interact with UDA officials and our meeting was a success.” Said Mr. Ssentongo Kyamundu.
Asked to brief us about their meeting, Ssentongo who never wanted to give us the detail, said, “Our engagement with UDA was to benchmark on how an opposition party can win power in an African suffocated political environment.”
He revealed how JEEMA Party is hoping to have many more visits to other political parties in Africa before fronting a presidential candidate in the next elections. It will be remembered that JEEMA last fielded a presidential candidate in 2001 when Muhammad Mayanja vied for a second time after 1996 polls.  
Ssentongo Kyamundu noted that, “We can’t commit the same mistakes during elections when we can benchmark from our brothers who have had success stories. Now we have set off and JEEMA is unstoppable.”
What remains to be known, is who JEEMA plans to front for the presidency in the next elections.
By JEEMA cultivating relations with Ruto’s UDA when Uganda’s opposition had traditionally been close to Raila Odinga’s political camp is deemed to be a hard-nosed approach to power hunt and might rub fellow opposition parties the wrong way, a suggestion Kyamundu dismissed as preposterous.

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