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GONE TOO SOON: Body of Kirungi Kadiri, Chairman Hoima district who perished in an accident on Friday night


BLACK cloud is still covering over the surfaces of Hoima District, Bunyoro Subregion, its a somberly mood every where, people are experiencing unusual coldness after receiving very sad news that their son of the soil who is the LC 5 District Chairman Kirungi Kadiri, 47 years old perished in a fatal accident yesterday night at a place called Mataagi, Bukomero in Kiboga district along Hoima-Kampala Highway! 
Chairman Kirungi was driving a car Prado Land Cruiser Grey in colour Reg. No. UAH 053Q. 
In Chairman’s car was his body guard NO. 74373 PC Otim Bosco aged 25 years, Acholi by tribe, a police officer attached to Hoima Central Police Station. Also Otim perished with his boss Kirungi!
According to the police traffic Kiboga report released by Wamala Region; Kiboga Police Station ‘TAR 23/2023’, the nature of accident was fatal! Police report says, accident happened on 17/03/23 at 2200/C.

It’s alleged that MV UBB 059Z Fuso fighter white in colour was travelling from Kampala heading to Kiboga side being driven yet to be identified driver who fled off from the scene. On reaching Mataagi bridge, the Fuso driver tried to dodge a pothole and his motor vehicle swerved off from it’s lane on to it’s right hand side but it met Motor vehicle UAH 053Q  which was heading to Kampala side from Hoima and was being driven by Kirungi Kadiri, chairman LC5 Hoima District making head on collision. Kirungi Kadiri with his escort PC Otim Bosco sustained injuries and both died on spot. 

Scene was visited by Asp Lokut Julius oc traffic Kiboga, SOCO Bukomero, PC Komakech with the crew of UP 5734
Deceased bodies conveyed to Kiboga hospital mortuary and pf 48a and pf 48b issued for postmortem.
Scene cleared to allow partial traffic flow as the road was completely blocked by the heavy truck .
The process to tow the Mvs to Bukomero police station delayed due to unavailability of the breakdown in the nearby area. However, they will be subjected to IOV for inspection.
The driver of Motor vehicle UBB 059Z is at large 

● Smg riffle No. UG POL 563687959 with 30 rounds of live  amunitions  suspected to have been held by PC OTIM BOSCO 
● 1 piece of tear gas canister  
● Mobile phone suspected to be of PC OTIM BOSCO 

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OPINION POLL: Blue represents Pastor Micheal David Kyazze’s score


IN just a few hours to the polls where a new leader of the National Fellowship for Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda will be elected, Omega Healing Church International senior Pastor Dr. David Micheal Kyazze is leading with 80% in the final opinion poll. Unless things change tonight, Kyazze is heading to a massive win come tomorrow’s election.

According to an opinion poll carried out from all the 16 regions which will determine the new NFBPC General Overseer (GO) tomorrow Thursday March 16, 2023, Pr. Dr. Micheal Kyazze is leading in 15 regions including his competitor Bishop Moses Odongo’s home region! Opinion poll shows, Odongo is only beating Pastor Kyazze in Ankole region.

This opinion poll has been carried out by experts who have traversed the whole country to ascertain, who is the next NFBPC General Overseer after Bishop Joshua Lwere. They have talked to a number of delegetes who will decide tomoorow’s election. They have also engaged the out going leaders and other pastors.
For starters, race for the OG has five candidates. They are; David Micheal Kyazze, Joseph Nsubuga, Odongo Moses, Oduch George and Ssemazzi Fredrick.

News editor Media , a leading investigative news website in Uganda has talked to EC Chairman Apostle Rogers Zziwa and assured the country of a free and fair election.
He said, “All is set for tomorrow’s election, we will do all our best to organise a free and fair election. We will not entertain voter bribery and any candidate got doing so, will be dealt with. This is a born-again frateryinity.”
Chairman Zziwa said he leads an independent commision which stands on its own. He told us, “It’s true any body who sits in a place of power would like to influence us but it depends on the firmness of the people tasked to do the work. As a commission, we have always opted for a professional approach. And we will remain independent.” 
He said, they were elected by the AGM and on top of that, they are Pastors. They fear God and will never be corrupted.
In this story, we bring you the 16 regions making up National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda and how they are likely to vote tomorrow according to the final opinion poll, using a plus or minus approach;

It has 210 voters;
Kyazze 140
Nsubuga 05
Odongo  O2
Oduch 02
Ssemazzi 05
Un decided 56

It has 30 voters;
Kyazze 12
Nsubuga 04
Odongo 05
Oduch 04
Ssemazzi 02
Undecided 3

Total number of voters are 90;
Kyazze 55
Nsubuga 10
Odongo 25
Oduch 01
Ssemazzi 01

Total number of voters are 60;
Kyazze 35
Nsubuga 05
Odongo 15
Oduch 01
Ssemazzi 01
Undecided 03

Total number of voters are 90;
Kyazze 60
Nsubuga 05
Odongo 05
Oduch 01
Ssemazzi 01
Undecided 18

It has 95 voters;
Kyazze 50
Nsubuga 01
Odongo 35 
Oduch 02
Ssemazzi 01
Undecided 06

Total number of voters are 80;
Kyazze 40
Nsubuga 01
Odongo 30
Oduch 05
Ssemazzi 01
Undecided 03

Total number of voters  are 85;
Kyazze  50
Nsubuga 01
Odongo 20
Oduch 05
Ssemazzi 01
Undecided 08

Total number of voters are 75;
Kyazze 35
Ndubuga 01
Odongo 30
Oduch 02
Ssemazzi 01
Undecided 06

Total number of voters are 110;
Kyazze 70
Nsubuga 01
Odongo 10
Oduch 10
Ssemazzi 05
Undecided 14

Has 80 voters;
Kyazze 45
Nsubuga 02
Odongo 10 
Oduch 10
Ssemazzi 01
Undecided 12

Total number of voters are 85;
Kyazze 60
Nsubuga 02
Odongo 05
Oduch 02
Ssemazzi 01
Undecided 15

Total number of voters are 115
Kyazze 20
Nsubuga 10
Odongo 60
Oduch 05
Ssemazzi 05
Undecided 15

Total number of voters 60;
Kyazze 40
Nsubuga 01
Odongo 05
Oduch 02
Ssemazzi 03
Undecided 09

It has 80 voters;
Kyazze 40
Nsubuga 05
Odongo 15
Oduch 01
Ssemazzi 05
Undecided 14

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HARD TIME AHEAD: Odongo and wife being played for


BISHOP Moses Odongo who has been moving around bragging how President Museveni endorsed him for the General Overseer National Fellowship of Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda is a liar, State House has disowned him! 
An official communication from Mr. Faruk Kirunda, the Deputy Press Secretary to H.E the President says, “It is not true that State House endorsed Moses Odongo like he alleges and no any kind of offer from State House to him.”
State House continues to clarify that no tractors or motorcycles will be given to Moses Odongo as he lied to Pastors in exchange for their votes.
Odongo has been henceforth warned to stop dragging President Museveni and State House into his politics reminding him that he will be made to pay for his sins if he doesnt stop impersonation.
This comes after this investigative news website consulted State House over Thursday next week General Overseer elections in Kampala, to tell us about ‘their candidate Moses Odongo’. We also asked State House how true the reports are, that they will give tractors and motocycles to Pastors country wide if Odongo is elected General Overseer NAFBAC, as he promised voters. State House has categolically distanced itself from this election saying, Odongo’s allegations are typical lies.
Five candidates are vying for the General Overseer office in an election which is slated for March 16, 2023 on Thursday, this week.
The candidates are; Dr. David Micheal Kyazze of Omega Healing Church International, Nsubuga Joseph, Odongo Moses, Oduki G and Ssemazzi F.
For starters, one of the top campaign tools for Odongo was that he is the official State House candidate for the General Overseer seat and that if pastors massively vote for him, he will get them tractors and motorcycles from State House, a pledge State House isn’t aware of.
Odongo has also been promising delegetes free transport and accomodation in Kampala at the election day eve.
Reliable sources say, its Pastor Robert Kayanja of Rubaga Miracle Centre Cathedral who fronted and bankrolls Odongo’s campaigns the fact being that  the two are longtime alies and Odongo is branded a Kayanja’s spy in National Fellowship of Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda.
In fact Jessica, Kayanja’s wife and Odongo’s wife are also buddies,  no wonder, Jessica courted her husband to financially fuel Odongo’s campaigns.
Jessica connvened a meeting with women to fundraise and campaign for Odongo. 
It is also said, to show that Kayanja wants to bag NAFBAC, he has been releasing UGX 10M every month to finance Odongo’s campaigns.
Recently, Pastors in NAFBAC vowed to throw out Odongo saying if he wants to be a leader, let him go and contest against Pastor Robert Kayanja in his Miracle Centre Ministries. 
Odongo is facing a hard rock after Pastors in NAFBAC rejected his candidature. 
Our reporters are on ground to find out who is likely to win this election. In our story tomorrow, we will bring the latest opinion poll.
In other news, there was chaos at Destine Schools Katende of Mrs. Eva Ssejjobyo, former wife to late Apostle Michael Mugerwa, when Teso and Karamoja pastors whose children were promised bursaries at this school if they support Moses Odongo for General Overseer, were asked to pay for requirement fees which amount doubles schools fees they pay back in the village.
Mrs. Eva Ssejjobyo is a staunch supporter of Odongo. When they went to Karamoja and Teso, they offered bursaries to 30 children from each of the two regions.
We are told this led to chaos as Itesots and Karimajongo vowed to roast Odongo and Eva Ssejjobyo alive for telling them lies. They got annoyed and regretted why they had brought their children to Eva Ssejjobyo’s school. 
Still, parents were shocked to find empty classrooms with no students asking whether this was a school or chicken houses.

The Electoral Commission in charge of election of The General Overseer (GO) National Fellowship of The Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda due next week on Thursday March 16th 2023 has banned all candidates from transporting delegetes to the polling centre. 
This will be the work of EC. Any candidate who will interfere with the work of EC will face it rough.
According to EC Chairman Apostle Zziwa (in the photo below), all delegetes from the 16 regions making up National Fellowship of Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda should instead wait for the official communication from EC on how they will be transported.
Reports show, one of the candidates Moses Odongo has been moving around promising delegates free transportation in exchange for their votes.
EC says, this is corruption and will not be tolerated.

For views/comments on this story, send us an email on newseditor.info@gmail.com



PHOTO: From left; Barbra Arimi, Dr. Kimbowa, MD Ayota and Mr. Ssenyonjo


The Parliament Select Committee report on status of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) found no evidence that member funds were stolen or misused by the Board or Management.
Announcing the Fund’s response to the Parliament report for the first time, NSSF Board Chairman Dr. Peter Kimbowa commonly known as Dr. PK told media at Workers House in Kampala today Monday, March 13, 2023, that the absence of any such evidence is also an affirmation that members’ savings can be trusted with the Fund.
“First of all, we applaud the Committee; it is not easy to investigate an entity of our size and complexity over a 20-year period in 2 to 3 weeks, but they were able to do so. We, therefore, like to register our appreciation for the rigorous and robust probe.”
He however revealed to the media that, from the report, there is neither evidence nor conclusion that any individual at the Fund had stolen member funds, despite the numerous allegations in the media purporting bribery and mismanagement of Funds.

“In effect, the committee report brings to light the fact that the famous UGX 6Bn was never disbursed, nor was the UGX 1.8Bn shared among board members. The work plans had not been approaved by the Board.” Said Dr. Kimbowa.
He noted that, “The current NSSF Board has not and will not compromise our fiduciary duty to all NSSF members to ensure prudent and profitable management of the Fund.”
On March 01, 2023, the Committee Chairman Hon. Mwine Mpaka presented the report to Parliament whose recommendations were adopted last week on March 09, 2023. The Committee had earlier been selected by the Speaker of Parliament to investigate the alleged mismanagement of N9iiSSF.
Dr. Kimbowa added that the Fund only refrained from responding to the report to enable the Parliamentary process to take its course, but that, should in no way be construde to mean that the Fund agrees with all the contents and conclusions of the report.
“In some instances, we find the report devoid of important context and contains inaccuracies, especially regarding investments. For instance, the Fund has a total of 210 investments, however, only one, the West Nile Golf Club, has lost value. In our opinion, the fact that the Committee had to go back almost two decades to find one investment that has lost value shows that the Fund has had a stellar performance over the years.” Revealed Dr. Peter Kimbowa.
Patrick Micheal Ayota, the Acting Managing Director NSSF also said that whereas the report highlights areas where the Fund must improve, the Committee did not consider the context or information provided in many instances.
Before any funds are committed, Ayota said, the user department must provide justification for the procurement process to commence or satisfy the Accounting Officer, among others, of the value for money. Just because an item appears on the budget does not mean the money has to be spent.
“Because of this, the Committee assumed that budgeting means spending at the Fund, which is far from the truth. Budgets are plans that are informed by market assessments.” He informed public.
Ag MD noted that, “Our investment philosophy is guided by the investment Policy and Guidlines, as well as the URBRA Investment Guidelines. One key component is the principle of diversification is a realization that not all investments will perform well all the time.”
Therefore, Ag. MD Ayota said, any fund’s investment performance must therefore be analyzed in terms of the entire portfolio, rather than cherry-picking as the committee did. An analysis of the Fund’s investment portfolio over the last 12 years shows consistent growth of the assets and a competitive return.
He also pointed out that the Fund noted instances where the committee appears to not have considered the facts availed by the Fund.
For example, the issue of onboarding of Geomapping technology to help the Fund easily trace employers. We cearly demonstrated that the technology is fully operational and there is value for money. 
Other areas where the committee did not consider facts include payment of perfomance bonus, Corporate Social Responsibility, penalty waivers and legacy investments like West Nile Golf Club and Workers House land title.
Ayota saidthat the committee agreed that the facts about the Fund’s performance are indisputable and assured NSSF members and the public of the Board and Management’s commitment to ensuring the security and safety of members’ savings.

● The Fund’s Assets Under Management have increased from UGX 1.7 Trillion to UGX 18 Trillion in just 12 years.
● NSSF is the only noteworthy mobiliser of large pool of a long-term domestic8 capital for development funding which has enabled the Government to become less reliant on foreign capital.
● NSSF has consistently grown the value of members’ savings by paying a real return, better than other peers in the region.
●  NSSF has the lowest cost of adminitration at 1.17% , not among peers in the region but better than the gobal benchmark of 2.20% 
● Through efficient systems, the Fund pays all qualifying members their benefits when they are due in just 7 days on average.
The press briefing was conducted by Ms. Barbra Arimi, Head Marketing and Corporate Affairs. Other officials present were Mr. Edward Ssenyonjo the Chief risk officer, Agnes corporate secretary and Milton Owol Head Human Resource.

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THE Parliament select committee which investigated the mismanagement of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) has dismissed allegations of financial loss on select investment projects in their report tabled in Parliament on 2nd March 2023.
These projects include the investment in MTN, Quality Chemicals, construction of Mbuya Citadel apartments and the Fund’s land in Mbarara.
Regarding the investment in MTN and Quality Chemicals , the committee observed that the Fund’s participation in equity purchase in both companies was in conformity with the Capital Markets Authority(CMA) and Uganda Security Exchange (USE) rules. CMA and USE are responsible for stock exchange in Uganda.
In addition, the report noted that both transactions were duly approved according to the Fund’s investment approval process, and no commissions were given to NSSF staff in the transaction.
The Minister for Gender, Labour and Social Development , Betty Amongi Ongom who is responsible for the supervision of the Fund since January 2022, had earlier made corruption allegations in the purchase of shares in both companies. She however failed to provide evidence in support of her claims to the Parliamentary select committee during the two weeks probe into the mismanagement of the Fund.
NSSF is the second largest institutional shareholder in MTN Uganda with an 8.84% shareholding. It earned an initial shs 9.8 billion profit on the investment in 2021.
The select committee report also observed that there was no exchange of money in form of kickbacks during the construction of the Fund’s housing project located in Mbuya. The project dubbed The Citadel Place is a modern contemporary housing project in Mbuya – an upscale Kampala Suburb and comprises of 40 high-end apartments.
Regarding the Fund’s land in Mbarara, the report noted that there was no exchange of money for the sale of the land as earlier alleged by the Gender Minister.
On the purchase of land in Nakigala, it was noted that no money was approved for the purchase of the said land and that it hasn’t been purchased yet due to numerous claims of ownership on the land that require lengthy due diligence and approval processes. It was earlier alleged that the Fund had provisioned for shs400bn for the purchase of land in Nakigala and yet the supervising Minister had obtained a lower evaluation of the same land at shs246million only.
While appearing before the select committee, NSSF management also clarified that the amount was provisioned as total budget estimates for all strategic land purchases for the FY 2022/23 to purchase two land assets and that the amount wasn’t entirely for Nakigala as alleged by the Minister.
The Select Committee was chaired by Hon Mwine Mpaka who is the Member of Parliament for Mbarara City South. Other members of the committee include Workers MP Hon Charles Bakkabulindi, Mr. Karim Masaba (Industrial Division, Mbale City), Mr. Michael Kakembo (Entebbe Municipality), Ms. Fortunate Nantongo (Kyotera District Woman), Ms. Laura Kanushu (Persons with Disabilities), and Mr. Amos Kankunda (Rwampara County).

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Bishop Nsubuga (In a necktie standing next to Pastor Kayanja) in a group photo with other Pastors recently


RUBAGA Miracle Centre Church backed candidate for the top office of National Fellowship of Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda (NAFBAC) Bishop Moses Odongo is facing rejection from the Born Again fraternity saying his mentor and funder Robert Kayanja’s latest fake drugs scandal may lead the fraternity into public distrust and destruction.
For starters, Miracle Centre Cathedral and the Robert Kayanja Ministries are not part of NAFBAC, they have their own nationwide fraternity called the Miracle League.
However, Pr. Kayanja and the Miracle group are trying to gain control over NAFBAC by having one of their own inside NAFBAC win the fraternity’s top leadership. 

Moses Odongo owns Streams of life church in one of Kampala’s suburbs. This one is new in NAFBAC, he joined a few years ago.
We are also informed, another aspirant a one Bishop Joseph Nsubuga is also courting Kayanja to give him financial backup and with General Overseer elections.
Nsubuga is a pastor of Komamboga Ambassadors of Encouragement Church in Komamboga. 
We shall come back to this later….

For about three weeks now, there has been a humongous fake drugs controversy involving Pastor Kayanja of The Miracle Centre movement in Uganda.
Abiaz Rwamwizi, The National Drug Authority (NDA) Public Relations Officer broke the news that Pastor Kayanja and associates at his Rubaga Miracle Centre Cathedral are under investigation for producing and selling a fake/dangerous acaricide (veterinary drug) called Tick-Off. Declaring that Pastor Kayanja and his associates are under investigation and could face between five to ten years of imprisonment if pinned by the law, NDA also revealed that they had seized some of the suspected fake veterinary drugs in his church which were matched with samples they had already tested in the laboratory and found both to be fake and dangerous. 

On February 10, 2022, lawyers of Katende, Ssempebwa and Co. (KATS), on instructions of Pastor Robert Kayanja of Miracle Centre Cathedral wrote to The Chief Executive Officer National Drug Authority (NDA) demanding notice cum notice of intention to sue. 
In this letter, lawyers noted how they had been informed by Pastor Kayanja that Abiaz Rwamwiri, published defamatory remarks about Pastor Kayanja through his Twitter account on January 11 2023 relying on one of Kayanja’s church sessions alleging that he said, he, ‘Has superpowers of killing ticks in animals’, which information lawyers said, was different from what was contained in the said video.
On February 7, 2023, Rwamwiri published a press release titled; ‘Counterfeit Tickoff Arcaricide being promoted by Pastor Robert Kayanja.”
Rwamwizi wrote that Pastor Kayanja was using his advantaged position to lure desperate farmers and that his intention was not only criminal but also intended to cheat Ugandans. It was alleged that over 100 samples had been impouded from his church stores and had tested positive of contamination with dangerous Android banned chemicals.
“Statements alleging that Pastor Kayanja involved in production and distribution of counterfeit were unfounded as our client is not the owner nor manufacturer of the product in issue and there was no report published by National Drug Authority to confirm the said findings.” Reads letter from Kayanja’s lawyers.
However by presstime, NDA’s Rwamwizi had not deleted his tweets pinning Kayanja to have involved himself in fake drugs neither writing an apology like Kayanja demanded. This means, NDA is still insisting on its position.

The election of new leadership for the National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches of Uganda (NAFBAC) is just five weeks away. 
It will be held on the 16th of March 2023, and inside the Balokole/Born-Again circles there is some real anxiety over who is going to replace Bishop Joshua Lwere as NAFBAC General Overseer. 
A number of aspirants are contending to replace Bishop Lwere and the best suited will definately lead NAFBAC over the next five years (2023-2028).
In this investigative story, we will specifically look at the two aspiring candidates who are in Kayanja’s good books, Moses Odongo and Nsubuga, to help NAFBAC understand the game plan so that they can make an informed choice on the polling day. 
It’s a fact, Kayanja is in bed with Odongo and doing everything to make sure his favourite wins this election.
Insiders say, for a very long time, Odongo has been Kayanja’s spy in NAFBAC and now wants his agent to takeover the Fellowship so that it dances on the tunes of Rubaga Miracle Centre.
This investigative news website can reliably report that Jessica Kayanja and Odongo’s wife are very close and Jessica played a big role in influencing her husband to bankroll Odongo’s move so that he takesover from Bishop Joshua Lwere.
Bishop Odongo is a spiritual son, as well as close ally of Pr. Kayanja and his Miracle Centre Cathedral. His church is one of the foremost ministry-offsprings of Rubaga Miracle Centre Cathedral.
By the matter of fact that Odongo is number one candidate for Miracle Centre family of churches, a fraternity that has never changed leadership since it’s inception, worries a lot National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches.
A section of top pastors in NAFBAC believes, the Fellowship doesn’t need a General Overseer endorsed by the Miracle Centre camp to lead Balokole/Pentecostals of Uganda. 
“That camp has done enough harm to the image of the church in Uganda, and the Balokole fraternity of Uganda will be so much better off if we can steer clear of that camp.” Said one of the senior Pastors from Ankole. He told us that the drug saga is only unfolding, but it is the latest in a long chain of controversies involving Pastor Kayanja/Miracle Centre which have soiled the name of the Ugandan Balokole/Pentecostal fraternity over the years. 
“We all know about the homosexuality scandal that continues to unravel even today, and we also know about the wine-smuggling story. Not to mention countless smaller scandals that have over the years made the rounds about Pastor Kayanja and Miracle Centre church/group of churches.” Said another Pastor who advised Kayanja to mind about organizing his ministry than disorganizing NAFBAC.
Bishop Nsubuga and Odongo are one and the same, they suckle the same spiritual mother or father if thats what you may prefer. 

Investigation shows, this one wasnt known so much by Kayanja until he approached a certain Miracle Centre Pastor to link him to Pastor Robert.
We were informed that Kayanja openly told Nsubuga how he is still studying his letter requesting for the support, although his candidate for the seat is Odongo.
The two and other Pastors recently had a meeting and took a group photo.

There are solid rumours that a lot of LGBTQ money is being channelled through some groups for the purpose of getting Ugandan Balokole tightly in the grip of their nefarious agenda.
“Balokole/Pentecostals had better choose a more viable option. We can’t afford to have such groups lead us.” Said a source.

Wait for Part II of the story

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PHOTO: When marathon was organised to raise UGX 5 billion to set up a rehabilitation centre for migrant workers


OVER 100 licenced external labour companies that do recruitment have parted ways from older Association called Uganda Association of External Recruitment Agencies (UAERA), 
and formed a new one called External Labour Agencies of Uganda (ELAU) headed by Mwesigwa Tomson, accusing Chairman Baker Akatambira and Secretary General Winnie Catherine Banura of mismagement of funds, corruption and abuse of office.
ELAU is now questioning how leaders in UAERA obtained Certificates of Good Conduct from Interpol saying they are not supposed to even be members of the Association since they are on record as criminals.
ELAU members who included Nyakwera Nadia and Milton Omurwok told this investigative online news website how they can no longer work under UAERA leaders who have totally failed to protect and observe the welfare of migrant workers. Due to vulnerability and the surging levels of unemployment in the country, Ugandans especially the youth, have opted to leave the country in search of better-paying jobs.

For starters, UAERA is an umbrella body incorporated in 2013 with an aim of bringing together all licenced labour export companies as a coalition to advocate for better operations of its members.
The Association initially started Thirteen (13) out of the Forty (40) registered companies at the time and grew its membership to Two Hundred Seventy (270) members out of Three Hundred and forty (340) licenced external labour recruitment companies that are registered and supervised by the ministry of Gender, labour and social development.
In a letter to the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social development (MoGLSD), external labour companies which formed new Association ELAU said, they were fed up of UAERA leaders faulting them of not being bothered about the welfare principle of the migrant workers and they were more even concerned and interested in how best they can ripple off these migrant workers which saw them getting in very dubious deals which are against the articles the Association.
The letter to MoGLSD reads, “To UAERA, it was not as in how best do i help the migrant workers but rather it was how best do i ripple off the migrant worker.”
“So as Members of UAERA, when we realised this act, we were not happy, and we thought we could bring sanity and order to this sector. Whereby, we had to. So, what we did as Members of UAERA, we demanded that we should have an explanation over the same upon getting proof of the involvement in acts that contradict the articles of the association.” Reads a letter by external labour companies which later broke away from UAERA.
ELAU says, UAERA chairman and the secretary general were directly involved in dubious deals which in return affect migrant workers, they decided to part ways.
Under the External recruitment regulations, ELAU told Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, a person with criminal record is not allowed to own or even be involved in management of affairs of a recruitment firm. 
Their letter says, “The Chairman Baker Akatambira, for example is criminal convict and therefore barred from occupying any public office. He was convicted by Anti Corruption Court on a criminal offence in Uganda vs Akantambira Baker, Criminal case number 0089/2014 on 24/9/2014. The record of this matter is available for the public to confirm.” ELAU reasoned that they couldnt continue being under office occupied by people with criminal record.
Member companies in the new Association believes that UAERA failed to fulfill their mandate, instead the association is ful of corruption and abuse of office, Mismanagement of Association funds, human trafficking allegations against members, denial of freedom of expression of member, among others .

● Protect and observe the welfare of migrant workers
● Regulate and ensure strict adherence to the code of conduct laws, regulations and giidelines set by the ministry of Labour.
● Promote the collective business interests of members while protecting the best interest of our customers and migrant workers.
● Ensure transparency, build confidence in the public and make the business attractive and sustainable.
● Review the concerns of UAERA members and act on their behalf in the persuit of solutions to problems related to recruitment.
● Promote the postive image of the association and its members and engage with the ministry on issues of common interest to the members and association.

Break away companies say, UAERA leaders who were supposed to be a mirror of the association, instead became agents of foreigners, “An act which caused more suffering of our boys and girls following the increasing cash flow in the association, the leadership of UEARA deviated from the objectives and interests of the association and ventured into promoting and working towards achieving their individual interests and abusing their offices.”
The leadership failure to improve the sector resulted into members’ total disregard of the sector rules and engaging in illegal business that resulted into deterioration of working conditions of the migrant workers and greatly affected the business and image of the country not only in Africa but also in the entire world.

Corruption and Abuse of Office
The Association leadership lost grip of traits of leaders and focussed on satisfying themselves as individuals at the expense of the members. They engaged in extortion of funds and using their positions to benefit themselves and establishing cartels to foster theit objects and torment those who criticize their behaviours.
For example; Exorting members by requiring them to pay exhorbitant fees on Yellow fever clearances.
The leadership headed by the Chairman Mr. Baker Akantambira and the Secretary General Winnie Cstherine Banura were allegedly involved in systematic extortion and racketeering by creation of a monopoly company ARLHU that extorts and controls providers of yellow fever vaccination. This saw the cost of yellow fever vaccination cards increase from UGX 40,000 (Forty Thousand shillings) and UGX 60,000 (Sixty Thousand Shillings) to UGX 80,000 (Eighty Thousand Shillings) and UGX 120,000 (One hundred twenty thousand  shillings) respectively. They further downsized the number of clinics offering the size to 16, accredited to carry out the vaccination. 

Mismanagement of Association Funds
UAERA activities are usually funded by members’ money. This money is acquired from membership fees, subscription, donations, Budget support from members and other sources. It is meant for supporting the secretariat and paying for running expenses such as rent, salaries and travel costs, etc. Poor management practices resulted in deplation of members’ funds, channeling funds away from planned activities and operating budgets that were approved by members.
UAERA leaders completely refused to provide books of accounts to its members to be able to know how the monies collected are spent however they continue to demand money from members and also go ahead to email them exaggereted invoices to fund the association.
UAERA liabilities have been growing over the years from 800 Million in 2020 to 1.2 Bn in the year 2022 despite members’ contribution of funds to offset the liabilities. This is a derivative of the Mismanagement of members’ funds associated with the misuse and potential loss of funds which raises questions about the integrity of the leaders in charge of the funds. Misappropriation constitutes a deliberate act of the misuse of money.
The UAERA leadership has largely engaged itself in the mismagement of member funds paid to the association whereby, at one-point month, the landlord locked the premises of UAERA for non-payment of rent. This was very embarrassing to the sector and members who contribute generously a fee of two million five hundred thousand shillings to the association UGX 2,500,000/= (Two Million and Five Hundred Thousand Shillings) This misuse of funds is clearly brought out in the auditor’s report.

Human Trafficking Allegations Against Members
The Chairman, Secretary General and their cartel after successfully imposing 20,000/= on every Ugandan engaged in yet another risky business of human trafficking. They wanted to introduce another desk at the international airport in the disguise of curbing human trafficking which would require every traveller to pay 30 dollars for monitoring. 
UAERA leaders lied to different labour export companies that AEHLU team found traffickers using their license and also in possesssion of yellow fever cards and asked them to file charges against the clinic owners and asked them to serve a copy to the Permanent Secretary MoGLSD and the OC Station Entebbe Aviation Police.
This saw their cartel release a number of documents on UAERA platform supporting their fraudulent move authored by the Presidential Advisor to the Diaspora Affairs Ambassador Walusimbi. Followed by other subsquent letters to justify their creation of their sinister motives which plan was countered by the respective Doctors through their Association, Yellow Fever Accredited Facilities Association filed a petition against the Chairman and the Secretary General respectively in Anti-corruption Court. 
Despite the fact that all members pay equal contribution to the Association, the leadership is consolidated among a small group of those who started thd Association. They continue to use their power to keep other members with limited rights and mandate.

Denial of Freedom of Expression to members
Article 29 (1) (a) of the Constitution guarantees Freedom of Expression. However, the leadership of UAERA does not allow its members to freely express themselves whereby, the Vice Chairman of UAERA Bogere Ibrahim on 17th January 2023 wrote to all members instructing them to desist from making any comments about the yellow fever saga against the Chairman and Secretary General. And those who made an attempt to, were immediately ejected from the UAERA official platform an act that contravenes the provisions of freedom of expression. 

Lack of corporate governance
An Association like UAERA is required to exhibit high moral aspects of corporate governance and implement all the tenets of a good board. This would account for transparency, independence, acciuntability and pay attention to risk aversion in the company. 
Instead of attending to the demands of the day, our board has damaged the Association internally and potentially caused external negative publicity. The board state shows lack of confidentiality, conflicting agendas, lack of order, lack of respect for others, promotes a hostile environment, creates secret meetings, foster personal agendas, has a lack of trust, and creating an environment of dominating members plus non participating members.
The board only serve to rubber stamp what some Associations personalities want and acts as a cheerleader. The board micromanaged the affairs of the secretariat by erroneously assuming key management functions and only uphold the chief executive as a manager of individual agenda with no power to make independent decisions. The board runs fully thd affairs of the secretariat including all the funds.
The board works in a balkanized fashin, and concerned with only finances and not holistic operations. They do not regularly assess their performance and embody professional standards. The board has been reluctant to discuss strategy, inability to deal with disruptive behaviour by the Chairman and Secretary General a structure that creates confusion.

Wait for Part II of the story!

For views/comments on this story, Whstsapp editor on 0772523039 or email us at newseditor.info@gmail.com



PHOTO: When NSSF officially launched online benefits claim on the NSSFGo App and web. Members who qualify for withdrawal of their savings can submit and track their claims without leaving the comfort of their homes!


NATIONAL Social Security Fund (NSSF) Head Marketing and Corporate Affairs Ms. Arimi Barbra Teddy has responded to a 16 question dossier by a one Rogers Wandulu, who made rounds on social media alleging how unsafe are savings in NSSF.
In a three page response, Ms. Arimi tells Wandulu and all members of NSSF to worry not, their money is bery safe and growing! 
Responding to Wandulu, Ms. Barbra Arimi has categorically stated that, “You and all our members remain at the centre of our strategy to ensure safety and a reasonable return for your savings. Every single day, every employee of the Fund works hard to create a better life for our members.”
“For this reason,” She says, “We have kept our promise to consistently pay you a return above the average 10-year inflation over the last 11 years.”
This is how Ms. Arimi has explained and gave Wandulu facts pertaining the 16 issues he raised in his dossier! Please read on;

  1. ● Wandulu alleged that over 80 NSSF staff enjoyed trip to Dubai. On this Barbra Arimi says, this was done in line with the Fund Human Resources Policy to drive high performance. 
  2. ● That Board Chairman hired consultant at 60m to increase his pay to 30m. NSSF in its response says, the procurement was done by Management in line with the applicable PPDA processes. The engagement of a consultant was to enable the Fund to obtain an independent and informed opinion based on a comprehensive assessment of board remuneration terms for comparable entities locally and in the region. The Board Chairman’s compensation is way below the 30M you mention.. 
  3. ● His third allegation of low interest rate for members, Ms. Arimi said this is not true. “The Fund paid interest of 15% in 2017/18, 11% in 2018/19, 10.75% in 2019/20, 12.15% in 2020/21 and 9.65% in 2021/22. Compared to its peers in the region, this is the highest return any social security Fund gives, and very competitive.” Said Arimi adding thst, “Suffice to note, the Fund’s performance has even been complimented across the region.”
    She noted that, as mentioned above, “We have kept our promise to consistently pay our members a return above the average 
    10-year inflation over the last 11 years.”
  4. ● On allegation that Staff were given as much as 1bn shs to exit voluntarily, NSSF boss says, Staff who lost their jobs during the recent restructuring process were compensated in line with standard labour practices. The required approvals for the exit packages were obtained.
  5. ● On the issue of MD making free donations in Billions, Ms. Arimi said the highest donation made by the Fund so far has been UGX 380M in 2020 towards Covid test kits in a bid to support the Government’s efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
  6. ● About NSSF MD rescuing Uganda clays with 10bn, and turning into a written off debt, NSSF calls this a lie. This loan has not been written off. The Fund, a significant shareholder in Uganda Clays Limited, advanced a loan to the company to expand its operations and save it from collapse. The Board, and the then Minister of Finance, Planning & Economic Development approved the loan. Uganda Clays Limited has since turned around, is now profitable and the Fund is in the process of recovering the debt. 
  7. ● Wandulu talked about the travel to purchase cards and machines worth Billions that won’t work. Resoinding to this issue, NSSF has said, in 2013, the Fund piloted a Smart Card project. The pilot did not achieve its objectives. Lessons from this pilot were used by the Fund to introduce a new Smart Card in partnership with Visa and Centenary Bank. The cost and integration of this new card project has been borne by the partners. 
    Members now have a new 3 in 1 Smart Card, which embeds NSSF functionality, bank functionality and a loyalty program which enables card holders to access discounts at select merchant outlets.
  8. ● Allegation eight, Wandulu said Fake trade unions are enjoying  Billions in Budget. Here NSSF says, The Fund’s combined total donations to trade unions over the last 5 years does not add up to a billion shillings. 
  9. ● On the issue of Heads of Department hiring /supervising relatives, Ms. Barbra Arimi categorically stated that, recruitment in the Fund is guided by the Human Resources Policy which is geared towards attracting competent workforce. There are clear provisions in the Policy on Conflict-of-Interest situations including recruitment of related parties which are observed during the recruitment process.
  10. ● Wandulu said Board meetings are held in Dubai and Nairobi. NSSF says, Board meetings are usually held in the country. The Board meeting held in Nairobi in 2022 was an exception. It was held alongside a full Board training session. The purpose of the joint scheduling was/is to efficiently utilize board members’ and other concerned stakeholders’ time. This is not an unusual practice for most boards.
  11. ● On the allegation of no accountability on donations/CSR, Ms. Arimi said Funds allocated to Corporate Social Responsibility activities like the refurbishment of public schools, national blood drives, sports, Career Expo, digital labs are fully accounted for and reports for the same are available.
  12. ● The raised issue of Billions given to staff in so called Early bird Exit, NSSF referred this to response no 4 above), 
  13. ● That the Board is paid NSSF, Medical just like staff. Ms. Barbra Arimi says, The Board’s terms of engagement, including the medical benefit, are duly considered and approved by their appointing authority.
  14. ● Wandulu alleged that exiting Board members paid each 350m for time not worked. On this, NSSF boss clarified that the amount was a gross sum of UGX 312M each arrived at by the Board in consultation with its appointing authority at the time, for purposes of addressing a concern emanating from the Executive and Legislative arms of Government about the Board’s composition. The circumstances of this matter are being reviewed by the relevant authorities. 
  15. ● On the issue of Investments not made in Savers interest, Houses members can’t afford, Ms. Arimi states that all Fund investments are made in the savers’ interest in line with the Fund’s prudent Investments Policy as approved by the Board and aligned to the investment guidelines of the Fund’s Regulator, the Uganda Retirement Benefits Regulatory Authority. “Furthermore, real estate is an asset class that the Fund primarily invests in to generate income either from rent or sale of the units, which income is credited to members’ accounts at the end of each financial year.” She said, adding that, “Suffice to note, the Fund’s various housing projects cater for all, from high income earners (Lubowa), middle income earners (Lubowa, Kyanja) and low-income earners (Temangalo). The house prices in Temangalo are projected to range from UGX 90M upon completion in 2024.”
  16. ● About Wandulu’s false prophesy that the Fund will collapse if it pays out Midterm access,  NSSF says, “On midterm access, the Fund did not collapse when it paid out over UGX 636M to 27,934 qualifying members for midterm access in 2022. Savers now do not have to wait until 55 years to access their savings.”
    In her conclusion, Head Marketing and Corporate Affairs Ms. Arimi Barbra Teddy reassured NSSF members how the team at NSSF, “Will remain committed to preserving your retirement savings.”

The National Social Security Fund Uganda is a multi-trillion Fund mandated by Government through the NSSF Act, as amended, to provide social security services to employees in the private sector. 
The Fund is a secure, innovative, and dynamic social security provider that guarantees safety, security, and a competitive return on members’ savings of over 2% above the 10-year inflation average. 
The Fund manages assets worth over UGX 17.8 trillion, invested in Fixed Income, Equities and Real Estate assets within the East Africa region. As the largest Fund in East Africa by value, we have the ambitious goal of growing our Assets Under Management to 20 trillion by 2025.  
The Fund is regulated by the Uganda Retirement Benefits Regulatory Authority while the Minister of Gender, Labour & Social Development, and the Minister of Finance, Planning & Economic Development are responsible for policy oversight.

For views/comments about this story, please whatsapp editor on 0772523039 or send an email on newseditor.info@gmail.com




DEMOCRATIC Party 2021 loser for MP Rubaga South Eugenia Nassolo faced a great disappointment in her life on Saturday, following the refusal of National Unity Platform (NUP) Members of Parliament and other top party officials to attend her graduation party that she held at home near Buganda Royal in Kakeeka-Mengo. She graduated from Makerere University. The shocking story behind Nassolo’s degree will be given another day. Today, allow us concentrate on her graduation party!
Nassolo invited over 20 NUP MPs and other top leaders from the Kamwokya based political party, but non including the chief guest Barbie Itungo (Hon. Kyagulanyi’s wife) attended! 
On realising that her function is boycotted by the opposition National Unity Platform leaders, Nassolo rushed to FDC’s Ssalongo Erias Lukwago who alongside a few councilors mostly from Rubaga North bailed her out to save her from shame before her other invited guests.
Speaking to some Members of Parliament who turned down Nassolo’s invitation, they revealed to this leading investigative news website why they couldnt attend this graduation party saying she errored when she did not invite the area Member of Parliament Hon. Aloysius Mukasa. 
One of the invited NUP MPs from greater Masaka who turned down the invitation told us that, “You cant just go to a colleague’s constituency and attend such function when he is not aware! After receiving Nassolo’s invitation, i consulted Hon. Mukasa only to tell me how i was just giving him news about the function. I had to turn down the invitation.” 
The NUP MP massively defeated DP’s Nassolo in 2021 elections. She ran to court but withdrew the petition on realising that she had a very bad case agaist the peoples’ member of Parliament.
Investigations shows, Nassolo had set up an ambush for NUP MPs and other top party leaders when she invited them to her graduation party in the absence of area MP Hon. Mukasa to potray that legislators as well as NUP top leaders have ganged against their own Aloysius Mukasa for Nassolo! 
“Nassolo wanted to use her graduation party to hoodwink Rubaga South people how their MP had been sidelined and herself endorsed for the 2026 bid.”
Revealed one of Nassolo’s confidants who requested anonymity. Her game plan did not work.

Like all of you saw, Nassolo’s function had no chief guest. Fact is, she had dreamt of having Barbie Itungo, Hon. Kyagulanyi’s wife as her chief guest. 
Since she is not in Kyagulanyi’s good books because of her being a double sided politician, Nassolo approached a certain journalist (names with held) to help her reach Barbie so that she is invited to her graduation party as a chief guest.
We were reliably informed, Nassolo made juicy offers to this Ghetto journalist if only he could convice Barbie to put in an appearance. However all attempts to have Barbie failed. Neither did she attend or even delegate someone.
Those close to Mama Kampala know she doesnt attend functions which are not sactioned by her husband.

After failing to get Barbie for her graduation Party, Nassolo went for NUP National Mobilizer, also Kunga Uganda boss Fred Nyanzi, the brother to President Kyagulanyi.
She called Nyanzi begging him to attend her function. We cant tell why Chairman Nyanzi also turned down Nassolo’s invitation and didnt send a representative.

Just like it was expected, less than 100 people turned up for Nassolo’s graduation party! 
In attendance was Rubaga and Makindye mayors Zacky Mberaze and Ali Nganda Mulyanyama (both were in DP with Nassolo), a few councilors mostly from Rubaga North and other people.
She had invited Buganda Kingdom top officials but none attended. 
The organizing team told us, Nassolo booked food for 1000 people but only about 100 turned up, a bigger number refused.

FDC Vice president Buganda region also Lordmayor Kampala Ssalongo Erias Lukwago arrived at Nassolo’s home at around 6pm an our to close the function. He came in at a time of serving meals.
The usher wanted to lead Lordmayor direct inside the house where Mberaze and Mulyanyama were being served from but he refused over what analysts say, he never wanted to dine from the same table with Mulyanyama who wants to unseat him from City Hall come 2026.
Lukwago chose to sit outside in the tent to be served near a certain female councilor.
When called to address Nassolo’s guests, Lukwago attacked NUP Kampala Members of Parliament apart from Hon. Shamim Malende and other NUP leaders accusing them of not attending court sessions of Makindye West MP Allan Ssewanyana and Kawempe North MP Muhammad Ssegirinya.
The FDC politician mentioned how there is a big political vaccum in Rubaga in what some of those who attended the function intepreted as decampaigning NUP MPs.
Things didnt go well for Lukwago as a certain KCCA councilor tasked him to mention a few things he has done in Kampala before attacking NUP MPs who have not only given back to their constituents but also are visible on the floor, performing well in Parliament.
You have been Lord mayor since 2011. What is that one thing you have done for Kampala people apart from singing ‘rule of law’. Does your rule of law bring food on the tables of suffering Kampala people? Vendors are being arrested every day and tortured by KCCA enforcement, you who is proudly working, what have you done? Leave our MPs and concentrate on what you have to do.” Said a KCCA NUP councilor.

Although the MC kept on inviting guests to bring gifts for the graduand, none brought her gifts apart from FDC’s Lukwago and other few people.
Asked why she had not brought a gift for7 Nassolo, one of the leaders present told us without mincing words how Eugenia Nassolo is too mean, it was time for her to reap what she has been sowing. You cant believe it, only Lord mayor Lukwago, gave her a gift.

Efforts to speak to area MP Hon. Aloysius Mukasa proved to be futile as he is in South Africa where Pariament sent him together with other legislators for Parliamentary business.

For a story tip, send an email on newseditor.info@gmail.com




SPEAKER of Parliament Rt. Hon. Anita Annet Among today morning re-echoed the need for a united Africa as a way of facilitating the flow of trade, capital, energy, and ideas.
She revealed that, ‘’At a time when Africa is re-positioning itself in the global arena, unity and cooperation is a crucial catalyst for strengthening Africa’s voice among the international community of nations.’’
Ms Among made the remarks while meeting the High Commissioner of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to Uganda, Ismail Ayibami at her office at parliament.
She commended President for championing good relations with the people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria which has already yielding dividends, seen through the number of Nigerian Nationals operating successful businesses in Uganda, especially in the banking sector.
She reaffirmed Parliament’s commitment to working concertedly with the National Assembly of Nigeria, and other Countries in the endeavour to uphold core commitments towards greater unity, cohesion and solidarity.
On his part, H.E Ismail Ayibami called for strengthening and deepening of relations between the Parliament of Uganda and the National Assembly of Nigeria.

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