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2026 CITY LORDMAYOR hopeful Alhaj Ali Nganda Kasirye Mulyanyama, the incumbent mayor for Makindye Municipality in Kampala has led the Division Executive Committee for an official visit to Kisugu health center in order to ascertain the challenges and positives in this Health center which serves hundreds of patients.

Mayor Mulyanyama accompanied by the Division Executive Committee, engages medical staff at Kisugu Health Centre

His Worship the mayor, had an engagement with the medics and was shocked to learn that this facility has not received supplies of medicine from National Medical Store (NMS). It has been missing out on four times out of the 6 times of supply in this ending financial year.
“It was our recommendation which we shall follow up to ensure supplies are made in regards to the demand from the center.” Said Mayor Mulyanyama.
During his visit, the NUP vocal mayor extended a helping hand to the patients and all expectant mothers by donating basic needs to them.



PHOTO: Hon. Allan Mayanja Sebunya on the floor of Parliament on Thursday


ON THURSDAY, hardworking legislator Allan Mayanja Sebunya (AMS), Member of Parliament representing Nakaseke Central took on the floor of Parliament and raised a matter of Public importance concerning the delayed compensation and return of land titles to their rightful Project Affected Persons along Luweero-Kiwoko-Butalangu Road, which is currently under construction by the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) which falls under Minister of Wprks and Transport. 
Hon. Mayanja Sebunya commonly known as ‘MP Allan afaayo’ told Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament and Hon. Members that there is a potential risk that some of the land titles initially surrendered to UNRA might be untraceable.
“Dont be shocked if my people, title owners drag UNRA to courts of law for the business opportunities foregone by denying them access to funds from commercial banks against such titles as collateral security.” Said MP Mayanja Sebunya who has already assured his people of any support they want from him to force UNRA return their land titles as soon as possible.
Mayanja who trounced former Finance Minister Syda Bumba to be declared Nakaseke Central MP on opposition NUP ticket, asked the Works and Transport Minister Gen. Edward Katumba Wamala to tell the public, when will people’s titles be returned.
In his resonse, Gen. Katumba Wamala said UNRA wont wait to be draged to court, they will return the land titles, although he didnt specify, how soon because the land title owners wanted them back yesterday. 
After the sitting, Hon. Mayanja who os known to be a hardliner if it comes to serving his voters, vowed to pressing Works Minister until UNRA returns titles of Luweero people.
For starters, MP Mayanja is among the youngest legislators in the 11th Parliament but very vocal and active.

Before Nakaseke Central sent him to the August House, he served as Speaker Buganda Youth Council (BYC), a Buganda Kingdom Youth Parliament for a period of 4 years. He is one of the most darling NUP MPs before Principal Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi and wife Babra Itungo Kyagulanyi.
We are told, Nakaseke central people recently chased away a certain State Minister in ruling NRM government who wants to contest against MP Mayanja Sebunya openly telling him to go and find something else to do, they are very confortable and well represented by Hon. Sebunya.
We will return to this in details in our next article.

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PHOTO: Education Minister Dr. Muyingo taken around school boys’ dormitory which was set ablaze by rebels killing all students to ashes!


MEMBER of Parliament repesenting Rubaga South constituency in Kampala Capital Hon. Aloysius Mukasa is deeply saddened by the senseless massacre of over 37 innocent students at Lubiriha Secondary school in Kasese over the weekend, most of whom were young girls saying students in other schools and their parents are now worried of their security. Government reportely said, the attackers were rebels of Allied Democratic Force (ADF) who crossed from neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
In fact, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni on Sunday tweeted, “This new atrocity by the elements of the ADF is criminal, desperate, terrorist and futile. It will not save them.”

However, MP Mukasa says this doesn’t answer the fundamental question of why did military intelligence and counter-intelligence fail to detect these small “cells” (as you President Museveni call them in his official statement) during the two days they spent in the area before the attack?
Mukasa who wrote to this leading investigative news Website told us that, what is even more disturbing is the fact that Kasese district has a high concentration of military and army personnel, yet such a gruesome act could take place without early detection. 

Hon. Mukasa speaking at a function in Rubaga sometime back

As a legislstor, wants thorough investigations into this rebel attack and security officers who slept on job, given heavy punishment to act as a lesson to others who abscond from duties.
“It leaves a question, why is our security system underperforming despite taking the largest share of our national budget? The public has a right to feel safe and secure in their own communities. It is unacceptable that our students cannot attend school without fear of being killed or abducted. We want to see officers who were on duty in Kasese that night our children were massacred, arrested and heavily punished.” Reads opposition NUP MP Hon. Aloysius Mukasa’s statement.
He noted that, “We cannot allow this to become the new normal in our country. We call upon the government to intensify their efforts in providing security to all citizens, especially in areas that are prone to attacks. We need to invest in technology and intelligence gathering to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.”
To the families of the victims, Hon. Mukasa extend his deepest sympathies and assured them that justice will be served at the right time. 

He said we must come together as a nation to condemn this heinous act and work towards ensuring that our children can go to school without fear. He urged all Ugandans to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the security forces. “It is our collective responsibility to ensure the safety and security of our nation.” Hon. Mukasa said.

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PHOTO: Hon. Nkunyingi Muwada, Shaddow Affairs Minister


HON. NKUNYINGI Muwada, Foreign Affairs Shadow Minister in Uganda is not shocked on learning about the issuance of level 3, travel advisory for Uganda dated June 12, 2023 by United States of America/International community concerns. 
In a Press Statement released, Shadow minister of Foreigh Affairs Nkunyingi who also doubles as Kyadondo East Member of Parliament, said Uganda citizens should take precautions following the issuance of level 3 travel advisory for Ugandans by the United States of America. 

Press statement

The US level 3 travel advisory quotes inter alia critical aspects of insecurity, violent crimes, rule of law and human rights concerns. It further outlines precautionary measures for US citizens whilst in Uganda. 
MP Nkunyingi Muwada advised Uganda citizens to equally follow the precautionary isued by the United States of America to it’s citizens in the updated level 3 travel advisory. 
He noted that, strangely, the Uganda regime declined renewing host agreements for sensitive international organizations including the UN Human Rights office and several other International agencies. Several other International organisations some from USA announced closure. “We take keen interest in the strained relations between Uganda and the International Community plus resultant positions taken by the International Community. Though not surprised, we condemn the evasive conduct of the Uganda regime and ministry of Foreign Affairs on many critical concerns raised by the International Community some of which would have been settled diplomatically.” Reads Statement from Shadow Foreign Affairs minister in Uganda.
He talked a out how Diplomacy warrants mutual and timely engagements. 
As well, some salient concerns like the rule of law, Human Rights and democratic values have been regularly echoed by the Uganda opposition with no redress to date. In line with our alternative diplomacy, we shall keep the Uganda public informed as we mornitor developments in the world and the state of affairs in Uganda.” Said MP Nkunyingi Muwada.
He demands that there should be negotiations between the USA and Uganda Government although he acuses Uganda concerned embassies on being silent.
“Our embassies are silent. No embassy is speaking. As opposition we offer alternative. We need negotiations.” Foreign Affairs Shadow minister Nkunyingi Muwada told journalists in a Press conference.

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ENG. JOSEPH Sewava, National Cordinator for ‘Mzee Tova ku ballot’, a massive pressure group calling for ruling NRM Chairman Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s return for President in 2026 General Elections has announced prayer sessions for The Head of State who is in house- confinement since Wednesday June 7, 2023 when he was a confirmed corona-positive test. 
According to Sewava a Special Holy Mass for the President will take place at Christ the King in Kampala at 12:00 pm today.

PHOTO; When President Museveni met Eng. Sewava (1st on his right) and other members of ‘Mzee tova ku ballot’ during presidential trail to Greater Masaka, recently

Tomorow, prayers will be held at All saints Church Kampala. And full program for other places of worship will be given in details.
President Museveni whose doctors are doing everything possible to see him return on duty, missed Heroes Day and delegated Prime minister Rt. Hon. Robinah Nabbanja Musafiri.
Speaking to The News Editor News Website Mr. Sewava said, “As team ‘Mzee tova ku Ballot’We continue to pray for Our dear President to get well soon and continue with his daily assignments for the country. We thank God for his improvement, we witness the healing power (Psalms 103:2-3)”

In her tweet which has gone viral, First lady Mama Janet Kataha Museveni has thanked all those praying for her husband and the family.
Tweet reads; “Bishops, pastors, brothers, sisters in Christ, men and women of God, today, the Lord leads me to thank you for your prayers for the health of the President, myself, and our entire family. Thank you for standing in the gap especially for your President, because the enemy, who has never known that he was defeated at the cross when Jesus said, ‘it is finished,’ is still trying to harm the servant of God.” However, First Lady said, “The enemy has no chance because that battle was won by the Lord on that day. And by His stripes, all of us are healed, and we stand strong and whole, forevermore!”
“Therefore, I only need to say, ‘Thank you’ to all of you who are kind and gracious enough to stand with us in this season. We are not afraid because we know that with God on our side, we will indeed triumph.” Reads Mrs President’s message.

According to his tweet on Sunday June 11, 2023, President wrote; 
“Greetings. It is now day 5 of my corona-status. Last night, I slept very well up to the 10th hour of the night (saa kumi za usiku –what the Europeans call 4am). This time, the dull headache was not there, nor was the mild throbbing (enkuratima) on top of the head (oruhoora-hoore). Initially, on Wednesday, there was also some mild muscle soreness (kutonekara), typical of the usual flu. The soreness I was feeling on Wednesday was less than one would feel with the usual flu. That soreness of muscles, has now gone. Also, some roughness (obugiimbi) on the throat, has gone. 
However, we carried out corona tests today and they were still positive. We shall wait for a few more days and check again. I remain in self-isolation at Nakasero. In my self- isolation, I have had time to watch some UBC wealth creation programmes, apparently, captured by the Presidential Press Unit (PPU). They are most pleasing to watch. It seems that Ugandans in the countryside are getting our message of getting out of okukolera ekidda kyoonka (tic me ic keken) – subsistence farming. UBC should replay those programmes. In the cattle corridor, with the dairy; in the Masaka Region with coffee, bananas and palm oil; in the Luwero Triangle with coffee; etc., Ugandans are waking up. The spokesmen of the parasites that are always writing negatively in the Monitor Newspaper, can continue deceiving themselves but Uganda is moving. Kahendekye, taita mbogo (cursing a buffalo, does not break its leg). Ebikolimo by’enkonko, tebitta kamunye (the noises made by hens, do not kill a kite). Again, I advise all of you to get fully vaccinated against corona and the elderly should get the boosters.   
A day before Museveni wrote, “Day 4 of my corona status, has seen me assault, all day long, 3 loadfulls of government papers. I started at 6:30am (Saa kumi na mbiri, in our African languages, na nusu.) 
The corona virus, by domesticating me, is helping me to catch up with my paper work. The symptoms are more mild than yesterday. In the night, slight throbbing (enkuratima) in the ruhoorahoore area of the head. This is the part of the head that has a gap in children. Also, some slight roughness on the throat. 
Otherwise, I am even tempted to do my push-ups, but common sense reminds me not to disturb the bio-chemistry of the body where the war with the enemy (the virus) is going on with additional strains on the body. 
All the NRM cadres and followers should continue to understand the importance of robust health. I always avoid factors that can cause ill-health, not because I fear being sick but because I detest missing the struggle for Africa’s freedom. Our grand fathers’ generation (the founders of the ANC of South Africa in 1912, George Padamore, W.B. Dubois, Kabalega, etc.), our fathers’ generation (Nkurumah, Kenyatta, Nyerere, Mandela, etc.), our own generation (Samora Machel, Ngaraang, etc.), our children’s and grandchildren’s generations, are generations of the African anti- colonial resistance for Africa to survive and thrive. Our health is, therefore, a weapon in the fight against imperialism and all Africa’s enemies. You cannot fight when you are sick as well as you can fight when you are healthy. I am not sick in bed, but I have been house- confined, since Wednesday 7th when I had a confirmed corona-positive test. Consequently, I missed Heroes Day yesterday, where our daughter Nabbanja did a great job; I could not meet the guests I had invited from UAE and I have cancelled my plan to go to Kisozi tomorrow to supervise the half-yearly de-worming of my cattle. Therefore, health is not only wealth but also part of the weapons of the struggle. Afya ni utajiri na vile vile ni chombo cha mapambano ya kimapinduzi (part of the instruments of the revolutionary struggle). Otherwise, the Heroes Day went well. I thank the organizers and the Rt. Hon. Nabbanja. Our People are beginning to get the message of homestead incomes with ekibaro (cuura, aimar). It is dairy in the cattle corridor and coffee in upper Bulemeezi (Semuto etc.). I thank all the Ugandans that are wishing me a quick recovery. Maama Janet was tested on the 7th evening and all the tests were negative (rapid, PCR, etc.). We thank God for that. We have, therefore, been using different parts of the house ever since. 
On Heroes day Museveni wrote. “It is now day 3 in my Corona status. Yesterday, day 2 of my corona status, I felt very sleepy around 11am (the fifth hour of the day according to we, the People of the Tropics), yet I had slept well the previous night. Hence, I slept soundly up to the ninth hour of the day (3PM according to the People of the Temperate lands).
When I woke up, I was fresh and I wrote a short speech for the Rt. Hon. Nabbanja to give in Luwero today. I sent Nabbanja to Luwero because the VP, Alupo, is representing us in Lusaka- COMESA summit. I slept at the fourth hour of the night, which the Europeans call 10PM and woke up at the 9th hour of the night (Shaaha mweenda z’ekiro) with a slight vague headache. I call it vague because it was not obwaabe (temples headache), it was not oruhora-hoore (the crown of the head) headache and it was not around the engata (the ring) of the head. When I sat up and drank more water as advised by my daughter Patience Kokundeeka, the headache went away and I slept again. According to my longtime doctor, Diana Atwiine, this is a mild case and should be managed conservatively by using vitamin C, other vitamins, especially –D and some anti-histamines. “What are the other cases described as?” I asked Dr. Atwiine. The other cases could be described as: moderate or severe. These according to her, need different interventions. When Atwiine announced my corona-status the other day, I am the one who told her to do it. I was still busy with other issues. I will wait for two more days and do the test again. It seems immunization and the boosters for the immunization, do help. I will keep you informed. Let everybody be fully vaccinated and for the elderly get boosters. 
Here at News Editor Media, we keep our Prayers in Prayers and wish him a very quick recovery.

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OPPOSITION National Unity Platform (NUP) Member of Parliament for Rubaga South Hon. Talton Gold Aloysius Mukasa has talked about his fallen predecessor Hon. Paul Kato Lubwama as a man of many talents, a comedian, a musician, a radio presenter, and a politician.
In his condolence message to the bereaved family, to the people of Rubaga South and Country at large shortly after family announced the sudden death of their beloved Kato Lubwama, his successor Hon. Aloysius Mukasa said , It is with a heavy heart that he mourns the loss of this former MP.
Hon. Mukasa’s condolence message reads,Our former MP Kato Lubwama’s untimely demise has sent shock waves throughout our nation, and our thoughts and prayers go out to his family during this difficult time. He was a charismatic figure who had a unique ability to unite people from all walks of life.”

“He was a tireless worker who dedicated his life to serving his constituents, always putting their needs and interests first. As the current member of parliament for Rubaga South constituency, I had the privilege of succeeding Kato Lubwama. I can attest to the incredible legacy that he has left behind, one that will be remembered for many years to come.” Reads Hon. Mukasa’s condolence message.
Rubaga South legislator who massively won 2021 elections said although he unsat Kato Lubwama, the two have been friends and talking.
Mukasa commonly known as Taata Rubaga said, “We will always be grateful for the contributions that Kato Lubwama made to our country. He was a true inspiration to so many of us, and he will always hold a special place in the hearts of Rubaga South people and all Ugandans.”
Kato Lubwama served in the 10th Parliament as an independent although he was a DP lenient.
He had offered himself for the second term but in 2021 but lost to NUP’s Hon. Mukasa.
Our heartfelt condolences to CBS radio, his former employer.

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PHOTO: When CID team from masaka visited locus to investigate burnt property


RESIDENTS in Ndolo parish, Kabira Sub County in the Southern border district of Kyotera are living in great fear, having endured months of cascading violent attacks at the hands of a shadowy clique of politically-connected people who seek to evict them from their ancestral land.
The attackers are said to be led by a one Ignatius Tumwesiga, who claims to be carrying out eviction orders on behalf of President Yoweri Museveni, although he has never shown documentation or any other form of proof of these orders.
In fact, the Office of the President has clearly come out to deny knowledge of of Tumwesige who also claims to be related to president Museveni.
Tumwesiga is accused by locals for unleashing attacks and destruction of their homes and farms apparently to arm-twist them into giving up their land, where they and their forefathers have lived as bonafide occupants for the better part of the past century.

Some of the burnt houses

He is reportedly working with district leaders and some law enforcement officers, but also with backing from three cabinet ministers (we will name and shame in our next edition), who have let his cruel actions against residents go unabated.
On Tumwesiga’s orders, the locals told News Editor Media that, Police led by a one ACP Godfrey Matte and D/AIP John Kyaligonza have carried out arrests of innocent people, instead of arresting the attackers who burn’t houses and destroyed peoples’ farms moreover in broad daylight.
In a complaint filed to the Inspector General of Police in March this year, residents who included Godfrey Luzibira, Stephen Kasigwa, William Kanini, Hosia Kigambe, Isaac Bigirwa, Grace Kasande and others accused the two police officers of, ‘descending on their farms and destroying all our food crops plus cattle kraals.’
These police officers have also issued several summons and illegitimate eviction notices to the locals, pushing them to leave their homes. Sources say that although Tumesige claims to act on behalf of the President, the Office of the President has come out to deny knowledge of him. Police had yet to respond to our queries on whether a probe has been opened into the allegations.

The locals have also rushed to Masaka High Court seeking orders against tycoon Tumwesiga, who refers to himself as the ‘Liaison Consultant of Sango Bay land’ and the two named police commanders.


The affected residents occupy an expanse of land in Ndolo Parish, measuring about 6 square miles. Here, in the open grasslands they do mostly cattle farming and grow food crops for their homesteads. 
This land makes up part of what used to be the 250 square miles (65,000 ha) which was leased to the Indian-owned Sango Bay Estates Ltd by the British colonial government back in the 1930s.
Owing to the enormous size of the land, the Indians only used part of it for sugarcane production, sisal and timber processing, while the remainder was taken up by settlers, including the parents and grandparents of the current occupants.
The 1972 Indian expulsion by the then Head of State Idi Amin Dada destroyed most of the estate as the factory and other infrastructure was looted. 
When the owners returned in the early 1990s, their efforts to restore the estate to its former glory were fruitless. In 2003, Government signed an MoU with Bidco Uganda Ltd, promising to allocate 14,500 of the 65,000 hectares of the Sango Bay estate to grow palm oil.
As it turned out however, the palm oil project presented a perfect opportunity for land grabbers who co-opted ravenous local leaders and security, and started processing dubious titles on the remaining land and displacing scores of bonafide occupants.
As the grabbers (some of whom occupy top government positions) took up other parts of Sango Bay, Tumwesiga allegedly had eyes set on the 6 square miles of Ndolo. Over the past 10 years, the parish has seen the most spate of violence and bloodshed. When he started planting trees in the residents’ crop gardens, however, tempers started flaring. In 2011, residents put a strong resistance against Tumwesiga’s stubborness.
He disappeared until around 2015 when he returned and launched fresh attacks, aided by some men in police uniform.
In the court case filed in Masaka by the locals, lawyers representing Sango Bay Estates said in an affidavit that their company had no interest whatsoever in the Ndolo area as claimed by Tumwesiga. 
The Ministry of Lands too, has denied involvement in the Ndolo area, noting that official demarcation of the land for Bidco’s palm oil production has not even started yet. 
In March 2021 shortly after the Uganda Land Commission finally took possession of the Sango Bay land, President Museveni directed the Commission to evenly split the 22,028 hacrares between Bukora Estates Ltd and UPOL Sango Bay Ltd.
In his letter, President Museveni expressly ordered for cancellation of the dubious land titles that have been acquired on the land, writing; “…the practice of encroachers who have been obtaining illegal titles on the land and want to disrupt the development is not acceptable and must stop.”
Museveni further directed that, “All “wanainchi” who are genuine bibanja holders on the land should be verified by Commission and handled in accordance with the law. “

As of last year, State minister for Lands Sam Mayanja, pursuant to the president’s directive, had ordered cancellation of up to ten titles on the land. 

President Museveni just returned last week from greater Masaka, where he spent 4 days touring and assessing the government’s development programs. There had been high anticipation that the President would address the issue of land grabbing and the ongoing displacement of families in Kyotera.
The President however, made no mention of the issue or even a spot visit to the contested land much, to the chagrin of the residents. Some of the locals believe the president was dissuaded from visiting the affected area. Sources have told us that a certain Minister from Greater Masaka, who owns hundreds of acres of land in Sango Bay, had days earlier called a meeting of local leaders and asked them to write down their concerns for him to deliver to the President because he wasn’t going to be able to make it to Kyotera.

This leading Investigstive News website established that the raids on people’s homes are being carried out by a unit called the “Sango Bay Police Unit” commanded by Godfrey Matte himself. Matte was transferred from Kalangala district where he was also cited in mass evictions of people. It is unclear  when this Unit was formed, but it is said to be based in Kyotera town.
“The policemen usually come on two police pickup trucks dressed in uniform and they unleash the violence; setting people’s grass thatched homes on fire and cutting down their crops,” a source told our reporter adding that, “They arrest people every other day and release them on police bond. They never charge them. They dont account to anyone, even if they find you taking pictures in this parish, they will arrest you and confiscate your gadget.”
Efforts to reach Mr. Tumwesiga by press time were negative. Our news desk is doing everythung possible to get his side of the story.

Wait for Part II of the story. For views/comments on this story, email us at newseditor.info@gmail.com



PHOTO: Some of the Pastors organising COPE launch on Heroes’day Seated, fourth from left is new leader Bishop David Michael Kyazze

URSB Clears Confederation of Pentecostal and Evangelical Ministries (COPE) Association
● Pastor Michael Kyazze Nominated New Leader As 700 Churches Walk out of NFBPC Over Rigged Elections
● Organises Mega Launch On Heroes Day
● We bring you who is who in COPE


JUST like we tipped you our dear readers how over 700 churches had walked out of National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches (NFBPC) and formed a new transparent and political – free association to redeem and spread the Gospel of salvation to all corners of the Country, it has indeed come to pass! 
A new association of Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda called Confederation of Pentecostal and Evangelical Ministries (COPE) has been formed and fully registered under the law by Uganda Registration Service Bureau (URSB).
Omega Healing Ministries senior Pastor Dr. David Michael Kyazze is the National leader of this new Fellowship.
COPE is a Non-political, non-tribal Umbrella organization of denominational, independent ministries, that preserves identity, calling, mandate and legal status of member organizations while manifesting the Kingdom of God.
The mission of COPE is Centering on Christ and Church.
We are told, the supreme leader of Born-Again pentecostal churches new umbrella will among others appoint seven ministries to serve in; Ministry of Youth, Ministry in charge of Diaspora, Ministry of Education & Sports, Ministry of Communication (Media), Ministry of Industry & Commerce, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Protocol & Security.

All is set for a mega launch on June 9, 2023, a day we comemorate Uganda Heroes. Over 1000 pastors and other dignitories will grace the function as COPE comomerate and awards Heroes in Born-Again Pentecostal Churches.

Here is the COPE logo

This leading investigative News Website can exclusively report that, Apostle and Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira of Efatha Ministry, Mwenge – Darsalam, Konondoni, the richest Pastor in Tanzania who owns a fleet of cars and jets has confirmed his presence as Born-Again Pentecostal new association is launched at Omega Healing Centre, Namasuba on Entebbe road.

● Holistic Growth (Luke 2:52)
Rolling out a National Cohesion by the fire of the Holly Spirit 

● Blazing with Wisdom 
● Blazing with Favor before God
● Blazing with favour before men
● Blazing with increasing stature


● Cohesion
● Communication
● Christ Centeredness
● Celebration
● Cash
● Community Transformation
● Construction
● Capacity building
● Conciliation


General Assembly is composed of;
● Heads (Denominational Heads)
● Elders (Elders Ministry: Eg; Apostolic Elders, Prophetic Elders, Pastoral Elders, etc)
● Mountains of influence (Education & Sports, Entertainment, Government, Media, Diaspora, Family, Religion, Business, etc)
● Supretendant (Regional, Zonal leaders)

For starters, Mwingira’s Efatha Ministry is well established in Tanzania with Efatha church in every district of Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar.

Apostle and Prophet Mwingira

According to this Ministry’s media platform, Efatha owns TRENET, one of the most powerful christian TV stations in Tanzania. 
Apostle and Prophet Mwingira owns Efatha Bank Ltd which is located on Plot No. 90 Mikocheni Light Industrial Area, along Bagamoyo Road in Mwenge area, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Mwingira’s Efatha Bank

Establishment of the Efatha Bank Ltd was promoted by Efatha Ministry and Efatha Foundation Ltd. The Bank of Tanzania approval for the Efatha Bank Ltd to carry on banking business was obtained on October 31, 2008. 

Following declaration of Moses Odong as the winner of the March 16, 2023 election for the General Overseer (GO) of National Fellowship of Born Again Pentectostal Churches in Uganda, former candidate GO Pastor Michaael David Kyazze Petitioned council of Elders and set out tough terms for his meeting with embattled Bishop Josua Lwere, the outgoing GO, who is accused of messing up the whole election process to favour his weak blue eyed boy Odong.
It is official, Omega Healing Ministries International’s Pr. Kyazze, alongside other pastors from over 700 Born Again pentecostal churches in Uganda strongly rejected Odong’s election saying the process was marred with rigging ochestrated by Lwere who controls Odong on remote and the Electoral Commission under the leadership of Appostle Rogers Zziwa.

A leaked mesage to Dr. Michael David Kyazze sent by one of the leaders of the Council of Elders National of Fellowship of Born Again Pantectostal Churches (NFBPC) reads;
Beloved Bishop Kyaze,
Glory be to our God who deserves all Honor, Glory and Power. We need your prayers as we progress with your petition. 
The Chairman and other Elders are willing to handle this matter righteously and fairly.  The expected first brotherly meeting will have to include the CoE (Councilor of Elders), Incumbent GC, EC and official Observers who observed the elections. 
At the moment we do not know how to bring all these together! Do you have any advice for us? We are just a growing imperfect Fellowship of Loving Brethren. 

Dear Elder, 
I greet you in the name of Jesus . 
I am not expecting a ‘Brotherly’ meeting . I rather would like to meet with the National Elders council or the available willing members to present my case. 
I do not expect an eager convening of the people you have mentioned . There is a spirit of impunity which I can not subvert.
I will request my Deputy – Bishop Wanda to liaise with you , so that we can arrange a meeting to explore the proper procedures to help us arrive to a desired end. 
I do not seek perfection. I seek justice and a righteous decision on this issue. 

Dated April 7, 2023, Pastor Michael David Kyazze petitioned The National Council of Elders of the National Fellowship for Born Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda (NFBPC) for nullification of the election of the General Overseer.
Petition reads;

  1. That the petitioner is a born-again Christian and Senior Pastor at Omega Healing Ministries, Namasuba.
  2. That the petitioner is a proud, vocal and active member of The National Fellowship of Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda and has been so since 1990.
  3. That the NFBPC aims at demonstrating high standards of Spiritual, ethical and professional integrity in its operations.
  4. That the petitioner is an active and strong believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Christian Values upon which the NFBPC was founded.
  5. That on March 16, 2023, the Electoral Commission of NFBPC organised National election to fill different positions of the NFBPC.
  6. That prior to the elections, the EC issued electoral guidelines to be followed through out the electoral process.
  7. That the petitioner was duly nominated for the post of General Oveeseer and indeed particiapted in the impugned elections.
  8. That the EC declared Pr. Moses Odongo as the overall winner for the post of General Overseer and the petitioner emerged 2nd out of the five contestants amidst contestation by most of the participants.
  9. That having been aggrieved and dissatisfied with the entire electoral process, the petitioner hereby petitions the National council of elders for redress as herein bellow;
  10. That the impunged elections were conducted in a highly unfair, ungodly and unchristian manner and in contravention of not only the NFBPC Constitution and electoral guidelines but also in violation of the Christian values and biblical principles upon which the NFBPC was founded.
  11. That the petitioner contends that the entire electoral process was marred by irregularities contrary to the NFBPC Constitution and the Electoral guidelines to wit;
    a) The Annual General Meeting (AGM)’s resolution amending Article 22(4)(b) of the NFBPC Constitution was never registered with the registrar of companies for validation as required by law thereby leaving the legitimacy of the entire electoral process in question. 
    b) Repetition of names in the voters register 
    c) Missing names in the voters register
    d) EC’s failure to publish Districts that forwarded the aspiring candidates 
    e) EC’s failure to publish vetting results from elders
    f) Recommendation of aspiring candidates by members of the EC
    g) Nomination of candidates with missing academic qualifications
    h) Failure to certify academic documents by some candidates
    i) Failure to publish declaration forms for some particular areas
    j) Alteration of the voting procedure by adopting stamped papers contrary to tags 
    k) Participation of UPDF officers in sorting and counting of votes 
    l) Allowing unqualified and/or unregistered people to participate in the voting process. 
    m) Conducting elections outside the gazzetted voting area.
    ii) That the Commissioner General EC via a Whatsapp communication platform dubbled NFBPC National Election Platform intimated on March 9, 2023 that he had received funds to transport voters from rural and remote areas to the gazzetted polling station in Kampala to enable them participate in the voting. But to the petitioner’s dismay, on the eleventh hour of the polling say on March 16, 2023 at 12:42AM, the same Commissioner General made a twist and stated on the same platform that he had instead failed to secure the resources necessary to transport rural voters to the gazzetted polling station.
    iii) That the petitioner contends and avers that the alleged failure to transport voters as promised was an act of hoodwink by the Commissioner General orchestrated to mislead, disenfranchise and frustrate potential voters from rural areas from taking part in the voting process. 
  12. That the Petitioner further contends that the electoral commission failed to perform its constitutional mandate to organise a free and fair election thereby exhibiting outright incompetence during the pre-election, election and post-election stages.
  13. That there is no validly elected Tribunal to hear the petitioner’s grievance and as such this council is clothed with the requisite power and mandate to hear and determine this petition.
  14. That if unchallenged, the impugned elections demonstrate unfairness and ungodliness contrary to the foundational values and principles of the NFBPC. 
  15. That the entire electoral process was devoid of the Fellowship’s core values.
  16. That the Petitioner contends and states that the above stated irregularities substantially affected the outcome of the entire electoral process. 

REASON WHEREFORE, your humble petitioner appeals to your Christian Conscience and unshakable faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and humbly prays for!
a) A declaration that the March 16, 2023 National Election Fellowship of the Born Again Pentecostal Churches for the the post of General overseer conducted by the EC was marred with material irregulatiries contrary to the EC Electoral guidelines, the Constitution and Memorundum and Articles of Association of the fellowship.
b) A declaration that the above stated irregularities affected the results of substatial manner, leading to wrong and/or invalid declaration.
c) A declaration that Pastor Moses Odongo was not validly elected for the post of the General overseer
d) An order setting aside and/or nullifying the election of Pr. Odongo as the General Overseer
e) An order directing the Electoral Commission to organise and/or conduct fresh elections for the post of General Overseer 
f) The council of elders to take over the sovereignity of the fellowship during the process of conducting fresh elections for the office of the General overseer persuant to Article 19(5)(1) of the Constitution of National Fellowship of the Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda.

For views/comments on this story, whatsapp editor on 0772523039




THOSE who falsely prophesized how reconstruction of Nakivubo Stadium was a day dream, its time to start eating your words and apologize to Ugandans.
Latest from Nakivubo Stadium Management, almost 90% of the construction work is done and date to open this magnificent stadium has been announced, thanks to investor Hamis Kiggundu of Ham Group of Companies for the job weldone.

INVESTOR: Hamis Kiggundu

Nakivubo Stadium has taken shape and improved Kampala skyline with reasonable social economictransformation to downtown, Kampala.
We can reliably report that, by the end of this year, sports and other social activities will be taking place within this ever first State-of-art privately owned Stadium in Uganda.

What remains, is the installation of the Artificial turf football field, one of the fields that needs to be installed carefully. Also, putting in glasses and ofcourse, goal posts. Then it will be good to go!
By press time, workers were doing everything possible to finalise the work.

For remarks on this story, send an us an email on newseditor.info@gmail.com




PHOTO: When G-86 youth visited their Patron Haji Nadduli

UGANDA can easily veer off into extinction if her future is not wisely designed for the generations to come. The political environment of this country plays a pivotal role in curving the foundation stone for peace and national unity despite the adverse history which we do not wish to experience again anywhere in this generation and others to come.
To safeguard Uganda’s future, there is need to resuscitate servitude regardless of tribe, political or religious affiliations with a common goal of taking Uganda to greater heights.
What Uganda has experienced over years, not forgetting the elusion of peace and national unity by politicians, is basis for lessons to all of us as Ugandans. There is need for concerted effort to tackle the challenges we face now, and the solution is in serving the populace.
Without the spirit of servitude, Uganda is destined for burial as a result of kleptocracy with a system where government officials expropriate the country’s wealth at the expense of the populace.
GENERATION 1986 (G-86), as a pressure group within the National Resistance Movement, offers the solution to socioeconomic thievery where a section of the plutocrats is immune to the rule of law.  
Formed in 2021, G-86 brings together Ugandans of all generations determined to serve the country to shape its future correcting the past and present slip-ups.

Author Jamil Kazibwe, National Cordinator G-86

The group, with an agenda of employing various ways of driving political participation and engagement, strives to safeguard the achievements of the Pearl of Africa and ensure her continuity through smooth transition of national leadership from one generation to another.
G-86 is unwaveringly determined to neutralise the enemies of Uganda, which are buttressed in the negative mindset, tribalism, kleptocracy, corruption and the impunity enjoyed by just a few. By building a country with nurtured local and national leaders with a spirit of fighting corruption, we are certain that these will monitor the utilisation of public money so that it is used appropriately for the budgeted purposes.
We inculcate, promote and develop an entrepreneurial and business culture among the people of Uganda especially the youth, tied with desirable morals, practices, and values. So far we have embarked on resuscitation strategies of the country and instill servitude among the populace.

Steven Biyinzika, Chief strategists G-86

We promote unity, gender sensitivity, integrity, innovation, transparency, equity and justice and a God-fearing nation through guiding members through hard work, respect for one another, creativity, and above all the love for one another, since love for one another translates into love for our country.
“G-86 with its agenda of servant leadership, is all about exemplary team-leadership and accountability in line with democracy, and the value for wisdom and knowledge. It’s our humble appeal to all Ugandans regardless of tribe, political or religious affiliations to join this cause for a common goal of peace, unity and prosperity beyond limits.

The author Jamil Kazibwe is the National Cordinator, G-86. Whatsapp him on +256 702 690303

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