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IN the passion of Christ, when Jesus faced the famous Pilate, whose worldly name is the only name placed in the Catholic Creed for reasons known to basic theologians, posed a question to Christ the Messiah, “What is truth?” (John 18:38). This comes after Jesus identifying himself as truth, truth which is love. 
If you asked people why Jesus was born, probably few would include the answer, “To testify to the truth;” however, Jesus told Pilate that He came into the world to communicate and demonstrate the truth. Believers may give a variety of reasons for why they became Christians, but they need to include, “Because Christianity is true.”
Most people wonder why are former students who have passed through the Catholic seminaries very smart and honest in whatever they do? Ultimately, the purpose of seminary is to help students understand and rely upon the teachings and atonement of Jesus Christ. 
The crux of the philosophy spread in the seminaries all over the world is truth as noticed in the bible. No community you will fail to meet an ex-seminarian, who will serve selflessly in all faculties he is occupying with an honest heart and mind. The very reason is that truth is the prime philosophy planted in them.
We have had many schools in the country basing their teaching on academic excellency than teaching students to live the life defined for truth. The ultimate goal of man is happiness, and this happiness is attained after bearing truth in one’s life. Its amazing that Kitabi Seminary has almost the largest number of parliamentarians in the 11th Parliament compared to secular other secular schools! Most old boys of the seminary have been seen standing with an honest mind to defend what is wrong. 
The Eyrie Writers have a famous saying, ‘a school can’t be better than its students’. We are also used to a saying “you can never build a community with no unity”. All these words should ring in our ears to portray how truth is a fundamental philosophy to make arrive to prosperous social life. 
What makes seminary students profound persons in our communities is that in what ever they do they make sure being honest, humble and generous are the key factors to live a well-defined life. For the meaning of the word truth extends from honesty, good faith, and sincerity in general, to agreement with fact or reality in particular.
Without truth, there is no achievement we can arrive at. It’s now fifteen years on the road while in the seminary, I have found out that most ex-seminarians are trusted because of the formation they underwent through. Unless other schools borrow the same formation system plus the government making it a point to spread the gospel of truth in schools, we shall continue having corrupt leaders. People also question why Catholics are always entrusted with financial offices and judicious offices is only because they are truthful. It is a fallacy to say all Catholics are truthful but the fact is that even the most trusted Catholics were once seminarians.
Truth enables us to extend our power, in the sense of our ability to get things done, successfully. At the seminary, there is much conviction in students themselves that they must stand for the good of their brothers. The slogan has risen amongst current seminarians that each student must see his brother as a brother on a death bed. It’s is with this theory that we should also build our way of leaving. We cannot go on leaving on the theory for God and my stomach. Truth is the only law that makes us free from error.

The writer Robert Bigwarugaba is a Seminarian. 
email; robertbigabwarugaba@gmail.com




THE Kyabazinga of Busoga Kingdom His Highness Isebantu William Wilberforce Kadhumbula Gabula Nadiope IV  together with Rt. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga Speaker Parliament of Uganda have launched the Busoga Covid-19 rescue food package programme to feed millions of hungry Busoga People during the lockdown.

Kadaga, the benevolent Kamuli dustrict woman member of Parliament donated 40 tonnes of Maize flour alongside other contributions worth millions.

Kyabazinga and Speaker Kadaga arrive for the function

Later, Speaker Kadaga, Busoga’s iron lady said, “Instead of waiting for government largesse, we opted to be proactive; to rescue the most vulnerable in our sub region’s urban centres from starvation. Personally, I contributed 20 tonnes of maize flour worth UGX 40M. In total, including goodwill from the sub region, we marshalled items worth UGX 200M.”

Busoga people have massively welcomed the idea saluting Kyabazinga and Speaker Kadaga for this move.

Annet Emetak posted on Speaker Kadaga’s Facebook page and said, “Yes this is what we were supposed to do in the first place. Actually you can also pick our money that the kyabazinga gave to the Covid -19 National task force such that it can help the people of Busoga.”

The Kyabazinga of Busoga contributed UGX 85M to the Covid-19 National Taskforce. 

Busoga Katukiro Dr. Muvawala delivering Kyabazinga cheque of UGX 85M to Hon. Mary Karoro Okrut of Covid-19 National Taskforce in the presence of Speaker Kadaga

It was delivered by Katukiro Dr. Joseph Muvawala, accompanied by the Kingdom ministers to minister Mary Karooro Okurut, in the presence of Speaker Kadaga. 

On this function, Kadaga urged the central government to hatch out plans to feed the urban poor in other parts of the country.

Emetak says, “I wonder how u can give money to the task force yet busoga region has people suffering too.”

Still on launching Busoga Covid-19 Busoga relief food package, Prof Aminsi Menya said, “Nice move, instead of waiting for the government of Kampala and Wakiso we as Basoga can save our people.”

Henry Munaaba Dhikusoka wrote,  “We appreciate the effort and initiative by the Kingdom and the office of Rt. Hon Speaker Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga. Keep it up.”

In Parliament, MPs echoed the need for the Covid-19 Food Relief Programme to be rolled across the country and key among these legislators was Kasese Woman MP Winnie Kiiza.

However, 1st Deputy Premier, Gen. Moses Ali said emphatically that this will not be possible!

Analysts say, because of the slowness exhibited by the Covid-19 National Taskforce in the distribution of the relief food and because other parts of the country have been left out in this program, leaders have resorted to plan B. Donating specifically for their people.

It is not known whether this doesn’t contradict with the president’s directive in which he banned politicians and other leaders giving out foodstuffs to people saying, they can only donate to the Task force.

In fact Museveni ordered police to arrest such leaders and charge them with attempted murder.

On Sunday, Mityana Municipality MP Francis Butebi Zaake was arrested on allegations of distributing food to hungry Mityana people.

On Sunday, while reading out those who donated to the Task Force, President Museveni read out Ssenninde Foundation owned by Wakiso district woman MP who doubles as State minister for Primary Education Rosemary Nansubuga Ssenninde. She donated food stuffs but clearly marked  them, “For Wakiso district.”

Other leaders like Hon. Fred Mukasa Mbidde, Hon. Haruna Kasolo, Hon. Latif Ssebaggala Ssengendo (Kawempe North) have also contributed foodstuffs clearly marked for their constituents.    




ON TUESDAY, the Federation of Motor Sports clubs of Uganda (FMU) under the Central Motor Club- one of it’s 15 member clubs donated 1 tonne of maize flour, rice and beans as well as laundry soap to the Covid-19 task force.

Mr. Sayeed Ali Kakeeto, the incoming Vice President of Central Motor Club had this to say, “As a sport and as motor sport and as a human, at Central Motor Club and even at the FMU, we are concerned with the pandemic and what’s going on in the country! We know somewhere some how our fans are affected, first because of the lockdown where people stay in doors.”

Ali Kakeeto with a dummy cheque

He urged the motor sport fraternity to adhere to the government call of staying home to stay safe, as well as following the SOPs in the fight against the Corona virus to be able to enjoy the game once the situation normalizes.

The emergence response ambulance

In a related development, the FMU under the stewardship of the new FMU President Dipu Ruparelia, fundraised Enduro Club’s emergency ambulance response, to equip the ambulance with medical staff and equipment in which Central Motor Club raised one million shillings toward the cause.
Salutations to Central Motor Club boosts of drivers like Rajiv Ruparelia, Yasin Nasser and other members who includes Dr. Ashraf Ahmed




BUSIRO East legislator Hon. Medard Sseggona Lubega who happens to be the lawyer for his colleague Hon. Francis Butebi Zaake has called on Ugandans to stand with this Mityana Municipality MP who was arrested on Sunday evening on accusations of giving out food to hungry people.

Hon. Zaake carrying packed rice which policealleges that he distributed it out to hungry people

MP Zaake is opposition People Power National Youth cordinator, with very close links to Hon. Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi, 2021 presidential aspirant.

Hon. Sseggona has said, “Hon Francis Zaake has been been arrested from his residence in Buswabulongo – Mityana and taken to an unknown destination. Keep him in your prayers.”

He is likely to face charges of attempted murder as directed by His Excellency the President which is being highly contested by lawyers who include Male Mabirizi saying the president has no powers to make such a law.

Museveni has repeatedly warned politicians and other people from distributing food to hungry people during  Covid-19 lockdown saying those arrested will be charged with attempted murder.

In his address, Museveni told police, “In the meantime, arrest the opportunistic and irresponsible politicians who try to distribute food for cheap popularity. Those are very dangerous to the health of the people.”

“When you try to distribute food or money in such a situation, people gather around you. Many people can be infected in that process. You will, therefore, have caused the sickness or death of those people. Anybody involved in that effort should be arrested and charged with attempted murder.” ordered the President.

However Lawyers are saying, the President has no mandate to ammend the laws.

It’s alleged, Hon. Zaake on Sunday distributed food to hungry Mityana Municipality people.
Our investigation team tells us, a team of security officers raided Hon. Zaake’s Buswabulongo Mityana residence, broke into his house and forcefully arrested him for feeding his people.

“Hon. Zaake will now face it in courts of law on charges of defying Presidential orders and attempted murder.” Said a top police officer in Mityana.

Security is said to have forced itself into his house

We are told,  MP Zaake is being detained at Kunywa Police post, a few miles from Mityana. 
His lawyers are doing everything to trace their client.

“Ammendment of statutes is a preserve of the legislature. He is not a member of the National assembly therefore, he has no mandate to amend the laws.” Said counsel Moses Kabuusu, former Kyamuswa member of Parliament.

City lawyer Male Mabirizi when approached to interprete the law had this to say: “It is President Museveni’s illegal speech orders which amount to attempted murder.”

Challenging President Museveni on attempted murder charges, Lawyer Mabirizi said, “President Museveni did not cite any law under which the politicians would be charged with attempted murder yet he was addressing the Nation and illegally directing the Police Force which both the Constitutional and Supreme Courts have found to be incompetent and partisan going by the way they harassed Ugandans in 2017 over the age limit removal”.

For lawyer Kabuusu, “The principle of legality as enshrined in Article 28(7) presupposes no person shall be charged and or convicted of an offence not prescribed by any law with its penalty prescribed there of.”

He says: For the offence of attempted murder to stand it has ingredients that must be fulfilled

  1. Attempt to (murder)
    And for murder there are ingredients to be fulfilled thus;
  2. Death or a dead body/corpse
  3. Unlawfully executed
  4. With Malice aforethought
  5. Liability of the accused Those ingredients are not very easy to prove against a politician giving out food to hungry and angry people.




PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni yesterday Sunday survived an accident when his speedy car knocked dead a stray he-goat on Jinja road, thanks to his commando super driver who perfectly controlled this car not to over-turn or veer off the road!

Senior drivers like Abdulnooh Nsimbe,  commonly known as Jjaja at Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC) Headquaters Old Kampala says, it’s  very easy for a speeding car to over-turn and cause a fatal accident even if it knocks a dog.

“Unless the driver is steadfast and controls the steering, this can end in a fatal accident! Anything that is knocked by a speeding car, can easily bring it down and instantly kill the occupants.” Added Jjaja Nsimbe.

The president was heading to State House Nakasero for his 11th televised address about Covid -19 updates.
The goat, whose owner the president wants to be traced by Director General Internal Security Organisation (ISO) Col. Franklin Kaka Bagyenda for what Muzeeyi referred to as compensation, took off. It is unfortunate that the Mpaya couldn’t survive after it was knocked down by Museveni’s armoured car.

Museveni inspecting Nalubaale dam before driving back to Kampala

Addressing the Country on Sunday night, Museveni ordered State House Comptroller Lucy Nakyobe to compensate the goat owner.However the president jokingly mentioned that it would have instead been him to be compensated because the goat knocked his car and nearly caused him an accident.

The president said, “I appeal to the DISO of that area to get in touch with Director General ISO Kaka who will in turn get in touch with State House Controller Nakyobe to compensate the man whose goat was knocked. I don’t know whether it survived because I didn’t wait for details. According to him, the owner of the goat will be compensated according to the UPDF doctrine.

The President was on his way from Owen falls dam – Jinja  where he had gone to inspect the extent of damage caused by a 16-acre moving island that partly blocked Nalubaale Bridge and also moved towards the dam causing a power blackout at the start of this week.

On surviving this accident, residents wanted the president to stop and they congratulate him, but he refused and ordered his driver to drive off.

The president reminded Ugandans about the dangers of gathering in groups which easen’s the spread of Coronavirus.

According to our UPDF doctrine, I would have stopped to compensate the man of a he goat although he was breaking the law himself besides. But I couldn’t stop because I knew that stopping,  again people will gather to look at the He goat, I just continued.”

According to Local Governments (Kampala City Council Livestock Ordinance 7 and companion Animals) Ordinance 2006 section 7. (1) Any stray livestock found in the jurisdiction of the Council shall be impounded and kept at a designated place for atleast seven days and the owner of the Impounded animal shall be notified, if possible.

On disposal of impounded livestock Section 8. reads, “Subject to the special provisions in this Ordinance in respect of livestock, the Council may arrange for the sale or disposal of any stray livestock which remains unclaimed after having been impounded for a period of not less than seven consecutive days.”

Section 10. Says, “No compensation shall be payable to any person in connection with the lawful seizure, detention, impounding, sale or disposal of any livestock under the Ordinance.”

Under the Local Governments Ordinance the owner of this goat would not deserve any compensation if it was not for the President’s good heart.


Museveni started his Sunday address by reminding Ugandans about how Covid -19 spreads and how the virus can easily be fought and defeated.

The President saluted Doctors and health officers who have worked tooth and nail to contain the virus.

“I inspected the ongoing works at Nalubaale dam aimed at clearing the 16-acre floating island that invaded and blocked the power dam early this week causing a nationwide power blackout.” Said Museveni.

Earlier on his facebook page, Museveni said, “The islands previously located at Kirinya side of the lake broke into two. The first is the one that blocked Nalubale bridge.  The larger part also moved out enroute the dam on Friday night but got anchored opposite the Jinja pier.This situation has been attributed to the rising water levels which have reached the second highest ever since we started keeping records. The highest having been recorded in 1964.”

Museveni talked about the salaries of scientists saying they are doing a wonderful job.

About those hoarding and hiking good prices, a tough speaking Museveni warned that,  he will import food. 
Calling them crooks, Museveni said, “Your food will rot in the stores. I will import food from Mexico and other countries. Please,  no games. Am used to wars. Am warning you. I will give them billions. Any hoarding,  we will import. Any bad food, we will come for you.”

Museveni softened on bodabodas carrying foodstuffs and extended their hours of operation from 2pm to 5pm.
On being reminded by Trade minister Amelia Kyambadde how many bodabodas were impounded, the president gave amnesty and ordered Police to let them go.
Museveni directed that cargo trucks should have only the driver and warned those using fake stickers that their cars will be impounded.




TIGHTEN your belts countrymen, stock more maize flour and beans, it won’t be business as usual!  

Army chiefs get new operation briefing which document has leaked to The News Editor Media, ahead of tonight’s President Museveni’s ‘State of the Nation’ address that is expected to be a tough one!

Journalists in a Media car with a sticker denied access to Kampala by Nateete OC traffic boss

According to the leaked notes as given to Joint Operations Command (JOC) headed by Chief Of Defence Forces where all Security Forces meet and work together, fighting Covid-19 is now a real war, no more jokes. 

“The army in this war is without mercy. It is without any milk of human kindness. It is indiscriminate – it has no respect for children, women, or places of worship.” Says the leaked Army briefing notes.

It goes futher to say, “During a war, you don’t argue about opening your business. You close your shop (if you have the time), and run for your life. You pray to outlive the war so that you can return to your business (that’s if it has not been looted or destroyed by mortar fire.”

“During a war, you are thankful to God for seeing another day in the land of the living. During a war, you don’t worry about your children not going to school. You pray that the government does not forcefully enlist them as soldiers to be trained in the school premises now turned military depot.” Joint Operation Command told.

The Head of State tonight is set to give fresh directives banning accessibility to Kampala Capital City and other major cities, stopping most cars falling in essential services, bodabodas and mobility of People especially youth.

Only food trucks cleared

Museveni wants to see an empty Kampala, no one standing near arcades during the lockdown which is likely to go until late June 2021, all roads must be cleared, no shops opened and gatherings dismantled.

Kampala, today Sunday

On Saturday night, there was a high profile security meeting which recommended tough terms saying, there is too much reluctance in the measurements given out by the president so no more jokes, army must now bite.


“This army is not interested in spoils of war. It has no intention of regime change.” Says JOC dossier, just a few days to the extended 21 more days of the lockdown.

It adds, “The army is not concerned about the rich mineral resources underneath the earth. It is not even interested in religious, ethnic or ideological hegemony. Its ambition has nothing to do with racial superiority. It is an invisible, fleetfooted, and ruthlessly effective army.”

Joint Command Operations dossier says, in a war situation, nobody asks anyone to stay indoors. 

“You stay indoors by choice. In fact, if you have a basement, you hide there for as long as hostilities persist. During a war, you don’t insist on your freedom. You willingly give it up in exchange for survival. During a war, you don’t complain of hunger. You bear hunger and pray that you live to eat again.” Reads the leaked document.

It futher says, “The world is currently in a state of war. A war without guns and bullets. A war without human soldiers. A war without borders. A war without cease-fire agreements. A war without a war room. A war without sacred zones.”

“This army is not interested in spoils of war. It has no intention of regime change. It is not concerned about the rich mineral resources underneath the earth. It is not even interested in religious, ethnic or ideological hegemony. Its ambition has nothing to do with racial superiority. It is an invisible, fleetfooted, and ruthlessly effective army.”Reads communication to JOC.

JOC was briefed that, “Coronavirus agenda is a harvest of death. It is only satiated after turning the world into one big death field. Its capacity to achieve its aim is not in doubt.”

“Without ground, amphibious and aeriel machines, it has bases in almost every country of the world. Its movement is not governed by any war convention or protocol. In short, it is a law unto itself. It is Covid 19.” Forces briefed.

Not taking chances, forces were told that, “Thankfully, this army has a weakness and it can be defeated. It only requires our collective action, discipline and forbearance. COVID-19 cannot survive social and physical distancing. It only thrives when you confront it.”

” It loves to be confronted. It capitulates in the face of collective social and physical distancing. It bows before good personal hygiene. It is helpless when you take your destiny in your own hands by keeping them sanitized as often as possible.” Forces warned. 

“This is not a time to cry about bread and butter like spoilt children. After all, the  Holy book tells us that man shall not live by bread alone. Let’s obey and follow the instructions of the authorities. Let’s flatten the COVID-19 curve. Let’s exercise patience. Let’s be our brothers’ keeper. In no time, we shall regain our freedom, enterprise and socializing.” Joint Operations Command briefed.




ADAMANT Sembabule Residential District Commissioner (RDC) Nickson Kabuye Nuwagaba faces arrest and prosecution in courts of law in relation to grabbing Kabaka’s land located in Sembabule, Mawogola County Headquaters.
Aided by RDC Nuwagaba, Musa Kiberu’s Kakoni Holdings is defiantly constructing a district canteen on Kabaka’s land.
Addressing journalists at Media Centre yesterday Thursday, Central Government Lands minister Beti Olive Namisango Kamya sounded a warning to RDC Nuwagaba and his partners in crime to watch out or be ready to pay for their sins.
Minister Kamya clarified that, “The role of  the RDC is specifically to maintain security and monitor government projects. Therefore, taking over the Judicial duties on land matters like ascertaining the genuine title and who is the rightful land owner, is totally none of RDC’s business.”
“That is the work of the Court and Lands ministry. The Minister in charge of Presidency perfectly took you through your limitation during RDC orientation in  NALI- Kyankwanzi. I therefore want to remind you of your roles.” Kamya warned Nuwagaba and other RDCs taking it upon themselves to solve land matters.
This comes after Buganda Kingdom wrote to Central government asking them to order RDC Nickson Nuwagaba off Kabaka’s land where he is aiding and procuring tresspass on the Mawogola Saza Headquarters’ land which is among properties returned to the Kabaka in 2013.

U’RE WARNED: Lands Minister Beti Kamya to Sembabule RDC Nuwagaba

On April 06th 2020, Nuwagaba wrote to Mawogola County chief Muteesa Ssalongo Muhammad Sserwadda, giving Kabaka only two days, during this lockdown where Buganda Land Board offices are closed, to produce the title for this disputed land or else, he clears construction to go on. 
In a letter to Nuwagaba dated April 08th 2020 wrote, the  Buganda Kingdom Advocate who is also Kingdom Attorney General and minister in charge of Local Government Owek. Christopher Bwanika said they are shocked that the Sembabule RDC who heads this district Covid -19 task force is ignorant about the measures given by President Museveni to fight the spread of Coronavirus.
“We are surprised that you are asking Owesaza Muteesa to submit to Police without fail a copy of the title not later than Thursday 09 April 2020 as proof that the land in question belongs to Buganda Kingdom moreover during the COVID-19 lockdown.” Said Buganda Kingdom Attorney General. 
Owek. Bwanika added, “Your conduct amounts to inciting and aiding the contractor who is tresspassing on Kabaka’s land. You have no power to confer title to the purported developer in contradiction and violation of the Agreement of 1st August 2013, lest you embarrass the office which you represent and the government you serve.”
“You are therefore, put on Notice (and the copy of this letter to the Attorney General constitutes the requisite STATUTORY NOTICE) to desist from proceeding illegally to permit or aid, the commission of tresspass on Kabaka’s Land which was returned and restored to the kingdom, in broad day light.”
On Easter Sunday night, Nuwagaba however okayed the  illegal construction on Kabaka’s land to kicky off.

DISTRICT CANTEEN OR RDC HOUSE: Illegal construction on Kabaka’s land in Mawogola Saza Headquaters

Your letter under reference RDC 76/1200/05 of 6th April 2020 addressed to Haji Serwadda Mohammed, Owesaza Muteesa (SAZA chief) of Mawogola who is the Kabaka’s representative in Mawogola ,has been placed in the hands of the Attorney General of Buganda and the same is being responded to on behalf of the kingdom of Buganda as follows: 

a) The Buganda Kingdom has received and noted the contents of your letter with shock and consternation that, you as Resident District Commissioner of Sembabule, who represents the President of Uganda in the district of Sembabule, appear not to appreciate that the Land in question is the Saza Headquarters of Mawogola Saza which was returned to the Kabaka by His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, vide an agreement signed by President Museveni and Kabaka Mutebi on 1st August 2013 under the auspices of the Traditional Rulers (Restitution of Assets and Properties Act cap 247). 

b) You very well know that Buganda Kingdom reported a case of Criminal Tresspass Vide SD 35/03/04/2020, in the wake of an earlier complaint by a contractor who was   tresspassing on the Kabakas land, allegedly on instructions of Sembabule District Administration, Vide SD 42/26/3/2020, a case reported late in March 2020. 

c) We wrote to the District CID officer of Sembabule on 27th March 2020 and copied you in, indicating that Buganda Kingdom offices had closed down in obedience to the orders of President Museveni which culminated in the Public Health (Control of COVID-19 ) order 2020 and other related Presidential orders, which restricted movements and interactions of people, to control the spread of the Corona Virus. 
Accordingly I promised and indicated that, the Ministry of Local Government of the Buganda Kingdom which I lead, will provide to the police, all requisite information regarding the matter, when Government lifts the ban and we can access the Kingdom offices. A copy of my letter dated 27th March 2020 which was copied to you. 

d) Buganda Government is shocked and surprised that, although we protested to the tresspass and reported a criminal case at Police and investigations could not effectively be carried out when there is a lockdown, quarantine and curfew ordered by the Government, there is haste on your part to authorise developments and construction to be carried out on the land which is not going to move away tomorrow!!! 
Can it be fair to give an ultimatum to the kingdom to produce documents which are at Bulange, which is currently inaccessible, by Thursday 9th April 2020?? 

e) It is in my knowledge that the NRM Government which cherishes the Rule of Law, fair play and non-oppression, can not condone what you are trying to order on behalf of the same Government, to ask a citizen and our Administration which are not allowed to move and have no access to the offices, to produce the documentation as you have directed. It is not only not feasible but it is also illegal to violate the Presidential directives and the law. The Presidential orders were promulgated into law and created offences on the part of anybody who violates them. 

f) The Legal process can take judicial notice of the agreement which returned all Saza Headquarters land to the Kabaka and particularly the land in question. You as Chairman of Sembabule District COVID-19 Committee should be the last person to violate President Museveni’s directives and the 2013 Agreement he signed with the Kabaka of Buganda. 

g) Your directive that construction continues on the Saza land which was returned to the Kabaka, contrary to the advice of the Police, for the construction to be halted until the COVID-19 Government ban is over, violates the law and will definitely expose the Uganda Government to liability in damages for which you will be personally held liable because your conduct is at variance with the  President’s act of returning and restoring Kabaka’s land and the COVID-19 directives to halt business during this period. There is no justification for rushing to construct a canteen illegally on Kabaka’s Land during this lock down.
h) The haste with which you are acting is mischievous and is likely to embarrass the Government of Uganda which has at all material times handled the matter carefully. We are accordingly copying this letter to the Minister in charge of the Presidency and the Office of the President as well as the Attorney General to seek the intervention of the said high offices to render appropriate advice to avoid causing embarrassment to Government and exposing it to liability in tort.

i) There is no urgency for your rushed action when there are Presidential bans and measures to control the spread of Corona Virus in place during the COVID-19 lock down. Buganda Kingdom or its officials have not committed any capital offence which creates an emergency caling for rushed investigations and we reiterate the contents of our letter of 27th March 2020 to the District CID officer Sembabule Police Station which we have attached. 

STAND DULY NOTIFIED that Buganda Kingdom is a law abiding cultural institution which respects the Presidential directives and has at all material times promised to co-operate with the police in all its investigations and work. The Kingdom will, at an appropriate time when the COVID-19 restrictions and bans are lifted by Government, take up the matter and resolve it with the Police at Sembabule as was communicated earlier. 

Hon. Esther Mbayo (The Minister In charge of the Presidency Office ofThe President-Kampala), The Principal Private Secretary to HE The President Of Uganda, Katikiro Buganda Kingdom, Attorney General of The Republic Of Uganda,,The Director Of Public Prosecutions and The Inspector General of Police.
Other copies to: The Principal Private Secretary to the Kabaka, Minister of State for Local Government Buganda Kingdom, The Director of CID, The Regional CID officer Greater Masaka, The District Police Comander for Sembabule, The Chief Admirtistraive officer Sembabule, The District lnte’rhal Security Officer Sembabule, Owesaza Muteesa, The Deputy Owesaza and the District CID officer Sembabule.

According to Buganda Land Board (BLB) official, all district leadership in Buganda were educated about Kabaka’s land and they understood.
“We told them about Central government Attorney General’s clarification about local Government and other Government   institutions occupying Kabaka’s land.  In his letter, the learned Attorney General clarified that land  and buildings which were returned to Kabaka in 2013 are in the hands of Buganda Kingdom. Therefore, nothing can be carried out on this land without Kabaka’s permission.” Say BLB official, adding, “Government Attorney General wisely advised that, if local government or other government institutions want to use Kabaka’s land or buildings, they can buy this land, get a lease or leave it.”

“But, with the first option, Kabaka’s land is not for sale. But it can be leased following an agreement between the two parties. Sembabule District  leaders, were written to by Buganda Attorney General  and they verily know, the land they occupy, title is with the Kabaka. They got warnings on tresspassing on Kabaka’s land but they have used the lockdown moment to defiantly construct on Kabaka’s land.” BLB official has told The News Editor Media

Head said, “We are going to sue, we will alert Auditor General who monitors local government funds to investigate this issue. We will use all legal avenues to make sure,  Kingdom properties are not lost during lockdown and also that,  no one can defiantly grab it’s land and other properties like it was then.”

We have been reliably infomed,  Sembabule district Finance committee have denied ever passing funds to construct a district canteen. 
“We want Lt. Col. Edith Nakalema, Head State House Anti Corruption Unit to investigate  how the 40M shillings  allegedly exchanged hands to make this canteen project go on.” Said District councilors.  



By CNN For Citizen Digital

BISHOP Gerald Glenn, the pastor of New Deliverance Evangelistic Church in Virginia is dead, the church announced.

Glenn had tested positive for coronavirus, according to a video posted by his daughter Mar-Gerie Crawley.

Despite warnings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to avoid mass gatherings and maintain social distancing, Glenn said in a sermon on March 22, “I firmly believe that God is larger than this dreaded virus,” and announced he was not afraid to die.

It was the next day that Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam issued his executive order banning all public and private gatherings of 10 people or more.

On April 4, Glenn’s daughter posted a video, announcing that both he and his wife, Marcietia Glenn, had tested positive for covid-19.

The church’s post announcing Gerald Glenn’s death, asked that others would allow the “First Family to grieve in their own way.”
“While they are mourning the heartbreaking earthly absence of their family patriarch & spiritual father, they also have family members who are struggling to survive this dreaded pandemic,” the church’s Facebook post read.

Final arrangements for Glenn are expected to be made within the next few days, the church said.



Bya Meddie Kityo

AB’E LUBAGA South, nga bwe bakyalinda eby’omulamuzi Simon Byabakama ow’akakiiko k’ebyokulonda, beekubyemu akalulu ku ani mubaka wabwe addako, gyebiggweredde nga owa People Power Aloysius Mukasa bonna abegwanyiza ekifo kino abamezze kya bugazi nga mw’otwalidde ne Hon. Paulo Kato Lubwama akirimu. 
Okulonda okujjumbiddwa abakulembeze ab’enjawulo naddala ku ludda oluvuganya gavumenti ya NRM,  ebikuvuddemu biraga, Hon. Kato Lubwama afunye akalulu kamu (01) kokka!   
Abalala abakoze obubi ennyo, ye Mumbejja Eugene Nassolo ne looya Xavier Katabalwa nga nabo buli omu afunye akalulu kamu kamu, olwo owa People Power Aloysius Mukasa, musajja wa Hon. Bobi Wine obululu n’akukumba bukukumbe.  
Kansala Evelyn Nakiryowa ng’ono era ye LC I Chairperson wa Tomusange Zone mu Ndeeba eyakuliddemu okulonda bw’abadde alangirira agambye, “Nga neeyambisa obuyinza obwampereddwa okuteekateeka okulonda kuno, nnangirira omuwanguzi nga simulala, ye Hon. Aloysius Mukasa awangude ku bitundu 85% banne ne bagabana obutundutundu obusigaddewo.”
Mu kalulu kano akaabadde ak’obwerufu nga kayindidde ku mukutu gwa DP Lubaga South Constituency ogujjuddeko abakulembeze mu Lubaga aba ku buli mutendera, bakira kayinda n’abaagala ekifo kino weebali bakoota buliro newankubadde bo tebalonze. 
Mu balala abaabadde mu lwokaano kuliko Kiyingi ng’ono yabuseeyo n’obululu bubiri,  Bbaale n’akalulu kamu ate ye Samuel Walter Lubega Mukaaku n’aviirayo awo ng’ogusima ebbumba, tabozzeeyo kabonero!  

Hon. Aloysius Mukasa lwe bamutikkidde ddiguli ye ey’okubiri omwaka oguwedde

Nga yeebaza abalonzi n’abesimbyewo olw’empiisa ze baayolesezza ekyayambye okumaliriza obulungi okulonda kuno okwacamudde Bannalubaga South, Kansala Nakiryowa yagambye mu Lubaga South omubaka addako yafunyise dda.
Omukyala ono ajjukira ennyo ku Mambo Baado ya CBS yagambye, “Okulonda kwesigamiziddwa ku mazima na bwenkanya. Buli omu bakira agoberera ebigenda mu maaso.”
“Era nga bulijo obumulumulu tebubulamu, naye tebulemese kulonda kugenda mu maso. Tuyozaayoza Hon. Mukasa olw’obuwanguzi.  Kino era kyeeraze nti munna People Power Aloysius Mukasa, mu 2021 wakuyisa mukka mu kisero.” Kansala Nakiryowa bwebagambye n’ategeeze nti, “Atamatide n’ebivudde mu kulonda kunno, wadembe okugenda mu kkooti naye nga yo ey’abantu, esazeewo, kiwedde.” Waliwo amaloboozi bakira agawulirwa nga gatolotooma nti tegamatidde bulungi okwabadde erya Kyagaba owa Nassolo, eyafunye akalulu akamu.
Lubaga South ky’ekimu ku bitundu ebisuubirwa okubaamu okulya n’okukomba essowaani mu kalulu akajja kyokka ng’aba people power bawera nti omuntu waabwe Aloysius Mukasa bamwagala mu Palamenti enkuba k’etonnye oba omusana okwaka. 

Ono nga kati y’akiikirira Lubaga South, abatunuulizi b’eby’obufuzi mu Lubaga bagamba, ne bw’agenda ku ku muganga, kizibu okudda ku bwa MP bw’ekitundu kino. 
Eby’ono si birungi n’akamu era ttiimu ya People Power yamugoba dda, beerayiridde okulaba nga tawangula kalulu mu 2021 bamusomese essomo ery’okudda ku Hon. Kyagulanyi ne People Power n’abajerega n’okwegatta ku bagirwanyisa.
Kato okulya ekifo kino, yasiguukulula Pulezidenti wa CP John Ken Lukyamuzi oluvannyuma lwa ttiimu ya TJ eyaduumirwa Loodimeeya Ssalongo Erias Lukwago okumusaggulira akalulu mu Lubaga.
Wabula bukya kalulu kaggwa, Kato yeefuulira ba Lukwago n’atandika okulumba Loodimeeya ne FDC ng’abavuma bubi nnyo.
Ennaku ezo, Habib Buwembo owa FDC yatwala Kato mu kkooti ng’amulanga kuba na mpapula za buyigirize njingirire.
Obuwagizi bwa Kato bukenderedde ddala, abaakulira kkampeyini ze nga Musa Lusembo tebakyava wa Bobi, Lukwago agamba oba avaayo aveeyo, FDC ewera kumulwanyisa ate yo People Power erina kandideeti waayo nga ye Mukasa.
Kato ne bwaleeta malayika y’aba amusabira akalulu, ebiriwo biraga tayinza kudda mu Palamenti ab’e Lubaga gyebagamba nti n’olulimi olwogererwayo lumuzannya.
Ttiimu ya Kyagulanyi esibidde ku mugagga omuto Aloysius Mukasa, omusuubuzi omututumufu mu Ndeeba n’e Najjanankumbi era bagamba Kato n’amala alinnya mu kkampu yabwe, yalinyumizaako abewaabwe.




THERE was drama in Nakasero State House gardens today as President Museveni updated the Nation about Coronavirus, when a group of birds raided him and started making endless noise as if in protest to his extention of the lockdown for 21 more days!

Birds that were on the nearby trees tried to distort the President’s address by cooing and chirping but Muzeeyi ignored them and instead continued to justify why people must continue staying in their homes for three more weeks.

Disturbed viewers who included a journalist posted on UJA CREAM platform that, “Can’t one minister go and chase the birds in the back ground, we are not hearing well,” and one Rameka Matsiko wrote in Luganda on NRM Buganda Region platform, “Wabeewo agoba ebinyonyi ebyo mu bakagurawundi” literally meaning the birds should be chased away from the President’s background.

These stubborn birds kept on increasing their noise in vain until they gave up for Muzeeyi to finish his 170 minutes address.

Flanked by his Prime minister Dr. Livingstone Ruhakana Rugunda and other ministers, Mr. Museveni who saluted Ugandan Doctors and Health workers for there commendable work towards weakening Coronavirus said, now the remaining problem is the silent carriers.

“That is where the problem is now. That is why we think, it’s safer to be patient. Let’s wait for another 21 days and we really try to see.” Directed President Museveni.

He explained that, “The problem is that,  this silent carrier who is not sick, he or she may not even know that he is sick but has been exposed and defeated the virus. And it is said that, atleast for the 34 days,  he or she will be infecting others.”

“After that he will overcome the virus and will no longer be in position to infect others. But for 34 days, he will be infecting other people. So, there are the infected people that have virus but will not show any signs, yet they can spread to others if they are too near  or through contaminating surfaces.” Reasoned Mr. President.

He argued that testing more people will be useful in the next 21 days. 

He said, we will be testing those who came from abroad between the 07th of March 2020 and 22nd March 2020, their contacts and the alert group. 

“If we do not have the problem of the quiet carriers, the asymptomatic ones, we could say, since the ones that showed signs are within the 54, that proved postive, and we have been treating them, there are no other infected people among Ugandans, and would then concentrate on the travellers, the one that come from outside, etc.” Said Museveni. 

However, Museveni told the country, “We can not say that now because there could be those silent carriers. I know some people may argue that you have tested almost 6000 people,  only 54 are postive, why do you inconveniences us again with another 21 days?”

“The main answer is that these 54 may not be the only ones. Because we got them by first of all blocking some people whom we quarantined near the airport, secondly, we traced their contacts, and thirdly,  some of those who suspect they may have the virus and report.But this doesn’t address the silent virus carriers who will be infecting people for 34 days.” Explains the President. 

Using scientific explanation to drive his point home, Museveni said, “Because if somebody got the virus and is of asymptomatic type and didn’t fall sick, it is circulating in the village, or his home, the whole family or village can’t be asymptomatic.”

“Some of them are infected. Then we will bring and test them. That is why we need to watch a bit more. Let’s just wait a bit. Let’s not move.” Said Museveni appealing to Ugandans, to observe all the restrictions given and summarised below.”

By 05th may 2020 we shall have a clear picture and lifting of the restrictions will start systematically as will be announced.”Said Museveni.

Taking to The News Editor Media shortly after President Museveni’s address, People Power’s Lubaga South 2021 MP hopeful Aloysius Mukasa said, the further extention will cripple the economy.

“We are in full support of the 21 days lockdown extension though its to futher affect the economy. Yes we agree, its aimed at eliminating any room of doubt concerning the safety of all citizens.” Said Aloysius Mukasa, Hon. Bobi wine’s blue eyed boy.

Reminding Ugandans on how Coronavirus spreads, when you sneeze and then touch a surface, a table, a door handle or a book.

One may even sneeze near the surface and the droplets go on that surface. One may cough near the surface, and the microscopic organisms will settles on the surface.

Others will blow their nose using tissue which is not very thick, they will end up touching the mucus with bare hands and will therefore contaminate every surface they come in contact with.The virus goes from the person to a surface, to a book, a Bible in the church, a table, a door handle, touched after sneezing, the virus will stay there.

On a book, the virus stays for five days, on plastic it stays for nine days waiting for a careless person to come and touch it. And then contaminates it with the virus. These are the only ways this virus will spread that is why it is very easy to defeat it like we did with Aids by behaviour change. 

Actually I think although we are not using that phrase yet, this virus is more of a behaviour issue that anything else because you remember, when Aids started,  people thought it was simply a medical issue, but in the end, treated it by behaviour change.  

Once you either get infected through sneezing, coughing from the infected to the victim, or from the infector to the surface, and then the victim comes and touches his sensitive parts; the mouth, eyes and nose.

This problem is not as big as many of you think. It can be controlled by behaviour change.

When I alerted you about Aids and told you that this thing is easy, because we know where the address is and told you not to go to those places, Aids was comming from mother to Child and we found a solution for that, thirdly it was comming from blood transfusion and we found solutions blocking the three ways from which one can get Aids.

We identified and advertised them. So this is the same issue with Coronavirus.

Given the characteristics of this virus,  it is my opinion that carelessness of the population especially here in Uganda is the main cause of the spread of the virus.

In Europe, USA and Northern Asia they may  have genuine challenges. E.g very cold temperatures, the cold winter. Am told, some of these viruses thrive in cold climates and unlike the bacteria which like warm conditions.

Secondly,  the people in Europe, America and Northern Asia, the way they live and travel, in shared residential blocks, using air conditioning, sharing underground movement systems with large numbers of people, cruise packed ships, that way of life plus the cold climates make the virus to spread.

In our condition, it is much easier to control a virus of this type provided we act, correctly.  After analysis one major way of denying this virus access was to stop large concentrations of people, hence on 18th March 2020  we announced the 34 measures, 21st March 2020 and 30th March 2020 were in that line of dispersing the big concentration of Ugandans so that we deny transport.

● Close all 73000 education institutions 
● Suspend communal prayers in Mosques,  Churches or Stadia and other open air venues or even indoors 
● Stop all political rallies, cultural gatherings or conferences 
● Ban Ugandans moving to or from category one countries  
● Allow returning Ugandans to undergo mandatory quarantine at their cost for 14 days at their venue identified by the Ministry 
● Allow the non Agriculture gathering points e.g factories, hotels, large plantations, markets, taxi parks to continue and follow the instructions  (that is then)
● Discouraged Ugandan style of extravagant weddings (Hexagonal) 
● A small number of people attending burials 
● Suspended monthly livestock markets in rural areas and weekly food markets
● That time we were allowing public transport provided they follow the SOPs
● We suspended discos, bars, sports, music cinemas and concerts
● Advised public to maintain hygiene measurers 
● Advised public on good nutrition 
● Later, we stopped all passengers coming into the country by air, land or water
● Banned pedestrians entering from neighbouring countries 
● Later stopped public transport system 
● Only food sellers should remain in the markets
● At that time we allowed private vehicles carrying not more that three people 
● Later on, private vehicles were stopped 
● Suspended shopping arcades, hardware shops 
● Directed all non food shops to close, shops selling medicine, selling veterinary and human medicine,  selling detergents should remain open
● Food supermarkets should remain open with clear SOPs
● Established food markets continue to be open 
● Sellers in this market shouldn’t go home. 
● Salons were suspended 
● Factories remain open but with crucial employees 
● Construction sites should continue if they can be able to encamp their workers 
● Social services remain operating 
● Cargo transport by train, lorry, pick-up, tuku-tukus, bodaboda (not passenger) must continue operating 
● URA should not close because cargo is still coming into the country and their services are needed.Gatherings of more that 5 persons prohibited 
● A curfew at 7:00pm to 6:30am except for cargo planes, trains, trucks 
● Permission from RDC for a private car to transport a sick person.
● Apart from security official cars, all other government cars must be parked at the district headquarters to be used by the district health officers during emergency 
● Later, bodabodas were banned past 2pm 

Now these measures seem to have worked because as of 13th April 2020 we had tested 5664 persons. Out of these, only 54 are postive. Out of these, 4015 were returnees from abroad and 1232 were those who interacted with the returnees or call them contacts and 402 were had not travelled or even been in contact with the returnees or call them, the alert group.  So, you can see, we can’t now celebrate that we have won, but the facts are here.

The following were the tests of day by day up to the 13th April 2020:
■ 21st March 2020, 1 out of 11 was postive
■ 22nd March 2020, all 22 tests were negative
■ 23rd March 2020, 27 out of 35 were postive 
■ 24th March 2020, only 5 out of 143 were postive 
■ 25th March 2020, all 104 tests were negative
■ 26th March 2020, only 4 out of 201 tests were postive 
■ 30th March 2020 all 82 tests were negative 
■ 1st April 2020 all 63 tests were negative
■ 04th April 2020, all 398 tests, no postive
■ 06th April 2020, 231 tests, all negative 
■ 07th April 2020, all 150 tests were postive 
■ 8th April 2020, only 1 out of 214 tested postive
■ 09the April 2020, all 338 were negative
■ 10th April 2020, all 439 tested negative 
■ 11th April 2020, all 555 tests were negative 
■ 12th April 2020, only 1 out of 169 was postive 
■ 13th April 2020, all 639 tests were negative 
■ 7 patients were discharged from Entebbe Hospital, 8 are due to be discharged from Mulago Hospital and 1 in Adjuman was discharged. 
■ Testing 372 inter-state cargo drivers who entered through the Malaba entry point and all tested negative. 
■ The Uganda curve of the discovered infections day by day, our curve is flattening.
Food support is mainly for urban groups that depend on daily earning from different activities that were suspended in this fight against the virus. They include; Those working in hair Salons,  bars, night clubs, garages, bodaboda riders, selling none food items in markets, etc.

The qualifications for these food grants are two; Depending on the daily earning that was suspended by anti Corona measures.  And two,  you do not grow your own food.

Villages will not be given free food. The one who gets a monthly salary (like teachers) will also not receive food relief, they should  wait for their salaries.
● Stay at home except those carrying cargos
● Youth don’t loiter in trading centres, be in gardens with parents  
● Ladies spending nights in markets should be given treated bed nets, obuveera and KCCA should fumigate markets.
● RDCs should set up operation officers in charge of receiving calls for those with sick people who want permission to use ptivate means
● No body has a right to insult a member of security forces
● Security should use reasonable force to subdue the violent. Throwing stones to security forces is very dangerous
● On hostility to soldiers, Museveni has cleared the use of  live fire to disable stone throwers who endanger security forces in rural areas
● Use of kiboko by LDUs not allowed 
● Loans, M7 is going to discuss with the banks to see how to help those with loans
● M7 softens on bicycles and bodabodas, wants suspension lifted
● Westnile power to be handled by legal team 
● District Medical Officers must know patients who need palliative care. They will liase with RDCs to help them.
● Wuhan children to be airlifted back at a cost




FOUR top police bosses in connections with ALAM GROUP of companies Managing Director Abid Alam crimes have been arrested by the no nosense Lt. Col.  Edith Nakalema, Head State House Anti-corruption Unit.

In a Press Statement released on Saturday evening, Lt. Col. Edith Nakalema said, “As you may recall, on Thursday 9th April 2020, Mr. Abid Alam, the Managing Director of ALAM GROUP of Companies was arrested following complaints we received through State House Anti-Corruption Unit (SH ACU) lines.”

“The Unit working with the Directorate of Criminal Investigations immediately commenced investigations into the allegations. The allegations include: Aggravated torture, Gang rape and malicious damage to property among others.”Statement reads.

On Friday morning Abid was taken to Kassanda Police Station to write a Statement, however, officers released him on bond which according to our State House sources, sabotages this State House Anti-corruption unit duties as given by His Excellency the President.

In our story published on Friday night, Abid who was supposed to be in  coolers as investigations are on-going, was instead seen hanging out at Bugolobi Village Mall enjoying life with Lt. Col. Juma Seiko who was recently detained at Kawempe Police Station for shooting three people after a car clash.

Read also: https://www.newseditor.co.ug/2020/04/10/no-one-can-arrest-me-powerful-investor-abid-alam-raps-state-house-boss-mps-speak-out/

This must have angered afande Nakalema.

She said, “In addition to the above  allegations, we also received integrity related concerns of mismanagement of case files, conspiracy to defeat justice and professional misconduct against selected police officers.”

“I consulted the Inspector General of Police who directed for the arrest of these officers.”

The arrested officers who have been paraded before our cameras are;

  1. Regional CID officer Wamala, SP Wilber  Ostin Wanna make
  2. DPC Kassanda,  ASP Daniel Owe Llanon
  3. OC CID Kassanda, Peter Bertrand
  4. In charge CID Records Wamala, Sgt. Azaleas


During a press conference on Thursday, Lt. Col. Nakalema paraded Abid Alam before our cameras accusing him of having a hand in a Saturday night attacks in Kassanda where goons related to him allegedly hacked Arthur Mugenyi’s cattle keeper on the head, raped his wife, demolished houses and destroyed three acres of banana plantations.

All this originates from land wrangles in Nalutuntu, Bukompe village, Kassanda South Constituency in newly created Kassanda District  where a number of people have been killed, others wounded while hundreds evicted from their land which Abid Alam claims he owns.

On arresting Abid, President Museveni’s right hand womam Lt. Col. Nakalema said, she picked interest in the Kassanda night attack because of the heartless act of the attackers.

“I have listened to the mother who was gang raped. I am hurt and this evil can not be accepted in this country.” On recieving pictures like these, I called Mr. Abid Alam to ask him to record a statement,” 

The news of  Abid Alams’ arrest excited area MP Hon. Simeo who has  always been crying out to the President,  the Speaker of Parliament, Justice Catherine Bamugemeirere’s commission of inquiry into land related issues among other forces to call Abid to order.

“This is not the first time these heinous crimes have been committed against my people. Last year alone, about 3 people were killed in Bukoba and Bukompe villages by Abid Alam’s workers. Some suspects where arrested and later were set free due to corrupt tendencies.” 

“As the Area MP, together with my voters, we have tried our level best to report these  matters to relevant authorities. We reported to police and several case files have been opened but none has been successfully prosecuted.” Said Hon. Simeo, referring the affected people to courts of law to open up civil suits against Abid Alam.

There  are currently  over 5 cases in Mubende High court and Kampala high court (land division) against Abid Alam.
Arthur Mugyenyi is one of those who went to court and secured a court injunction stopping Abid Alam from tresspassing on his land.

On Friday evening Hon. Simeo Nsubuga wrote this: “Dear fellow Ugandans, today all the  media platforms are dominated by the arrest of Abid Alam on crimes of malicious damage to property, aggravated robbery and gang rape allegedly committed by Abid Alarm and his workers/ kanyamas as per case Ref. Kassanda Police Station CRB 234/2020”.

“The alleged crimes where committed on Saturday night as  we were in quarantine to prevent the spread of Covid19. Over  60 of his  workers/kanyamas attacked the farm of Mr. Arthur Mugyenyi who is a resident of Bukoba village, Nalutuntu  Parish, Nalutuntu Sub-County in Kassanda SouthConstituency.” He continued to state that, “During the attack they hacked Mr. Samuel Kyabale the cattle keeper of Mr. Mugyenyi to near death,  gang raped his  wife infront of  the children and the husband, destroyed two houses, cut a 3 acres Banana Plantation, took away 200 cows and 50 goats.”

Thanking Lt. Col.  Nakalema for arresting stubborn Abid, Hon. Simeo said, “But today he has been arrested with some of his workers/kanyamas. As am writing this, he is under police custody. I want to thank the security agencies for arresting this thug called Abid Alam who has  caused alot of suffering to our people in Kassanda South constituency and  kindly request  that dont stop at arresting him, let Abid Alam appear before the courts of law and answer for the crimes he has committed.”

“I have reported Abid Alam to H.E the President and submitted written reports. He brags around about how Uganda courts can’t manage him, he is feared by everybody. Our people are being killed because they resist illegal evictions. That is the situation in Kassanda South.” MP Simeo told media.

 The Saturday night incident, according to Hon. Simeo was commanded by notorious Akim Zirimenya, one of Abid’s manager who is now on the run.

“Akim Zirimenya has been in police cells on charges of murder and he was  released on Police Bond about 3 weeks ago and Abid Alam stood as his surety.” Says MP Simeo.

He vowed, “As People’s representative I will continue to use all the available legal avenues to expose the criminal acts of Abid Alam and his workers/kanyamas against my people and I call upon the security organs of this country to ensure that this time round Abid Alam and his agents are charged in courts of law.”

Hon. Simeo says, he led his Kassanda South people who are being evicted from their bibanja by Abid to Justice Catherine  Bamugemeirere land Commission of inquiry, reported him to the Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament and presented the matter on the floor of Parliament.

On Friday morning, this highly connected investor drove to Kassanda Police to write a Statement and after, was let to continue with his business.

He posted photos on a Mubende Political platform showing how he is a free man,  enjoying life at Bugoloobi Forest Mall with his colleagues. 

We are reliably informed, 10th Parliament legislators have swung in to stand with their colleague Simeo Nsubuga and want to check Abid’s impunity.

“We will handle Abid as Parliament. We are considering summoning him to our committee. Something must be done urgently.” Said a certain MP who spoke on a condition of anonymity.

Let’s watch the space. 




SECURITY Minister Gen. Elly Tumwine together with the Director General Internal Security Organization  (ISO) Col. Franklin Kaka Bagyenda have today flagged off brand new Motorcycles to be used by security personels in monitoring all deployments in the Country.

Motorcycles procured for security chiefs

150 motorcycles have been dispatched and more than 1500 parked at ISO headquarters to be dispatched to all sub counties of the country in due course

These motorcycles will be distributed to all districts across the country.

According to col. Kaka Bagyenda, “The motorcycles procured by the government of Uganda will be distributed to districts and subcounties to help Gombolola Internal Security Chiefs (GISO) and District Internal Security officers (DISO) to ease their movements as they execute official duties.”

ISO boss Col. Kaka receiving Gen. Tumwine at ISO headquarters in Nakasero today

Kaka has said, this will help officers for easy security surveillance and for timely response across the country.

Security is considering to begin with border line sub counties.



Bya Meddie Kityo

SSAABASAJJA Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II olwaleero yeegase butereevu mu lutalo lw’okulanyisa ekirwadde kya Covid 19 ekifukamizza amawanga gakirimegga!

Akikoze nga bwe gwali mu lutalo lwo mu nsiko olwaleeta gavumenti ya NRA/M mu buyinza, mu biseera ebyo bweyatalaaga ebitundu bya Buganda ng’alagira abantu be okusenza n’okukolagana obulungi n’abayeekera ba Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, babegatteko okufumuula wano gavumenti ya Kawenkene Apollo Milton Obote, n’abo kye baakola!

Asinzidde mu Lubiri lw’e Mmengo n’alagira abantu be okuwagira n’okussa mu nkola ebiragiro bya Gavumenti eya wakati okutuula ku nfeete akawuka ka Coronavirus!

Mu kwogera kwe eri Obuganda olwaleero ku  Lwomukaaga emisana, Nnyinimu awoomedde mu muteganswera, waliwo ebirabise ng’ebitataagaanyizza mu okwogera kwe, abantu be kwebalindidde n’amaddu mangi ku bibaddewo atuuse n’okutwala eddakiika ng’ayimirizza mu kwogera kwe.  

Agambye,  “Yiiyi, ate ng’oyo antabudde! Byembadde njogera ate sigenda kubiddamu buto!”

Kabaka azzeemu buto obubaka bwe mu ngeri y’okukkaatiriza ebyo oba olyawo ebibadde bitawuliddwa bantu be, olw’abo ababadde bekiika mu kwogera kwe.

Mu ddoboozi eggulumivu obulungi,  ayogedde eri Obuganda, n’alagira gavumenti okufa ku mbeera y’abasawo mu kiseera kino, okusoosoowaza eby’obulamu ate olwo abantu be n’abalagira okuba abayonjo, okwewala obusambattuko mu maka mu biseera bino n’okuwagira gavumenti mu kulwanyisa akawuka ka Coronavirus.

Nga bwetwalagudde ku bisuubirwa mu kwogera kwa Kabaka, byonna bituukiridde.

Soma na bino: https://www.newseditor.co.ug/2020/04/11/kabaka-ebisuubirwa-mu-kwogera-kwa-ssaabasajja-eri-obuganda-olwaleero-mu-lubiri/

Maasomoogi  agambye, “Ensonga enkulu etuleese okwogerako olwaleero, bwe bulwadde bwa Covid 19 obusasaanidde ensi yonna.”

Mu kwogera kwa Ssaabasajja okututte eddakiika musanvu zokka ategeezezza Obuganda nti, “Okusooka, tusaasira n’okusabira abantu baffe abazuuliddwa n’obulwadde buno. Tukkiriza nti obujjanjabi bwe bafuna okuva mu basawo, buggya kubayamba okussuuka.”

Asaasidde nnyo ab’enganda za bannayuganda abaafudde obulwadde bwa Covid 19 mu mawanga g’ebweru naddala mu Amerika, Bungereza n’awalala. 

Omutanda ategeezezza nti, “Tuteeka mu ssaala, n’abo abakyali mu mbeera embi ennyo mu mawanga ago bassuuke.”

“Twebaza nnyo abasawo abali ku mwanjo mu lutalo luno olw’okulwanyisa obulwadde bwa Covid 19 obugoyezza ensi yonna. Twebaza gavumenti olw’enteekateeka gy’etaddewo mu budde buno okuziyiza ekirwadde kya Kolona okusasaana.” Kabaka bw’agambye n’asaba gavumenti, “Abasawo bafibweko n’okukakasa nti, eby’obulamu mu Uganda yonna biteekebwa ku mwanjo.”

Maasomoogi, yeebazizzaamu ak’ensusso ekitongole ky’ensi yonna eky’ebyobulamu ki World Health Organisation  (WHO)olw’okulambika, okusomesa,  okuwabula ate n’okutuusa ku bannansi amawulire ku by’obulamu n’enkozesa y’eddagala mu Afrika awamu n’ensi yonna okutwaliza awamu, kumpi buli  lunaku.

Nnyinimu agambye, “Tusiima nnyo obubaka obuva eri ekitongole ky’ebyobulamu obutukubiriza ku ngeri y’okwekuuma obutakwatibwa ate n’abo abalina obulwadde buno, obutabusaasaanya.”  

“Tusaba abantu baffe bonna, okugoberera enteekateeka n’endagiriro ezituweereddwa, abakugu mu by’obulamu.” Ssaabasajja bw’agambye n’ajjukiza abantu be nti, “Endwadde nnyingi kumpi ebitundu 75 ku buli 100 ziva ku bukyafu. Twagala obuyonjo obuliwo kati mu maka gaffe, ku mirimu n’ebitundu  gyetubeera, efuuke empisa yaffe ey’olubeerera.”

Kabaka asiimye abantu n’ebitongole eby’enjawulo ebiwaddeyo ensimbi ko n’ebintu ebikalu okuyambako mu kulwanyisa Covid 19 naddala eri abo abali mu bwetaavu mu kiseera kino ekizibu. 

“Tusiima n’abo bonna, abakwatiddeko Obwakabaka mu kudduukirira abali mu bwetaavu, mu kiseera kino.” Bbaffe bw’agambye, era wano kwekwongera okukubiriza n’abalala nti nabo baveeyo baweeyo eri gavumenti kubanga omulimu gukyali munene ddala.

 Ategeezezza nti, “Enkola eno ey’okuwaayo etuzzaamu nnyo amaanyi kubanga eragira ddala empisa yaffe eya Munnomukabi. Kino ky’ekiseera fenna okukolera awamu n’okuyambagana.”     

Ku ky’abasuubuzi abawanika ebbeeyi y’emmere n’ebyetaago ebirala mu kiseera kino, Kabaka agambye, “Tukubiriza abasuubuzi ne bannamakolero obuteyambisa embeera eno okulinnyasa emiwendo gy’ebintu ebikozesebwa mu bulamu bw’abantu obwa bulijjo.”

Mu ky’abantu be okutuula ku nfeete ekirwadde kya Covid 19, Kabaka agambye, “Twagala era okubajjukiza nti obulwadde buno tusobola bulungi okubwewala n’okubuziyiza singa tugoberera ennambika etuweereddwa minisitule y’ebyobulamu ku nsonga z’ebyobulamu mu Uganda.”

“Njagala era okukubiriza abazadde nti mukuume bulungi abaana. Abaami, mubeere basaale mu kulwanyisa Coronavirus, abantu baffe mwenna tubakubiriza okwewala obusambattuko mu maka wakati mu mbeera eno ey’okusoomoozebwa.” Kabaka bwatyo bw’akalaatidde abantu be.

Ng’amaliriza agambye, “Njagala  okubaagalizza okuyita obulungi mu biseera eby’amazuukira ga Yesu Kristo. Katonda abakuume.”



 Bya Meddie Kityo

OBUGANDA bwonna bulindiridde n’essanyu lingi Ssaabasajja Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II eyasiimye okwogerako eri abantu be ku ssaawa munaana ez’emisana ga leero ng’asinziira mu Twekobe wano mu Lubiri e Mmengo mu Kampala wakati.

Okwogera kwa nnyinimu, kwakuweerezebwa butereevu ku mikutu gya ttivvi n’egya leediyo.

W’osomera bino, nga ttiimu ya bannamawukire baffe baatuuse dda mu Lubiri e Mmengo okusobola okutuusa ku bantu ba Ssaabasajja okwogera kw’Empologoma okwesungiddwa ennyo naddala mu kiseera kino ng’Obuganda n’eggwanga lyonna basobeddwa eka ne mu kibira, ku by’ekirwadde kya Kolona ekifuukidde ensi ekyambika. 

Twekobe mu Lubiri, Kabaka w’agenda okwogerera

Maasomoogi mu by’asuubirwa okwogerako leero, ensonga ya Kolona eri ku mwanjo nnyo.

Asuubirwa okulagira abantu be ku ngeri y’okulwanyisaamu ekirwadde kya Kolona, okwekuuma nga bayonjo, okussa mu nkola ebiragiro bya Gavumenti eya wakati mu kwetangira ekirwadde kya Covid 19, okubeera obumu n’okuyambagana mu kiseera kino.

Kabaka ennaku ezo eyawaddeyo loole y’akawunga ennamba n’obukadde 100 obw’ensimbi eri gavumenti eya wakati okuwa abantu be emmere n’ebyetaago ebirala mu kiseera kino nga bali waka, yatongozebwa dda ekitongole ky’ensi yonna okukulemberamu omumuli gw’okulwanyisa ekirwadde kya mukenenya. 

Kabaka musaale mu kujjukiza abantu be okwekuuma n’okwekebeza era abo abazuuliddwa, banywe eddagala eriweweeza ku kirwadde kino.

Nnyinimu, olwaleero asuubirwa okukkaatiriza ensonga y’abantu be okwekuuma nga balamu.


Enkya nga 12/04/2021 ge mazuukira ga mukama waffe Yesu Kristo. 

Wegatuukidde, ng’amasinzizo gonna mu ggwanga galiko kkufulu oluvannyuma lwa Pulezidenti okuwera ebifo byonna ebikunganirwamu abantu okutuusa ng’ekirwadde kya Kolona kituuliddwa ku nfeete. 

Museveni okuwera amasinzizo,  Ssaabasajja ye yali asoosekuyimiriza emikolo ý gyonna okumala ekiseera.

Olwaleero, Kabaka asuubirwa okuwa Obuganda obubaka bw’amazuukira ga Kristo.


Ku bbalaza nga 13/04/2020, ge mazaalibwa ga Bbaffe ag’emyaka 65. 

Omukolo guno ogusomboola Obuganda buli mwaka gy’egimu kw’egyo egyayimirizibwa Ssaabasajja olw’ekirwadde kya Kolona. 

Soma wano: https://www.newseditor.co.ug/2020/03/19/kolona-abizadde-kabaka-ayimirizza-emisinde-gyamazaalibwa-ge-nemikolo-gyobwakabala-emirala-21/

Gino bulijjo gitandika n’emisinde gi mubunabyalo era ng’omusimbi oguvaamu, Kabaka yasiima guweebwe gavumenti mu kujjanjaba ebirwadde nga ekya Nalubuli, n’ebirala.  N’emisinde ku luno si gyakubeerayo.

Kabaka tasuubirwa kwogera ku mikolo gino, kyokka yaaliraga Obuganda biki ebikoseddwa mu mbeera ekirwadde kino gyekitaddewo. Ebisinga,  tubirinde. 

Awangaale nnyo Kabaka waffe




THOSE who think investor Abid Alam of Alam Group of companies can be arrested be it by Lt. Col. Edith Nakalema’s State House Anti-corruption Unit and tried in Uganda courts of law, kindly stop day dreaming!

This investor of Indian origin is proudly untouchable, as you read this, is a free man, not in coolers as many of you must have been lied to.

Our spy cameras yesterday got him at Bugolobi Village Mall enjoying a heavy meal with his long time friend Lt. Juma Seiko who was recently detained at Kawempe Police Station for shooting three people after a car clash!

“No one can bring me down over cooked stories. I can not be just arrested. I am an investor who is supposed to be looking for government taxes. I have no time for that circus.” Said powerful Abid Alam.

During a press conference on Thursday, Lt. Col. Nakalema paraded Abid Alam before our cameras accusing him of having a hand in the last Saturday night attacks in Kassanda where goons related to him hacked one Samuel Kyabale, Arthur Mugenyi’s cattle keeper on the head, raped his wife, demolished houses and destroyed three acres of banana plantations.

All this allegedly originates from land wrangles in Nalutuntu, Bukompe village, Kassanda South Constituency in newly created Kassanda District  where a number of people have been killed, others wounded while hundreds evicted from their land which Abid Alam claims he owns.

On arresting Abid, President Museveni’s right hand woman Lt. Col. Nakalema said, she picked interest in the Kassanda night attack because of the heartless act of the attackers. 

“I have listened to the mother who was gang raped. I am hurt and this evil can not be accepted in this country.” On recieving pictures like these, I called Mr. Abid Alam to ask him to record a statement,” Said Lt. Col. Nakalema.

The news of  Abid Alams’ arrest excited area MP Hon. Simeo who has  always been crying out to the President,  the Speaker of Parliament, Justice Catherine Bamugemeirere’s commission of inquiry into land related issues among other forces to call Abid to order.

“This is not the first time these heinous crimes have been committed against my people. Last year alone, about 3 people were killed in Bukoba and Bukompe villages by Abid Alam’s workers. Some suspects where arrested and later were set free due to corrupt tendencies.”  Kassanda South MP Simeo Nsubuga narrates, “As the Area MP, together with my voters, we have tried our level best to report these  matters to relevant authorities. We reported to police and several case files have been opened but none has been successfully prosecuted.”

He sometime back referred the affected people to courts of law to open up civil suits against Abid Alam.

There  are currently  over 5 cases in Mubende High court and Kampala high court (land division) against Abid Alam.
Arthur Mugyenyi is one of those who went to court and secured a court injunction stopping Abid Alam from tresspassing on his land.

On Friday evening Hon. Simeo Nsubuga wrote this: “Dear fellow Ugandans, today all the  media platforms are dominated by the arrest of Abid Alam on crimes of malicious damage to property, aggravated robbery and gang rape allegedly committed by Abid Alarm and his workers/ kanyamas as per case Ref. Kassanda Police Station CRB 234/2020”.

“The alleged crimes where committed on Saturday night as  we were in quarantine to prevent the spread of Covid19. Over  60 of his  workers/kanyamas attacked the farm of Mr. Arthur Mugyenyi who is a resident of Bukoba village, Nalutuntu  Parish, Nalutuntu Sub-County in Kassanda SouthConstituency.” Hon. Simeo continued to state that, “During the attack they hacked Mr. Samuel Kyabale the cattle keeper of Mr. Mugyenyi to near death,  gang raped his  wife infront of  the children and the husband, destroyed two houses, cut a 3 acres Banana Plantation, took away 200 cows and 50 goats.”

Thanking Lt. Col.  Nakalema for arresting stubborn Abid, Hon. Simeo said, “But today he has been arrested with some of his workers/kanyamas. As am writing this, he is under police custody. I want to thank the security agencies for arresting this thug called Abid Alam who has  caused alot of suffering to our people in Kassanda South constituency and  kindly request  that dont stop at arresting him, let Abid Alam appear before the courts of law and answer for the crimes he has committed.”

“I have reported Abid Alam to H.E the President and submitted written reports. He brags around about how Uganda courts can’t manage him, he is feared by everybody. Our people are being killed because they resist illegal evictions. That is the situation in Kassanda South.” MP Simeo told media.

The last Saturday night incident, according to Hon. Simeo was commanded by notorious Akim Zirimenya, one of Abid’s manager who is now on the run.

“Akim Zirimenya has been in police cells on charges of murder and he was  released on Police Bond about 3 weeks ago and Abid Alam stood as his surety.” Says MP Simeo.

He vowed, “As People’s representative I will continue to use all the available legal avenues to expose the criminal acts of Abid Alam and his workers/kanyamas against my people and I call upon the security organs of this country to ensure that this time round Abid Alam and his agents are charged in courts of law.”

The MP says, he led his Kassanda South people who are being evicted from their bibanja by Abid to Justice Catherine  Bamugemeirere land Commission of inquiry, reported him to the Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament and presented the matter on the floor of Parliament.

Yesterday morning, this highly connected investor drove to Kassanda Police to write a Statement and after, was let to continue with his business.

He posted photos on a Mubende Political platform showing how he is a free man,  enjoying life at Bugoloobi Forest Mall with his colleagues.

We really don’t know where this is news will leave Hon. Simeo Nsubuga, but let him be informed that Abid isn’t in coolers.  

We are reliably informed, 10th Parliament legislators have swung in to stand with their colleague Simeo Nsubuga and want to check Abid’s impunity.

“We will handle Abid as Parliament. We are considering summoning him to our committee. Something must be done urgently.” Said a certain MP who spoke on a condition of anonymity.

Let’s watch the space




THE way President Museveni has demonstrated his fitness during the 30 Pressure ups he worked yesterday, excited his supporters among them, Kampala business mogul Godfrey Kirumira and now wants him to be added more 20 years in power.

The Kirumiras during the burial of businessman Yoweri Musumba in 2019

This comes after Mr. Museveni on Wednesday banned public or outdoor group exercise, aerobics, etc saying through this, Coronavirus can easily spread.

He advised the public to exercise from their rooms or homes just like he does. 

“I will tomorrow (Thursday) share a video and show you how to do exercise from your room.” Promised the president. He indeed shared it yesterday and it shows Mr. Museveni warming up and working out. His impressive pressureups have made the video go viral on social media. 

Hundreds like Music promoter Balam Barugahara have filmed themselves putting up a challenge.

However, on a certain NRM platform, former youth leader Adam Luzindana Buyinza jokingly posted how Balaam fainted while trying to imitate President Museveni. 

Referring to it as breaking news’, Adam Buyinza yesterday night wrote, “Balaam, a reknown music promoter and money magnet is admitted at Nakasero Hospital. He was immitating president Museveni’s pressureups and fainted.Doctors have confirmed that he is  out of danger and responding well to treatment.” “Balaam just stop at supporting Museveni, you cant match his stamina.The Man has challenged us all.” Said Adam, of Buyinza products.


The Kwagalana group chairman today evenning posted on The Think Platform that from what the world has seen, Mr. Museveni is fit to be in power for more 20 years.

Chairman Kirumira posted that: “Muzeeyi is still physically fit. He has like 20 years to lead this country OMG!”

Kirumira, one of the powerful businessmen in Kampala believes, the stamina demonsted by the Head of State, must silence those who had a belief that he is tired.

By 2021, President Museveni would have been in power for 35 years and will be 77 years old. 

Now Kwagalana Chairman wants Museveni to be added more 20 years and by the time that period expires, Muzeeyi will have ruled Uganda for 54 years and will be 96 years old.

However, opposition Forum for Democratic Change has refused to agree with tycoon Kirumira’s way of seeing things 

Responding to his post, Mr. Walid Lubega Mulindwa, FDC National Youth Chairman  has said, “Am so much disappointed in you Omukungu Godfrey Kirumira. So according to you, putting up 20-30 pressureups shows ability to lead the country? Don’t lift the man that high”.

President Museveni working out has put up a debate on social media, his supporters are saying their man is still a dangerous striker who can’t be substituted while those in opposition say, working out Pressureups and able leadership totally differ. 

Justine Nameere, who is a daughter to Hon. Minister Vincent Bamulagaki Ssempijja has written, “The ones who call themselves young need, to smoke weed first and I hear,  use waragi and other energy boosting drinks to have this stamina!”

“Yet the one they refer to as old is very fit, functioning on a toxic free body! It’s beyond doubt, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is the only youth in his Seventies. Jjaja Sevo Mzee wa Kaazi yo on fire,  yo beyond trending,  yo the trend. The video had 10,000 retweets in the first hour! Let’s burn them.” Writes Justine Nameere.

Another NRM youth Rameka Matsiko has posted marking Museveni’s today work out: 

Distance covered is equal to speed times time. Time taken = 2.25min. Estimated Speed = 30km/hr. Which is Also equivalent to 500mtrs per minute. Giving a total distance taken as 500×2.25=1125mtrs . It’s also equivalent to 1.125kilometres. Mzee is indeed gifted.


Not to allow President Museveni dominate the stage, People Power command centre has shared a 2019 recorded video of their Principal Hon. Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi training  boxing at his Magere palatial residence.

His wife Barbie was working out while rope skipping. 

“If it’s about fitness, you all know our presidential aspirant is a master in that game. You must have seen him with your naked eyes during the age limit scuffle in Parliament. Hon.Bobi Wine is ever physically fit.” Said Malimbolimbo, Bobi aide.




BANNAYUGANDA abali mu mawanga g’ebweru naddala mu ggwanga ly’Amerika batulaajanidde tubongere essaala oluvannyuma lw’ekirwadde kya Kolona okutugumbula omusawo Prossy Kabunga ng’ono abadde mwannyina w’omusumba Yawe Kalya!

Prossy Kabunga afiiridde ku mulimu ng’ataasa obulamu bw’abalwadde abalala mu Ssaza ly’Amerika eriyitibwa Boston Massachusetts mu kibuga Barrington Waltham ku ssaawa ttaano ez’ettuntu ly’eri.

Omugenzi Prossy Kabunga (aliko akasale) bw’abadde n’abafamire ye mu biseera eby’eddembe

Okusinziira ku atuweerezza eggulire lino ery’ennaku, Prossy Kabunga kati awezezzaomuwendo gwa bannayuganda 9 abakattibwa ekirwadde kino ki kalibukambwe  so nga bo abali ku ndiri, tobala. 

“Omugenzi era abadde akolera mu Nursing Homes era nga musawo omukugu.  Abadde muganda w’Omuky. Deborah Kalya ng’ono mumanyifu mu ssaza ly’e Boston. Famire eno emanyiddwa nnyo, bantu Balokole era nga bakolagana na buli muntu.” Omu ku basoose  okufuna amawulire g’okufa kwa Prossy Kabunga bweyatugambye ng’asinziira mu ggwanga ly’Amerika.

Tekinnamanyika oba amawulire ga mwannyina okufa ekirwadde kya Kolona, omusumba  Yawe Kalya, gamusanze Uganda ng’azze kulambula pulojekiti ze omuli amasomero.

Ku ntandikwa ya wiiki eno, Haji Mugerwa ng’ono ye taata wa munna FDC Eng. Arafat Kiggundu eyaliko omukulembeze w’abayizi mu Muteesa 1 Royal University naye ekirwadde kya Kolona kyamutugidde mu Amerika.

Kyasoose kutta mwannyina gweyali yagenda okukyalira.

Mugerwa yava Uganda n’ayitirako e Dubai ng’eno kirowoozebwa gyeyajja ekirwadde n’akiyingiza mu famire ya mwannyina mu Amerika.

Mukazi wattu gwekyasoka okujja mu bulamu bw’ensi n’aleka abaana be babiri nga bataawa mu ddwaliro. Kati Haji Mugerwa lwamututte kyokka ne muganda we omulala abeera mu Amerika eyajja okumulabako ng’akyalidde mwanyinaabwe, naye ekimbe kyamusise.




PRESIDENT Museveni yesterday night saluted His Majesty the Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Kimera Muwenda Mutebi II for the financial and food contibutions he made towards feeding his hungry subjects during the lockdown and also fighting the spread of Coronavirus.
Mr. Museveni also thanked opposition People Power Movement led by Hon. Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi for showing solidarity in the fight against Covid -19 epidemic saying, “Thank you very much for joining your people.”
While addressing the Nation yesterday night, Museveni whose Speech lasted 90 minutes said, “I have appealed for donations, in particular I want us to build the transport fleet of the ministry of Health because as of now, we have a problem of how to transport  the Pregnant women from the villages without using the private vehicles which have their own problems.”
“The best way would be having enough Government vehicles to do the work. And I was estimating, if we have ten vehicles per a district since the districts are no longer too big these days, I think they would be reasonable.”he continued to say, “This means, we need between 1350 to 1400 vehicles Four wheel brand – new model double cabins. So I appeal to you, to contribute.”
Museveni who addressed the Nation from Nakasero State House said,  “And am glad, a number of People have contributed and on my list, are a number of people and companies. Kabaka donated UGX 100M.” 
On Tuesday,  His Majesty the Kabaka of Buganda sent his brother Prince David Kintu Wasajja alongside Kingdom top ministers and officials to deliver UGX 100 millions and other necessities which included a truck full of Maize flour branded ‘Ssaabaajja Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II Kabaka of Buganda’

They were handed to Prime minister Rt. Hon. Dr. Livingstone Ruhakana Rugunda who hailed Buganda Supreme leader for always standing with his subjects amidst all situations.
On People Power contribution, “Museveni who ordered Hon. Minister Karoro Okrut now in charge of all contributions to compile the  full list and be published in media, was very amused and all smiles as he was announcing Hon. Bobi Wine’s contribution. 

Food donated by People Power

Museveni said, “Oh People Power Kamwokya have contributed 50 bags of maize flour. Thank you very much people power.”
Causing prolonged laughter from the the First lady Janet Kataha Museveni, other cabinet ministers and security chiefs around.
He said, “People power has  brought Salt 30 Cartons & soap 30 boxes. Thank you so much. Now you see, you are now joining your people.”

Also Read https://www.newseditor.co.ug/2020/04/07/buy-my-people-food-kabaka-mutebi-tells-govt-as-prince-wasajja-delivers-100m-to-covid-19-task-force/


● His Majesty Kabaka Mutebi II – UGX 100M
● Huawei – Video confrence equipments for ministry of Health 
● Kireka LC 1 – UGX 1M
● Ham Foundation – UGX 100M
● Kaliro Sugar – 500 bags of Sugar
● Uganda Insurance Assurance – 1000 blankets
● Rwenzori bottled water – 30 Cartons
● Pepsi bottled water – 100 Cartons
● Crest foam mattress  – 200 pieces
● Rose foam mattresses – 200 pieces
● Euro form mattresses – 100 pieces
● Comfoam mattresses – 60 pieces
● Night Frank  – 60 pieces of mattresses
● Uganda Breweries – 60 pieces of Mattresses
● NC Bank – 60 pieces of mattresses
● Sprout Investments – 200 pieces of mattresses 
● Royal foam – 200 pieces of mattresses 
● Japan Auto Motors – 8 Vehicles & 100 Cartons of bottled water
● Coca cola bottling Century – 187 empty jericans
● Uganda Insurers – 1000 blankets
● Shell Vivo – 1000 Bedsheets  
● UBA Bank – USD 150,000
● Skin guard – 100 Cartons of sanitizers 
● Movit products Handwash soap – 200 Cartons, toilet soap 200 cartons
● Coffee – USD 40,000
● Mega Industries – 100 boxes of bar soap
● Darling Company – UGX 200M
● Igad – USD 100,000
● Seya & brothers – UGX 50M
● Consortium of Standard Chartered Bank –  UGX 100M
● Stabex – Cylinders for ministry of Health
● Sunbelt Industries – USD 30,000
● Indian Association – personal protective equipments 500 pieces, gloves 30,000 pieces, liquid soap 200 litres, face sheilds 90, hand sanitizers 1200 containers.
● Baraj group of Companies – 1000 litres of  sanitizers 
●  Abacus Pharmaceuticals – Dexto 5% 3000, Normal saline 3000, ringers 2010, fluids 1000, paracetamol 1000, black soap  17000 pieces
● Crown beverages -30 Cartons of water
● Synol hydro and power – Cooking oil, maize flour, mobile phones
● Blue Wave – 400 Cartons of water
● Doditor Group – 400 face masks, sanitizers 
● Madhivan – 200 pieces of mosquito nets
● Dott services – 1 pick up vehicle
● Tembo Steel – 1 pick up Vehicle
● Sudhir group of companies – 2 motor vehicles
●  People Power – 50 bags of maize flour, 30 Cartons of salt,  soap 30 boxes. 
● Government of India – 2 ambulances 
● People of Republic of China – 2 ambulances 
● Mulwana group  – 2 ambulances 
● Cho king international construction company – 200 blankets
● Stanbic – UGX 100M, gloves 5000, UGX 55M for fuel
● Airtel – internet data
● MTN – sending messages(List will be edited accordingly)


Museveni addressing the Nation
  1. A number of 213 tested NEGATIVE today out of the 214 samples tested for COVID19 (only one tested positive). 
  2. Currently a total of 53 cases have been confirmed positive for COVID19 out a total number of  3,600 tested for COVID19.
    3.  Public/ outdoor group exercise/ aerobics etc  have been PROHIBITED. The public has been advised to exercise from their room/ home. The President has promised to share a video of his personal tips on  how to do exercises from your room. 
    4.  Anyone that violates the health emergency recommendations the shall be charged with attempted murder. E.g secret bars in homes , communal prayers. 
  3. Security agents have been cautioned against beating civilians and have been urged to make arrests and charge offenders furthermore security officers that are not performing their duties will lose their jobs, be arrested and will be charged with murder 
  4. All Bodaboda riders should stop operating by 2PM. No more bodabodas will be allowed on the road after 2PM.
  5. Politicians that are still distributing food during this time  are defying the health emergency rules and are going to be arrested and charged with attempted murder and granted no bail.
  6. Landlords have been PROHIBITED from evicting tenants that are defaulting on their rent payment and the President has asked Police to intervene in these cases. 
  7. Land border points of entry in the beginning may have let persons through without critical screening as compared to the airport. However these are being followed up together with the vigilance of the local community around these land border  points of entry.
  8. “Double-cabin” and “pick-ups” that are not carrying cargo are not allowed on the road. 
  9. Cargo transporters carrying passengers will be arrested and charged with murder. 
  10. Breakdown of the positive cases: 9 (identified at the airport) 31(were among the persons in quarantine) 13 (contacts of infected returnees)
  11. A total number 18,862 people have entered the country since 7th March. Some of these returnees are in the community . Some of these asymptomatic persons maybe shedding the virus. These are being traced and will be tested from their homes. 
  12. A total number of  960 people who were in contact  with the positive “13” are being followed up.
  13. All cargo personnel coming into the country are going to be tested with effect from tommorow. Including persons coming in through the “porous” areas of the borders 
  14. Health Center III personnel don’t take community based samples. The collection “hubs” have personnel and equipment to collect samples from suspected cases. Samples will be collected at the home of the suspected case. The public has been discouraged from going to the collection “hubs”.
  15. Re-opening of Schools are still scheduled for the 27th April, however this is subject to revision based on the trend of current  emergency situation. 


Asked to say something during the presidential address, Rt. Hon. Prime minister Rugunda said, “His Excellency has assigned Hon. Mary Karoro Okurut minister in charge of General duties in office of the Prime minister a political responsibility to make sure this fund is build up and administered properly.”
“The President has also assigned Dorothy Kisaka to be the administrator of this fund. He appointed a team of Ugandans with a lot of experience in matters of this nature and the team is likely to be announced tomorrow (today).” Said Rugunda who thanked Mr. Lubega, LC 1 Chairman Kireka village who was able to mobilize 1M.
He promised the Nation that “This fund will be managed well, professionally and transparently, and regular publication of what has been contributed would be issued by the overall cordinator of the fund, Hon. Mary Karoro Okurut.”



BY TONNY NDUGU For Citizen Digital

The National Council on the Administration of Justice (NCAJ) after multi-agency consultations has resolved to release 4800 prisoners who are serving time for petty offences.

The decision was informed by the need to decongest Kenyan prisons in light of the coronavirus outbreak in the country.

In a statement sent out to the media, NCAJ however noted that new prisoners are being isolated for the requisite 14 days.

This is in strict adherence to the safety measures put in place by the National Emergency Response Committee on coronavirus as regards to social distancing.

Movement of prisoners has also been strictly restricted with NCAJ adding that all prison visits have been suspended.

The prison workforce has also been reduced to a bare minimum and visits to staff quarters also suspended to avert the spread of the COVID-19 disease.

The latest comes a day after Kenya confirmed an additional 22 cases of the new coronavirus, bringing the total number of infections to 81.

Health CS Mutahi Kagwe said on Wednesday that 21 out of the 22 cases were people currently in mandatory quarantine.

“We have tested over 300 Kenyans and out of those 22 have tested positive. This is the largest number we have received in a day,” he said.

According to the CS, the new cases are 18 Kenyans, two Pakistanis and two Cameroon nationals.

He further revealed that 13 of the cases are males and 9 are females: one of them is a patient admitted to Mombasa Hospital.

“That tells you importance of exercise we have been carrying out because they would have infected other people,” Kagwe said.

CS Kagwe urged Kenyans to adhere to the stringent measures imposed by government but clarified that food trucks are allowed to move as are vehicles ferrying food across the border.

“What we are stopping is meetings that are against social distancing,” he said.

The Government announced a 7pm to 5am curfew that took effect on March 27. It prohibits public gatherings and processions during the curfew.

Police IG Hilary Mutyambai said any person who violates the curfew commits an offence and will be arrested and charged in a court of law.



PHOTO: Helpless Dr. Besigye on a wheelchair guarded by Prison officers. On right, the Author, Counsel Denis Nyombi dressed in a suit


“……. following the failure of the invasion, Amin’s soldiers had run amok and murdered very many people including Francis Walugembe, Shaban Nkutu, Bendicto Kiwanuka, Nekemiya Bananuka, Alex Oera, Oshua Wakoli and Picho Ali. The last three were captured alive during the disorganized invasion and murdered.

The illiterate, uncultured and cowardly ex-colonial soldiers thought that they could intimidate the people by committing such atrocities. Instead the conditions they created generated more resolve among the people and hatred for this gang of ignoramuses who acted extra-judicially even when they were in power.

The whole ethos of Amin’s army threatened the unarmed people of Uganda. Life was at its cheapest: an unfavorable opinion from one of the illiterate NCOs was enough to take away human life. This was the tyranny which we proposed to fight by protracted armed struggle….’’ “Sowing the Mustard Seed” by Y.K Museveni.

In the year 2016, Uganda held the first presidential debate. In his opening remarks Dr. Kizza Besigye said: “….this actually is a building that has profound influence on my being here tonight, because in February of 198…, I was incarcerated in this building, actually in the direction where candidate Museveni came from. It was a tough time. Many of the people i was with in that dungeon, have never been seen again. These were very respectable some of them elderly people and our arrest, both myself and those individuals arrest, had been prompted by a war that had started a short while earlier. A war that came out of a rigged election of 1980. In 1980 I had been a supporter of candidate Museveni……”

PHOTO: President Museveni shaking hands with former Physician Dr. Kizza Besigye on Martyrs’day, the two are now sworn enemies

Until today, the 1980-86 war is undoubtedly named, “the liberation war.” Dr. Besigye and Mr. Museveni are two persons whose role and stake in that war, is cemented in the historical write-ups of Uganda. Debatable however, is the conclusion that this was a liberation struggle as some of the participants of the war, vehemently state. Between 1962 to 1980, it’s not refuted there was apolitical cloud that covered the pearl of Africa with a fog of darkness.

Just like many other Ugandans that have been around since these times, the two stories are shared by majority in chorus.The recipients of these stories, are mostly the millennials (Abazukulu.) Not only do they find it hard to believe the narration around these stories, that 27 men with barely reasonable arsenal, could in five years, occasion a rebel assault to put down a government.

ONCE UPON A TIME: In the photo, then NRA Rebel leader Yoweri Museveni greeting unidentified old man. On extreme right is now, Rtd. Col. Besigye’s wife Eng. Winnie Byanyima

But at most, are vehemently disturbed by the reasons for the assault.It’s a story that they receive with two shades of doubt.The first doubt, whether the cause was for the common purpose, to liberate or people equitably or rather, for the liberation of some individuals.

NRA BUSH WAR HEROS: Rtd Col. Besigye and wife Eng. Winnie Byanyima

Primarily, individuals at the epitome of the “liberation struggle.”The second doubt, is whether this was actually a liberation per se! For to so be, its fruits need not be doubted but need be glaringly visible. Otherwise said, should be clear-cut.Clear-cut in all spheres. From electoral procedures and a transparent functioning of the entire electoral system, because the two statements, make confirmation, an electoral process at the time, was marred with irregularities, a thing not making news headlines in the contemporary times.

PHOTO: NUP President Bobi Wine and Dr. Besigye

Until today, the two individuals have a distinct line of approach. One believes, as a nation, we are on the correct line. On the contrary, the other believes we are on the incorrect line.

PHOTO: Opposition leaders in Uganda strategizing on how to fight Besigye’s arrest

It’s a disagreement that until today, finds the millennials conclude, since 1986, we still have a lot of unfinished work. There was and still is, a liberation unfinished. The liberation of not merely the people but of major government institutions, the independence of the judiciary, liberation of the electoral system from the captive state in which its sunken, liberation of the legislature, not to appease the political status quo, but to please the rule of law.

PHOTO: Besigye in cells

A liberation of distribution of national resources to an equitable share of the national cake. A liberation of systems from the dungeons where they were put in captivity.

The Author, Denis Nyombi is a seasoned lawyer and human rights defender working with Nyombi & Co. Advocates




AS we celebrate Valentine’s Day, we often associate it with romantic love, chocolates, and flowers. However, the true meaning of Valentine’s Day is rooted in the Latin word “valentia,” which means “strength.”

In this article, we will explore how Valentine’s Day can be a day to strengthen the week, the depressed, and those who feel neglected.

Valentine’s Day, holiday (February 14) when lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts. Given their similarities, it has been suggested that the holiday has origins in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February. The festival, which celebrated the coming of spring, included fertility rites and the pairing off of women with men by lottery.

At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I forbid the celebration of Lupercalia and is sometimes attributed with replacing it with St. Valentine’s Day, but the true origin of the holiday is vague at best.According to Socrates, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

As we reflect on our relationships and social lives, we must acknowledge the pain and trauma caused by neglecting others. Samuel Mbiti, an African philosopher, emphasizes the importance of community and relationships in African culture. He states, “I am because we are, and since we are, therefore I am.” This philosophy highlights the interconnectedness of human beings and the need to prioritize relationships and community.

The Bible also emphasizes the importance of love and relationships. In 1 Corinthians 13:13, it states, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” This verse reminds us that love is the greatest virtue, and it is essential to prioritize love and relationships in our lives.

Valentine’s Day should not be solely focused on romantic love; rather, it should be a day to express love and appreciation for all relationships, including friendships and family. As the Bible states, “Love each other as I have loved you” (John 15:12). This verse encourages us to love others selflessly and unconditionally.

In a world where communities are losing hope and living in hopelessness, Valentine’s Day can be a day to reignite hope and strength. As Pope Francis states, “Hope is the virtue that inspires us to look to the future with optimism and confidence.”

This year’s Jubilee of Hope reminds us that hope is rooted in the power of the Holy Spirit.Through the Gift of the Holy Spirit of Fortitude, we can find supernatural courage in times of weakness.

As 2Corinthians 12:9 states, “My power is made perfect in weakness.” This verse reminds us that God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness, and we can trust in.

The Author, Robert Bigabwarugaba is a Seminerian from St Paul’s National Seminary – Kinyamasika robertbigabwarugaba@gmail.com



ABOVE PHOTO: Esteem Junior School’s Director Mrs. Estella Mundeyi listening to Headteacher Mr. Moses Ndibammwe Ntale during a Thanks Giving Mass at School, last Saturday


ON SATURDAY February 8, 2025, Esteem Junior School, the fastest growing Kindergarten and Primary School located 9 miles on Mityana road, organised a Thanks Giving Mass at the school campus to thank God for enabling their 2024,  P7 candidates, top the list of best performing Schools in Wakiso District.

PHOTO: Some of the buildings at ESJ

A day before, i got a call from my namesake, Mr. Moses Ndibammwe Ntale, the School’s  Headteacher, in three categories; One as a Parent, a friend to the school and as a journalist.

AUTHOR: Mr. Moses Mugalula (photo)

The function started with a Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Godfrey Kato Ssemwogerere, the Parish Priest of Kamwokya Parish who stood in for Rev. Fr. Ssemboga, the Buloba Parish Priest.

PHOTO: EJS Director Estella Mundeyi (extreme right) listening to Rev. Fr. Kato Ssemwogerere (left)

Speeches included that of Ms. Sharom Nakatudde who represented parents, that of the Headteacher and a moving Speech from the school founder Mrs. Estella Mundeyi. In my next article, I will write about Mrs. Mundeyi’s speech and why every parent and learner must borrow a leaf from her wise counsel.

HUMILITY: Bursar Eddie serving pupils!

While meals were being served, Headteacher Ntale came to share a word with me and another Parent, Mr. Duncan Ssebbaale (Chairman Men of Purpose at Good News Church). He asked me to get a microphone and say something to the parents which i politely declined with the excuse that i would give my communication at the right time.

PHOTO: Headteacher Mr. Ntale addressing parents. His is flanked by his deputy

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the right time and the best fora, to say something.
Mr. Ntale and my fellow hustlers out there, our education system, has wired parents and students alike to only attention to passing exams. Parents will strive and do all it takes to rather ensure their children merely pass, than accumulation of skills, knowledge and influence of entrepreneurship. 

PHOTO: Parents listening attentively

Our focus as parents should be to task more of the former than the later. Our children’s future world needs not those who have merely passed exams, but those skilled and with a deep weight of entrepreneurship vices.
To all P7 and S4 candidates who achieved a mark of success country over, congratulations. To all the parents, guardians and caretakers, thanks for the work well done. 

PHOTO: Some members of P7 class of 2024 entertaining parents and their teachers

To the students, your first grade or second grade alone, is not the end and the cardinal key to success. It’s just a chance and piece of evidence, that you have capacity to pursue more yields, ahead, if you only keep going stronger and work harder.
To the candidates who didn’t perform to their expectations, this is not the end of life, your worries are temporally. We have all failed in many instances. But we pick ourselves up and try again.

PHOTO: Some members of P7 Class, 2024

There’s no man whose failure determines his or her fate. What’s so important, is the capability to pick your self up when failure strikes. If you have not failed in something, then you have never tried something. There’s so much room to make life better. With the support of your parents, friends, relatives and guardians,  just know life still has room for a better platform for you. Don’t lose hope, don’t give up. Yes, we have been there we are this side of life. We know what the reality is in between there. 
From zero, we hustle, we struggle we rebuild, well knowing that by success we mean the art of not giving up, even when the hope is gone.
Passing PLE, UCE or UACE is not the sole and lone  pursuit you are geared for. It’s a piece of evidence that when you work hard, and remain forcused you can achieve more. This is just a platform to prepare you for yet another stage. Keep going. By God’s counsel you will sail  through. Life ain’t about marks its about passion towards a certain goal. 
I want to thank those  parents,  guardians and helpers who played their roles in paying school fees, attending school meetings, buying text books and other scholastic materials and doing all that you had to do to ensure that your daughter or son, attains a decent piece of education. Thank you. 
I do thank single mothers in a special way. Especially those ladies who tried  as much as possible to reach out  to the fathers of those children, reminding  them to play their roles  but still were hesitant. You put your self to order and took your child through the first 10years of education. Thank you. 
To all the single fathers who have played  their responsibilities,  thank you. 
To the teachers and headteachers country over. Thanks for the struggle. Some of you, are going through thick and silent sacrifices to see the positive yields of these young learners. With the government rich in promising you much, you have held strong. Please don’t give up.

PHOTO: Headteacher Ntale introducing P7 class teachers of this great Insititution

Finally,  parents take care!!!! don’t be cheated and fall victims of extortion because you want a particular school. Investors are all over print media buying space for adverts and calling upon students. Always remember, you are the first head teacher and Director of studies (DOS) to your child.  
A school helps to assemble the concepts your child needs  but you are the manufacturer. Don’t be cheated don’t have your pressure raise because school this has not taken your child. 
Lastly I want to thank those teachers who take their pupils as their personal children. You brave the scorching sun, the muddy roads the heavy traffic jam, the naughty noisy kids, the meagre resources with an avalanche of indifference from the government, when it comes to payment in time and extending facilities on schedule. We are so proud of you teachers, thank you.

ELEGANT: EJS teachers

Through all this, you never tire, to shape a decent mind to these learners. Keep up the spirit.
Till then, my brother, Moses Ndibammwe Ntale, Headteacher Esteem Junior School. Best regards to madam Director Estella Mundeyi and your wonderful teaching and support staff.

The author is TV talkshow host, a radio talkshow panelist, writer and a senior investigative journalist in Uganda. Whatsapp 0701 523 039



LEAD PHOTO: Pastor Yazid Muwanguzi greets his Spiritual father Dr. Serwadda. In Photo two, Dr. Solomon and Pastor Doreen Mwesige. On extreme right is Bishop Nassan Ibrahim Turyamureeba


ON JANUARY 19, 2025, Presiding Apostle of The Born Again Faith in Uganda, Dr. Joseph Sserwadda hosted thousands of God’s people for a Thanksgiving fete in Ndeeba, near Kabaka’s lake where a group of senior pastors in Uganda paid allegiance to the Born Again Faith (BAF) Supreme leader, as their Spiritual father who parented them to what they are today.
Led by Christan Life Church (CLC) Makerere Kavule lead Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga and Christianity Focus Centre (CFC) Mengo – Kisenyi senior Pastor Bishop Dr. David Livingstone Kiganda Ssalongo, Pastors hailed Dr. Serwadda for being a true mentor and a great preacher, through whom, thousands of souls have converted to Salvation.

PHOTO: Dr. Serwadda (right), receiving Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga at a Thanksgiving Service organised in Ndeeba on January 19, 2025.

In fact Ssenyonga who donated UGX 100M towards the purchase of land where the Balokole mega Stadium will be constructed, said, it was Dr. Serwadda who identified him first and gave him an opportunity to preach to his congregation! 
Notably, such remarks came a few days after Bishop Nassan Ibrahim Turyamureeba, a considered richest Pastor in Western Uganda ranked Victory Christian Church’s Dr. Serwadda and Good News Church Bulenga’s Bishop Dr. Solomon Mwesige as the top most preachers in Uganda.

PHOTO: Bishop Nassan Ibrahim Turyamureeba and wife

In a trending tiktok video posted on his page, Bishop Nassan Turyamureeba who heads  Day Star International Ministries Cathedral in Mbarara, a 7000 seater church, named Dr. Joseph Serwadda and Bishop Solomon Mwesige, the greatest Preachers in Uganda.
For starters, Bishop Nassan converted from Islam to Christ and was formerly known as Nathan. Later married to maama Margret, Bishop Nassan owns Uganda House of Hope Orphanage School Mbarara.

In a tiktok video, Bishop Nassan says he was brought to Jesus 35 years ago by Bishop Dr. Solomon Mwesige. 
“I was a staunch Muslim. Thanks to Dr. Solomon who preached to me the Good News of Salvation. I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior and converted to the Born Again faith”,
reveals, powerful Bishop Nassan. 

PHOTO: Bishop Dr. Solomon and Pastor Doreen Mwesige

He adds that, “As a spiritual parent, Dr. Solomon showed me love, he lifted me and changed my life. In 1985, he laid hands on me and ordained me a Pastor in Lake Katwe. He shaped me, rebuked and trained me into a strongman i am today. I am so indebted to Pastor Dr. Solomon Mwesige. He is such a great man of the word, the body of Christ in Uganda and the Great Lakes region should be proud of.”

Bishop Nassan says, “Now time came and God connected me to Presiding Apostle Dr. Joseph Serwadda, leader of the Born Again Faith in Uganda. He is a man i respect more, in Uganda. He is a man who can order me to sit down, stand up and i oblige with total humility. I can take the rebukes of all kind from Dr. Joseph Serwadda.”

PHOTO: Presiding Apostle Dr. Joseph and Pastor Freda Serwadda preaching in Passover 2024/2025

No wonder, Dr. Serwadda chose Bishop Nassan to preach at Victory Christian Centre Ndeeba, in a mega Service to mark his 70th Birthday, last year. 
In a recorded video Nassan says, “I am so glad that these two men, Dr. Serwadda and Dr. Solomon Mwesige are still alive, leading very successful ministries, financially blessed, in very good health and i still honour them.”
“None of them pays my bills, none of them gives me financial aide but i respect the annointing upon their lives. I still have 100% room to receive their rebuke.” Opens up, Bishop Nassan, a renown jovial Pastor.
He challenged fellow Pastors to reveal who brought them to Jesus. “Who counsels you and you abide? Who Speaks to your life? Who can rebuke you and take it in good faith as a blessing? Who is your mentor, one who can give an advise and you adhere to it?” Asked Bishop Nassan.
He urged Pastors that, If they dont have powerful men of God like Dr. Joseph Serwadda and Dr. Solomon Mwesige who can check and guide their ministries, then they are likely to mess up everything! 
“You will crush, you will be misguided, you will be fraudsters because no one is guiding you as your spiritual parent. If you still have someone you can listen to and take his or her counsel, as a Pastor or Preacher, one who is praying for you, one who can rebuke you, one who corrects you, then you are blessed.” Cautions Bishop Nassan.
He said, many pastors have done a lot of mischievous things,they have become a laughing stock and taken to be unserious just because they lack guidance from senior preachers like Dr. Serwadda and Dr. Solomon.
“Let us humble ourselves, pray for ourselves and get the right counselors, have our spiritual fathers, men of esteem, men of integrity to help us.” Bishop Nassan Turyamureeba cautioned fellow Pastors.

A born of Kalungu District in Greater Masaka, Dr. Serwadda holds a Certificate in Journalism, Diploma in Christian Ministry, Diploma in Theology, Diploma in Legal Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Humanities, Masters in Theology, Doctorate in Divinity and two Honorary Doctorates (D.H.L and D.M.) He is married to mama Freda, having beautiful daughters and handsome young men.

PHOTO: Pastor Mukisa kneels down to greet his spiritual father, Dr. Serwadda

Dr. Serwadda got converted on the Christmas Eve of 1975 and joined the Full Gospel Mission during the height of Amin’s tyrannical and brutal regime. He was supported by this same Church in 1977 to travel to Nairobi, Kenya where he studied Journalism. 
He then went to the Grace Baptist Bible School in Ruaraka, Thika Rd, one of the suburbs of Nairobi.
Dr. Joseph Sserwadda saw Jesus in an open vision when he went on a ‘dry’ fast which lasted for 11 days. In the same vision, he was directed to champion a street outreach ministry in Kampala. 
He first came to the limelight when he staged Open-air Gospel Crusades around Kampala City in Kiyembe, Car Park, Owino Market and Wandegeya Yard that lasted for a solid five years (1982-1988) revealing his prolific gift as an Evangelist, Christian Apologetic and Activist.
During these open air crusades which he conducted with a colleague, Deo Balabyekkubo (RIP), they were confronted on many occasions by Muslim extremists also known as Tabliqs and open debates ensued on the person of Jesus Christ and Christian theology. Two of these occasions involved assault on him with fire-arms. Another incident in which a hand grenade was hurled at him, forty-eight people were wounded and six were killes on the spot. 


Dr. Joseph was however miraculously able to walk away with minor injuries. From these meetings, he established a teaching ministry that founded the Victory Christian Centre Church, one of the mega-churches in Kampala with over 470 churches planted across Uganda and elsewhere.
He has written numerous selected articles for the local newspapers, held radio shows in Europe and appeared on National Television stations in Australia, New Zealand, USA and many African nations. He also speaks on topical issues on request. Joseph has written 4 inspirational books namely;

The Kind That Jesus Called Great Faith, Victory and what it takes, How to clean the house without messing it and, Untapped Resource in Uganda’s Development.
Serwadda is an avowed critic of bad governance and preaches with high spiritual power, anointing and energy. He constantly believes that the stunted growth of the Evangelical and Pentecostal Churches in Uganda should be blamed on the dictatorship of Idd Amin (1971-1979). His recent fame shot up when in 2005 he championed a campaign to repeal the Dictator’s 1977 decree, declare the Pentecostal (and a section of the Evangelical churches) a separate faith from the Catholic, Anglican, Orthodox and Islam faiths which Amin had retained as the only authentic ‘religions’ in his regime.

LOVELY MUM: Pastor Freda with an elderly lady she had just given a Christmas package, last year

A forward thinker and astute planner, he has used his training in media to establish Impact FM and Alpha FM radio stations, Dream tv and BTV. It is these stations coupled with his high energy preaching that seem to be the driving force for the droves he collects in his meetings. His annual end of year Passover Festival rallied at the Mandela National Stadium since 2002 and last year held in Ndeeba near Kabaka’s lake, have gathered record attendances of more than 120,000 in a single service.


MAN WITH A GOLD HEART: Bishop Dr. Mwesige

A proud Mutooro, Bishop Dr. Solomon Mwesige, comes from a small village in Western Uganda called Kyarusozi, from the Toro Tribe (Toro means Bull in Spanish). 

His dad was a devouted catholic who excommunicated him from the family over  giving his life to Jesus in his youthful days. The persecution and rejection drew him closer to the Lord. 

He was trained and briefly worked with the Full Gospel Church, Campus Crusade for Christ and later founded Good News Ministries. Over the years, under his wise leadership, the church has grown tremendously.

“We Impact Body, Mind and Spirit Physical. We do feeding programmes, medical outreach programmes, drill wells and shoe distribution programmes. We are also deeply into community transformation through providing of basic needs to the under privileged as much as we can.” Reads Pastor Solomon’s Good News Church website.

Committed to impact as many lives as possible through education and empowering other Christian organizations that are involved in empowering others especially the orphans and the poor. 

“I believe ignorance is probably the backbone of the many problems faced all over the world,” Reasons Pastor Solomon.

Married to Pastor Doreen, Dr. Solomon’s ministry is driven by evangelism, discipleship and training.

Pastor Doreen and daughter, Sasha Mwesige

Dr. Mwesige, is the CEO King Solomon Kindergarten and Nursery Bulenga, King Solomon Primary School Bulenga and King Solomon High School Kyengeza, Mityana.He is the Country Director Feed The Hungry East Africa, Sponsor A Child, CEO KSTV Uganda, Good Water Project and Herbella Organics Ltd.

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    PHOTO: Comedia Lubega seated on ground. Middle is a receipt showing rent payment of UGX 283M to James Lubega from Gombe Medical Services boss


    WE CAN now reliably confirm that, a one James Lubega who normally deals at Nasser road in Kampala, staged a stunt at Gombe Medical Services (GMS) premises located in Mengo, Balintuma road on Sunday to con Hospital owner of millions of money! 
    For starters, this is the very guy who had a case with veteran journalist Andrew Mwenda.
    In a free of charge drama which attracted hundreds of revellers, Lubega was seen yelling at the top of his voice how security at this State-of-the-art Multi-Specialist Hospital had shot and robbed him of his UGX 15M from his pocket, an allegation discovered to be untrue, the old man was just spreading lies and blackmailing Hospital management to cause embarassment to the hospital owner who is known to be one of Kabaka’s trusted and hardworking right hand men.
    Seen calling for help while seated on the ground, this grey haired man said, “They wanted to kill me today. They have shot at me. For two years they have not paid me. When i came here to demand for payment, they instead beat me up and stole my phones plus 15M.”
    However, Lubega didn’t show any sustained injuries or bullet wound. The question to ponder is?

    Unless Lubega intended to blackmail Gombe Medical Services boss and con him of millions, we can exclusively report that, this fastest hospital in Kampala has no rent arrears. In fact, available information shows it cleared rent from 2022 to 2026.
    While receiving rent, little did this comedian know, that he was being recorded on camera!

    A day James Lubega received rent payment from GMS for years up to 2026

    In a video clip we have accessed, Lubega first tricked GMS boss to pay rent up to  2027, a deal he rejected.
    GMS boss was shocked to see the same old man who received over 283 millions a few days ago, screaming like a slaughtered goat how he is demanding rent for two years, forgeting that all transaction was documented and filmed.

    This leading Investigative news website reveals that, GMS boss paid rent for four years in advance covering years 2022, 2023, 2024, 2024 and 2026 in two instalments.
    The first one was from 2022 to 2024 and then 2025 to 2026.
    It was agreed upon that GMS boss renovates the building and Muzee Lubega will meet costs.

    GMS CEO wanted to use rent dues to renovate the building but Lubega proposed otherwise citing that he had money problems at that time and they planned to use the next payment. Insiders say, GMS boss spent close to UGX 1Bn in the renovation of the building, he found in a sorry state.
    Reliable info has it that, Lubega’s intention was to embarass Gombe Medical Services, owner such that he leaves the premises to save his reputation and then the landlord dodges payment of UGX 1Bn used to renovate the building. Insiders say, Lubega knew that if his trick works, he will get a new tenant who would pay himgood money. That is why he staged this stunt and came with his filming team. The evil deal did not work. 

    Gombe Medical Services is a Privately owned State of the art Multi-Specialist Hospital located in Mengo Balintuma road near Pastor Simeon Kayiwa’s Namirembe Christian Fellowship Church. It Provides world class health care.

    In March this year, it held a one day free health camp at Bulange-Mengo giving out free ENT Medical services to all Kabaka’s people.

    The Hospital treats Skin, Ears, Norse and Throat diseases among other serious cases.
    With its first class doctors, you don’t need to fly your patient abroad.

    For views/comments on this story, send an email to newseditor.info@gmail.com



    PETITIONED: President Museveni and CDF Gen. Muhoozi. In set is Col. Moses Kanyonyi in combat and Petitioner John Muzungu


    THE High Court in Kampala, Land Division, before Her Worship Natukunda Janeva has issued a temporary injunction Order against Col. Nabaasa Moses Kanyonyi, his agents, servants, and/or any person acting for and on his behalf prohibiting and or restraining Kanyonyi from tresspassing on the Kibanja/land whose ownership is claimed by a one John Muzungu.
    Court has restrained Col. Kanyonyi from developing, transferring ownership, selling, disposing, mortgaging, alienating, interfering or otherwise dealing with this Kibanja/land until the hearing and determination of the main suit.
    This Misc Application No. 0907 of 2024 arose from Civil Suit No. 548 of 2023. It was filed by John Muzungu (applicant) against Nabaasa Moses Kanyonyi (defendant), an officer of the Country’s elite Special Forces Command (SFC).

    The application came up for hearing on June 4, 2024 in the presence of counsel Lydia Nabukeera and Counsel Ainamani Kenneth holding brief for Counsel Luyima Jabal who represented John Muzungu and in the absence of Moses Nabaasa Kanyonyi and/or his lawyers.
    The said Kibanja/land measuring half an acre is located at Bugabo, Bukaya LC1 village, Katabi town Council, Entebbe Municipality in Wakiso District.
    John Muzungu through his lawyers of Rwakafuzi & Co. Advocates filed a case against Col. Moses Nabaasa Kanyonyi accusing him of deploying SFC officers and camping them at his land denying him access to his property. All attempts for Kanyonyi to remove soldiers from Muzungu’s property was in vain, until the victim resorted to courts of law seeking for justice!
    However, Kanyonyi did not heed the directives of court. He has continued to possess and use the said property!
    In his written statement of defence, SFC boss says Muzungu sold him nothing, Col. Kanyonyi avers and contends that he cannot trespass on his own land but instead it’s Muzungu who has attempted to trespass on Kanyonyi’s land with all intentions of forcefully taking over the same to deprive Kanyonyi of his lawful equitable and general interests therein.
    Kanyonyi alleges that he paid a one Bibagamba Peter a deposite of UGX 80M for a title of land where Muzungu claims to hold a kibanja!

    Acting for Muzungu John, former Attorney General Mwesigwa Rukutana informed CDF Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba about Col. Kanyonyi deploying SFC officers and camping them at his client’s land located at Bukaya village in Katabi town council in Wakiso district.
    “The matter was reported in the courts of law and the court issued an order directing all parties to stop using the land until the matter is determined by the courts of the law. We intend to file contempt proceedings against him but wished to address the concerns to your esteemed office to prevail over impunity of your officer.”
    Reads June 21, 2024 letter from Mwesigwa Rukutana & Co. Advocates to CDF Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba.

    On 6th April 2021 John Muzungu wrote to Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba who was then Commandant SFC, the Presidential Elite Force reporting to him on the grievances arising out what he called unprofessional conduct of Moses Nabaasa Kanyonyi of the SFC Elite Brigade.
    In a four paged letter John Muzungu said, in 2017 he sold his pieces of land located at Bugabo, Bukaya LC1, Entebbe in Wakiso district to a one Moses Kanyonyi Nabaasa.
    He alleged that the pieces of land consisted of 7 plots each measuring approximately eleven decimals at a total tune of UGX 95M.
    Kanyonyi advanced a partial payment UGX 76M, remaining a balance of UGX 19M to be paid at a later stage.
    The vending and purchasing process was made by way of drawn agreements.
    However, when Kanyonyi moved to occupy his land, also fenced off other 5 plots belonging to Muzungu which wasn’t part of the transaction.
    “When i was alerted of the development by a whistle-blower, i visited the locus and indeed, Kanyonyi had trespassed into my other land”, John Muzungu wrote to Gen. Muhoozi.
    On approaching Kanyonyi, he apologised and it was on this point that he asked Muzungu to sell him also this other part of land he had illegally fenced off. Muzungu agreed and asked for UGX 93M.
    Kanyonyi was then owing Muzungu UGX 112M altogether, including UGX 19M balance of the first land purchase.
    “The purchaser Kanyonyi paid an advance of UGX 1M of the UGX 112 M he was owing the land owner John Muzungu, meaning he remained with a balance of UGX 111M. Kanyonyi requested for a grace period of 18 Months to clear the balance, a request i okayed hoping i was dealing with a man of his word,” Muzungu told Gen. Muhoozi about his officer Kanyonyi Moses.
    According to the purchasing agreement signed by Kanyonyi himself, if he fail to clear Muzungu of his UGX 111M within the given period of 18 months from the day the agreement was made, Muzungu had to take back his Kibanja/land.

    PHOTO: Part of the Kibanja/land purchase agreement signed between Mr. John Muzungu the vendor and Moses Nabaasa Kanyonyi the buyer

    Muzungu’s attempts to demand Kanyonyi pay his money within the agreed period or return the land was in vain as the purchaser decided to ignore, neglect, refused and/or failed to pay Muzungu. He could hang up every time Muzungu called or responds rudely.
    “I have seen it wise not to institute court proceedings against an officer working under your command in line of the Presidential Elite Brigade of SFC when you can address this matter and sort it out amicably.” Submitted Muzungu in 2021, requesting First Son to intervene to mediate and compel Kanyonyi to remit his money.
    Muzungu added, “In case he appears rigid to pay my money, i request that he forfeits back my five plots for personal use and then pays the balance of UGX 18M (balance of the first land transaction). I shall be very grateful for your time, cooperation and support”.

    Two years later after John Muzungu raised his concerns to then SFC leader Muhoozi Kainerugaba about his officer Moses Kanyonyi Nabaasa failure to pay him UGX 111M or vacate his land measuring half an acre at Bukaya village, Nalugala Parish, Katabi Town Council in Wakiso district, lawyers of Rwakafuzi & Co. Advocates on January 6, 2023 wrote to Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba about the Indebtedness of Col. Moses Nabaasa Kanyonyi.
    Lawyers of Rwakafuzi informed CDF Muhoozi that, “Whereas Kanyonyi took possession of the contract land immediately, he didn’t pay even a penny out of the agreed purchase price. Instead, he placed UPDF soldiers on the land rendering it a no-go area. All entreaties to him to pay failed.”

    Lawyer Kwemara Kafuzi of the Rwakafuzi Co. Advocates told CDF that, “In a view of the aforesaid facts and given that Mr. Kanyonyi hasn’t developed the land, our client desires to have it back. This is because, even if Kanyonyi was to pay the agreed price now, it no longer has the value envisaged in the contract as it has been inordinately delayed.”
    “Accordingly, we request you to order the UPDF to vacate the land and direct Kanyonyi to return it to our client. We have opted to write to your office instead of suing Mr. Kanyonyi in the courts of law because your office can produce faster, cheaper results and protect the image of UPDF.

    On July 28, 2023, lawyer of Rwakafuzi & Co. Advocates wrote to The Head of State Yoweri Kaguta Museveni seeking for his indulgence over an aggrieved citizen one Muzungu John.
    Lawyers told President Museveni that Muzungu complains about Col. Nabasa Kanyonyi Moses an SFC officer who entered an agreement to buy his Kibanja at Bukaya, Katabi Entebbe, immediately took possession but did not pay for it. Instead, he took forceful control of it by placing there a mini barracks of soldiers and a road block to ensure that Mr. Muzungu doesn’t step there.

    John Muzungu filed a case against Moses Nabaasa Kanyonyi over grabbing his Kibanja/land.

    PHOTO: John Muzungu wants Col. Kanyonyi to vacate his land he possessed illegaly

    The plaintiff Muzungu John told court he has suffered loss and damage but would rather the defendant Moses Nabaasa Kanyonyi returns his land and thus claims no damages in that event.
    Muzungu contends that the defendant having paid nothing out of the contract sum of the 50 decimals, the contract between himself and the defendant came to an end, Kanyonyi remains on the suit land as a trespasser.
    Muzungu prays for judgement thus;
    ● A declaration that the defendant never having paid the purchase price on the contract of sale of kibanja measuring half an acre at Bukaya Bugaba Village, Nalugala Parish, Katabi town Council, Wakiso district entered on 17/3/2019.
    ● An order that the defendant hands over possession of the suit land to the plaintiff
    ● The defendant pay UGX 18M to the plaintiff being the balance on the contract of 24/12/2018 between the two parties.
    ● The defendant pay interest on UGX 18M at commercial rate from the date of breach until payment in full.
    ● A permanent injunction issued to restrain the defendant from claiming interest in the land the subject of the contract.
    ● Costs of the suit be paid by the defendant.

    Moses Kanyonyi Nabaasa’s written Statement of defence dated July 19, 2023 through his lawyers of Bumpenje & Co. Advocates denies ever trespassing in Muzungu’s land.

    DENY ALLEGATIONS: Col. Moses Nabaasa Kanyonyi

    His statement reads;
    ● That on 12th April 2023 Kanyonyi bought his legal interest in the suit land comprised in Busiro Block 435 Plot 200 formerly plot 19 at Bukaya in Katabi Town Council measuring 1 acre 23 decimals in Wakiso district, from its proprietor Bibagamba Peter who signed for the defendant transfer and mutation form in consideration of UGX 100M out of which sum, the defendant paid UGX 40M in cash leaving a balance of UGX 60M.
    ● That on 24th June 2023, the defendant further paid the registered owner of the suit land more UGX 40M leaving a balance of UGX 20M to be paid within 14 Months and which period is still running to date thus the defendant is not a trespasser but a lawful bona-fide purchaser of the suit land with a permanent residential hjous/building thereon as per the agreement.
    ● That Muzungu John sold nothing to the Kanyonyi and he is not entitled to any payment instead, should refund any money ever received from the Kanyonyi
    ● That the defendant has never fenced off any land or Kibanja belonging to the plaintiff and the defendant is not capable of forming any military barrack on the suit land thus the plaintiff shall be put to strict proof of his malicious and defaming allegation that put the defendant’s reputation into disrepute.
    ● The defendant shall aver and contend that he cannot trespass on his own land but instead it’s Muzungu who has attempted to trespass on Kanyonyi’s land with all intentions of forcefully taking over the same to deprive Kanyonyi of his lawful equitable and general interests therein.
    ● Wherefore, Kanyonyi do contend that Muzungu is not entitled to any of the remedies sought in the Plaint and prays that the suit be struck out for illegality or be dismissed with costs.

    • PHOTO: Proof Kanyonyi produced in court to show ownership of the subject land

    The plaintiff (Muzungu) on August 1, 2023 through his lawyers of Rwakafuzi & Co. Advocates joined issues with the Defendant (Kanyonyi) upon his defence in as far as the same consists of admissions and shall put defendant to strict proof of any denied averments;
    ● Muzungu avers that he sold a Kibanja to Moses Nabaasa Kanyonyi he had also acquired from previous holders Kamoga Sulaiman and was in possession and use of the same by the time he entered an agreement of sale of the same to Kanyonyi
    ● Muzungu further avers that Kanyonyi is estopped from denying his right to sell the suit land he having entered a contract of purchase of the Kibanja without recourse to the alleged title holder himself.
    ● Muzungu further avers that, if he had no right to sell his Kibanja without recourse to the title owner, Kanyonyi then had no right to acquire the legal interest in the suit kibanja without the consent of the Plaintiff who was in the possession thereof.
    ● The Plaintiff avers that, the defendant never having paid him for the land but enclosed it in his fence and forcefully kept it by placing miltary personnel thereat he is in breach of contract and a land grabber to boot.
    ● Wherefore, Muzungu prays for judgement in terms contained in the plaint.

    Wait for Part II of this story! For views/Comments on this story, send us an email to newseditor.info@gmail.com



    OVER POWERED BY MAFIA? Fired Dorothy Kisaka leaving City hall today


    DOROTHY Kisaka, sacked Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Executive Director has revealed how she served under challenging circumstances calling upon her successor Frank Rusa Nyakana to watch out and trust in God!
    Although in her handover Speech Madam Kisaka says has left City Hall with a heart of gratitude, and gives glory to God, without mincing words, she noted that, “My assignment at KCCA is done. We have made a contribution to the best of our abilities under challenging circumstances.”
    However in her short Speech, while handingover office, Kisaka has not revealed what were the challenges under which she served to the extent of being fired by the appointing authority.

    PHOTO: Nyakana receiving instrument of power from Ms. Kisaka

    On Tuesday, this week, President Museveni sacked Kisaka alongside her deputy Eng. David Luyimbazi and Director in charge of Public Health Okello over criminal negligence and sleeping on duty causing death of over 38 people due to land slide in Kitezi .
    The Head of State directed that the fired KCCA bosses be investigated and that the Kampala Minister get their replacement in Acting capacities.

    PHOTO: From right; Sacked Dr. Okello, Eng. Luyimbazi and Kisaka

    On Thursday, Hon. Hajjat Minsa Kabanda, Minister in charge of Kampala and Metropolitan Affairs named Director Legal Frank Nyakana the Acting ED, Mr. Robert Nowera as the Acting Deputy ED and Dr. Sarah Karen Zalwango the Acting Director Public Health.

    For starters, Nowera also doubles as Director Revenue while Dr. Zalwango served as Deputy Director Public Health.

    PHOTO: Eng. Luyimbazi (left) handingover office to Nowera

    Apart from Zalwango and Nowera who also served during the most feared ED Jennifer Ssemakula Musisi days, Frank Nyakana is still fresh at City Hall.

    PHOTO: Dr. Zalwango signing papers in the Presence of Minister Hajjat Minsa Kabanda

    The three were given three months as Public Service identifies suitable candidates for the big jobs.

    First, I want to appreciate H. E the President Yoweri KAGUTA Museveni and his government for identifying me and appointing me to serve in this honoured role of KCCA Executive Director. Am grateful for his unwavering support and guidance through my tenure at City Hall. It’s been a great honour to serve Kampala and the nation at large
    Secondly, I thank the political leadership of my ministers, the Hon. Minister Minsa Kabanda and Hon Kyofatogabye, my supervisors, for their guidance in the daily execution of my duties. I am grateful to Hon. Lord Mayor Hon.Eriasi Lukwago and the City Executive Committee, am grateful for our work together in contributing to city governance. I also want to thank the HoPs madam Lucy Nakyobe for her invaluable guidance and support in this role.
    I want to thank the technical team that I have worked with to deliver on the mandate, my colleagues, the directors, the Senior Management Team, and the City Technical Planning Committee. I thank you for your support and extreme hard work that has enabled us to deliver.

    GOODBYE: Kisaka saying goodbye to KCCA staff

    Let me also thank all KCCA staff for their contribution, support, and teamwork. It’s your joint work that has enabled us to make a contribution to the city
    I want to thank the people of Kampala for working with us to enable us to deliver on our mandate.
    I want to wish the new acting ED, Frank Rusa and his team, great blessings and God speed in the work of institution and nation building. It’s an honour to be asked to serve, and I trust you will execute it per excellence. Congratulations! Promotion does not come from the East or West, but it comes from God. Carry the KCCA brand with pride and build a SMART CITY!
    As I conclude, let me say thank you to my dear family, my dear husband, children, and wider family. You are my backbone, and I value your unending support.
    I am eternally grateful to God who brought me here to KCCA.

    Here is what you have to know about the interim new acting Executive director for KCCA Nyakana Rusa Frank by President Yoweri Museveni
    He has over 20 years of Experience in governance and he holds, Bachalors of Law degree from Makerere, Post graduate diploma from LDC and Masters of public administration degree from Harvard University.

    Prior to his appointment,he serverd as Executive secretary of IPOD, Representative of Netherlands institute for multiparty democracy (NIMD),Programmes manager for deepening democracy at DGF,Headed legal and public relations department at Uganda Electoral Communission in 2003 and 2006 he’s been and is secretary of service under former ED Dorothy Kisaka

    In our next story, we will name mafia who and why they fought Dorothy Kisaka out of City Hall



    PHOTO: SLA Leader Shakur Walusimbi, to contest for President in 2026


    RENOWN NRM Poor Youth who in 2014 brought President Museveni’s regime on its knees when they strongly objected the Kyankwanzi candidate declaration are back to haunt President Museveni’s 38 years old leadership.
    Led by Shakur Walusimbi who recently declared intention to contest for President in 2026, the NRM Poor Youth have formed a political pressure group and named it Servant Leadership Alliance (SAL) revealing that among their cardinal targets are the government corrupt officials who they say, will be killed if SLA leader Shakur Walusimbi takes over power from a soft handed President Museveni.
    Without mincing words, NRM Poor Youth warned, “When Poor Youth take control of their country, we will have no mercy towards the corrupt officials. They have killed all our institutions. They have swindled money for our roads, money for hospitals, money for schools and believes they are untouchable during President Museveni’s regime. The story will change a moment our leader Shakur Walusimbi takes over in 2026. All corrupt officials will be put on a karabba (hanged) and stolen money returned to the national coffers. There will be mo mercy. You embezzle tax payers’ money, we hang you.”
    The Poor Youth who say are fed up of corruption in the country, accuse President Museveni of using soft hands when handling corrupt officials saying, not until this vice is eradicated, this country will never move forward.
    Speaking to this investigative News Website, Mr. Shakur Walusimbi told us that some few years ago, Uganda’s economy was better than that of countries like Malaysia and Singapore but today, the economies of the above two countries is far better than that of Uganda due to corrupt government officials.Walusimbi said, the country will never have better infrastructure and service delivery because a few people eat every coin got from tax payers.
    Asked whether this move of killing corrupt government officials won’t be a decampaigning tool for their pressure group during 2026 elections, Shakur Walusimbi said if President Museveni signed Homosexuality bill into a law where there is a death sentence, “So it will be to the corrupt government officials if Poor Youth takeover power in 2026. Just like Mr. Museveni okayed killing of Homosexuals, so we will kill corrupt government officials.”
    When we reminded him how President Museveni has put measures and led a war against corruption, Poor Youth under their political pressure group Servant Leadership Alliance (SLA) said The Head of State will never manage this war.
    “You have heard claims that corrupt officials hide in State House. They don’t fear courts of law. You arrest them today and tomorrow they are out. This drama ends with Mr. Museveni’s regime. All leaders even in the opposition are merely talking about corruption. Protests don’t end corruption. Servant Leadership Alliance has a solution. Give us your support, we sort out corruption officials once for all and our country will never be the same again.” Said Poor Youth.
    For starters, in 2014, when Hon. Minister Everlyn Anite led a sole candidate campaign in Kyankwanzi NALI, a group of NRM Poor Youth led by Adam Luzindana Buyinza, Shakur Walusimbi and many others rejected this move saying it was against NRM Constitution.
    At the presser held at Makerere Guest House, NRM Poor Youth made a declaration in objection with the NRM Caucus NRM Declaration.
    Consequently, these Youth moved to rally behind then NRM Secretary General Rt. Hon. John Patrick Amama Mbabazi (JPAM) to stand for President.
    In fact, this caused him trouble from his boss Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who later sacked him and succeeded by Rt. Hon. Justine Kasule Lumumba.
    A year later, Mbabazi contested against Museveni for President in 2016 and the former NRM SG gave his former boss sleepless nights.
    However, Museveni defeated Mbabazi, although he had to first tame the NRM Poor Youth.
    About 10 years later, this group has resurfaced, rebranded and ready to politically retire Mr. Museveni basing on the ticket to fight and end corruption in Uganda.

    To prove that SLA are here for a very serious political business, the top Leadership, has appointed Mr. Richard Kirekyakuba as the National Coordinator.

    PHOTO: Newly appointed SLA National Cordinator

    In a meeting held in Bulenga, Wakiso district yesterday, in what was termed as the ‘Bulenga Declaration’, SLA leadership made it categorically clear that in Kirekyankuba’s strategic appointment for is expected to bolster the moblization efforts and enhance SLA outreach capabilities in the whole country. Kirekyakuba’s resilience, versatility and experience makes him the best and for hanging the corrupt officials commonly known as ‘KARABBA campaign’.

    For views/comments on this story, Whatsapp editor on 0701523039



    On Friday September 20, 2024 is Mass Wedding at St. Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe where over 50 couples will be wedded. There will be also an exhibition for all departments from September 20th to 22nd


    THIS Sunday on September 22, 2024 all roads will lead to St. Paul’s Cathedral Gardens Namirembe as hundreds of believers attend the annual Diocesan Convention which will be graced by The Rt. Rev. Moses Banja, Bishop of Namirembe Diocese.
    The convention is an annual gospel event organised by Namirembe Diocese under the Mission and Evangelism Department led by Rev. Samuel Muwonge.
    Theme of this year’s Convention is, “You are God’s Choice,” John 15:16.
    Gates will open as early as 7am and and by 8am, the first preacher will already be on the pulpit!
    The convener Rev. Samuel Muwonge who is the Mission and Evangelism Diocesan Secretary has announced that food will be served to all people who will come for the convention at a no cost.
    Speaking to our reporter, Rev. Samuel Muwonge confirmed to us that that unlike previous Convetions, this one is very special because, “It will be the first convention organised during leadership of Bishop Moses Banja and free food will be served to every attendant. Entrance will be free and most importantly, you will receive the Gospel of our Lord Jesus for free. We invite you all on Sunday, come earlier, your life will never be the same again.”
    Rev. Muwonge has also revealed to us that, The Rt. Rev. Onesimus Asiimwe, Bishop of The North Kigezi will be among the top preachers.
    Dr. Israel Lumu, Head of Clinical services and senior consultant clinical Oncologist at the Uganda Cancer Institute will be among the Speakers at the Convention.
    Rev. Muwonge talked about a health camp organised where people of God will get free cancer testing and treatment, then later in evening, there will be an interesting soccer match between clergy and married men.
    During a security meeting convened on Tuesday by SSP Turyahabwe the Counter Terrorism officer in charge of Technical, he assured all people coming for the convention that security will be tight.
    He however urged Christians not to carry heavy bags, come with a few things like a bible, pen and a notebook.
    “As a country, we still have terror threats and terrorists target crowds. As security officers, we will make sure that all is well and the convention will be a success.
    Franked by Officer in Charge of Namirembe Police Post afande Nakamya, SSP Turyahabwe said police will liase with other security organs for a joint intelligence and security.
    Police will handle security general duties which includes parking on the roads calling for all Christians to be vigilant and immediately report any bad character.
    Richard ssemakula, an officer from the Office of the District Intelligence Security Officer (DISO) reminded the Convention conveners during this security meeting that, “Security isn’t done by only Security personnel but you too the civilians must be involved. Use your eyes to inform the security within about anything suspicious. Ofcourse dont touch it but alert the concerned security.”
    He talked about other security threats like accidents by bodabodas, theft of property and cars urging people not to come with their valuables, talked about
    unvetted service providers, relaxation at the main points of the main venue and being careful with the sitting arrangements.
    Mr. Ssemakula warned that there must be no hooliganism at the Convention asking members of different political parties to respect this holly event.
    “Please, dont bring your placards at Namirembe Cathedral. We will not allow any form of hooliganism. This is a purely Gospel event.” Warn afande Richard Ssemakula.
    Among the top attendants expected is IGG Beti Olive Namisango Kamya, Ministers and Menbers of Parliament.
    You don’t need to miss this mega Convention on Sunday. Come one, come all.

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    PHOTO; It’s a no deal! Bobi and LOP Ssenyonyi


    NATIONAL Unity Platform (NUP) Supreme leader Hon. Robert Ssentamu alias Bobi Wine has blocked a money deal involving his Leader of Opposition in Parliament Joel Bisekezi Ssenyonyi worth millions of Uganda Shillings.
    The Nakawa West legislator was among members of Parliament set to travel to Mombasa-Kenya to participate in the East African Inter-Parliamentary games scheduled to commence in December this year. Bobi Wine says, Ssenyonyi and other MPs will be wasting taxpayers’ hard earned money.
    According to sources within Parliament, Ordinary members of Parliament who will travel to Mombasa get a per diem of $720 per night, translating into Ugx 2,736,000 per night at a rate of Ugx Shs. For the 2 weeks MPS will spend at the games, each participant will be entitled to a per diem of shs 38,300,000 million.
    The current Leader of the Opposition Joel Ssenyonyi is one of those who have been training in the discipline of volley and given the order for the Opposition not to attend these games, he’s one of those affected.
    According to Parliament’s Per diem ratings, the Leader of the Opposition earns a Per diem of $890 per night, translating into Ugx 3,306,500 per night at a rate of Ugx 3,800.
    In case, the Leader of the Opposition attends the games, he would pocket Ugx 46,291,000 for the 2 weeks he would spend at the games.
    Bobi’s directive cuts across all NUP Members of Parliament, Kyagulanyi has directed that, Ssenyonyi and any of NUP MPs who will disobey his orders, will pay for his or his sins at time t.
    For starters, Ssenyonyi and many NUP MPs have been practicing for the Inter-Parliamentary games and they were set to travel to Mombasa. In fact, they back mullions in per diem. Bobi has strongly warned them not to dare participate in the games.
    Kenya will be hosting this year’s 14th Edition of the Inter-Parliamentary Games with the participation of 700 to 800 Members of Parliament (MPs) and parliamentary staff, from EAC countries.
    The event aims at enhancing collaboration, foster networking, and bond between the National Legislatures and EALA. As well, these games serve as a platform to raise awareness among citizens of the EAC about the integration process through engaging in sporting activities.
    On 4th this month of September, Members of Parliament from all Political divide and staffs of Parliament started trainings in different sporting disciplines namely; football, netball, volleyball, tug of war, basketball, golf, athletics, and darts in preparation for the games.
    However, information coming from Kavule, National Unity Platform party headquaters, an order has been given out by the Party President Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu to the Leader of the Opposition and all NUP MPS not to participate in these games, citing wastage of funds.
    According to sources who preferred anonymity, the directive was made in addition to the earlier decision, given to the leader of the Opposition, that saw some opposition members of Parliament boycott Parliamentary regional sitting in Gulu last month.
    “The opposition must be consistent with decisions it undertakes, if we boycotted Gulu regional sitting over wastage of tax payers’ money, we should also boycott Inter-Parliamentary games because it’s also a wastage of tax payers’ money yet that money can be diverted to other urgent issues, such as medical interns, help Kiteezi landfill victims who are currently stranded” a source at NUP told us. On 7th August this year, the leader of the Opposition in Parliament, Joel Ssenyonyi announced to the press, that the Opposition shadow cabinet had voted that the Opposition boycotts the Gulu regional sitting over wastage of tax payers’ money.
    Over 100 sportsmen and women including Members of parliament and staffs will take part in these games.

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