Bishop Nsubuga (In a necktie standing next to Pastor Kayanja) in a group photo with other Pastors recently


RUBAGA Miracle Centre Church backed candidate for the top office of National Fellowship of Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda (NAFBAC) Bishop Moses Odongo is facing rejection from the Born Again fraternity saying his mentor and funder Robert Kayanja’s latest fake drugs scandal may lead the fraternity into public distrust and destruction.
For starters, Miracle Centre Cathedral and the Robert Kayanja Ministries are not part of NAFBAC, they have their own nationwide fraternity called the Miracle League.
However, Pr. Kayanja and the Miracle group are trying to gain control over NAFBAC by having one of their own inside NAFBAC win the fraternity’s top leadership. 

Moses Odongo owns Streams of life church in one of Kampala’s suburbs. This one is new in NAFBAC, he joined a few years ago.
We are also informed, another aspirant a one Bishop Joseph Nsubuga is also courting Kayanja to give him financial backup and with General Overseer elections.
Nsubuga is a pastor of Komamboga Ambassadors of Encouragement Church in Komamboga. 
We shall come back to this later….

For about three weeks now, there has been a humongous fake drugs controversy involving Pastor Kayanja of The Miracle Centre movement in Uganda.
Abiaz Rwamwizi, The National Drug Authority (NDA) Public Relations Officer broke the news that Pastor Kayanja and associates at his Rubaga Miracle Centre Cathedral are under investigation for producing and selling a fake/dangerous acaricide (veterinary drug) called Tick-Off. Declaring that Pastor Kayanja and his associates are under investigation and could face between five to ten years of imprisonment if pinned by the law, NDA also revealed that they had seized some of the suspected fake veterinary drugs in his church which were matched with samples they had already tested in the laboratory and found both to be fake and dangerous. 

On February 10, 2022, lawyers of Katende, Ssempebwa and Co. (KATS), on instructions of Pastor Robert Kayanja of Miracle Centre Cathedral wrote to The Chief Executive Officer National Drug Authority (NDA) demanding notice cum notice of intention to sue. 
In this letter, lawyers noted how they had been informed by Pastor Kayanja that Abiaz Rwamwiri, published defamatory remarks about Pastor Kayanja through his Twitter account on January 11 2023 relying on one of Kayanja’s church sessions alleging that he said, he, ‘Has superpowers of killing ticks in animals’, which information lawyers said, was different from what was contained in the said video.
On February 7, 2023, Rwamwiri published a press release titled; ‘Counterfeit Tickoff Arcaricide being promoted by Pastor Robert Kayanja.”
Rwamwizi wrote that Pastor Kayanja was using his advantaged position to lure desperate farmers and that his intention was not only criminal but also intended to cheat Ugandans. It was alleged that over 100 samples had been impouded from his church stores and had tested positive of contamination with dangerous Android banned chemicals.
“Statements alleging that Pastor Kayanja involved in production and distribution of counterfeit were unfounded as our client is not the owner nor manufacturer of the product in issue and there was no report published by National Drug Authority to confirm the said findings.” Reads letter from Kayanja’s lawyers.
However by presstime, NDA’s Rwamwizi had not deleted his tweets pinning Kayanja to have involved himself in fake drugs neither writing an apology like Kayanja demanded. This means, NDA is still insisting on its position.

The election of new leadership for the National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches of Uganda (NAFBAC) is just five weeks away. 
It will be held on the 16th of March 2023, and inside the Balokole/Born-Again circles there is some real anxiety over who is going to replace Bishop Joshua Lwere as NAFBAC General Overseer. 
A number of aspirants are contending to replace Bishop Lwere and the best suited will definately lead NAFBAC over the next five years (2023-2028).
In this investigative story, we will specifically look at the two aspiring candidates who are in Kayanja’s good books, Moses Odongo and Nsubuga, to help NAFBAC understand the game plan so that they can make an informed choice on the polling day. 
It’s a fact, Kayanja is in bed with Odongo and doing everything to make sure his favourite wins this election.
Insiders say, for a very long time, Odongo has been Kayanja’s spy in NAFBAC and now wants his agent to takeover the Fellowship so that it dances on the tunes of Rubaga Miracle Centre.
This investigative news website can reliably report that Jessica Kayanja and Odongo’s wife are very close and Jessica played a big role in influencing her husband to bankroll Odongo’s move so that he takesover from Bishop Joshua Lwere.
Bishop Odongo is a spiritual son, as well as close ally of Pr. Kayanja and his Miracle Centre Cathedral. His church is one of the foremost ministry-offsprings of Rubaga Miracle Centre Cathedral.
By the matter of fact that Odongo is number one candidate for Miracle Centre family of churches, a fraternity that has never changed leadership since it’s inception, worries a lot National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches.
A section of top pastors in NAFBAC believes, the Fellowship doesn’t need a General Overseer endorsed by the Miracle Centre camp to lead Balokole/Pentecostals of Uganda. 
“That camp has done enough harm to the image of the church in Uganda, and the Balokole fraternity of Uganda will be so much better off if we can steer clear of that camp.” Said one of the senior Pastors from Ankole. He told us that the drug saga is only unfolding, but it is the latest in a long chain of controversies involving Pastor Kayanja/Miracle Centre which have soiled the name of the Ugandan Balokole/Pentecostal fraternity over the years. 
“We all know about the homosexuality scandal that continues to unravel even today, and we also know about the wine-smuggling story. Not to mention countless smaller scandals that have over the years made the rounds about Pastor Kayanja and Miracle Centre church/group of churches.” Said another Pastor who advised Kayanja to mind about organizing his ministry than disorganizing NAFBAC.
Bishop Nsubuga and Odongo are one and the same, they suckle the same spiritual mother or father if thats what you may prefer. 

Investigation shows, this one wasnt known so much by Kayanja until he approached a certain Miracle Centre Pastor to link him to Pastor Robert.
We were informed that Kayanja openly told Nsubuga how he is still studying his letter requesting for the support, although his candidate for the seat is Odongo.
The two and other Pastors recently had a meeting and took a group photo.

There are solid rumours that a lot of LGBTQ money is being channelled through some groups for the purpose of getting Ugandan Balokole tightly in the grip of their nefarious agenda.
“Balokole/Pentecostals had better choose a more viable option. We can’t afford to have such groups lead us.” Said a source.

Wait for Part II of the story

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