READY FOR BUSINESS: Speaker Anita Among


SPEAKER of Parliament Rt. Hon. Anita Annet Among is disappointed with a section of Members of Parliament who have run to media in objection to the deduction of Shs 1 Million agreed upon as Member’s contribution towards the late Speaker Jacob Oulanyah Education Trust Fund.
Among has strongly condemned the act saying, she has been following media reports on how some legislators are speaking ill about the Shs1 Million that was passed in August House.
Presiding over Parliament sitting today morning, Speaker Among urged MPs to desist from such utterences since the decision was made and agreed upon by the whole House.
“Colleagues I followed from the news and social of the complaints by some of you on the contribution of One Million towards the Jacob Oulanyah Education Fund. I was perturbed because I know that this deductions were based on a resolution passed by this House during the tribute to the fallen Speaker.” Speaker reminded Members of Parliament.
She said, “It was passed and was adopted. Shs1 Million was deducted from your salary and taken to the trust Fund. It was an agreed position by all but you find members talking a lot as if we have removed Shs10 Billion from……” Said Speaker Anita.
If a Member has a problem with this deductions, Speaker has notified them to approach her, and, “I will be happy to refund the amount deducted rather than have them tarnish the image of Parliament.”
Last week the media was awash with reports by some MPs that opposed the deduction of Shs1 Million from their accounts saying they had not agreed on the position. 
For starters, after the demise of former Speaker emeritus Jacob Oulanyah, Parliament resolved that each MP will contribute Shs1 Million towards the Oulanyah Education Trust fund. The fallen Speaker was paying school fees for hundreds of needy children. MPs agreed to contribute towards this cause to make sure Oulanyah’s doesn’t end with his death.
In another development, Speaker Anita has warned those spreading falsehoods that Members of Parliament are planning to increase their salaries to stop that nonsense. 
“MPs are contented with what they arn and are focused on improving the livelihoods of the people they serve.” Said Speaker Among,
In her communication today morning, Speaker Anita who is the Bukedea district woman member of Parliament said, “Honourable Members, as we come towards the end of business of this session, I would like to congratulate you for the work well done. This week will be critical for this House as it is the moment when we will be considering very crucial matters including the finance and tax reports and bills among others.”
Speaker told her MPs that, in the course of the budget process, they have seen that the PFMA in certain areas is not in tandem with the constitution which is the supreme law of this land. 
In this regard, she has directed the Minister for Finance, Planning and Economic Development to introduce an amendment bill to cure the discrepancies and she expects this at the beginning of the next session. 
Due to the crowded to today’s order paper, as MP debate the coffee report, Speaker has ruled that she will not entertain matters of national importance.
Plenary started at 10am today morning.

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