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REPUBLICAN strongman Donald Trump must be the happiest on planet earth after Senate last night cleared thd US President of abuse of power and obstruction of justice ending a historic Senate trial that was centered on his conduct toward Ukraine but that did not include live witnesses or new documents.


The presiding officer said;

In the first article (charge) of Impeachment,  48 senators pronounced President of United States Donald Joh Trump guilty as charged. 

52 Senators  have pronounced him not guilty as charged. Two-thirds of the Senators present not having pronounced him guilty, the Senate adjudges that the respondent Donald Trump, president of United States is not guilty in the first article of Impeachment.  

On this article of Impeachment,  47 senators pronounced President of United States Donald Joh Trump guilty as charged. 

53 Senators  have pronounced him not guilty as charged. Two-thirds of the Senators present not having pronounced him guilty, the Senate adjudges that the respondent Donald Trump, president of United States is not guilty in the second article of Impeachment.

The presiding office directs judgement to be entered in accordance with the judgement as follows:

The Senate having tried Donald John Trump President of United States upon two articles of Impeachment exhibited against him by the house of Representatives and two thirds of the Senators present not having found him guilty of the charges contained therein, it is therefore ORDERED and Adjudged that the said  Donald John Trump be, and he is hereby acquitted of the charges in said articles.


Republicans were heard chanting Trump name saying, there danger man will leave office in 2024 meaning, winning comming elections will just be a walk over.

The Senate has voted in favour of acquitting President Trump in the impeachment trial.

All Democrats and one Republican – Mitt Romney – voted against the president on his charges of abuse of power but senators on both sides voted along party lines for his charge of obstruction of justice.

The president’s campaign manager said: “President Trump has been totally vindicated and it’s now time to get back to the business of the American people”.

The acquittal follows a State of the Union address Tuesday night in which Trump pointed to the strong economy as vindication as he sought to move on from impeachment. The speech ended with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) tearing up a copy of Trump’s prepared remarks.

The crux of the case against Trump is the allegation that he withheld military aid and a White House meeting to pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden and his son. Hunter Biden served on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, while his father was vice president.


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