LEAD PHOTO: Pastor Yazid Muwanguzi greets his Spiritual father Dr. Serwadda. In Photo two, Dr. Solomon and Pastor Doreen Mwesige. On extreme right is Bishop Nassan Ibrahim Turyamureeba


ON JANUARY 19, 2025, Presiding Apostle of The Born Again Faith in Uganda, Dr. Joseph Sserwadda hosted thousands of God’s people for a Thanksgiving fete in Ndeeba, near Kabaka’s lake where a group of senior pastors in Uganda paid allegiance to the Born Again Faith (BAF) Supreme leader, as their Spiritual father who parented them to what they are today.
Led by Christan Life Church (CLC) Makerere Kavule lead Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga and Christianity Focus Centre (CFC) Mengo – Kisenyi senior Pastor Bishop Dr. David Livingstone Kiganda Ssalongo, Pastors hailed Dr. Serwadda for being a true mentor and a great preacher, through whom, thousands of souls have converted to Salvation.

PHOTO: Dr. Serwadda (right), receiving Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga at a Thanksgiving Service organised in Ndeeba on January 19, 2025.

In fact Ssenyonga who donated UGX 100M towards the purchase of land where the Balokole mega Stadium will be constructed, said, it was Dr. Serwadda who identified him first and gave him an opportunity to preach to his congregation! 
Notably, such remarks came a few days after Bishop Nassan Ibrahim Turyamureeba, a considered richest Pastor in Western Uganda ranked Victory Christian Church’s Dr. Serwadda and Good News Church Bulenga’s Bishop Dr. Solomon Mwesige as the top most preachers in Uganda.

PHOTO: Bishop Nassan Ibrahim Turyamureeba and wife

In a trending tiktok video posted on his page, Bishop Nassan Turyamureeba who heads  Day Star International Ministries Cathedral in Mbarara, a 7000 seater church, named Dr. Joseph Serwadda and Bishop Solomon Mwesige, the greatest Preachers in Uganda.
For starters, Bishop Nassan converted from Islam to Christ and was formerly known as Nathan. Later married to maama Margret, Bishop Nassan owns Uganda House of Hope Orphanage School Mbarara.

In a tiktok video, Bishop Nassan says he was brought to Jesus 35 years ago by Bishop Dr. Solomon Mwesige. 
“I was a staunch Muslim. Thanks to Dr. Solomon who preached to me the Good News of Salvation. I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior and converted to the Born Again faith”,
reveals, powerful Bishop Nassan. 

PHOTO: Bishop Dr. Solomon and Pastor Doreen Mwesige

He adds that, “As a spiritual parent, Dr. Solomon showed me love, he lifted me and changed my life. In 1985, he laid hands on me and ordained me a Pastor in Lake Katwe. He shaped me, rebuked and trained me into a strongman i am today. I am so indebted to Pastor Dr. Solomon Mwesige. He is such a great man of the word, the body of Christ in Uganda and the Great Lakes region should be proud of.”

Bishop Nassan says, “Now time came and God connected me to Presiding Apostle Dr. Joseph Serwadda, leader of the Born Again Faith in Uganda. He is a man i respect more, in Uganda. He is a man who can order me to sit down, stand up and i oblige with total humility. I can take the rebukes of all kind from Dr. Joseph Serwadda.”

PHOTO: Presiding Apostle Dr. Joseph and Pastor Freda Serwadda preaching in Passover 2024/2025

No wonder, Dr. Serwadda chose Bishop Nassan to preach at Victory Christian Centre Ndeeba, in a mega Service to mark his 70th Birthday, last year. 
In a recorded video Nassan says, “I am so glad that these two men, Dr. Serwadda and Dr. Solomon Mwesige are still alive, leading very successful ministries, financially blessed, in very good health and i still honour them.”
“None of them pays my bills, none of them gives me financial aide but i respect the annointing upon their lives. I still have 100% room to receive their rebuke.” Opens up, Bishop Nassan, a renown jovial Pastor.
He challenged fellow Pastors to reveal who brought them to Jesus. “Who counsels you and you abide? Who Speaks to your life? Who can rebuke you and take it in good faith as a blessing? Who is your mentor, one who can give an advise and you adhere to it?” Asked Bishop Nassan.
He urged Pastors that, If they dont have powerful men of God like Dr. Joseph Serwadda and Dr. Solomon Mwesige who can check and guide their ministries, then they are likely to mess up everything! 
“You will crush, you will be misguided, you will be fraudsters because no one is guiding you as your spiritual parent. If you still have someone you can listen to and take his or her counsel, as a Pastor or Preacher, one who is praying for you, one who can rebuke you, one who corrects you, then you are blessed.” Cautions Bishop Nassan.
He said, many pastors have done a lot of mischievous things,they have become a laughing stock and taken to be unserious just because they lack guidance from senior preachers like Dr. Serwadda and Dr. Solomon.
“Let us humble ourselves, pray for ourselves and get the right counselors, have our spiritual fathers, men of esteem, men of integrity to help us.” Bishop Nassan Turyamureeba cautioned fellow Pastors.

A born of Kalungu District in Greater Masaka, Dr. Serwadda holds a Certificate in Journalism, Diploma in Christian Ministry, Diploma in Theology, Diploma in Legal Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Humanities, Masters in Theology, Doctorate in Divinity and two Honorary Doctorates (D.H.L and D.M.) He is married to mama Freda, having beautiful daughters and handsome young men.

PHOTO: Pastor Mukisa kneels down to greet his spiritual father, Dr. Serwadda

Dr. Serwadda got converted on the Christmas Eve of 1975 and joined the Full Gospel Mission during the height of Amin’s tyrannical and brutal regime. He was supported by this same Church in 1977 to travel to Nairobi, Kenya where he studied Journalism. 
He then went to the Grace Baptist Bible School in Ruaraka, Thika Rd, one of the suburbs of Nairobi.
Dr. Joseph Sserwadda saw Jesus in an open vision when he went on a ‘dry’ fast which lasted for 11 days. In the same vision, he was directed to champion a street outreach ministry in Kampala. 
He first came to the limelight when he staged Open-air Gospel Crusades around Kampala City in Kiyembe, Car Park, Owino Market and Wandegeya Yard that lasted for a solid five years (1982-1988) revealing his prolific gift as an Evangelist, Christian Apologetic and Activist.
During these open air crusades which he conducted with a colleague, Deo Balabyekkubo (RIP), they were confronted on many occasions by Muslim extremists also known as Tabliqs and open debates ensued on the person of Jesus Christ and Christian theology. Two of these occasions involved assault on him with fire-arms. Another incident in which a hand grenade was hurled at him, forty-eight people were wounded and six were killes on the spot. 


Dr. Joseph was however miraculously able to walk away with minor injuries. From these meetings, he established a teaching ministry that founded the Victory Christian Centre Church, one of the mega-churches in Kampala with over 470 churches planted across Uganda and elsewhere.
He has written numerous selected articles for the local newspapers, held radio shows in Europe and appeared on National Television stations in Australia, New Zealand, USA and many African nations. He also speaks on topical issues on request. Joseph has written 4 inspirational books namely;

The Kind That Jesus Called Great Faith, Victory and what it takes, How to clean the house without messing it and, Untapped Resource in Uganda’s Development.
Serwadda is an avowed critic of bad governance and preaches with high spiritual power, anointing and energy. He constantly believes that the stunted growth of the Evangelical and Pentecostal Churches in Uganda should be blamed on the dictatorship of Idd Amin (1971-1979). His recent fame shot up when in 2005 he championed a campaign to repeal the Dictator’s 1977 decree, declare the Pentecostal (and a section of the Evangelical churches) a separate faith from the Catholic, Anglican, Orthodox and Islam faiths which Amin had retained as the only authentic ‘religions’ in his regime.

LOVELY MUM: Pastor Freda with an elderly lady she had just given a Christmas package, last year

A forward thinker and astute planner, he has used his training in media to establish Impact FM and Alpha FM radio stations, Dream tv and BTV. It is these stations coupled with his high energy preaching that seem to be the driving force for the droves he collects in his meetings. His annual end of year Passover Festival rallied at the Mandela National Stadium since 2002 and last year held in Ndeeba near Kabaka’s lake, have gathered record attendances of more than 120,000 in a single service.


MAN WITH A GOLD HEART: Bishop Dr. Mwesige

A proud Mutooro, Bishop Dr. Solomon Mwesige, comes from a small village in Western Uganda called Kyarusozi, from the Toro Tribe (Toro means Bull in Spanish). 

His dad was a devouted catholic who excommunicated him from the family over  giving his life to Jesus in his youthful days. The persecution and rejection drew him closer to the Lord. 

He was trained and briefly worked with the Full Gospel Church, Campus Crusade for Christ and later founded Good News Ministries. Over the years, under his wise leadership, the church has grown tremendously.

“We Impact Body, Mind and Spirit Physical. We do feeding programmes, medical outreach programmes, drill wells and shoe distribution programmes. We are also deeply into community transformation through providing of basic needs to the under privileged as much as we can.” Reads Pastor Solomon’s Good News Church website.

Committed to impact as many lives as possible through education and empowering other Christian organizations that are involved in empowering others especially the orphans and the poor. 

“I believe ignorance is probably the backbone of the many problems faced all over the world,” Reasons Pastor Solomon.

Married to Pastor Doreen, Dr. Solomon’s ministry is driven by evangelism, discipleship and training.

Pastor Doreen and daughter, Sasha Mwesige

Dr. Mwesige, is the CEO King Solomon Kindergarten and Nursery Bulenga, King Solomon Primary School Bulenga and King Solomon High School Kyengeza, Mityana.He is the Country Director Feed The Hungry East Africa, Sponsor A Child, CEO KSTV Uganda, Good Water Project and Herbella Organics Ltd.

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