PHOTO: Nannuungi leading a demonstration in Masaka on Monday against Police brutality on Bobi Wine


BREAKING from the Greater Masaka, City Mayor Florence Namayanja and Charles Kirumira together with their clique have declared a war against NUP Masaka iron lady Hon. Alice Nannuungi and all NUP leaders and supporters who on Monday held a demonstration in Masaka, protesting over police brutality against their President Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine.
News coming from Masaka, Namayanja and Kirumira have allegedly vowed to crush Nannuungi, other party leaders and NUP supporters in Greater Masaka who staged a demonstration saying, they were not consulted yet are the known NUP field commanders in Masaka!
In a successful demonstration on Monday September 9, 2024, NUP supporters from Ssembabule, Bukakata, Bukomansimbi and other parts of greater Masaka gathered in solidarity to condemn police brutality against NUP Party President and all Ugandans, demanding for good governance, a corrupt free country and rule of law.
For starters, Mr. Kyagulanyi’s left leg was hit by what is believed to be a teargas canister fired by a police officer, on his way from Bulindo in Kira Municipality where he had gone for a function at a newly acquired counsel Musisi’s residence.
On his way back, hundreds of NUP supporters escorted him causing a scuffle between these NUP supporters and Security officers.
Police moved in to disperse Kyagulanyi’s procession by throwing teargas and arresting some supporters.
When Hon. Kyagulanyi reportedly got out of his car to engage police not to arrest his supporters, this is when something hit his left leg and fell down. He was rushed to Nsambya hospital to save his life!

PHOTO: Bobi at Nsambya Hospital

Kyagulanyi was later discharged from Nsambya hospital and continued getting treatment from his Magere home.

PHOTO: Namayanja (on Kyagulanyi’s left hand holding a Cock) and Kirumira on Kyagulanyi’s right hand) with a group of leaders who visited Kyagulanyi

On Monday, a group of NUP leaders from Masaka led by Namayanja and Kirumire paid a courtesy visit to Kyagulanyi whereas on the sameday, NUP supporters in Masaka held a demonstration condemning police brutality on their leader Kyagulanyi.
Wishing Hon. Kyagulanyi a very quick recovery, Hon. Alice Nannuungi who led the demonstration demanded that, “Mr. Museveni should apologies to Ugandans because his leadership wanted to end the life of our President Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi.”

PHOTO: Iron Lady Alice Nannuungi

Protesters including Bodabods riders, other members of the informal sector and Shakirah Nakato who in 2026 eyes Bukomansimbi Woman Member of Parliament talked about high taxes, corruption and continued arrests of opposition politicians in Uganda.

Namayanja and Kirumira allegedly fault Nannuungi who declared her intention to contest for Nyendo-Mukungwe MP seat in 2026 on NUP ticket for organizing such a successful demonstration leaving them out while they had gone to pay a visit to Hon. Kyagulanyi on Monday September 9, 2024.
Some of the messages written on different WhatsApp groups in Greater Masaka we have accessed and translated to English reads, “Organizing a demonstration against Hon. Kyagulanyi’s police brutality was okay but it was in opposite with what our field commanders had organised that day. You need to be grilled and fought, you look to be traitors. We are going to fight each of the ring leaders of this demonstration. Because all leaders were in Magere, why did you stage a demonstration?”
Another message addressed to Shakirah reads, “You are a promising leaders but i see, you are being misled. Yes it was a good activity but bad timing. That day was for visiting Hon. Kyagulanyi not staging a demonstration. Whoever was behind this will be fought out of the Party.”
“In Greater Masaka, under the leadership and guidance of Mayor Florence Namayanja, no one else must organise an activity for the party without her clearance. We are going to deal with you.” Reads threatening message posted by a one Betty maama Peter a renown blue eyed lady for Mayor Namayanja.

Here are some screen shots

Speaking to Hon. Alice Nannuungi one of the organisers of the Monday demonstration, she has lectured to those threatening NUP supporters in greater Masaka who protested police brutality against NUP Supreme leader Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi not to waste their energy on useless battles but instead, target the real enemy who she said almost killed their leader.
An outspoken Nannuungi revealed to us that, “No sane fighters attacking an enemy use a single front. You attack the enemy from all directions and leave no escape route for him. We don’t have any problem with some of the leaders who paid a visit to our president in Magere. But as fighters in a struggle to end dictatorship in Uganda, Greater Masaka people held a demonstration to ring a warning bell to those who brutalised our President that next time it won’t be business as usual. Those attacking Greater Masaka people who staged such a successful demonstration, let them tell us what’s wrong with attacking an enemy using different approaches, from different directions?”

“Let me categorically state that, the demonstration was arranged earlier and to me it has no problem to hold different activities for the party on the same day. We are in a genuine struggle to liberate this country, we are not in position to romance the enemy.” Said Nannuungi who had no kind words towards those threatening NUP supporters who staged a demonstration.

This investigative News website is aware of a plot orchestrated against Nannuungi and other NUP leaders in greater Masaka by the Namayanja clique which takes itself to be the Party’s alfa and Omega and political Kingmakers in Greater Masaka.
Namayanja who brands herself the field commander together with Charles Kirumira of the Masaka welcome restaurant at Total Nyendo brags around how they will be pivotal in dictating who will and who will not get a party ticket come 2026 polls.
They look at Nannuungi as a threat being that this Masaka City Councilor is very close and connected to powers that be in Magere and Kavule. In fact, Ghetto tv, an online TV linked to Hon. Kyagulanyi covered Nannuungi’s Masaka demonstration and the Party officially posted in positive about this protest. This keeps Namayanja and her clique in a fearful mode since Nannuungi is considered to be a darling to Kyagulanyi and a real footsoldier believed in by Masaka Ghetto youth. No wonder, the protests she organised was a success.

PHOTO: Nannuungi (centre) and Nakato Shakira (left) addressing media. Extreme right in Ssembabule NUP leader

We are also told, Namayanja and group thought by going to Magere, will steal the show but Nannuungi’s demonstration took them by a surprise and it was massively covered by the media.
This angered the Namayanja clique and now want to fight and politically kill Nannuungi and other leaders who chose to join the protest against Police brutality on Hon. Bobi Wine.
We are told also that a leading radio station in Buganda (name left out) was approached not to read out the Masaka protest story in their bulletin but when the editors ruled out this request, the Namayanja clique begged the organiser Alice Nannuungi’s name not to be mentioned anywhere in the story which the station accepted. The news story was aired out and Nannuungi wasn’t mentioned anywhere as the organiser.
Nannuungi’s team which looks unbothered and determined has vowed to continue organising such activities to keep the NRM regime on tenterhooks.

In the next story, we will name and shame who is who in Namayanja’s clique and why are they worried Nannungi and the Greater Masaka NUP footsoldiers.

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