A BRAND new Land cruiser car latest model estimated at UGX 450M, cash of UGX 400M and a job given to his wife by President Museveni under unclear circumstances has landed Haji Mohamed Kateregga the Secretary General for the Mengo based Justice Forum (JEEMA) Party into problems.
We can reliably report that, a section of JEEMA leaders and other party members have already commenced on the process of collecting signitures to petition the Party disciplinary committee (DC), investigate Mohamed Kateregga misconducts and immediately take appropriate actions.
JEEMA party Spokesperson Dr. Swaib Kaggwa Nsereko has revealed to this leading investigative news website that, the National Executive Committee (NEC) has been summoned and will sit at Tal Cottages this coming Friday. He has however not aware whether Kateregga’s matter will be also discussed about by NEC Members that day.
A section of Party leaders and other members want SG Katerega fired on accusation of cutting deals with President Museveni which have already injured the autonomy of their party.
The no nonesense leaders have not spared Party Chairman Haji Mohammad Kibirige Mayanja who they accuse of making a reckless statement recently, insinuating that JEEMA is officially dealing with President Museveni.
Following the footsteps of Democratic Party (DP) and Uganda People Congress (UPC) which are in alliance with ruling NRM in consideration of what is transpiring at JEEMA, this party, according to a section of party leaders is also heading to a political limbo if the party members don’t rise up to stop Kateregga and Kibirige Mayanja’s excitement with the ruling government.

Shortly after 2021 General elections, Mohamad Kateregga together with SGs from other political parties UPC, DP, PPP & NRM met President Museveni at Kololo Airstrip amidst contestation from the two leading opposition Parties National Unity Platform (NUP) and Forum for Democratic Change (FDC).
The two parties accused President Museveni of rigging 2021 presidential elections seing no cause for them to join him at the IPOD serving table. DP and UPC are broadly known as allies of NRM, So their meeting with the NRM Supremo at Kololo wasn’t shocking at all.
On the side of JEEMA, the Party position was very clear, it sided with NUP and FDC so they didn’t sanction their SG to meet president Museveni. Defiant Kateregga proceeded with meeting Mr. Museveni and placed personal demands.
“That was a private arrangement. Never did the party top organ sanction this Kololo meeting and we were not part of whatever was discussed.” Said a top party official who asked for anonymity since Kateregga’s fate is yet to be decided by the DC.
It was during this meeting that JEEMA’s Kateregga asked president Museveni to buy him a new private car, a bus, a job for his wife and UGX 400M cash to wet his beak! Other SGs asked for the same begging Mr. Museveni to save them from biting poverty.
A few months later, Kateregga’s wife landed a juicy job at Parliament and just recently, President Museveni gifted him a brand new Landcruiser estimated at UGX 450M.
The other two requests, a bus and cash of UGX 400M we are told are on the way.
For clarification, all opposition party SGs who met President Museveni have already received the cars.

Accusing their SG of being an NRM undercover agent in JEEMA, Party members demand that Haji Mohamad Katerega resigns or defects to NRM Party in broad day light.
In an exclusive interview with Party leaders, ever since Kateregga went into bed with President Museveni he has chosen deliberately to sabotage Party programs like the delegates conference with the support of Haji Muhammad Kibirige Mayanja, the Party National Chairman.
The two have crippled Party activities and fear election of new Party leaders since their tenure got expired. Attempts to have fresh elections in JEEMA have been failed by the two who are comfortable with the status quo.
“We are saddened that Haji Kibirige Mayanja and Haji Kateregga don’t want elections in the party. What are they worried of? Being voted out? Yes that is obvious! We advise Kateregga to resign or defect to his friend Mr. Museveni’s NRM. We can nolonger entertain double faced leaders. JEEMA is prioritizing justice for all Ugandans not a few, Kateregga and Mayanja Kibirige. We are tired of the two.” Revealed a party top official.
This Party had to go for polls in 2020 but due to Covid pandemic, their term of office was extended for two years. Elections were slated for 2023 but still Kateegga and Kibirige Mayanja are giving lame excuses prompting party members to demand for their exit.

Photo: JEEMA Party Mengo headquaters

In a recorded phone call to our editor on Sunday evening, Dr. Nsereko said its a right to any party member or member of public to tender in his or her complain against any matter or any one in the party and justice will be given.
“If it is true that some members want to petition Disciplinary Committee against our Secretary General Mohamed Kateregga, that is their right. They are free.” Said Dr. Swaib Kaggwa Nsereko.
However he revealed to is how he hasn’t heard about any petition against SG Kateregga.
He said, “May be it is still at the signature collection stage, I am not aware of such a petition.”
Asked about the car gift Kateregga got from President Museveni, Dr. Swaib Kaggwa Nsereko said he isn’t ware of such a gift although didn’t deny that these days, Kateregga cruises in a brand new Toyota Land Cruiser.
He told us how Kateregga is a car dealer, may be he is driving in one of the cars he sale.
When we asked him what will happen if the petitioners have evidence pinning Kateregga that he got this car from statehouse, Dr. Swaib Nsereko told us that then he will be made to explain on which grounds did Mr. Museveni gave him a car.
About Haji Kibirige Mayanja’s statement on JEEMA dealing with NRM, Dr. Nsereko said that is true provided the operation is on Principle.
“Yes we chose to work with NRM through dialogue on particular issues like organising free and fair elections for Ugandans. What is scaring us is the NRM agenda Mr. Museveni is talking about. We don’t understand it and it automatically chases us out of the deal.” Dr. Nsereko informed us.
When we asked him whether the party top organs know about the JEEMA-NRM deal, he did not have a clear response.
On the issue of not organising Party elections, JEEMA Spokesperson revealed to us how NEC has been summoned on Friday this week at Tal Cottages to discuss about the National Delegates Conference (NDC) and Electoral Commission (EC) roadmap ahead of 2026 General election.
He assured the public how, “JEEMA is a justice party, we belive in democracy and no one can stop party members from electing their leaders. After Friday NEC meeting, we will be having a clear position on the election of out leaders at the Delegates Conference. So no reason to worry, elections will take place and favourite contenders will take over JEEMA Party leadership.”

This is a developing story! What is your say? Whatsapp editor on 0772523039 or email us at


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