● Are The Daughters Of UPC Man Rwanyarare Fighting A Lost Battle In Contesting Legal Transactions Made On The Said Land?
● Here Is The Proof Of Their Father James Rwanyarare Appointing His Son Rwanyarare Kevin Kiiza To Be His True And Lawful Attorney With Full Powers And Authority To Sale Father’s Land
● Why Court Cleared Businessman Charles Mayanja’s Home Connect Properties Ltd And Title Changed Names From Rwanyarare James William To Home Connect Properties Ltd, As New Land Owner Subdivides Land And Already Selling titled Plots
THE two daughters of UPC strongman James William Rwanyarare; Rebeca Kengero Rwanyarare and Caroline Kahamutima together with their brother Jason Kabuba Rwanyarare Ndungu and others who have put a spirited fight to challange land transactions entered into about one and a half years ago between their father’s lawful attorney and Home Connect Properties Ltd MD Charles Mayanja Lwanga, looks to be just logging a dead horse!
Deal was sealed, money exchanged hands and banked on their father’s DFCU bank account. Part of this money is what was used to clear sick James Rwanyarare’s medical bills at Nakasero Hospital. Land transfers were made, title changed from Rwanyarare’s name to Home Connect Properties Ltd. This land has already been subdivided and over 100 titled plots already sold so far! Who ever is confusing the two daughters and some of their brothers must be doing it deliberately.
This leading investigative news website reliably reports that, a good number of bibanja holders on this land located in Kasanje Town Council, Busiro South Constituency, Wakiso district have already reached out to their new land lord Home Connect Properties Ltd to register their bibanja, pay busuulu and others to secure land titles as the land law dictates in fear of losing their tenancy.
After all, no court order or any injunction has been given by any competent court of law stopping Home Connect Properties Ltd from doing transactions on the said land and no caveat has been lodged since court already pronounced itself on the matter.

BIOGRAPHY: A book about UPC’s Rwanyarare
An affidavit dated April 15, 2020 about four years ago drawn by Busingye & Company Advocate, willingly signed by Dr. James William Rwanyarare (Donor) and his son Rwanyarare Kevin (Donee) says,
“I, the undersigned, RWANYARARE JAMES WILLIAM of P.O.BOX 162 Kampala being the registered proprietor/owner of the above described land hereby ORDAIN, NOMINATE, APPOINT RWANYARARE KEVIN KIIZA of P.O. BOX 7699, Kampala Uganda to be my true and lawful attorney and/or agent with full power and authority for me in my names and on my behalf to execute all or any acts, deeds and things as hereunder stated;
- To dispose of through sale of the said land and execute an agreement of sale for and on my behalf.
- To receive and collect payment or proceeds of sale in respect of any agreement of sale of said land to any purchaser and remit the same to me or to my designated Bank Account.
- To take any legal action for recovery of the amount due under any such contract from any person liable under the contract.
- To receive and give effectual receipt for all or any money which shall come into the hands of my said attorney by virtue of the provisions herein contained which receipts whether given in my names or in the names of the said attorney shall exonerate the person/s paying such money from seeing to the applications thereof or being responsible for the loss or misapplication thereof.
- For the purpose aforesaid to do every other act or as my attorney deems to be necessary or proper.
- AND for me and in my names to sign all such agreements and transfers and other instruments and do all such acts, matters and things as may be necessary or expedient for carrying out the powers hereby given.
For record purposes, powers of attorney can be reversed ONLY IF the donor is dead, if he or she changes mind or if court rules against them. In this case, none of the above happened apart from complaints from some family members, meaning, Kevin Rwanyarare Kiiza still hold powers of attorney as given to him by his father Dr. James William Rwanyarare.
In fact it is Kevin living with and taking care of his sick father. He looks after him and drives him to hospital for medication. The two are said to be too close and run a joint bank account.
We are told, some of those accusing Kevin of faking powers of attorney take decades without visiting their dad.
About three years after giving his son Kevin Powers of Attorney, Rwanyarare whose medical bills at Nakasero Hospital had risen to over 300M and getting no serious financial bail out from his children, okayed the sale of his property at Kasanje Town Council, Wakiso district, to save life.
A number of buyers had shown interest but the highest bidder, Home Connect Properties Ltd carried the day.
For starters, Home Connect Properties (U) ltd deals in Selling & buying of Land, Farms, Land surveying, Land Title Processing, Land & Property Consultancy, Construction and Civil Engineering Works. It has built its reputation in land transactions in Uganda.
According to their press release dated March 11, 2024, the said land formerly Block 535 plot 136 at Sazi and Ntinda belongs to them having lawfully purchased the same from Dr. James Rwanyarare through his lawful attorney Rwanyarare Kevin
“Dr. James Rwanyarare’s lawful attorney under section 146 of the registration of titles Act signed the transfer forms in favour of Home Connect Properties (U) Ltd and consequently the land was transferred to Home Connect (U) Ltd on February 24, 2024.” Reads a press release from Home Connect Properties Ltd.
Asked about members of Rwanyarare’s family claiming to be complaining or contesting the transaction, Home Connect Properties Ltd said, “Those complaining do not have any interest in the said land as ruled by Court in Miscellaneous Application No. 076 & 077 of 2024 High Court Land Division.”
In the High Court of Uganda at Kampala (Land Division) Miscellaneous Application No. 0077 of 2024 (Arising from Misc. Application No. 76 of 2024)
(All Arising from Civil Suit No. 0026 of 2024), the applicants were; Sandra Rwanyarare Sentamu, Rebeca Kengero Rwanyarare, Caroline Kahamutima, Prime William Butega, Michael Kataha Rwanyarare, Jason Kabuba Rwanyarare Ndungu, James Kagolo and their cousin Bruce Kyerere.
Whereas the respondents were; Kevin Kiiza Rwanyarare, Home Connect Properties (U) Limited, Commissioner Land Registration and Baker Mugaino.
This matter came up for Ruling on 29th day of January, 2024 before H/W Kagoda Ntende Samuel M and delivered via ECCMIS. He said,
Both Applicants for Interim Injunction vide Miscellaneous Application No. 77 of 2024 and Temporary Injunction vide Miscellaneous Application No. 76 of 2024 be and are hereby dismissed.
- Costs of the same be in the cause
In a letter dated June 19, 2023 to Mr. Bruce Kyerere SC, C/O Kwarisima Kyerere & Co. Advocates, Dr. Rwanyarare’s lawyers of LAWGIC Advocates under instructions by their client asked Bruce Kyerere who had in custody the title of the said land to deliver up the duplicate certificate of Title for land comprised in Busiro Block 535 plot 136 (Private Mailo) situated at Ntinda 2 & Sazi, Wakiso district.
The letter reads, “We act for and on behalf of Dr. James Rwanyarare herein after referred to as our ‘Client’. As you are already aware, our client donated powers of attorney to his son Kevin Kiiza Rwanyarare. The Powers of attorney authorised Kevin Kiiza Rwanyarare to enter into any land sale and purchase with any prospective buyer.
Our client entered into a land sale agreement with M/S Home Connect Properties (U) Ltd and one of the staggered obligations was for our client to deliver up the duplicate certificate of title to enable the purchaser sub divide. Please be advised that this obligation has fallen due.
However we have been made aware that the duplicate certificate of title is in your possession. This is therefore to request and demand that the duplicate certificate of title be handed over to our client’s lawful attorney, Kevin Kiiza Rwanyarare to avoid a glaring and impending breach of contract that shall expose our client to a suit for damages on account of breach. We expect your cooperation.
On phone, businessman Charles Mayanja, The Managing Director Home Connect Properties Ltd disclosed to us how he has been engaging bibanja holders since he bought this land in January last year and he will continue reaching out to every one.
“Fact is, this transaction is irreversible. Everthing was done in broad day light. Bibanja holders should ignore those confused people and instead come and we see how to co-exist peacefully. The current facts about bibanja holders is that we compensated all and we have their agreements.” Said a soft speaking Mayanja who is a lawyer by profession.
In Part II of this story, we will bring you what Lands Minister discovered when she visited the locus and details of a court ruling against a Kibanja holder on this land a one Bongole Christopher who sued Home Connect Properties Ltd alongside 13 others seeking orders that;
a) An interim order doth issue against Home Connect Properties Ltd and other respondents, their agents, servants, employees or anybody claiming title under restraining them from evicting the plaintiff or alienating or conducting any activity on the said Kibanja.
b) Costs of the application be provided for.
Her Worship Josephine Kabasinguzi Kayondo dismissed the application.
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