IF you serve God deligently, a reward awaits not only in Heaven but even on earth! 
Namirembe Diocese has today honoured retired Bishop of Namirembe Diocese Rt. Rev. Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira with a brand new Toyota Hilux Extreme Offload Concept Double Cabin new model registered number UBR 692D.
This powerful vehicle has been handed over to him by his sucessor The Rt. Rev. Bishop Moses Banja in the company of the entire Diocesan Council sitting at Namirembe. 
In his speech, the Rt. Rev Moses Banja thanked the Emeritus Bishop Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira for the ministry weldone and for being very patient until when he has been awarded this Vehicle. 
Bishop Luwalira served a tenure of 14 years from 2009 to 2023 and honorably retired after turning 65 years age limit in regard with the constitution of the Church of Uganda. Rt. Rev Moses Banja was appointed to takeover from Bishop Luwalira.
A joyful Luwalira thanked the reigning Bishop Moses Banja, the clergy in their protocol and the Laity of Namirembe Diocese for such a great reward saying, he will utilize it to serve God. The vehicle comes with an offer of free servicing among others.
On his retirement last year, Bishop Luwalira returned the official car. The Diocese gave him a second-hand Pickup which he has been driving until he was surprised with this brand new machine.
Known to be a very humble, not materialistic and a selfless servant of God, an unkown person donated a newly constructed magnificent flat in Budo where with his family they relocated.
The Luwaliras also own a state of the art House in Namayina – Manyangwa from where their daughter Grace Nabbembe held introduction function of her husband Katimbo.
A born of Kiwenda Namulonge, Ziroobwe, Bishop Emeritus Luwalira has a ministry in Kiziba, Masuulita, birth place for Maama Faith Luwalira.
We continue to wish Bishop Emeritus Luwalira and Maama Faith a blessed retirement!

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