PHOTO: RDC Shafik Nsubuga (left) in hot soup over tycoon Dr. Musenze (right) land. In background is late Charles Luyirika’s home given to widow Annet Nalwadda according to the will. She sold her share to Dr. Musenze but the RDC is misusing his powers to block the rightful owner from puting his land to use! State House has intervened!


WHATEVER disturbs some Resident District Commissioners (RDCS), it is only God who knows!
They totally look green about what their roles are and some look as if they were not oriented or given even the very basic of awareness trainings regarding matters of the law and citizens’ rights before assuming offices. Very stubborn and law breakers!
A few days after Buikwe RDC Hawa Ndege Namugenyi was suspended by minister for Presidency Hon. Milly Babalanda for being at the center of an ugly eviction incident that drew attention of Buikwe District woman MP also minister Diana Mutasingwa, another RDC from Nansana, Ali Shafik Nsubuga has blocked a lawful land owner Dr. Ronald Musenze from accessing his land, disobeying his bosses Minister Babalanda and Haji Yunusu Kakande!
He looks defiant and now accused of backing land grabbers in Nansana! It is sad!
We have now picked information that he was being taken to the Anti-Corruption Unit of State House but one of his God parents offered to mediate between him and Dr. Musenze to ensure that the impasse is resolved amicably without further escalation.
The Presidential Special Task Force on Land Matters and Environment has already picked interest in the matter and has been to the property more than two times in their facts finding missions.
All are interested to know the motive of RDC Nsubuga who has turned deaf ears to the directives of his superiors. Do not be surprised if Nsubuga is suspended or even arrested!

Dr. Ronald Musenze bought land from Annet Nalwadda, one of the widows to the late Charles Luyirika of Nabweru North 1 Cell.
According to the late Luyirika’s Will, he left two windows. One had a residency in Kibwa village, Nabweru while Annet Nalwadda was living in Nabweru North 1 Cell home, also built by the deceased.
However, before Luyirika married Nalwadda, he had two other wives who had divorced and left.
The first wife produced two children and when she left, Luyirika got another wife, the mother to the two girls, Nagirinya and Nakintu whom he was renting in Bwaise. Meaning the deceased had children from four women although the first two had divorced him and got married to other men.
At the time of his demise, Luyirika had two wives and Nalwadda was in charge of the residence in Nabweru North 1 Cell.
In his Will, Luyirika gave each of the two wives and their respective children properties.
Nalwadda was given the home and all the properties in Nabweru North 1 Cell while the second wife was given the Kibwa home to help them raise their children.

PHOTO: This is the house in Nabweru North Cell 1 the late Luyirika gave to his wife Nalwadda and her two children according to the Will. On this land are other properties like shops.

After the demise of Luyirika, family held a meeting which was attended by all the children and resolved to put aside the Will since it had not given property to the other children from the first two wives. The only aspect they agreed to uphold was the heir he had chosen.
Insiders say, Luyirika had got angry with these two first women on how they divorced him and married other men. So, he willingly left them and their children out not to benefit from his estate. But the meeting unanimously moved to put the will aside and see how the other children could also get a share from the deceased’s estate, which was ok with Nalwadda and the Kibwa woman.

Each of the two wives, it was agreed to remain the true owners of the property as given to them by the Will and shops opposite Nabweru play ground were given to Nalwadda’s children but gave part of the Nabweru North 1 Cell land to the children from the first wives who had been left out.

PHOTO: Shops at Nabweru play ģgiven to Nalwadda to help help her raise money to look after her children.

Nagirinya and Nakintu were given a portion of the land in Kibwa and another portion from Annet Nalwadda’s land.
In fact on getting their portions, they moved so quickly to sell it and bagged good money. No one blocked the deal and these two girls lavishly squandered their cash!

After Nagirinya and Nakintu sold off their share, Nalwadda agreed with her children and also sold off their property at UGX 380M a transaction witnessed by other family members, local leaders and lawyers.

Property on land Dr. Musenze lawfully bought from Annet Nalwadda

Nalwadda even introduced the new landlord Dr. Musenze to the tenants and the first month, he collected rent fees without any disturbances. “Yes She introduced to us Dr. Musenze as our new landlord and he collected rent from us for one month until Naggirinya and Nakintu came and ordered us to stop paying rent to him.” One businessman who rents one of the five shops told our reporter yesterday.

Page one of the sale agreement. Nalwadda signed on every page as the vendor in confirmation of the transaction!

Nine Children/orphans out of thirteen, including the heir, okayed their mother Nakwadda to sell her share to Dr. Musenze.

Nalwadda used money she sold her property, bought bigger land to start farming and carry on other projects to benefit her children and support them with their education and other basic needs.


We are told, a clique of Nabweru land brokers who got jealous on Dr. Musenze buying Nalwadda’s land, approached Nagirinya and Nakintu to plot on how they can overturn this land transaction so that they could also benefit.
They advised Naggirinya and Nakintu to open a case against widow Nalwadda that she sold the ancestral home.
At the police, Nalwadda was arrested on the orders of RDC Shafik Ali Nsubuga for intermeddling, she was accused of selling the deceased’s estate without letters of administration.
What shocked Nalwadda and her lawyers, the complainants Nagirinya and Nakintu had already sold off their share in the absence of the said letters of administration. How come to the widow Annet Nalwadda and her children, for them selling off their share, needed these letters?
Nalwadda explained to the police how she had rightly sold off her share given to her and children after the family meeting and presented to police documents of consent. She in fact told police that even in the will, her late husband had given her all that land and the house on it. She presented a copy of the title to police.

On sensing defeat, Nagirinya and Nakintu were advised to leave the intermeddling case and now moved to the new land lord, Dr. Musenze tricking him to vomit more UGX 600M if he wanted to peacefully occupy his land.

THE NEW LAND LORD: Dr. Musenze rightly bought bthe land for UGX 380M cash

This was total fraud! He had already bought this property and the lawful landlord. Now Nagirinya and Nakintu on the advise of some brokers wanted to con him of UGX 600M! He rejected the deal.
And by this stage, the two greedy girls, Nagirinya and Nakintu, were in a well layed bed of roses with Nansana RDC Ali Shafik Nsubuga whom they had petitioned.

Although the new land lord presented all transaction documents of the said property, RDC Nsubuga who is accused of entering in bed with the two girls sided with them and started tossing around Dr. Musenze since July last year.

WILL HE SUVIVE? – Nansana RDC Nsubuga

Musenze wanted to develop his land but each time he tries to access it, panga wielding goons with the full backing of RDC Nsubuga blocked him saying the matter is not yet resolved. It’s absurd!
The very RDC who ruled that there should be a status quo on the said property where Musenze was already in control shocked everyone when information was revealed that he backed the two stubborn girls – Nagirinya and Nakintu to access the place and forcefully took control of it!
RDC Nsubuga with the backing of some UPDF soldiers have continued to block Dr. Musenze. The problem is RDC Ali who is playing games with the two girls.

According to the documents this leading news website has landed on, Dr. Musenze petitioned line minister Milly Babalanda and Haji Yunusu Kakande who are in charge of RDCs. They summoned Ali Nsubuga and on investigating the matter, their RDC was not in order to block Dr. Musenze from possession of his land as a bonafide land owner. Before his bosses, RDC Shafik Nsubuga who looks to be so stubborn and unmanageable promised to help Musenze access his property but since then, he has been playing games and rumour has it that, he is fully backing the two girls Nagirinya and Nakintu to sell the property to another suitor he has been brokering for. He claims that Musenze bought the property so cheaply and they can have a lot more money out of the same so they can share.

The recent papers we have seen, RDC Nsubuga was reported to the State House Anti-Corruption Unit and the land matters unit and we are reliably informed that he is being investigated.

On sensing danger, the panicking RDC Nsubuga told our reporter how he has called for a meeting between the two warring parties. He said, “We will do everything possible to sort out this matter amicably. Musenze is the rightful owner and he shall take possession of his land.” But the information we have indicates that for more than a year the RDC has been behaving like that. He tells people that he is helping yet he pushed Musenze off the property and they are collecting rent with the local investor’s interests put in a corner basket aside. They enjoy this rent on a monthly basis. We have now understood that Musenze is considering suing RDC Shafik Ali as an individual and opt to claim losses on his investment for the period stretching over a year and other damages.

This is a developing story. In Part II of the story, we will write about the rift between RDC Shafik and Gombe Division Mayor Kasirivu Kabengula over another land deal!

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