PHOTO: Chief Petitioner Kamuntu Majjambere
OVER 500 Members of the ruling NRM Party in Lubaga led by a one Kamuntu Majjambere commonly known as ‘Empologoma ya Museveni’, have petitioned Rt. Hon. Richard Todwong the NRM Secretary General requesting gor a meeting on Wednesday March 27, 2024 to present a case against Haji Abudallah Kitatta saying he is nolonger fit to be the Party Chairman for Rubaga District.

PHOTO: Kitatta addressing NRM leaders in Lubaga recently. A group of NRM members want him out of office over incompetence and abuse of office.
In a petition dated March 19, 2024 copied to legal Director NRM and the NRM EC boss, petitioners requested SG for a meeting with NRM concerned members in Rubaga District for discussions on Article 46 Section 1 (C) of the NRM Constitution Reprint 2015.
Petition reads, “Whereas Article 9 of the NRM Constitution empowers us among many other things to take full and active part in discussions, formulations and implementation of policies of the NRM where we belong. Its from the above mandate that we seek for an appointment to meet you as the Secretary General of the Party with the mandate under Article 40, Section 9, Subsections (a), (b), (c), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j) and (k) of the NRM Party Constitution.”
Rubaga NRM Members say, “We tend to discuss on the operationalization of the NRM Party Constitution within Rubaga among which are, Article 46 Section 1 subsection c, of the NRM Constitution Reprint 2015, it is within your discretionary powers that if you see it deemed fit to also invite Director Legal services of the NRM Party of the above meeting.”
“We the undersigned five hundred members and leaders bellow intend to attend in person and we shall be at the NRM Party offices at plot 10, Kyadondo on Wednesday March 27, 2024 at 9am ready for a meeting.” Reads the petition.
We are reliably informed, the petitioners are led by Mr. Kamuntu Majambere who already vowed to contest for the NRM Chairman Rubaga District in the forth coming elections.
Kamuntu Majambere says, Kitatta isn’t fit to be the party leader in Lubaga, he has cases of abuse of office, Misconduct or Misbehaviour, Incompetence, mismanagement among others.
“Such a person with that dirt can’t be our leader. The Party Constitution is very clear on this. We want to meet our party SG and we have a discussion about the legal implications.” Said Majambere Kamuntu commonly known as Empologoma ya Museveni.
The petition attached with are the over 500 petitioners was received by the offices if top bosses at the Party headquarters. However Kitatta says, Majjambere and team are just logging a dead horse!