Lead Photo: Archbishop Kaziimba and Mission Secretary Rev. Samuel Muwonge during Crossover night praying for those who accepted Jesus to be their Savior
HIS GRACE The Most Rev. Dr. Samuel Steven Kaziimba Mugalu, Archbishop Church of Uganda excited hundreds of God’s people who filled St. Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe Gardens to capacity on 31st December 2023 during a Crossover night when he advised married women on how to punish adulterous husbands instead of bewitching them.
Speaking amidist ululation from especially women, Archbishop Kaziimba said, domestic violence dominated 2023 saying it is sad, Marriage is the only place where two enemies sleep on the same bed.

He however advised, “If your husband is sleeping with another woman, don’t go to the witchdoctor to bewitch him so that he doesn’t bring you HIV/Aids or other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). No!”
Kaziimba a renown orator said, such a woman should instead resort to praying for his husband to develop a runing stomach so that he becomes restless and then the woman who had snatched him will chase him away and returns to his wife.
Kaziimba who was speaking about a story in the Holly Bible of how Jesus performed a miracle when he resurrected his friend Lazarous said, “Married women stop bewitching your husbands because they are sleeping with other women and you fear him bringing you Aids. No witchdoctor is more powerful than Jesus. Instead, pray for your husband to develop a runing stomach when he has gone to be with another woman. This will make him restless and the woman will tell him to go back to his home.”
At the Crossover night, Kaziimba was received by the newly elected Bishop of Namirembe Doicese The Rt. Rev. Moses Banja, Diocesan Secretary Rev. Can. Henry Ssegawa, Dean The Very Rev. Can. Jonathan Kisawuzi Ssalongo, Mission Secretary Rev. Samuel Muwonge among others.
I want to join you to welcome the New Bishop and wife, Dean, Diocesan Secretary and your team.
I want to thank the Missionary Department especially our brother Rev. Samuel Muwonnge for organizing this powerful overnight as people of God crossover from 2023 to 2024 . I thank the choirs, the visiting Rev. from Nigeria Rev. Can. Justice Okoronko and the Media evangelists.
I have blessed by the message which i read this morning and i was laughing but thinking about it.

This is to inform you that our beloved friend Mr. 2023 is retiring. His 12 wives, 52 Children, 365 grand children will be sent off. However his family members told me, you should know, all your problems, sickness, disappointments, frustration, untimely death, shame, disgrace, barrenness, failure and rejection, have gone with Mr. 2023.
His successor Mr. 2024 has asked me to inform you that he has come to compansate you with life, light, good health, wealth, love, abundant blessings, peace, joy, righteousness, promotion and security. 2023 has gone with his problems, i am here yo bring to you a message of hope and joy
Reading from the book of John 11:
The message is, ‘Didn’t i tell you? When you believe, you will see God’s glory.’
This message comes to the two frustrated women Mary and Martha who had got frustrated because of the loss of their brother Lazarous.
They had invited Jesus to come and see his friend Lazarous before he dies. They called Jesus to come and see him when he fell sick. Jesus didnt come, i dont know why.
Sometimes i dont understand God’s way of doing things. He instead continued with his ministry, he preached the Gospel, healing others but did not go to visit his sick friend Lazarous.
Isiah 55:8, says, ‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways’Declares the Lord
Sometimes you expect God to appear instantly because you are a believer, yes you love Jesus, you accepted him as your saviour, you pray, you fast, do whatever he comands you to do, you are giver, when you fall into problems, you call him, ‘come Jesus, come and help me’, but he doesnt come instantly.
Let me tell you my brethrens, His ways are so diffrent from our ways, His thoughts are different from ours.
Jesus didnt come and Lazarous died. You can imagine, how these women felt, this was their great friend, they thought He would come. But He had a different plan. Why didnt he come when Lazarous was sick to heal him? He didnt come so that when he comes,a miracle will be done and God’s Glory be shown.
After four days of burial, Jesus showed up. I can imagine Mary and Martha were not happy to receive Jesus.
Deep inside their hearts must have asked themselves what had Jesus come to do yet their brother was no more.
Imagine Martha saying, ‘We thought you were our friend. Now Lazarous is no more, he is rotten. But Jesus said, ‘Martha, didnt i tell you, when you believe you will see the Glory of the Lord?’
Jesus insisted on being taken where he was burried. He ordered Lazarous out of the grave.
Let me tell you brethren, even if you think Jesus has delayed to answer your prayers in 2023, dont lose hope, in 2024 he will avail himself to you.
He is not delayed. God’s timing is the best timing and the best timing. Jesus is never late. He knows what He is doing for your life. What He is preparing is the best for you.
Whatever you think that it is gone, or rotten, before Jesus it isnt yet over.
Our God specializes in the impossibilities. In 2024, God is telling us to do what we can,what you cant, leave it to Jesus.
Go and work because it is within your means. God asked Moses what he had in his hand and replied that a stick. He used it to show His Might. All of you have gifts, use them in 2024. The Miracle is with you.
The newest Bishop of Namirembe Diocese Rt. Rev. Moses Banja who was accompanied by wife Rev. Canon Professor Olive Nassaka Banja read in the Book of John 15:16 saying, “You did not choose me, but i chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruits-fruits that will last and so that whatever you ask in my bale tje Father will give you.”

Photo: Professor Rev. Can. Oliva Nassaka Banja, Bishop’s wife
Bishop Banja said, Setan was not happy when Jesus came because for he is a thief.
“This year, Jesus wants to give him your life so that you bear fruits.” Said Bishop Banja who got saved on 30th Dec. 1989 and accepted Jesus as his Saviour. He heard the voice and since, he says, never remained the same.
He asked gathering whether they came yo truly enter New year or after something else?
“Some dont want to leave behind their habbits. But God’s scanner sees everything. If human beings have latest scaners which can see you through, what about God. Our God can let us be but knows what we are.” Said Kisawuzi. He urged Christians to remember that the end is near.

Photo: Rev. Can. Abraham Lubega Kisakye and The Very Rev. Can. Kisawuzi
Reading Luke 3:3 Kisawuzi said, “We are hear to clean our ways. Bible says, a tree which doest bear good fruits will be cut.” He Said.
Kisawuzi urged tax collectors not exhobitant taxes from people saying that annoys God.
Other Speakers included Rev. Ven. Justice Okoronko from Nigeria, Mission Secretary boss Rev. Samuel Muwongo and others.

Photo: Visiting Rev. Can. Okoronko
Different choirs like True Life Gospel Choir Kiwuunya, Gospel Elite Creacendo Kiwuunya, Faith Harvest Choir Kyebando, Mission Choir, artists and schools like Joy Day and Nursery Primary School presented through out the night.

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