● A Digital Empowerment Advocate, Mr. Ssemulugo Has Been in Charge Of Capacity Building For Different Opposition Political Parties Ahead of 2026 General Elections
● Security Operatives Intercepted And Arrested Martin Ssemulugo At Florida Hotel Zana, Entebbe Road Where Several Opposition Youth Leaders Had Gathered To Get Trained On How To Block Vote Rigging By Using Information Technology Even Where Government Switches Off Internet The Way It Did In 2021 And 2016 General Elections.
● In Response To Urgent Appeals From Prominent Opposition Figures, Including NUP National Mobilization Boss Chairman Nyanzi, Ssemulugo Took On The Responsibility Of Orchestrating A Series Of Sophisticated IT Workshops Throughout Kampala. 


A 32 years old Martin Ssemulugo, an opposition IT expert in Uganda and a resident of Bugolobi, Nakawa Division, Central Uganda was roughly arrested by Police, handcuffed and thrown on a waiting Police Patrol over what security officers referred to as involving himself in subversive activities. 
However his people denied the accusations saying, “His arrest is in connection with his political activism in Uganda to remove President Museveni 37 years’ rule. We fear for his life as a number of political prisoners are still rotting in jail.”
Ssemulugo was arrested on August 10, 2023, just a day after him and Opposition NUP National Mobilization boss Chairman Fred Nyanzi held a confidential meeting in one of Kampala ghettos.

Photo: When IT expert Martin Ssemulugo (left) met NUP National Chief Mobilizer Fred Nyanzi (right). He was arrested the next day.
Police first arrested Nyanzi in April this year, during his mobilization tour code-named Kunga Kunga, in Kyenjojo district. He was beaten into coma!
Photo: NUP Deputy Spokesman Waiswa Mufumbiro reacts angrily to police officers who clobbered his boss Nyanzi and he fainted
On Ssemulugo’s arrest (in the photo above), Police detectives quizzed him on what he was ploting with NUP’s Nyanzi

This leading investigative news website was reliably informed that, police detectives had spent a couple of days trailing Ssemulugo and attempts to arrest him were first made, when he addressed a presser at City House, Democratic Party (DP) Headquarters from where he lectured youth on how to block vote rigging in 2026 using latest information technology.

Ssemulugo at the DP Party headquaters in Kampala where he called up on opposition youth to embrace the latest information technology to tame vote rigging in 2026

For starters, the Electoral Commission, the elections body in Uganda, recently announced the 2026 election road map. 
Opposition National Unity Platform President Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi this week announced he will launch National mobilisation starting Monday August 28, 2023, however Police has advised him to seek permission first or they will block his movements. 

When Army and police brutally arrested Opposition leader in Uganda Hon. Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi alia Bobi Wine

As Digital Empowerment Advocate, Ssemulugo has been in Charge of Capacity building for different Opposition Political parties on how to combat government led electoral malpractices.
His workshops shared a singular goal: to proactively combat the looming threats of vote rigging and state-sponsored internet censorship anticipated in the upcoming 2026 general elections.

Ssemulugo at DP Headquaters

 Ssemulugo’s visionary endeavors not only earned him unwavering backing from a diverse array of opposition party leaders but also highlighted the broad acceptance of his trailblazing undertakings. Notably, a significant number of young opposition figures actively participated in his programs, underscoring the resonance of his initiatives among the youth.

Martin Ssemulugo conducting training to youth groups

A renowned tech guru, celebrated for his groundbreaking work in digital competence enhancement, Ssemulugo was taken into custody under a shroud of mystery and uncertainty.  His credentials, boasting an illustrious educational background, only add to the intrigue surrounding his arrest. 
He is apparently pursuing a Masters of Development Engineering at the prestigious University of California, Berkeley, after successfully attending advanced digital skills  at Wuhan City Vocational College in China. 
Hailing from Silicon Valley, the global epicentre of innovation, Ssemulugo Martin has been diligently fostering the digital capacities of opposition leaders, igniting fears within the NRM ruling Government. 
Indeed, the timing of his arrest raises eyebrows, with the impending 2026 general elections looming on the horizon. 
By uniting local and Diaspora opposition cadres  through cutting-edge digital strategies, Ssemulugo aimed at amplifying their collective voice and potentially reshape the political landscape. 
His past involvement in the lead-up to the 2021 General Elections illustrates his commitment to regime change in Uganda. He  played a pivotal role in circumventing the government’s attempts to stifle the opposition’s online presence particularly in the entebbe subregion as a tally centre manager for the Democratic Party entebbe chapter.
In the face of a nationwide internet shutdown orchestrated by the Uganda Communications Commission, he ensured that opposition supporters remained digitally connected. He ingeniously navigated through the blocking of major social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Instagram, which were rendered inaccessible during this period. Even the formidable Google Play Store and App Store fell victim to the blackout, as over 100 Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) were systematically blocked and Martin Ssemulugo would enable anyone who wished to get online get connected through several VPNs.  However, his activities did not go unnoticed. Holding secret training sessions for several opposition politicians, especially the youths at the Democratic Party’s headquarters in Kampala and various locations in Wakiso, Ssemulugo Martin inevitably drew attention. Intelligence reports reached the authorities, leading to his startling arrest. Witnesses recount a chilling scene as police apprehended him, throwing him into a police pickup before vanishing into uncertainty. The shadow of apprehension has now descended upon Kampala, as citizens and opposition members alike are left to speculate about Ssemulugo Martin’s fate. The arrest of this prominent IT virtuoso, whose very expertise has become a beacon of hope for the opposition, serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by those who dare to challenge the status quo. As Uganda stands at a crossroads, the question remains: What will become of the digital competences that he sought to empower among the opposition’s youth leaders? Only time will tell if this arrest will dampen their spirits or fuel an even fiercer determination to rise above adversity.

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