PHOTO: Some of the Pastors organising COPE launch on Heroes’day Seated, fourth from left is new leader Bishop David Michael Kyazze
● URSB Clears Confederation of Pentecostal and Evangelical Ministries (COPE) Association
● Pastor Michael Kyazze Nominated New Leader As 700 Churches Walk out of NFBPC Over Rigged Elections
● Organises Mega Launch On Heroes Day
● We bring you who is who in COPE
JUST like we tipped you our dear readers how over 700 churches had walked out of National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches (NFBPC) and formed a new transparent and political – free association to redeem and spread the Gospel of salvation to all corners of the Country, it has indeed come to pass!
A new association of Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda called Confederation of Pentecostal and Evangelical Ministries (COPE) has been formed and fully registered under the law by Uganda Registration Service Bureau (URSB).
Omega Healing Ministries senior Pastor Dr. David Michael Kyazze is the National leader of this new Fellowship.
COPE is a Non-political, non-tribal Umbrella organization of denominational, independent ministries, that preserves identity, calling, mandate and legal status of member organizations while manifesting the Kingdom of God.
The mission of COPE is Centering on Christ and Church.
We are told, the supreme leader of Born-Again pentecostal churches new umbrella will among others appoint seven ministries to serve in; Ministry of Youth, Ministry in charge of Diaspora, Ministry of Education & Sports, Ministry of Communication (Media), Ministry of Industry & Commerce, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Protocol & Security.
All is set for a mega launch on June 9, 2023, a day we comemorate Uganda Heroes. Over 1000 pastors and other dignitories will grace the function as COPE comomerate and awards Heroes in Born-Again Pentecostal Churches.

This leading investigative News Website can exclusively report that, Apostle and Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira of Efatha Ministry, Mwenge – Darsalam, Konondoni, the richest Pastor in Tanzania who owns a fleet of cars and jets has confirmed his presence as Born-Again Pentecostal new association is launched at Omega Healing Centre, Namasuba on Entebbe road.
● Holistic Growth (Luke 2:52)
Rolling out a National Cohesion by the fire of the Holly Spirit

● Blazing with Wisdom
● Blazing with Favor before God
● Blazing with favour before men
● Blazing with increasing stature

● Cohesion
● Communication
● Christ Centeredness
● Celebration
● Cash
● Community Transformation
● Construction
● Capacity building
● Conciliation

General Assembly is composed of;
● Heads (Denominational Heads)
● Elders (Elders Ministry: Eg; Apostolic Elders, Prophetic Elders, Pastoral Elders, etc)
● Mountains of influence (Education & Sports, Entertainment, Government, Media, Diaspora, Family, Religion, Business, etc)
● Supretendant (Regional, Zonal leaders)
For starters, Mwingira’s Efatha Ministry is well established in Tanzania with Efatha church in every district of Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar.

According to this Ministry’s media platform, Efatha owns TRENET, one of the most powerful christian TV stations in Tanzania.
Apostle and Prophet Mwingira owns Efatha Bank Ltd which is located on Plot No. 90 Mikocheni Light Industrial Area, along Bagamoyo Road in Mwenge area, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Establishment of the Efatha Bank Ltd was promoted by Efatha Ministry and Efatha Foundation Ltd. The Bank of Tanzania approval for the Efatha Bank Ltd to carry on banking business was obtained on October 31, 2008.
Following declaration of Moses Odong as the winner of the March 16, 2023 election for the General Overseer (GO) of National Fellowship of Born Again Pentectostal Churches in Uganda, former candidate GO Pastor Michaael David Kyazze Petitioned council of Elders and set out tough terms for his meeting with embattled Bishop Josua Lwere, the outgoing GO, who is accused of messing up the whole election process to favour his weak blue eyed boy Odong.
It is official, Omega Healing Ministries International’s Pr. Kyazze, alongside other pastors from over 700 Born Again pentecostal churches in Uganda strongly rejected Odong’s election saying the process was marred with rigging ochestrated by Lwere who controls Odong on remote and the Electoral Commission under the leadership of Appostle Rogers Zziwa.
A leaked mesage to Dr. Michael David Kyazze sent by one of the leaders of the Council of Elders National of Fellowship of Born Again Pantectostal Churches (NFBPC) reads;
Beloved Bishop Kyaze,
Glory be to our God who deserves all Honor, Glory and Power. We need your prayers as we progress with your petition.
The Chairman and other Elders are willing to handle this matter righteously and fairly. The expected first brotherly meeting will have to include the CoE (Councilor of Elders), Incumbent GC, EC and official Observers who observed the elections.
At the moment we do not know how to bring all these together! Do you have any advice for us? We are just a growing imperfect Fellowship of Loving Brethren.
Dear Elder,
I greet you in the name of Jesus .
I am not expecting a ‘Brotherly’ meeting . I rather would like to meet with the National Elders council or the available willing members to present my case.
I do not expect an eager convening of the people you have mentioned . There is a spirit of impunity which I can not subvert.
I will request my Deputy – Bishop Wanda to liaise with you , so that we can arrange a meeting to explore the proper procedures to help us arrive to a desired end.
I do not seek perfection. I seek justice and a righteous decision on this issue.
Dated April 7, 2023, Pastor Michael David Kyazze petitioned The National Council of Elders of the National Fellowship for Born Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda (NFBPC) for nullification of the election of the General Overseer.
Petition reads;
- That the petitioner is a born-again Christian and Senior Pastor at Omega Healing Ministries, Namasuba.
- That the petitioner is a proud, vocal and active member of The National Fellowship of Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda and has been so since 1990.
- That the NFBPC aims at demonstrating high standards of Spiritual, ethical and professional integrity in its operations.
- That the petitioner is an active and strong believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Christian Values upon which the NFBPC was founded.
- That on March 16, 2023, the Electoral Commission of NFBPC organised National election to fill different positions of the NFBPC.
- That prior to the elections, the EC issued electoral guidelines to be followed through out the electoral process.
- That the petitioner was duly nominated for the post of General Oveeseer and indeed particiapted in the impugned elections.
- That the EC declared Pr. Moses Odongo as the overall winner for the post of General Overseer and the petitioner emerged 2nd out of the five contestants amidst contestation by most of the participants.
- That having been aggrieved and dissatisfied with the entire electoral process, the petitioner hereby petitions the National council of elders for redress as herein bellow;
- That the impunged elections were conducted in a highly unfair, ungodly and unchristian manner and in contravention of not only the NFBPC Constitution and electoral guidelines but also in violation of the Christian values and biblical principles upon which the NFBPC was founded.
- That the petitioner contends that the entire electoral process was marred by irregularities contrary to the NFBPC Constitution and the Electoral guidelines to wit;
a) The Annual General Meeting (AGM)’s resolution amending Article 22(4)(b) of the NFBPC Constitution was never registered with the registrar of companies for validation as required by law thereby leaving the legitimacy of the entire electoral process in question.
b) Repetition of names in the voters register
c) Missing names in the voters register
d) EC’s failure to publish Districts that forwarded the aspiring candidates
e) EC’s failure to publish vetting results from elders
f) Recommendation of aspiring candidates by members of the EC
g) Nomination of candidates with missing academic qualifications
h) Failure to certify academic documents by some candidates
i) Failure to publish declaration forms for some particular areas
j) Alteration of the voting procedure by adopting stamped papers contrary to tags
k) Participation of UPDF officers in sorting and counting of votes
l) Allowing unqualified and/or unregistered people to participate in the voting process.
m) Conducting elections outside the gazzetted voting area.
ii) That the Commissioner General EC via a Whatsapp communication platform dubbled NFBPC National Election Platform intimated on March 9, 2023 that he had received funds to transport voters from rural and remote areas to the gazzetted polling station in Kampala to enable them participate in the voting. But to the petitioner’s dismay, on the eleventh hour of the polling say on March 16, 2023 at 12:42AM, the same Commissioner General made a twist and stated on the same platform that he had instead failed to secure the resources necessary to transport rural voters to the gazzetted polling station.
iii) That the petitioner contends and avers that the alleged failure to transport voters as promised was an act of hoodwink by the Commissioner General orchestrated to mislead, disenfranchise and frustrate potential voters from rural areas from taking part in the voting process. - That the Petitioner further contends that the electoral commission failed to perform its constitutional mandate to organise a free and fair election thereby exhibiting outright incompetence during the pre-election, election and post-election stages.
- That there is no validly elected Tribunal to hear the petitioner’s grievance and as such this council is clothed with the requisite power and mandate to hear and determine this petition.
- That if unchallenged, the impugned elections demonstrate unfairness and ungodliness contrary to the foundational values and principles of the NFBPC.
- That the entire electoral process was devoid of the Fellowship’s core values.
- That the Petitioner contends and states that the above stated irregularities substantially affected the outcome of the entire electoral process.
REASON WHEREFORE, your humble petitioner appeals to your Christian Conscience and unshakable faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and humbly prays for!
a) A declaration that the March 16, 2023 National Election Fellowship of the Born Again Pentecostal Churches for the the post of General overseer conducted by the EC was marred with material irregulatiries contrary to the EC Electoral guidelines, the Constitution and Memorundum and Articles of Association of the fellowship.
b) A declaration that the above stated irregularities affected the results of substatial manner, leading to wrong and/or invalid declaration.
c) A declaration that Pastor Moses Odongo was not validly elected for the post of the General overseer
d) An order setting aside and/or nullifying the election of Pr. Odongo as the General Overseer
e) An order directing the Electoral Commission to organise and/or conduct fresh elections for the post of General Overseer
f) The council of elders to take over the sovereignity of the fellowship during the process of conducting fresh elections for the office of the General overseer persuant to Article 19(5)(1) of the Constitution of National Fellowship of the Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda.
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