WE shall be dissecting with flavour, the various classes of the powerful Movement system in Uganda;
Revolutionary Vanguards
This class is comprised of the NRA founding Fathers, with a rich heritage from Fronasa, having paid a gruesome price, for the stability and solace of Uganda and the great lakes, being enjoyed in our day. President Museveni shines with virtuosity and heroic excellence in this category. May the sweet fragrance of the national fathers, per adventure, exhort the Black nations, to the realm of global greatness.
Monetary Moguls
This category, is majory configured with tycoons, Rich Women and men, whose role is to Pump money into NRM activities. You ought to reward them with bonanza contracts, to sustain their donations. This group has a chronic weakness though, and that is Sheer cynicism.if you don’t authentically monitor their navigation, they can sponsor your enemy, to dethrone you from the citadel of power.
Fervent Mobilizers
In the dimension of democratic unction, electoral suffrage is a Password to supremacy. Mobilizers are a great asset in canvassing for votes, and popular galvanization of programs like PDM, Emyooga , Women Funds and Youth livelihood. This category has a minor weakness though, that is Viral sensation. they can sometimes do things without logic, portraying too much excitement. You must then use aesthetic execution to strictly monitor them, of course with love. If you don’t , they will cause you retrogression in institutional architecture, which you may live to regret in the course of Nation building.

By Conception and lineage, these are majory strategic thinkers, in Medicine and Endoscopy, cosmology and Engineering, Economics and Military , Neurology and Psychology etc. Their mandate is knowledge induction, in line with inventions. The weakness of this group is time discretion, by being a head of their times in foresight, they tend to be hated and detested by lovers of mediocrity.
Yellow troopers
By genealogy, these are deployed as officers and men in the armoury,air force and infantry. This is strategically done by the Supreme command, on a true justification that the NRA and the Movement are Siamese twins, in advancement of civilisation
Party Confederates
These are true caders, majory deployed in intelligence agencies. You will never find them dressed in Yellow, but in actual fact they are so loyal and so competent in matters of state cum party ideals and with feasible results. Many of the women and men in this class are humble, by virtue of their high profile inside duties, you may never know them face to face.
The New Blaizers
These are sons and daughters of the NRA/ Movement heroes. They rime well with the first category , in Protracted essence and democratic formation. This category professes the principle of induced negation in hierarchy. All signs show, that in due course and season , they will succeed their fathers , in the arena of the state mantle. May the Spirit of the Sovereign GOD, guide their destinies , as they run with a flaming banner, in glorification and grandeur , for the reign of Nations, in the ages yet to come …
The Writer, Mathias Lutwama is an African Nationalist. He is also Deputy Resident District Commissioner Kiboga district. You can Sms him on 0784285177