NEWLY elected Busiro North Counstituency Member of Parliament Paul Nsubuga commonly known as ‘Manager’ has unveiled a state of art ambulance he bought for his constituents at a whooping UGX 120M.
Speaking to hundreds of Busiro North residents who gathered to receive this ambulance, Hon. Nsubuga who is among the youngest legislators in the 11th Parliament said he doesn’t need to drive in a car of UGX 200M when his voters die before reaching hospital because they can’t access an ambulance.
“I am not that selfish leader. Like I was asked by my voters, i have fulfilled. I am here to serve you. We fought together to win this MP seat, so we must share everything. When I was given money to buy a new car, I decided to use it to buy this ambulance and also support other projects both at our NUP Party headquarters and in the constituency.” Said Hon. Nsubuga who is known for being a down to earth young man.
We have been reliably informed that, as soon as UGX 200M MPs car cash landed on Hon. Nsubuga’s bank account, he invited a team of his campaigners to discuss which project would benefit every one in the consitituency regardless of religion, tribe gender or political affiliation.
“We agreed that the MP injects this money into buying an ambulence since are biggest problem is inability to access hospital services in time in case of emergiences. Many of our friends have lost their lives while waiting for the government ambulance which never makes it in time. With a new ambulence, we agreed that, lives in Busiro North will be saved.” Said one of Hon. Nsubuga campaigners.
On getting views from the constituency on how best to use this money, the MP procured for a brand new ambulance at UGX 120M. 
“This ambulance is a moving hospital. It is well equipped with all facilities needed by a medic to save the life of a patient enroute to the hospital.We are very grateful to our beloved MP. This has never happened in Busiro North. Hon. Nsubuga has opened up a new chapter.”
Noted Nsubuga’s chief campaigner. 

This ambulance is branded in NUP colours with Party Principal Hon. Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi and MP Nsubuga’s portraits.  
We have also gathered that, after buying the ambulance, the MP fulfilled his pledge of UGX 10M to the party paid on 26th/July/2021 according to party bosses at the headquarters and was given a receipt number 16955 for his contribution from the vehicle money.
NUP Party members of Parliament unanimously agreed to contribute UGX 10M each from the money given to them by Parliament to buy cars.
Those close to Manager Nsubuga have told us, the MP rejected the idea of buying an expensive car when his voters are dying of hunger and sickness.
“He has instead used the money in supporting poverty eradication projects in the constituency. We thank our MP and pledge to support him through this 5 years term at Parliament.” Said his campaign manager.

Hon. Nsubuga is such a generous leader. Before joining politics, this successful businessman has been for years bankrolling Buganda Kingdom’s Masaza Football Tournament. He is up to today, the manager of Busiro county Football club. He is said to have injected in about UGX 500M.
His loyalty to Kabaka and Buganda Kingdom in addition to being a developmental youth, a performer, a man of his word and his commitment to NUP, are the major reasons why Busiro North massively voted Hon. Paul Nsubuga defeating former NRM minister Ssozi Galabuzi who was captured by Parliamentary Score card as the worst Member of the 10th Parliament.
On Nsubuga showing Galabuzi the exit, from Parliament, President Museveni took cue and dropped him from his cabinet.

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