FELLOW leaders, it is with great concern that i highlight the outcry of the elected City division councillors representing Kimaanya/Kabonera in Masaka City about how you have chosen to abuse your authority, just a few days into office. 
This is by executing your duties in their areas of jurisdiction without their involvement which you very much know  is a grave mistake in your political life.
Masaka people who voted for opposition, hoped you would work as a team since you are all members of the National Unity Platform (NUP) Party, they had a lot of expectations more so in service delivery. However, before your 1st anniversary celebrations, you have turned into a disappointment. By fueling the disunity among other leaders, you are digging your political graves.
It has been noted that before and within this second locked down, Kimanya-Kabonera MP Dr. Abed Bwanika has through his campaign agents continuously and selfishly donated coffee seedlings and food relief to locals in different wards of the city division without the involvement of the ward councillors.
Going your way, It would have been fine but you need to know that whenever these donations are mismanaged and are insufficient to locals, the blame goes to councillors who people think know more about the area MP’s programmes yet they were sidelined. 
Hon. Bwanika, why not copy the approach of the Rt. Hon. Leader of Opposition Mathias Mpuuga on how he serves his constituents of Nyendo-Mukungwe constituency?
In politics, consultations especially from your seniors is very important. 
Masaka politics has principles and norms which Hon.Mpuuga mastered  and that’s why he has kept winning in every election. You need to learn from him.
To you Your worship The city mayor Florence Namayanja, you have to clean your house before it’s too late. You seem to be ill-advised by the enemies of Masaka City. You very much know how you would have struggled to win again in Bukoto East as an MP, thank God for the creation of Masaka city which must have saved you from the embarrassment.
As if your advisors and those of mayor Namayanja were breast fed by the same woman, you have also kicked out and completely sidelined local leaders from your programmes.
I am told your political game is to make sure most of these leaders are dropped in the next election so that you remain the only political bull in the kraal.
That is a grave mistake you too are making. The leaders you are sidlining are grounded right from their villages and can easily cause your downfall if you are not careful. What is so hard about involving ward councilors in say youth programmes, women or elderly programmes? Why deliberately leave out councillors for special interest groups who would have easily championed their people?
I am aware, Hon. Bwanika and Mayor Namayanja you formed an association for the campaigners (Kakuyege) known as TUMACAS which according to me was a very brilliant idea,  for these people need to be appreciated.
However, due to your influence and opportunistic tendencies, TUMACAS, through its leaders is tending to be a threat to the authority of the elected councillors which of course will land you two into problems with these local leaders. In my view, TUMACAS should be under the tight supervision and command of councillors or else councillors have the mandate to pass a resolution in their council and ban it from their area of jurisdiction something which i think will not be good for the development of the Kabaka’s new City.

A special call goes to Hon.Mathias Mpuuga to help and save us from this fracas which may lead to the downfall of some leaders. With due respect, we call upon the Leader of Opposition to mediate between these two top leaders and local leaders of Kimaanya/Kabonera, take them through the principles, values and norms of the Masaka locals when it comes to leadership because we believe for him he has mastered them. Otherwise, this political mistrust among the children of the same house will easily pave way for the enemy to infiltrate Masaka and don’t be shocked if in 2026 NUP registers political casualties. 
Hon. Bwanika and Mayor Namayanja, issues of leadership are not like a Kiganda saying that ‘Omusajja omu talya nkoko ye….’, in politics it is ‘United we stand, divided we fall.’
You either chose to work with local leaders in service delivery or be ready to face your political guillotine come 2026.

The writer Hon. Ronald Kasekende is a generational leader and former youth councilor for Nyendo/Senyange Division formerly in Masaka Municipality, Masaka district. He is now based in Germany. WhatsApp him on 0753 777501


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