A letter from Department of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service asking Ms. Mercy Mutesi Wakibi to present the ‘original newspaper article’ showing how she was persecuted, which she doesn’t have
A ONE Mercy Mutesi Wakibi who is currently in The United States of America (USA) is in trouble over questionable application documents she presented to the Department of Homeland Security US Citizenship and Immigration Service, seeking for asylum!
In her application for asylum, Mercy Mutesi Wakibi allegedly presented a fake ‘newspaper article’ about her, lying that it was published by one of the newspapers in Uganda.
In this said FALSE article, Mercy Mutesi Wakibi was written about as a highly wanted woman by Uganda Police on accusations of involving herself in Homosexuality and illegal sex trade, which she says it is not allowed in Uganda.
She says, she was persecuted and had to run out of the country for her dear life.
On sensing fraud in her documents, the Department of Homeland Security U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service Houston Office wrote to her requesting for the original newspaper article. They got her pants down!
The letter dated February 15th 2018 reads; “Dear Ms. Mutesi Wakibi, this letter refers to your request for asylum in the United States filed on Form 1-589. Upon completion of which you provided a copy of a newspaper article in support of your claim. You must therefore, submit the Original of newspaper article.”
The letter from the Department of US Citizenship and Immigration Service reads, “You must submit the requested documentation within 10 days of the date of this letter to the address noted above to the attention of: Officer ZHN 604. Failure to comply with this requirement, will result in the cancellation of the recommended approval that was previously issued to you.”
This letter was signed by Orrendach JaNette, Supervisory Asylum Officer.
Since then, The News Editor Media is reliably informed; Ms. Mercy Mutesi Wakibi has never submitted the original newspaper as requested.
The News Editor Media investigation team on landing on this letter, picked interest in the matter and consulted Ms. Mutesi Wakabi for fact finding.
We wanted to ascertain whether the said news article was fabricated or not.
“Can you kindly share with us a copy of that original article published about you showing date of publication and having all features of a true story.” Reads our communication to Ms. Mutesi Wakibi.
We wanted to know what exactly transpired, where was the incident, which Newspaper published this story and date of its publication.
She indicated that she received our message but instead chose to ignore.
We were however informed, the document presented as a newspaper article by Mutesi Wakibi is totally fake, allegedly printed at Nasser road and a forgery to hoodwink the Department of U.S Citizenship and Immigration Service to give her asylum. No newspaper has ever carried such an article.

The alleged article says, “Uganda Police informs the General Public that Mercy Mutesi Wakibi is wanted by Police on charges of Homosexuality and illegal Sex Trade which is unlegal in Laws of Uganda.”
“Any one with her whereabouts should inform the nearest Police Station or should contact us on any of the following Telephone Numbers: Toll Free (Uganda Police 991).” Reads this false article.
The article doesn’t show date of publication, the Police Toll Free given is fake and has grammatical errors! Thanks to the Department of US Citizenship and Immigration Service for they sensed fraud and refused to be fooled, that is why they asked for the original newspaper story. For starters, Uganda Police Toll Free are: 999/112. (You can chek Uganda Police Force Website). In fact, Police has never raided nor looked for Mercy Mutesi. She isnt on the run.
Our investigation team is already on ground to find out, how Mercy Mutesi Wakibi’s story was cooked and what this means for her asylum application. When we contacted sources in Uganda Police Force about any one in the names of Mercy Mutesi Wakibi who says was persecuted, they denied anything about her.
We are digging deeper this story. Wait for Part II of this story.
Do you know anything about Mercy Mutesi Wakibi? What do you know about her? Kindly whatsapp +256 792 735159