From left: Hon. Latif Ssebaggala, KCCA Speaker Abubaker Kawalya, Hon. Kyagulanyi, Barbie Itungo, Bridget and husband Hon. Francis Butebi Zaake during the baptism function of their son Raymond in Mityana, recently


THE SUUBI clique which was formed prior to 2011 General elections to shoot down opposition Democratic Party (DP), has raided the ‘newly formed’ NUP party and put its supreme leader Hon. Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi in a political custody.
Do you know why most People Power foot-soldiers in Buganda were denied NUP party tickets and instead given to little known people? Here is the answer!
We have exclusively learnt that SSUUBI clique which has captured power in NUP has continued to demand that Kyagulanyi throws away all his trusted generals and they hand him a list of their people to be given the party flag in the coming General elections.
This is why CBS presenter Patricko Mujuuka,  Bobi’s brother Eddie Yawe and others were fought not to be given party tickets.
This clique perfectly positioned it’s self in NUP so that it can infiltrate all party departments and make sure their colleagues in other political parties who subscribe to SSUUBI are spared.
These includes; FDC’s Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda (Kira Municipality), Moses Kasibante (Lubaga North), Erias Lukwago (Lord mayor), Allan Ssewanyana  (Makindye West), among others.
Loyal NUP members who wanted party tickets in these constituencies are blocked. Whenever Bobi comes out to oppose this clique, they threaten to quit his party or disorganize it.
“Handle us like glass, we can easily spoil your party if you dare oppose our orders. We will not allow your people to contest our colleagues.” A certain SSUUBI member threatened Bobi.
Analysts now say, if Bobi Wine surrenders NUP to SSUUBI political opportunists, it will be good news to president Museveni. In fact their mission to kill political morale in People Power, sidelining able and popular politicians in NUP works for the enemy.
Will Bobi manage to set free himself and tame this clique or it will eventually over power him? The ball is in his court.
SSUUBI 2011 was formed in 2010, few months to 2011 General elections.
It’s formation was mainly coordinated by former Buganda Premier JosephMulwanyammuli Ssemwogerere.
We shall come back to this later!

When Bobi Wine joined politics, its on record, SSUUBI clique fought Bobi Wine. In fact they called him a political joker who should remain in his music concerts.
Nambooze demanded for millions to step on any of Bobi Wine’s Kyadondo East by election campaigns. Ssemujju openly said he can’t associate with Bobi Wine after all he had a ‘better’ candidate Apollo Kantinti.
Mpuuga and Sseggona were not seen anywhere closer to Bobi during campaigns.
Fast forward, when the Ghetto gladiator miraculously became the most popular opposition leader in Uganda, SSUUBI clique looked for him to save their constituencies.
People Power youth wanted to block them saying these are political opportunists, but Kyagulanyi being a very intelligent leader, protected them saying, their steps must be watched.
It’s unfortunate, this clique has now taken over NUP, blocking who ever looks to be a threat to them in People Power and intimidating Bobi that they will quit if he goes on endorsing those names of politicians they don’t want.

Top on the hit list of this clique is none other than Al-haji Abubaker Kawalya, Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) council Speaker.
Although all factors favour Kawalya to massively win Lubaga North 2021 MP elections, this SSUUBI clique don’t want him to be given NUP ticket.
Like we recently reported, this Mpuuga-Muwanga Kivumbi clique is playing all dirty games so as not to only blackmail this young man who won KCCA Speakership against all odds, but also to hoodwink NUP that their colleague Kasibante is more popular in Lubaga than Kawalya. Of course these are lies. Facts on the ground show Kawalya as the favourite being, among all Lubaga North MP aspirants, the only son of the soil.
Kawalya was born and raised up in Kawaala, Kasubi, the most populated parish in Uganda.
In fact to win Lubaga North, Kasubi must be behind you. Kawalya commands support not only in Kasubi but also in Nakulabye, Lungujja and Lubya. If elections are held today, this young man, a graduate of Makerere University will win by 70%.
When he stood for Lubaga North lord councilor in 2016, many thought he was contesting for MP. He combed all Lubaga North villages and took all the votes.
At KCCA, he is ranked as the most hardworking councilor, no wonder, he was elected by fellow councilors, their Speaker in one of the hottest races ever, when he was fought by top bosses at his then political party FDC, Lord mayor Lukwago, Moses Kasibante and the whole SSUUBI clique. His competitor’s campaigns were bankrolled but Kawalya sailed through.
As a reminder, during these campaigns, Kawalya associated himself with People Power while those fighting him were for Dr. Besigye’s Peoples Government.
After winning KCCA Speakership, Kawalya led a group of over 10 senior Authority councilors who defected from FDC and other parties to NUP.
Kawalya and his councilors paid allegiance to Hon. Bobi Wine and vowed to support him for President.

This was like adding insult to  injury! On Kawalya and councilors not supporting Peoples government’s Doreen Nyanjura for KCCA Speakership, now they had defected to NUP.
FDC and Peoples government officially launched a war against Speaker Kawalya for defecting to FDC.
Any councilor who remained, but supported People Power’s Kawalya for Speaker, FDC demanded for an apology before they are given party tickets for 2021 elections.
Kawalya continued his political life with NUP and felt unbothered with his former party.

On realizing how he was politically phasing out of Lubaga North politics, Moses Kasibante ran to Magerere to beg Bobi endorse him for MP, something this fast rising politician rejected.


Kasibante had put a condition to Bobi that, to defect to his party, they had to first agree that he comes with his selected candidates for all positions in Lubaga North.
In his response, Bobi told him how he was welcome but on his ticket and those of his team, the vetting and constituency evaluation committees have the final say.
Kasibante left Magere heartbroken. He thought Bobi would be over excited on his defection and automatically hand him Lubaga North ticket.

From what Bobi told Kasibante, he realized that there is no way he can beat Kawalya through the vetting and evaluation teams. First of all, like we earlier said, Kawalya is very popular in Lubaga North, he has worked on development projects in the constituencies, lifted lives of many youth, financially supports women and youth groups, sponsors sports activities in all parishes making up Lubaga North and he has spread the gospel of NUP in the whole constituency.
Kawalya has formed village structures, his NUP posters are every where, and has a very active campaign team. With constituency evaluation, he scored highly.
Back to the vetting committee, Kasibante cant beat Kawalya in loyalty to NUP and its principal.
He is well educated,  MP Material, in position to fund his campaigns and win Lubaga for NUP. He closely works with all NUP structures in Lubaga North and funds Party activities. All in all, Kawalya is had to beat.
So Kasibante resorted to using SSUUBI clique to demand that, their colleague be given a NUP ticket although in Lubaga North, the guy has totally lost ground and his heart isn’t truly with Bobi Wine.
So this is why NUP election management committee, by press time had not given out ticket to any of the two candidates vying for Lubaga North MP seat.
We can however reliably report that, Hon. Kyagulanyi is very much comfortable with Kawalya in Lubaga North.
Let’s watch the space!

Its leaders included; Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba, Medard Lubega Sseggona, Erias Lukwago, Betty Nambooze Bakireke, Muwanga Kivumbi, Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda and others.
This team branded themselves ‘The Buganda Kingdom loyalists’ and it was formed as a van to drive them strictly to the 9th Parliament. It was formed to enable them win Parliamentary seats in 2011 that is why it was called SUUBI 2011.
In fact, the idea came after a section of DP leaders in Buganda shunned 2010 Mbale DP Delegates Conference where Hon. Mao defeated Alhaj Naser Ntege Sebaggala for DP President General.
Lukwago was the Party legal advisor and Nambooze the DP Spokesperson. They had disagreements with this Mbale meeting so they didn’t attend.
They chose to go on different media stations distancing themselves with Mbale DP Delegates election results. The rest is history!
On sensing that Mao leadership was determined to block their 2011 Parliamentary bids, this clique approached Mulwanyammuli to bail them out.
This is how SSUUBI was formed and branded a Buganda project to campaign for ‘its people’.

Prior to 2011 polls, opposition political parties formed an alliance to front a single presidential against ruling NRM. These parties included; Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), Justice Forum (JEEMA), Conservative Party (CP) and Social Democratic Party (SDP).
SSUUBI joined this team as a pressure ground ‘commanding Buganda’.
During one of IPC meetings, SSUUBI asked political parties to allow it dictate on which candidates to contest for MP positions in Buganda.
They said, those picked must be endorsed by the Alliance. IPC agreed and this is how SSUUBI fronted Lukwago for Lord mayor although Mabikke, the SDP President a member party in IPC also went for the same seat.
For those who can remember, Mabikke supporters almost killed SSUUBI’s Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda while he was at CBS radio station campaigning for Lukwago.
Youth raided CBS to beat up Ssemujju, he took off through the back door, sped off in his car to save his life. unfortunately the car over turned and one person reportedly lost life. Ssemujju was saved by a group of other people.
A good number of SSUUBI candidates won and this pressure group died after 2011 elections.
In 2016 polls, another pressure group was formed by this clique to help them win 2016 elections. It was named Truth & Justice (TJ) this time headed by Lukwago. After winning, TJ was also buried. Lukwago has defected to FDC.

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