HOURS after Central Executive Committee  (CEC) the supreme organ of NRM ruling Party yesterday approved the Party road map and confirmed that voting through Universal Adult Suffrage shall be by lining up, different contestants have started warming up for the race.
In Kassanda South where the race is expected to be one of the hottest with all media cameras facing that side, youngster Micheal Muhumuza commonly known as Ssuulampya  (New Chapter) has petitioned President Museveni who is also NRM Chairman to withdraw guns and soldiers from the incumbent Simeo Muwanga Nsubuga.
Ssuulampya says, soldiers given to Hon. Simeo to man his security, might be used to shoot and kill NRM members during Party primaries and after losing an election. 
Mr. Micheal Muhumuza said, “It’s no longer news that Hon. Simeo Nsubuga’s contract as MP Kassanda South wont be renewed by NRM party members during our Primaries.  He is going to receive the greatest political embarrassment ever.  We are definitely going to defeat him.”
“Because Simeo is shot tempered, it might be disturbing for him to accept defeat and may mislead the gunmen manning his security to start shooting at our people. This is why I have petitioned in time, His Excellency the President to withdraw guns and soldiers from him.” Ssuulampya told us today morning.

Hon. Simeo guard wanted to shoot Ssuulampya supporters during a function in Myanzi (photo Credit: Salt tv)

Simeo’s  guards have been cited misbehaving and at one time, they almost shot at Ssuulampya supporters who had escorted their man to church to deliver a lorry full of cement.
They blocked Muhumuza from accessing Church fundraising where he had been invited.
When hundreds of his supporters overwhelmed Simeo guards, they attempted to shoot at them, however they were overpowered by a big procession.
Now Ssuulampya says, to avoid bloodshed and level the ground, “Let soldiers and guns be withdrawn from Simeo, good he says he is pro people and very popular. His supporters will protect him.”
“I don’t want to defeat Simeo by 85% and he starts shooting at NRM supporters. Let’s level the ground, we will beat Simeo hands down in NRM Primaries.” Loaded Ssuulampya told the News Editor Media.
In an exclusive interview today morning, Ssuulampya has assured us that Kassanda South has been waiting for NRM’s Roadmap,  now it’s out, let Hon.  Simeo Nsubuga start packing his bags. 
“The long awaited time has come. Simeo has been hiding away from his voters thinking that elections will be postponed due to Covid-19. He has no escape route, my camp is ready for any form of election either scientific or biological.” Says Muhumuza Ssuulampya. 

Gen. Muhoozi greeting Hon. Micheal Muhumuza Ssuulampya duringthe 1st son birthday fete

Reknown to be close to 1st son Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba, Mr. Muhumuza told us since November 8th 2017 he has been camped in Kassanda South building schools, repairing boreholes for clean water and paying school fees for hundreds of children from vulnerable families.

“I have so far donated 16 water tanks to both government and Private schools, I have contributed to the construction of churches and Mosques in our constituency giving out bags of cement and other building materials. I have constructed water dams like one at Kyemeza and given it away to the community.” Said Hon. Micheal Muhumuza Ssuulampya adding that, “For three years, i been have engaging myself in community work (commonly known as Bulungibwansi) with our people, we have worked on the road going to Bugolo fishing site which connects Myanzi Subcounty. I am very ready for free and fair NRM Primaries. NRM will speak with a bold voice against Simeo’s candidacy.”

Hon. Simeo’s pick-up car blocking Hon. Muhumuza Ssuulampya’s car (Photo Credit: Salt tv)

Banking on a team of cordinators and agents he has identified and empowered to preach the gospel in all villages, Parishes and Subcounties making up Kassanda South, Muhumuza refers himself as the said early bird which they say, eats the worm! 
“When in 2017 I showed interest in standing for Kassanda South MP on NRM ticket,  Hon. Simeo despised me and said that because I was giving out money to help different groups and institutions, I would soon run out of funds before the time of campaigns. Here I am, am stronger than ever before, and elections are here. It’s time for him to eat his words.”
Showing how Simeo isn’t consistent and that he is a man of lies, Ssuulampya has told us how MP Nsubuga has been spreading lies that, “The money I use to reach out to our people, is from investor Abid Alam. Apart from hearing about Abid Alam, we have never met and I am very sure he doesn’t even know me. Go and tell Simeo, his lies won’t save him.”
“Too much pride has brought him down. He kept on saying he won’t print posters this time because he is powerful. But see, today he goes everywhere kneeling for the people to forgive him. This is an indicator that I have squeezed him and his exit has come. He will lose this election.” Says Ssuulampya 
Asked what is pushing him to unseat Hon. Simeo,  this son of Kassanda South reffered us to the four roles and responsibilities of a member of Parliament challenging Simeo to mention only one role he has carried out to its satisfaction.
He said the Primary role is legislation. He said, on this Simeo has been one of the top silent legislators in the 10th Parliament.
“Me I will be different. I will be the voice of my people in Parliament, I will be delivering their views and make public consultations before enacting laws.” Said Ssuulampya.
About the oversight and supervising role in the constituency, he asserts that  Simeo Nsubuga isn’t in good books with local leaders right from LC I to LC V chairpersons. 
Asking, how can he then supervise projects like NAADS and rural electrification, among others, Money given by government to youth is not supervised hence leaving gaps in development of the constituency.
Under Appropriation, the member of Parliament is supposed to make follow up on government funds and see whether money sent say for women groups reach the target. The area MP is expected to take part in the appropriation and be in touch with local leaders.
“President Museveni gave Kassanda youth UGX 200M but the MP did not follow up the money and that is why our youth did not benefit.” Muhumuza told us.
On lobbying for his contituents, Muhumuza has asked Simeo to show how and what he has lobbied for Kassanda South.
He has instead hailed his predecessor Hon. Nyombi Thembo who did a very great work and left behind paperwork. 
Muhumuza told us, “It clearly indicates which areas he had identified to get electricity, those which wanted water and everything was in the final stages. All paper work was done. This is what is being implemented. Ask the incumbent what he has lobbied, he will have no answer. And we are not even suprised that we arr not qualifying for a ministerial position as Kassanda South.”

On the land question in Kassanda South on which Hon. Simeo is heard most, Mr. Ssuulampya said the MP has totally done nothing apart from confusing people.
He said, solving the land question can’t be a one man job. It would instead involve all local leaders in the constituency.
However, he says Simeo doesn’t work hand in hand with other leaders, he wants to be the only bull in the kraal and  that is why he is a failure.

ROYAL HANDSHAKE: Kabaka Mutebi greeting Hon. Micheal Muhumuza, during last year’s Masaza cup lunch in Mityana

“If I become the area MP, I will make sure the land question is solved once and for all. Kassanda was part of Greater Mubende and most of its land is public land. I will join hands with other leaders and we request the President to come to Kassanda purposely to solve land matters. We will sit with our people and find a solution.” Revealed Ssuulampya.
According to his view, people who are already occupying public land should be given first priority to get land titles or lease for those who are willing. That land should turn into Mile land.
Ssuulampya also cited the issue of Hon. Sam Bitangaro who he affirms was brought by Simeo Nsubuga and is now in possession of a fake title covering villages of Mirembe, Kabulengwa and Kanyogoga.
“Simeo was tricking our people from those villages to pend signature on a petition to have Bitangaro’s title cancelled and at the same time help the villagers to get transfers. “A transfer on a fake title?” Asked Ssuulampya who invited us to Kassanda for a fact finding mission.
He cited another title for farmers Association in Kamuseenene Parish located in Kiganda Subcounty. 
“It covers about three villages. The title was put in the bank as Security. The MP took it away from the people and got signatures of committee leaders and money is collected from residents for the bank to keep that title. But how come in a bank where residents don’t have an account is where their title is kept?” Asked Ssuulampya, adding,  “On whose account was that title deposited and who pays money to keep the title? And for how long will they be paying this fee?”
When we asked him whether he has support from Gen. Muhoozi he just laughed and told us, “He is my good friend and my role model. About supporting me, we have never talked about it.”
Recently, Micheal Muhumuza was seen with minister Frank Tumwebaze attending Gen.  Muhoozi’s birth day Party.
It’s suspected,  Muhumuza has big shots in State House who want him in the 11th Parliament.
Let’s watch the space!

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