“AS the Luganda adage goes, ‘N’alima awagonda amala n’anyukka’, loosely translated, ‘There’s an end to everything’, my time at KCCA is fast getting spent and as such I will be leaving this honorable Institution which has propelled me professionally, personally and generally.” Writes Mr. Peter Kaujju in a leaked resignition letter to his bosses.

KCCA ED Eng. Andrew Kitaka (right) with Peter Kaujju (centre) touring the work done by KCCA Engineering team at St. Pauls Namirembe Cathedral in preparation for the enthronement of Archbishop Kazimba in March this year

Peter Kaujju, one of the top most Public relations officials in the country who are authentically authentic and genuinely genuine with credibility, it’s sad that he has left KCCA, an institution this youngman has served deligently, with humility and one heart.
In his resignation letter, the soft speaking man from the East Peter Kaujju said, “Beloved colleagues, on Tuesday, I had a thrilling and memorable engagement with the KCCA Management. Thrilling because we took time to take stock of our transformational journey of Kampala City and also the mega projects that are lined up for this great City.”
“Memorable because it was my last meeting with Senior Management in the capacity of Head Public & Corporate Affairs in Executive Director’s office/Spokesperson KCCA!” Reads Kaujju’s resignation letter.

An amazing piece of creative work showing a workaholic Peter Kaujju doing his best

A down to earth staff who is media friendly and ever available for a comment about KCCA said, ” It has been an amazing 9 years of working together to deliver our mandate as City Administrators. Together, we have done well! Thank you all for the spirit of comradeship with which we have worked.”
“We have traversed the highs and lows but above all, emerged victorious. We lifted each other whenever we fell, advised, corrected, directed and supported one another. I surely can’t say GOOD BYE but rather SEE YOU SOON!” Says Kaujju as he signs out!

GOOD HEART: Peter Kaujju supporting the camp at Nakivubo Blue Primary School housing the vulnerable children during COVID-19 lockdown

For starters, Kaujju a journalist by profession is a product of competent Jennifer Ssemakula Musisi who served as Kampala Capital City Authority Executive Director for Seven and a half years, changing the face of Kampala, Uganda’s Capital. 
When Jennifer resigned under un clear circumstances, she was followed by other staff who included Julius Raymond Kabugo, then Deputy Director Treasury.

HUMBLE SON: Peter Kaujju with former KCCA ED Jennifer Musisi

However, Kaujju remained behind to give a hand of help to Eng. Andrew Mubiru Kitaka, the Acting Executive Director KCCA.
For one and a half years, Eng. Kitaka has steered KCCA amidst financial hardships after the whole City budget was cut and funds diverted.
With his team, Eng. Kitaka kept on asking for financial bail out so that Kampala projects are facilitated, but in vain until recently, His Excellency the President identified Ms. Dorothy Kisaka as a substantial Executive Director and David Luyimbazi as her Deputy.
It is not known whether, due to this circus, Peter Kaujju one of the most committed staff at City Hall chose to throw in the towel.

AWARD WINNER: Peter Kaujju with colleagues at Sheraton Hotel

Thanking colleagues at KCCA for the relationships and support Mr. Kaujju said, “I remain indebted to you all for the support you have rendered to my office in one way or the other during this period. I do pray that the good Lord rewards all your efforts. I wish you good health, prosperity and God’s blessings.”

Here at News Editor Media, we wish you good luck ‘Muko’ Peter Kaujju wherever you go. 

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