TOO MUCH PAIN: Ms. Bridget, attends to husband Hon. Zaake at Lubaga Hospital
BUGANDA Youth Council (BYC), a Kingdom Youth Parliament has condemned in the strongest terms the continued inhuman and undignified treatment, torture and brutality inflicted on to a section of the population by the security agencies, Mityana Municipality MP Hon. Francis Butebi Zaake being one of the most recent.
Buganda Youth have vowed not to remain with folded hands as human rights violations on Citizenry countinues during the Covid-19 lockdown and demand urgent arrest, prosecution and punishment of security officers persecuting Ugandans.

In a letter dated May 06th 2020, BYC Chairperson Paddy Kiganda Ssenkungu said, “The Buganda Youth Council has always followed reports and televised footage about the gruesome human rights violations by the Uganda Police and Army, the arrest and torture of the Mityana Municipality MP Hon. Francis Zaake being one of the most recent.”
The letter talks about other Ugandans who have fallen victim and they include Counsels Kakwenza Rukirabashaija, Francis Muganga and Abdullah Kiwanuka.

In a statement on how he was violently arrested on April 19th 2020 and torturedo in detention, Hon. Zaake who is curgently bedridden at Lubaga Hospital said, “At Mityana Police Station, I was dragged out of the vehicle and taken into the DPC’s office where I was brutally kicked and punched by uniformed and non – uniformed police and military officers.”
“This first round of torture was presided over and superintended by the said Mityana DPC Alex Mwine and Wamala RPC Bob Kagarura, both of whom had participated in my arrest.” Said Zaake who has already instructed his lawyers to sue Government and Top security bosses he named, for torturing him.
Narrating this shocking story to media on Monday, Hon. Zaake said, “They lifted me and bundled me onto the back of the double cabin truck. I heard very vividly Kagarura giving instructions in Runyankole – “make sure he does not see”. It was at that point that they poured a substance in my eyes that gave me excruciating pain. I thought it was pepper spray and I would soon be able to see- but up to now, I can hardly open my eyes without feeling intense pain. All this while, I was handcuffed.”
Government however, through Internal Affairs State Minister Obiga Kania yesterday shockingly told Parliament that Hon. Zaake inflicted injuries onto himself.
This was after Rt. Hon. Speaker Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga who visited Zaake at Lubaga Hospital and personally saw how the MP was wounded, directed Gen. Jeje Odongo minister for Internal Affairs to explain who tortured this legislator and why.
Jeje Odongo instead sent his deputy Obiga Kania to present the report which is questionable by public.
“This is Uganda, where police removes everything a suspect may use to injure him/herself or commit suicide before being taken into police cell, but still the suspect found away of injuring himself!” Wrote a senior journalist.
“Cognizant of the guidelines given by the President in regard to food distribution during the ongoing lockdown and whereas Buganda Youth Council calls on the public to the same, security machinists in the Police and Army are also reminded that their primary duty is to protect the rights and life of all Ugandans without discriminations whatsoever, while enforcing the said directives.” Reads Buganda Youth Council letter.
The Kingdom Youth leaders strongly contest the selective arrest of people who allegedly break the food distribution guidelines.
Mr. Ssenkungu said, “This has been envisaged by the fact that, ruling NRM Party politicians including ministers have been seen and televised breaking the same guidelines but left scot-free while their opposition counterparts are apprehended.”
Buganda Youth Council also reminded security agencies that right to try and punish any suspect remains the duty and authority of only the Judiciary through Courts of law.
“The current lockdown doesnot therefore offer police or Army a platform to torture Ugandans.” Said Buganda Youth leader.

Buganda Youth Council Speaker Allan Mayanja Sebunya said, youth are in great fear since they are the target.
BYC Speaker said, “Violation of human rights especially rights of the youth has increased. Look at how our brother Hon. Zaake was tortured to the extent that he lost the sight? What about Francis Muganga in Iganda who was put on gun point by two plain clothed security personels!”

“Hon. Zaake Butebi we stand with you as Buganda Youth Council, persecution in our Country must stop.” Says BYC Speaker Allan Mayanja Sebunya.
He said, it’s absurd that such acts are being done in the watch of young children.
Joining the Public, Buganda Youth Council demands that Uganda Police Force and Army should;
- Issue a public apology for human rights violations inflicted onto Hon. Francis Zaake and other Ugandans during the lockdown.
- Compensate Hon. Zaake for all loss and damages caused to him and his family as a result of torture inflicted on him.
- Investigate all security officers involved in persecuting Hon. Zaake and have them prosecuted.