THE Fourth Quadripartite summit between heads of State and government of the Republic of Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Uganda and The Republic of Rwanda at Katuna boarder has ended with tough terms set on the contraversial issue of the closed Rwanda  boarder if it is to be openned. 

Museveni greets Angolan president

According to the Statement released, The Summit recommended that the Republic of Uganda should, within one month, verify the allegations of the Republic of Rwanda about action from its territory by forces hostile to the government of Rwanda. If these allegations are proved, the Ugandan government will take all measures to stop it and prevent from happening again. This action must be verified and confirmed by the Ad-Hoc  Ministeries Commission for the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding of Luanda.

The statement reads, “Once this recommendation is fulfilled and reported to Heads of State, the facilitators will convene within 15 days, a Summit in Gatuna/Katuna, for the solemn reopening of boarders and subsequent normalisation of the relations between the two countries”.

However, Sadam Ismail an NRM staunch supporter has posted this on a certain whatsapp platform, “But where it is recommended that Uganda should verify allegations of hostile forces against Rwanda is very bogus. And no one can prove an allegation against himself. Ugandan and the principals of common law about burden of proof is on the complaint to prove his allegations against the other party.”


  1. As agreed at the 3rd Quadripartite Summit of Luanda, and at the invitation of His Excellency Joao Manuel Goncalves Lourenco, President of the Republic of Angola, the rehearsal Quadripartite Summit took place in Gatuna/Katuna, on the 21st February 2020 and was attended by Their Excellencies,  Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of Republic of Uganda, Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda and Felix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, President of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  2. The Heads of State noted that since their last meeting, progress was registered, regarding the commitment of the two parties to do everything they can to eliminate the tension factors.  In this regard, the release of prisoners from both sides and the guarantee to continue this process in observance of the Rule of Law and the International Humanitarian Law were welcomed.
  3. The Heads of State of the Republic of Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo welcomed the signing of Extradition Treaty, took place today in the framework of the Quadripartite Summit, between the Republic of Rwanda and the Republic of Uganda, which constitutes the legal framework to handle cases of justice including those related to alleged subversive actions practiced by their nationals, in the territory of the other Party.
  4. The Summit recommended that the Republic of Uganda should, within one month, verify the allegations of the Republic of Rwanda about action from its territory by forces hostile to the government of Rwanda. If these allegations are proved, the Ugandan government will take all measures to stop it and prevent from happening again. This action must be verified and confirmed by the Ad-Hoc  Ministeries Commission for the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding of Luanda.

5.Once this recommendation is fulfilled and reported to Heads of State, the facilitators will convene within 15 days, a Summit in Gatuna/Katuna, for the solemn reopening of boarders and subsequent normalisation of the relations between the two countries

  1. Their Excellencies Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and Paul Kagame once again praised the dedication and entire availability of His Excellency Joao Manuel Goncalves Lourenco, President of the Republic of Angola and His Excellency Felix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, in search for a peaceful solutions in framework reconciliation process between the two sister countries.


On his facebook, President Museveni after the meeting has written: “Together with Presidents; Paul Kagame, João Lourenço and Felix Tshisekedi, we have held a successful fourth Quadripartite Heads of State Summit at Katuna/Gatuna border.”

Earlier, Museveni wrote, “With President Paul Kagame at Katuna/Gatuna border as we commence the 4th Quadripartite Summit 2020. We are hoping for a fruitful outcome from the engagements for the benefit of both nations.”


Grace Timpani: We see the effort you are taking being, humble for peace alot of Ugandans wouldnt have agreed on being bullied like this.If there is any reason why you have ruled us for 34 years,it is because of the way you handle issues.It is what sets you apart….The truth is that we 34 years is long but you have mastered the art of politics.You are a true pan Africanist.

But if your efforts fail,we …all Ugandans (red,yellow,blue,green) are behind you.Some of us..wouldnt have wanted you to stoop that low..doing everything demanded but you know why you ve remained in power for 34 years with hardly any enemies.It is your ability to make people of all types come close.

When the time comes for us to get a new president …we will surely miss you.This will go down in the books as the moment Yoweri Museveni was set apart from the rest onthr continent and it will never be forgotten.

Uganda has done what it takes..the ball is in their courts now.

Mori Rashid: That’s the most vital part, meeting and discussing matters of maturity is the only way to pave way tothe two sisterly nations and for it’s nationals to enjoy from each other. 

The whole picture portray harmony, responsibilities of the committed heads of states of seeing that one day Africa signs and is capable of solving, interfering in solving it’s problems.

Baraka Ronald: We salute you Mr.president, among the Rwandan spies uganda released last two days i noticed there were 3 of my neighbours who had stayed here 4 close to six years and had national ids . idnt know why our boarders are too too porous “we are likely to fall in a menace “shd things wasen with Rwanda.”ntidemu”

Muhereza Obedi Rubango: Peace and dialogue is the only way to solve the disagreements with out shading prayers to you are to see that all goes well through dialogue.i hope possibility of positive results out of the summit.God bless you

Natin Manzi: The best ever President praying for u Mzee, Kagame shd stop wasting your time en concertrate on wealth creation for Ugandans Amiina.

William Tumwebaze: We  are waiting for border to open and see free movement of goods and business es to open

Jackson Rugura: Thanks for promoting relations and being diplomatic in resolving a conflict long live our president.

Kagire Danson: Sir M7 so far so GOOD, in 6 six weeks time we look forward for the K/Gatuna border re-opening & normalization of ties!!


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