TEN days to the installation of Dr. Samuel Steven Kazimba Mugalu Archbishop – elect Church of Uganda at a mega function that will take place at St. Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe, His Grace The Most Rev. Stanely Ntagali out-going Archbishop has said, he will handover the Pastoral stuff and leave a happy man.

Ntagali, Kaweesa and Kazibwe at Mengo SS

Speaking to students from different schools  who gathered at the Church of Uganda owned Mengo Senior School on Tuesday evenning to bid farewell to the Archbishop, Ntagali said he is happy that God has used him to serve Church, so will go a happy man.

“I stand here as a happy man. Praise God for bringing me this far and for using me to be your  servant and for blessing me beyond my dreams.” Ntagali told thousands of  Students and their teachers.

Students and teachers present were from Makerere College, Wampeewo Ntake, Kololo SS, Gayaza high school, Kings college Buddo, Gayaza Junior School and the host Mengo SS.

Gayaza Junior and other students bids farewell to Archbishop Ntagali

Dr. Ntagali preached against pride saying instead of people thanking God who has given them gifts, they are busy thanking and advertising themselves.

He stated that,  “Humanely speaking, people will always want to look at someone and compare, you know we were created different people, we are different and God has given us very different gifts.  So, your gift isn’t mine and we all have gifts to work towards the growth of the Church.”

“So there are some people God gave gifts and they have that pride. If you received the gift of speaking in tongues or healing or doing anything, you thank God. However, other people thank themselves rather than thanking the Giver of that gift.” Said Archbishop, adding, “They look at themselves! You have heard brothers and sisters advertising themselves that ‘Come and see the man of God’ as if others are not men and women of God. We are all men and women of God, Alleluia.”

“You know we all have gifts and when you look at the gifts more than God the Giver,  then you miss it. You can be proud, you can think your are the best, but one who is the best is Jesus Christ,  the source of all the gifts. Praise God.” Said Archbishop Ntagali.

Namirembe Diocesan Secretary Canon Kaweesa who represented Bishop Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira thanked Archbishop Ntagali for his great relationship with Namirembe Diocese. 

“He has almost been a member of Namirembe Diocese, fellowshiping with us at St. Paul’s Namirembe Cathedral and we have been moving togather as a Diocese.” Said Can. Kaweesa.

He revealed that, although Ntagali has two offices, one of the Archbishop and also the Bishop of All Saints Nakasero Diocese, most of the time he has been at Namirembe.

“Dr. Ntagali has wisely led the two offices without any friction and with total respect to everyone. A very  humble and approachable leader.  Such a leader is rare. So as Namirembe Diocese, we thank him and we wish him a blessed retirement as he heads to Hoima. We very much know,  he will continue serving the Church.” Said Can. Kaweesa.

Ntagali with teachers at the newly constructed Mengo SS Chappel

Mr. John Fred Kazibwe, the Headmaster Mengo Senior School thanked God for enabling Dr. Ntagali serve as the Archbishop Church of Uganda.

“We have seen him preaching the Gospel and thousands turn back to God. We have also seen him supporting schools, completing Church House project and also constructing a magnificent All Saints Church. He has done a lot especially preparing his successor without pulling ropes. We thank God for that.” Noted Mr. Kazibwe.

He said, “We today want to thank God as Mengo Senior School, we held a function today to bid farewell to our Archbishop Stanely Ntagali, a very good friend who has done wonders to us. Because we teach the young generation, we have learnt a lot from Archbishop Ntagali. That is why we have gathered here, to bid him farewell.”


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